Presented October 2018 by

Charles Savoie

PV Magazine (PV = Photo Voltaic, solar power cells, industrial silver users, price chiselers; manufacturers dependent on the finance sector, which has always opposed silver rising) on May 11, 2018 released mention of World Bank silver price forecasts--- drop-by-4-toz-by-2030-world-bank-says/

“If the report is to be believed,” the WB wants the small folks to believe it so they’ll not protect themselves by acquiring an asset capable of appreciation to offset inflation in created “money.” PV Magazine represents industrial silver users; manufacturers of solar energy panels; raw material silver consumers happily ripping miners off. The WB is formally known as The International Bank for Reconstruction & Development. Maybe someday silver miners can “mine” chewing gum off sidewalks and parking lots after short sellers finally run them all into bankruptcy. You notice rising prices at the supermarket. Either the price rises, or the quantity decreases a half ounce, or the ingredients or packaging is cheapened. Anything can rise unless it’s silver! So if we have $13.42 silver in 2030, what will be the typical grocery prices by then? Sharply higher than today for certain. So the message from the World Bank is, “with silver buying less and less of anything else, you’d be a moron to buy and hold silver!” Is that some sort of subliminal message where they say $4/toz below? Are they broadcasting that silver could be $4 per ton? “Oh no, the “t” was only a typo!” We might see a gumball priced at $13.42 by 2030! But silver? It’s in danger of falling below the price of manure!

The World Bank HQ is at 1818 H Street Northwest, Washington DC--- Yes, you must consider the source. World Bank, International Monetary Fund, Bank for International Settlements, , System, Central Bank of Canada and so forth---all perpetually issuing bearish silver price predictions. These of course are a strategy to help industrial users, to help select shorts cover, and above all, to steer trend investors away from accumulating silver. Trend investors never buy anything until it’s way up from the bottom. The Powers That Be (“Pilgrims Society” and allied globalist offshoots and allies) have ALWAYS been bears on silver. However, sometimes a world trend becomes inexorable. Have TPTB decided at long last to reverse course as to precious metals, silver especially, and switch to the long side? Butler thinks JP Morgan Chase has done so. Naturally since all these banking entities are so intertwined, they benefit by influencing the public to believe things like silver will remain gumball priced as of 12 to 20 years out, and longer. The elites always want the small folks and the non-allied rich to invest in anything that will erode their prosperity so TPTB can continue concentrating wealth. They’d get you into a payphone route or a typewriter repair shop investment if they could.

Here’s the PDF posted by the World Bank on their infamous silver slashing forecast (something to cheer Przemyslaw Radomski, or “pre-cole slaw random” who as far as I know has always been the most extreme silver bear) --- CMO-April-2018-Full-Report.pdf

The Mining Congress Journal, February 1945, page 93 grimly reported--- "NO FRIENDS OF SILVER WERE INVITED TO ATTEND THE CONFERENCES AT BRETTON WOODS." Commenting in the Mining Congress Journal for February 1949, page 109, Nevada Silver Senator Patrick McCarran declared of the promised, but intentionally delayed, IMF report on silver---


At the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944 in New Hampshire near Mount Washington transpired the creation of both the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. The World Bank today has 189 member nations. The IMF has a history of making statements running down precious metals as money. The conference is largely associated with John Maynard Keynes, who was a stumblebum patsy flunky for others. The Pilgrims London 1948---

Brand was the top UK rep at Bretton Woods, being managing director of the famous Lazard Brothers (Rothschild affiliate) and Lloyd’s Bank. Brand was the UK Treasury representative to the during 1944-1946. He also chaired North British & Mercantile Insurance and founded the Imperial Munitions Board in World War One. His father was Governor of New South Wales Australia and his grandfather was Speaker of the House of Commons. Brand was an Astor family in law, a monumental connection Keynes never had anything like; he was a hokey economist pencil pusher for the elites.

Braithwaite was a Member of Parliament for 33 years and ratified the Bretton Woods Agreement. Brain was---yes---a neurologist. The Society had several MD’s as charter members in 1902-1903. Medicine seems to have become the biggest industry, so it was necessary to have key figures as members. They plan to ultimately drain you of your last nickel via the medical system, unless they eliminate you by warfare first. Brabazon was a member of the House of Commons for 22 years before being as they say “elevated” to the House of Lords in 1942. He received the first pilot license in the United Kingdom in 1910. He chaired the Brabazon Committee in 1943 whose objective was to develop the aviation industry in postwar Britain and was part of the development of Bristol Brabazon 167, a large transatlantic propeller aircraft in 1949.

The Bretton Woods Committee, a Pilgrims Society front, actively pursues a course of monetary subversion and mass confusion--- Like the Bank for International Settlements and the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank was founded by members of The Pilgrims Society, and in many cases The Society hasn’t been content to have mere front men installed as officials, but has had actual members at the helm. In one case, McNamara, he apparently wasn’t a member until 1978; he would have been on the waiting list for membership for several years before. This shows chronology of World Bank presidents--- FIRST WORLD BANK PRESIDENT

Eugene Meyer (1875-1959) was never a member of The Pilgrims, so far as I can tell. I have rosters for 1920; 1927; 1933; 1936; 1940; 1945; 1949; 1957. He wasn’t listed. Yes! He was Jewish! He actually chaired the Federal Reserve System in 1930-1933. He wielded more power than many Pilgrims members but was never allowed in, possibly because as I’ve repeatedly said, the English Royal family runs The Pilgrims, and they prefer members of the Episcopal Church in America, and secondly Presbyterians, to be admitted. There certainly have been some Jewish members however, like Jacob Schiff, who was a founder in 1903; his grandson David however identifies himself as Episcopalian and he is a current Pilgrims official! In the 1920s Meyer and a non-Jew worked together to create what became Allied Chemical Corporation, a silver user, later chaired by former Commerce Secretary John T. Connor, Pilgrims Society. Wiki states---

“In 1929, Meyer made an offer of $5 million for , but he was rebuffed. In June 1933, he bought the paper at a bankruptcy auction for $825,000, the paper having been ruined by its spendthrift socialite owner Ned McLean, and by the . Meyer had resigned as Fed chairman just three weeks earlier, and he had no experience in the publishing business.”

It also noted disapproval of Meyer by J.P. Morgan Jr. and (both members; Mellon on the executive committee). Meyer was at the helm of the FED for a few years same as several other Jews---Bernanke and Yellen. Arthur Burns was Jewish and headed the FED, but Burns was accepted into The Pilgrims Society at least as of 1969 info. President Truman appointed Meyer to head the World Bank as of June 1946 and since he resigned by year end, it wasn’t much of a tenure---

Jews, Jews and Jews! So many are convinced they are atop the world finance system. And I wouldn’t say the Rothschilds aren’t atop it, and that they aren’t Jews. However they are hardly there all by themselves, and most of what I see indicates the Royals are over the financiers, and the Royals are Protestant Anglican Church of England, not Jews! Of a dozen different people who’ve been World Bank presidents, three have been Jewish. From 1946 to 2018, not more than 15 years of that time has a Jew headed the WB---under 21% of its existence--- and of the three that have, only one made it into The Pilgrims Society. It’s the same with Federal Reserve System chairmen. And another influence indicator is what posts do Fed chairmen hold after leaving the FED? Bernanke went to be a research fellow at Brookings Institution. When William McChesney Martin left (tenure 1951-1970) he was in The Pilgrims Society, he chaired the committee to reorganize the Stock Exchange, he was on the boards of Royal Dutch Petroleum, Eli Lilly & Company, Caterpillar Tractor, American Express, U.S. Steel, General Foods, Riggs National Bank, Dow Jones & Company, IBM and was a trustee of both Johns Hopkins and Yale Universities. Martin was Presbyterian. Yellen also shows “flunky” as she too is a resident “research fellow” at Brookings Institution. Lots of wealthy and influential Jews around; if they want to rise in the power structure they convert to the church run by the Royals, like the New York Schiffs did; like Caspar Weinberger did; and like two great mining dynasties, the Oppenheimers and Guggenheims, also did. JOHN JAY MCCLOY PILGRIMS SOCIETY WORLD BANK PRESIDENT

John Jay McCloy (1895-1989; ran the World Bank 1947-1949) had a career greatly eclipsing Meyer’s; McCloy, of Scottish Presbyterian ancestry, loyalists to the English Crown, was widely considered the top man in the USA establishment before David Rockefeller (Pilgrims). However, McCloy played second fiddle to John D. Rockefeller Jr. (Pilgrims), his informal boss. McCloy started in the 1920s with Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft (Pilgrims Society law firm) and later landed at what became Cravath, Swaine & Moore (Pilgrims Society law firm), the same law firm the judge came from who ruled against plaintiffs in a recent major silver price fixing lawsuit! In the 1930s McCloy represented I.G. Farben, a huge German chemical combine. McCloy was retained in 1940 by the War Department and by 1941 McCloy was deeply involved in Lend-Lease Administration, including transfer of 88MOZ silver to the British Empire for price management objectives. He was also involved in intelligence and war materials purchases. He ran the World Bank (1947-1949). In 1949 McCloy became U.S. High Commissioner over Germany and was succeeded by another member or eventual member, James B. Conant president of Harvard University. McCloy chaired Chase Manhattan Bank (1953-1960) and was president of the Ford Foundation (1958- 1965); he was a trustee (1946-1949 and again 1953-1958). McCloy chaired the CFR, Council on Foreign Relations (1954-1970). He was on many boards---Mercedes Benz North America, Allied Chemical, Westinghouse Electric, A.T. & T., Metropolitan Life Insurance, United Fruit, Lenox Hill Hospital and others. McCloy was on the Warren Commission on the Kennedy Assassination with Allen Dulles, CIA chief and another Pilgrims member whose brother John Foster Dulles, Secretary of State, was also a member. McCloy’s son is in The Pilgrims 2014 roster and daddy McCloy’s forehead sure looked like a fine place to place a 666---

According to NNDB database, McCloy was a trustee of the Salk Institute for Biological Studies; member (and probably official of) American Council on Germany; board of governors, Atlantic Institute for International Affairs. McCloy was also part of the financial and strategic brain trust over the Manhattan Project to develop nuclear bombs, which used fantastic amounts of Treasury Department silver.

Scan comes from page 197 of “The Pilgrims of Great Britain” (short run book, 2003) ---barely two weeks after Kennedy was rubbed out, most likely due to wanting to boost silver’s role in the money system, this Pilgrims Society member McCloy was hosted as guest of honor at their London branch (the senior partners branch). This was also a mere ten days after Lyndon Johnson, Pilgrims Society and anti-silver activist, launched the Warren Commission (Executive Order 11130), of which Rockefeller family agent McCloy was a member--- EUGENE BLACK PILGRIMS SOCIETY WORLD BANK PRESIDENT

Eugene Robert Black (1898-1992, World Bank president 1949-1963) --- Black’s pop was a governor of the at (page 314, 1931 edition of “Who’s Who in America”). Poppa was chairman of the Federal Reserve System in DC from May 1933 to August 1934 No record of daddy in The Pilgrims. However, the son pictured above, was a member as of the 1957 roster---

Douglas M. Black was chairman of Doubleday & Company, textbook publishers. Have to condition the public mind, you see!

Eugene Robert Black, Pilgrims Society member, really flew high in global finance circles. Herewith his “Who’s Who in America” info from 1966- 1967, page 190--- Communications Sattelite Corporation--- Scan comes from page 196 of “The Pilgrims of Great Britain” Short run book 2003---

Eugene R. Black had easily a more profound career in finance than Eugene Meyer. Another common case of a non-Jew outstripping a Jew, but the Jew baiters can only see Jews and many of them are so box of rocks stupid they can’t even spell correctly as so many You Tube comments complain about “Joos.”


George Woods (1901-1982, World Bank president 1963- 1968); Pilgrims Society---

Scan is from page 197 of “The Pilgrims of Great Britain” (2002 short run book) --- george-david-woods “George Woods was born in Boston in 1901. After high school he entered the work force as an office boy at Harris, Forbes & Co., a leading underwriter of municipal and utility bonds. He quickly made his talents evident, and the company's senior executives persuaded him to attend night school in banking and finance. He became a buyer in the underwriting department, and at age 26 was promoted to vice president responsible for major projects. In 1930 the firm was acquired by Chase Bank, and Woods was made vice president of the new firm; he later became vice president and member of the board of First Boston Corporation, a newly formed securities company. First Boston became one of America's largest investment banking firms, and Woods played a major role in the firm's most successful bond issues. In 1947 he became one of two executive vice presidents, in 1948 chairman of the executive committee and in 1951 chairman of the board. Woods became an acknowledged master of corporate finance because he was innovative and not limited by conventions in dealing with the problems.” The New York Times, August 21, 1982 said of Woods--- “He was a founder and eventually chairman of the board of the First Boston Corporation, one of the nation's leading investment houses, and served as a director of numerous companies during his career. Long after Mr. Woods had turned over the leadership of the First Boston Corporation of New York, he maintained an office in New York and was sought out by executives around the world for consultation. Mr. Woods, a former director of The New York Times Company, was at his death one of three trustees of the Ochs Trust, which holds a controlling interest in The New York Times Company. The trust was established by Adolph S. Ochs, the publisher of The Times from 1896 until his death in 1935. The other trustees are Iphigene Ochs Sulzberger, Mr. Ochs's daughter, and her son, Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, the publisher of The Times. Mr. Sulzberger said last night: ''George Woods meant something special both to The New York Times and the Sulzberger family. ''He was the kind of money-man that all journalists should be lucky enough to have. We will miss him.'' Mr. Woods had been close to the late Nelson A. Rockefeller and for a time maintained a home at the Rockefeller estate at Pocantico Hills, N.Y.”

The Sulzbergers have been among the exceptions to the general rule of most Pilgrims members being Episcopalians and in general Protestant “Christians.” But they really may think of themselves as Christians, as how many ordinary church goers have any remorse over stepping on a roach? Common folks are just so many scurrying roaches to Pilgrims Society members. “Rockefeller's brother, David, former chairman of the Chase Manhattan Bank, recalled Mr. Woods, a longtime friend, as ''a very simple person with no pretense.'' Mr. Rockefeller noted that in financial matters Mr. Woods was a man ''of great sophistication.'' ''Before he joined the World Bank,'' Mr. Rockefeller said, ''he was one of the two or three top investment bankers in the United States and perhaps the world.'' And after taking over the bank, Mr. Rockefeller continued, Mr. Woods increased the bank's efficiency and added to its credibility among investors. ''He made the bank a sound place to invest and at the same time very helpful to the third world,'' Mr. Rockefeller said, noting that the feat required great dexterity. Earlier, as an executive of the First Boston Corporation, he was instrumental in the financing of the Kaiser Engineering and Aluminum Company of Canada.” This story didn’t mention that the Mellon dynasty (Pilgrims Society) were the dominant shareholders in First Boston, at one time holding 99.9% of the preferred stock. It merged into Credit Suisse in 1990. More--- “The banking upheavals of the 1930's saw his firm transformed into the First Boston Corporation, a leading investment-banking house. He became chairman of the board of First Boston in 1951. His call to the World Bank first came from Eugene Black, its president from 1949 to 1962 and an old associate and friend from the days at Harris, Forbes. Mr. Black had previously asked Mr. Woods to help out on special assignments. It was in this fashion that Mr. Woods became familiar with the workings of the World Bank, and in the summer of 1962, Mr. Black asked him to Washington for a meeting with President John F. Kennedy and C. Douglas Dillon, the Secretary of the Treasury. Mr. Woods learned that he had been chosen by the Kennedy Administration as its nominee for president of the World Bank. He accepted. He served for a time as treasurer and a director of the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and helped his friend John Ringling North reorganize the circus.” Dillon was a second generation member who was Treasury Secretary 1961-1965 and led the campaign to end lawful silver coinage. He became a Chase Manhattan Bank director and Rockefeller Foundation trustee. Dillon Read & Company raised large sums for Silver Users Association interests---same as First Boston Corporation. Scan is from page 123 of “Bankers With A Mission---The Presidents of the World Bank 1946-1991” Barely five search results in this book exist referencing gold; and silver? ZERO!


Robert Strange McNamara (actual middle name; 1916-2009; CFR; World Bank president 1968-1981) is often remembered as the “architect of the Vietnam War.” From early 1961 to early 1968 he was Secretary of Defense; the cabinet post was previously “Secretary of War” but changed as that was too obviously a warmonger designation. McNamara was “in” as of the 1980 Pilgrims list and maybe 1979. McNamara headed the World Bank 1968-1981. He had been president of Ford Motor Company before landing at the World Bank. Wiki excerpt--- “McNamara consolidated intelligence and logistics functions of the Pentagon into two centralized agencies: the Defense Intelligence Agency and the Defense Supply Agency. He was a trustee of Economists for Peace and Security.”

He was a trustee of the Overseas Development Council, Urban Institute and Enterprise Foundation. He authored “One Hundred Countries, Two Billion People” (1973) and was a War Department consultant in 1942 (info from page 2333, 1994 “Who’s Who in America”) --- Wiki---McNamara was a life trustee on the Board of Trustees of the Institute of Technology (Caltech), a trustee of the Economists for Peace and Security, a trustee of the American University of Nigeria, and an honorary trustee for the Brookings Institution. NNDB database shows McNamara was a member of the Bretton Woods Committee. It also shows he was in the Trilateral Commission; Center for Global Development; Aspen Institute; Atlantic Council, and board of directors of National Committee on United States-China Relations and National Council for Science and the Environment. He was a charter member of the American Academy of Diplomacy and an adviser to America Abroad Media.

The Pilgrims London 1945 roster shows a Rear Admiral Patrick McNamara and Neil Cameron McNamara. These Pilgrims Society families are very criss-crossed over the Atlantic Ocean. Over 58,000 American troops perished in Vietnam so McNamara’s Pilgrims Society pals in the “defense” contracting industries could “seize” and “absorb” more wealth. Then there were many more who returned home maimed for life.


Alden W. Clausen (World Bank president 1981-1986) has info on page 587 of the “Who’s Who in America” 1976-1977--- His connections defined him. He was a member of the “West coast Pilgrims Society,” the Bohemian Club out of ; the Pacific Union Club has even more Bohemian interlock than The Pilgrims. Cementing the decisive fact that The Pilgrims far outrank the Bohemians is the fact that New York, named of course after York England, is the premier British influence center in North America, so The Pilgrims had to be located there. But a Bohemian will slit your financial throat as readily as a Pilgrim. Clint Eastwood, reputed to now be worth $375 million, is a Bohemian. The Association of Reserve City Bankers is for bankers with offices in cities where Federal Reserve branch banks (octopus tentacles) are located. The Links Club in New York is somewhat the second most powerful Manhattan “club” after The Pilgrims. Between the Bohemians and the Pacific Union you can safely figure control over California, with a great deal of Pilgrims input. Pacific Union Club building in San Francisco---it was the Flood Mansion owned by James C. Flood (1826-1889) one of the “Bonanza Kings” of the Comstock Lode Nevada silver/gold at Mount Davidson--- (1922- 2003; World Bank president 1986-1991) as a New York Congressman, voted for the Coinage Act of 1965, moving silver out of our monetary system. An anti-silver money figure definitely fits the role of World Bank pres! He was never in The Pilgrims to my info. He was however in the Quill & Dagger Society at Cornell University. Lots of universities and colleges have “super-fraternities,” not just Yale. The Sphinx Head Society is Cornell’s apex group, besides various Pilgrims Society members over the decades who’ve been Cornell trustees. He was also a member of the curiously named Telluride Association at Cornell.

President Reagan, over whom Pilgrims Society inner circle member David Rockefeller had a paralyzing influence, nominated Conable to head the World Bank. Reagan was in The Pilgrims vest pocket well before they made him President (scan is from page 199 of “The Pilgrims of Great Britain,” short run book, 2002) ---this of course was in London and Reagan got his start via General Electric Theater (a major corporate interest they control) --- The New York Times remarked on December 2, 2003---it stated Nelson Rockefeller (Pilgrims) was an “ally” of Conable---

“He was a member of advisory panels for the Securities and Exchange Commission and the United Nations-affiliated Commission on Global Governance; a member and former chairman of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution; and a member and former chairman of the executive committee of the National Committee on United States- China Relations. Elite interests in the U.K. and the U.S. A. have built up China and Russia to the military superpowers they are. Apparently we are to be frightened into joining the British Commonwealth by the existence of these created enemies.

“Bankers With A Mission---The Presidents of the World Bank 1946-1991” page 253 scan---


Lewis T. Preston Jr. (World Bank president, 1991-1995) married Gladys Pulitzer, of the Pulitzer newspaper publishing family and the Pulitzer Prizes; no Pulitzer Prize will ever be awarded for an expose of The Pilgrims Society! From the 1980-1981 “Who’s Who in America,” page 2681---(my book I can mark it up) ---notice! Preston was Episcopalian, not Jewish! ---

Lewis T. Preston Jr. and Walter Hines Page as the top two execs at J.P. Morgan & Company, 23 Wall Street, years before the colossal merged with Chase Manhattan Bank---Page was a Pilgrims member at least as of 1969 and Preston as of 1974 and maybe earlier---Preston’s grandfather after the Civil War was a partner in Rockefeller’s Standard Oil! --- The Pilgrims 1978 New York---

The Pratts (as in F.W. Pratt see next scan) are Standard Oil heirs; it wasn’t the Rockefellers all by themselves. Edmund was chairman of pharma cesspool Pfizer and a Chase Manhattan Bank and General Motors director and Duke University trustee. F.H. Prince was a major inheritor from his grandfather in Armour & Company, the country’s biggest meatpackers based in Chicago; Chicago Junction Railway & Union Stockyards & Transit Company; F.H. Prince & Company Investments; First National Bank of Chicago; Stockyards National Bank; Pere Marquette Railway etc. Wiki states--- “Prince's company acquired outright or held a controlling interest in the Pere Marquette Railway and the Chicago Junction Railway, which gave his stockyard operations hundreds of miles of rail lines and close to 1,000,000 acres (400,000 ha) of land.” The value of that landholding in and around the Chicago metro area has made gains in silver mining penny stocks in 1979-1980 look like peanuts! Of course it took longer but that’s why The Pilgrims Society persists; members pass away, new bloodsucking parasites in their Society control it and wealth grows ever more concentrated. But in those railroads and lands acquired by carelessly stupid legislative grants, Prince was partners with the Vanderbilts. The original Prince proposed “sweeping changes in the United States Constitution to make the President more independent,” yeah sure, so The Society could control a tyrannical dictator here!

Lewis T. Preston Jr. ---

The Washington Post, May 5, 1995 wrote in Preston’s obituary--- “Shortly after becoming World Bank president, Mr. Preston traveled to the Soviet Union, meeting with Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev and Russian President Boris Yeltsin. Eventually, all 15 of the former Soviet republics joined the bank. Eight other nations also joined the bank during Mr. Preston's years as its head. At Morgan, Mr. Preston acquired the image of an immensely solid, if very private, banker. He and his bank played leading and behind-the-scenes roles in solving such 1980s problems as the Latin American debt crisis. At the behest of then-Federal Reserve Board Chairman , he helped organize the private portion of the 1984 rescue of Chicago's Continental Illinois National Bank. Preston, a lifelong Republican and friend of former president George Bush, said he took the World Bank presidency as a public service. Over the years, he had served on the boards of such corporations as General Electric, Anheuser-Busch and British Petroleum. He also had been a director of both the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and the Council on Foreign Relations. He was the recipient of awards from foreign governments, universities and private groups. In 1951, he married Nancy Upham Harris. They had two children before the marriage ended in divorce. He later married Gladys "Patsy" Pulitzer, with whom he had four daughters.” The Upham Harris family (prominent investment bankers) were in Pilgrims Society rosters. The New York Times, May 6, 1995 said of Preston--- “Having risen to chairman, he worked in the 1980's behind the scenes in helping to resolve some major financial problems. Among these was the effort by Nelson Bunker Hunt and William Herbert Hunt to corner the silver market by buying the metal in huge quantities. Their action caused silver’s price to soar on world markets, but when the price collapsed in March 1980, it cost the Hunts well over $1 billion. The events shook the foundations of a number of leading financial institutions. In the aftermath of the collapse, Mr. Preston led the institutions in putting together the bailout.”

Details as to how assorted members of The Pilgrims Society bombed silver down in early 1980 are laid out in the 18,187 word research item released in January 2015, “Silver Squelchers #10” at Actually Preston was co-leader of the so-called Hunt brothers “bailout” with then Federal Reserve chief Paul Volcker, who was a member of The Pilgrims at least as of 1980 and more recently a VP of the group. Due to the booby trapped terms of the “bailout,” by 1986 the Hunts were broken out of 59MOZ to 63MOZ ounces of silver bullion, according to various reckonings! As for gold, see “Gold Was the Enemy” about Paul Volcker, understudy of Dave Rockefeller. enemy_1299447.html


Happy hobgoblin Sir James Wolfensohn, Pilgrims Society London, was president of the World Bank 1995-2005--- JW’s autobiography he called “A Global Life.” JW was president of the World Bank from June 1995 to June 2005. President Bill Clinton, a treasonous Rhodes Scholar, nominated him. In June 1995 he was inducted into the Order of the British Empire (OBE) which is the visible outer circle of The Pilgrims Society. Since then he’s formally known as Sir James David Wolfensohn. In 2011 apparently as a nonmember, Wolfensohn delivered a speech to The Pilgrims London. We read at Wiki--- “He worked for various banking institutions, including Darling & Co. In the late 1960s, he became a director of Darling's major shareholder J. Henry Schroder & Co, a London-based investment bank. He was a senior executive in the London office before becoming managing director of the bank's New York City office from 1970-76. He later became a senior executive at Salomon Brothers. In 1979, together with Chrysler Corporation's then chief executive officer Lee Iacocca and then President of the New York Fed Paul A. Volcker who later became Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Wolfensohn helped orchestrate the rescue of Chrysler from the verge of bankruptcy. In 1980, he became a naturalized citizen of the United States, after it was rumored that he was a candidate to succeed Robert McNamara as president of the World Bank. After he was unsuccessful in this pursuit, he established his own investment firm, James D. Wolfensohn, Inc., along with partners including Paul Volcker. Upon accepting his nomination to serve as president of the World Bank in 1995, Wolfensohn divested of his ownership interest in James D. Wolfensohn, Inc. The firm was later bought by Bankers Trust. In 2005, upon stepping down as president of the World Bank, he founded Wolfensohn & Company, LLC, a privately held firm that invests, and provides strategic consulting advice to governments and large corporations doing business, in emerging market economies. Since 2006, Wolfensohn has also been the chairman of the International Advisory Board of Citigroup. In 2009, he became a member of the International Advisory Council of the Chinese sovereign wealth fund China Investment Corporation.”

More from Wiki--- “Wolfensohn is an honorary trustee of the Brookings Institution, and served as a trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation. He is a trustee and the former chairman of the board of trustees of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. He is chairman emeritus of Carnegie Hall in New York and of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, D.C., and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. He serves on the board of various charitable foundations, including the Wolfensohn Family Foundation. In July 2008, Wolfensohn was selected as one of the inaugural fellows of the Australian Institute of International Affairs. Between 1985 and 2015 Wolfensohn has attended 27 conferences of the Bilderberg Group, making him one of the most frequent participants in this time period. He also attended meetings of the Aspen Institute and the World Economic Forum. He is a former member of the Steering Committee of the Bilderberg Group. In New York, he found himself at a Jerusalem Foundation lunch next to Dorothy de Rothschild, widow of James. He is a member of both the American Academy of Arts & Sciences and the American Philosophical Society.”

Notice no mention of The Pilgrims, nor by the World Bank. No need to burden the small people with details they lack the maturity to understand. Bilderberg we may hear something of, The Pilgrims we must not! Wolfensohn was a member of The Pilgrims London branch as of 2011---

Sir Andrew Wood was British Ambassador to Yugoslavia (1985- 1989) and then to Russia (1995-2000) and became a director of Foreign & Colonial Investment Trust, Russo-British Chamber of Commerce, Renaissance Capital, PBN Company and other entities.

Wolfensohn Fund Management merged into Encourage Capital. According to staff/james-d-wolfensohn-kbe-ao/ --- “James D. Wolfensohn is chairman of Wolfensohn & Company, LLC. He was president of the from 1995 to 2005 and thereafter served for one year as special envoy for Gaza disengagement for the Middle East Quartet, consisting of the United Nations, the European Union, the United States and Russia. Immediately prior to and again after his work in public service, Mr. Wolfensohn had a long and successful career in his own investment and advisory firm, as well as leadership positions at financial firms in Sydney, London and New York, including as Group Chief Executive of Schroders Ltd. in London. He was a member of the Executive Committee of Salomon Brothers for five years.” The Pilgrims London 2014 shows Bruno Schroder had been a nearly half century member as of then; his fortune is in the billions, and Schroder’s manages $584 billion plus--- “Wolfensohn is chairman emeritus of the Boards of Trustees of Carnegie Hall and the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton, both organizations with which he worked for decades. He is also chairman emeritus of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, D.C. He retired recently as chairman of the Citigroup International Advisory Board and he has been a member and officer of many other commercial and boards including the Rockefeller Foundation, Carnegie Foundation, Howard Hughes Medical Institute and International Federation of Multiple Sclerosis. Mr. Wolfensohn is a member of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences as well as a Member of the American Philosophical Society.” “He is the recipient of many national and international medals and awards in recognition of his public service and his support for the arts. These include a knighthood of the Order of the British Empire (KBE), the Grand Cordon of the Order of the Rising Sun of Japan, the Commander's Cross of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany and the award of Officer of the Order of Australia (AO). He holds a BA and LL.B from the University of Sydney and an MBA from the Harvard Graduate School of Business. He was an officer in the Royal Australian Air Force and a member of the 1956 Australian Olympic Team.” The Jewish Chronicle, London, October 4, 2018 made these remarkably false statements--- “James Wolfensohn is not a typical investment banker. After all, how many in his profession have dedicated their career to redistributing the world’s wealth from the rich to the poor. Wolfensohn has. In his decade as president of the World Bank he was able to indulge his passion for development. It was a decade in which several hundred million people were taken out of poverty — a very small first step to righting the world’s imbalances.” Finance people are not the least motivated to reallocate prosperity away from their class towards the lower levels of society. Such hypocritical drivel. Seriously? The World Bank helped to get so many people out of lives of scarce necessities? How many diamond dealers in Israel are assisting impoverished Palestinians to replant olive orchards after other Israelis burn them down? Wolfensohn and Wolfowitz; two WOLVES in succession! Or in the words of Tuco the bandit in “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly” (1966)--- “Who the hell is that? One bastard goes in, another comes out!”

PAUL WOLFOWITZ WORLD BANK PRESIDENT CFR MEMBER was director of Policy Planning in the Reagan White House, February 1981 to December 1982. During 1982 to 1986 Paul was assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs. In 1986-1989 he was Ambassador to Indonesia. 1989-1993 saw him as Deputy of Defense for Policy (warmongering)! 2001-2005 he was with Bush the First as Deputy Secretary of Defense (“neocon”). June 2005 to July 2007 saw him as World Bank president. Paul with Henry Kissinger (Pilgrims 1974; current VP of The Pilgrims NYC) ---

Wolfowitz at one time chaired the United States/Taiwan Business Council. Coincidentally, Wolfowitz became a member of the Quill & Dagger Society of Cornell University, same as an earlier World Bank president, Barber Conable. I better not forget to mention Wolfowitz has been involved in Bilderberg! Kissinger has been there many times, and his dead boss, David Rockefeller of The Pilgrims Society, was the most important founding member of Bilderberg in 1954. Pilgrims Society members have launched so many fronts it would make your head spin tracking them all down. With the British Anglicans of The Pilgrims Society having the state of Israel as an unruly stepchild, apparently the Plan is to have World War Three center on the Middle East--- CFR MEMBER WORLD BANK PRESIDENT

All CFR influence is Pilgrims influence! Robert Zoellick is LUTHERAN, not Jewish! He was World Bank president, July 2007 to July 2012. Previously he was a managing director at Goldman Sachs. Goldman Sachs is hollered about everywhere that it’s 100% Jewish, but that’s hardly the case. Zoellick is extremely globalist, having also been active in the WTO, World Trade Organization. Wiki has this---

“Zoellick has served as a board member for a number of private and public organizations, including Alliance Capital, Said Holdings, Rolls Royce and the Precursor Group. Since 2013, he has been a member of the board of directors of the Peterson Institute for International Economics, and on the board of Laureate International Universities. Previously, he was a member of the advisory board of AXA, of Viventures, a venture fund, and a director of the Aspen Institute's Strategy Group. He is also a member of Washington D.C. based think tank, The Inter-American Dialogue. He is a member of the Global Leadership Council of Mercy Corps, a global humanitarian agency. As of 2 August 2013, Zoellick has been a board member of Temasek Holdings - Singapore's Sovereign Wealth Fund. He has also served on the boards of the German Marshall Fund and the European Institute and on the World Wildlife Fund Advisory Council. He was a member of Secretary William Cohen's Defense Policy Board Advisory Committee. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Jack Dorsey announced on July 19, 2018 that Zoellick would be a member of Twitters Board of directors. Zoellick signed the January 26, 1998 letter to President Bill Clinton from Project for a New American Century (PNAC) that noted the "inadequacy of relying on Saddam Hussein's cooperation" in refraining from the use of weapons of mass destruction and urged a strategy aimed at the removal of Saddam Hussein's regime from power in Iraq. The letter pressed President Clinton to employ a "full complement of diplomatic, political and military efforts.” Zoellick is another warmonger, as also confirmed by his stint in the late 1990s at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in D.C. The German Marshall Fund is named for Pilgrims Society member George C. Marshall, Army Chief of Staff and Secretary of State (another non-Jew!) Zoellick is a board member of the Peterson Institute for International Economics, named for billionaire Pilgrims Society member Peter G. Peterson, former Commerce Secretary who succeeded Pilgrims Society member David Rockefeller as chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations. Zoellick was awarded membership in the Order of the Aztec Eagle of Mexico, potentially for silver price rigging activities. Peterson himself is a member of the Bretton Woods Committee! person Go to the link above if you want to get overwhelmed with a long list of globalist connections of this Zoellick character. I mean, much more than included here! “He served as the Chairman of International Advisors at The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., from June 2006 to 2007.” Robert Zoellick is senior counselor to Brunswick Group in London which is a “business advisory firm” involved in many phases including “cross border work.” Areas of Brunswick specialization include healthcare and life sciences, financial institutions, energy, resources, infrastructure, industry, consumer products, technology, telecoms, cyber, world crisis, media and more--- Zoellick via Brunswick Group is in contact with Lord Charles Powell of Bayswater, Pilgrims Society London member; 2014 roster shows Powell has been a member nearly 22 years--- --- “Lord Charles Powell served as Private Secretary and Advisor on foreign affairs and defense to Lady Thatcher when she was Prime Minister, and held the same position in the early part of Sir John Major’s time as Prime Minister (1983 to 1991). Charles is now an independent member on the House of Lords and, after stints on the European Union, Economic Affairs and Constitution Committees, currently serves on the National Security Strategy Committee. He is a board member of LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton, Jardine Strategic Holdings, Hong Kong Land, Matheson & Co and Northern Trust Corporation. He is also a senior strategy adviser to BAe Systems and Rolls Royce. His previous board appointments include Caterpillar, Mandarin Oriental, Textron and Schindler. He is on the Advisory boards of Barrick Gold and Chubb, and previously chaired Rolls Royce’s International Advisory board.” Northern Trust assets under Management as of 2017 $1.161 TRILLION--- Image is an opium poppy---

Jardine Matheson! The billionaire KESWICK family of Pilgrims Society members! These are some of the top heirs of the old British opium business across China, and largely insisted on payment in SILVER! Note also Powell’s interest in gold via Barrick Gold, long mentioned as complicit with central banks in gold price suppression! In 2005 Jardine Strategic acquired a 20% interest in Rothschild Continuation Holdings! More on Charlie PILL-GRAM Powell---a member of the House of Lords since year 2000--- (OBE = Order of the British Empire) “He is also Chairman of the Trustees of the Saïd Business School at Oxford University, Deputy Chairman of the Fudan University Business School Advisory Board, Chairman of the British Museum Trust, a Trustee of the Aspen Institute and of the International Institute for Strategic Studies. He served as President of the China-Britain Business Council and Singapore- British Business Council for many years, and is a British Business Ambassador.” At bayswater/ we find--- “He is currently Chairman of Sagitta Asset Management Limited.” The company has an exec whose last name is Fleck; possibly related to J. Peter Fleck (CFR) who years ago was a Rothschild associate---but this is more of a Fleming family (Pilgrims London) interest--- Powell is on the advisory board to Thales Group, a French conglomerate with 64,000 employees in electrical systems, aerospace, defense, transportation and security (protection) markets---based in France, there could be a French Rothschilds link--- According to Powell is a director of France Financiere Agache. Powell has attended meetings of Le Cercle (The Circle), a sort of attempted French equivalent to The Pilgrims, but more like a Pilgrims extension into France, like the France-America Society--- says Powell is an adviser to Wingate Capital. We could go on and on with Powell’s connections. This is enough. As my great Dutch associate in the Netherlands has called members of The Pilgrims Society, “the people with endless biographies.” Charles_Powell,_Baron_Powell_of_Bayswater

As to World Bank presidents, either they are Pilgrims Society members; or became members later; or they are in the vest pocket of members. And the World Bank as of 2018 forecasts twenty years of silver being priced like beat up flea market junk! WORLD BANK PRESIDENT of this character we read---

“A global health leader, he was formerly the Chair of the Department of Global Health and Social Medicine at Harvard Medical School, and a co-founder and executive director of Partners In Health before serving as the President of Dartmouth College from 2009 to 2012, becoming the first Asian American president of an Ivy League institution.” Actually this Korean immigrant grew up in---hold onto your seat---Muscatine Iowa! We was with the WHO, World Health Organization, and doubtless is a mandatory, compulsory, court ordered, police enforced, chainsaw to the throat, bazooka to the temple, vaccine promoter. Barack Obama made his World Bank appointment. “Jim Kim” is a total 100% Pilgrims Society flunky. He will certainly do exactly as he’s told to do by the Anglo-American finance overlords. In “Treasury Official Lies About Gold,” released in July 2010, I showed among the numerous connections of Pilgrims Society member William E. Simon, former Treasury Secretary, that he was on the governing board of the IBRD, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, usually called the World Bank; and that he was not only a gold price suppressor while at Treasury driving gold down from $200 to $105, he was the lead member of the COMEX board when the Hunt-Arab silver play was crushed in January 1980! 100% free details at---

So now in 2018 the World Bank belches out a hellish hissing noise about how silver prices are going NOWHERE for a GENERATION. Consider the source! And consider the Secret Society hovering over the World Bank---The Pilgrims Society New York and The Pilgrims Society London. It’s there where the subversion trail ends. Morgan Chase could have as much silver as Ted Butler thinks; in such case, the World Bank made a very bearish silver price forecast intentionally to mislead common people, who elitists always hate, into not investing in silver, especially not the hard stuff, as only elitists are supposed to control the planet’s wealth!

The same applies to the Bank for International Settlements! The Pilgrims Society launched it also and its first two presidents were members! That’s Gates McGarrah and Leon Fraser! MY DEEPEST APOLOGIES!

Gee, I’m sorry I can’t deliver any interesting content for interviews with USA Watchdog, SGT Report, Wall Street for Main Street, Daily Coin, Reluctant Preppers, World Alternative Media, Solari Report, Financial Survival Network, X22 Report, Dark Journalist, Silver Doctors Elijah Johnson, Rogue Money, Future Money Trends and so forth. Because to them “interesting content” evidently means “what do you have to market for purchase price to our audiences?” If asked, they all insist they don’t get paid for these obvious sales and marketing promotions. Do you believe they all do this for free? How many advertising businesses coast to coast provide free advertising for people selling things, then they ask the public to subsidize them by sending in donations? So they can provide free marketing services to people trying to sell things to them? You can’t “fight globalism” by misleading audiences as to financial relationships between hosts and interview guests! That’s my opinion as to what’s taking place. If you can see past blind personality worship of puffed up blowhards, what does this arena look like to you? The interviewers are helping guests draw money from audiences, and in return for that, the guests never compensate the hosts for these promotions? Sure! And you also know lots of hospitals that just never bill anyone! If you want to save $997, you can get all free resource stock picks in precious metals at 321 Gold! Notice too the interviewers hardly ever hold guests to account for bad price and timing forecasts (“silver will never trade under $30 again,” fall 2012, still as this is released in October 2018, wrong since mid-April 2013!)

It isn’t cool to be a free information provider when all the interviewers and guests are there to siphon money from their bamboozled audiences mesmerized by misplaced hero worship of personalities. I’d appreciate it if they’d just admit those are paid promotions.

Start my own channel? My writing efforts take up too much time after my other necessaries. Besides, these operators already have established presence and could have fast forwarded info to the public; it would take years to build a channel. If something isn’t offered for purchase to viewers, the subject content can’t possibly be of any interest! The interviewers record of guests defines that this is their viewpoint! So then I must assume God will severely chastise me for not being after the finances of anyone who reads my research pieces!