The National Fraternity
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THE NATIONAL FRATERNITY of THE SECULAR FRANCISCAN ORDER Newsletter Summer, 1992 CHRIST'S FAITHFUL PEOPLE the first time they were invited. In fact, INTO THE VINEYARD? some may have avoided the invitation several Richard Morton, WO times and maybe a few avoided going at all National MiniatPr even after receiving five invitations. 'The reign of God is like the case of the owner Working in vineyards is not reserved just for of an estate who went out at dawn to hire farm workers and vineyards are not just for workmen for his vineyard. After reaching an growing grapes. Our Lord Jesus Christ also agreement with them for the usual daily wage, has a vineyard into which he invites us to he sent them out to his vineyard. He came out work. His vineyard is creation, and the fruit about midmorning and saw other men to be harvested is that of the souls of all of standing around the market place without God's people. work, so he said to them, 'You too go along to my vineyard and I will pay you whatever is In responding to Christ's invitation to "Come, fair.' At that they went away. He came out work in my vineyard." those of us who are again around noon and midafternoon and did can, have a choice: we can say yes, or we can the same. Finally, going out in late afternoon say no. When deciding on our response, we he found still others standing around. To soon realize that there is no middle ground. these he said, 'Why have you been standing We either go and work in the fields or we here idle all day?' No one has hired us,' they turn our backs on an opportunity to par- told him. He said, 'You go into my vineyard ticipate in the building of the Kingdom. too. "(Mt. 20: 1-7.) When we choose to do the work, it is most often a rewarding experience. Many times, it Working in a vineyard is not the easiest task turns out not to be work at all, but a joy, a in the world. As summertime employment, chance to serve, and a chance to grow. it is hot, dry, dusty, buggy, and just plain Working in the vineyard many times calls us hard work. The kind most of us would avoid to leave our comfort zone, the place or the if we could. Perhaps this is why many of circumstances of our life where we are not at those in the market place failed to respond risk. It is an opportunity to face the unex- pected, the unknown, sometimes to face a leaven, and to be an instrument of peace rejection, criticism, ridicule, and the like (just and change. The Holy Father's Apostolic as Jesus did). Exhortation is one of the reference documents to be used for the Congress. As Secular If we decline the opportunity to go and work, Franciscans, it is not enough to just closet we need to ask ourselves why. One answer ourselves within the security of "Church may lie in the following comment in Pope services and tasks;" we must, to the extent John Paul II's Apostolic Exhortation, The we are able, infiltrate society to help enable Vocation and Mission of the Laity in the it to become the Kingdom of God on earth. Church and the World (Christifideles Laici): "The temptation of being so strongly Are you planning to attend the Congress? I interested in Church services and tasks challenge every fraternity to sponsor at least (is) that some fail to become actively one member by paying all or a sizeable por- engaged in their responsibilities in the tion of the expenses. That way, the expense professional, social, cultural, and political to attend can be shared by the entire commu- world; and the temptation of legitimizing nity. The person attending can bring back the unwarranted separation of faith from the story of the Congress and share it with life, that is, a separation of the Gospel's the sisters and brothers. Here is an excellent acceptance from the actual living of the opportunity to have one of the younger mem- Gospel in various situations in the bers have a chance to see a broader view of world." (p. 12). the Order than just that of the local fraterni- ty. We can stay in our "comfort zone," and be- come "so strongly interested in Church servic- Hope to see all of you there. es and tasks" that we fail to. "become God bless you. actively engaged.. ." and to "live the gospel." However INTERNATIONAL LETTER "Secular Franciscans should devote them- A letter from our Minister General to the selves especially to careful reading of the National Minister indicated that our election gospel, going from gospel to life and life to proposal is acceptable. The elections held in the gospel." (Rule, par. 4). 