
20 THE SUN SUNDAY APRIL 2T imTHIRTY PAGES L Jf B How W Mack aa thtra NK1TII Of week Hammersteln will begin asessoa t cemlo opera Xat Dari Katherln r Ol with th Conrltd trenpe In M Tb Xing root a nfiere- I beside Mreral ercheetraa and their leadira AI ta- rlUD- to Ih beneOI th Free UI to uneventful week at tha eltr bo- lghtly end srrlgbtlv heard at lllbte a few ailao ther annual tV and too leI a promiseoI of On Th period U between Insist nevettle aad- months If the responseotI generous will a charityI b here Ringing I baJoit prll Cub Words from Orateful Russell Hearts tad Lillian lighter summer tha Knot long termaoof light mnslo at Ib lhrTh b amusement br Ilk th boO Coghlan Pauline UeorglFor strong to put olroPpretentious or Important produc- will by artificial means 8L John Roil laU Dr old Harry more Alee ManUU Lacker tion Hut there UI not ret an trial perform- ¬ Fsnnr Kajankah having been viewed on llroidwsy and Solomon Mack Frits ance bleb 10 edt Powera Wheatcroft 14 boob aaaepled Its wen Inning this week st- th Casino of reoDNahatheatricals Tba Square will on th east eld Iskes ille Lewis Morrlion Carroll llallam chorcaand feature eltr House Spectacle IsI not so frequently Kldrldg a guard ot rontrlbutea test of a pieceXllacalled The Blue Ihe Orsnd Opera orchestra Lonlia and bodr Wit prssented at the llrsnd It becomes tiresome and young will sell llnwers In the loliby Atth- Hllcer translated from the French LOffleler Bleu Ibo sctressesa I likely Manager > a npon Th- flrttanaonnctd at Ih Paris Ormnase but Kajankae visit la to please rencli 1eoplee tonight Irnt Cromwell nhicbwu supporters shows uo In- wliletur tho Cuficyra was brought faithful army of cast llomee ot Knglsnd RenefUi of Remedies Interdicted there and later out at a ae In Us ilanclng Thsperlaltv or M r Sunday Robert tbsatra Srneit Andre Jnrjoea who iportsnt changes drmal Frsnk Reynolds at the tar next Irtiiiils Wldl Roland coming to Union Mqusrcon May and Ab andA lectthe performance at the Squar divisions Rodl Juitbe Duncan at the A ootl Ihe opening of summer sesson of tn jllsh opera Ben UaTltt al Tony Pailora Hio rights la the plar The theatallla of Bnselaa Intrigue for political tnenaurrea and tbe author I announced rnd The London critics have agreed that In NHIe No lack ot fun will b1 complained ot In this week Skin Blood and Ecllaw Ertlngei- Mn The Greatest Cures Purifiers Remedies I rtltlnnelr a Arr In the cast Roes tlumor the llurnllts new chll ldsma at Terrya Theatro bill Jacobs Third avenue Th Two Johns ha enevtev Lvlton Sellna Fetter Donna Madlxta- ldpupromise of llltle Lord Fsuntlsroj has not bun won triumphs ol laughter In th past three llenrr Lee Clarence Uandyslues and of- I lola4 confirmed To show a girl chlM In the character or four eeasonsall and it will ban no tronbls la making feorg lar Lea seems to the chief pescemsker In a divided household much as th fa- newfnente at Jacobs The present companr con- World has Ever Known Obn bn ot- l reprleiorf the venture u be ha teen ofbanother mous llttl lord acted upon thadlscordsnt natures of tains well liked comedians J J Howling and n similar nature There ODlr > Sal recentlr rnlw4 wi Xrrlaad Ihe iTarl o orln iirr wss the ambition Hassan will plar Th Red Spider next week a week of The Blue Omel Squareb onMr dramatists part BUlla very disagreeable not 8 open for Mar Richard Mansfield will bl summer toeayhobjectionable a household1ssVIrlf IsI a member ot- Thor IsI Incrsase In the attendance at Proto fllea lessoneat that theatre II haa reorganlied company a child should not seen at any rate upon th atage sons exhibitionsA of horse training at tbe old Panorama and will b seen In several new plan There qnestlontblb situations In which a partlcu building In Seventh avenue and Fitly sixth street Th ar tempts Protestors daring and systematic methode by contin- Rnelna Toktes audience at been larg larly brutal lovsr Altiri mother nine Covered with Sores An Awful Sore Limb A Fearful Psoriasis Raw with Eczema Calfs with marvellous command ot resionlog powers ued successful results are attracting attention To of a fashionable bar heroine all For three rears I was almost crlppltd with an and dicldedlr character Isnguage becomes a participant They morrow night he will endeavor lo lubdne the mOil aol I am cured of a loalhsomedlsease eczema la I te wont of her antartalnnientU agreaabla and Tranuo Impressive I hare nrad yoor CUTICURA REMEDIES In two leg from mr down to mr anklei th ikln leafI an fiavor and should little to vicious horse yet brought ori Mr dlieaie psoriasis nut broke nnt ray 1st- tag different doctors and been through her approved of a trMe bill prorldei admirable unpleasant boor him caiee where II nroied to b snccSMfnL Th flrit was was entirely gone andtaltha flesh was ona massotdls- tried tha iritem of youtatol audlencet The unreality ot th playlh cbeek spreading across mr nosa and almostoecrirlac- invention of a nature both poltle and ertletlo This week b The The loimty Fair grow larger the In thecaieot a boy a year and a half old Ills face ess tom physicians pronounced Incurable I hospital bal all to tio purpose Th dlsu Is11described being emphasized by the forced Intro- ¬ crowds to my fact It Into mr eyes and the physician was Ml Votes will r 1v Doremnie farcical adipta- time lor Its departure from the Union squar drawl and body were In a terrible condition former had dlmlnlihed about ona third th slzI ot th other ra mr whole body from tbe top ot my head the eoleeet-our Xr duction of the lidlthas llurglar atorr In the last I being sores I to- 1 afraid I would loie mr eyeiliht altogether U spread tloa The Circus Rider and equally familiar nigh or weeks Nell Burgess will end his completely covered with took him and was tn a hopeless condition trying another and In spite of reputation and aomel lu lour five AIr all I was my feet Mr hair all out leaving m a complete piece M Livery new on Burnstfs iheMaisenaBulphnr Springs but he did not Improve kinds of remedies and spending hundreds of dollarsal oier mr and mr hair all fell until eat t llltl Mr In Tha number Mr long stay and retire lo Jersey He will retnrntotbe bed oal Lrd clever acting onlr slight Isachleved- 1 entirely It then broke mr arm sore trying I the programme I a comedietta railed Awakening lusccss Union Square eensjii on 3 any I waa then advised to try the CUTIUUR A REM- from which I got no relief whatever persuaded onion raw everything heard of yoU next Commnelal Jon A and baldhaeuntil arms were juit oaa sore It AIr la this combination will be peril for Felix Morrla- Edwin Ardenvlll occupy three weeks EDlln which I did He took one and on half to try rour CUTICURA REMEDIED an4 tbe result wae- mr CUTICURA REMEDIES and after mine three bottle Ibo Barnnm and his Imposing show move on to Brooklrn boll covered mr entire body mr face and shoulders Ferdinand Charlee J Ball iEleanor Lane grounds producing a trio of of CUTICURA RESOLVENT when his skin was as ae follows three Oars I noticed a dselded hud Oollebat after nut Saturday night at the old Polo stlrrlnir dramas being th worst The scabs fell Irom ot CUTICURA RESOLVENT wllh CUTIOURA anil- Bmllr Courtner Thorpe Grant Stewart and smooth as be and IsI todar I Died CUT- rhsnge for Alobetter and at tb nd of two white constaatlr Banekr There ss teen decrial In the