Knob Hill United Church, 23 Gage Avenue, Scarborough, ON, M1J 1T3 Email:
[email protected] or
[email protected] Minister: Rev. Hannah Lee, 416.431.5054 ____________________________________________________________________________________ Dear Friends, Welcome. You have probably read this word on our church bulletin, projected on our sanctuary wall, or on a church sign next to the road. What does it mean to be a welcoming community? There was a time when the church followed a process of welcome based on “Behaving, Believing, Belonging.” Christians were told you had to behave a certain way, believe a set of doctrines, and then they were allowed to belong to the church community. According to this model, belonging is dependent on behaving and believing in line with what is deemed acceptable by the community. Is this truly welcoming in God’s eyes? Or are we distorting our understanding of God and God’s grace? Jesus calls his disciples – and us today – to welcome all. We are all agents in giving and receiving welcome. The process of welcome we at KHUC are striving to do is “Belonging, Believing, Becoming.” God welcomes us and we in turn welcome one another, especially those who are marginalized, or considered the least and the lost. This model of welcome allows people to come as they are. It allows people to be honest and vulnerable. It leaves room for grace. It acknowledges that we are not perfect, but God is. It doesn’t matter who you are, what you’ve done, how you believe – it doesn’t even matter if you are Christian.