Namistnitstvo in Cracow, supplemented by bailiffs. Continued from Issue #15, July 18, 1997 An interesting in-depth analysis of the Bailiffs were powerful persons in each village. They climatic events that began in 1985 in the former THE HISTORY of LEMKOVINA had control of all administrative power and the up to the present day. This is the police force. The'1issued money requisitions and Part 33 Thirty Seventh installment of the story from Moscow arrest warrants and represented the villages in News. Galicia and lemkovina under the Habsburg's meetings of county authorities. Under the Tyranny and Oppression Hapburgs only Poles could be the administrators The Crash and Rise of an Empire and bailiffs. They were the trustees of the Polish Austria-Hungary was one of the least magnates. Galicia, a colony of the Habsburg A Colloquial Chronicle, , 1985-. Part 37 developed [at the turn of the century, Ed.] of the empire, was governed by the Vidensk bureaucracy European countries, and Galicia was one of its with the help of the Polish magnates, proud of their Hard Astern! poorest provinces with agriculture its principal titles as secret advisers to his Majesty and as Senators of the Polish House of Gentlemen in the industry. All of a sudden, all Moscow was abuzz with Vidensk Parliament. * rumor. Faces that were only recently hopeful or at The government of Galicia, represented by least expectant grew ashen or furious; there were Boim and regional department had no legislative In 1905, the Regional Soim had 761 quite a few gloating ones; and the third category bodies. They carried out the State government's ambassadors; including 92 landowners, 6 Knights, wore expressions that are best described as instructions. The little latitude of District and 18 Lords and a Baron. In addition there were 18 cautiously calculating: People were wondering if Regional Departments was restricted to school and attorneys, an interpreter, a merchant, an owner of they hadn't said or done something too bold over hospital business and road maintenance. All oil wells, a bank director, 2 directors of credit firms, the past few months and were adjusting back to an important decisions were made by the State etc. and only 10 villagers, and no workers, only too familiar, if disgusting, doublespeak pattern government, which was represented by craftsmen or teachers. Lord Andre Pototski was of conduct. Most were quoting to each other a line Namistnitstvo in Lvov and the dele9ation of the administrator. Lord Leon Pininski, Lord from a joke that is too long to recount here: Nu, Continued on Page 3, Column 2 nachalos... "Well, here we go... "

The reason for all this emotional turmoil was an article in the newspaper Sovetskaya R~ss~ya (~oviet Russia) entitled "I Cannot Betray My PrinCiples (Ne mogu postupatsya printspami, a phrase that has since gone down in the treasure­ trove of pet political catchwords). Curiously, the headline was actually a neat quote from one of Gorbachev's speeches, but the principles that the article's author refused to betray were exactly the opposite of what Gorbachev had come to stand for. Gorbachev himself later described the article as a "symbol of faith of anti- forces."

. The article was signed ", Instructor at the Leningrad Technological Institute, chemist." This "chemist" came out with probably the strongest defense of Stalinism since Stalin's times, launching a vicious attack against the people who "denigrated" the country's achievements under Stalin, who was said to have put the Soviet Union "among the great powers," with nary a word on the cost of that "achievement" in terms of untold millions of lives. Andreyeva singled out for a special onslaught the works of the then popular playwright Mikhail Shatrov, one of the more outspoken proponents of "socialism with a human face," who had dared to suggest in his play "The Peace of Brest-Litovsk" that all evil in Soviet history came from the power-mad usurper Stalin who distorted Lenin's ideas, ideals and style of Some of the delegates leadership. She went so far as to reject out of hand the idea that Stalin had had Trotsky Delegates met for their 39th biannual Convention at the Carpatho-Russian American Center, ~ssassinated, although there were plenty of people (Lemko Hall), on September 6, 1997. The following were elected to serve for the 2 year period In Moscow who could have shown her the grave of the assassin, awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet starting September 1997. Union for his exploit in a Moscow cemetery. Planning Committee: Doria Dostenko . Andreyeva protested in the strongest, and Executive Committee: Larry Buranich Garrahan Indeed most derisive terms against the concept of Alexander Herenchak, Pres. Madelaine Herenchak .. common human values overriding class interest. Paul J. Best, Vice-Pres. Anna Dostenko Katz She was convinced that the conflict between the Victoria Windish, Treas. John Kostyk two world socioeconomic systems, the socialist and George Wislocky, Corres. Sec'y. Theodore Rudawsky Mary Barker, Recording Sec'y. Auditors John Fecica Continued on Page 2, Column 1 John Zawoysky 2 12, 1997

