ONE DOLLAR AND FlhH cents in advance. TKKMS. TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR. "THE WORLD IS GOVERNED TOO MUCH.** NEW SERIES. VOL 10. NO. 21. TA1US, ME.. FRIDAY. JUNE 34, 1850, OLD SERIES, VOLUME 26. NO 31. •• m*n of the were «w w.ia a an (l^ali when »he w»» excited or lntere«t- I am here Ii^ium I love you. I From atrokea hoary whip, upon what i* now J .it and fanton. Tin* brother ol our hrr<» ot the fall*. The M I H C K !. LA N V I com- Mack hair ••<1 an that no one could f.»d l<» with It ia wy to ihat f«ir back, her long hung in grant-1 hy lh»- (iwrtl C'mrt of Mm., to dt»orii«Unt« of (In.* family urn n>w among in anything, «:ay ynu. place and clear wrre mand not now ; but watee »»K)ui her Cam and thouldcra, and her banners' the heir* of Sir William Phipp* and hia a*- the moat nwf^vtahli riturn* of (hi* town I'rum the St ntlar.1. to rruiark them. Deep tliey jour* my be»uty ynu Sjptpartmfnt. a ii**t un- one to of a and ae«j how fur ran and Urg« glittering eyre gar* her annate*, who, in 17iM. mule an und Paul llolf, hill hro'hrr to too, caming think inrolunUrily may try you go, expedition vicinity. EDDORA ST JOHN- •• ••intt tub riut." Wo uaed to call the then ha will (to content to allow look. Who bide," cn#d tha aue- into Canada in the dead o| winter again*) lliit I'ountc** of Ilntnfiird, graduated at "haunted well." per pa you earthly nr nr.i.rv naves. " mi* to m who bill* lor Kudora St. John ?'' wm« a < »•«. that often alione from Kuduru'a your company with little liooMT, DARIUS FORDES. Editor. the Indi tn«. an>| hence tlx* name The»«» II trvard, and l.twyer f Salmi. .M light eyca enjoy Jim, tou hrark nifger you, if w ia convenient, da there ia no Wo bought huehandand I—Ah- rwr*ona were authorit-d, in consideration 1In* br»t pettier of Kiiuil >rl wuJ«nalhan ••Jim, •hret lightning." acrcaining her—my don't come di* I'll comh our one to bear or to interim with and kilittonuU a« we wore, wo were determined «!«•' « In *tr « all of wliotn i«. you way quick Of ail the frolic* and all the of (Illy (ft* l»l fNljiiii«( lit, of tSi« rtiee hy their father*. Key*, frrnn Shrewalmrj M In 1775, •port* you >. 10 ono alare in of our •»! trtialMMlrU fiimn Tour wool for you when I J*t$ cotch you that wne and Ira •it our if apite prineiplea. wMiAxllaclkff, »t rf i|.«,|, it ih<< limn «f th« grant, to ae- h«> bronchi lit* liiimly to Newr (tloiicrater, »chool, girl general ring •(■ plnuaant evening together they buy • (till * l> wuhuie.— \u nil «. i.-ll wm had oarer hoard uiind, I you, now, you dirty nigg-r pic- dor and »he nc?er ioat the faror of her do hear." ThU, ih«n, why I lert fr m an? ungnnUal Ian I, in the Pnt. where hi* I'll hi* wife ami small childien, jot from achoolmate. Thu wu Ther« wm a charm about her Iln lim*n«l hi* hold and my beloved inre ol Maine. ea*t of Saco ritor, a tract anJ with a little a»n, •••ton year* of ng-\ ••ninny you." luteher*. npon her, Crwi lit* " nono of an- tittuflwl, Y», y«, ole Clo, liow you doe* *potter, which *;»• fell and old. watched her with a with a wicked amile, why my letter* had never beeo ai» n. ilr* ai^nar*. Tbri accordingly made commenced a journey thMU(;h the pathl'** hy young Rirer. reckon o»/rA me fore and liecame nit- u« aha tried to the window* and •wared. Andrtwcof^iQ their *urtcr, ami cataMi«h<d the boundary to find a for a residence you'll you pull* my, Ymn Ku'ora vainly open wilderne**, *pot up- p»«ed hy, '* hit to if* fir*t of the Androroggin wool won't you ? Y.», y». In*. he, he," iml tin of I had fin'ahed edu- the door*. Oh, F.uJora, yuu may ikingi The eiploration <>f their grant monument*. and the Gen- on the hank* of th* Andiwwfflin. ye«ra ng». my hy Th»*y in a it of uncertain In r.tti the little rogue, and, and win aoon to hid fare* F.ud >ra riw that it waa In vain, and ibffrrmt hgSi." rtft ant*]«ity. eral V "irt « »nf.rm«-1 the grant. Their gr.int, arrival at the where it now Itumlord away proroking ration, expecting