The HOSIERY » LINING Store IRELAND 43 Federal Street
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:+*•*"* Ite. 4J> ÿ *< '¿y'-*- " '•> * ' - * * V r - **• . - 4* ■ 0 • •*. - ‘ 1 & * 1 1 [7* 4;. Four Lines ior-25 Cents A WAfcM FEBRUARY. SOUTH HAMPTON-. 1 JL. M.&Ä.TME TABLE Tho schools at the cast, and upper Mi t ***“*' HISTORY. U'bo Nows ■will publish w an^'L qsV 'ancl a * In Xfftct lt(aT*mbir aa, iSggv Marked Oontrast to Oorrespond- lages have closed, the one at the cciiter Is Fcuiid, For Sale, To Lat, -etc.) -short ad Subject to ehfngewithout notice. still open, but will dosò with the present H Log Month East Year; week. The Barnard school has three or vertisements at the rata o£ four lines, (2? Cars Leave Morrlmac*for four weeks longfer to keep open. 1 1- Facts Cooccrning First Town voids;) for 85 cents, for„thq first lnserjtlqn, Haverhill- a t **6.15, 7.15, 8.25, 9.25, '.55i| , On account of the few pupils as còmi- 10.26, *10.55, Hj25,,r»lL65, 12.25, then -t eryl The difference In temperature during :ancl 5 cents for each subsequent insertion the flrBt' half of February, 1900, and the pared with tho town's valuation this town half hour until 0.25, then 10.25 p. m. falls to reap any advantage from ihe |2S;i- ship of thè bounty. Anything oyer 28 words wilt be charged as AmeBbUr/ a t *»fi.u5, **6.45, 7.85, 8.35, ,35, Corresponding day's of 1890 was noticeable, 10.35. *11.05, 11.35, 12.05, then every half our When you ask for that of this year) ranging about 15.6 de 000 fund given by the State fox* the Support -i tight lines.: Thqusanda of people read this until 7.35, then] 8.38, 9.35 p. m. grees higher thirn last; the range being of schools in oountiy towns by thè det of column every day. () Salisbury atl**f.45, 7.35, 8.35. 9 35. lb.«, from- 3 below to-3t above In 1899 and from, the last legislature, *11.05, 11.35, 12.05, 12.35. then every half hour a : Porous Plister g to 59 above Iri 1900. •5V P.. P. Whltehpuse, who has been stop Salisbury Oorre«pqndenL Oorreöts until 7.35, then 8.35, 9.35 p. m. __There have been but six days this ping in PhlladelphlaXfor some time. In i Newburyport; at)**6;46, 7.35, S.35,. 9«, forms us thdt he will soon go to southern Sòme Bfiòént Statements. Y WASTED. month, thus far, When at some time dur •11.05, 11.35, 12L05J 12.35, then every iiisist 1 911 j having ing the- day It ,was not above Pines, where ho lias sojourned tne pas|t hour until 7.35, then 8.35 p. m. two years dhringjtho -winter seaspn. $IRT/—Wanted—A competent girt for Cara LeataAraesbury for the freezing point while last February, general1 bluse work. Appljr at 132 High to the 14m, thbre were but two days when From tiie Town Report 1 Pat That Town Had in the Early Haverhill at f*G 45, 8.- 9. 10.11, 12, *12.’i the mercury was above that point. utrjeet, city. 1.30, then every half hour until 9, thei ’ The following figures are taken front W A N TED -Priyato . pupUs . "to Ell p. m. i i > . Taking In connection with, the fact that the forthcoming town report now In thq Days of the settlement. branches bf study by -an cSperlcnded . Mcrrlmac a t ¡**0.45. 8, 9. 10. 11, 12, *: last year at tvhls time, the snow was deep hands of tha printer; teacher. For particulars address MISS 1.1.30, then every pair hour until 9, the: on the ground, some of It having fallen as Total valuation, $195,700. S.j N. JONES, 68 High street., .Reference, early as the November previous, and that Rato of taxation, $16 per thousand. To the Editor of the News.—I read Mr. ' N. | N. Jones, Esq.; ‘ ' ' T Sailsbury a t **i.l0, 8, 9. 10. 11. *11.30, up to within a few days no snow could Amounts expended during the year: Whit 12.30, l, 1.30, then every half hour un be found, emphasizes the contrast. State and county taxes .................i.$889.9)1 e’s paper recently published In the ! TJIVE I’OULTRY—Wanted; large or then 9,10, p. m, Town expenses ................................v 533.61 New t as given by him before the Wlilt- • AniallrtAuautltles. Cull or., drop postal ito Newburyport at «*7.10, 8, 9, 10, U, *lLS0, LARGE COLUMNS. Schools .................................................. 683.6 : tier Club of Haverhill, in which ho traces GEORGE y t„ CQLfflAN, ¿ITOppan ¡street. 12, 12.30, 1, 1.30, then every half nour until 8, Highways ........................................... 447.01 , VVANTEli—iLhdlejs and gentlemen to then 9 p. m. , j At Perkins' plahlng mill at the present Public library ................................... 