night attendance eou1 shonlders and armst th skin would thicken OLTICURA SOAr I flnd myielf cured at the other ol Vokee suitable companr Una hae nat- Tony Paitora stage will be possessed this week by the ICITA on sores and the CUTICURA SOAr lhIn waih niontlie I was completely eure L My neih was purified coil XII during th past weekn though two rain stormi bate wylored and Itchy and would lbIntroduced a line of theairlcala akin to tba entertain RenUSsntlsy turlesqu and variety company LUIIe r hHe Is now five years of age and alllrlgut and the bone which had been xpoied for over a year anl Toy crack aad about I would not be without th CUTICUOAo urally affected the raatlne crowds But the perform- him bleed If ecratched Atter ependlng many hundreds nanta given br our sucletr amateurs and am- Mar Hall Victoria Vokee Booker and Frank Let- The other cats wae a disease of the which was Tba fleeh to grow and today and for REMEDIES my ances go on just tha sam rain or shine ealp 1 1 in hens Hepped wlboullmpor Harry L Clair auu LIb chief cnred by washing with the CUTICURA SOAP and rub- ¬ IIoundnearly two banmy legI I waa- of dollara was pronounced Incurable ploying several aelresees who might hare tant slight or alteration Klralfy Nero ter Wad and ot srs th year pait la as wsll as ever It head f OUT1UURA OBRMAH from Fifth parlore dlrectlr to the stsgt uOI entertainers The Frldsy matlnte this week will bing In the on bottle of CUTICURA RE aound In every respect and not a sUn of tha dtiease to ot th ItBMEDIBP and nilng two IsO a wnrtitoro rna Its Interpolation aa a circus feature for II seems to te- Q CUTlcURA bottlee CUTIUURA RESOLVENT I alo change 1 ther seem to perfect eiemplars of current good voted to a benefit for tbe tlansgers Leavltt andbtha SOLVENT being Ther hav proved succesifnt In seen a AHEItN Dubols Dodge Co lee a J themiileagerlr awaited and loeely followed part ot UI4 1 waa usagesfo would an Insipid failure If It regular company will be augmented by volunteer every IsI surprising how rapidly a child will B Oa and after I bad taken four bottlee almoit curedt Thle achemeb ta the MIL Irom Brooklyn the big outfit will go eaie h were not that MUa Vokee with tier singular psrionalltr Next week lulustrelsy will hold forth at Pastors Improve under1their treatment and when I had nied elx tottlea of CUTICURRE ward while the new Forepaugh aggregation morse1 SOLVENT on box of CUTIOURA on and har unique glfti nf comicality UI there to vtrlfr JOUN BBRO Ilogansbnrgh N T and cake of One Mass of Sores over Eastern territory Tomorrow night Dsnman Thompson beglne the last II CUTICURA SOAP I was of th natters The plan UI ahrewdlr devised snd skllfullr cured dreadful dhleas I been afflicted with a sore limb which week but one of bis occupancy of the Academy Pub- I aiifUred years I hav executed IsI no of Ronna Yoke Her A lithe theatrei eom ot the alert glrla wear a black Head a Running from which had for fire thought doctor called ecrema Mr to The rlralrr lic Interest In The Old llomrstead In conse- Sore limb from th knee lh season at Dalra will continue that walitcoat with three buttoni dliparlng Ih largeit- the disease would leave a verr delp Bear but th foot wu on mass of running sores lb uaUla17 AIr quence received a decided Impetus and the windup of- I have bein troubled with a skin and scalp disease CUTICURA REMEDIES It any data the theatre will cloia Its until Auguit and poetlble espani of enowy ihlrl toionv and the high h cured without I bsndaged every dar for a and tb Thompsons two successful seaionsatthat boms bids for seventeen times waa ona run- cannot with a pen what I suffsred befor- 1 everrttm feol Smith Russsll come color and while bow are an exact reflection of tbe Mrhsadat xpris bandage wu removed a large kwould coml fair to be brilliant Immediately following his exit tbe Iu ant In ur CUTICURA They ning a- uilng saved mr- or gleaming and itarehy artlclei that have so long formed Awful Blood Humor sore and mr body was covered with them th REMIDIIR th blood pour down I got on bottle of CUTICURA Duff opera company will enter the Academy for a r- Ufa and I feel It my duty to My Rudolph Aroaions snnual floral nlglit at the Caelno IsI tbe malnitay of fulldreued An old larg as a half dollar great recommend them RESOLVENT one box CUTICURA and one mlulnll > Pinafore A hug ship rolling as If npon a I tried a manr remedies IsI aa I announced tomorrow a There will be souvenir bro who seldom notices how prstly daughters halol contracted a tirrltle blood poisoning a I hair restored good as and so mr eyeilght CURA SOAP me CUT wit bl and an Increased chorus and orchestra will without effect until I the CUTICURA REMBDIBS o and ther cured I told ck time because The Duchess will dressechsnced be at the theatre on a recent night doctored with two rood physicians neither ofrowhom oed I know of others who bar receivedIgnat benent similarly afflicted us wh Oran featuresfalla ot th production the Academy will wu to and her thenall hareIDIte earentr fifth ronieciitlre performance with an old club crony and In looking about the houie- Later b did me any rood I suffered all a man can suffer and and am thankful to state that after two months of from their nie I II cure a show under the management of Rich < iratefnllr acknowledge that wu ICUTICURA thai Tha handioma auditorium will be made garer ttian erer he caught sight of hie Iwo girls In a box pariy They bay varietr live Hearing of your CUTICURA REMEDIEs I con- their au I am entirely cured Mrs KOflA KELLY Rockwell Cltr Iowa me a Boston of wideI experience cured In vines Of- both wore the masculine getup and the broker Uarrta orui cluded tn try If Iher did me no good with decorations natural flowers and McDOWELL Jamesbnrg i- Mrs KATE HEARD Orange Valley hie to It all they could makeIbmme no worse 1 hav bun using them I 11 conn there will be an Incidental the strained eres mike out what meant The popularltr of the Spanish dancer Carmenclta R olhuaanloo lie fumbled In his pocket and a SS about ten weeks snd am most happy tn ssy am I parof Lillian Ruiieiri admirer are Increasing lecurcd not on the wane at KosUr t lllals concert halL OurI that multiplying cent piece which he haaillr Jammed Into the almost rid or the anf ul soree that covered my face anil and ai Tbotlrand Duchen now older Delia llelrne the kept going and the opera glaM In of him Secur- body My face was ae bod If not worse than that ot So as ther hue progressed the rrliearsale of Ia- inacUne front variety bill Includes a doeu or more performer ot- Almost a Solid Scab fa the new Cliusalgne opera Indicate ing the glare he levelled It wllh a great I Miss Boynlon spoken of In your book and I would say Unbearable Meilcana that recogulred merit In their lines Btiot there mar another triumph for the Caalno whenever tltlon of Acltatlnn upon the box wherein hie daughteruh to any one In the same condition to use CUTICURA and a Pimple on Baby I nied two bottle of th CUTICURA RESOLVENT I have teen afflicted since Isst IchinA It beoomee bwlie to wlibdraw Th Oraud Duchess and gared long and hard Then turning to hli com A msnager who can loot ahead with confidence ax they will surely be cured You mar tat this letter In three boxes of CUTICURA and one cak of u tb doctors called eczema My race wu covered 11 I cannot say enough