Continued from Page 1, Column 1 hard-line offensive was not difficult to identify. It FORM the capitalist, was ultimately based on irreconcilable was Vitaly Vorotnikov, the Russian Federation's differences in the class interest, which made premier and Politburo member. Please start/renew my subscription to nonsense of Gorbachev's efforts to find a common CARPATHO-RUS. Enclosed please find my check basis for coexistence with the West. She also The text bore such an obvious stamp of the or money order for $20.jyear payable to Lemko applied the class approach to the domestic Central Committee's ideological department that Assoc. struggles, insisting that perestroika was in the some people even doubted the existence of Nina hands of "left-wing liberal intellectuals" -- a snide Andreyeva, assuming it to be a pseudonym for a Name: ------kick at and, for that matter, at bunch of faceless ideological moles from Staraya MN's Yegor Yakovlev and all the forces that those Ploshchad (a complex of buildings not far from the Address: ______figures personified. Needless to say, all this had to Kremlin where the Central Committee was located). be changed, "the leading role of the Party and of City, State, the working class in building socialism and Later, they showed Nina Andreyeva on TV, Zip Code: ______perestroika must be recognized." apparently to prove that she was no mythological character. She turned out to bea handsomely Press Fund In her warped Stalinist mind, "intellectual" mustached, beetle-browed middle-aged female of a Donation: ------was somehow equated with "Jewish" apparently via type so familiar that my teeth ached. Twenty years "cosmopolitanism," a dreaded term of abuse in late of teaching at various institutes and universities had Send To: Stalinist times. Anything that was not fiercely anti­ made her kind instantly recognizable to me: Western was "cosmopolitan," a desire to emigrate, Narrow-minded, complex-ridden bigots of CARPATHO--RUS especially strong among Soviet Jews but by no subhuman intelligence, as full of the worst c/o Alexander Herenchak means restricted to them, was seen as High prejudices and superstitions as the most backward P.O. Box 156 Treason. While apparently defending "Soviet of peasants (which they remained at heart), they Allentown, NJ 08501 patriotism." Andreyeva was actually playing up to found an easy way of making up for being all-r-ound Tel: 609-758-1115 one of the worst mob instincts in Soviet society-­ incompetents and failures by joining the massive Fax: 609-758-7301 anti-Semitism, both endemic and carefully ranks of the Party's trusted brainwashers. There cultivated. were those of us who read Hume and Locke and Kant and Hegel in the originals, but come Thursday CARPATHO--RUS Andreyeva came down like a ton of bricks we would be sitting in an auditorium taking our on the so-called neformaly -- informal clubs, circles, weekly dose of political indoctrination from these Carpatho-Russian newspaper, published bi­ societies and just gatherings of people that had nitwits who had trouble with the longer words in weekly by the Lemko Assoc. of the United States started sprouting all over the country. For the first 's leads. Their name was legion, so anyone and Canada. time in decades people Were given half a chance to at the Central Committee or anywhere else who discuss freely all sorts of things--political, religious, wanted a front for a hardline assault would have no Subscription Rate: One Year ... $20. ecological, and they grabbed it eagerly, one might trouble finding one. say hungrily. There was already talk at some of Edited By: Editor, pro-tem., A. Herenchak these gatherings of pluralism, free trade unions, a The letter in Sovetskaya Rossiya did indeed USPS No. 291 460 parliamentary regime, independent publishing give a signal for the hardliners' frontal