place Kudora • We Wmtworth, an n itijjator, Tumbling h«U o*er head, otit tl»« iton* well to mttea of and •inking on tin* floor ua (ilcnwood cnina Poor, poor carried her to l, ,rj« English howerer. turned out t<» hp (I'teen mile* long Corner, one afternoon in Jure, jual lielore my many ynre. go our eastern and a* we of th* Kail of w.ill, otl to the cotton field homo to and a-ttle down into toward her. aha of him not t.i t»uch happy home, em.ioth- tn lh*» employ Siuthampton. in one direction, reaching from what i»now the tatting ut theMin. Her*,upon theyery •tampering my parent* heggad and »ml the to tee what mi*ctii«l lie could find to do if Im* did not wiah to ee«< her •-I her to tb« grave,ahe told ue all ,i nwnnO the St^adahoe, uj» llartlord to Chr«tertille. It wu* which lie afterward* •rl*ct<<d a* a *ite private lite. h<T, go raving pathway pmbahly •pot her ml Panoiae fulfilled hia m it •« aaitl, in hie fur the dia- there. One afternoon Kod irn came into mad before hia Then to her hiatory. T\trT, hargf derated no crime in th >«c data to t ike land for hi* home, theivllarol which a few year* (lying eyea. apringing 1 t<* wai mi nter whivh the cook. *tood • few moment* a in audden an «he de- llarrie. lie even better «l tittt Ira. Thf > w a a* Cleopatra, modi. "I ha»e letter from home," fact 1 courage promise Uik^ up wit'i ;it c nwnt of the ewner, an* more i« remaining, ha r*i*ed p<i e, III* my strength u* " than hia w.>rd. for in leae than a wea- t« a m«t r\iv|. ruefuIlT watching the Jim, he »h« an I father I mo«t coin* manded, llow dura treat m« thua? year, Ml than it i« tiow to take water. Tradition K'-iirt-r. read o«» of the IVilin* of David, »lip|>ery Mid my »»ya you **»/«rarj raced then and to w^nt* to *e« rai«creant that ried the Aid and ailent aullenraa ol Eu- lent an<l hetvficial nter, "tending ae«-ui to eon n com. 4w.iyt ighin,j muttering home to him tint month ; he Fal*e friend and by pr>-«erte« an anecdote which would and with hi* knelt, and prayer daaUrdly he over to ilia tender an J at that Vt he- herself »he returned to the kitchen. and he i« to a«*nd a to am Don't know that father dora, delirered her into the BHtf height indicate that no rigid morality g item- wmiJmI them»c!*c* to the c.ue and pratcc- mi', going gentleman you you my tery the euro it uncertain whother •' reoort me Oh how it willaeem will kill ?" merciee of hia Iriend, for of fJSOO. f»n «.• narrow.'* It ed th* early Hll»r« in their intercom** lion ot tin? (i<m| ot lli-aven. D*t nigg<'r'll get hi* hide took off. *ure home. g»>d you " beautiful 11 irria could not her mood I «•* the -»f Kennehn* •* wlien new in !•*.» mmn horn®. tii wo him once more, and g*'t hark among Nay nay, my tigreeaa, you enjoy strange Andn*o>ggin with the In-lima. Peivpole, the Indian of Tht> mn, who li I Ixvn d«»d fur »«*eral anything, are reckon fuat hull. Coma hack to the much better than Danoiae, and aa h« aleo bottnr, it waa the Krnn- l«v, "nt a We'* nil g «t t<» ■«* hard tirn-** now, I reck- »l*fe«. Ah, ha, ha, M iria, you Ico hy IViKiMt, whom 1 hate apoken. rlnimnl Canton I' jrtn, rrioitiHl vitil recollection my wo to failed in hia eflr.ru to he eoon there ar* tht«ae who ontru i that on. what made »» much allocked? You ktmw nev- en»y chair and I'll explain matlera you. change it, .J^h •n the ground of hia heing the la*t aurtitor of (hi*. jtiW'It ll»«» fir*i art nf christian Oh, l/^rd, |>»or nigg>*r* t<-ry •ent her to the for she were the An- > t < >k the and went er could on one Ioto to hate Ha drew her al ng b>r a aickneea field, where, year*, W tn««tb'i eiploraltont up of the || «• meko tri'w lie wa* b!w.»t* an. jMoliitn e»er wiine*^! within the liuiiU of for?" t'l walerpiil ngre« point—I dewthly toiled an 1 undor the laah of her*elf to till it. She then •••t her*'If bu• •Ian about me; aro a little abolition a fearful miagiving, her of all pow- groaned tongue tirwmggia.
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