In praise of tb CUTICURA CUr Tb Chaisaifrne work Is full of chances for picturesque paolon he begged him to look anil tell him what hla- far us tho middle or June and In that lime no the Interests ot hurosnlty CURA SOA1I and am cured of a tarribl with scabs and sores and Ihe Itching and r- olrlal REMEDIES My boy when I year of age so ktn burnlol atsva setting and rich coitumes Meanwhile It le a con- glrla had The other old frllow peered through the change of bill among the probabilities must consid-o REYNOLDS Ashland Ohio scalp disease known ae jnorlaiK I had It for unbearable Seeing your on tad with eczema that be loet of his Ilia Aecalp- Int aman ceded claim on tha Casinos part that the current opera glasses and SAM Ita that devlliih old dren reform ered fortunate Itoienquest at tbe Bijou IIsI In this all hal would get belter and won at time Eome- DIES so highly recommended concluded to nEIE wai covered with ernptlone which the doe said then labrI far the most plrailng and captivating of business Charier They are trying to get the ulrli hsppr fortune The City Directory still draws rantlraee mr head would be a solid scab and was at th a trlsl using the CUTICURA and CUTICUKA SOAP 1 was and his would In grow I bearet been put on the stage of Albaand up like men now you know and youri hav caiiKht the nearly to th capacity of the house everr and as that hair never time I began the use the ClTICUttA ItBMEDIEB- externally and RESOLVENT Internally for tour Ihainlabllhmnl again eUhadDespairing of a eur phylelao I begun that the eompanr beaded br surpasses Its one hundredth perfotmance approachesalb Are from Mr arma covered owith scabs from mr Ibowa to- months I coll myself cured m gratitude for which I 11 fno the of tb CUTICURA REUhDICS I am In strenfth all previous organizations marshalled there Th broker took a card from his and scribbled ilgns that liI even taking a new hold upon publlo and ehouldera mro breast wae almost one solid scab and make thli public ilatsment- pekl A Grateful Mother bappyuto ear with the perfect success something on tbe bat an usher he di- favor aa a brightI allround farcical show of the drslred moit Ills hair mr back covered with loree varying In six from a Mr A rjlEDERICK Broad Brook There few performancesof The CharltT- Is now and leI not a pimple on I Con remain rected htiu to baud It to his daughters In th box It sort Its century will occur on Mar 7 a wsek from I you your CUTICURA REMEDIES plndll Ibo penny to a dollar I had with all the test C Jtall at the Lyceum that plarioer who appre- thank for and UUTJCURA REMEDIES to blm doelort nocltr said Wednesday night and to make eitra gay ther will feel In doing eo I might able to sveiomep- mother doctors with no and manr different medt- ciates artlitlc acting can afford to delar a visit to Man- that aa th most speedr economical and sur for rolf u04 Stand up and let me lee If yon have on trousere b new songs dsnces ood jestsI Thojlrst summer bill a heavy bill which I know car all clnee without effect Mr case waa hereditary and I ager Frohmana theatre If one has not erion from doctors b has akin diseases of Infanta and children and feel alreadr ba- The girl received the card and IL Then looking thought of at the Bijou Is a drama called The done me seven weeke old I that began to think Incurable but to heal from d The drama ii among the most notabl- rfd Cauurt for Mr bsbr wai whenI everr mother who baa an afillcted child will thank me bra Fever Sore 8 Years f4ions about the hou e ehe caught her father anxious ey- which McKee Hankln has used In th Weil brings began to the CUTICURA REMEDIES for a disease tbe first application I noceeses and sure ot an out of own endorsement iry for so doing I must extend to von Ihe thank ot ona of mr cus- ¬ lIb emlled reassuringly at hlui and stood upright for him to upon the stage In a heroic the French Canadian which over Its I ARCHER RUSSELL DeshlerOhlo gladden had Itself all head and faD Mrs VTOODBUM tomer who hu teen cured using th that will Its Olllcltea eniulng rivlval satisfy hlmislf that the lower half of her still retained and It la therefore possessed of comparative novelty In pad Norway lie br CUTICURA The ono the Lyceum can l h wai nearly had been to the doctora bol- XB REMEDIES of an old sore caused a of Private Stcntirv at hardlr the appearance bf modest womanhood Tbe old that respect Kanlln will pnt together a new company L br fall to prove enjorable the assisting compsnr lan goid no lainraction iieiore two aays uie ot iueiuii sickness or fever eight rear II wu so badpl h fell relieved and In all elncerlty told hie friend bal he will retain Mabel Bert CUBA began In comprls UI halb bet REMEDIES the scabs to loosen and wu fearful hi would lo 0 hi lagI amputated clever comedlaniI and that likely to he I hav bar that thanked heaven his glrli were only half fools three weeks I could hardly bellsve that we happy to now Ih case for Gillette haa tha money to hire and the A return of My Aunt Brdgef to tb Fourteenth ear he entirely well eound u the baby I nied to dread people seeing 1 abulldollar He requeste m us ability to choose capital players Ilia own Impersona- Stuart Itobiona flrit week In Th at- Street this soon after engagement I to name which Is Henrietta tint li perfectly and has a beautiful growth of hairI CASON iIa tion of rue Km ipauldlnt le recalled as a droll and Proctora haa the play Is ko IIside Is eager to ee demonitratid that with th there iroot that the west coming I amurl to rou- Cuticura Remedies moohnl original piece of character acting A month of It verr grateful 1 JUUN V MINOR Drngglst Oetneiboro Tenn l elder comedian has the to draw just as big more of the farcicality In which lionroe and Rice ar lore DI- Mra CEO MOREMAN Ringing words grateful would not be too long a term at the Lyceum If th n as when he and Crane starred together In th tbe prime movers They still the aiststanc ot from hearts tell th itory of RESOLVENT th nw blood and kln purifier and baY Verdun Lower Lachln Montreal p greateit of hu blood foe renewed Ita formermeaiure of Jollltr Bothern sam play U IsI at once a marked of Lena Mervllle Katberln Llnyard and Board Dytlyn Q great physical Buffering of mental anguish by reason nor remedies cleanses th of all visit to the Lyceum does not begin until August rolnilol Impurities and poisonous elements and thus remove uronion Howard talent at play making aa a hand and tbe loa leasI lively ai neo Joioph Murphy who of humiliating disflguratlona and ot threatened dan eome compliment to Ilobson The Is tuny bo our the CAUSE Hence the CUTICURA REMEDIES ear Boy At the Amberg popular llerr OHbert will have a Henrietta to considered representative Irish comedian gera and by Bad with Eczema longer happily ipeedlly ended the CUTICURA everr sperles of agonizing Itching burn- benefit on when The Amazon stay three wok lu August there may te a judged br contlnuoue icrvlce luccesi and humlalal My boy aged nine rears Tuesdar lloieri fare REMEDIES the greateit skin Cures Blood purifiers Ing acatr and pimply dl skla and ha been troubled all hi will be given for the flrit time Htrelunann will elng In preliminary season but this li vague It appears by comes to Ibe Fourteeenth Street Mar A llnla Scrofula 7 Years alp life with a verr bad humor which appeared blood erup- all