assault: houses and a great deal else that was anathema to Dozens of regional newspapers reprinted the letter Postmaster: Send address changes to: Andreyeva and her ilks, so she sternly demanded a (as later transpired, on Ugachev's say-so). No return to "socialist" (for which read "Stalinist") liberal paper dared to print a rebuttal -- as dead CARPATHO RUS uniformity. silence reigned in the liberal publications for three 556 YONKERS AVENUE weeks in an atmosphere of defeatism and YONKERS, NEW YORK 10704 I remember my first impression on reading suspense: Everyone was waiting either Gorbachev's that artic\e: Alter the exhilaration of glasnost, it was downfall or his apostasy -- or a counterattack. like opening a particularly foul-smelling trash-can, and there were millions throughout the country who The hardliners' sortie was carefully timed APPRECIATION shared the same kind of shock. for a period when both Gorbachev and Yakovlev were out of the country -- one was in Yugoslavia, Anyone who hasn't lived long enough the other in Mongolia. They returned to Moscow We extend our thanks for help in producing under the Soviets may wonder why a mere letter to on March 18 and 19, and still the suspense this week's issue of Carpatho-Rus to Svetlana a newspaper should have triggered off a near panic continued for two more weeks. We did not know Ledenieva. among the liberal intelligentsia and the much it then, but there was a two-day session of the broader masses eager for some sort of change in Politburo in that interval at which Ugachev, that their drab, defitsit-ridden existences. But in an straightest of Bolsheviks, denied any involvement in Notice ideology-dominated SOciety a letter like that was the publication of the letter and jumped on the rightly seen by anyone with a glimmer of bandwagon when the majority of the Politburo was Passaic Branch 5--16; Lemko Assoc. intelligence as a sign of a radical ideological cowed into submission by Gorbachev, Yakovlev, turnabout in the highest places. Nothing, Ryzhkov and Shevardnadze (which did not save 1997 Schedule of Events absolutely nothing ever happened in the ideological him from a curtailment of his powers -- supervision area without sanction from the highest Party of the press was handed over to Yakovlev alone). October 12 Fall Banquet, 2 PM $15. authority. The letter was instantly recognized as a victory (or bid for victory) of the Ugachev faction Only on April 5 did Pravda publish a Birthday Meetings over Gorbachev and his associates, of hardliners powerful rebuff headlined "The Principles of over liberals, and in a totalitarian society that would Perestroika: Revolutionary Thinking and Action." September 14 2 PM mean a turnabout in absolutely every area of life, Although obviously written by Alexander Yakovlev December 7 2 PM the dashing of all hopes for a more rational and himself, it was unsigned, to stress its authority: As less oppressive society, the smashing of numerous an editorial, it represented the consolidated and All functions are held at the Masonic Hall, careers, if not worse, for people who had embraced official line of the Central Committee. In it, corner of Ann Street and Lanza Avenue, Garfield NJ the perestroika creed too eagerly, and generally a orthodox Stalinism was rejected in favor of the retreat to Stalinism or near-Stalinism all down the principles of democratic socialism, and Lenin's line. Hence the gloom and doom. name was repeated as a mantra to hallow that social doctrine: The meaning of perestroika did not Press Fund Contributions The ideological and political shift was all lie in restoring capitalism but in returning to Lenin's the more feasible as it followed the all too familiar principles whose essence is democracy, social Maria Brinda, in memory of husband, freeze-after-thaw pattern of the late· 1950s and early justice, khozraschet (selfaccounting), and respect Vasyl, passed away 11/12/91 $ 20. 