Journal of Communication and Computer 12 (2015) 49-56 doi: 10.17265/1548-7709/2015.02.002 D DAVID PUBLISHING

Standards for Enterprise Architectures

Alicia Valdez Menchaca1 , Griselda Cortes2, Sergio Castaneda2 and Alejandro Luna2 1. Research Center, Faculty of Engineering Mechanical and Electrical, University Autonomous of Coahuila 2. Academic Unit Computer Systems, Faculty of Engineering Mechanical and Electrical, University Autonomous of Coahuila

Abstract: The manufacturing industry in Mexico has great potential for growth, especially small and medium enterprises (smes), with an area of opportunity for the integration of its key processes to information technology, through which you can provide information quickly and effectively to support strategic decision making. A methodology for the development of schemes that provide the foundation for the use of information in support of business strategy is composed of partial architectures and data architecture / applications, business architecture and technology architecture. This paper presents an analysis of standards known in the scientific literature on enterprise architecture to develop a proposal for midsize companies. It also discusses open source tools for managing enterprise architecture. The results offer great expectations for sme’s to implement enterprise architectures in their processes this analysis is part of a research project that seeks to design and implement enterprise architectures in sme’s, the project is currently in analysis.

Key words: Enterprise architecture, SME’s, key processes.

1. Introduction competitiveness of enterprises. This paper presents an analysis of the first three EA (enterprise architecture) is a methodology that mentioned frameworks for enterprise architectures, aims to provide companies a framework for the use of tools, and a design model for medium manufacturing information in business processes in ways that support enterprises. the business strategy [1], the EA is used as a strategic These firms provide a high rate of employment in tool to support mechanism and the alignment between the Mexico’s northern industry, which provide raw business strategy and ICT’s (information and material to automotive cluster with global enterprises communication technologies) [2]. located in the cluster. Throughout the development of computer sciences, have emerged different methodological frameworks 2. Basic Concepts that provide a guide or method for setting the EA; 2.1 The Zachman Framework between these frameworks are:  The Zachman Framework; With the complexity of organizations, the volume  The DoDAF(department of defense architecture of data and transactions has increased significantly framework); impacting information systems.  TOGAF(the open group architecture framework); The EA started as management information systems  FEA (federal enterprise architect). in the early 60’s in the United States company IBM Emphasizing as a common prime factor setting the (international business machines) by “Information strategic alignment of the company with ICT’s to Systems, Control and Planning Staff” (ISCM) area. contribute for increased productivity and Where the bases of the methodology known as BSP (business systems planning), considered one of the

Corresponding author: Alicia Valdez Menchaca, Ph.D., methodologies that started the EA with John Zachman, research fields: computer systems in management, enterprise who developed a framework for defining architectures architecture. E-mail: [email protected].

50 Standards for Enterprise Architectures for information systems, created what subsequently Based on these two ideas, the framework combines became the “Zachman Framework” [3]. two dimensions: the perspectives and types of The framework was created to provide a descriptions; perspectives or views are rows and types disciplined management information systems, and of descriptions are the columns. professional communication that allows the Perspectives are: Scope, Business Model, Model improvement and integration of tools and Systems, Model Technology, Representations and development methodologies. Operation Detailed Company. The types of Related information systems strategy with business descriptions are: data, functions, Networking, People, strategy, aligning both strategies to establish order and Time and Motivation, which represents the questions: control in investment resources information systems What, How, Where, Who, When and Why. In Table 1 to ensure business success [4]. the Zachman Framework is shown. Using the analogy of the development of Each cell in the table contains a set of elements that information systems with building a house, with the represent diagrams or documents on the specific terms: Owner’s View, Designer’s View, and Builder’s architecture and level of detail; e.g., column of View, in order to increase appropriate levels of detail architecture functions or processes with the line of for each view. objectives and scope, a list of processes running the The two ideas that originate the Zachman business is taken into the cell. framework were [4]: Ylimaki and Halttunen [5] mentioned to consider  There is a set of architectural renderings the rules to implement the Zachman framework: produced on the process of building engineering  All columns are equally important, since all are complex product, representing the different abstractions of the company; perspectives of different stakeholders;  Do not add columns or rows as the original six  The same product can be described, for different questions (What, How, Where, Who, When and Why) purposes in different ways, resulting in different types from the basis of knowledge about a subject or object of descriptions. being described;