over Jay Templeton and In September IsI revival dhaun Vears ago pro- Humor with Ion of hair and all humors Die SlebeuBchwaben on on Wednesday and there a certalaty of Rhue he and Rsmedlesthe world has known his tndy in small red blotches wllh a dry whit scab Non4r of a novelty In s I o tions sores scales emits whether elmple icrofn Thuredar The Amaron and on FI lillette lateit farce All the Comforts duced IbAt ilir we good then i have been troubled with scrofula seven year CUTICURA the great ekln cure Initamly allays tb aol on Lan ha wu wore than being of Home Tbls piece an now my sgonlxtng lone or contagious when the best physicians and all 11m dar and riaturdar Hoppa three1 rpltdoperetta Morllla adaptation of the German for has honI strengthened and ImprovedI which flrit stsrted on the top of head irlvfng me Itching and Inflammation cleara the covered with scabaafrom tbe lop of his headnolo comedy Kin IsI belo mol other remedies falL which has never been performed in America will b Toller ElnfatlI and running now at br numberless Irepresentations In It Murphr plara Infinite trouble with conitant Itching casting off of kin and ecalp or everr trace of disease heals feel and continually growing worse although h hadbl Boston Muieum to crowded audiences When Larry iicDun a type of the Irish peasant IsI pos- dry scales and a waterr liquid exuded from under tbe- and sores removes crusts scales len that and and r Sold everywhere Price CUTICURA Me t SOAP been treated by two phvalclan As a last resort I de- ¬ brouhlonl thProctors has enough of It the Charlei Frohman stock sible and Incidentally Malei I It seven tores th CUTICURA and human aisuuiei the charac- treated for rears nnsuccesifullr hair SOAP the greateit of S5ci RESOLVENTfi Prepsred by tbe FOTTBR DRUO termined to try th CUTICURA they did Three weeks of Eenator at the Star will b far company will displace In a new society drama of Thf sttann AAu uproanouc and waa unable to check I found your CUTI kin purifiers IsI ntIDIE81 Th ter with reiults Jo until and beautltlere Indlipenssbla In AND CHEMICAL CORPORATION Boston alibal I conld The rapldlr disappeared too short a period to wear out that charming playa vogue I Murphys life lke a romance A poor unlettered CUKA REMEDIES whichIcompletely cured me my- ikln dlieases and babr humors pro- ¬ leaving 11 Changes In the entertainment features at relal the skill fair and smooth and performing A with eltr folks but San Francisco has a contract that frequent bny he has risendto eiulnenr and wealth through skla becoming perfectly clear and smooth duces the clearest skin and 1softest Send for How to Cnra Pkln Diseases pages thorough tervas give to the electrical exhibit at the Lenox Ly- bltll It eor cannot be iKnnred and even now Cranee advance aheer fore and will aulited must K J Arteila Los Angeles Co Cal bands free plinple spot or blemish CUTICUHA- Illustrations and 100 teetlmonla- ceum a frerhneis and lutereit apart from the value of 1 admll4 DAIS GEORGE r LEAVITT No Andover lias courier leI headed toward the coast with tidlngl of tba by great good luck and no little ability As 0 metropolitan The Is the Edison diiplay and the other mechanical wonders t lad Fkln and Scalp purified and Beautified by rLEfl black red rough oily succesi Khatehen which to school opportuuitles limited and be HIi and la1tpyiP ftin and Ecalp purified and beautified The Lrceum uiakei an night mol pinyio Im bed ebappd br black heads chappsd and oily follow at the Star uu Mar H haaI been tried In New York excellent icene at and lIb mueb bDDOreof b I DftDI O CUTIClRA BOAP Abiolotely pure skin prevented br CUTICURA JHU I O CUTICURA SOAP Absolutely pure PIMrLE8prevented roorba generally IsI undolaudlollb tr CUTCUIA and both MorrisonI and Curtta Us principal actors there a crowd In attendance The mUIlea ho bad Ih bal occur 2 fAhrll lb are telling that ther are pleated with It performances at oclock In the alterloon and Whea blakwllou bU dOlb night while hour oo 1 SUN heir Is his nspbew Ferdinand Tbe King of Servla ls ai between there are seieral twer-I Illeoul of m Iado m I QVETlUXS lit CUIltHUUDHVrl nine commercial Inellnct for h ddat Arrange The collection of wax personages chambers tleih Century exhibitions typical of ad- Inl lad 10 hor alI Alexander I wbo succeeded bis rather Milan on the la the of tale modern him 10 hoo bor Ao Iobh1 bo menu rnliht be made for collecting these after tnty the Musee blp 11 ble One or two readers think that w have cut a slur on lattera deposition Milan succeeded his grandfathers The quMtlon Ldfu li voted by visitors to be of the best vancsment electricity from lb Indo What la good Morie t which has lalelr had committed suicide a they all do by flying tha blaklmllbI 10 oar oul of S W to find a 1HB8 at Now groupe of notable are added hour teetotalers by suing to who wanla brother Prince Miles In and In usumsd Ih been so frequentlr propounded Is ex- Is conitantlr and with tWIT Joe e chance for education were few But the Y lU answered br an lamps and ll probable that they could b eold a fer-¬ tiia numerous Ideal figures are tbe source of An acceptance of the popular voice as a measure of roan of a who has never tailed Intoxicating liquor title of King pert Morse he Is applied much In practice ho obtained from his father him to Sara the term to tb tiliser for a sntu large enough to par tb cost of main- The Auetrollungsrlan female dancera success would b followed by the admission ttat Money nabli that If lie required an Intelligent man hed have rather quality of don by urL and shoe a horse aa well as an expert and anybody hae- th won an operator In transmitting taining th light Mad IsI a tremendously good melodramx The Stand- who hard work to find Is no necessity for their Whal are th relative degrees ot digestibility of fresh a message fie ere still la tbe main hall wber Erilelyl Naczla- eeen Kerry Uow him The beef pork and mutton r E D ut course everr operator sends Morse large that I The pleasing news cicbestra discourses at regular Intervala- ard hai held audiences almoit without Interrup- tow having luoh Ideas I In fact th merefact that persons either good bad Indifferent When ha Just been announced that aot- Roast teef digests In about 3 hours roast pork In or Ih dots Is tion Mnce Sieele Msckayes piece was acted touchy InI the matter to Indicate a little onlr th use of th electrlo station Indicator rapldlr nfl there oreo sesmi 3 hours In dashes and spices used In tbe Morse alphabet ar of the I I about rout mutton the same longth of spreading Is Tha metamorphcsls of Iooles Into Kennedrs Theatre and there certainly no lark of sincerity the lond ao- Freak of Nature ut Hotla doubt In their own mn Is whether or not Ibo are en- proper size perfectlr discernible and easily w tut likely to come Into general adoptloa oun time In figures the digestibility ot beef Is 12 to 11 for read over as a varletr house has thoe far folfllled expectations proval which nlxhtly creeti ot the Analy- < tirely Intelligent III never known the taste say 1 the rallwar Unas of this country befor long Tb mol icenei That wldoBwake manoeor John B Ws mutton and pork an operater eendi goodMorie If tb messag Last week1 audiences were of good ta of the plays and re- elm SIn very sweeping It- belated and weary commuter now not onlr size