


•• m*n of the were «w w.ia a an (l^ali when »he w»» excited lntere«t- I am here Ii^ium I love you. I From atrokea hoary whip, upon what i* now J .it and fanton. Tin* brother ol our hrr<» ot the fall*. The M I H C K !. LA N V I com- Mack hair ••<1 an that no one could f.»d l<» with It ia wy to ihat f«ir back, her long hung in grant-1 hy lh»- (iwrtl C'mrt of Mm., to dt»orii«Unt« of (In.* family urn n>w among in anything, «:ay ynu. place and clear wrre mand not now ; but watee »»K)ui her Cam and thouldcra, and her banners' the heir* of Sir William Phipp* and hia a*- the moat nwf^vtahli riturn* of (hi* town I'rum the St ntlar.1. to rruiark them. Deep tliey jour* my be»uty ynu Sjptpartmfnt. a ii**t un- one to of a and ae«j how fur ran and Urg« glittering eyre gar* her annate*, who, in 17iM. mule an und Paul llolf, hill hro'hrr to too, caming think inrolunUrily may try you go, expedition vicinity. EDDORA ST JOHN- •• ••intt tub riut." Wo uaed to call the then ha will (to content to allow look. Who bide," cn#d tha aue- into Canada in the dead o| winter again*) lliit I'ountc** of Ilntnfiird, graduated at "haunted well." per pa you earthly nr nr.i.rv naves. " mi* to m who bill* lor Kudora St. John ?'' wm« a < »•«. that often alione from Kuduru'a your company with little liooMT, DARIUS FORDES. Editor. the Indi tn«. an>| hence tlx* name The»«» II trvard, and l.twyer f Salmi. .M light eyca enjoy Jim, tou hrark nifger you, if w ia convenient, da there ia no Wo bought huehandand I—Ah- rwr*ona were authorit-d, in consideration 1In* br»t pettier of Kiiuil >rl wuJ«nalhan ••Jim, •hret lightning." acrcaining her—my don't come di* I'll comh our one to or to interim with and kilittonuU a« we wore, wo were determined «!«•' « In *tr « all of wliotn i«. you way quick Of ail the frolic* and all the of (Illy (ft* l»l fNljiiii«( lit, of tSi« rtiee hy their father*. Key*, frrnn Shrewalmrj M In 1775, •port* you >. 10 ono alare in of our •»! trtialMMlrU fiimn Tour wool for you when I J*t$ cotch you that wne and Ira •it our if apite prineiplea. wMiAxllaclkff, »t rf i|.«,|, it ih<< limn «f th« grant, to ae- h«> bronchi lit* liiimly to Newr (tloiicrater, »chool, girl general ring •(■ plnuaant evening together they buy • (till * l> wuhuie.— \u nil «. i.-ll wm had oarer hoard uiind, I you, now, you dirty nigg-r pic- dor and »he nc?er ioat the faror of her do hear." ThU, ih«n, why I lert fr m an? ungnnUal Ian I, in the Pnt. where hi* I'll hi* wife ami small childien, jot from achoolmate. Thu wu Ther« wm a charm about her Iln lim*n«l hi* hold and my beloved inre ol Maine. ea*t of Saco ritor, a tract anJ with a little a»n, •••ton year* of ng-\ ••ninny you." luteher*. npon her, Crwi lit* " nono of an- tittuflwl, Y», y«, ole Clo, liow you doe* *potter, which *;»• fell and old. watched her with a with a wicked amile, why my letter* had never beeo ai» n. ilr* ai^nar*. Tbri accordingly made commenced a journey thMU(;h the pathl'** hy young Rirer. reckon o»/rA me fore and liecame nit- u« aha tried to the window* and •wared. Andrtwcof^iQ their *urtcr, ami cataMi«hf their grant monument*. and the Gen- on the hank* of th* Andiwwfflin. ye«ra ng». my hy Th»*y in a it of uncertain In r.tti the little rogue, and, and win aoon to hid fare* F.ud >ra riw that it waa In vain, and ibffrrmt hgSi." rtft ant*]«ity. eral V "irt « »nf.rm«-1 the grant. Their gr.int, arrival at the where it now Itumlord away proroking ration, expecting place Kudora • We Wmtworth, an n itijjator, Tumbling h«U o*er head, otit