1991 are for the usual three years; 1992 will be for a two year term, and 1993 will be for So do we, as Secular Franciscans, have a a one year term. As of 1994, we will be on choice as to whether or not we are to work in the required schedule of National elections Christ's vineyard if we are to be faithful to once every three years. our Rule? It would seem not. Concerned about how to go into the vineyard? AD MULTOS ANNOS Why not attend the Quinquennial Congress. The theme of the congress "Christ's Faithful Congratulations and prayerful good wishes to People, the Challenge and Response," pro- Rev. Richard A. Portasik, OFM on the 40th vides us with a chance to better experience anniversary of his ordination. Fr. Richard is and to learn of the opportunities, challenges, the Spiritual Assistant of Holy Savior Secular and invitations to go out into the world, to be Franciscan Province. 2 SUMMIT ON THE MOUNT Newsletter The Editor reported that, as of the beginning In mid-March, at Mount St. Francis, Indiana, of March, the publication was nearing 1800 the Regionalization Committee met, followed mailings. Private subscriptions paid for two by meetings of the Executive Council and the of the 1991 issues. Because of the necessity Apostolic Commissions. Separate and joint of getting information to as many SFOs as brainstorming sessions were held. possible, the subscription price will remain the same as long as possible. Regionalization Committee The Regionalization Committee recommended Treasurer's Report approval of five emerging regions: three in See Tax Status, p. 4 the California area, one in the Minnesota area, and one in Florida-South Georgia. National Formation Commission Progress on the Franciscan studies corre- It also received two requests: one for an spondence courses continues. Preliminary ethnic region and one for an Eastern Rite discussions with Middle States Accreditation region. The Committee, while sympathetic to Association have paved the way for the issu- the requests, could not support them because ance of proper credentials. it would create a structure analogous to the one that we are to discontinue. Also we must The first course in the series on Franciscan follow the example of the Church which does sources will be written by Fr. Regis not establish ethnic dioceses. Armstrong, OFM Cap, of the Franciscan Institute of St. Bonaventure University. Executive Council Other faculty members are being sought to The Council approved the above recommenda- sponsor the effort, planned to begin in Sep- tion of the Regionalization Committee. tember. A committee of spiritual assistants and It is still anticipated that the program will be Seculars are preparing guidelines for regional a certificate program, requiring a bachelor's spiritual assistants. degree for admittance as well as letters of recommendation. The course of study will A handbook of procedures and definitions is include 24 to 30 credits. Those without the to be prepared for all levels of fraternity. It proper credentials will be able to take up to is to serve as a guideline until the National 21 credits (possibly continuing education Statutes are revised and approved by the credits), but not receive the certificate. International. Apostolic Commissions (Ed. note: Regional and provincial statutes must be The Commissioners expect to begin publica- approved by the National Executive Council. Until the tion of a newsletter sometime this year. National Statues are approved by the International, the Council cannot approve regionals or provincials. It will probably be two years minimum before new National They reported an increase in provincial and statutes are in place. Considering the schedule for local fraternity response and activity with the regionalization of the U.S., it is a moot point whether greatest activity being in the areas of Family provincial statutes will be needed long enough to justify and Peace & Justice. rewriting.) TAX STATUS Participating in or intervening in any politi- cal campaign on behalf of or in opposition to John Sanborn, SFO, National Treasurer, has any candidate for public office is forbidden. received the following information from the General Counsel to the U.S. Catholic Confer- The restrictions on lobbying and campaigning ence: obviously apply to the Order and its members who might identify themselves as SFOs. The National Fraternity, as an Order within Such activities must never be done in the the Roman Catholic Church, is listed in the name of the Order. annual Official Catholic Directory and, thus, is exempt from federal income, gift, estate, If your province or local fraternity is incorpo- and unemployment taxes under the USCC rated, or if you have any questions, please Group Ruling. contact the National Treasurer: Mr. John K. Sanborn, SFO The Order is not exempt from payment of 1611 West River Parkway Social Security tax for any employees.