< 20 THE SUN SUNDAY APRIL 2T imTHIRTY PAGES L Jf B How W Mack aa thtra NK1TII Of week Hammersteln will begin asessoa t cemlo opera Xat Dari Katherln r Ol with th Conrltd trenpe In M Tb Xing root a nfiere- I beside Mreral ercheetraa and their leadira AI ta- rlUD- to Ih beneOI th Free UI to uneventful week at tha eltr bo- lghtly end srrlgbtlv heard at lllbte a few ailao ther annual tV and too leI a promiseoI of On Th period U between Insist nevettle aad- months If the responseotI generous will a charityI b here Ringing I baJoit prll Cub Words from Orateful Russell Hearts tad Lillian lighter summer tha temptation Knot long termaoof light mnslo at Ib lhrTh b amusement br Ilk th boO Coghlan Pauline UeorglFor strong to put olroPpretentious or Important produc- will by artificial means 8L John Roil laU Dr old Harry more Alee ManUU Lacker tion Hut there UI not ret an trial perform- ¬ Fsnnr Kajankah having been viewed on llroidwsy and Solomon Mack Frits ance bleb 10 edt Powera Wheatcroft 14 boob aaaepled Its wen Inning this week st- th Casino of reoDNahatheatricals Tba Square will on th east eld Iskes ille Lewis Morrlion Carroll llallam chorcaand feature eltr House Spectacle IsI not so frequently Kldrldg a guard ot rontrlbutea test of a pieceXllacalled The Blue Ihe Orsnd Opera orchestra Lonlia and bodr Wit prssented at the llrsnd It becomes tiresome and young will sell llnwers In the loliby Atth- Hllcer translated from the French LOffleler Bleu Ibo sctressesa I likely Manager > a npon Th- flrttanaonnctd at Ih Paris Ormnase but Kajankae visit la to please rencli 1eoplee tonight Irnt Cromwell nhicbwu supporters shows uo In- wliletur tho Cuficyra was brought faithful army of cast llomee ot Knglsnd RenefUi of Remedies Interdicted there and later out at a ae In Us ilanclng Thsperlaltv or M r Sunday Robert tbsatra Srneit Andre Jnrjoea who iportsnt changes drmal Frsnk Reynolds at the tar next Irtiiiils Wldl Roland coming to Union Mqusrcon May and Ab andA lectthe performance at the Squar divisions Rodl Juitbe Duncan at the A ootl Ihe opening of summer sesson of tn jllsh opera Ben UaTltt al Tony Pailora Hio rights la the plar The theatallla of Bnselaa Intrigue for political tnenaurrea and tbe author I announced rnd The London critics have agreed that In NHIe No lack ot fun will b1 complained ot In this week Skin Blood and Ecllaw Ertlngei- Mn The Greatest Cures Purifiers Remedies I rtltlnnelr a Arr In the cast Roes tlumor the llurnllts new chll ldsma at Terrya Theatro bill Jacobs Third avenue Th Two Johns ha enevtev Lvlton Sellna Fetter Donna Madlxta- ldpupromise of llltle Lord Fsuntlsroj has not bun won triumphs ol laughter In th past three llenrr Lee Clarence Uandyslues and of- I lola4 confirmed To show a girl chlM In the character or four eeasonsall and it will ban no tronbls la making feorg lar Lea seems to the chief pescemsker In a divided household much as th fa- newfnente at Jacobs The present companr con- World has Ever Known Obn bn ot- l reprleiorf the venture u be ha teen ofbanother mous llttl lord acted upon thadlscordsnt natures of tains well liked comedians J J Howling and n similar nature There ODlr > Sal recentlr rnlw4 wi Xrrlaad Ihe iTarl o orln iirr wss the ambition Hassan will plar Th Red Spider next week a week of The Blue Omel Squareb onMr dramatists part BUlla very disagreeable not 8 open for Mar Richard Mansfield will bl summer toeayhobjectionable a household1ssVIrlf IsI a member ot- Thor IsI Incrsase In the attendance at Proto fllea lessoneat that theatre II haa reorganlied company a child should not seen at any rate upon th atage sons exhibitionsA of horse training at tbe old Panorama and will b seen In several new plan There qnestlontblb situations In which a partlcu building In Seventh avenue and Fitly sixth street Th ar tempts Protestors daring and systematic methode by contin- Rnelna Toktes audience at been larg larly brutal lovsr Altiri mother nine Covered with Sores An Awful Sore Limb A Fearful Psoriasis Raw with Eczema Calfs with marvellous command ot resionlog powers ued successful results are attracting attention To of a fashionable bar heroine all For three rears I was almost crlppltd with an and dicldedlr character Isnguage becomes a participant They morrow night he will endeavor lo lubdne the mOil aol I am cured of a loalhsomedlsease eczema la I te wont of her antartalnnientU agreaabla and Tranuo Impressive I hare nrad yoor CUTICURA REMEDIES In two leg from mr down to mr anklei th ikln leafI an fiavor and should little to vicious horse yet brought ori Mr dlieaie psoriasis nut broke nnt ray 1st- tag different doctors and been through her approved of a trMe bill prorldei admirable unpleasant boor him caiee where II nroied to b snccSMfnL Th flrit was was entirely gone andtaltha flesh was ona massotdls- tried tha iritem of