A Record of Official Continuous News Service Undergraduate News Organ For 46 Years of M. I. T.

Vol. XLVII No. 2 CAMBRIDGE, MASS., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1927 Price Five Cents I I DR. THOMPSON IS Modern Progress GIVEN FARADAY TECHNOLOGY TRACK Led by Engineer MEDAL FOR 1927 I TEAM I Medal Given for Achievements WILL ENTER ENGINEERING IS THE TECH To Open In Electrical Engineering SUBJECT OF NEXT New Competition In Past Year NEW ENGLAND MEET With the advent of the sec- I RECEIVED MANY HONORS M.I ond term THE TECH is start- ... SCIENCE LECTURE I ing a new competition in all de- partments. Any man interested Was President of Technology ADVISORY COUNCIL in the News, Sports, or Editorial Freshman Wrestlers Departments should come to Six Years Ago-Now a I And Boxers Hard Hit; CLEARS PATH FOR Prof. Spofford, Authority In Room 3, Walker Memorial, be- Corporation Member Civil Engineering, To tween 4 and 5:30 o'clock this Required to Take P.T. week. Men interested in the PROVIDING FUNDS Address Public Business Department should Professor Elihu Thompson, acting I All freshmen desiring to evade come to Room 302 at the same president of M. I. T. in 1920 and 1921, physical stringencies of "monkey time. drill" will hereafter be required Winter I. C. A. A. A. A. Meet recently received a cable from London EXPERIMENTS A FEATURE 11 to search elsewhere than in the Cancelled to Aid Team .. to , , , announcing that he had been awarded realms of wrestling and boxing. the Faraday medal for 1927 by the This comes as an order from Compete at Bowdoin Of especial interest to the layman Council of the Institution of Electrical Henry P. McCarthy, head of is the welcome announcement from the WHITING CONCERT freshman P. T. and is caused Engineers. BURKE CASE DROPPED Society of Arts that Charles M. Spof- primarily by the fact that the At present he is the head of the re- ford '93, Hayward professor of Civil SERIES CONTINUED managers in these two sports did search laboratory of the General Elec- not pay strict attention to the Technology's track and field forces Engineering and head of the depart- will be in full attendance at the New tric Company at Lynn. His conspicu- attendance records of their de- ment of Civil and Sanitary Engineer- partments. England Intercollegiate Athletic As- ous service in the advancement of El- ing, will be the speaker at the third Second Presentation Cons fists Further information from the sociation track meet which will be ectrical Science, as well as his many held at Bowdoin College May 20, 21 Popular Science lecture on "Engineer- Of Selections From Old same office conveys the news I notable scientific and industrial that freshmen who are substi- Financial Dfficulties which had be- ing-The Foundation of Modern Civ- clouded the proposition up to the pres- European Masters achievements in electrical engineering tuting some one of the other ilization" to be held next Friday, Sat- sports ent time were cleared away at a meet- in that position for physical training and urday are thought to be re- who through ing of the Advisory Council last night. and Sunday in room 10-250. Sufficiently recovered from his re- sponsible for the award. "sleeping in" or Professor Spofford has other sundry reasons have cuts Inasmuch as this is the first time in been connect- cent illness to continue his series of In Paris, many years that the New England ed with Technology since 1909 in Dr. Thompson received in that sport will be required to musical the Grand Prix in 1899 meet has been held away from Tech- which time his rapid rise to fame has concerts, Mr. Arthur H. Whit- and again in take one full gym period for ing, famed musician, will pre- 1900 for electrical invention and was each and every cut against nology, the problem of acquiring the brought much glory to it. From the decorated necessary day of his graduation sent his by the French government them. po00 to finance the trip was in 1893 his ardu- second recital on Chamber as an a new one. It has been solved ous and industrious pursuance officer of the Legion of Honor. by can- of his music in room 10-250 Tuesday, Feb- In 1904, he received chosen career has been of the grand prize I celling Technology's participation in such a char- ruary 15 at 8:15 o'clock. at St. acter that today he ranks as one of All students, Louis. He was given the Rum- the I. C. A. A. A. A. winter meet in the greatest faculty members and their friends are ford medal in 1902 and in 1910 was the i New York which would have cost $270, authorities in Civil En- first COURSE XVI MAKES gineering. Honors have been award- especially invited to attend. recipient of the Edison medal. together with an appropriation of $200 In addition to these he has been by the Actvwsory Council if the under- ed to him regularly in acknowledge- Due to a severe attack of the grippe, ment and -awarded the Elliott Cresson medal, graduate Athletic Association will sup- commendation of his achiev- M{r. Whiting was VISIT TO NEW YORK merts. At present he holds the hon- forced to cancel his the Johu ... ity-medal. the Hughes ply the remaining $150 necessary to orable position of Chairman of the second concert that was scheduled for Medal of the Royal Society of London, make the trip. That this will be se- and in 1924 the Kelvin Faculty at the Institute. January 18. After an enforced two medal of Eng- I cured is fairly certain according to land. Finally, in 1925, he received Every Airplane Factory Near John H. Field '27, president of the weeks in bed he was