What How Where Who When Why Objective/Scope List of things List of Business List of Business List of important List of Business (contextual) important in the List of Events Processes Locations Organizations Goal & Strategies Role: Planner business Enterprise Model Conceptual Data/ Business Process Business Work Flow Business (contextual) Master Schedule Object Model Model Logistics System Model Plan Role: Owner System Model System Distributed Logical Data Human Interface Processing Business Rule (Logical ) Architecture Systems Model Architecture Structure Model Role: Designer Model Architecture Technology Physical Data/ Technology Technology Presentation Model (physical ) Control Structure Rule Design Class Model Design Model Architecture Architecture Role :Builder Detailed Reprentation Network Security Data Definition Program Timing Definition Rule Speculation (out of context ) Architecture Architecture Role:Programmer Functioning Working Functioning Implemented Enterprise Usable Data Usable Network Working Strategy Function Organization Schedule Role: User Source: IBM [3], Extended [6].

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 Each cell must include a primitive architecture as based on Zachman Framework [7]. a simple graphical model describing the company In 1996, the Congress of the United States of America from a viewpoint corresponding to one of the six passed a law called "Clinger-Cohen Act of 1996, which descriptions; specifies that federal agencies should improve the  You may decide not to produce a deliverable in a efficiency of investment on information technologies, given cell; establishing the Council of Managers of Information  The integration of cells belonging to a line Technology (CIO's Council) group, which originated the represents a complete model from the perspective of FEAF (federal enterprise architecture framework) [7]. the line in question. TAFIM was withdrawn by the Department of Zachman mentioned Enterprise Architecture is the Defense and the association donated to The Open “Primitive set and presented graphically descriptive Group, who later developed TOGAF (the open group artifacts that constitute the knowledge infrastructure of architecture framework) Standard [8]. the company” [4] quoted by Ref. [5]. DoDAF has defined “An architecture consists of To implement the Zachman Framework, some multiple views or perspectives, facilitating the experts recommend a working method that generates integration and promoting interoperability between documents that are required at each stage. capabilities and integrated architectures” [9]. DoDAF focuses on data as necessary to develop 2.2 The Department of Defense Architecture architectures that are intended to facilitate effective Framework. decision making through organized information In 1994, the Department of Defense of the United element. States of America created the TA-FIM (technical DoDAF methodology consists of six steps shown in architectural framework for information management), Fig. 1.

Fig. 1 Steps of DoDAF Standard, source [9].

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Determine the use of architecture: the purpose and 2.3 The Open Group Architecture Framework use of architecture is defined as the descriptions (TOGAF). process, the method of development of architecture, the categories necessary data, the potential impact will It is an enterprise architecture methodology and be conducted and the processes by which the success framework used in organizations to improve business of the effort will be measured in terms of performance efficiency [9]. As mentioned in the previous section and customer satisfaction. this standard is based on DoDAF, was subsequently Determine the scope of architecture: The scope updated by The Open Group has developed successive defines the boundaries or limits, establishes the set of versions until the current version 9.1. problems for architecture helps define the context and Based on the ADM (architecture development defines the level of detail required for the content of method); ADM is divided into 9 phases, an overview architecture. of the architecture describing how the new capacity Determine the data required to support the going to align business goals and strategic objectives development of architecture: The level of detail with ICT’s. Fig. 2 shows the phases of the ADM required for each data entity along with its attributes, Method. including identification data necessary process and The Preliminary phase includes the preparation and other data required to effect change in the current initiation of activities to build the capacities of process. The reuse of data previously used in other architecture requires understanding the business analyzes can simplify this step. environment, create a committee of senior Collect, organize, relate and store data architecture: management, establishing consensus on the scope, In this step you collect and organize data through the establish principles, the structure of governance and use of techniques designed to use the views (e.g., personalization framework. activities, processes, organization or data models) for Phase A: Architecture Vision: At this stage the presentation and purposes decision-making. Data is scope, constraints, expectations vision of architecture stored in a recognized marketing tool. is also created, validates the business context, Conduct the analysis in support of the objectives of statements of work of architecture created are architecture: Analysis of data architecture determines defined. the level of compliance with the requirements of the Phase B: Business Architecture: In this phase the process owner. Identified additional process steps to fundamental organization of the business and its goals, complete the description of the architecture. objectives, business processes, functions, services, Document results requires the decision maker: The human resources, organizational structure, the final step is the development of the architecture principles governing its design and evolution is process involves creating query-based views of the analyzed. Shows how the organization meets the goals data, this data can be presented in different formats and objectives of the business. such as graphical representations, dashboards views, Activities of Phase B: and others formats.  Select reference models, views and tools. To conclude this standard was created to meet the  Define the description of the reference specific needs of decision makers and can be architecture. replicated in companies. The main activities lie in the  Define the architecture object. method of six steps to create descriptions of  Conduct a gap analysis. architectures [8].  Define the components of the roadmap.