youtatol audlencet The unreality ot th playlh cbeek spreading across mr nosa and almostoecrirlac- invention of a nature both poltle and ertletlo This week b The The loimty Fair grow larger the In thecaieot a boy a year and a half old Ills face ess tom physicians pronounced Incurable I hospital bal all to tio purpose Th dlsu Is11described being emphasized by the forced Intro- ¬ crowds to my fact It Into mr eyes and the physician was Ml Votes will r 1v Doremnie farcical adipta- time lor Its departure from the Union squar drawl and body were In a terrible condition former had dlmlnlihed about ona third th slzI ot th other ra mr whole body from tbe top ot my head the eoleeet-our Xr duction of the lidlthas llurglar atorr In the last I being sores I to- 1 afraid I would loie mr eyeiliht altogether U spread tloa The Circus Rider and equally familiar nigh or weeks Nell Burgess will end his completely covered with took him and was tn a hopeless condition trying another and In spite of reputation and aomel lu lour five AIr all I was my feet Mr hair all out leaving m a complete piece M Livery new on Burnstfs iheMaisenaBulphnr Springs but he did not Improve kinds of remedies and spending hundreds of dollarsal oier mr and mr hair all fell until eat t llltl Mr In Tha number Mr long stay and retire lo Jersey He will retnrntotbe bed oal Lrd clever acting onlr slight Isachleved- 1 entirely It then broke mr arm sore trying I the programme I a comedietta railed Awakening lusccss Union Square eensjii on 3 any I waa then advised to try the CUTIUUR A REM- from which I got no relief whatever persuaded onion raw everything heard of yoU next Commnelal Jon A and baldhaeuntil arms were juit oaa sore It AIr la this combination will be peril for Felix Morrla- Edwin Ardenvlll occupy three weeks EDlln which I did He took one and on half to try rour CUTICURA REMEDIED an4 tbe result wae- mr CUTICURA REMEDIES and after mine three bottle Ibo Barnnm and his Imposing show move on to Brooklrn boll covered mr entire body mr face and shoulders Ferdinand Charlee J Ball iEleanor Lane grounds producing a trio of of CUTICURA RESOLVENT when his skin was as ae follows three Oars I noticed a dselded hud Oollebat after nut Saturday night at the old Polo stlrrlnir dramas being th worst The scabs fell Irom ot CUTICURA RESOLVENT wllh CUTIOURA anil- Bmllr Courtner Thorpe Grant Stewart and smooth as be and IsI todar I Died CUT- rhsnge for Alobetter and at tb nd of two white constaatlr Banekr There ss teen decrial In the night attendance eou1 shonlders and armst th skin would thicken OLTICURA SOAr I flnd myielf cured at the other ol Vokee suitable companr Una hae nat- Tony Paitora stage will be possessed this week by the ICITA on sores and the CUTICURA SOAr lhIn waih niontlie I was completely eure L My neih was purified coil XII during th past weekn though two rain stormi bate wylored and Itchy and would lbIntroduced a line of theairlcala akin to tba entertain RenUSsntlsy turlesqu and variety company LUIIe r hHe Is now five years of age and alllrlgut and the bone which had been xpoied for over a year anl Toy crack aad about I would not be without th CUTICUOAo urally affected the raatlne crowds But the perform- him bleed If ecratched Atter ependlng many hundreds nanta given br our sucletr amateurs and am- Mar Hall Victoria Vokee Booker and Frank Let- The other cats wae a disease of the which was Tba fleeh to grow and today and for REMEDIES my ances go on just tha sam rain or shine ealp 1 1 in hens Hepped wlboullmpor Harry L Clair auu LIb chief cnred by washing with the CUTICURA SOAP and rub- ¬ IIoundnearly two banmy legI I waa- of dollara was pronounced Incurable ploying several aelresees who might hare tant slight or alteration Klralfy Nero ter Wad and ot srs th year pait la as wsll as ever It head f OUT1UURA OBRMAH from Fifth parlore dlrectlr to the stsgt uOI entertainers The Frldsy matlnte this week will bing In the on bottle of CUTICURA RE aound In every respect and not a sUn of tha dtiease to ot th ItBMEDIBP and nilng two IsO a wnrtitoro rna Its Interpolation aa a circus feature for II seems to te- Q CUTlcURA bottlee CUTIUURA RESOLVENT I alo change 1 ther seem to perfect eiemplars of current good voted to a benefit for tbe tlansgers Leavltt andbtha SOLVENT being Ther hav proved succesifnt In seen a AHEItN Dubols Dodge Co lee a J themiileagerlr awaited and loeely followed part ot UI4 1 waa usagesfo would an Insipid failure If It regular company will be augmented by volunteer every IsI surprising how rapidly a child will B Oa and after I bad taken four bottlee almoit curedt Thle achemeb ta the MIL Irom Brooklyn the big outfit will go eaie h were not that MUa Vokee with tier singular psrionalltr Next week lulustrelsy will hold forth at Pastors
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