but sentiment construction does not Done apptar to hue formedtu a eneclal contract with of Intoxicating drink hlsllfe received on a sounder the ear is depended upon to- can rouse himself were all Impreised with new veal Improvement stsge man1 from hi extempore nap on ther the departure and but the carpenter s oevernesk- Iiame Nature for the exhibition of the of her pe- bara out of consideration any to whom haa been I A man and wife leave their own country intending judgo the quality of the Morsebut If the messsgt I th homeward Journey applauded long roll a to and by a glance upward dispel ther frequently a and flrstclau hss atonsd for the dramatists crudity and astounding culiar whims A specimen has been secured administered liquor as a medicine anv man who as reside permanently In the United Mates On the received on the tape of a ticker the quality may b ob- all fear of navlnf gramme prO ondelu high a eon Is born to Is he eligible to passed hie of vaudeville specialties When performer Improbabilities to such an extent that Money Mad this week In th perion lieorge Llnpert a man with church member hss partaken f the communion any leas them th terred th appearance of the printed slip nation atid th traviller on an on Presidency t 3 A foreigner enlisted In Hie Northern tr familiar lln UkeMiKgl Cilna Jennr Viamani and Kenuedr come may have a long life Tbe bridge epliode has three lerfectlr torined lees anil feet which he uses man who has ever tested beer wine We wont beg army and fought during th war Did he on so becom can pones hi soul in patlsnc la- reolTlnl with ordinary freedom ease in all of his move- orale blissful together there Is a surety of good entertainment tb been made vastly more thanka to the anl thequeetlon br saying that the Intemperate objection ing a eolaler become a citizen L This foreigner had a An of phenomenal work don th eonsciousn that th hbpelsss vocal ments Lippert takes pride In displaying fifteen son who became ot age while his In analrsls the br Pollock- of the opening week ment of force Is hUe I 11 Intozlcatlng liquors 1s In Itself father wu th distortion which th railway seems prow continued lod-I the mechanical There no hint that lies and proudly boosts of great- to the temperate uie of army Wu Ib son entitled to vote on becoming at age th winner of the recent fast sending telegraph tourna- conductor to regard get pedallstlc any hall II- as his rightful a place among the Iprofitable and popular Manager Hill contemplates a change of play before est friustion of Another Intelligent granting that thoroughly Intelligent C 11 shows o flv- prerogative ha loat lu terrors Tb sample of freaky Is alb Jolly but ment that the worde transmitted In variety ot warm Ho UI naturnn mool K- I mechanism of the la I theatree weather teuacloue lu his Ideas and his lltte Ut woman Annie Mrtiy whu oconplee a plaae In men are teetotalers In view of tbe rlgorousneu of If Ihe vessel had American reglstrr th child wu mlDutei call for 123 letters and eleven punctuation machln actnatad by In tonoblng Iblowl courage Is of a button Th beat It would seem whenever he hss to fight the curio hall ut Durin s higbth avenue house Miss a We requirements well simply repeat that his hnnt torn on American soil and therefore Is eligible to tb- or say I letters In all To make thess letters 3834 indicator la all th can display th hlrby IsI something of a pnr 0 x In figure Is very President Palmer ot the Actors Fund hasprovldsd the hardest Mnckayos ply IsI fortunate In pollening- Mie for a man who can nil them lillsely to be long Bull Presldsncr tut If the vessel was not American he Impulses were Dam of th next station and a bell ringing whU th little and yet very 1U rtlut she loseeln eMture b- wu required This puts over rlne Impulses 111 the backing change In station name I taking ¬ thsatre for annual benefit of that excellent Insti- th of Ilia A profeislonai mallnc will b anla roiuudity and she ii just as good nainred ne- everal readers assert both their Intelligence and their not native born and therefore cant be President Into esch second and as each Impule calla for a down place calls the atten tution and a fine entertainment will be given on Friday given on May he IsI ob sa rue othnr Horls tllilud- fnllllllng E S requirements If E S- altering the Constitution X No Under the tion of every paesenger to the exact location ot a power ot Ws aad without and np motion of the key the hand and flnger of th th train afternoon May tome delay In getting up the ehala charming altluu lelu1 Olraiun a ilrnni- law desired Florence Lonnen malorand one of the bestdrlieil loldlerion tins heiul W will call here well give him their letters however he had onlr to make a Anal declara- operator had to make nearly nineteen movemente per some to tllllaaxplalnedby the quest St John Danty and all the other In teste ascertain th degree to which air Is for noteworthy perform Oalety inhere Ada llrlgcs tat woman Xirrrtta and tion to obtain his cllirenshlp after one roare real econdforaoo conieentlvn iteconda P B burleiquerssy coodUy tJ townnith next Sat- a Delanr a vitiated by different Ulumtuanta ¬ era The result Is satisfactory The Hit of IsI long others Harvey Albany comil company teen It has been generslly believed that thlat Father dene honorable discharge the which hav teen pub actors urday repetition engaged Iay of- and after from armr- telegrapher of worldwide reputation lo comment- lished It nlglua of up to Date at th tofilvethe utertalnmeutou the Damlen waa the llrstnnd only rlrrgvraeii ho nobly tbe verr Important advantage pot and coni ala Jefferson and Florence Robson and i se the lepern but 1 heard It a No not unless his father had became a citizen while Ing on aaya To sanltsrr Broadway a odd fered bis lit and vices n this tournament mr mini Crane Russells Comedians My Bridget rather clrcumitanr that though tlergv ere wlih lep imed tr th electric light ar etrlklnilr exhltlttd tbe Aunt 1has galnsd a great said recently that Pniestant the tbe son wu a mlror th great ipeed and general excellence of Taking F Rachel Macauley their burlesqueI In daih and Manner Keaort to Open Earlier this ere hefore Father liamleu Is there any way of asrer- th four lUumlnanta common gas paraffin Companr f Hacker RoslnaVoke del T the work otthe roung women waa crlspneu necessary to American plaulhIlls the u- Heaaon Islnlngthe facts F the most remarkable tallow candle and lacandescent and her company and Carmenclta whose Impassioned When and where did modern splrltnallim original of electric light th rela dlences during Ih troupeenotreturn visit hal e not always The Kev Father Damlen may have been tbe first mis- J L M- feature th contest It wai a revelation to ona who tive heat produced was UTBO 8411 dancea havo been a novelty of th sesson Roslna Vokes There Is disposition among proprietors has 8004 and U8 Th filled the theatre Ktlll there an Increase a tie sionary lu die otleproir but he certainly wae not th It 1 lo where spiritualism ended aot bee verr eloe to th eonnder for some rears proportion ot baa subscribed vi for a and IsI probable hu ben In 01 hard ear ancient air consumed wae 1723 8103 eoOQ and that tb critical Miss allb 1- Since 1859 I considered 32 or S3 worde per th winning pralie and St John and Lonnen have ulamo parUeullllbol nld