able to Has Received Foreign Awards overcome the Franklin medal. Athletic Association. his illness City Section Included in His rewards have not only come sufficiently to appear before Dr. Thompson is still connected with Will Participate in Penn Relays from Technology but from all over collegiate audiences. Technology in that he is a life mem- Vacation Itinerary the An alternative which might be world. He occupies a distinguish- In this, the originally scheduled ber of the Corporation. His extraor- ed place taken in securing finances for the trip in being one of the very few third recital, he will continue his pres- dinary interest in science is shown by Americans to be members of the Most of the airplane factories around was dropping participation in the Brit- entation of music composed by eight- the fact that in his home at Swamp- ish Institution of were visited during Penn Relays but it was felt by the ma- Civil Engineers. eenth and nineteenth century scott, he has an observatory which he This is one of the highest honors authors. the recent vacation period by a group jority of those present at the Council for Among a very attractive list constructed largely himself and an an American. As fellow of the Amer- of selec- of men and professors of Course XVI. MIeeting that it was more deemable to tions, the Boston musician accompan- organ which is remarkable in that it ican Academy of Advancement of Fourteen men under the leadership of have Technology representatives in ied by noted artists will render can reproduce the tone of the human Science, of the American Men- Professor William G. Brown '16 and that meet than in the I. C. A. A. A. A. Academy of uetto and Andante-Marcia oice. Arts and Sciences, and director of by Beethov- Mac Short of the Department of Aero- winter meet since the latter was an en, Kol Nidrei by Bruch, I the American Society of Civil Engin- and Molto nautical Engineering spent from Jan- indoor meet and because of the fact vivace by Schumann. Mr. Whiting eers, Professor Spofford stands today uary 31 to February 4 inspecting the that Technology already was partici- will be assisted on CLUBS WILL PLAY AT the leading if not the biggest figure in the violin by Mr. methods of construction of factories pating in the regular I. C. A. A. A. A. his profession. His contributions to Bernard Ocko, on the Viola by Mr. WHEATON SATURDAY in Long Island, New Jersey, and Penn- outdoor meet. Louis Kaufman, the world knowledge in engineering on the Violoncello by sylvania. Although Technology through its form a considerable collection and add Mrs. Marie Roemaet. Especially noted during the tripI convenient location near the center of a popular tone to his fame. Banjo Club in First Concert were the increasing use of riveted New England colleges and because of In chosing to speak on Engineering Under New Leader duraluminurn, welded steel tube con- its excellent facilities has been felt as as the Foundation of Modern Civili- MEETING TO BE HELD struction and air-cooled motors. Dur- the logical place for the New England zation, he has elected to speak on a ing the trip to Fokker's the party met meet for the past years. it was decided subject of especial significance to him BY CADET OFFICERS Wheaton College at Norton, Massa- the Corporation XV expedition. this year that the meet should be and of great interest to the general chusetts, will hear the Combined Mu- Plants visited by the group included moved to another place in fairness to Major public. His sub-topics include such Brooks of Michigan will be sical Clubs Saturday night at a con- the Loening, Sikorsky, Edo, Curtiss,I the other New England colleges. the principal speaker at a general X¥ought, and Brewster factories in i attractive titles as I-How Modern Civ- cert to be given in the Assembly Hall, Brown was unable to take the meet ilization is Dependent upon Engineer- meeting of cadet officers in the Long Island: the Wright works in Pat- because of its present lack of facilities ing, Mathematics and the Engineer. Faculty Dining Room at 8 o'clock 7:30 o'clock, with dancing to the mu- epson, N. J.; the Fokker organization with the result that the bid of Bow- Bridges and other Structures, Trans- tonight. President Stratton and Ma- sic of the Techtonians following. in Hasbrouck Heights, N. J.; Hadley doin was accepted. It is planned, how- .ior Cleveland H. Bandholtz of the Mil- portation and the Engineer. The lec- Field, the Eastern Terminal of theI ever, to have the meet itary Science department Albert E. Beitzell '28, will lead the at Brown next ture will be illustrated by lantern will be Air Mail, in New Brunswick, N. J.; year. amongg the honoraries tha.t will attend Banjo Club in the Wheaton Concert, slides, motion pictures and experi- the Philadelphia Naval Aircraft fac- No council action was taken on the and probably speak about military sci- this being its first appearance since tory; and the Huff-Daland works in mental demonstrations. Among his ence conlitions at case of John F. Burke '27 who parti- experiments the Institute. All the change in leadership caused by Brewster, Pa. he will feature Polarized Cadlet officers are invited to attend cipated in the wrestling meet between Light and its Application to Engin- and are required to wear a uniform. the resignation of Harold M. Baker I the second teams of Tufts and Tech- eering. '29. The program will also include I FRESHMAN LEADERS nology on January 15 after he had Tickets for this Popular Science lec- the regular numbers by the Glee Club WILL MEET TODAY been declared ineligible for all Insti- ture may be secured at the Institute HENRI TO TELL HOW which is now giving four perform- tute athletics. The participation of Publications office. As usual the ad ances daily at the Metropolitan, Burke in the Tufts meet was due to the Section leaders of the freshman dresses on Friday ard Saturday will MOLECULES ARE MADE Instrumental Club, and two specialty a misunderstanding on the part of class will meet in room 10-250 at 5 I be exclusively for high school students 'acts by the Glee Quartette those in charge of the meet and the and the o'clock today to report on the while the doors will be thrown open I Saxaphone Quintette. sale of decision of the council. Expert From Zurich Plans all tickets which are being sold for to the public for the Sunday lecture. Tickets for the Sargent concert of It was thought that if Burke wres- All are invited. Series of Lectures the class smoker to be held in North tlecl against men the Musical Clubs on Friday, February Hall on February 16. on the Tufts second .18, may be obtained now at the Club's team, some of whom were also ineli- I Owing to the fact that all the-first ibles, it would RECORD START MADE "The Structure of Molecules and office in Walker. This concert will be- year men have been changed around not be disobeying the edict their Chemical Activity" will be ex- gin at 8 o'clock with dancing follow- in their sections, last term's leaders of the council. Such was the BY 1927 TECHNIQUE ing. case, however, but outside of a warn- plained to all interested in a series of will at this meeting arrange for a new election of freshman representatives. ing against repetition no action was Dispose of Over 700 Signups 12 lectures to be delivered by Dr. Vic- These men, however, will not take taken. In The First Two Days tor Henri, Professor of Physical Chem- DR. MOSS TO ADDRESS Iover the class government until after (Continued on Page 4) istry at the UTniversity of Zurich, in AUTOMOTIVE SOCIETY the smoker. room 4-270 at 4:00 o'clock on Mondays, CALENDAR Starting off with twice the usual Wednesdays and Fridays, beginning number of signups on the first day of Dr. S. A. ..oss of the Lynn plant T. C. A. WILL HOLD next Monday. of the General Electric Company will Wednesday, February 9 their campaign the Technique should DISCUSSION GROUPS 5:00-MIeeting of the freshbman secticn break all of its previous selling rec- Professor Henri has for some years speak to the Society of Automotive leaders in Room 10-275. ords. Approximately 500 signups were been engaged in the study of the struc- Engineers on Superchargers at their A preliminary meeting for all men 7:00-Scabbard and Blade Smoker. secured Monday as compared with 250 Thursday, February 10 ture of molecules as shown by ab- meeting in room 3-370 this afternoon iinterested in participating in this 5:00-Institute Committee Meeting in the secured on the first day of the cam- year's sorption spectra. In his lectures he at 3 o'clock. I discussion groups will be held Faculty Dining Room. paign last year. Yesterday 200 more in room 10-250 at 3 o'clock tomorrow 6:00-T. C. A. meeting in the Grill Room. were sold bringing the total for the will deal with this and related sub- Witham, the chairman of the New II England afternoon. At this time topics for Friday, February 11 two clays up to 700. jects, from an experimental standpoint section of the Society will 4:00-Popular Science Lecture, Room give a brief welcome to the new discussion will be considered and It is stated by the management that Stu- IItime and place of meeting of the 10-250. rather than with a view to theory and dent Branch and officially extend an Saturday, February 12 only enough books will be printed to Igroups arranged. 2:30-Popular mathematical concept. Professor invitation to join the society in their Science Lecture, Room fill the signup orders, so that those not Henri, previous to his professorship at These discussion groups have 10-250. meetings. Ibeen held for quite a number Sunday, February 13 subscribing during the signup cam- Zurich, filled similar positions at the of years 4:00-Popular Science paign will be unable to secure a copy Dr. -Moss's address which will not Iunder the Discussion Groups Division Lecture, Room Sorbonne and the University of Mos- be the first one that he has delivered 10-250. of the 1927 Technique. This week the cow, and is considered one of the of the T. C. A. with student leaders in Monday, February 14 to the Society, will be accompanied by charge of different groups. The 5:00-M. I. T. A. A. meeting, Committee signups are selling for $1.00, and next world's foremost authorities on mole- work week they will be $2.00. lantern slides. Dr. Moss is one of the this year is in charge of George D. Room. cular structure. pioneers in the Tuesday, February 15 I field of superchargers. Buckner '28. 8:00-Whiting Concert, 10-250. I I T 4-V7- T R C H Wednesdsy, February 9, 1927 Page Two a AVE Av- %.#A a ------I -- - - 1. 14 - . 1, ; I- 777 I f Contribution to medical science as I I. -$1, - ., :,. " 'are -entirely ii .keep-13ii :With the high Record of OfficiAl'Ne, standard-of-the-'restlotthe show. We presented by Dr. Bernard Hollander of Continuous I :-o Organ of the think that the whole is. the best movie London, on _vhy. women.talk. offering in town. "The woman's brain is deficient in News Service Undergra(luates As - We Like, It the. temporal lobe, which -furnishes For 46 Years -. F of M. 1. T. , - I I Unostentatiously,, Dr. Norbert Wien- :ffghting po*idr and brute f6rce making L. er, professor of mathematics, has re- her not so strong bodily as a man. REPERTORY cently returned from abroad, where he This is equalizedby greater develop- MASSACHUSETTS INSTiTUTE OF -TECHNOLO.G-Y was exchange professor in Mathema- ments in the brain section which gov- The age-old story of two women for tics at Gottingen, Germany. He was erns feelings, emotions and affections. Hence she uses not force, but lan- MANAGING BOARD OFFICES OF THE TECH one man serves as the basis of the granted leave of absence from Tech- guage to give vent to her anger." E. Ruch '28 ...... General Manager -Walker Memorial, Cambridge, Mass. plot of this play. But by a peculiar nology last spring for a year. News and Editorial-Room 3, Walker, Viist it becomes different from the or- G. I. Chatfield '28 ...... Editor Telephone Univ. 7029 A. -S. Richmond 128.....Managing Editor dinary run of triangle plays. , There More than 400 University of Chicago Business-Room 302, WaIker, students unanimously approved a reso- J. A. Parks 128 ...... Business Manager Telephone Univ. 7415 is the natural and inevitable clash, Printer's Telephone-HAN cock 83a7 but after the smoke of battle has lution which was sent to President cleared things are at a different pass Coolidge and the Illinois senators rec- ASSOCIATE BOARD SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.50 PER YEAR W. W. Young 129 ...... News Editor than might be expected. ommending that in a case of a dispute Published every Monday, Wednesday and The dilemma in which the young arising between the - J. G. Sullivan '29 ...... Sports Editor Friday during the College year wife of an elderly-aged'diplomat, finds R. H. Blair '29 ...... Features Editor and Nicaragua, it be settled by arbi- Entered as Second Class Matter at the herself when she falls in love with tration, also that the United States A. C. Pforzheimer '29 ...... Treasurer Boston Post Office the dashing young officer is the main STONE & WEBSTER G. F. Palmer '29.....Circulation Manager troops be withdrawn from Nicaragua Member Eastern Intercollegiate interest. Torn between two fires, that immediately. J. F. Clary '29...... Advertising Manager Newspaper Association of loyalty to her husband , which INCORPORATED EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT BUSINESS DEPARTMENT means sacrifice to self; and that of loyalty to self which means the sacri- Play Directory I Editorial Board Treasury Department D. Y. Bradshaw '28 W. 1-1. Hossie '23 fice of her husband's career and his DESIGN steam power stations, hy- Assistant Treasurer STAGE A. P. Morell '28 F. L. McGuane '28 good name therewith. She has al- dro-electric developments, trans- E, L. Welcyng '27 H. T. Gerry '29 K. D. Beardsley '29 ready decided upon the latter course, COLONIAL: "Sunny."-Marilyn Miller H. Rouse '29 when. Presto! fate takes the matter and Jack Donahue giving a goodly en- mission lines, city and interurban Staff tertainment. r a i I w a y s , gas and chemical E. L. Krall '30 out of her hands in the form of a Tor- COPLEY: "The Ghost Train.11-A lasting NEWS AND SPORTS G. Smith '30 plants, industrial plants, ware- DEPARTMENTS nado, which changes things materi- thrill, 'twould seem. Circulation Department HOLLIS: "Money From Home."-Local houses and buildings. Night Editors ally and does away with complication. color, a la Pennsylvania Dutch. M. Brimberg '29 A. L. H. Darragh '98 Assistant Manager Praise is to be given Ruth Taylor, NEW PARK: "The Triple Cross."-Mys- CONSTRUCT either from their G. R. Taminosian 128 R. T. Wise '28 D. S. Parsons '29 for the realistic manner -in which she tery plus. own designs or from designs of ,News Writers carries out the part of the bored PLYMOUTH: "The Shelf."-Concerning Staff 'Main Street' and its foibles. other engineers or architects. W. W. Dulley'27 P. T. Glynn '30 II young wife. Mr. Jewett has the lead- L. C. Hamlin 129 D. T. Houston '30 D. W. Diefendorf '30 D. Geller '30 REPERTORY: "Tornado.11-A new angle M. Male '29 G. K. Lister '30 G.1,. H. Hathaway '28 ing role, that of the elderly husband contributed to the "Eternal triangle." OPERATE public utility and In- Assistant Sports Editor and the part is excellently taken. SHUBERT: "Castles In The Air."-Light dustrial CDMpanies. Advertising Department -and, of course-airy. C. J. Bernhardt '28 Altogether an interesting and pleas- ST. JAMES: "The Show-Off.11-Portrayal REPORT on going concerns, pro- Assistant Managers ing drama, we would Say, Produced in Sports Writers of the typical "American boob." posed extensions and new proj- P. Keough '29 L. Verveer Jr. '30 R. M. Swain '29 E. S. PPetze '28I a fine manner and acted excellently. WILBUR: "Queen High-"-Beauty and Reporters beauties and music. ects. R. Simard '28 D. Nil. Sturznjrlickle '28 0. C. Chapman '30 C. Connable '30 SCREEN FINANCE industrial and public W. J. Dmiziger '219 F. C. Fahnestock '30 Staff FENWAY: "The Kid Brother."-Harold L. E. Rudnick '30 G. T. Wadsworth '30 A. G. Hilbert '29 1 utility properties. L. H. Gonzalez '30 L. Seron '_99 X. Guerrieri '30 AS WE SEE THE Lloyd at his best. R. W. Reynolds '30 H. B. Preble '301 METROPOLITAN: "Sorrows of Satan." W. 1. Bartlett '28 M. H. Klegerman '28 MOVIES -Satan -turned Gentleman. The M. 1. T. I Glee Club in splendour-and splendid. NEW YORK BOSTON CHICAGO MAJESTIC: "What Price Glory.-Those In charge of this issue: Murry Brimberg '29 Marines! Human and hilarious. STATE STATE: "The General."-Buster Keaton I I and laughs. A NEW SPIRIT -IThe General-with. Buster Keaton. (Until Monday) - MUCH has been said in yeaxs past about Technology spirit and It is not often that we have the OP- portunity of unreservedly recommend- methods of doing something about it. Some of the undergrad- ing a movie. Consequently it is a uates and probably more of the Faculty are of the opinion that the pleasure to say that the show at the 4--d question of school consciousness is not one to concern us-that be- State this week is well worth seeing. 16"orace C. 0. cause of the nature of our curriculum we should be. different from Buster Keaton has taken a story of the Civil War days, in which he ap- other colleges. Many of the students feei on the other hand that pears as the engineer of that famous present conditions ought to be modified at least enough so that old locomotive, "The General." The 49 Frarldin Technology would be more attractive, to prospective students. way in which the story is developed ]BOSTON The greatest difficulty encountered in this connection is the prob- and the subsequent actions of Mr. lem of finding and putting into practice some satisfactory method Keaton leave absolutely nothing moreI to be desired. I whereby the desired result may be obtained without in any way On the stage there is an excellent weakening the Institute's position in the scientific world. It is a jazz band and a group of singers who I much mooted question and one about which it is doubtful that there ever will be a complete, solution. Could we win an argument with I Father Time and persuade him that we needed a 36 hour day, and i with the additional "if" that the Institute did not then change, its schedule to fill these extra 12 hours, the problem would solve itself. A*% 10 Our present difficulty is the balancing of the time left after emr- riculum. demands, against the time demanded which further develop- ee 5 ecial eatures at ment of the extra-curricular activities would take. The problem has attracted considerable comment from both the students and Faculty 9 '"m members because it is hoped that in it is the solution of the present e.L.Lor problem of decreasing enrollment. a e 'i *7ate an s u , The.most feasible plan is one which will take gradual develop- ment for its completion. It has taken the form of the crystallization . FOUND IN NO OTHER FOUNTAIN PEN of class spirit in the freshman class. The Class of 1930 has de- cided to give a series of smokers and entertainments beginning with an all-fresbman smoker on Wednesday, February 16. The purpose '11A AA of these meetings as stated by the committee is "to develop in the class of '30 such good fellowship and cooperation as will lay the foundation of a new spirit at TAL I. T." Certainly no class could set RUBBE its aims in a more commendable direction. We congratulate them HOLDE and ivish them every success, for their success is of certain benefit to every undergraduates SOUVENIR HUNTERS .,aide

IN A RECENT issue of the Hotel and Travel News of New England, there appeared the following note which had accompanied a good- Rubber Holder. The hol er of every Waterman's pen is ly-sized package of silverware left at the office of the, Copley-Plaza m de of carefully selected Para. Foty-four years'making and sell- in fountain pens have demonstra -.ed that of all materials tried Hotel: r ber is the only product that is Perfectly adapted to all the "Copley-Plaza Nlanagement:- A young college: chap thought that he re uirements of a perfect pen. was being 'clever' in bringing these horne. As I thinl- otherwise on the subject, an-i returning. Sorry his sense of humor has nted Filling Device. Th(se who have never been developed in such a vain. us a Waterman's can hardly conceive how much His Mother." th s patented feature adds to fou ain pen effi- The problem represented by this note, is of considerable sig- ci cy. A double movement of the le r and the 11111i g.i nificance. It is characterized by the terin " souv enir-hunting. " While Pe is full then the lever locks, i nsuring aterman's ar,re this practice of minor destruction, and petty thievery is not Purely sa ety. made with differ I r. i local to colleges, still in magnitude and extent it is perhaps more Pi Aented Spoon-Feed. This a ent sized holders bto common among college students than any'other class. I m cu,-ately regulates the passage of fit different sized handIs A:; Souvenir bunting is a uniquely American trait. A foreigner by inl:, insuring a perfect and and different pen pointIts i virtue of the acts of American travelers considers us to be a nation coi itinuous flow. It is an to suit all styles of writing of souvenir hunters. Even in this country there is hardly a. point 9. of interest that has not suffered at the public's hands. The re- exclusive Waterman Reliable merchants who se],11 moval of chips of stones, splinters of wood, and the like, gradually fez ture. Waterman's want you to buy a pei,n results in the destruction of those relies which attract the public that is exactly to your liking. attention. Examine Waterman's models at While we are ashamed of these acts we are most vitallv inter- ested in the collegiate aspect of the situation. In the last analysis the I motive for them may be ascribed to vain pride of the, individual. $4.00 to $7.50 Ii Such men are not connoisseurs collecting for the pleasure of col- Make a selection and you will be perfectly pleasedd, I lecting, but are conceited individuals who get a thrill out of rar- rating the pseudo-heroic acts incidental to the capture. 50,000-inerchantssell Such men contribute nothing worthVnile to college life. Seldom I .I have they a healthy interest in personal associations, in the activities ,q n II or even in their work at school. : 1;I I . The -reatest criticism against souvenir hunting is the unfavor- i i able light which it reflects upon the college group as a whole. Out- i 40 School St., Boston siders often attribute such acts to a collegiate attitude which in their "i i i.i New York : Chicago : San Prancisco : Montreal t i minds is nothingZD short of vandalism. The- tions problem determine is as applicablethe opinions at i Technolo y as elsewhere for we by our ac I I with which the public regards us and this public opinion is well to i I No. A2705 I-eep in a favorable vein. I ! f1XL-S T E C: HI Pf -! 'h-'e _ GaysFebr~uary ,,, Q2 - -- I A V L r-

,V,; W


W.' .Ftk------The hockey team is certainly en- - --- ,, r... i joying a nice long rest from active luty. There is not a game scheduled Athletic Association intil February 21, and then at Han- NV.E.A.A.U. AMakes Sudden >ver with Dartmouth. The boys are Awards Certificates ;till handling their sticks, however, t few mornings each week at George Change In Scene of Games It was announced yesterday af- Brown's Palace of the Frozen Water. ternoon that unclaimed shingles are awaiting the following men -- -- I From Cambridgeto Alaine at the A. A. office in Walker: ===== IT 1930 Tug of War: Birnbaum, -. .? Botzow, Davis, Devorss, Bowley, Why go to Boston, When We are For the first time in recent years the New England Intercol- Craig, Di Manni, Hudson, Lath- .More Convenient legiate Athletic Association track games are to be held away from am, Luykx, Lytle, O'Shea, Pre- ble, Pitbladdo, Shimmin, Suhr, DRESS CLOTHES RENTED Technology, this year the honor going to Bowdoin College. This i Twinem, Wells, Prendergast, Featw-ing the exact College step was decided upon at the meeting of the N. E. A. A. U. held Wyman. Tuxedo last Saturday at the Boston Athletic Association club rooms. 1930 Football: Pratt, Bridge, Dean, Steele, McHugh, Riley, This move is one of the biggest surly i prises of the present season as here- I I Snyder, Wigglesworth, D'Antoni, J. J. WALLACE BULLDOG WRESTLERS Scheuren, Deyarmonid, Vander- tofore it has always been considered I 24 Boylston St., Cambridge, Ass. warker, Henderson, Oakes, that Boston or Cambridge was the TO MEET ENGINEERS I Greenberg, Harvard Sq. opp. Western Union ideal place for a New England cham- Hendricks. 1929 Relay: pionship to be held owing to its being Technology's wrestlers will leave for Allen, Barring- When in Need of Dress Clothes ton, Berman, Brenner, Cowan, in the central zone of the colleges con- NTew Haven next Saturday afternoon Hats off to Forefathers* Just Remember Wallace cerned. Bowdoin College is in Bruns- to meet the Yale grapplers that even- Curran, Danner, Earle, Hallahan, Keyser, Smith, Speller, Cloth ! wick, Maine, and is central to only ing in what is expected to be a fast Hogan, : _ Walters. iI three schools, University of Maine, I contest, since the Yale outfit recently 1929 Football: Nothing better for hard- University of New Hampshire and lost to Brown, who conquered the In- Peterson, Al- Bates. All of the other teams, such stitute team last month. The manage- drich, Brown, Crossman, Dickin- service clothing; fabric is son, Giles, as Brown, Rhode Island State, and ment stated last night through A. A. Hamilton, Keough, woven. of the same sort of Logan, Worcester Polytech, will have a long Archibald that none of the members Trahey, Young, Roche, I Powell, Walters, McKenna, Don- wool and after the same man- What Are You journey facing them. of the squad were known to have fail- ner our forefathers used in ed in the mid-years. It is probable ahue, Crosby, Walker, Funk, Games To Be On May 20-21 Gale, Jacobs, their sturdy suits. Going To that the same team that opposed Tufts Whiting, Wilson, Do The games will be held on May 20- will go to New Haven. Cullinan, Clark, Burke, O'Brien. 21, and will entail a three or four days 1930 Cross Country: Adams, Same, good, old-fashioned Next Summer.? trip for the Enlgineers. Manager Bill Brauer, Dunlap, Herbert, Pres- colors too; black, brown and Witch the old Sun getting a little Slagle intends to take a squad of thir- cott, Roberts, Youngson, Perret, GOOD HOUSEKEEPING more friendly oxford-as good looking as ty men on the trip, and this will of every day it should not Bassinov. and COSMOPOLITAN Ma ga- be long before we hear the resound- any of our suits. zines, throughtheir Sch&larship course, add considerably to the ex- penses of the M. I. T. A. A. ing crack of horsehide against wood, Department, offer you 'Rcgistcrcd Tradentmar an op- and see the various . portunity to earn big money For the last two or three years the class teams amus- Cornell proved no match for Dart- during your summer vacation Bowdoin College supporters have been ing themselves on the diamonds. Let mouth in their recent hockey game. of 1927. Several hundred col- angling for the right to hold the games us hope for a little. The Big Green trampled the Red and lege men, working in the capa- at Brunswick, but until this year such White by a !-u score, which would have cities ofsalesmen, team captains a move was hardly considered by the Students should walk more, declares been much worse only for the spectac- ROGERS PEET COMPANYZ and supervisors majority of the members. The loca- Sir Harry Lauder, Scotch comedian, in ular stops by Nash, the Cornell goalie. will take ad- formerly vantage of this mnoney-Making tion of the games for this year is not an interview at Pittsburg recently. "It It was the old, old story of Captain plan. thought to be very suitable from the would be far better," said he, "if the Hardy and Myles Lane on the defense Macullar Parker Company students "gate receipts" standpoint. Last walked to their classes ev- that conquered the Ithacans. The lat- Tremont Street at Bromiield New agreements, prov id ing foc.r ery morning instead of riding in motor liberal salaries, bonuses and spr ing at Cambridge a large throng ter scarcely ever got beyond midice of spectators was in attendance dur- cars." I with the puck. extra awards are now in the I. -, . . hands of our representatives, ing both days of competition. I. one of whom will visit youtr I - -- - . . - college in the near future. if you are interested in Making Y. M. C. A.. Seversl money next summer be sure to see him or write for particulars I ditect to F. C. McMullin, care Relations kWith International Magazine Com- pany, 119 West 40th Street, Leaders New York, N. Y. Olympic "Autocratic Controls' by A. A. U. I~s TReason Given For __ Withdrawal __ L d OLD i_~~~~~~~Amnf_ TUXEDOS One more athletic association sever- ed its relations with the American FOR HIRE Olympic Association when the Young ITS THE SMOOTH EST CIGARETTE Men's Christian Association recently- withdrew from membership in the Olympic body. This action was brought S S about by the so-called 'autocratic con trol' by the Amateur Athletic Union H of American Olympic affairs. H This association is the fifth to wvith- II draw from the Olympic Association, the others being United States Navry, 0 National College Association, National C l ight in the middle of my pet story, I R Amateur Athletic Federatioll, and tile E Westel n Confel ence. All were mem- T Ibers of the group defeated by the Ao. started to cough. Everybody got fidgety A. U. clique in the battle for leader- S S ship of the National body last No- vember. ... and I sat down in colnusion...Next Dr. Johnl Brown Jr., spokesman for t he "Y" claims that the A. A. U. has day I switched to OLD GOLD Cigarettes. so) shaped affairs that they will have "Quality Always" appr~loximately thirty representatives while other organizations are allowed Special Rates to Students There isn't a cough in a carload... but three or four. Another -Loint of READ & WHITE debate. is the ruling of the A. A. U. which requires all competing athletes nor a throat-scratch in a store-full.'9 2 Stores S3 Mass. Ave. to register Ores1 Summer S3t. in that body. The various outside clubs themselves miust also NOTE-Back Bay Store open joinl the Union in order to secure 'sanc- until 7 p. m. tion' to hold meets. Incidentally, this sanction is obtained byr paying a spec- I ial fee as well as the regular one for '' sl club membership. In concluding his reasons for withl- d rawal Dr. Brown 'states that the A.4 k. U. will not even permit men par- iicipating in Y. M. C. A. tournaments to compete representing their schools, ANOT A CO UGH IN A CARLOAD SIMPLEX ,-urches or industries in swimming track or basketball even when these activities are only for the b~elefit of WIRES ANaD CABLES those concerned.

How that Boston University hockey team has taken the limelight! Against the Engineers the Terriers showed INSULATED WITH RUBBER themselves to b~e a fast outfit but not unusually so. Matched against Har- PAPER OR VARNISHED vard the Bsoston team suddenly took on a lease of life and forced the Crim- CAMBRIC son into an overtime period to win 1-0. Then they cut loose against Bos- ton College.

Now that the slaughter of the first term exams are over wee must start SIMPlMW~EX. BE@E to work counting up the injured and mortally wounded. It MANUFACTUREIS seems that each year just as the Beavers succeed in 201 DEVONSHIRE STREET whipping a few good athletic teams in. E30STON to shape, the old exams come around 20 c and whip them out of shape. Already CHICAGO CAN FRANClICO we have heard a few dire tales of the NEW YORK CLICVELAND calamities. f"'IS.c ents~ JACKSONVILLE *i* **** The University of Illinois has re- cently purchased a $10,000 rubber cover for the football field to keep it dry. before games. )1927, P. LORILLAR D CO. Zsfabilsid 17'6 'Page Four' THEt TEC H Wedtiesday, February 9, 1927 s A As ft --- - I dents4 of the same school'.--As it is at TRACK TEAM, WILL BE I FAMOUS GRAUATE. present,1 there seems to be very little thati either has in cbmmow with the IREPRESENTED AT N. E. Louis French Restaurant of Hotel Rogers Notes other.4 But more of this later. Off Avery Rt.-tRear EXPIRES SUDDENLY (Continued from Page 1) Avery DORM DANCE Special Lunch ...... $1.00 It may be that the number of men Walter Kwauk '27, captain of the Table d'Hote Lunch .75 Was Noted Architect Who changing from Course IV-2 to the new A formal Dormitory Dance will be boxing team told of the recent visit to l Playgoers Dinner _... 1.50 of Fine Building Construction course has les- held11 on Friday, February 11, in Walk- IAnnapolis in which Technology lost Daily specials and a la Carte Designed Museumx er Memorial. Tickets may be ob- all seven bouts due to several doubt- at Rogers, or Every facility for banquets and sened the attendance tainedI from the Dance Committee or It was felt, however, Arts in Boston ful decisions. Special Orchestra and perhaps the finals have gotten in their in the Dormitory Office. that the extreme courtesies shown the parties. Dancing till 12: 0 A. M. No deadly work and caused many of the Technology representatives and the Guy Lowell '94, one of Boston's fore- cover charge. students (?) to pack up their belong- Cambridge University of England experience gained from confronting most architects, and designer of the will be represented in the relay races opponelts of the calibre of the mid- 40 BOOTHS sud- ings and with a last fond glance at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, died ofI the University of Pennsylvania to shipmen amply repaid the continuance Special after-theatre menus denly in Madeira, Spain, Friday. Dome and at Rogers, depart for points be held in Philadelphia next spring of boxing meets between 'the two heart at- Death was presumably by a unknown. Whatever the cause, and all according to a recent announcement. teams in future yea-rs. S ~' tack and came soon after he had land- - - - -- I '" point to unfortu------I ed at Madeira. indications seem to nate results on the examinations, lI Mar. Lowell was a member of the jla- -- 11 mous of New England there are many with whom we have and a cousin of A. Lawrence Lowell, swapped stories and joined in lunch- president of Harvard. He graduated eons and drawing sessions who are no took from Harvard in 1892 and then longer among those present. two years', work in Architecture at the Institute receiving his degree of Rather a wholesome bustle and He con- Bachelor of Science in 1894. hurry seems to pervade the halls at the Ecole des tinued his studies wherein do perambulate most all the Deaux Arts in Paris where he had the co-eds at the Institute. pupil. good-looking rare honor of being a diploma An eager question put, and a satisfied Because of his love of outdoor life, answer would seem to indicate that a he made a careful study of landscape general interest in grades of the other gardening in addition to his regular fellow is as prevalent on one side of architectural work with the result that the Charles as on the other. from 1900 to 1913 he was a special lecturer on this subject at twe Insti- Fourth year Option I men are al- At Brock Building tute. ready getting busy on the Fountain- II bleu competition and some very fine, TOMO40RROWVV interesting work is to be expected. I NOTICES When, if ever, will the Architecture Department move across the River to RUBE WO)OLMAN, Representative take its place with the other Depart- i OF;FICIAL ments of the Institute? The new Gug- genheim Aeronautical Laboratory that HeAS I.SZ HtZB6kP zSA11C~Y SHOES I take English 21 dur- adorn Massachusetts Ave- r.COYHES Men desiring to will shortly I ing the second term should leave nue will have between it and the pres- I copies of their schedules at once with ent buildings a large space that inter- Mr. Copithorne in room 2-279. The, ested students believe the Architec- i hours when the class will be held will tural Building will at some future time ?X~I(CEL be determined as soon as possible and occupy. When that time will come, I will be announced on the General whether in that particular location or Fifth Avenue at 46t" Street Bulletin Boards and in the Tech not not, then will the Engineers and the NEW YORK I stu- -- later than Saturday of this week. Architects feel themselves fellow - I I _lp ------M ·r -- --- L ------I -- s ------I- Si UNDERGRADUATE -- -- - I -- -·---~~~~~~~~~~~~~_~~~~~~~~~,,,~~~-4 ~~~~~~cp· ~ ~ * ~~INSTITUTE COMMITTEE

There will be a meeting of the In- stitnte Committee in the Faculty Din- Fornr=SA ing Room-at 5 o'clock. All members -should be present. C8fhae to the mfunt - A,

M U SICAL CLU BS NO. CASH OR CHG CLASS OF SERVeE DEMED -4I Tickets for the Musical Clulbs' Con- TELEGRAM ~,cert and Dance at Sargent's School, DAYLETTER 18, are now on sale at the CHECK February NIGHT MESSAGE TELEIRAMMJ Clubs' office, Room 310, Walker Me- morial. Price is $.75 each. NIGHT LRETTE Patrons should mark an X oppo. site the class of srnw desireid, TiME FILED FRESH MAN LEADERS OTHERWISE THE MESSAGE WILL BE TRANSMrr&ED AS A | FULL-RATE ELEGRAM NEWCOM13 dARLTON. PRESIDENT GEORGE W. E. ATKINS. FIRST VICE PReSIDENT There will bie a very important I I -- - leaders of the meeting of the section hereby agreed to freshman class this afternoon at 5 Send the following mensage, subject to the term on back hereof, which are -o'clock in room 10-275. AERONA-TICAL STUDENTS RAYMOND F HIBBERT Arrangements have been made for the a special reserved table under I GEN MG-R VOO DOO East balcony in Walker for the use of E :Course XVI men and for members of X the Aftona~utical Engineering Society. MASS INST OF TECHNOLOGY CAMBRIDGE Those desiring reservations should see Manfred Rauscher '27. 3 -- -- I aI EVERY GOOD WOBD ADVERTISIGt CAN BE WALTON LUNCH CO. T IS.G OLBEENRAGRAM 78 Massachusetts Ave. *'1 RIGHTLY APPLIETO BLUE BOAR TOBAXCC 03 Cambridge X Other Locations At DELICIOUS LfiM ;.MOOTE AROMATIC 420 Tremont St. 139 Congress St. 42 Federal St. 242 Tremont St. 19 School St. 9) Tre,-ont Rowv i BILUE BOAR ai;Di PIPE S-MOEIlNG THEB 437 Boylston St. 1050 Boylston St. 62'9 WTashington St. 30 H-a)marlizet Sq. 1083 WVvrashlington St. PLEASURE SIR WALTER PthALLIGH HAI) AI1N 332 MRassaclhusetts Ave. 34 Bromfield St. 540 Common-\ealth Ave. 204 Dartmouth St. BM WHEN HE INVENTED-IT 1215 Commonwealth Ave.


20% off Introductory saleM All John Ward Shoes reduced Boston men are crowding I the store to get acquainted with these fine quality shoes at low prices. $7 shoes only $5.60 $9 " "L 7.20 $11 " " 8.80 All sizes, 4 to 13, AAA to EEE. Original prices hots stamped on soles. Come in and selectany pair at the sale price.

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