tl»« iton* well to mttea of and •inking on tin* floor ua (ilcnwood cnina Poor, poor carried her to l, ,rj« English howerer. turned out t<» hp (I'teen mile* long Corner, one afternoon in Jure, jual lielore my many ynre. go our eastern and a* we of th* Kail of w.ill, otl to the cotton homo to and a-ttle down into toward her. aha of him not t.i t»uch happy home, em.ioth- tn lh*» employ Siuthampton. in one direction, reaching from what i»now the tatting ut theMin. Her*,upon theyery •tampering my parent* heggad and »ml the to tee what mi*ctii«l lie could find to do if Im* did not wiah to ee«< her •-I her to tb« grave,ahe told ue all ,i nwnnO the St^adahoe, uj» llartlord to Chr«tertille. It wu* which lie afterward* •rl*ct<«c data to t ike land for hi* home, theivllarol which a few year* (lying eyea. apringing 1 t<* wai mi nter whivh the cook. *tood • few moment* a in audden an «he de- llarrie. lie even better «l tittt Ira. Thf > w a a* Cleopatra, modi. "I ha»e letter from home," fact 1 courage promise Uik^ up wit'i ;it c nwnt of the ewner, an* more i« remaining, ha r*i*ed prd. for in leae than a wea- t« a m«t r\iv|. ruefuIlT watching the Jim, he »h« an I father I mo«t coin* manded, llow dura treat m« thua? year, Ml than it i« tiow to take water. Tradition K'-iirt-r. read o«» of the IVilin* of David, »lip|>ery Mid my »»ya you **»/«rarj raced then and to w^nt* to *e« rai«creant that ried the Aid and ailent aullenraa ol Eu- lent an-«erte« an anecdote which would and with hi* knelt, and prayer daaUrdly he over to ilia tender an J at that Vt he- herself »he returned to the kitchen. and he i« to a«*nd a to am Don't know that father dora, delirered her into the BHtf height indicate that no rigid morality g item- wmiJmI them»c!*c* to the c.ue and pratcc- mi', going gentleman you you my tery the euro it uncertain whother •' reoort me Oh how it willaeem will kill ?" merciee of hia Iriend, for of fJSOO. f»n «.• narrow.'* It ed th* early Hll»r« in their intercom** ot tin? (id you " beautiful 11 irria could not her mood I «•* the -»f Kennehn* •* wlien new in !•*.» mmn horn®. tii wo him once more, and g*'t hark among Nay nay, my tigreeaa, you enjoy strange Andn*o>ggin with the In-lima. Peivpole, the Indian of Tht> mn, who li I Ixvn d«»d fur »«*eral anything, are reckon fuat hull. Coma hack to the much better than Danoiae, and aa h« aleo bottnr, it waa the Krnn- l«v, "nt a We'* nil g «t t<» ■«* hard tirn-** now, I reck- »l*fe«. Ah, ha, ha, M iria, you Ico hy IViKiMt, whom 1 hate apoken. rlnimnl I' jrtn, rrioitiHl vitil recollection my wo to failed in hia eflr.ru to he eoon there ar* tht«ae who ontru i that on. what made »» much allocked? You ktmw nev- en»y chair and I'll explain matlera you. change it, .J^h •n the ground of hia heing the la*t aurtitor of (hi*. jtiW'It ll»«» fir*i art nf christian Oh, l/^rd, |>»or nigg>*r* t<-ry •ent her to the for she were the An- > t < >k the and went er could on one Ioto to hate Ha drew her al ng b>r a aickneea field, where, year*, W tn««tb'i eiploraltont up of the || «• meko tri'w lie wa* b!w.»t* an. jMoliitn e»er wiine*^! within the liuiiU of for?" t'l walerpiil ngre« point—I dewthly toiled an 1 undor the laah of her*elf to till it. She then •••t her*'If bu• •Ian about me; aro a little abolition a fearful miagiving, her of all pow- groaned tongue tirwmggia. n«>*ing (.iterator* with hi* per*i*fent what it now tho town ol Komfird lien*, you deprived Maj and At the death uf llarrn she waa Wi ini ittth »4i!