first to niinster lo the lepers there have aad modern spiritualism began Pernape the beginning mlnul non th quantltr Tltlalsd being UK remaining boxes will findbspurchasersI at th same price 0opu rlorl Tb speed now 8182S paraffin called forth eipeclal admiration Lounen Indeed now frlr oallu blua teen no foreign 1rotestant mlisloni In Hawaii the of modern spiritualism wu made In March IHtft lo th In their class but Ih glorr of old lime 4S403 tallow candle 633OO 11 n thIITrrly lb allwdol and electric light none pupils eland aa high In favor almost a any English burlesquer- ndd olonlnl rnealy churchea there have been elMupportlng and have Fox lious In N Y when spirit rapping faded when 43 and a fraction were ponrd out with Nina of the Americtn Academy ot the Dra Jun nd blnl Hrtetills we had lu years excepting Leeli 1110 olnw plmbr among lepera In Hee s lo- ease and grace without untying a bonnet strlngl The Cheapest Light Datlo Arts performed for the first time In public Frederick The wel mo ueh a II on orla 1 maintained clergymen the the tnoit was flrsl heard Davenport Death lllow hu besn announced th last hat 111 ar the roung womsn National Academy br Tuuridar afternoon at the Lyceum Their acting waa company go bavk to England without delay aud will a rllu Irawlal Dlr II enthusiastic eulogies of Father Damlen you will see the Splrllualism pnbllshej about a year ago Th tox think qnalllr of th work averaged of Sciences u th subject of a papeg roo Ihl 1 Inlolto- prodnc a travesty of Carmen in which Mlse M 11 woolhr 111 0 01 IrO1 I llghleet possible to tho Protestnnt cleruy 10 they mail rap higher than that ot the men In the mere matter of to be read before It Th purveyor gas Do discredit to Professor Nargeanl nor much credit to- I t r I references listen confessed Ihe author that th of and electrla hIllh speed light wer thtmsalvea judging them all In a sentence showed Johu will play tie title part A member of the rompuny- tooua i oi I- that clergy was there before Father Hamlen went to pings by mapping their great loell the womene work averaged K9s word per Instantlr filled with apprehension to what Ther Jil thle new u been Into a knowledge sayi London Ualsly danclnz has become In name a Th b 01 l po Hawaii II ls there now II nilnl to the iepera It ob- minute agalntl the 4M ot the men rival might b that wu going to had trained technical IIDIIllnl J II cut tb common but this country 01 01 rnlr hI1 Kil r y take grouna rrom under Th ballf the stace tut ther did not nine aur marked do- thine his sou little ot the JI A lor rll0h horl- ssrves certain hymeiilc rules it doesnt tho disease What wai the reeult of the trial ot young Walworth their feet tuipenie boweter- yal LK 011 who killed his some ye ago f COLLIM Ther Is among s velopmeut of dramatic abllltr The exception to be real thlug for not one of those using the title except oul all Irln H Irou il- Father Damlene services wer quit at valuable as father ri f grt dluatlifactlon th mplors In wai shortlived for the professors paper that wu ex- a Uroolyu Lnl 11ld Young Waiworth was acquitted on Ihe ground of the telegraph eervlce In England pected to poitllvelr was In caiaof Kdlth Chptnan a- the performers thli week at the Broadway probably Hrr Io udal those of Ihn msslonarlei his death wsa a la and this dtscontsa revolutionize th commercial status of tb Dad Iritntint was sent t very UII and fine lookinglhgirl who played the young ever were In the Oalety echool The tory of sacrifice unnecessary In Itself but of vaue because sanity he an insane aiylum and releutd has culminated In the formation of a Postal Telegraoh- Illnmlnant of th futur wu a dissertation on th Ufa- TUei Lrnp AVun We firefly matron In Th Dowager with some skill and much the origin at lately dancing la rather interest- mot Immense through It attention has been drawn to the lepers and after a time ae cured think he is dead Clsrks Association Ths chief grievances complained of th u viewed through a ipectroscop- Vaghan ot Insufficiency of pay agreeablenesa llertlue Roblson a fresh and fair blonde ing Kate had the uldrlandlnj to XonWICI April 25Tho most remarkable tbo disease studied In the light of modern science ar overwork and stagnation Th lctrlo pool register JMHAtu tfapln Liverpool Is 203 miles promotion Another hi hu now teen reduced to a Was a commendable In the same piece understand that bar were the season smelts lu the history ot Connecticut closed distant from ot grievance th deduction of radical ThU ay- tula Instrument Is for registering tb hardly so In lai Ih play lean attractive part of her appearance She therefore this and the Norwich seiners who fall them- Which are considered the best sporting th best Londou by Ihe shorten rail w pay during elekness which csrlaluly seem eom tut Indian SummerlOt other In military and tbe best political novels m the world t number of ticket eold In th mutual rao pool It ex- Introduced the locx cklrt und afterward the divided selves thekUodoo Usng high glee over the mag- what bard when th unhealthy conditions under programtn Charles Koblnson an arelu Iliinm T TAomm Steel would probably consist of nine dla On tight small lb and exquisite grace K wire be best It which much of th telegrsph work of Englsad I dial ar placed cellentlh voice th few words torota servant and skirt her In this ali made her nitude of the catcli Iapt Jack who le autocrat of the The worlde pretty Isrge dear reader The Chinese don Ihe names of tb horses In the race aloUd ilimclng the Atuinst at nnre a quail would have lust effect on the contente of th bottle- Is tsken Into consideration As an Instance of- and the number of uli manner Indicated that be might do well with a rKb ichool of thU odnn 3r ho hAfohllh hIIC consider Illll the ben novel ever written Itcou- tickets sold on any particular horse by any order ot dancing wai established at the ial and Hie elT lor Iho I II oPPIlrIIW tbe vast amount f work that has to be dealt with U number of longer part In a provisional war IIr tAI 10r 1M tains all the characteristics y u nunie The Ara- r r The German language contain just about as- ticket sellers and these separate Items are management by the theory of selection has 1010 bn 110 b1 le may be noted that on the night that Mr Oladston In- all recorded IIII Ih Ilj In lh bian Nights might be considered a sporting msnr words aa tile HugHsilanguage and vice vena It- on a large central dial Br mean of this device Nlbloa offering this wsek IsI the familiar Jim the keptll the forinot Hcnres of concert hall fly look > r la i plllhl troduced hie Home Rule bill no fewer than a million a ticket dancere 1 10 lUl 11 nb 11 Ufa military and political novel But In English per jou want seller In the grand stand can communicate any traua- penman a melodrama that haa acted at nearly began tonImitate tho done travelled In the provinces alll ri 1 1 and a half words were llaihed from tbe Central Tel bun fI5 onl I I o heps Charles novels rsnk liUhsst among actlon lo th dial la betting < Levers rYmlrnctorWhen see calling for- OfHce th tootb at any moment ttTjrr combination theatre In the cltr andIs stilt potent and then to this country The lour girls who do Ih < 10 It lco 111 I rou advertisements graph In London Owing lo thelackot encour- calCI louI 1ln military novels Undsr Two Flsrs by