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Fig. 2 TOGAF phases.

In the “B” phase, the BA with the fundamental outsourcing; establishing priorities and dependencies. business organization and its goals, objectives, Phase F: Migration Planning: In this phase business processes, functions, services, human migration is planned projects identified in phase-dos E resources, organizational structure, the principles doing a cost-benefit risk assessment it ends with a governing its design and evolution are analyzed. detailed implementation plan analysis. Phase D: Architecture Technology: Analyzes the Phase G: Implementation of Governance: Provides fundamental organization of information technology oversight for implementation, define constraints on systems, including hardware, software and architecture implementation projects, governs and communications technology, the interrelationships manages the architecture, monitors the conformance between each of these components and their of the implementation. environment, and the principles governing its design Phase H: Architecture Change Management: and evolution. Provides continuous monitoring of the process of Architecture Technology Activities: change management, ensures that changes to the  Analyze the hardware, software and architecture will be managed in a cohesive and communications technology available in the company structured manner. and how they support the goals and objectives of the Establishes and supports the AE provides a business. flexibility to evolve rapidly in response to changes in Phase E: Opportunities and Solutions: In this phase technology or business environment. the initial deployment planning is done, the major The TOGAF Standard is a complete methodology implementation projects identify the decision on the to plan, develop, implement and govern an EA in any approach to be taken as buying, re-use or open source organization. At each stage deliverables artifacts such

54 Standards for Enterprise Architectures as catalogs, matrices, diagrams are created.  Graphviz 2.26. Having analyzed the three standards, which is This toolset provides a graphical environment that recommended for a company? is needed to create the views, models and descriptions Brons and Basten [10] recommend a mixed of partial architectures. approach to create its own standard based on the The Fig. 4 displays the editor for Essential. characteristics of the standards presented, other 3. Proposal for EA authors [11] present the Zachman framework as a taxonomy and have recommended the TOGAF The proposal for EA includes the TOGAF Standard standard for building enterprise architecture own with the ADM Method using the Essential toolset for signature. repository and modeler of the views required. The Fig. 5 shows the proposal. 2.3 Software for Enterprise Architecture The TOGAF Standard, where general bases are the One open source software for managing the AE is preliminary analysis, business architecture, the Essential Architecture Manager version 4.3, which architecture of information systems, and technology is a toolset that supports EA practices, offering some architecture, which are the architectures to develop for features required like repository, metamodel that this research project. Using the Essential Toolkit for support some partial architectures like business, data, respository of the data and artifacts to obtain. The Fig. information, techonology and strategy [12]. 6 displays the general data flow of the proposal. These features can be gruped into two areas: Every partial architecture requires a completely set Modeling and views of the model for reporting and of documents, data, interviews with responsibles of analysis. The Fig. 3 shows the functionality of the each function of the firm. In the BA (business software. architecture), important documents where the business Pre-requisites software are required for Essential: plan is defined, mission, vision, goals, strategy,  Java Runtime 1.5 or above. competitive advantage, clients, providers, products,  Protege Ontology Editor 3.4 or above. layout, organization chart, and others, are analyzed for  Apache Tomcat 5.5 or above. construct it.

Fig. 3 Functions of essential software.

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Fig. 4 Editor for Essential Architecture Manager.

Fig. 5 Enterprise architecture proposal.

Fig. 6 Data flow for the EA.

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