«r in June, dinner her nutrr er to rc«iat. linn* If with her in whip. Kngland talk ah.'it In* rlaim. At la*t the T r the fir»t , in a not made with to pr**p<»ring for and lit" Suting Major t<-ni|de •ily " " one hlol hia arma ha I'm afraid sold the reat o( hia to hia I *'*►. anJ t«»>k with him four "I the natuo*. if he wouM mt the winnU hi* and thu* wo leare Oh Kudora, how ( wi«h (hat continued, you (with ,) pay j-r >mM him »i*ty dollar* hands, with •urruiindinK for iu company, engig-nl a« t are to ao moat dehta. a m ho bad w.i« not \\n all lore «o, hut going faint, I hold tmclrxgiljiriH.in no more ahcoit it. So^xjuentlj, how tor, wall*, an l the arched hlue »kv for iliilunw, her. upon you. you you. we our or rather ia the aide of my tno*her, in the littla 1 nd the foundation ol the aninm*itv i« The an ) ihmI t ol the Ton had great fault My utiiry your atorr, Kudora, By II Prr-p.de coniplainnl hn-aua1, he aaid. thi* pi.mrtr of tho f >re»t opni) ami read good generou* targe nlway* thought in a few wonla. Your fattier ua in the of o»i«ted between the whit<-« •' w «* enartnl (tie atvive ac-no tint of ami »1 told you graveyard. tillage aleepa • I irh afterward* I got dtvfful little dollar*." Scan>n • " call him wm tnaater. Your moth- my pior Kudora, history »•>.) In

  • •<»! |>ra?er off.* red to the (iod of hartj to incur your di»ple«*ure, alaoyour >ir F«*r- er waa a beautiful alavi? whom ha 'oved aa the th!nga that tecommcnd* to L. r.| I'htel Ju*tiee uf Kngland. anry. prajer* property thin,** you c Bimand of heir, and ara alavo Kudora." t mdrvd emigrant*. under the ■ ol of to the heir at taw—a ol the lat« tlm hUtih ar> l«»ttr< to four of age, who had long l««en it. of them would refuw fried on why Kalngh Indian*, who all pa**cd long time ago." anj theiu acrvpuMe jf%tt Many in which wa* in mnl fore?er, •rid mirth and tha In notice of a double-head «i oa t. -vith o( the Ke inehee. •• l« or mora to the ruatoineI to do that hi* wer<' it hope joy, your probahlr l'hif«»- to that nn |i*o»ter»d country, from wh.i** "I, j«r ifitaMo devotee*, right <'ff,red." girl • ir» " nf f mIi her hoaom. She eshibition in and futmix*"! a wttlement. The tli hi ».»» tin* and n.nt«iitaliou* own and t'loao eye* wi-r»« *ueh a* had I haro to pint |(UnfM, (ieorgia, you eipreaa doubt* u fcarg. t>o>irne no trateller return*." I«ating their ninplo eye». IVrhajw they might nothing looked into tho f.M»» of 'ilenwood and to the truth of the *iate f'»ar of (or man) >r-» them lie of ca*uri. She vjv, when I'opham hating died, to *K" fall* in this town ar»* a I rat. poll* •• to return to splendi •h««, nm | have it; liow ttrang*- n fx.rn in North Carolina. WhiU »-! *•*!, and di-td tli»T might hand*, It i« not well, ||n of worn to a chasm. »|w-t-*«i ynii my (Im water,are deep hrr r"»« ni li t l loft her—hut it W4H the »nr that tint colon* remained, the An« cove. to for direr* attention* and lin* thought eold for fi*e thou*in I dollar*. lamented all who knew him. A give * a which one human afwu- again where w iter to de- l>jr law gii'-a hring Ju*t t» 11» the hegins wn* not II" tried to comfort wa« f*r into the • he had then The owner took the child to and Jri'«r<'£gin eiplotvd up (Jod h»« hi* de« ihout the ground* ; oTer which men wholljgiiiN. Kngland s»vn is a tiant-k««epiii pn»|>ered provement* lute another, I almost iarg* power »» »* h"r it alItr a* we are t >ld that ma- perp*ndicularlv. hi* wa* her well he knew how—tailing •-thibtletl it I» hundred* of thousand* In th« f> untrt. fpn'i ».tii I en la wm to the third