Oulds- things jeitb road For performance at Itlblos which dsnclng for tho Gaiety companr at the Broadway are urar 1110 3aerIOn or bids for the various rou supply put In your bids agement so dissatisfied are msny telegraph operator In th face of tbe Improvements m- I ho 01 rlllt a hd Iho- Is cnildsrsd by some persons lo be the belt of Its kind which have been re- Ute last In townIIspecial companr ha been engag graduates al the London homo tbeatre Their u I1Y al Iro IU Thats the only wsy- with tbeir prcaenl position and future prospects that ot cently arl ob O nl him and Strange Wlntere sketches are considered ex- made In th phonograph a wider sphere than Kext Levey la- auilil 1 t John large numbers the gon week will see the united Klralfysspectacle mar Lillian Price Florence Maude and IKllr pfl aad a Coodricti Th lit have left service aad oat ever hu been prophesied for Wlmol DIDII1 Ihllalrr cellent Capt Cliarlei Klnz writes 117 th American K li per capita circulation In th that Instrument In th OAround th World In Eighty Dars which I Edith turner For the first night of the o 111-l j 11lrtoul rol 1tII tothoolonls near f utur An electrical eeer euggeit be- u artoy In novelsJbulread one military novtl and youv United States acoordlni Jo the laatgapagi of til Use that Instead of elaborately si to suggest that they expect a p Opera Company the Broadway on May C tbtra- n annunciator Ih may com aIrpado s Queer rtprtasr Ai oaaHMIV lawljr mart Is supposed to of t A bleaching electricity I lime when by pre- of the ouce popular piece The ballet will Is an absolute a smthaslsallo- fa Connecllrnt frf- raepretir tturr method of br ha tmn 10D certalotjr ad iftf VA f LlTtagstoa U a- aaOMllpath number of a room In a hotel can ba rwa good O9wdd writ auUat sporting aotWOur duced Uto Russia where chloride of rna jsaaium balance endpertiapi Ulll ja4le is1t v < taeoutut of hi- Ftmuw April far from tba iorolr WlniUVrtUIYoB would hav tlm frtM celled well a- Atrtom f W adNot fsmonildporting novel and Kv nshohoadnl- iavd it to baa been largely nsed la I AtiUstlnctlyjBl u Ih want of dent at ItlUoi haa been cancelled after much alt e > at r Uls erst wcrk Brrn and Kerker- little country village of AblngWuU moil singular get th you want yon gon hitherto ttiasKtssHtr rar smeit A mr b forgotten Democracy U a political novel terri- took bad to a dealer in and req or fpeaar may b so arranged ing It soenaunat MlwI Akirstroma will per- Air permlll sceuery spring In Connecticut surensrgid expensive The apparatus lr llitl car or to eti hsalth aU Castla In th elaborate uay whoa water lh with ble and clever Dlsrsells novels wer intended lo be artists materials or even to a took store u weloataa th Interning trtaftd with a pleas- mit lier to undergo the ot appearane peopled stage wide chemicals convert In attention tb operator bavlog merely ta empty and re strain a cltr costumes a fullr and latitude for wood Ibst Immersed them Into political as were some of Trollopes Th best novel ant greeting while the earns pBOUOfraph eonl- l Hint K So as we nil from time to Hue thtank conlslnlng tb salt solu- star The Hopper sssioii tn last llfneii tieeki Tho wster clsar and I bubbles out of the r n J far recollect Charles Kerr wss lt trustsd to dlscharg upon tb book depends on Ihe however I Itlasrant agsnl- tour or Ova years I cold reader never champion of New York Stale billiards tion In which th electrolytic apparatus placet earlier a powerful andlh then Francis Wilson will tak hla turn ground at th foot of a kno on farm ut 101 liaibltt- at either or or the too precipitous tailor a flow ot language sultJ- melodrama In and out Hearts mt rlpplra a ray to join A trout Tin peculiar pool We never heard of llartiaanns Magic Black plp of propirtlee of the spring are well oaoto What le the difference between a notary public anda- o th occasion On Ih entrance of a tramp the puea- It brought Into lasting r A Oak haa a continuance ot The Stepping Stone kaowi thtoidueo > C A- and White Two of tb principal objections which liav besn- popularity James Hern Palmers plo ul neighborhood IsI Commlislciner ut Deeds ¬ and Ihr and a reason- nrged lulton conld let loose th dog and urge him to the at- bis pretty wife this week with some chsngee In the csst vacationed able tradition Hist Indians the > A notary public appointed by Ihe Governor by and against th phonograph and other talking Instru- albolnCorooraand f a number the nnil ater for Is jiPreslasnt Cleveland had a Secretary of Agri- tack In offices a similar device would b of snprem of seasons they thrlvsl dlaphragme Instead on plar hum Uerne1 and not yet forgotten The piece baa been tested In and In farmer the country ooy bad often euccessfnllv Is verr ancient and notaries exist In evtrr rlvlllied- li no flzeJ rule as to high or low dealing gen- sndint of tbe diaphragm of- central elatlons after two rears of th oldpooer tb excerleoc that Ireal rain storm aad an abnormallyII bright baby Philadelphia besides the company will rest testm tr the water lo purify wood and counlrr The office of a Commissioner of Deeds Is erally blgb desli- nsusl instrument It Is isld that tb repro- combination speak of It In terms of unqualified among Illow verined th tradition praise were lie features Mrs Uernei earnest work this week further prepare for th Ialmars produc modern a creation of the law ot certain Slates only duction of th human vole Is singularly clear and free An expert says I upon lltlfn TUui Training schools for women nurses are- any have learned to look the stor- cannot fall to value to the story Next week Ih Aldrlcu1plays a for Western editor whose berolsra from harshness or metallic aound Br Ih us of a- age baltry an able to rlT tVunli 81OOOO < a 1 you ground In TII- jattache I New York lloeoltal Hoe ai lieutenant the Incandtscenl- Windsor has an approrsd tank In Loat lon with Ills humor to form what shouU an en- mai lor leronal Csn tell me anything nf a picnic to the to llellevue non metallic trumpet the lone arsstlll drama In New IDIDI te lujnrlcmW- llams urgli Hllloff llrove J Who r s further softened lyuamo and lo put In a good word for It wherever I gu York ard that comes tertaining knuwiiasthe vy ltatu tl e Miiunt Hinal Hospital and to tls Womau- In reproducing music Hi uoies of Aleiander Salvlnl- story I captain Kldd r T o different pitch coin find that although a good many people do not to- Inlriuary all lu this city care ale ILLUIVNTIC rasa nf Importuned I Wtlllamiliarglier so out wllh singular dlstluctneu and what la a Ilobirt Mantel final city visit The will not fulnl the expectations of No i rhapi some old can dn crucial uuojiotlie storage system all al once they ijulckly- this season will IsI booted on I2GA United est Ih llmbr of Hie vole Is the llonlr A Ihs Statss Ulitrlrt 3 William Kldd was a Scotchman son of a minuter lie U Alexander Ameri- admirably prsserved- e the advantage of hating Ihe on him I th People tomorrow and laying lakI manageis Hyde Bebman Thy had Johnstons Illitorr of current tii at all Dlrh Court at New York early In Mar In which William II- In lived In or belled Tbe characteristics are relative losdness for a time The Corslcaa will counted upon a months ruu at least but that term will went to sea and luul rsther from can Polltlce Is the best history of politics Coopera- oltbroord