The Westcliff Week T: 01702 475443 E:
[email protected] W: ISSUE 20 / WEEK BEGINNING 15 FEBRUARY 2021 Welcome to the Half Term edition of The Westcliff I am proud of the many pupils who continue to Week. After the most challenging of starts to the New support their School and local communities. In this Year, I sincerely hope that all pupils will take the edition, we have some fantastic articles from Rafael opportunity to enjoy a little more space during the Gamma, Ethan Chinery Walker and Daksh Yadav, coming week, and that families will enjoy a welcome referencing the trials of lockdown and offering tips break from the usual School routines. and advice to their peers and others on getting through the tough times. I must also commend As always, The Westcliff Week and Microsoft Teams Pratosh Janaka on his superb efforts in raising funds to are full of exciting articles, activities, clubs and support Age UK following his research into the competitions to ensure that, despite the continued loneliness experienced by many elderly people. restrictions of lockdown during the Half Term week, Pratosh shares his thoughts in this edition. More pupils will not be short of activities, many of which can generally, I wish to thank all the pupils and staff who be enjoyed by the entire family! have contributed articles this week and those who I continue to be most impressed by the way in which support the wider offer of extra-curricular provision WHSB pupils are engaging with their remote teaching through Microsoft Teams; their continued service to and other arrangements at this time.