2021 Stockpile Stewardship and Management Plan – Biennial Plan Summary

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2021 Stockpile Stewardship and Management Plan – Biennial Plan Summary Fiscal Year 2021 Stockpile Stewardship and Management Plan – Biennial Plan Summary Report to Congress December 2020 National Nuclear Security Administration United States Department of Energy Washington, DC 20585 Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration | December 2020 Message from the NNSA Administrator The Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration (DOE/NNSA) was created to safeguard and support our Nation’s security through the application of nuclear science and engineering. Since the days of the Manhattan Project, the highly talented men and women of the nuclear security enterprise have applied unique capabilities to promote U.S. security in the face of an ever-evolving global security environment. Nuclear deterrence has been, and remains, the cornerstone of our Nation’s security posture, and its credibility serves as the ultimate insurance policy against a nuclear attack. DOE/NNSA is the only organization that can sustain the Nation’s nuclear stockpile, as well as the nuclear propulsion systems of the U.S. Navy’s submarines and aircraft carriers. We are the industrial base for the Nation’s nuclear stockpile, and providing the tools of deterrence to our Nation’s military is DOE/NNSA’s highest-priority mission. The Fiscal Year 2021 Stockpile Stewardship and Management Plan – Biennial Plan Summary (SSMP) describes DOE/NNSA’s plans to ensure the safety, security, and effectiveness of the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile and to maintain the scientific and engineering tools, capabilities, and infrastructure that underpin the nuclear security enterprise. NNSA also publishes the annual Prevent, Counter, and Respond: A Strategic Plan to Reduce Global Nuclear Threats report to Congress as a companion document to the SSMP, which outlines the equally vital missions to reduce the threats of nuclear proliferation and nuclear terrorism. In keeping with our commitments to Congress and the public, updated versions of these reports are published each year. The fiscal year (FY) 2021 SSMP summarizes the activities being performed within DOE/NNSA’s national laboratories, production facilities, and security sites in support of our national security missions. In particular, this report describes DOE/NNSA’s plan to achieve the program requirements of producing 80 plutonium pits per year during 2030; achieving the first production unit of the W80-4 Life Extension Program and W87-1 Modernization Program by FY 2025 and FY 2030, respectively; and delivering the first production units of the B61-12 Life Extension Program and the W88 Alteration 370 warheads. In FY 2020, DOE/NNSA closed out the W76-1 Life Extension Program, provided the W76-2 low-yield ballistic missile warhead for initial deployment, and restarted design activities for the W78 replacement warhead (the W87-1) program that resumed in FY 2019. The nuclear security enterprise is at its busiest since the Cold War. DOE/NNSA’s ability to execute the priorities outlined in the 2018 Nuclear Posture Review depends upon a modern, flexible, and resilient nuclear security infrastructure, as outlined in the 2019 DOE/NNSA Nuclear Posture Review Implementation Plan report to Congress. This SSMP reflects continued investments in repair and recapitalization of the laboratories, production facilities, and security sites that are crucial to delivering on the Nation’s defense priorities and, most importantly, to supporting our greatest asset, our workforce. Together with continued support from Congress, DOE/NNSA will ensure that its world-class workforce has the resources and the responsive, agile infrastructure needed to steward the systems that comprise our deterrent today and, should the need arise, to design the systems of tomorrow. The rapidly evolving threat environment facing our Nation underscores the need for the United States to maintain a diverse set of nuclear capabilities that can provide flexible, tailored options to enhance Fiscal Year 2021 Stockpile Stewardship and Management Plan – Biennial Plan Summary | Page i Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration | December 2020 deterrence and achieve national security objectives should deterrence fail. As described in this report, the scientific and technological expertise found at DOE/NNSA’s laboratories, production facilities, and other sites is the intellectual backbone that supports the United States’ continued deterrence of adversarial aggression and the preservation of peace for our Nation and our allies. For 75 years, the nuclear security enterprise has met every challenge, leading the country in incredible scientific and engineering endeavors and discoveries that benefit the Nation as a whole. As we continue into