lours and ret onlr run their steam plant In tb evening revive tb Noyes of Lebsnon lues th Norwich Mew Voik and absolute distinctness Even a whisper 1 whispered motional and curtailed onehalt and the theatr for the remaining snd Jf w York la ions a company wu formed to put down Amsrlcsn Politics contains tb platform U r- The use of secondary batteries for lighting purpose plcturqtiD H of Monbars Transportation Company for damage on tack from the diaphragm very clearly Louisfor of I weeks ot the eummer win be fwn piracy and Kldd wu mad Captain ot in company Putnsms Sons II and 13 reipectlvely- may erenlusllr develop tu an w bav now a Ihlal version a DEnnerr plar b rented out It not ao itenl Nat dol count ot and permanent Injuries Incurred by II sailed away captured one vessel People hare long admired WemeU that Daniel Sullr should glv up hop him pnoolyeara ago wnll a passenger vssL rrench Not long ago a philanthropic oncepUonof- T flow Ibr on th > Tb grammatical naturalist proposed th- bol for Th bonoMillionaire < Im- city net a pirate and In 1007 exiled for Madagascar whir juadt answer to rour qneetlene always naaactally profitable The use of a skilful pen ol Worcester which waa run Into estebliehmint of a dragon fly farm th part to a rattan Donasllys plsy by aosailing craft as the stesmer was ap- tb pirate wer thickest Ther be turned pirate him- depends on ronr feeling whither your lens of touoh- whr lasect C r Cutler ipok recently befor th Assembly Cera- alllharlooldoubtless eta eerdlal reeeptlea by larg n- niw slrsngth concisea proaching New York Mr Noyss could propagaud for to purpoe ot a wsj asleep In Is yon splendidly you t aatlugtipih rolttee on self according captured a vessel came I good If It feel or whether Uu and Electricity Mr Cutler om dlnoe Late this month will a reproduction nee and lucidity th titular character needs develop-¬ Iiii tsteroom apprebenelre of no UL when euddenly to th storr mosquito dragon fly car there good condition If you yon Tbe theory howvr not valuable on MTb Dead ment and broadening the cllmaxee can mad more here was a rrash and a lubberly schooner sailed right tack to tbla country wu treacherously taken prisoner eel In fll do felsplendld hu Information th lubjeot of th telephone cf Heart at th Peoplesbwllh Adel futo Mr Noyeee stateroom knocking over you ustlldtb sangnlue top with which II waa put for- ervlce once leading George tflectlT by Ucoralog more orialrs racka csrrled to London while hi wuneeeee were In New Tint la of course If Insist on th word iplinJId- in New York claiming that It could actress with as Ih heroineaa natural andb finally th and and auihorinir rUbt against the Latia- ward eud a correspondent comes to tbe front wllh an- CMIl drama will gain In force and berth Mr > oyee up Tork After a trial In which connsel and witnesses not profitably b rendered for leu then Ihe pres- and loieph YYheelock as Hubert Miss I Inlereit when IIIli better niiii nian wai all tolled with Julin ana rone I on ol th cables of the Brooklyn other ip reposition 11 seems o LN4 Pan acted fully lias no cause to the islllugrIItrail aiil Its gearing his iidnal culnpin was were refused him he was hanged with nine nf Ins If ineh lays Iliat nt pries a year Iur this sum subscribers an ndillilon to Iho stellar Drmamsot wb sseins to bav- mount s off ha best wsy to rid cities mosquitoes tM I hurt and in leelin1 iru U r tieit llleilepi altlort crew May 21 On his way bark here lie bnrlid- Brlde should slip the tower Into the river U could of Is to u Ih ware afforded the privilege of talking I n III li InI Im lth hiojeol- alire rru friends to her an opportunity lm liecn tnheii and presented rourL tll l u lot >e put again but It might o a- lectrlc light He slates when K wjsilug- back be cheaper put up that the arc a greater rviraV any IT pecul benefit entertatnmente Mill occur ut Iwo nr Idy cUn ainiMig theiit Ir1 rni atut Ir r- eome treasure on tlsritlners IsaiiJ this were lm e r than telephone exchange m r ii > i une it strung enough and has Cm Inlrolorerl Into Nrw nrlr ne Hie in- u I ubhlng weeL hi the regulsr i > ion at Iis- and there i nt md 1iufi ayre aiidillmalllon of up snd wiili ilia cargo mi the capture veistl atuutint- enfaille tnaa hes entire lie world comI kojit nf New Vo k city m 11 tlieatrs are inoro to route for this ianiVork eiiough gooj ect popuiailoiiif the hai > 10hahl luw nllliollfv everuire and fooihuld rsu moteu tuu- nughsvrin floiV il tu llai rmOiiera lluuiv Manager IIatumer teln provides la the uutcuton when faithful I ed aboutflMOi swimis rlrphones than Francr and Brooklyn more than Or al tenlre experts tu Inlsusi ve el lylnt In Die ill vhe the In lltllby ihe IJuemyI an entertainment that Is sur- recognized At the Fifth Avenue the slll water rkliu iirmil raillus ol Britain In London the price Is jtm 4 year o- testimuiiut to HU unit IlKhUu Irons Oila- Who reigning Rouuianli ami Hie lauira ss clear ol the lor leri at approval pay has teen re- Reynolds will Whrrlburroiv are the Klncsit Hervls nocturnal lormtutori whu b New Vorkers would not Mr iiptuvn UMelles Joseph doubtleta git a full Iwue 1 by Uo they reign f 1 4 tiould was Msy 7 IH Mr W- tolrrale fuller it b 1 lu llKlllmore- and what rUht j HnrUr torn I wad Ih sldswalk an I rtiads around each jueiitly rertied and kept In touch with public Reynolds represented Eugene Tomriklui In II erred lo the fact that In Indian was reduce pull the man WiiErtiNo noon yostordayl- The King ot Roumaula K Carol or Charles I elected Vauderbllt when asksd why h bad lakn off a cer- light wet strswn verr morning the rate Its war pjlures more vivid than Ihthe agemeul of theatre during the past two rears Apri with dead and dying ome yeare ago with the Ihe lelephore 4Iro and lsrrlson 25At left McConnellavlll Domnul or Lord of Roumanla In ltH Col Couza a- tain train said that It badat paid running expenses Hpropoe to reverse this operation by reiulllbal nr brighter and the sceuic elects hsvoo added to- has been lha courteous creditable Hie on aad banging Ice wu practically b mem- a list of Oblo for Baltlmora the entlr die Basslaa had been elected HospoJsr of Wallacbla la The reporter b gni But Mr Vaaderbllt th public enormous ruined and Invlled Ih travel cluster of Ught beyond as well Mlnal Duiire Is still ha Kat shew UI large andallgood Includ- tauce IDlldlnllo eUctrle tb out bers of th Assembly Committee to Mew J th aualat luwn voUntieri at tonlihll of miles oat a wheelbarrow lie 1 II- visit York an I b 40 and assumed the government of Boa nun la expect Tb public damned eela Mr Vandsr I eipeclsbiceuipletellie pubolI twenty II- t eulruofth thereto tie whole of the aelgh Butler W C Msadnllle and E ing Donnelly aad Olrard ckaye Aleiander Beirut 4y IHCU clirlv lamina th working of tb present aad judg- WUIlolo whi rimalD la BalUmor will wae dethroned In and Princ Karl f Hobenzel- till If tb public wanted th train whrdldat lu- Urlag <4 p p To erslsm Iula new of Ik Vaxt Djlbn tUdcimMarkaulll > j abut thrs weeks aal lse ltlo tb lagenully of Ibis or tbemselTM whether In price paid by lubscrlbsr- aeulxn ooispsay faoflald aaDotClar4on return home lu the iame war lera Blgmartngen wu Je< U4 M Prlao Carol I 111 aatll travil Tea all Ultra wuMlb saUcataa I 011 ar brir1 aUl4a eozaatadaU U somnrtaisau ll more than tb txptoi of malnteaauc osmaala