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P1 Raport Danny Werenstei ... Mallv2.Pdf • P1 report, Master 3/4 RMIT, • Table of Contents • Introduction • Preface 1 Mixed projects The Hague • Table of contents 1 In the upcoming years many governmental buildings become va- • Summary 1 cant. This problem is the even more prominent in The Hague, which has • Introduction 1 a large cluster of governmental buildings. At the studio of Mixed Projects • Analysis on the Urban Level 2 The Hague, we look for solutions for these vacant buildings. • Analysis on the Building Level 7 • Analysis on the Material Level 11 In the first quarter of the studio, analyzing was the main assign- • Art 13 ment. This is divided in three part; first an overall analysis of The Hague. • First Sketch 14 Second the analysis of a specific building on architecture. At last a analysis • Conclusions 15 on the technical aspects of the building and its material. • References 15 My part of the first analysis, was to analyze the future aspects with- in the city of The Hague. With two other students we made a time-line to • Summary make clear which changes The Hague will follow in the future. There was also a personal research to be done. My research focused on the liveliness The research phase of the RMiT studio focused first on the pro- of places in The Hague. grammatic future of The Hague and the approach on vacancy. The most important points that are discovered are; The Hague has a growth in in- For the second part of the analyze, a decision had to be made for Fig 1. Picture of Koningskade 4 (RVOB, 2013) habitants and dwelling until 2020, this is complimentary on the approach a specific building. The decision fell on the Rijkswaterstaat building at the towards vacancy. This approach is to investigate the opportunities to trans- Koningskade 4 in the Hague, see figure 1. The decision for this building is Name: Danny Werensteijn form vacant office building in particular into housing. based on getting experience in redesigning (vacant) office buildings. So less Student number: 1525905 The personal research focused on the elements that determine the for tailor made government buildings. Also after analyzing liveliness, it was E-mail: [email protected] qualitative liveliness in The Hague. By determining which elements encour- clear this building was lacking it, so the research and redesign could focus Date: 5/01/2014 age liveliness, a spiderweb diagram is developed. This diagram then can on that aspect. A third trigger is the prominent location and its great con- Tutors: Lidy Meijers, Wouter Willers & Frank Koopman be used to look at the direct surroundings of a building, so in an instance trast to surrounding neighborhoods. Keywords: Koningskade, The Hague, curtain wall, liveliness, Gouwetor, it is clear of the place needs improving for liveliness and what is missing Rijkswaterstaat, RMiT then. My personal analysis of the building also focused on these aspects. After the urban general analysis, the focus shifted towards the What is the liveliness around the building? What is the (physical and visual) building of Rijkswaterstaat at the Koningskade. The main urban aspects of connection of the building with the surrounding neighborhoods? this building are as following. The plot, the buildings stands on, is isolated from the neighborhood. This is due the plot is developed as a Zoo and the The personal triggers for choosing this building had also its influ- dwelling around it, turned their back towards the Zoo. Despite the isolated ence on the technical analysis. This research focused on the structure of location, the Zoo was a central place in the city and it can be a central place the building, so the possibilities for change can be made clear. Also the once again. contrast with the neighborhood is research again, the neighborhoods is The building itself is a very rational. The main construction a con- mostly build out of brick facades. Why has this building a completely glass crete table construction, is repeated extensively. This can also be seen in facade? The liveliness of the interior is also analyzed. the facade, which is based on the possibility to place interior wall every 1,8 meter. The main influence of the facade are the American examples, the Because of the strong relation of the architectural and the technical wishes of the governmental building service for a more visible, transpar- aspects, the analyses of these are presented together in this report. It is ent, not tailor made for the government and neutrality. The facade resem- very hard to separate the two things due the fact the building is very tech- bles clearly these influences and with its good detailing and rareness as nical. Building facts double glass facade have to be preserved. Address: Koningskade 4, 2596 AA,The Hague Another aspect to preserve in this building are the exceptions in This report will start at the urban analysis of The Hague and then Floor area (Bvo): 35.341 m2 the building. For example the central meeting place on the top of the build- zooms in on the building and its elements. Plot area: 10.990 m2 ing. Also the concrete fountain sculpture on the front of the building is an Year of expected sale: 2016 important factor to preserve. Year build: 1969 The things that has to be improved and to be researched, are the Original Architects: Gouwetor, Mulder & Tielman bad connections on the ground floor, the image as a landmark and the Year of renovation completion:2003 possible change of function. Renovation architect:Rob Hootsmans •1 • Analysis on the Urban Level : Group work 2004 2007 2010 2013 2016 2019 2022 2025 Queen Beatrix King Willem Alexander Population forecast The Urban analysis began with a walk through the city and sketch- Nota Mobiliteit (2011): Gemiddelde leeftijd per stadsdeel en Den Haag prognose 2006-2022 2006 2022 - upgraden tram to randstadrail 50 2010 2022 Diīerence 45 - improve pedestrian zones and connect them 1. Loosduinen 47272 49692 2420 40 - improve biking routes 2. Escamp 113137 113898 761 35 3. Segbroek 57465 57164 -301 ing what is The Hague? With these sketches some research theme came 30 - complete the ringway 4. Scheveningen 52777 52651 -126 25 - introduce Rotterdamsebaan 5. Centrum 95415 96338 923 20 6. Laak 38975 50150 11175 15 - decrease trac Utrechtsebaan 7. Haagse hout 41451 41460 9 10 4 5 - decrease trac in neighborhoods Leidschenveen-Ypenburg, Escamp en Loosduinen. De overige Stadsdelen blijven redelijk constant in 0 p g en en m rg a de tijd. in m oek u u u ca r b s b ing ntr 6 Laak n E g e se Hout n Ha osd ven C e o 2 Se 5 D L 3 he n-Ype c Haag e 1 S 7 ve 4 n e h sc id Bevolking per stadsdeel prognose 2006-2022 to the surface. For my personal these are; the (unexpected) influence of e L 8 7 2006 2022 120 De huishoudensontwikkeling op stedelijk niveau Naast personen zijn ook huishoudens relevant als onderwerp van beleid. In totaal telt Den Haag per 100 structuurvisie 2005 (Gemeente Den Haag): 1 januari 2006 ongeveer 240.000 huishoudens. Met een huishouden wordt een eenheid van een of meer personen aangeduid die gezamenlijk een huishouding voeren2. 80 3 Het aantal huishoudens in Den Haag stijgt van ongeveer 240.000 huishoudens in 2006 naar bijna 255.00 huishoudens in 2022. Een toename van 6%. Bijna 47% van de Haagse huishoudens in 2006 5 - international city 60 is een eenpersoonshuishouden. Ongeveer 24% van de huishoudens zijn samenwoners zonder Berlage on The Hague, the high contrast in the city, the presence of politics politics kinderen en 20% van de huishoudens zijn samenwoners met kinderen. Ruim 8% van de huishoudens 40 is een eenoudergezin met kinderen. 1000 * Aantalpersonen - multicultural city Convenant aanpak leegstand kantoren: In absolute aantallen is er tussen 2006 en 2022 in Den Haag een groei van 14.434 huishoudens. De 27 eenpersoonshuishoudensjuni 2012, nemen agreements toe met 3856 huishoudens, de samenwonende between huishoudens zonderinvestors, owners, developers, 20 - city at sea 2 6 0 municipalities,Zie voor het verschil tussen het begrip huishoudens user en het begripand gezinssamenstelling government zoals geregistreerd in de about the vacancy of oces n k n k t g e e e m a u r gemeentelijke Basis administratie de toelichting in hoofdstuk 4 en in hoofdstuk 6 in mp o g ru o u ca n t H b du br i n 6 La e n s eg s o en Ce g pe 2 Es S ev 5 -Y Lo 3 h aa n e 1 H e Sc 7 v Key points: 4 n e - monumental residence h Bevolkingsprognose Den Haag 2006-2022 DSO/Beleid/Onderzoek pagina nr. 11 1 c ds ei 2 L - Reducing vacancy 8 on the image of the city, the large amount of green in the city and the live- - Broad-based transfer of knowledge about vacant oces - Obtaining knowledge about transformation projects De demografische kenmerken geboorte, sterfte en migratie. - Releasing money for demolition and transformation (future) Het aantal geboorten fluctueert tussen de 6250 en de 6540. De sterfte in Den Haag blijft redelijk - Restriction for new projects stabiel in de tijd, gemiddeld 4400 personen per jaar. Per saldo bedraagt de natuurlijke aanwas dan gemiddeld 2000 personen per jaar. - Making the current stock sustainable De binnenlandse migratie naar en uit Den Haag is en blijft aanzienlijk. Per saldo is het binnenlandse - Central government has an example function migratiesaldo tot 2010 positief. Daarna echter oplopend negatief. De buitenlandse migratie naar en uit Den Haag wordt sterk bepaald door landelijk beleid en is altijd een zeer moeilijk in te schatten liness around buildings in city.
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