the next decade, DOE/NNSA will continue to stand together to anticipate future security challenges and ensure that our Nation is ready to meet them. Pursuant to statute, this FY 2021 SSMP is provided to: The Honorable Richard Shelby Chairman, Senate Committee on Appropriations The Honorable Patrick Leahy Vice Chairman, Senate Committee on Appropriations The Honorable James Inhofe Chairman, Senate Committee on Armed Services The Honorable Jack Reed Ranking Member, Senate Committee on Armed Services The Honorable Lamar Alexander Chairman, Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development Senate Committee on Appropriations The Honorable Dianne Feinstein Ranking Member, Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development Senate Committee on Appropriations The Honorable Deb Fischer Chairman, Subcommittee on Strategic Forces Senate Committee on Armed Services The Honorable Martin Heinrich Ranking Member, Subcommittee on Strategic Forces Senate Committee on Armed Services The Honorable Nita Lowey Chairman, House Committee on Appropriations The Honorable Kay Granger Ranking Member, House Committee on Appropriations The Honorable Adam Smith Chairman, House Committee on Armed Services The Honorable Mac Thornberry Ranking Member, House Committee on Armed Services Fiscal Year 2021 Stockpile Stewardship and Management Plan – Biennial Plan Summary | Page ii Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration | December 2020 The Honorable Marcy Kaptur Chairman, Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development, and Related Agencies House Committee on Appropriations The Honorable Mike Simpson Ranking Member, Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development, and Related Agencies House Committee on Appropriations The Honorable Jim Cooper Chairman, Subcommittee on Strategic Forces House Committee on Armed Services The Honorable Michael Turner Ranking Member, Subcommittee on Strategic Forces House Committee on Armed Services Should you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Dr. Howard Dickenson, Acting Associate Administrator for External Affairs, at (202) 586-7332; or Ms. Katie Donley, Deputy Director for External Coordination, Office of the Chief Financial Officer, at (202) 586-0176. Sincerely, William A. Bookless Acting Under Secretary for Nuclear Security And Administrator, NNSA Fiscal Year 2021 Stockpile Stewardship and Management Plan – Biennial Plan Summary | Page iii Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration | December 2020 This page left blank intentionally Fiscal Year 2021 Stockpile Stewardship and Management Plan – Biennial Plan Summary | Page iv Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration I December 2020 Message from the Secretary The Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration (DOE/NNSA) was established 20 years ago with the mission to enhance national security through the military application of nuclear science and engineering. Since that time, DOE/NNSA has successfully maintained a safe, secure, and effective nuclear deterrent in close coordination with the Department of Defense. DOE/NNSA's nuclear deterrence mission remains the cornerstone of our Nation's security posture. The return to great power competition in the 21st century, coupled with an unprecedented range and mix of threats, requires the United States to maintain a diverse set of nuclear deterrent capabilities. The Nation must also maintain the means to provide flexible, tailored options to achieve national security objectives should deterrence fail. To provide a viable nuclear deterrent, the United States must maintain the current stockpile of nuclear weapons, extend the life of the stockpile, and sustain the nuclear deterrent in the long term through the modernization of laboratory and production infrastructure. Over the past several decades, necessary weapon and infrastructure modernization program investments have been postponed for competing priorities. These delays in investments have directly affected DOE/NNSA's ability to maintain critical capabilities, recapitaliz�_modernize deteriorating infrastructure, and recruit and retain the workforce necessaryto ensure the future viability of the deterrent. This Administration is committed to reversing these trends and investing to support a truly responsive and resilient nuclear security enterprise. DOE/NNSA's Fiscal Year 2021 Stockpile Stewardship and Management Pion - Biennial Summary {SSMP} outlines the extensive work DOE/NNSA will undertake to modernize the stockpile; strengthen its significant scientific, technical, and engineering capabilities; and recapitalize supporting infrastructure to support the nuclear deterrent's modernization now and into the future. With the continued support of Congress, this program will revitalize and reinvigorate the nuclear security enterprise and
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