1960s, and there was no independent organized for the honor, life and dignity of the individual. Larry Buranich Garrahan 20. force, like a political party or trade-union, to oppose Michael Sedor 15. the Communist hardline backlash. The best that Frankly, the specific verbiage in which the Sonia Patterson --1.Q" perestroika-minded folks could hope for would be ideological rebuttal was clothed did not matter a slide back into the lethargy, hypocrisy in public much to the liberals: What was really important was Total $ 65. and mutinous mumbling in private, laced with the fact of the rebuttal itself. It was a signal that plenty of alcohol, of the "stagnation" years. Gorbachev was firmly in charge and perestroika could go on -- although few people knew where it The Andreyeva letter appeared in was headed, and even those few have proved to be The Cooking Corner Sovetskaya Rossiya, an "organ," as papers were mistaken. then called in all seriousness, of the Central Sergei ROY--Moscow News It seems that each tour we make of the Committee and of the government of the Russian Carpathians we had a food which we enjoyed time Federation, so the other highly placed backer (I and again. One year it was a Pepper Salsa, which mean, apart from Ugachev) or instigator of the was donated by one of the relatives, another year 3 SEPTEMBER 12, 1997

Continued from Page 1. Column 3 Carpatho-Russian Center it was mushrooms, which we purchased on the Kasemyr and Lord Evstahy Sangushko were the 556 Yonkers Ave., Yonkers, NY road, and one year it was halushky, which we had administrators preceding Patotski. Lord Stanislav for lunch time and again. Halushky, small drop Badeny was a Marshal and his' substitute was Upcoming Events dumplings, which we usually eat on fast days, were archbishop Andre Shiptitski. served with bacon crumbles, which gave them a delicious taste. We had almost forgotten that we 90% of the village Marshals were Poles. Kermesh N0vember 22. 1997, Buffet and ate them with skawarki, rendered salt pork bits, The secretarial work of the villages was performed Dance. during the drpression. Here is the recipe for by landowners. attorneys. judges and notary Halushky with cheese. publics. The village police force consisted of New Year's bankrupt landowners, military men and retired Eve Dance January 17. 1998 Potato Halushky policemen. Call (9 1 4) 969-3954 for further details 1 3/4 Ibs. potatoes The region was completely run by 2 cups flour magnates such as Pototski. Badenov. Lubomyrski. 1 egg Chartoriski and others who owned land and real 1/4 lb. bacon estate in the Kingdom of Galicia and Ukraine. AUDIO and VIDEO Tapes 14 oz. bryndza or feta cheese (large curd cottage cheese may be used) *Take for example. David Abrahamovich. Item #1 Karpati-Rus' Folk Songs; who had the following titles: Eighteen folk songs from the Carpathian First, fry the bacon until crisp. Drain the Mountains! Transcribed from 78 rpm discs bacon strips and crumble them. Next. on another Dawid Ritter won Abrahamovicz seiner recorded in 1910. this audio cassette tape presents dish, crumble or shred the cheese. Next, grate the Kaiser!, und Konigl. Apoltolischen Majestak wedding. christening and Christmas songs .... the potatoes into a large bowl. (You may use your wirklichen geheimer Rot, Ritter des Osterr, Kaiser!. way our ancestors did them. blender.) Add the egg and flour and pinch of salt. Ordens der Eisemeh Kroe 1. klasse, Komandeur Mix until the dough begins to pull away from the des Osterr, Kaizer!. Leopold-Ordens, K.K.. Minister Item #2: Russian Balalaika and Polkas, sides of the bowl. Add more flour if necessary to a D., Lebenslanghichens Mittklied des Chardashes and Gypsy Eclectic; make a fairly stiff dough. Spread the dough on a Herrenhanses des Osterreichischen Reichsrates, This audio cassette tape contains Russian flat plate. With the edge of a spoon. toss bits the Landesabgeordneter Ehrenmitglied des K.K. Galiz. polka and balalaika selections. Slavic chardashes size of a cashew into a pot of boiling water. When Landwirtschaftlichen Geselischaft, and gypsy-melodies. Several folk songs provided they rise to the top. test one to see if done. Drain Grossgrundbesitzer, Vertrauensmann der here were originally recorded in 1910 on 78 rpm them and mix in some of the rendered bacon fat. Hypothekar Kreditbabteilung der Osterreichisch -­ discs. Then add cheese and mix. Add the crumbled undarischen Bank, etc. bacon. Eat while hot. Item #3: East European Folk Festival; (If a reader. knowledgeable in German. can Each year. the Lemko Association of the These are eaten as a one dish meal. translate the above paragraph for us it would be U.S. and Canada sponsors a festival of East sincerely appreciated. Ed.) European dancing and singing. This video offers The Orthodox Herald highlights of the 25th festival which was held in Translated by Larissa Ivanova 1993. It includes excerpts of an Orthodox Catholic prayer service and concert of Karpati-Rus;. To be continued Ukrainian, Russian and Slovak folk songs and Personals dancing.

