4. the Second Coming Summary 2. She Bangs the Drums 1. I Wanna
: r 4 e 3 2 b 1 m 2 u 1 HHEE TTOONNEE OOSSEESS n T S R 0 T S R r 1 3 4 Ian Brown , John Squire2, Gary 'Mani' Mountfield , Alan 'Reni' Wren 2 e t U s 1. Manchester, UK (twitter: @thestoneroses), 2. Manchester, UK, 3. Manchester, UK, 4. Manchester, UK. G o E P 11.. II WWaannnnaa BBee AAddoorreedd 44.. TThhee SSeeccoonndd CCoommiinngg • I don't have to sell my soul, he's already in me. Love Spreads Begging You I don't have to sell my soul, he's already in me. • Love spreads her arms, waits there • The fly on the coachwheel told me that he got it and he knew • I wanna be adored. for the nails. I forgive you, boy, I what to do with it, Everybody saw it, saw the dust that he will prevail. Too much to take, made. King bee in a frenzy, ready to blow, got the horn good to • Adored, I wanna be adored. You adore me. some cross to bear. I'm hiding in go wait. Oh, his sting's all gone, now he's begging you, begging You adore me. You adore me. the trees with a picnic, she's over you. • I wanna be adored. there, yeah. • Here is a warning, the sky will divide. Since I took off the lid, • Let me put you in the picture, let there's nowhere to hide. Now I'm begging you, I'm begging ← Cover of the I Wanna Be Adored single me show you what I mean.
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