25.01 the hegliinlxig8 of Essex county. Mr. White tnivelj and] take orders, also ~ demonstra- The .8 a. ,m. electric from Amesbury time there Is being turned out four large Cemeteries ......................................... 18.9! mak^a some errors so far as the towns on Sunday morning connects with the |8:33 columns for a house that Is to be built at , tors; p'o bpoks; gqod pay. Address train at Salisbury for Boston. Discounts and abatements of taxes tho north side of the Merrlmac are con Nqyarofflc^. Last car leaves'Amesbury for Haveijhlll Marblehead. The columns are about 18 allowed ................................................ 30.7. feet long, and 26 Inches In diameter and cerned. jWtANTEB—Wasillng—1 and Ironing to .doSITED a t 10 p . m. Dog license money ................................64.3' . ,rst car in thq morning leaves Ro iky CHARLES E. ATKINSON. in making them there has been used In fiept,, 1838,12 persons were Incorporat noi Appply a t 6 Bromfield street about 2000 feet of lumber. They are the Hill week days at 6.35 a. m. for Merrluae Total disbursements during year.$2868J! i ed to begin a plantation at! Merrlmac }¿GIRI>—Wanted," If anici competent girl for gen- and Haverhill. .. largest pieces of the kind ever turned out The town owes notes to Barnard Schoo. «uhi' VAiiitaiiiamIÌ A nA fit W lf/1« e r tà ’ndüsewrork. Apply at 61 Wâter In. this city. fuhd $2200. and tho following year some 68 persons THE BEST- THEY KNOW. ¿tteét.-,,. Cars Leave Newburyport for ; Haverhill a t **7il5, 8J5. 9.15. 10J5. 11.15, The available assets of tho town aru received house lots in the town at this T¿AssTjfor »cceptanie ideas; stare If na- *11.45,12.15,12.45, then every half hour until $1025.85. time called Colchester and again In 1610 |^ ] O U remember die old lady who rode for the first ttqted; THE; PATENT RECORD, Balti- 8.15, then 9.15 p. m.- ' FIRM BUY THE GENUINE The net Indebtedness $1174.15. had Its name changed to Salisbury. -tore^aidi Amesbury and Merrlmac at **7.15, $ 15, Decrease of debt' since Feb. 15, 1899 $750,37. Mr. White said “that men from this 9.15, 10.15, 11.15, *11.45, 12.15, 12.45, then ev iry town pushing further inland were es time on a railway train. There was a frightful half hqur until 8.15. then 9.15, 10.15 p. xp. The expenses of the town have beet f Sailsbury at *»6.I5, **7.15, **7.45, $.15, ¡.45 smaller than for quite a number of years tabllshed as a colony. The same wish collision, but when the rescuers reached her FOR SALE. a- m., then every half hour until 19.15 P. The bills for snow-paths the present yea • for a Separate township caused them to INSURANCE. .. XAifUTAOTtnUED BY. are less than one dollar, a marked con • petition to the general court for a boun , ¡'FOR SALE—Cqblnct organ In the bdst mSeabrook at **7.15, 8.15, 9.15. 10.15. 11 15, dary line,” conveying the meaning that she was quite calm. She said she supposed CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP. CO. trast of the two preceding years, when òt-fc$ndttion; will' sell at reasonable figure 12.15, 1.15, 2.15, 3.15, 4.15, 5.15. 5.45, 6ll5, Office, No. 4 Pleasant! Street. they were unusually heavy • JJaverhlll was' the daughter to the town AddressA d for' further particulars, 7.15, 8.15, 9.15, 9.45. _______ tìrSO TE TBLE HAKE. There seems to he as yet no promise o of Salisbury. I find no evidence that Ha they always stopped %hat way. T he story well illus tfalia ^office. Cars Leave Smithtown, Seabrook for any other than routine business for th i verhill had any help from Salisbury in consideration of tne voters at tho ap its settlements. May 13, 1Ô40, Mr. Ward trates why so many women are satisfied to live without FOR SALE—Year old B. P. Rack heps Newburyport a t **6.15, **6.45, **7.15, **7 45, •il" pcoaching town meeting, the warran and others petitioned for permission to and pulloti. N. G. SMITH, SmltUtoWn **8.15, 8.45, 9.45, 10.45, 11.45, 1145, .45, N. IL, opposite J. B. Smith’s store. for which, will be posted this week prob begin a new plantation on the Merrlmac, Ivory Soap. They have never tried it! Naturally 2.45, 3.45. 4.45, 5.45, 6.15, 0.45, 7.45, f45 %wwvw*%%ww%v ably. FOR SALE—Salted cucumbers for pick 9.45, ****10.E. and Oct. 7 a committee was appointed to view the bounds between Colchester (Sal enough, they think that annoying odors, sharp chemi ling, 60 cents per hundred; also pure cider THE ALARM SOUNDED •vinegar.