and I rirth g-n« taken departure (a* euppoaed by with i« well hudora r k in theol iIm> river. called "Ft 'IPs brute*, enough? you •• were both to the l.u wit* a hard cum he knew,hut that ah« oil world Thn r*ent owner i'« rt dttroreriea made, rrati in*. Hi-v r- 'id«» hi Kmui >rd an I the to b« married, and hrmg bride in [ bought R.x-k." Of tlit* tradition 1.m many) may live to m thing* a different light." rock, pre. •hould iwi«r know it »lat«)'* hard went to nnd B ttne and up »n the rrighhoring mera." and al«o in in Franc- to hi* new liotne. Th* da? on which our •' duty. mother, England, instituted I*. — town* Jar, ha'" I th- •t.ifT adjacent, "Ah, ha, laughed Kjdora, MTteU following II- would and cheri*h and in the name tho Tl.* fir»t •ettl.Tn up<>n the Andnwo^in. •• el»-'*here. tale ronitneiir«a wa* that f.>r hi* alwav*Jove her, i»il proceeding* of mother, I in luntT, and pr-ihaMjr np|>ointed wont *t ty with you any longer, while you S >n afl.-r the first settlement of the liiwn, he a* iruo to her a* aha wee* a fr-e for the of the »-rrl: nti I'urvhu* and >rge e return to hi* and order* hail though child. Way. For the facia intiiiii«l In the ahive plantation, hate such an abolition fit on," anJ away cu*tody a m in name of rr»•«.-. 1 tf»«» riv. an hrf» m CurchM" »'iil«l I>t the Rolf, mt *hoiild he in a born w.iman I hi* lawful wife. The ha«e Thn r-aetiiblanoa which the ehtld bore to »t nil^l l'V'4. •ki'irli ol Kuniford, I wa« l i lehud, been that everything the ran. manj * now er »N»«e the fall*, in a (lit U»at. with It »r and Ih—for hi* nun* wa* Danoi*"— the mother w*« • > th.it the r ar the foot of Fell*, |tmn»- just a citi« •tut* of >n 11 r vrive and atrong |Vjr|t*»| j to IVter t'. Virgin K«|., perfect preparati Sooner than ahe »ln «4« nont preeiding lu« for the >*• of having him ftipwt*I, liia trria that ha it to « rk. Ili« title t<> the land » h a grant or horse, purp entertain him*e|f and «rho«fer he might had Iriatid II judge directed tie giten up to tho ID)- fit of that town. S. f ir I > g home. A t til and tery hanJaome pnoilaed •h -1. lie tarried until at a mail in wa* fr >m the the o«in<*il night shop with hiiu Here lea*' we Aim until ahould have Kudora another year th»r, which done. Tho 1-«tf owner then patent King, through hring an 1 aoutherm*r w.»» • di*tingui*hvl linking in the n > 1, and pirt.» >k i»iW off'red to in court tf to hitn* If and *ighhorh >w ho foreta hiiu* If »n our n itie<- " Sxm the to uf It* r fifty tlmuwnd Plym >uth, «ie.1! i*iiij *g •(••p>»«it what fri**lv of what then, as well a* now, dollar* to tlie credit of fie mother if *he Mr l'ufi h««e remained at >1 until wh.i li t* had a niaater to give hor leave to int tho rot- IV*p« mii iM tr« Kim, bjr om (turrta it. (•lcnw<»>d thefrienl nl ytur lather, Mr. go t • iu»n in their own ha* a tend rewd'T an to would commit the child to bun in 1 !• ,wh.-n * m driven the Indi- ney > to a« the heat ton li Id I not form her b-coui* hi* i{iin, away I'jr g 1 deal of <•££ packing lo, Si. John, and if y >u Mim St. John, *i« and hr.ita. In the l>ar rot " it to remain with it ber»-|f; for, the Uwi •»' •i *. >n and iim imU r ini>tr« ready In iUrt ft home wiih you proposal «vtn In* Irictids he started two i* the mar- the .intMni^ of pcr«on*, •e*tnin)(ly gentlemen—that ao«>rit. K •!to tiud ili ti the inform** Ki»i;land «he and her child were freo fJH •a!m»n and »turg»"on, fur foreign them one inch ileenin the bottom of the u« %>on n* ran !