Congratulations to Home Farm and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Colgate of Oldwick, New Jersey on their pur- chase of Broadwall Golden Boy!

Under the expert hands of Jacquelin Gagnon, Briarwood Stable, Gold ­ (Five blues in 1960, and en Boy was a top winner four blues in 196 l l, and in the American the National Morgan Show Association Shows Show (Open Pleasure , in the Northeast. Shown Open , and in an average of only the AHSA Medal ten p season, he has Classesl. He has been made notable wins at a consistent winner and such top shows as East­ favorite over all breeds . ern States (both pleas ­ ure classs in 1960, not shown in 196 l l, Farm - ington.

It is with much regret that I must sell " Reddy" ' but with four years ahead of me at Wheaton College, Norton , Moss. , I will not be able to ride and show him to his best advantage. I would like to wish Mr. and Mrs. Colgate and her 3 daughters much success in the seasons ahead , as they have purchased a horse of many talents, (pleasure, trail, hack and equitation) , with a wonderful all his own . facqudute {Ja

3 Excellent

BROADWALL BANDMASTER 13435 Parade l 0138 (full brother of Broadwall Drum Major) l Debutansque 06992 Broadwall Drum Major 11457 BROADWALL MAJORDOMO 13434 l Broadwall Maggie Jane 08604 Parade l O138 BROADWALL REVEILLE 13436 l Broadwall Mayfield 09000 - Prices reasonable

Mr. and Mrs. J. Cecil Ferguson Greene, Rhode Island EXpress 7-3963 TABLE OF CONTENTS SPECIAL FEATURES Editorials ...... , .. , 5 .fsfteis ~ Directors' Meeting ...... 5 Panel on Stabling and Stable Fixtures and The Foliage Ride ...... 6 The Morgan as a Cowpony and Mountain Horse ...... ) 7 Variations In Morgan Type ...... 8 th£~ito'LS 1961 High Point Championships ...... 21 Second Annual Gold Cup Show In July ...... 25 Circle J Show ...... 25 New Club Formed - Central Callfomia Club . . 26 Breeding Short Course ...... 44 Dear Sir: Each year as I renew my subscrip­ REGULAR FEATURES Jes' Hossin' Around ...... JG tion to the Morgan Magaz ine, I think Pen n-Ohio Morgan Boosters ...... 11 of it as a belated Christmas present to Morgans in the Land of Enchantment ...... 12 myself and my many frie nds who bor­ KYOVA Morgan Association ...... 14 row it. I have been a subscriber for New York News ...... 15 North Central News ...... 15 a long time - since when it first Buckeye Breeze ...... 16 came out and the subscription rate was Morgan Horse Breeders and Exhib!tors Association ...... 17 $1.00 a year and advertising was one New England News ...... 18 cent per word, 25 cents minimum ad! Association ...... 19 Southern News and Views ...... 20 That was the classified ads -you could Circle J. Morgan Association ...... 20 have a whole page for $20.00. It was Pacilic Northwest News ...... 22 a quarterly magazine then. It was just Northern California News ...... 22 No.rth of the Border ...... 23 as today in spirit - interesting and en­ Mid-Atlantic News ...... 24 thu~iastic for Morg;ans. IT'he breed Central States News ...... 24 couldn't help but go forward with all Morgan Horse Assn . of Oregon ...... 24 the dedicated breeders behind it! Mid-West Morgan Horse Owners , Inc...... 25 The Morgan has always been my Here Comes Ind ia na ...... : ...... 26 love, even though I have only one Mor­ Officers of The Morgan Horse Club gan, Johna. President ...... GERALD F. TAFT Northville, Michigan Yours truly, Eastem Regional Vlc:e-President ...... J. CECIL FERGUSON Mrs . Elmer Blanchard Greene , Rhode Island Mid-West Regional Vice-President ...... J. ROY BRUNK Springvale, Maine Rochester , Westem Regional Vlc:e-Presldent ...... CLARENCE SHAW Walla Walla, Washington Treasurer ...... CHAUNCEY STILLMAN OUR COVER 230 Park Avel'l'Ue, New Yo.rk, N. Y. Secretary ...... SETH P. HOLCOMBE P. 0. Box 2157, Bishops Comer Branch, West Hartford 17, Connecticut The Morgan Horse Magazine Vol. XXll January -February, 1962 No. 1 A Monthly The Official Publicatio n of THE MORGAN HORSE CLUB, Incorporated 90 Broad St., New York 4, N. Y. Please send all conespondence regarding subsc:ripUons and advertising to publication olflc:e: The Morgan Horse Magazine, Leominster, Mass. Publisher ...... Otho F. Eusey Special Features ...... Em Pedler Circulation ...... Rosalie McGuire CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Virginia Banta Peggy McDonald Dorothy Colbum Loulse Beckley Pauline Zeller Davis Doris Borden Mabel Owen Ayellen Richards Jane Behling Gail L. Green Pam Sundblad Carol Chevalier Ruth Rogers Shella Cale Jeanne van Deuaen Pat Werts Barbara Cale Doris Hodgin Claire West Phyllis Nelsen Dorothy Lockard Mimi Flier The Publisher and staff of The Morgan Horse Magazine and the Morgan Horse Club, Inc. , are not responsible for opinions and statements ex­ This month we feature Sealect of pressed In signed a.rticles o.r paid advertisements. These opin ions are not necessarily the opinions of the staff of this journal. Windcrest, outstanding 12 year old stal­ SUBSCRIPTION RATES lion owned by Mr. and Mrs. Gordon On,. "!ear $3.SO Two Years SS.SO Three Year• $9.00 $4.00 Foreign Rate $4.50 per year Voorhis of Red Hook , N. Y. F red The MORGAN HORSE MAGAZINE, published monthly except January H errick is at the reins in the dramatic by THE MORGAN HORSE CLUB, INC., 90 Broad St., New York, New York. Printed by The Eusey Press , Leominster, Mass. Entered as second winter scene of Sealect as a . class matter at post office , Leominster, Mass. Closing date fo.r copy and advertising 1st of month preceding date of publication . Copyright 1962 by the Morgan Horse Magazine Are You a Morgan Neighbor? Directors' The secretary of The Morgan Horse Club, Inc. reported at the annual meeting that answering inquiries forms an ever increasing amount Meeting of. the activity of the office. As the popularity of the Morgan increases, man y people write to The Morgan Horse Club, Inc. to ask for the name and The Directors of The Morgan Horse Club, Inc., met at the Secretary's office address of an owner of Morgans in their vicinity. In answer to these re­ in West Hartford, Connecticut, January quests , a copy of. The Morgan Horse Magazine is sent and reference made 20 1962. to the "Breeders Listing." Those present were: Mrs. Childs, Mrs. Ela, Messrs. Ferguson, Holcombe, Kane, "Ma" Lockard has proven that our magazine is packed full of news. Knapp, Morse and Taft. Let the mathematicians compute the percentage of reading material: from As this was the first meeting since a total of 68 pages there were only 15 pages of advertisements. the one at the time of the National Show, when a new Treasurer was When this magazine arrives in the hands of a person just entering elected, it was very nice ro have Mr. the Morgan world, living perhaps in Missouri or Southern California or Chauncey Stillman present. It can be North Carolina ( or any other locality) he either will be glad to see a listing recalled that his Father started The of someone near him or will feel "out in left field," should there be no Morgan Horse Club and through his personal efforts accomplished so much Morgan owner listed near him. He either will go ro see that "Morgan for the Breed. We were delighted to eighbor" or will write to another breed office. have him with us at this meeting. The 1961 National Show was re­ Will every reader of this article look at the Breeders Listing and say viewed and fortunately Mr. Ferguson to himself, "I too, can help myself and the Breed with a regular listing." will again form a committee for the There is some person near you looking for a Morgan Neighbor. If you own 1962 Show. The rules for the Morgan only one Morgan , you can be a Morgan Neighbor. Division are the same this year as last, no change having been made by the AHSA. After an absence of a few years, the large decals measuring about 15" x 18" are now available at the West Hart­ ford office to members, as announced elsewhere in this issue. A small decal is being sent free to ' Horse Purse each person paying membership dues to the Club for the calendar year of With the thought in mind that the Morgan is by nature and temper a­ 1962. Members may obtain others ment a most versatile breed, the Directors of The Morgan Horse Club, Inc. from a limited supply as announced have set up a purse of $1,000. to be given to the first Morgan placing in elsewhere. the top ten cutting . Of course, to be eligible the animal must have Ten years ago, the February 1952 edition of The Morgan Horse Magazine been registered in the AMERICAN MORGAN HORSE REGISTER and contained 36 pages in all. Now, at this ownership recorded in the actual owner 's name; these qualifications are writing, 10 years later, the December effective prior to entering the contest. 1961 edition contained 72 pages; exact­ ly a 100% increase of news and pic­ The National Cutting Horse Association of Fort Worth, Texas, tures. Accordingly it was decided to says, "Points toward Horse of The Year (or the Top Ten) must be won adjust the price of the magazine effec­ in NCHA Championship Cutting Horse Contests. A Championship con­ tive July 1, 1962 to: 1 year $4.00; 2 years 7.50; 3 years $10.50. test is one that has an added purse of at least $100. Also the owner of the horse must be a member of the NCHA in good standing." The NCHA Unequalled in the history of The keeps records of. the earnings of the individual horses. Morgan Horse Club, Inc., the Direc­ tors wish to acknowledge and recognize with a great deal of thanks , the out­ As The Morgan Horse Club, Inc. will add $1,000 each year to the standing accomplishments of one who original purse until won, in 1962 the total will be $2,000. has never owned a Morgan, bur one to whom Morgan owners are thankful -­ It is one thing to train a horse for competitive action while he is Miss Lillian Schlomann, through whose under direct control all the time. A cutting horse is forced to use his own diligence the Registration Certificates ingenuity without the rider 's direction once the calf has been selected. were issued and whose keen alertness This is a challenge to the Morgan's mental agility and physical gymnastics. (Continued on Page 62)

JANUARY-FEBRUARY, 1962 5 mare, they will some time find them ­ NewEngland Panel on Stabling and selves breeders and therefore they might as well face this fact at the start and build a big foaling stall. The other al­ StableFixtures and The Foliage Ride ternative is to build a box stall with a straight stall beside ir and make the partition removeable. Thus both stalls By MRS. WINTHROP s. DAKIN can be thrown together to make one big stall. The third solution is to buy a gelding. Panel discussion is one of the most following on sliding doors which were The five members of the panel had satisfactory programs for any group, unanimously accepted as the best, pro­ three preferred types of stall flooring especially when the audience can put vided they were well made, satisfactor­ - clay so-called red rock or red clay, in its share by questions or added in­ ily fastened ar the bottom, and would and plank. The plank people warned formation. This appeared to be the slide reliably at all times. Such doors that if it is laid over a hole in the case at the New England Morgan Horse furnish the least hazard of catching ground, it must be watched very close­ Association meeting in Woodstock, Ver­ and seriously hurting a horse. This ly because it rots out fast. Th ey use mont on October 7. In the time that it is a very real danger in hinged doors. relatively little bedding and may rake took to eat the good food provided by Sliding doors are also useful in barns it our in the daytime so that the planks the members of the Wodstock Univer­ with narrow aisles. If the doors are can dry. Clay is the bedding famous for salist Church , Mr . Roger Ela rounded hinged they should open outward so its good effect on horses feet. The clay up a panel of on-the-spot member "ex­ that neither bedding nor a caste horse crowd claim it drains . Red rock is perts" ro speak extemporaneously on can block them. hard to come by, it looks like granular sandstone and packs hard and drains Stabling and Stable Fixtures. This ex­ The panel was agreed on keeping quite well. An experiment made by one ample can be a model to any group, water before the horses almost all the of the panel with rock-dust (by product suddenly left without a program. It time. The word "almost" implies of . a trap-rock quarry) is not deemed works well, especially if you have Mr. that automatic waterers should be of successful ar least in a big stall because Ela around to do it. To be sure, there the type that can be individually turned even in four months it has not packed were more experts left in the audience off. The year-round and long-term and still works up as a dust through than in the panel but they did not success of these automatic fixtures de­ very deep bedding . seem to mind and added spice to the pends very much on the type and quali­ discussion. ty, more so in the case of horses than The problem 0£ the slipperiness of The people tapped f.or the panel were cows, and should be investigated before cement aisles has been dealt with in the President, Mr. Darwin Morse purchase. Horses tend to fool around several ways. The easiest is to be sure (Green Meads Farm), Mr. Jack Esser with them and plug them up with that the surface is originally laid very (Manager of Green Mountain Stock fodder and droppings . The height rough . One member referred to the Farm), Mr. Leonard Wales (Wales of all water and food containers incorporation of sawdust in the cement Farm), Mrs. Winthrop S. Dakin should be above the critical level to pre­ before ii was laid. After it is hard and (owner-groom) , and Mr. Roger Ela, vent the second possibility! too smooth there are three possible cor­ Moderator (Townshend Morgan-Hol­ Water outlets in a stable should be rections. First lay a deep layer of saw­ stein Farm). This gave a range of ex­ of the hydrant type that drains when dust over it. This is only possible perience from the biggest to the littlest the tap is turned off, and thus never with sliding doors. Second a layer of stable and from the boss to the groom, freezes in winter. Hauling water is roofing paper can be put down "tacked" and resulted in some interplay among no fun in winter even in the one-horse at the ends and along the sides with the panel members who sometimes ,saw barn. flooring adhesives. This stands up very things differently depending on their well unless the horses wear winter In a discussion of stall size, lO'xlO' caulks. It has the drawback of being proximity to the shovel and wheel­ is the usual box-stall size, whereas a barrow when at work . very slippery, worse than the cement, foaling stall should be about l 4'xl6'. when horses come in with snow-balls Under the topic of Fixtures, the use However the owner-groom must find under their feet. The best is to have of circles and semi-circles cut from that ir will be much easier to take care the cement grooved by a jack-hammer wide boards were described as bridle of a stall considerably over lO'xlO' be­ in lines about 3-6" apart at right angles holders, and when these are super­ cause most horses are neat animals to the flow of horse traffic. The jack­ imposed on each other , a fixture can and will leave their droppings in one hammer so fractures the cement crust be arranged which will hold an en­ place, if therefore the stall is large that the grooves are nor smooth lines tire harness. Door latches suffer from enough for free movement outside this an~ the genera l effect is so rough as t~ general weakness, ease 0£ opening by area the manure will not be dragged e_nt1rely prevent slipping in any direc­ a horse, and very commonly from pro­ around through the rest of the bedding. llon. jecting catches which can injure a Since a horse produces about 35 lbs. horse as it passes through the door. 0£ manure per day exclusive of soiled Prospective owner-grooms about to A latch from one of the large mail­ bedding, this saving in labor is very build their first stable were warned of order houses was recommended as one real to the person who takes care of his two labors with the shovel to consider. of the best available. This has a bar own horse. People about to build a First of all, plan where the manure will that slides across the opening and into barn were warned that if they consider go, and orient your barn to lessen that ~ very flat catch. A long discussion only one horse and that to be a Morgan ( Continued on Page 57)

6 The MORGAN HORSE RED CLOUD, age 19 years, owned by T. W. Daniels of Rock OLD BUFFALO standing on top of Mount Kent. elevation 11.000 Springs, Wyo. - the peak in the background Is Wiggins Peak. 12.160 feet. The Morgan as a Cowpony and Mountain Horse

By T. w. DA I ELS Reprinted from The Western Horseman

Most of. the miles I have ridd en in if you will just hang on up there , I'll with your horse when he headed the the past 45 years have been put behind do the thinking and foot work down critter. me on Morgan and Morgan-bred here myself without any of your help." One time we were crossing Wind horses. The old Circle Ranch back in And I'll bet he said it, too, for he was River at the mouth of Sand Draw with the early 1900's still had a few of these certainly a disgusted horse from the a bunch of cows and small calves. Th e standard-bred Morga ns for handling look in his eyes. We - or rather I - river was rather high and floated the stock on their ranch. Two of these lost that first critter. calves. The current swept them down ­ horses - Casey and - I came to This horse Casey and his partner stream and washed them into the ed­ know very well. They were open range Snip could cut and hold the orneriest dys, below large glacial boulders, where curting horses and knew the savvy of critter there was in open range cutti ng. they hun g up. You had to go in there handling stock under all range condi­ When we were gat hering beef cattle to push them out into the main stream tions - more so than some of the cow­ for shippin g, the riders would , at the again. You would yank your boots off boys they had to carry. end of. the day, bunch up some 300 to or have them off beforehand and get I remember Casey in particular back 400 head of cattle. Then you would on old Casey. H e would go in there in 1918 and ' 19. I was told by an old go into that herd on your cutting in almost swimming water, stick his cow , Elmer Sinclair , who was hor se, pick out the critte r you wanted nose under water, first against one ramrod of the Circle spread, that Casey and rein your hor se after him for a calf and then anot her, boosting them was a top cutting horse. But I was a short distance to show which one you out into the main current again where young 23 year old and thought I knew wanted and the direction you wanted they paddled their way to safety. a lot about the business and how to it to go, and your hor se did the rest. I ha ve ridden Casey in the drag of handle horses and what they should Sometimes you would get an ornery a bunch of cows and calves. He would do. I soon found out that some horses critter. When you got one of these padd le along behind a bunch of tired were smarter than I, for the first time critters out of the herd he either could calves and give first one and then I rode Casey into the hold-up herd to not want to see where you were hold­ another a gentle boost with his nose, cut out a beef critter, everythin g went ing the cut herd or didn't want to, and when he thought they were going a fine uni! I - or rather the horse - he would try breaking back into the little too slow. This old cow got the critter out of the main herd . main herd. This is when the cutting did all these tricks on his own. But something went wrong for that pony had his work to do. critter in front of old Casey took a I have had Casey literally lay on To show what some of these Circle sudden notion that he was going back his side and dodge in to stop an at­ Ranch horses were asked to do, in the into the main herd. Old Casey made tempted break back. And let me tell spring of 1920, four of us each mount­ one qu ick jump to head him and I you, you had to be well seated and ready ed ourselves on grain-fed horses and found myself standi ng on my head in to grip your sadd le, along with keep­ headed for the winter feed ground the mud and Casey looking down at ing a sharp eye on the critter to de­ shortl y after daybreak to bring some me, just as much as saying, "Pardner, tect its every move so you could move ( Continued on Page 58)

JANUARY-FEBRUARY, 1962 7 the others, bur it was very broad. His stock were mostly dark with no Variationsin MorganType white markings. Woodbury was the tallest of the three, being 14.3; Sherman, the smallest By CHARLENE CUSTER at 13.3, while Bulrush stood 14 hands. Both Bulrush and Woodbury averaged l 000 lbs., while Sherman weighed about 925 lbs. All three were compact There have been so many comments percentages of Sherman Morgan, Wood­ bodied with great muscular develop­ about differences in Morgan type. Yet, bury Morgan , and Bulrush Morgan as ment. They had hardy constitutions, basically, all Morgans have the same they appeared in our two mares' pedi­ with lots of courage and ambition, and breed type. The variations are a grees. We ran across the other sons, the short, quick, easy way of going of matter of degree. However, the Mor­ Brutus and Revenge, but lost them by Justin Morgan. Sherman had the gan breed has retained its type for 160 the wayside, as they figured so little prominent breast bone of his sire. He odd years, due to the continued practice it didn 't matter. had a saddle back, bur it was a strong of linebreeding. This becomes increas­ back and showed no signs of weakness ingly clear as one does a study of ex­ Our results were most interesting , over the years of hard work. Woodbury tended pedigrees. It shows up con­ and certainly proved a lot to us, to our was inclined to be saddlebacked also, stantly. way of thinking. The mother had a but not Bulrush, whose back was higher percentage of Woodbury Mor­ Longe,·. All of this reasearch started back in gan, and the daughter a higher percent­ 1948, when our reg. Morgan mare pro­ age of Sherman Morgan. This , then, Both Sherman and Woodbury were duced her first foal, a filly by Juzan accounted for those little differences color, the former being a 7895, a son of Jubilee King. Being we were noticing, and what were they? bright chestnut with a white strip and our first Morgan foal, we Woodbury was described as having a half stocking on his off hind leg, watched with great interest the way action that was " and resolute," while the latter was a rich, dark chest­ she developed. She was broken to ride and a "fearless and showy" style of nut ·with a white strip and a half stock­ as a three year old; and then began, moving like his sire. Sherman Morgan ing on his off hind leg. for us, a period of research to determine was "not so nervous and high tem­ Sherman 's stock had lighter quarters the differences, slight though they pered" as Woodbury; was more tract­ than the Woodbury's. They didn't were, in her way of going and confor­ able, exceedingly spirited and a keen, have as high action as the Bulrushes, mation , as compared to her darn. This rapid drliving horse. Sherman was and had a shorter stride, yet they were research led to a most interesting con­ "finer boned than Woodbury, " though the fastest walkers. clusion, and as ir seems to answer a his legs were "broad, flat and sinewy." lot of questions on variations in Morgan Bulrush Morgan had the coarsest legs After 1850, and the interest in ­ type and action, we decided to share of the three. Woodbury had a smooth­ ting speed became more popular, Mor­ our findings with readers of the Mor­ er, "more symetrical" form than Sher­ gan horses were bred, in many lines, gan Horse Magazine. man. He was better under saddle, and for speed. The trotting horse families were crossed with Morgan blood, and The first step was to trace out both not as good in harness as Sherman. it was natural that the type started to of the mares' pedigrees to Justin Mor­ He had better quarters and deeper vary towards the trotting-bred horse, as gan. We were able to do this with the flanks than Sherman. Nothing bothered the Morgan blood was further diluted. generous help of Charlie O'Neill who him and he was inclined to move as though "he, himself, was the principal By the time the first Morgan Registry kindly loaned us his set of rhe Morgan was published, there was really more Horse Registry. We quickly discovered object of attraction," thus making him the ideal parade horse. His disposi­ variety in type than there has been since that both our mares would be classed then. Morgan blooded trotrers lost as high percentage , being 12.5% Justin tion is said to be "pleasant and play­ ful." their popularity in the quest for more Morgan blood, or the same as great speed. grand-chi ldren of his. As for Bulrush, a dark bay with a few Now an idea was beginning to take white hairs on his forehead, he ap­ Those breeders, loyal to rhe Morgan shape in our thoughts. Since the per­ peared to be a coarser type than either breed, began to gather together those centage of Justin Morgan blood was Woodbury or Sherman. No doubt animals who had survived the trotting important, why not the percentage of this was due to the fact that his dam craze, and as their forefathers had done, his sons' blood? It is generally ac­ was. inclined to be coarse. Sherman began to linebreed to individuals like Ethan Allen 2nd and his son Ethan cepted that Justin Morgan was never had better length of hip than Bulrush, Allen 3rd. This practice has continued fully appreciated until he was too old and Woodbury had better quarters. to the present day, where we can see ro do any amount of inbreeding or line­ Bulrush had thicker shoulders and they Morgan linebred to Ashbrook , Gen. breeding , so it seemed probable that were not as well laid back. Therefore, Gates, Headlight Morgan, Jubilee King, breeders, interested in his blood, would he didn't have the lofty neck and head etc. linebreed to his sons. We found that carriage. He was a faster trotter than this wasn't done too extensively, no either Sherman or Woodbury, but his Ethan Allen 2nd was linebred mostly doubt because breeders of those days disposition wasn't the best, although to Woodbury Morgan through his sire, were a little afraid of close breeding. he was a willing worker. He had great Peter 's Morgan (foaled in 1872) who However , we starred figuring out the endurance. He had a longer back than carried 23.5% of Woodbury 's blood.

8 The MORGAN HORSE Peter 's Morgan had a line to Sherm an resemb led Woodbury, and Ethan Allen Daisy produced such well known through his dam's sire, Morgan Hunter 3rd , Sherman. :These two Morgan Morga ns as Allen Fran klin 5722, grand. 2nd ( foaled in 1847) whose chestnu r stallions had a top line to Justin through sire of Jubilee King (and Allen Frank­ dam was by Colby Horse, a son of Peter 's Morgan, Wood 's Horse , Gre en lin, him self, was a grandson of Ben Sherman Morgan. This accounted for Mount ain Morga n, Gifford Morgan, Fra nklin) and Ben's Daisy 0 194 who 3.125 .• Sherman blood. Peter's Mor­ Woodbury Morgan and Justin . Ash­ was th e dam of Daisy de Jarnet te. gan had 9.37 % Bulrush Morgan with brook, in modern pedigrees , was a The Brunk s not only kept up thi s two lines to him throu gh his dam. Her gra ndson of Ethan Allen 2nd on the linebreeding, but bred close up , using sire, Morga n Hunter 2nd, was our of top line. Bob Morgan was a son of Daisy as a double gra nd dam of Double a mare whose dam was by Bulrush. Etha n Allen 2nd , as was Headli ght Daisy 02~99, and her daughter , Li za Peter's Morgan 's 3rd dam was by Bul­ Morgan. Artemisia dam of Mansfield Jane , again doubled up in her grand ­ rush. was a daughter of Ethan Allen 3rd . son Agazziz 7700. Sealect was a gra ndson of Ethan Allen Etha n Allen 2nd was out of a chest­ Thus we begin to see the why of nut da ughter of Et han Allen 50 (a 3rd , and Cornwallis was a grea t-grand ­ son. variations in Morga n type between the grandson of Sherman Morgan) and her mid-west Morgans and the New Eng­ dam was a daug hrer of Green Moun­ In the middle west, the Brunk foun­ land Morga ns, where the Woodbury tain Morgan 42, a double gran dson of dation horses were , for the most part, lines seemed to predominate , with more Woodbury Morgan . Green Mountain predominately linebred to Sherm an lines interwoven to Bulrush. Bulrush Morgan also being Ethan Allen 2nd's Morgan. Ben F rank lin, who figures lines do seem to appear more frequent­ great-great-gra ndson , intensified this so prominently in Brunk hor se pedi­ ly in the mid-west throu gh Morga ns lin ebreedin g. Therefore, the influence grees, was linebred to Sherman; his like Fred 981, whose dam 's sire was of Justin's three prominent sons on sire, Daniel Lambert 62 (foa led 1858) our of a mare by Bulrush; and King Et han Allen 2nd were as follows: and his darn , Black Kate (foaled 1855) Jr.'s dam, who was by the same 9 lines to Woodbury Morgan - 18% both being grand childr en of Black , Young G reen Mountain Mor­ of his blood. Hawk, son of Sherman . Another one ga n. King Herod Jr., also had a line to was Jubil ee Lambert 1476 (foa led in Woodbury throu gh his dam 's sire who 2 lines to Sherman Morgan - 8% of 1863), who was bred the same way: was a . son of Green Mountain Morgan his blood. he was a son of Daniel Lambert , an

JANUARY-FEBRUARY, 1962 9 PomPom was the only dog in his class Jes' Hossin' Around - but r took it." Pat is clipping Poodles professionally now. She must have improved . When By DOROTHY LOCKARD Pat proudly walked PomPom down town after his first haircut , an elderly gent said, "Lady, that's a real cute dog_ Remember last year [ told you folks wouldn't it be mce if everyone could h 's a shame he got the Mange." how we always go out to the barn on have one to wear. Purchased in any Which reminds me, I'm told that Christmas Eve, and bow it seems to quantity they cost around a quarter Mange medicine wlil cure baldness. bring us closer to that first Christmas? apiece. [£ you Morgan club secretaries The men in our family are talking hope­ Well , Rebi Behn, of Cornwall Bridge, will drop me a line I'll see that you get fully about this. If I see any hair grow­ Conn.. liked the idea and told her a sample emblem and the details. ing on those busy streets again, nr minister. They arranged a Christmas buy up a lot of it. A new smell, re­ Someday I'm gonna write a book Eve service in the barn for this year. packaged, and the right name for my about former owners of our Morgans. Wish [ could have been there. product, should make me a queen. Pa They are the nicest old softies in the says he could live with a mangey queen. The Behn's barn seems to be the hub world. They don't sell a horse and for­ Brother Ken says he has been. for the horsey youngsters in that area. get it. No sir! Letters fly back and Well, the barn and Rebi's kitchen. forth - "How's my boy?" "How's my Do you folks know that our contri­ Rebie filLs the cookie jar and the girl?" "Give Gwen a kiss for me." buting editor Peggy McDonald, pub­ youngsters empty it. h would be nice "How 's Lucky?' "Give Archie some lishes a horse magazine, The Saddle­ if more horse owners could help the carrots for me." "Found some old pic­ ite, which caters to Canadian horsemen? young along like the Behns do. tures and had some made for you." There is a helpful hint in the last issue "Here's a I made for my boy. in a report of a pony sold. The new Pa's baby burro was delivered for Thought you should have it." Etc. owner , a nine year old girl, signed an Christmas. "Jose" is a fuzzy doll. We've found that when we buy a Mor­ agreement with her father whereby, Junior , who isn't much interested in gan we've bought a piece of some for ownership of the pony, she would horses, thinks Jose is just great. Our people's hearts. We not only try to pro­ wash the family dishes for 72 months. daughrer1in-faw is just crazy about vide tender, loving care for their babies, How about that? Girls , take a tip, try him . The Morgans ' noses have been but make periodic reports of progress. this angle on your folks and maybe cut short. The neighborhood kids Isn't it wonderful to share love for the you'll get that Morgan you have been have all been down to see Jose. Pa ex­ same animals? wanting. (Pa says, "Parents, take a tip pected this, so he built a small stall and here's the way to make those kids put decorated it with ribbons and Christ­ Pa is the greatest guy for using up or shut up!) mas greens. The kids giggle when they toothpicks. No matter how we cut down see this. Jose has a cross on his back on the groceries, we never eliminate Brother Ken and his family have just and Pa tells the youngsters that Jose toothpicks. moved into a new home. Ken says, is the same kind of little donkey that "Now we have a place for everything Mary rode into Jerusalem. Friend Diane and I were having cof­ and everything is in its' place - and fee at the kitchen table and we were no one can remember just where." Freda and Jim who traded Jose to Pa discussing whether her four -year old for a Dachshund puppy, claimed that Gregg was ready for kindergarten. Charlie Hamilton sent Pa the cutting Jose, being so young, couldn't bray very Gregg was eying the toothpick holder , horse book his friend, Dean Sage, well yet. r think he brays very well! puzzledly . Finally, he asked "Why wrote. Pa was very pleased, two ways, at Every night at one and at three , Jose do you have this kind of toothpicks? Charlie 's gesture, and Dean 's book. brays very loud. Freda and Jim These are cheap tooothpicks. " We de­ ·when Dave, our good cutting horse and cided he is ready for school. figured he was weaned, but apparently roper friend dropped by, Pa had to he was still getting a few nips every Pa chuckled about Gregg's toothpick show off the new book. Dave wanted to night. They have had to milk his comments but next grocery day he mother some since Jose is gone. buy the book. Pa refused to sell it. picked up nice round toothpicks, and Dave wanted it and right now. He said, "[ have to impress Gregg , don't I? A friend with a cattle truck delivered finally offered Pa five bucks. The book the burro. He was right by Status-wise we are now at the top of the retails at two. I could see the struggle Freda and Jim's so he picked Jose up. toothpick heap." Sure looked funny seeing that baby Pa was having with himself , but he Sister Pat says there must be some burro all alone in that huge truck. didn 't give in. "Nope, Dave, this book Morgan Horse Magazine reader who is is a gift. I can't ,sell it, darn it. But, The Penn-Ohio Morgan Horse Boost­ also a Poodle fancier. She thinks my ers club had some emblems made, a report on her Poodle's fleas has black­ I'll be mighty glad to send for one for white Morgan-looking horse head on balled her from the Poodle club. She you and sell that one to you for five green felt. They look real nice and expected an invitation to join before bucks. this. Readers, I assure you, PomPom should help promote the Morgan in a Dave and his best gal got married nice way. These emblems simply say no longer has fleas. PomPom even MORGAN BOOSTER, and since every won a blue ribbon at a dog show. Pat on Christmas day. Pa and I felt Morgan lover is a Morgan booster, says "I was almost ashamed to take it. ( Continued on Page 56)

10 The MORGAN HORSE Abo ve: HAWK'S JUNITA (Haw k Prince x Jub ilee June) owned and sh own by Maril ac e Dyckes of Erie, Pa .. was ribb on winner in Model Classes at Hamburg. N. Y .• Bucyrus, Ohio, an d , Md. Right: DEERFIELD CHALLENGER 10417 (Orclan d Lea der x Lad y Fiel d) owned by Jane an d Milford Fox, Midd lefie ld. Ohio. Win ner of the Sadd le Sta kes a t the Mid-Atlantic Morgan . Frederick. Md. and the Bedford Horse Show.

mare for the first time and did wonder­ Penn-Ohio Morgan Boosters fully. The Norris ' Nekomia 's Archie N took the blue in 2-year-old stallions By MIMI FILER and the New York State Plaque for the best 2-year old stallion. (Honest, now This month we have rounded up as we have not been able to locate any en­ Clyde, was you messin' with them many photographs as possible of our tries. If anyone can help out, won't judges' glasses at that show?). Penn. -Ohio Morgans so the rest of you you drop me a card. If nor Western Gerry and Sandy Hicks are enjoying folks can get a look at our "prides and Pleasure horses, how about a class for their farm "Corinthian Acres" which joys". In a year or two, when our Western Show horses - there are sure they recently purchased on Baer Creek many weanlings and yearlings have enough of them showing! To make Road, Fairview, Pa. They are pleased grown up, you will be seeing more of points count for the division we would with their two Morgan fillies, full sis­ them at the shows, exhibitions, and have to guarantee at least four entries ters by Hawk Prince out of Lucy trail rides bur till then we must just at at least four shows. Let's here from Belle (both owned by Carol Copeland) . wait patiently! you. The yearling is Hawk's Aris Corinth Milford Fox ran away with the two Dot and Dayton Lockard 's new mare and the two-year-old is named Hawk's top places in the Morgan division for Gwen S. is a white-trimmed chest­ Lippitt Mariss. The Double C folks the year at the recent Inter-County nut and their barn is about bursting at (Copelands et al) had a housewarming Horsemen 's Association banquet. Deer­ the seams. Anyone else having this with 25 people there when the Hicks field Challenger swept the field his problem now that the cold weather is moved into their new place and brought first season in Ohio and was named here? Mr. Sterrett and Mr. Mingle of all the goodies plus a bitting harness Grand Champion, with Foxes' Cap's Baden, Pa., visited the Lockards some for a housewarming gift. How's that Starlet in Reserve. Helene Zimmerman time back. Sterrett 's handsome 3-year­ for thoughtfulness? did a splendid job of showing Chal­ old Morgan Nugget's Sandman has Our guest reported for this month is lenger all summer and Susan Fox did been gelded. Helene Zimmerman of Jamestown, Pa., an excellent job with Srar in her first If my little bird is correct, new mem­ who is well-known to most all of you. season of showing. Carol Copeland's ber Don Crooks of Clarion, Pa. bought eedless to say, we are delighted to Deerfield 's Stormy Miss was a close a yearling stallion, The Replica, son of have her home in northwestern Pa. third Hawk's Junita was fourth for Archie O out of Rhythm's Lovely Lady, this year and hope she stays! Helene, Marilace Dykes, and Ann Engelskir­ from the O'Ne ill Morgan Farm in Man­ what's new? ger's June Melody took fifth . The lasr teno, Tll. Sure is good ro see more good By H ELENE ZIMMERMAN three all come from the Erie-Fairview Morgan blood coming into the area - I had a long newsy letter from the district. Congratulations to you all the resurgende in just the past year is Robert Niermans of Cumberland, Md., and thanks for helping to promote the amazing. the other day saying that they have sold Morgans in our area by showing on rhis Clyde Norris' Dyberry ekomia did their Morgan gelding, Talley Ho (Lip­ circuit this year. We know it did not prety well for herself at the Syracuse pitt Moro Ash x Ruthven's Beatrice always suit you to make some of these All-Morgan show - with 135 Morgans Ann) to Dr. and Mrs. Joseph White of shows, so we appreciate your being such entered, she was Reserve Champion Spring City, Pa. The Whites are de­ good troopers. Let's see some other Mare, first in both Owners -to-Ride and lighted with "Aussi" (does anyone folks out next year. ICHA would like Ladies Mare Class, second in the Under know where Talley Ho got his nick­ to put in a class for Registered Morgans 21 and fifth in the Stake. Riding duties name?) and report that he has a mar­ horses if we could were shared by owner Norris and Mari. velous time "cutting" their goats and guarantee that it would fill, but so far lace "Spook" Dykes, who showed the ( Continued on Page 55)

JANUARY- FEBRUARY, 1962 11 ?ne reservat~on in particular which may JUBILESTRA 010041. mterest you m Acoma "City in the Sky" (Homesiake x Shy covered in "Death Cornes to the Arch­ Ann) owned by Bar­ bishop," by Willa Cather. bara Nixon. John Nixon .. 2nd Morgan . Although not official as yet, indica­ Obstacle, Sth Mor­ uons are that Jane Woodard (Dr. gan Family Clas s. Woodard is our Club President) will Santa Fe. 1961. Secretary the show agai n this vear. Ha vi~g done such a terrific job· last year, 1t seems that her services are even more indispensable this year! Of course, the cause for which this show is held is ?ne of th~ finest - the Society for Cripp led Children receive the proceeds for which they have such great need. You may report to the Morgan Exhibi­ Morgansinthe Land of Enchantmenttors Tack Room upon arrival and there will be a rn_ernber of NMMHC handy By LORRAYNE c. BYERS to help you many way possible. Write now for your premium (see our ad­ W hile most of the country shivers the country . You will find the nicest vertiseme nt, this issue). of motels and restaurants just outside the and shakes with the cold blast of win­ T he _Cornrni_ttee on the reinin g pat­ ter, forgive us if we brag a bit. Now gates of the gro und s, and all combined, tern will terrnmate efforts by studying your stay at this show will be one of is the time in the sout hwest for the an actual performance of the proposed the most pleasant you have ever ex­ best of open country riding. T he winds pattern at a forthcoming meeting at are dry and crisp - most encouraging perienced . George Miller's Albuqu erq ue training This great prestige show is carr ied to a mount just looking for an excuse stables. Mr. Miller is a very highly in three sessions per day, with breeding to play a bit. The ground is sandy rega_rded st~ck horse trainer (, classes for all breeds scheduled for the and soft, rocky in spots here and there, cutting , equitation) and has been very morn ing sessions; performa nce classes but all the while excellent for stretches generous in lending his wealth of ex­ afte rnoons and evenings. The Show of fast, bold trotting. The steep banks perience in training and showing top Committee spares neither time or ex­ of the arroyos and irrigation ditches Qua rter Horses to our project. Here's pense to obtain the best qualified judges invite climbin g and the building of. ?ne for the b~ok .__ the "Morgan" rein­ -fo r instance, last year's Morgan Divi­ power in the quarters, while the water ing pattern will be run on an "Arabian" sion was judged by a f.ormer National level is just right for a good splash in by a "Quarter Horse" man. The Mor­ Morga n Show judge. The weat her in crossing. Th e accompanying pictures ga n he has in training is not far the southwest is always excellent, but show a NMMHC Morgan family off enough adva nced as yet, thus the use May is one of the very best months and on such a ride , an enjoyab le daily oc­ of the . This reining pattern is the sun will make you glad you came! cur rence. Might add that this same very dear to most of us as we consider If you are inte rested in a little histori­ equine trio will be back in the ring it to be a very worthwhi le contribution cal sight-seeing between show sessions, come the '62 season. to the progress of our breed. George you will find much to see in and around We 're expecting you at the Cripp led Miller has been of great help as an ad­ Albuquerque and also at Santa Fe, just Children's Benefit Horse Show May visor, and it is not often that a horseman 55 minutes away . Many Indian reser­ 11, 12 and 13, New Mexico State Fair of his experience, deeply involved with vations and Trading Posts are nearby, Coliseum , Albuquerque , ew Mexico. one breed, will sincerely counsel those colorful and just full of choice items . Here is the first really big show of concerned with another. The object 1962 in Albuquerque, ew Mexico. of a full page review in the Denver Sections for Sadd lers, W alkers, Quarter Post last April, he had the rare privi­ Hors~s, Hunt ers, Jump ers? Appa loosas, lege of seemg horses he had trained Arabians and Morgans. Eight perform­ for QH breeder Hank Wiescamp take ance classes plus complete In Hand f?ur grand championships at the Ja. classes for our breed at this great AHSA t1onal Western Stock Show at Denver show. This is the third consecutive year a few years ago. T he Committee has for Morgans at this show, and it is received a number of suggestions from expected that competition will be keener around the country during the past than ever before. We have many new month, and the interest 0£ Morgan exhibitors in the southwest, plus the owners is stimulating. Copies of the usual out -of-staters shoul d make any adopted pattern will be available to ribbon won at this show a real treasure! non-members upon receipt of self. Your Morgans will be stabled in the addressed, stamped return envelope - finest of permanent masonry barns, with no charge. excellent facilities for work ing between DON-0-DON (Mango x Donna Dee) Dllnois stallion recently purchased by Dr. W. K. sessions. The show will be held in the Woodard. Albuquerque , New Mexico Mor, Planned for our Spring Meeting is huge new Coliseum, one of the best in gan Horse Club President. a Performance School, designed to help

12 The MORGAN HORSE Trail Riding in New Mexico. REX LINSLEY (R. P. Linsley x Nelda L. J.) stallion, owned by Mrs. W. C. Byers. Albuquerque.

the new exhibitor with many show of some size at the complicated cutting, The Bill Byers family ~pent the holi­ problems such as performance stand­ Chesty is now displaying other talent days in their former residence, St. Louis. ards, ring procedure, proper appoint­ paired in harness with a full brother. Althoug h the weather was downright ments etc. We are indeed fortunate to From Albuquerque, Miss Betty Callo­ discouraging to much Morgan visiting have as an officer Mr. Earl Skinner of way, who became a Morgan enthusiast they did manage to visit several Mor Albuquerque highly regarded and almost immediately upon starting to gan people in the immediate vicinity. equally qualified professional trainer. work with one. Colonel Primrose ' Among those were the Gerha rdts, To list the honors achieved by him in gelding Colonel by Panfield is respond ­ owners of the mare Kamiah and her training and showing top harness and ing well to initial training for stock '6 1 colt by Panfield 's Thor ; Dr. D. F. saddle horses would be more than space work by Mrs. Calloway. The daughter McCart hy and family were busy work ­ permits, and it is certainly our privilege of a prominent sheep breeder and ing in spite of the inclement weather to have him as Commentator for Eng­ rancher down Roswell way, she is with theirs , including Panfield 's Thor lish Saddle and Harness. Mr. Bill presently connected with The ew harness and saddle stallion and the Woodard, a young man who already Mexico Stockman's Magazine here in young mares Miss Flyhawk by Fly­ has more shows behind him than many Albuquerque. hawk and Pleasant Lady by Middlebury of: us will see in many a year will do Colonel Primrose recently enjoyed a Ace. Both are being readied for harness the commentation on Western and visit from Mr. Locke Theis. Mr. and 3-gaited competition and both can Srock Horses. Bill practically swept the and Mrs. Theis are establishing resi­ certainly move. The eal Werts had ew Mexico Horsemen's Assn. clean dence in Santa Fe, . M, and we cer­ just rerurned from Hou:;ton, Texas of awards for 1961, both AQHA and tainly consider it our privilege to have and brough back the ir newly acquired AHSA competition, including the top this rancher and long-time Morgan man Princes Marie by Highview King, and honor for his age group, Junior Reining. in our midst. We are disappointed that except ionally nice broodmare in foal We are happy to announce some new previous plans for a trip will keep them to Cotton. The Werts also members this month - three of these from our January meeting, but are look­ own the mare Gayneta by Townshend are certainly not new to Morgan people. ing forward with great pleasure ro Gaymeade, in foal to Mr. Breezy Cobra, From their new residence in Wichita , their future attendance. Several of our and the typey Ozark Firefly by Fly­ Kansas, Mr. Bill Dansby of Echo Farms members own Their stock. hawk, in foal to Greenwalt's Lucky and former officer of the Circle J. Assn. Stone. The writer had almost for­ A well-known breeder and exhibitor gotten what good old mid -west winters the Dansbys own the grand stallion can be - what a hearty soul one must Julio, recently formally retired from be to winter horses through them ! the show ring. From Colorado, Cedar­ Young Paul Byers is temporarily dis edge to be exact, Miss Mary Lasater. mounted due to a broken arm suffered Miss Lasater now has eighteen head of when his filly stepped into a brush­ registered Morgans , and has been an covered hole and fell on him. active exhibitor here in the west as well as in the mid-west, her former home. Quite an inconvenience to a fifteen ye:ir We shall anticipate wit h pleasure her old. active hand in our club affairs. From We are informed thar the Ben Don St. George, Urah, Mr. Joseph Olsen, filly Fairlea Celeste, out of Woodard's owner of the celebrated cutting Mor­ mare Jun e Magic is being started in fine gan, Chesty, whose picture graced the harness . They sold this filly to Dr. cover of this magazine some issues back. Having established a reputation Trail Riding in New Mexico. ( Continued on Page 54)

JANUARY-FEBRUARY, 1962 13 BROTHER FOUR. S month old stud colt by Capt . McCutchen, out MAGIC'S MR. ED, 6 month old (Edward Ash x Polly's Dark Magic) of Quaint. owned by Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jones . Parkersburg, W. Va . owned by Mr. and Mrs. Harlan West of Parkersburg, W. Va .

thi s year at Bucyrus, Ohio the week ending July 7 and 8. Be sure to circle Kyova Morgan Assn. this dat e on your calendar this year. By CLAIR E W EST We wou ld like to extend an invitation to you and all your friends to personally Time to get this off in the mail, our Bill B who was letting about two feet of attend and participate in this show . members have done real good this mid air between his four little f.eet and Six new members were taken in dur­ month in sending me news and pictures the ground , and quite a ham at getting ing our ovember meeting . Th ey were : including new horses, members barns attention. Still not cold enough from Mrs. Fri eda Johnson , Wav erly, W. Va.; and a lot more. the cold air and snow flurries we went Mr. and 1rs. T. D. Ulrich, L.ebanon , Mrs. Mildred Junk and Mr. and Mrs . on to see the rest of the broodmares , and Ohio ; Mr. and Mrs. Whit field Shiflett Joe Bukey of Sugar Run Farm, Mt . wean lings. They certainly have a large and Rebecca, Sidney , Ohio ; and Miss Sterling, Ohio were host to the Kyova number of Morgan broodmares , and Susie Tunajek , Parkersbur g, W. Va . Morgan Horse Assoc., f.or their ovem­ wrprising amount of different blood­ Three new Morgan own ers in W . ber meeting. Wh at a wonderful turn lines. Although we were mostly in· Va. are Mr. and Mrs. James Schmidt out of members and friends we had, terested in the Morgans, Sugar Run has and daughter, Janet who purchased everyone enjoyed the delicious covered some very nice Arabians and Quart er Jubil ee's Ace High from yours trul y dish dinner after which most everyone Hor ses. Finally exha usting the number (E dward Ash - Nugget's Jubilee Ann). donned their winter coats and boots, to of horses and no more to see, we took Ace, as he is called for short, is a solid go out in the snow flurries to visit the our red noses and cold feet to the house, chestnut and is built like his sire and horses. o horse went unnoticed . The to crowd around the warm fire. a lot of natural action, small head, little first one to greet us was Terrytown, Our President , Ray Jones, called the ears with a very expressive eye. This their outstanding two year old stallion, meeting to ord er and began immediate ­ colt will make the judges take a second beautiful dark chestnut, small head, ly appointing different ones for various look. It was a hard decision for the large expressive eyes, and real small ears, duties concerning the Morgan Judging Schmidts to make whether to let Ace well in short he is about as near perfect Seminar to be held at Parkersbur g, W. stay in the house with them and their as a Morgan can be. Mrs. Junk tells Va. sometime in May, at the Mountain­ dog or build a barn , but after a period me they will stand him to a few mares eer Arabian Farm, own ed by C. H. of long consideration it was decided this year. After depa rting from this Huggins, located on State Route 3J. that he might get hurt climbing stairs, handsome fellow next stop was to see Others wae asked to help on the Mor­ so finally a nice warm two stall barn some of the young broodm ares. Some ga n Gold Cup Show to be held aga in was erected in his honor. Occupying in f.oal to their senior sire ugget and the oth er stall tempora rily is his half. some to Big Bill B. Sure would like broth er Magic 's Mr. Ed, a dark chestnut to be there in the spring when the colts who, like his brother, will be hard to come. Another little beauty is a two beat. Another new owner is Mr . and year old filly Lippitt Victoria. If you Mrs. Jack Williams who just recently don't notice her she'll work around purchased the weanling filly Rosema r's to the place you have to see her. It Duff (Foxfire - Sayanora) from Mr . is a constant battle beween her and Gerald Wells of Shelby, Ohio. She is Rebecca of Sugar Run , a two year old a nice chestnut with flaxen and table . Dot says, they might sell with a snip. W hat a perfect little Rebecca to the right hom e, however lady . She tries so hard to please at they plan on showing her in harness this this age, imagine what she will be like coming year, and you can see why this when she is old enough to train . This little horse will go places in harness. little hor se was the cause of another !ext stop was to see Nugget who at barn raising. Miss Shirley Ano Davis twenty four shows very little wear for of Parkersburg has purchas ed Brother his years and is about as playful as his CAPT. McCUTCHEN. 6 year old stallion Four from Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jones, grandson out of Polly Primm by Big owned by Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jones. ( Continued on Page 54)

14 The MORGAN HORSE New York News


GLADGA Y'S PRIDE. Grand Champion Stallion and Grand Cham ­ pion Morgan at the New York State All-Morgan Show. Owned by Mark Hanna, Framingham Centre. Mass.

The regular December meeting of item: Gil Carr, well-known trainer An na Ela of Bolton, Mass. Vigilstar is the ew York Club was held in Avon, lately at Blue Spruce Farms, can now by Orcland Vigildon x the grand old . . Y. on the 2nd of the month. This be contacted at the Samatulski's Big mare, Townshend Sealecta, and carries was our election meeting and we Little Morgan Farm. He is training a wealth of the best breeding. emerge with the following officers: for them and will also take outside We welcome into our membership the President, Bemard J. Dunn, Olean; trainees for himself at the above address. following: Miss Dorothy Bachman, East Vice-President, Ralph Plauth, Altamont; Mr. and Mrs. Art hur Buisch of Am herst, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Mrs. Dorothy Buisch, Lydonvi lle, Lydonville have sold their stud colt, He ns and son, Michael, East Amherst; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Ruth Sunlyn Spitfire by Foxfire .__ Spring­ Miss Paricial J. Brundige, Ballston Spa; Willey, Kennedy; Treasurer, Curtis hill Flicka, to the William Rhodc;s of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Giffen, Medusa; Smith, Penfield. Directors are William Dayton, Va. "Bucky" joins the Rhodes' Mrs. Olive W . Laquidara, Troy; Mr. Taggart publicity, Savannah; Mary 3 year old stallion, James Dandy , by and Mrs. Lomber and Anne, Arnold, Kanona; Clyde Norris, Bemus Sherimill Sunrise - Tibby Corbin , who Lowville; Miss Mary Helen Joint, Sa­ Point ; Ray King , Syracuse and Philip presently has more stud service than he vona; Dr. and Mrs. F. T. Joint and Jackson, Wappingers Falls. can handle. Bucky will help out in family, Bath; Miss Mary E. Kipp, Penn We feel that we have exceptionally this department in a year or so, and will Yan ; Mrs. Mary Dyckes and daughter, strong leadership, and look forward to also be shown. N ice to see Morgans in Marilace, Erie, Pa. ; Dr. Charles W. San­ happy and progressive years under their the stronghold of Vir­ derson, Jamestown. guidance. ginia . T he cross is excellent for child­ There may be others. If your nam e High score awards for 1961 were al­ ren's hunters . has not been mentioned, you are none ·o made at this meeting. Pictures and Mr. and Mrs. Urban V. Kerr and the less welcome and cherished. list of winners will appear next month . Vernon, of Rocking Horse Acres Farm, Our 1961 All Morgan Show pictures are orth Tonawanda, r. Y., announce this issue's big news. See them in this the purchase of the 4 year old stallion, NorthCentral News month 's pictorial section. Heritage, from Howard C. Dobler of By DORIS HODGIN Mr. and Mrs. Donald Long of Johns­ Clarence Center. "Tag" is a chestnut T he season is over and we be­ town had fine publicity for their Long. son of Lippitt Jeep, from Lippitt Tilly . gin to look forward to spring - to the acres Farm in a recent issue of the Na­ He will eventually stand at stud in his arrival of new colts - and to another tional Horseman . Pictures of their new home, and will be worked in har­ show season. This year promises to young Futurity champions, Rubilynn ness immediately by Mr. Kerr. This is bring more open shows with Morgan and Majorette Hawk, also appeared in a nice youngster, with an attractive classes and also bigger and better Mor­ the December issue under "Cavalcade head and neck and a splendid disposi­ gan shows in this area. of Champions." tion. Ha ve a very nice letter from Pamela The Longs also report the sale of the Heritage joins the big gelding, Irish Honer of St. Joseph telling about the beautiful little Rubilynn (Lord Lins­ Parader , now owned by the Kerrs, and Morgans on the Wildwood Morgan ley x Ruby Hawk) to Miss Patricia the smaller bay Charlie "O", owned Ranch. I shall quote it as she wrote it. Brundige of Balston Spa, N. Y. Rubi­ and enjoyed for years by Mrs. Sylvia "Once upon a time back in 1952, the lynn joins the half-Morgan, Marshall's Kamp of Buffalo. The Kerrs stable a Honer fami ly purchased two shetland Dolly by Lippitt Field Marshall in the number of horses of other breeds but , but since there are nine of us, the Brundage stable. must surely be proudest of the Morgan two little ponies didn't quite satisfy our Mrs. Stanley Samatulski (Marlene members of their family. needs. Soon we had nine grade horses Beggs) of Esperance reports the sale Mrs. John Mahoney of Syracuse is and were all riding. Then on one of their yearling stallion, Gentleman working on the Herald-Journal of that bright sunny day in September, 1957, to the Paul Browns of Burlington, city. She edits the fashion page every we were all invited by the Paynesville Ontario, Canada. They plan on using Thursday. She should be well fitted for Saddle Club to go on their trail ride him for stud and show. This young thi job - remember that stunning Mille Lacs Lake. It was on this ride man has a fine show record - at his hat, gals? ride that we became acquainted with tender age - two blues and two thirds Dr. and Mrs. Alden B. Starr of Syra­ the Morgan Horse. Mr. Kraemer from in four shows. cuse have purchased the fine young stal­ Milan, Minnesota was on this ride with Marlene aLso sends the following lion, Townshend Vigilstar , from Mr~. ( Continued on Page 46



DEVAN JASON (Captain Fillmore x Lady Capt .) owned by Doole y Stables. Wes terville, Ohio , Bob Hart at reins. ·

The Ohio Morgan Hor se Association clas,es. We will all look forward to was still runnin g strong at 3 :00 and held their fall meetin g ovember 5, seeing Zephyr in the show ring agai n 4:00 A.M. due to such large classes. 196[ at Cleckner's in Mansfield, Ohio. next season and know that Mary will T he show is held in the coliseum and The election of officers was held at do an excellent job of showing him . the stabling facilities are adequate . This this meeting in order to give the new The Dooley Stables have purchased show is one of the largest and best officers a chance to make plans for the the mare Roubik ate 08059 by Roubi ­ and anyone desiring programs and en· coming year. The 1962 officers are as doux and out of Kitty H awk from try blanks can write to me and I will follows: President, Robert Chapman of Walte r Carroll of Farmingto n, Michi­ see that you are furnished a program. Fostoria; Vice-President, Floyd Mack gan. Roubikate is in foal to Green Write to Pau line Zeller 1730 Gray St., of Mansfield; Dir ectors: Pau l Rum ­ H il.s Dev-Ton e and will be bred to Findlay , Ohio. baugh of Polk and Larry Dooley of the Dooley Stables stallion Devan Jason, Following are various show results: Westerville. Also, at this meeting the next season. Hi -Point Award winners for 1961 were Ri~hland County Fair Horse Show The Centra l Ohio Saddle Club Asso­ announ ced with the following being Mansfield, Ohio, August 12, 1961 ciation , Inc., has named the Champions named: and Reserve Champions for the 1961 Morgon Horse Class , Op en, English Tack: Won MO DEL, Foxy Senlora. Floyd Mo

16 The MORGAN HORSE Ab ove: The many times Cham pion REX'S MAJOR MONTE, with owner Frank Wa er of the Double F Ranch. Orange, Calif .. in work­ ing attire. This sta llion has w on many trophies a s a Par ad e Horse as well as ' at Ha lter. Right: CAVENDISH, the popular Morgan stalli on owned b y Cav en­ Glo, is onc:e aga in in Calif ornia. He a nd his stabl em at es a re a t their temp ora ry qu arters in Northri dge, Ca lli.

The PhiUips nice Morgan, Monte Morgan Horse Breeders and Graham, has a very different outlook on life now - for next spring, he will be shown as a gelding in Hackamore Exhibitors Association Classes and later on in Western Pleas­ ure. This is one of the nice things By Ev E OAKL EY about California - we have the Hack ­ amore Classes for the youngsters in After a year's vacation, I find myself On the subject of Shows, several training up to 5 years of age. In this again back in the traces, so to speak, small one day shows were mentioned way, they can acquire a !or of worth­ for at the November meeting, I was where we could have a Morgan per­ while experience while learning. asked to take over this part of the Club 's formance class included. This is going We hear that Bob and Marjorie Rid­ very important publicity. to take a lot of hard work on the ing of Vista, Calif., are extremely busy The Tovember meeting was held at of all Morgan owners, as many will these days training their Morgan mare, the attractive ranch home of Frank and have to drive long distances. However Rose O Sharon for the coming summer Frieda Waer , situated in the Trabuccu if each of us will make it a point to show season. Canyon area of Orange County, Calif., support the small shows near home and Dusty Morgan is a registered Half. and before I go further, the Waers have make it a must to bring at least one Morgan, owned by Bill and Phyllis as nice a band of Morgans (25 in all) as working Morgan to Del Mar next Mathews of Vista, Calif., but that does you will find anywhere. summer, our classes there will be as­ not hinder him a bit, for he went into For a newly organized Club, we had sured for the future. an Open Trail Horse Class at rhe No­ an excellent turnout of thirty some Another step taken to assure the for­ vember Fletcher Hills Show in San members and guests, who before the ward movement of the Club, was to Diego and placed lst, in the capable evening was over became Members. unanimously vote in all acting Officers hands of Marjorie Riding , just to show They were friendly and co-operative for the 1962 period. All felt that to what all good Morgans can do. Re­ and I couldn't help but think of that change Officers ar this time would set gardless 0£ the fact that Dusty is termed very fine group of serious workers in the club back, as these officers have a "Ha lf-Morgan," he thinks and feels the Central States Club and the good done a fine job of setting up the club a true Morgan and has the same curious times shared when I was a part of their and are acquainted thoroughly with appealing personality that is common group. Somehow I think this will be the many projects of the near future. with the Morgan breed . When some­ such a group and will do much for the A vote of thanks was given for their one carelessly left his corral gate un­ future of the Morgan horse in South­ fine work to date. The 1962 Officers latched one night, he decided to do ern California. are: Bill Mathews, President; Bob Rid­ a little investigating during the night . The main subjects of this meeting ing, Vice President and Secretary; First, feeling that he needed a little were the important early foundation Freida Waer, Treasurer . The Directors personal comfort, he bedded down in steps that all well organized clubs will be voted upon at the December the Mathews pile of wood shavings for must go through. A number of well meeting. the night . got up bright and early af­ thought out promotional plans for the Our new members this month are: ter a night 's pleasant slumber and was Morgan 's future were submitted. One, Walter Phillips, LaPuente; Ginger Yan­ breakfasting on their lush green front which I think is a great step forward, cy, Moorpark; Mr. and Mrs . Alan Gar­ lawn when he was finally discovered. was the securing of three performance wood, Hemit, Calif. Anyone familiar Marilyn Mattern, Whittier, Calif., is classes for the Morgan horse at the with the California map will appreciate the proud new owner of the very nice large Class A Del Mar Show. This the long distance these new members Morgan mare Dapper Dolly (Dapper show is one of the larger shows of So. travelled for this meeting and a sincere Don x Redonna Vermon) recently pur ­ Calif. and while rhere have been Mor­ welcome to our ever growing family chased from the Wm . F. Kellstrom gan halter classes each year at this of Morganites. Ranch, Modesto, Calif. Marilyn says show, we feel that by getting some of Alan and Norma lee Garwood own the at present the mare much prefers the our good working Morgans before the fine Morgan mare Poco's Juliet (Lippitt trailer to the barn as that is where the public, it will do much to create in­ Morman - Forever Amber) purchased feed is. terest. from Merle Little, Monrovia, Calif. (Continued on Page 53)

JANUARY -FEBRUARY, 1962 17 Lee and Sec.-Treas. as above, Mrs. Mc­ Cobb. New EnglandNews Sandra Crowe reports that Orcland Linda is in foal to Upwey Ben Don. By CAROL CHEVALI ER The Victor Burnheimers have a chestnut fjlly by Parade 's Jubilee x Poppycock . Don 't know the birth date A Happy and Prosperous New Year (Kennebec Ethan x Sunday News) has but believe it is late 1961. to you all! I sound like a broken rec­ been sold by the Kennebec Morgan ord but my one wish is that all New Horse Farm to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Eng and Morgan owners would make Gallant. The Gallants are also new Had a very nice letter from Vivian one resolution - to take just a short Morgan owners. Maine is fast growing Henry, Bobbin Hollow Farm, Belcher­ time to jot down your news and send in the Morgan ranks which, I presume town in early December with some in­ it to me. Unfortunately, with Don is due in large measure to the efforts teresting sidelights on her daughter , go ing to school days and working of the older breeding farms and the Marsha and her black mare , Ebony nights I have no opportunity to get willingness of the Morgan owners to Girl (Senator Graham x Birdseye) . aro und to visit and gather news myself.. get out and show how wonderful and She told of the hurried preparation of There is nothing I would like to be versatile their horses really are. Ebony for the Parade class at the able to do more than that, so you will U H ST AR LEADER, a two year ational and what, but a Morgan, have to bear with me and make an ef­ old chestnut stallion by Orcland Leader would stand for having a half dozen fort to send items. r have so little for has been purchased from the Univer­ people work on her at once. ft was this column that I wondered if it was sity of New Hampshire by Ernest F . a last minute decision as Marsha hated worthwhile sending one. I am gett ing Howard of Norridgewock. to see but two entries in a class with it there late with the hopes something Two weanlings by Waseeka's Special lots of. spectator appeal. The Henr ys will come in! My thanks to those of Edition are now owned by new Mor­ think Ebony is about perfect and they you who keep me faithfully supplied gan lovers - Master Edition, a chestnut all enjoy her. Marsha and Louise nearly every month. out of Mistress Merridawn has been Orcutt were the on ly Equitation entries To those of you who know how sold to Arthur Zinck of Rumford. at Eastern States to compete on their much I love horses and dogs, I'm sure Choice Edition out of Choice Mistress Morgans and put them in all their classes. this will be amusing. Our son, at 13 has been sold to Arlene Pizzi of Edge­ Months, at the sight or picture of a comb. Both these colts were bred by RHODE ISLAND horse really "clucks " - and he does the Harland McCobbs of Dresden. ir a lot better than r ever did! We don 't In early December we had a nice Mrs. Harland McCobb is the new bur brief visit from Mr. and Mrs . Alton know exactly how he stumbled on that secretary for the Maine Morgan Horse sound but we get a laugh every time P. Harris of Smithfield, R. I. They Association. Former secretary Janet Mc­ had decided to take a drive after Sun­ he does it and he never misses! He Govern , is now Mrs . Roy Waterhouse day dinner but didn't realize that we sees a horse on television and he about Rt. 1, West Scarboro. She is very jumps out of his shoes! H e hears the were quite so far away! I was at the busy with her four boarders plus her Paul O'Reillys so Don brought them dogs bark or when he sees one it's a own two Morgans. over an we had a good chat about clear "bow -wow " - he'll probably The most notable fear performed grow up and not even like the beasts! horses - they enjoyed seeing their two lately in Maine by a horse was done by mares and the filly. They have sold I envy those of you who are doing a a grade Morgan, Pride Morgan by Hud­ their mare , Maderion (Raymond S. lot of sleighing this winter - so far son out of a Tipperary mare. Miss Sentney x Mabel Morgan) to Gaston the weat her has been most cooperative Priscilla Dodge of Bangor enjoyed her J. Verhulst , Blackstone, Mass. They for that sport. It's a great way to work own private 100 mile ride in three days have three of Maderion 's offsprin g - two at a time in the cold weather and from Bangor to South Woolwich. The a weanling or rather now a yearling, get your pairs ready for the National! mare was in excellent shape after her Manez by Panez; and two young mares jaunt and seemed to enjoy the whole one by Panez and one by fro - Panette MAINE thing. and Mafair. The orman Docks of Bethel have Morgans took the following Maine a barn full of new Morgans which in­ championships awarded at the Annual clude the following: MHA Banquet in Lewiston on Nov. The Bald Mt. 4-H Horse Club held LIPPITI MOLLY MORO, 3 year aid !Lippitt Selassie x Natick Mo ro Independence) and in fool I Ith it's annual supper in October and pre­ 10 Lippitt Moro Alert. MHA English Pleasure : ORCLAND LINDA . Sandro NANCY TWILIGHT . 5 yea r old !Lippitt Sam Tw i· Crowe . Ellsworh; Reserve: KNICKERBOCKER"S sented the Annua l trophies. Lyman Hi:ih1 x Lipp itt Norma) SANDY , Ru1h Lane , Auburn . Orcutt showed slides and talked of his ORCLAND HI .TIME , 10 year old iOrclond V igel · ; KNICKERBOCKER"S SANDY; Reserve. la nl x Townshrnd Moon w ay ) and in foal to Orcland ORCLAND LINDA. trip to the Far West this past summer. Oondorling . Morgans in Hand : ORCLAND LINDA ; Reserve, U. C. PANQUOTA . 6 years old IPanlield x Quo · JACK McNARY . The Morgans placing are as follows: totion) and in fool to Easter Twilight. Parade : ZAMBO , Carol Alpren , Lewiston . Fitting and Showmansh ip: 2nd, ALAN KNAPP VERRAN"S DIX IE ANN . 14 year old !Pla ins King Junior Exhibitor Hack: ORCLAND LINDA . and Bald Mt . Morealecl ; 3rd , NEIL KNAPP and x Ru1hven' s Polly Ann) and also in foal to Easter Road Hack: ORCLAND LINDA ; Reserve: KNICK · Easter Twil ight ; 5th , CHERYL TUTILE and Bold Twilight . ERBOCKER'S SANDY . Mt . Polly Allen ; 6th , JOHN SECOR and U. C. TOWNE ·AYR GAYNEKOMAN . weanl ing colt lliP· Colt Championship - all breeds: MORO TWI . Panquota . LIGHT, Jean Cox. Brewer . pitt Rob Roy x Lipp itt Ga ily) - Nickie for shortl Equitation: 4th . ALAN KNAPP; 5th , CHERYL Jack Petresseu of York Harbor has Congratulations to all of you and TUTTLE; 6th , VALERIE BREEN. purchased Joe Mansfield from Albert may 1962 be even bigger and betted Trail Riding : 4th to CHERYL TUTILE. Massey of So. Berwick. The new officers for 1962 are: Presi­ The two mares the Knapps sold to Kennebec Sunday, chestnut colt, dent, Victor Burnheimer; V. P., Richard ( Continued on Pa,ge 52)

18 The MORGANHORSE Eddie Earehart , Northville ; 2nd , GREEN HILL'S SHARON, Guy Marsh , Formingron ; 3rd, FOXY JEAN , Harold Render, Miiford; 4th, QUIELLA, Collin Cope­ Justin Morgan Association man, Oxford. Fine Harne11 : SPRINGBROOK MANSFIELD, Ed­ gar Mansfield , Formingron; 2nd , COHOCTAH BLAZE Mrs . Philip Dorsey , Flin!; 3 rd , BILLY B. By G IL L. GREE GEDDES, Eddie Earehart , Northville ; 4rh , GREEN HI LL· s SHARON, Guy Marsh , Forminglon . 5rh , MARKEL"S MAIDA , Delor Markel , Milfo rd. Stallions in Hand : Won by COHOCTAH BLAZE, Mrs . Phillip Dorsey , Flin!; 2nd , BILLY B. GEDDES, olored movies of the 1961 inth color paintings by young artists; bril­ Eddie Earehart , Northv ille; 3rd, COHOCT.OH Annual Michigan All-Morgan Horse liant fruits and vegetab les spill from KING, Collin Copeman, Oxford; 4rh , SPRING ­ BROOK MANSFIELD, Edgar Mansf ie ld, Formingron . how were featured at the September imaginative displays· the midway Mares in Hand : Won by FOXY JEAN . Ha rold Render, Milford; 2nd , MARY BOB'S PARTY GAL, O meeting of the Justin Morgan Asso­ beckons wit h its mingling popcorn ­ Bob Lewis , Eosl Lansing ; 3rd , MJ "S TAMI, J im ciation. large membership turnout hotdog smells; lights are a flashin g blue Jones . Grand Blanc; 4th , SPRINGBROOK GYPSY, Floyd Voss , Delroil ; 5rh, GREEf\ HILL'S SHARON, plus everal guests felt that it was from the rides; barns are decorated with Guy Marsh , Farm ington . Geldings in Hand : Won by HI-JAX KID, Harol d really "old time movie night " because the farm colors of Belgian , , Niem i, Plymourh ; 2nd , SUCCARDl"S NINO , Edd ie we munched popcorn generously pre­ Arabian, , Qub(ter Horse, Earehart , Northville . pared and donated by Mr. and Mrs. Morgan. The people are the warmest Eddie Eare hart of orthville. The and friendliest and they smile at every­ Saginaw Fair prof,es ional polish of the films taken thing and everyo ne. When hearing September 10-16 1961 by Don and Pearl Stickney, added to comments on the excellence of their Stallions in Hand 4 Years Old and Over: Won our enjoyment of seeing the show a by GREEN HILL"S DEV-TONE, Woller Carroll , Far ­ fair, they felt personally complimented. mington; 2nd , SPRINGBROOK MANSFIELD, Edga r second time. Mr. John E. Day and Mr. E. B. Snider Mansf ield, Farmington ; 3rd, BILLY B. GEDDES, Eddie Eorehort , Northville . supervised Morgans at the fair, and Stallions in Hand 3 Years : Won by GUY GED· We have several new club members they outdid themselves trying to please DES. Gail L. Green , Dexter: 2nd , KANE"S QU IZ· orro , Otto Wilkinson , Ann Arbo r. to announce: Miss Alice Carson 3945 us. fter our classes, an exhibitor's Stallions 2 years: Won by KANE"S JAZZ MAN , orth River Road Port Huron: Mr. Wolte r Kone, South Lyon; 2nd , MJ 'S TOMI , banquet was held for the Arabian Ap­ Jim Jones , Grand Blanc . Edward Waterstradt 2780 Carter Road, paloosa and Morgan Associations. and Stallion, 1 Year: Won by ENTRY, by Wolte r Pat - rick , Midland; 2nd , MICHAEL GEDDES. Dr. Dan sville; Mr . and Mrs. Maxwell P. it brought us much closer to those Fehee ley , Sag inaw . lien, 075 Ridge Road, Plymouth· We9nling Stall ions: Won by ENTRY, by Bob people who for some reason prefe r the Lewis, East Lansing ; 2nd , ENTRY BY J im Jones , Mr. William McPhee 13257 Lauder, "ot her breeds." The banquet, which Grand Blanc : 3rd , MARKEL"S MILO, Delo, Mar­ kel , Mi lford; 4th , ENTRY by Joe Symons , North· Detroit; Mr. Walter Patrick, 5009 has become an annu al affa ir made us, v ille . Tuck er, Midland. Grand Champion Stallion: GREEN HILL'S DEV­ in the final analysis, just a big family TONE. Wolrer Carroll , Formingron . of "horse people." If possible, we Re serve Grand Champion Stallion : KANE'S JAZZ Mr. Charles R. Kline wrote to Mr. MAN , Wolter Kone , South Lyon . and Mrs. Walter Kane telling of the recommend the Saginaw Fair when Senior Champion Stallion : GREEN HILL'S DEV­ you are thinking about your horse show TONE, Wolter Carroll , Farm ington . increasing popularity of Morgans in Reserv e Senior Champion Stallion: GUY GEDDES, the Three Rivers area. Seven Morgans trips next year. I have been told that it Ga il L. Green, Dexter . Junior Champion Stallion : KANE'S JAZZ MAN , participated in 4-H shows there this is the biggest county fair in the United Wolter Kone , South Lyon . year, and they were so well thought of tates . Reserve Junior Champion Stallion : MJ "S TOMI , J im Jones , Gra nd Blanc . by judge that many 4-H members andida well-known Morgan mare Mores in Hand 4 Years Old and Over : Won by are beginning to think of Morgans in FOXY ANN , Wolter Ca rro ll, Farm ington ; 2nd , owned by Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Voss of GAY SOUBRETIE, J im Jones , Grand Blanc ; 3rd , terms of "the horse" to have. Kane' SPRINGBROOK GYPSY, Floyd Voss , Detroit ; 4th , Detroit, died suddenly in late Septem­ FOXFIRE"S SUZAY, Wolter Ca rroll, Farm ington ; Kandy Kane, now owned by the Klines , ber. We who closely share this. and 5th , KANE"S GOLDEN PENNY, Ed Cole , Rhodes , repre ented her breed well in 4-H com­ 6rh , FOXY JEAN , Harold Render , Milford . past, show seasons with her are per on­ Mares in Hand 3 Years : Won by MJ 'S TAMI, petition this summer. ally touched and saddened because we Jim Jones , Grand Blanc ; 2nd, GREEN HI LL· s SHARON, Guy Marsh, Farmington; 3rd, KANE' S Big attractions on Route 4, Ithaca, will no longer know the fami liar sight COVER GIRL, Mrs . George Cook , Boy City . of Candida taking her rightful share Mares 2 Years : Won by MARY BOB'S PARTY Michigan are the yearling filly, Lisa GAL, Bob Lewis , East Lansing; 2nd , MJ 'S BAR­ Lynn , and two year old stallion, Tawny of ribbons . She was a gallant and con­ BARA ANN , J im Jones, Grand Blanc; 3rd , KAY· sistent competitor, whether carrying a JAY-SPAR, Harold Render , Milford . Lynn, who e owners are Mr. and Mrs. Mores 1 Year: Won by MARY BOB'S HIGH H. G. Bunyan. Mr. Bunyan says that toddler to his first win in a Lead Line TIME, Bob Lewis, East Lans ing ; 2nd , MAR-JO "S class or performing to perfection in SHOWGIRL, Floyd Voss , Det roit; 3rd , GREEN passing motorists often stop by the HILL'S TONETIE, Wolter Carroll , Farm ington ; 4th , a Championship Stake. "Candy" pos­ ANGELA'S PEACH BLOSSOM, Mr. and Mrs . Wo l­ pasture fence to make friends with the ters; 5th , MANSFIELD"S PIXIE, Edgar Mansfiel d, colts, which speaks well for the famed sessed the most valued Morgan charac­ Farmington . teristics. She was a family horse in Weanling Fillies : Won by ENTRY, by Joe Symon s, Mor ran di position. villp; 3rd , ENTRY, by Dr. Feheeley , Saginaw ; 4rh , every sense of the term. The standard vilt ; 3rd, ENTRY by Dr. Fehteley , Saginaw ; 4th , phrase is that "we will miss her." ow KANE'S VALHALLA ANN, Otto Wilkinson , Ann In these bustling days, it is difficult Arbor . to find an event that retains the honest ir is the truest tribute we can pay. We Senior Champion Mar e: FOXY ANN , Wolter Ca r­ will miss her. roll, Farmington . flavor of the past but it can be found in Reserve Senior Champion Mare : GAY SOUBRETIE, Michigan - the Saginaw Fair, held J im Jones , Grand Blanc . Junior Champion Mare : MARY BOB"S PARTY GAL, this year on September 10-16. To re­ Bob Lewis, East Lans ing . create in words the wonderful J 800's Linden Kiwanis Show Reserve Champion Mare : MARY BOB'S HIGH tone of this fair is quite a task. s TIME, Bob Lewis, East Lans ing . September 3 1961 Grand Champion Mare : FOXY ANN , Wolter Car­ you walk through the clean white roll, Farmington. buildings, row after row of them, every­ Woolem Plea1u,e : Won by CLOVERLANE JUS· Reserve Grand Champion Mare : MARY BOB'S TIN GEDDES, Norman Risk, Ypsilant i; 2nd, SUN­ PARTY GAL, Bob Lewis, East Lansing . where you are impressed and stimulated FLOWER KITIY, Mrs . Phill ip Dorsey , Flinr ; 3rd, CANDIDA, Floyd Voss , Detro it; 4rh , HI-JAX KID, Geldings in Hand 2 Years and O•er: Won by by the color and quality of exhibits. Harold Niemi , Plymoulh ; 5rh , SUCCARDl"S NINO , KANE'S VICTORY STAR, Mrs . George Cook , Boy Ribbons flutter from oil and water English Performance : Won by BILLY B. GEDDES, (Continued on Page 51)

JANUARY-FEBRUARY, 1962 19 Morgan); and the outstanding. tr~il Southern News and Views gelding Lippitt Bob Kennuck (Ltppttt Rob Roy x Alrita). By BARBARA BEAUMO T COL E With their mare Three Winds Betsey (Easter Twilight x Bald Mt . Petire Ann) they have been in the ribbons in Fred Aldred of Sommerville, Georgia William J. Rhodes of Dayton, Vir­ several local shows. Over Thanksgiving has bought another broodmare from ginia made a trip to New York State weekend show in S. Miami held a Mrs. orman Azoon of Columbus. She in October and brought back a hand­ Model Morgan class with three entries, i~ Pineland Dark Gypsy (Jolly Roger some weanling stallion, Sunlyn Spitfire firsr place going to Three Winds Bet­ x Gypsy Field) and has by her side a (Foxfire x Springhill Flicka) bought sey; second to Diehl and White (Cam e­ filly sired by Jubilation (Littl e from Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Buisch. Mr. lot Farms) young stallion Spring Glo H awk x Jubilee's Golden Lassie). Rhodes. writes that Spitfire is a liver (Mor -Ayr Supreme x Lilli Glo); and John Diehl writes from Fort Lauder­ chestnut with a flaxen mane and tail third to Merrinita Ash (Lippitt Rob dale, Florida that he and Tim White and promises to be the image of his Roy x April Showers) owned by Renato ire. Mr . Rhodes is the only Morgan Levi of Hialeah. At the same show, owner in his part of Virginia but he in two open hack classes one with 22 reports that his older stallion James and one with 14 entries , Merrinita Ash Dandy (Sherimill Sunrise x Tibby Cor­ placed second and Three Winds Betsey bin) has been popular with local mare third both times. The next weekend owners and has sired some good foals another local show held a Morgan hal­ not only from grade mares but also ter class with 7 entries, of which I have from registered Saddlebred, Standard­ only the top three placings: 1st, Spring bred, and Walking mares. Glo; 2nd, Three Winds Betsey; 3rd, Lip. Linda Hartley of Mathews, Alabama, pitt Aurelius (Lippitt Selassie x Lippitt owns the four-year-old stallion Pineland rrowhe ad) owned by Philip B. Rob­ Pirate, by Jolly Roger out of Princess erts of Ft. Myers. At this show Three Field. Linda 's grandfather is training Winds Betsey also won the pleasure her horse for her, and she plans event­ horse championship. ually to enter Pirate in barrel races.

Mrs. Lucille Kenyon of Altoona, PINELAND PIRATE. owne d by Linda Hart· Florida , writes thar illnes in her family ley of Mathews. Ala b am a . · is forcing her to dispose of her Mor­ CircleJ. Morgan gans. These include trail-ride and show winners as well as proven broodmares have purchas ed from Michigan the and some promising young stock. well-known show mare Kane 's Spring Association Delite (John Geddes x Barbette) rhat By A NE H . TAYLOR Mrs. Peggy Ann Wachter and her has many eastern as well as mid-western father Mr. Ziegler of Centreville, Va., wins to her credit. From Mrs. Kenyon own three registered mares : The Plans are well underway for the 1962 of Altoona, they have also bought four Western National All-Morgan Horse eighteen year old Oh (Canfield x Kat­ Morgans: the broodmare Baroosa (Ray­ Show and Sale to be held at Esres Park, rine) and her two daughters , April mond S. Sentney x Bobby Gay) in foal Colorado on July 13, 14 and 15, 1962. Fool and PAZ, sired by Gipsey Junior ro Little Hawk the three-year-old mare The show committee has been quite (Gipsey King x Glorious Betsy). The Priscilla Alden (by Parade) also in foal busy making arrangements to produc e two younger mares are in foal to a to Litle Hawk; 'the three-year-old mare the show this year without the aid of a Morgan stallion owned by the Wash­ Juliana Hawk (Little Hawk x Justina paid show producer. The slate of classes ington, D . C. Park Police, and Oh is will be much the same as last year; new expecting another foal by Gipsey Jun­ classes under consideration include ior. Mrs. Wachter shows April Fool Roadster Under Saddle and a Morgan extensively in hunter classes and has Reining Class to follow the pattern won many ribbons with her. developed by the New Mexico Morgan Ridden by Tommy Bruce, our four­ Horse Club. Judges have been con­ year old Carolina (Lippitt Mandate x tacted and the decision will be an­ Katie Twilight) won the open Eng­ nounced shortly. Sponsors and adver­ lish pleasure class at the November tisers are being conracted in the hope schooling show of Raleigh's Capital of having a show which is "bigger Horsemen's Association. and better than ever." Due to the num­ ber of new owners and well trained Dr. and Mrs. George Simons of horses anticipated in the show, the com­ Cumberland, Maryland have bought petition should be keener than ever. the colorful young mare Jane B. Mar­ lo (Mickey Finn x Verran's Lassie) It has been the decision of the show from Marilyn Childs of Ringtown, Pa. committee with almost unanimous ap­ SUNLYN SPITFIRE 13380 by Foxfire x proval of Circle J members to discon- They plan to show her in junior classes Sprin gh ill Flick a . coming year ling stalli on, this year. owned by Wm . J. Rhode s, Day1on , Va . ( Continued on Page 45)

20 The MORGAN HORSE 1961Michigan High Point Championships

Presentation of the· Kane's Perpetual Lead Line Trophy to Michael Merrions, winner of 1961 Lead Line Class in Michigan All-Mor­ gan Show. Looking on are Mr. and Mrs, Merrions and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kane (standing).

Keen competition of the past show Harness High Point Champion : SPRINGBROOK chased from the Risks. Mrs. Moore and MANSFIELD, Mr. and Mrs . Edgar Mansfield . Farm­ season was recalled when winners of ington . Cloverlane Farm have high hopes for Harness Reserve High Point Champion : TAMARA the 1961 Michigan High Point Cham­ OF WENLOCH, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rlsk, her, since she is the first offspring of pionships were spotlighted at our an­ Ypsilant i. their senior stallion. The Moores are Harness First Merit Award : Bill Y 8. GEDDES. Mr. nual High Point Award Dinner on and Mrs . Edd ie Eoreheart , Northville . new Justin Morgan Association mem­ Harness Second Merit Award : FOXY ANN, Mr. January 27. We shared pot luck and and Mrs. Walter Carroll, Farmington . bers the thrill of proud smiles, not without Harness Third Merit Award : SPRINGBROOK QUIZON , Mr. and Mrs. Gerold Taft , No rthville Tex Talley of. Stanerigg Farm in Ann a little envy. Owners ( and horses) Saddle High Point Champion : BILLY 8. GEDDES, Arbor reports that he was pleasantly Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Earheart . Northv ille . worked hard for the moment when they Saddle Reserve High Point Champion : TAMARA surprised to have an unexpected visitor might accept one of the heavy silver OF WENLOCH, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Risk, Ypsi­ lanti . pay a visit to the former home of her trophies or even place high enough Saddle First Merit Award : FOXY ANN, Mr. and Morgans. Mrs. Blythe Stason of ew Mrs. Walter Carroll , Farm ington . to receive a Merit Award ribbon. Saddle Second Merit Award : SPRINGBROOK York City stopped in to see what is new To be eligible for the championship, QUIZON , Mr. and Mrs. Gerold Taft , Northv ille . Saddle Third Merit Award : HYCRESTDENISE , Mr. at Stanerigg and in Michigan Morgans. a Morgan must have won at least one and Mrs. Edgar Mansf ield, Farm ington . Several Woods and Water Farms Western High Point Champion : CLOVERLANE blue ribbon in the category for which JUSTIN GEDDES, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Risk, colts have found new homes. Mr. and he competed. Of course, someone has Ypsilant i. Mrs. Walter Kane report that Mr. Western Reserve High Point Champion : CAN· to gather and compile all results of ac­ DIDA, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Voss , Detro it , Marvin Gerbig of Lyndon, Michigan credited shows-this makes our awards Western First Merit Award : BRIAN J . GEDDES, purchased a weanling stallion, Kane's possible. Mrs. Rheda Kane was chair­ Jane McDonald, Howe ll. Western Second Merit Award : GUY GEDDES, Gail Checkmate (Jon-Bar-K x Wee Coleen) . man of our High Point A ward com­ l. Green, Dexter . Kane's Jim Dandy, another weanling mittee. She and other committee mem­ Western Third Merit Award : HI JAX KID, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Niemi, Plymouth . stallion (Kane's Showboy x Miller's bers, who were Mr. Harold Render, In Hand High Point Champion : MARY BOB'S Debutante), went to Mr. Gerald Gentry Mrs. Edie Earehart and Mrs. Judy Car­ PARTY GAL, Mr. and Mrs. Robert lewis , East Lansing . of Coldwater, Michigan. Still another oll Dacker, did an estimable job of In Hand Reserve High Point Champion: GUY weanling stallion, Kane's Johnny Music compiling show points throughout the GEDDES, Gail l. Green , Dexter . (Jon-Bar-K x Music Maid) has been In Hand First Merit Award : FOXY ANN, Mr. and season. These people really deserve Mrs. Wolter Carroll , Farmington . ,sold to Mr. M. E. Chapman of Galena, extra attention because of the pains­ In Hand Second Merit Award : HI JAX KID, Mr. Ohio. Mr. Walter Sharp, of Frasier, taking care and time they spent on our and Mrs . Harold Niemi, Plymouth. In Hand Third Merit Award : FOXFIRE SUZAY, Michigan, now owns Kane's Babette High Point Awards. Perhaps the pride Mr. and Mrs. Waller Ca rroll, Farmington . ( Quizkid x Barbette) a coal black two­ and happiness of the winners will spur Mr. and Mrs. Harold Niemi should year-old filly. other Morgan owners to compete for be happy not only with their fine geld­ I suppose a reporter always wants High Point honors next year. ing, but also because their daughters, to feel that she has the facts and nothing The following Michigan Morgans Barbara and Susan, captured top honors but the facts but it seems that a re­ woo 1961 High Point Championships in the equitation division of the High traction must be made. It was erron­ and Merit Awards in their respective Point scoring. iously stated that Kane's Spring De­ divisions: Dr. Ben K. Green, whom we met at lite was sold to Mr. and Mrs. Smith Junior Harness High Point Champion : RICKEY MARLO, Mr. and Mrs . Mila Dugan, Loveland , our Halloween dance, paid another ( well, there are a lot of them l) of Colorado (formerly of Northville) visit to Cloverlane Farm in Ypsilanti Florida. However, Dee's new owners Junior Harness Reserve High Point Champion : GREEN HILL'S SHARON, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Marsh, and took another look at the Risk's are Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. White, Farmington. Junior Harness First Merit Award : FOXFIRE'S junior stallion, Countdown (Mr. Show­ Jr., of Fort Lauderdale, Florida. My SUZAY, Mr. and Mrs. Wolter Carroll, Farmington . man x Highview Honey). That did it apologies to them for selling their mare Junior Harness Second Merit Award : KANE'S QUIZORO, Mr. and Mrs. Otta Wilkinson. Ann Arbor . - he took Countdown back to head his right out from under them in such a Junior Harness Third Merit Award : APPROSE SHE-BOY.GAN, Messrs . Floyd and Jack Appling, band of Texas mares. This fine young hurry. Fenton. stallion should leave his marks of good Since the Michigan State Fair will Junior Saddle High Point Champion : RICKEY MARLO. Mr. and Mrs. Milo Dugan , Loveland, temperament and breeding on his colts, be held one week earlier than usual in Colo rado . Junior Saddle Reserve High Point Champion : and they should appeal strongly to Mor­ 1962, the Justin Morgan Association is GREEN HILL'S SHARON, Mr. and Mrs . Guy Marsh, gan breeders in Texas. giving serious thought to moving our Farmington . Junior Saddle First Merit Award : APPROSE SHE· Mrs. Bonnie Moore of Ypsilanti hopes Michigan All-Morgan Show way up in BOY·GAN, Messrs . Floyd and Jack Appling, Fenian. Junior Saddle Second Merit Award : MJ'S GAY to raise and train her filly Cloverlane the show season-perhaps starting with SOUBRETIE. Mr. & Mrs. Jomes Janes, Grand Blanc . Sally Jo (Cloverlane Justin Geddes x a bang in June. If so, we'll have to Junior Saddle Third Merit Award: GUY GEDDES, Goll l. Green, Dexter. Kenny 's May Cotton), recently pur- hustle. No spring fever this year.

JANUARY-FEBRUARY, 1962 21 account of the Fahrni's quest for Mor­ ful - we had found 13 Morgans, and PacificNorthwest gans in the Okanagan Valley of British had the pleasure of meeting some very Columbia: nice Morgan owners. "Having attended practically all the "Since our trip we have enjoyed see­ News Morgan shows in Washington State ing a nice band of Morgans at Mission this year it was decided we should spend City owned by the Misses McLean and By Lou 1sE BECKL EY a few weeke nds getti ng acquainted McKenzie. These young ladies have with "Morganites" here in Canada. five very nice Morgans and I'm sure the Th e last big show of the season in The very useful list of registrations in Pacific No rthwest Morgan Show will the Pacific No rthwest was the Pacific "Morgans in Canada" indicated several see them in the winners ' circle some International Livestock Exposition held located in the interior , so we planned day soon. We have also learned of a in Portland, Oregon in October. Un­ to head for Kelowna for a startin g point. Morga n colt at Haney belonging to fortunately there were no Morgan per­ "Fro m our information we found the Cliff Whistle , and various Morgans in formance classes of.fered this year. As name of Mrs. M. Cookson and her the Caribou cattle countr y. Add ing this is one of the largest shows in the Morgans easily identified her place. to these the Port Alberni Morgans on Torthwest we hope this will be reme­ Although we enjoyed meeting Mrs. Vancouver Island, owned by Mr. R. died by next Fa ll. Results of the Mor­ Cookson's mare Mon Heir Gretchen W. Mallory and our own three, our gan in-hand classes follow: and her gelding Chellowest, our real count of Morgans in British Columbia is around the thirty mark. Stallions one year old: Won by ARANAFIELD, pleasure was becoming acquainted with owned by M r. and Mrs . Phil Morrison, Grants Mr. and Mrs. Cookson with whom we "Morgans like the B. C. climate and Poss , Oregon; 2nd , THELBEN'S ST. PAT, owned by Mr . and Mrs . Ben Langston, Sherwood, Oregon : spent the evening. (A recent note from B. C. owners certainly like their Mor­ 3rd, JUBILEE'S FANCY DAN, owned by Pot Den­ nison , Holsey , Oregon; 4th, FERNCREST JUBILEE, Mrs. Cookson tells us of Gretchen win­ gans. Keep your eye on the growth of owned by Dottie Olson , Eugen e, Oregon . ning a first and Chellowest a second the Morgan Breed in British Columbia." Stallions two years old : Won by ECO STARBEAU, ow ned by Mr. and Mrs. Fronk Hollett, Cost le in all breed classes at their annual We thank you, Mr. Fahrni, for your Rock, Washi ngton ; 2nd, TONKA OF BO'DOT, owned by Bo·dot Stables, Snohomish , Washi ngton . show) . Bright and early the next morn­ interesting contribution and wish the Stallions three years and over: Won by BROAD­ ing Mrs. Cookson was at our camp­ B. C. Morgan owners well in their var­ WALL ST. PAT, owned by Mr. and Mrs. Leo Beck· ley, Mt. Vernon, Wash.; 2nd, LAD OF BO' DOT, site for coffee before escorting us on a ious M~rgan projects. ow ned by the Bo'dot Stables , Snohom ish; 3rd, tour of the Okanagan to see the rest of BILLY REBEL, owned by Joe Blewett, Beaverton , Oregon; 4th , BLACKMAN ALLEN, owned by the Morgan population. Florence Coffey , Eugene; 5th, CAPT. MORGAN MEDINA, owned by Mrs . Ursula Phill ips , Gresham, "O ur first port of call was at a beau­ Oregon. tiful ranch overlooking Okanagan Lake NorthernCalifornia Mares <>ne year old : Won by GLO FIELD, owned bv Dr. C. 0 . Pa rkinson, Eugene; 2nd, GOLD where we met Mr. and Mrs. J. W . PENNY, Joe Blewett, Beaverton ; 3rd, TRAILWOO D ROSALETIA, owned by Mr. ond Mrs . Fronk Hollett, Barlee who have five Morgans. We en­ News Castle Rock; 4th, ILLAWANNA KATHLEEN, owned bv Mabel Cochrane, Vancouver, Wash. joyed meeting these people and seeing Mares two years old: Won by MARIA ROSETA, their fine ranch, but unfortun ately the By S HIBLEY D AVIS owned by Barney Mullaney. Gresham, Oregon : 2nd , FERNCREST DOT, owned by Dottie Olson, horses were all away from the home Eugene. pastures on Sunday as these horses work Social Meeting Mares three years and over: Won by LINFIELD, owned by Mr . and Mrs . Leo Beckley, Mt. Vernon; for a living. 2nd, MACDELLA, owned by Barney Mulaney, Gres­ I hope everyone had a very happy ha m; 3rd, ORPHAN ANNIE, owned by Florence "F rom here we called on Sally Clay­ holiday season. We had a typical Calif­ Coffey , Eugene; 4th , STELLA KNOX, owned by Constance Ross, Mulino, Oregon; 5th, JEANN E don at Okan agan Mission, who is the ornia Christmas season with nippy ALLEN, owned by Florence Coffey, Eugene . proud owner of Princess Wilhelmina temperatures under the sun. Oh, we Grand Champion Stall ion: BROADWALL ST. PAT, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Beckley , Mt. Vernon, Wash. and her yearling filly Princess Jacque­ had a little foggy dew but sunshine Rese rve to Grand Champion Stallion : LAD OF line. Next we headed up the valley nevertheless. BO' DOT, Bo'dot Stables, Snohomish, Wash . Grand Champion Mare : LINFIELD, Mr. and Mrs. past the beautiful Kalamalka Lake to The North ern California Morgan Leo Beckley, Mt. Vernon . Vernon to call on Dr. Farnsworth, who Horse Club put a very pleasant close to Reserve lo Grand Champion Mare : MACDELLA, has the stallion Fleetbird and I believe Barney Mullaney, Gresham, Oregon . 1961 by giving a free turke y dioner Broadwall St. Pat from the J. Cecil a Morgan mare as well. Unfortuna tely to the paid-up members. This event Ferguson Farm in Greene, R. I., and Dr. Farnsworth was not around so we took place November 19 at the Sundial who was on lease io Utah and Montana were not able to meet him . Lodge io Modesto. Arrangements for in 1960 has been creating quire a stir "F inally late afternoon, we arrived at reservations were made by Mr. and Mrs. in this part of the country. The ex­ Armstrong where Mr . Caine proudly Lloyd Buckelew of Modesto. clamations and voices of admiration showed us his Mon Heir mare with Nearly 70 members and guests filled heard from the sidelines when he is ex­ her filly. He had trailered this mare all the dioing room. Our president , Del hibited show that he has won his way in the way to Dean Jackson's for service N orton, presided over the meeting and the West. St. Pat has been shown at by Broadwall St. Pat. Mr. Caine is a kept our secretary, Jo Norton, pretty three different shows in 1960 and has "trotting " enthusi ast and had a nice busy reading minutes, treasurer reports, been named Grand Champion Stallion mare with a foal at her and correspondence. We missed the each time. side. The Morgan filly of course, took presence of our vice-president, Ches Felt Mr. Gerald Fahrni of Abbotsford, all our attention - we will watch her who was kept away by illness. B. C., our new Canadian Director , re­ development with great interest as we For the most part , this was a social cently made a Morgan visiting tour of are happy to see these good Morgans meeting however, there were reports British Columbia with his family to getting a start here in Canada. given by Dr . H.P. (Hank) Boyd, Sao become better acquainted with Morgan "On our way home we decided our Rafael; Arnold Wessitsh, Stockton; and owners there. The following is an hun ting expedition had been most fruit- Chas. Sutfin, Carmichael.

22 The MORGAN HORSE Dr. Boyd heads a committee for bered all the extra details that make an selecting a color guard uniform. It is event even more special. Ches was our North of the the desire of the club to have 4 or 6 very capable ring master and announ ­ uniformed Morgan riders to represent cer. Border our club at various horse shows and Ir is wonderful to have people like parades. these in our club. The Nortons and By P EGGY McDONALD Mr. Wessitsh and Mr. Sutfin have the Felts are the type of people who been investigating the respective advan­ bring out the best in those around them. tages of joining either the Nationa l After having very nice winters the Horsemen 's Assn. or the California past few years, this. one really is off to State Horsemen's Assn. Mr. Wessitsh Endurance a terrible start. Has been snowing for reported that the N. H. A. holds no The North American Trail Ride Con­ two days, blowing and is below zero. Morgans don't seem ro mind it too much shows in this area. Following a very ference holds 6 to 7 endurance rides per though. Have to push the two stallions enlightening report by Mr. Sutfin on year in California. Judging is on the out of the barn every morning but at the C.S.H.A. a motion was made and point system, and at the end of the year, least they are standing ready to come carried unanimously to join this asso­ awards are made to the top ten final­ in in the evening - usually have to ciation . This act will create more ac­ ists. Our Mrs. Louise Boyd, San Ra­ go look and call for the one. tivities in parades and horse shows that fael, came home with 6th place trophy will require a representatvie color for the 1961 trail season. She partici­ I can fill in those question marks guard. pated in these events on her Morgan now on our Canadian registries : Mr. Earl Squire, Hughson, surprised gelding Shiek F 's Captain. 84. Townshend Vigil Morn (Orcland everyone by presenting a few small Vigildon x Misty Morn) owned by gifts to some members he personallly So New H. B. Banks, Kingston, Ontario believed worked diligently for our club. 85. Townshend Melarry (Melody's Mr. and Mrs. Don Breazeales, of The recipients of these gifts were Mrs. Morgan x Townshend Harryet) Modesto, welcomed their two-legged Loretta Breazeales, Modesto; Arnold owned by H. B. Banks, Kingston, foal on October 13, 1961. His name is Wessitsh, Stockton; Chas. Sutfin, Car­ Ontario Robert Donald and he measured 5.1 michael ; and Gene Davis, Lodi. His hands. 83. Jubilee's Aurora (Jubilee 's Courage thoughtfulness was appreciated by all. x Spring Flame) owned by Dale Iorman Hodgkin of Lafayette Miss Marge Chauvaud has had sev­ Allen, Granby, . showed his movies of our All-Morgan eral changes in her life in the span of The By-Laws for the C.M.H.C. were horse show of last June. a few months - all because of a movie. passed some time ago and the rules to The next meeting of the N.C.M.H .C. She went to see "The Horse with the be submitted to the was planned for January 14 at the Flying Tail " and was so taken by the Shows Association have been voted up­ Buckboard in Sacramento . The main picture that she wanted to know more on and passed. These rules were sent topic of business will be the election about horses. She frequented the Davis for consideration of the C.H.S.A. recent of new officers. The nomination com­ Breeding Farm, Lodi, and decided she meeting at Toronto, held during the mittee consists of Arnold Wessitch , would like to own a Morgan mare. She Royal Winter Fair , and to date no offi­ Gene Davis and Chas. Sutfin. joined the Northern California Morgan cial word has been received as to their Del and Jo No rton have been our Horse Club in June because she wanted fate. to be a part of it right then. Soon after, president and secretary for 2 years, and We must wait until the Beacons' re­ she mer Ray Stewart through Gene I don't believe we have ever had a turn from their trip East to find out Davis. To make a short story even better pair in office. The enthusiasm, the winners of the Canadian High shorter on October 28, Marge pur­ interest, and ability to organize which point award for 1961. A trophy and chased a Morgan mare, Gojean (Red they have displayed has done much to ribbons are to be given to the horses Gates x Gojea) and on December 2 forward the growth and scope of our placing. became Mrs. Ray Stewart. She moved club. from a city apartment to a 20-acre ranch In a recent vote held by the members They were first elected into office in and is doing wonderfu lly at fitting her 0£ the C.M.H.C ., the incorporation of January, 1960. At this time they were new life and duties into her old job of the Club with the Canadi an National principal offi:cer..s of a k>cal riding being an Engineer at the State Division Livestock Records was decided in favor club. The added responsibility threw a of Highways. See what a movie can of. This means that the Morgan will lot of weight on their shoulders, but one do? have their own stud book instead of would never have suspected from out­ being listed in the General Stud Book. ward appearances. Details on this will be finalized in the Surely, acknowledgement and appre­ New Year. ciation of the club members were ex­ Tn all probability the Club will be Notify the Morgan Horse pressed by the unanimous nomination publishing a Stud Book and Canadian Magazine of any change in and re-election of Del and Jo in 1961. Directory in the near future - as soon your address. Del and Jo had wonderful coopera­ as registrations reach the 100 mark. tion from our vice-president, Winchester The MORGAN HORSE So those of you who do not have your (C hes) Felt and his wife, Mary Alice, Magazine horses registered as yet had better get of Sacramento. Mary Alice carried Box 149 a move on to have them included in the most of the responsibility of organizing Leominster, Mass . Stud Book. Further details later. our last two horse shows. She remem- ( Continued on Page 49)

JANUARY-FEBRUARY, 1962 23 Mid-Atlantic Central States MorganHorse Assn. News News of Oregon By JEANNE MEHL By DOROTHY COLBURN No matter that the show season is At our November meeting, held at Annual Meeting Held in Sherwood over (temporarily) the Morgan busi­ Our annual meeting was held this ness is still booming! Show prospects the home of Pat and Ron Hayward in South Elgin, Illinois, officers were year in Sherwood, Oregon, which is a and pleasure Morgans are finding new 5hort distance south of Portland. The homes as our breed rides the crest of elected to serve for the next two years. Martin Staehnke was elected President most important event of this meeting a well-earned popularity. New Mor­ was the election of officers with the gan owner in Reading, Penna. is Dr. to replace Ron Hayward, who has served the club well and conscientiously following 1esults: President, Phil Mor­ Carroll Kring. He purchased from Dr. rison, Grants Pass; Vice-President, Clift William Bachman of E. Amherst, N. Y. for two terms of office. Ron becomes Vice-President, replacing Rae Miller, Curl, Tigard; Secretary-Treasurer, Ruth the handsome well-loved little gelding Morrison. Board Members consist of Tom Timlin (Roxie's Archie x Westfall Pat Hayward starts a second term as Recording Secretary and Treasurer, and Dr. C. D. Parkinson, the retiring presi­ Blythe). The family will miss him, dent; Jim Michels, Philomarh; Ben but we bet that this Morgan will win Dorothy Colburn continues as Historian and officially becomes Publicity Secre­ Langston, Sherwood; and the two new many more friends with his dependable members Hugh Osborn, Beaverton; and lovely disposition. Dr. Kring and his tary, which job she has held by appoint­ ment since the loss of. our former Publi­ Chet Bacigalupi, Independence. We wife attended the Mid-Atlantic Ban­ would like to thank Dr. and Mrs. Park­ quet and joined our club. Welcome! city Secretary, Eve Oakley, who is now located in Nonhridge, California. inson for the wonderful job they have A letter from John Diehl states that Directors were elected as follows: Harry done as president and secretary-treas­ Mr. White (owner of. the farm they Sweet, Mary , Shirley Subotas urer this past year. Many thanks to are establishing) is the new owner of Davidson, Donna Staehnke and Rae Ben and Thelma Langston who were the outstanding show prospect Kane's Miller. responsible for making our anual meet­ Spring Delight recently purchased Our Junior Club, the "Colts and ing such a success; to Ruth Bacigalupi from Mrs. Childs. This is a top quali­ Fillies," is rapidly being depleted. They and to Phil and Ruth Morrison for their ty mare and the "Sunny South" is simply will grow up. We have had rwo entertainment and last but not least to surely getting more voice with more weddings in the last year from out of Dr. E:lmer Searls, our guest speaker, for Morgans. this group . The first was Georgia the lively and entertaining speech on James Barrett of Elmira, . Y. is Sweet's marriage to Darwin Pfieffer, many of his experiences with Morgans. now established in a farm near town announced a few months ago, an in We could have listened for many hours where he can be seen enjoying his Mor­ November Shirley Subotas was married to Dr. Searls and am only 5orry time gan horses whenever he can take the to Jim Davidson. Shirley has been with did not permit us to hear more. Thank moments away from his business. Re­ the club since soon after its beginning you very much for being with us, Dr. cently he and W. L. Orcutt completed and has been one of our hardest-work­ Searls, and will look forward to more a transaction begun at the New York ing and most enthusiastic members. interesting discussions in the future. show. Mr. Orcutt brought from Mass. She handles all of the production work The high point awards for the year the beautiful showy 3 year old gelding on our Newsletter which is no small were presented to the following: Man of My Heart (Townshend Man­ jo?. Our c?ngratulations and good Champion Mare: Ferncrest Dot, wallis x Townshend Sweetheart). This wishes. to Shirley and Jim. owned by Dotty Olson; Reserve Cham­ young fellow sure looks like a Morgan Donna Staehnke and Norine Osman pion Mare, Mary Todd, Jeanne Mehl· horse and shows wonderful manners made a flying trip to southern Illinois Champion Stallion, Ferncrest Silve; and very nice action ( in the lightest of to vi~it some Morgan farms. I only King, Dr . C. D. Parkinson; Reserve plates) for his happy new owner. The had time to hear of a few of the high Champion, Aranafield, Phil Morrison. B~rretts young brown filly, Bonnie 0£ spots from Donna but she tells me they Performance, High Point English H1llstone (Townshend John x Shenan­ saw some very fine Morgans, among Mare: Trinango's Abbenette, Dotty Ol­ doah Sue) was nicely started by Dick them a grey mare, Frosty Princess, son ; Reserve, Lela Linsley, Clarence Stanton, Skylark Farm, Jamesville, owned by Mr. and Mrs. Ray Searls Simon (shown during the season by N. Y. However, with the excellent which she says is a very typey Morga~ Scotty Ward). English Stallion Fern ­ breeding this youngster has, she will a_nd has a_lovely little filly by her Silver King, Dr. Parkinsod; Eng­ take her place in the broodmare band side. This was particularly interesting lish and Western Gelding, Madison at Orcland Farms to be crossed with to me since I have not seen a Morgan Lad, Warren Ward. Western Gelding the well-known Ulendon (Ulysses x of this color ( though I have heard of Reserve: Laddy Linsley, Cliff and Betty Allenda). them, of course) and have always Curl. ~estern Mare, Lela Linsley, Clar­ A recent visit to Three Winds. Farm wanted to see one. I understand that ence Sunon; Reserve, Trinango's Ab­ Clarks Summit, Pa., was very enjoyable'. Norine came home from this trip with benette, