Mythology and Destiny
ANTHROPOS InternationalANTHROPOS Review of Anthropology and Linguistics 100.2005: 449-462 100.2005: 449-462 MythologyMythologyandandDestinyDestiny Albert Doja Albert Doja Abstract. - In Albanian tradition, the essential attributes of lady associated with the person's spirit, with their Abstract. - In Albanian tradition, the essential attributes of larly associated with the person's spirit, with their the mythological figures of destiny seem to be symbolic life and death, their health, their future character, theinterchangeablemythological representationsfigures of destinyof beTheirsymbolicmythical life and death, their health, their future character, their successes and setbacks. They symbolize the interchangeablecombat is but representationsthe symbolic representationof birth itself.ofTheirthe cyclicmythicalreturn their successes and setbacks. They symbolize the combat is but the symbolic representation of the cyclic return person's properties, are the spiritual condensation in the watery and chthonian world of death, leading, like the person's properties, are the spiritual condensation invegetation,the waterytoandthechthoniancosmic revivalworldofofa newdeath,birth.leading,Both protectivelike the of their qualities. They have such close mystical vegetation, to the cosmic revival of a new birth. Both protective of their qualities. They have such close mystical and destructive positions of the attributes of birth, symbolized ties with the person that merely the way they are and destructive positions of the attributes of birth, symbolized ties with the person that merely the way they are by the amniotic membranes, the caul, and other singular dealt with or the aim they are ascribed determines bymarkers,the amnioticor by themembranes,means of thethesymbolismcaul, andofothermaternalsingularwater, dealt with or the aim they are ascribed determines markers, or by the means of the symbolism of maternal water, the individual's own aptitudes and fate.
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