►<» for >•« |>ut you ready theyiurney. " ufier with hi* to rovr (he were flad a* «uch, and viewing them off r wa* The houae in which he fir»t li*«*l w.m dark horse, they Hun he ha l had n it cruahrd hi* vn% the decimal. Wli»| *houM I ket. larrel ; then it pretty firm »heet of piper ; Hudor-a miiI ilia nfuuIJ l« to »urt given out ol reach of (lie *0111111 of their v oictw, ready eo waa de«d of ritvr. at one# into an a* ha had for a do with anl a'te; "I Ninml. and in it I> that alterwi.rd« it he- Then it >roing p motni-nt lii* and «i*h to return with my child to N >rth Car- fai nt of >.i« land, tlirn 'V»*i "> I up. Idlowed by oil* an I I could n it for'^ar r*,»ti«*»n^* the gl.rnon l-ar-d, apirita returned, in a field ; hut and The* were liandtoum in f irm r whether he gnuing neighboring that lie w iuld teach h.-r to love olina," which eliedid the of So*- ram a matter of ciHilWrf jmetljr .*« hut M»'h liter of polite. admiration tin 1 that avowing hy way before, w,irking lw of aurprit* thrntrintfi-r the tK*at an I Kolf linn*-If, were no where to and feature, and *etimed to greatly York. fur ha 1 U afti-rward* huilt "a finite il »rhad" her to to in »• ium," which n| »**t t!»« html, a« well »« ruhhinn hi* «>»••• from her while ahe w i* iu the freedom, hope »m-a|M» note* it aw.iy .t*artnMed, and omjuring • manner the withed to lite, and he would vl Voce the Indiana. In 1 IsI, plr up.n in «••»« rich of t'i •poke. liiin ; hi* wi*h-« were now to lie Imr law. »g-»in»t July. ttx-'H rfl liters—you One 11f«" gr could 1 «*|«ita to Kichard Wharton, inchn with a I or in now, Mimi St. hut I shall >1 Kudora Si John. little pitch eight »|nar\ ip *Uple 11 leuveyou John, who "tell 110 tal'W." Jil*t, i»fi>il with what have hceide, and >1 raiae lier own en H'har- luted c!a*a you hour <1 chickcne. There, »»y* her r r »nt of IV-t o. Suharto tly th<* r «nlr», for «-aeh of oat* tie on the morning, a^'», d^mimlKT^Ifan idolized iugh« on pftp«in» layer on *o to do lie rea» »|tot early Thursday k iitltr, aa a>i wen* returning, musing hold her. Cow", now, ui**ter, die lire* with her hu«l»an 1 and five t the r lw of the Indian claim i*n will y • a* ha* ter. a fn*e-hurn of two pr«ured firmly d rher# >ra>,thmg and m.iy I not that your f.tther wralthj of human life, the log •onahle—I'll give lor her, ca«h hope other children which he had « U*aruml>a and «»th- the uncertainty yuu liunOr i| tin* friend and lorn of purchaaed. t !'■ |««Mt land, of Sifting anl jg the t>arrel ha* honored uiu with hi* friendship, you iUim, ladjr w.w by droppi were cleared and R »lf discerned down." now lo Two other* *old while ton n«> tr which defined it a» up. perched on th* but not a* not me a nolilo K«»ntt**iii>*n. and awakening young Ntgamor**, extending end, l»jr shaking, " will re." surround<"d Njutre i'an'l d > d<<«r follow w >ul<| lx> d'-ny you " n l!>e lumunt of the rock, it, my it *he i* an a (fro trader ; and that the tii« ri»er to the up When it too •' the r-alii* lli elate, notwitli«t* «J<»- thoao who de- court* with their writs and hut friend*hip easily hy five bun Ired dollar* to know who the > .if and sheriff*. rr.»lly you cilr*a villian. i« »• t what fall* w»-re mn*nt, whether it wrre u* the head, and jj-t on it, iucmuin' " larg" nt lc.ul I'twuhlv »r»« it." warrant* lie bad he alone nlrtl htr—for tlita yoar re-< nt owner ol thcae two, nj trace cad (»j t or (pent nignt a Kn l u« vju lie- The iM*St CSIen wood l»mi».< took I liruMwiek, l^wi»t.in. '.irermore, with wm in the dajr, your weight spring. I her to n«it, hut There no hidden mining in hi* »ol« monarch of a liefore ID- may mII y>u 'p.in my Iound of their whereabout*. wm with reference t > ^ >ry," r mi l on the Kudora to lna tOlation, hut the kuutr l,umt rd Falla. It with uaU, getting -n the hi mc| pi >n gin. | ip- Uke lor her thi*; word* of my fri I, but mounted »r» I doin nn, ret! no <1 »uht, up •oul, 1 wouldn't $I0,IKMI I n«»vr n m >r« child of lU t « that the >n ol |Vr». vting, it in. The » vr> t lie* all which lie li.i I 'l ami inteml'l "prig illy |n, d>-p^iti ••ipl beud and driving a torrent to the of iio|» retirement, no, n<>t to MVotlie ».iul of my father." in (ilenwood, w .n the of solitude and Uiuploa t'i» uiil'-ruinmetit In* that age tli.tn tlii* 1 -rlnl twin child, which w w taken, which wa» iu a for- plr.isurea in t «• oaU. Oit* are Iwtter worth hate >lav I g«*en picking " and low nv«-r her hand he murmur- grwvrd and carnled the music of one ol Well, w. ll, llinnivo then I mutt give (lowing in fa. t it two children in hut the che« r»«d by a* t.i a num'nr of fhen U, w»« din* everything fc« r artrtfc to market than , and just ed and faint wurd* »n I »!«♦- ^ lar^i the roar of the •ending it • ut ner«r faaliionol a rarer aomo iodiftiaet A little M-iw the ahoulder ob- nature'* organ*, everlasting a up; Jupiter with tear*. fmdy. N»f ,rnii«ti -n of hU grant fr>iB J»rn<"» without l a egg. You " a* *ho (tojd Ami wna it tliut alt.T h«r »•». if ining single tin* market' I'd like t »- What did lie ftaid I, that, long cute hi* throne, and retire to private life, up (or mI« in My," two head* and n*vk«. l* h>*art* and eeta of II *ut I <• before it* tfi-vuti *n in L ti Remember that." kihm, KodoraSl. John mud ent»»r (he li mm pack tight. in mv to alter her in a kind of initinv" hi* would hut a**i*t and aid in thuI fun I had it |». of neigh>->r« Sew Yorker. provide! lung*, l»ga—in Mav. K'J*'1. In *»."*•*. AnJnx (Ilursl " That it more than I can tell," the. of her childlio,*! ? [)tnoia* wu Mtiafied thrill nil." i« at a* the w. rk. Alter having d«ti*ed MVeril outbid chil l much two one. The two M.« and NtablNlinl * " unfit for hut • ili» I'uilla It-rt. S*rti« " I know what it •ounded like, that *ho « u ! Ii*' II how m >u tli Mid. though anything ■rlirturt to rewoe linn, ithoiit •iicn »*. Ah, ha »rri«, your head* cntrer*' with «-ach other, a* d<> the • n <>f -('I n^uUr an|»- " it once to fr« )!«■., it unil< " act out To itsoun I like, Rud ira ?" her chamber—her own, old lvypi« which li- jtuar •rpanttely, per- B it. f Th " her the had 1 t.i it. Cul. »rt'- tlo'ui from the worm which mak*-« and an l»ir'» Don't allow I'roud, bright, Imutiful, Mm* hi* and Mr ln« frienda he drawn pnperty, my hoy. your- anna at lira tiin«. Thu d>uh|e crea- »i ! bodj, the rem* I lizard ainnu. •lumbered in tho when *he new not Caj>t Manning. toch Iwoo among th>'in, following • know tut a!! rnv »>rn hut of courae, year* the I and hillowt ■elf to <1 that; it'* wicked, you ture can run and dance, and appear* p«r> ilmg foaming w.ia it She Ir J' *». th* Kin,; Wlliani, or«e- through i* to u* one of the m«jaJ mid I A m 1 tune we that *he *Uva. heraelf up* during «ly hj a ian't »ha ?'* fin-nd parted. flung • word* uttered sugg-sted »hu i« dcliciou* article, My It waidnw^j, when I mw <• mh t land. The fir»t l>jr fectly happy I ln>li«n tt'»r. fliurrli, at th* ruiwn in ttua but the on both aide* on her and and ami M«j. •iKM-Mful cabbage country. had of it, promiae wept, groan**!, in with \ nn rwui* I ui*n i»fl»r In* brMtli, riui'TLR III. it, white, each he*J, fi .'.ml and the r