To the Chelaks; Karen. Russell and your 2 Item #4: Canonization of Father Maksym Jovelydaughters. Your presence was missed at the Sandovich; Lemko Cu\tura\ Festiva\ he\d at ROVA Resort in An interesting excerpt of a commentary This video includes a biography of Saint August. You missed a great (open) program! PS. written by an intellectual, Mr. Herriot, of a bygone Maksym, the first Orthodox Catholic saint of the I had "our" private stock of cold Schaeffer with me. age, 1931, upon his visit to the Soviet Union. He Karpati-Rus;. The major sites and events of his Sest wishes, Larry Suranich Garrahan. had amazing foresight. glorification which occurred in Gorlice. Poland in September. 1994 are uniquely recorded ...... ,The state thus constituted is ruled by a To: Laura and Tom. Congratulations as you hierarchy of rural, urban and provincial Soviets. celebrate your 3rd wedding anniversary! God be The whole general body politic. foreign affairs, the Item #5: Video Recording of the Akafist Male with you-Love. Mommie & Daddy. army and navy, transport and police remains in the Chamber Choir of Moscow and the Slavic Male hands of the Union. under the authority of the Chorus of Washington, D.C.; Congress of Soviets of the Central Committee of Recorded at S1. Luke's Serbian Orthodox To: TA Happy Birthday! With all my love. the Union, the famous Tsik. and of the Council of Church in McLean. Virginia on March 12. 1992, this LAG. Commissars. In its turn, the entire body is video includes 17 classic liturgical songs and subordinated to the decisions of the Communist shows the interior and exterior of all slavic Party. There, then. is a perfect example of rigorous Orthodox Catholic churches in the Washington, Note to Readers: Personal notices can be centralization. D.C. area. published at nominal fees. Send such notices to the Editor. But. on the other hand. the Soviet Item #6: Canonization oi Father Alexis Toth; Constitution lets the federated republics keep the St Alexis' biography and canonization following functions: Public education and justice. ceremony are preserved on this video which was Sovietism follows a policy exactly opposite to filmed at St. Tikhon's Monastery. Notice Tsarism. Nationalities have been either awakened or reawakened. The Union has come to comprise Item #7: Folk Songs from the Uzhorod Region: Anybody have old 78 RPM records with today eleven republics and fifteen autonomous "Muse Zakarpatskaia through 12 folk songs Lemko, Boiko and Hutsul music? Please contact territories. Thus, by a paradox. a regime that were recorded in Soviet days in 1955. Alex Herenchak. Editor. internationalist in essence conciliates itself with a PRICES: regime of nationalisms. This permits the different Item #1 ..... $12. peoples an intellectual expansion for which they Item #2 ..... $12. show themselves expecially grateful. Item #3 ..... $25. Item #4..... $20. Leads to Conflict Item #5 ..... $30. Lemko Wedding Video item #6..... $20. The two tendencies which we have just Item #7 ..... $12. A two hour video cassette of the film defined, will they one day enter into conflict? That LEMKO WEDDING is still available for sale to our is a problem for the future ...... " All prices include shipping costs. Send readers. This is the original film that was made check or money order for Lemko Association to: more than 30 years ago, and it should be of Mary Barker interest to those readers who have not had the 521 Piermont Avenue OF OUR READERS pleasure of viewing it. Rivervale. NJ 07675 our archives we have searched for including postage and handling. is from the 1 1940s and send your check or money 1950s. of those old Calendars are missing. order made payable to Lemko c/o We would like to request, from our any old Herenchak, P.O. Box 156, Allentown, New Calendars that may have and do not need. 08501. This would be of help to us in researching the history of our people. Thank you. Ed.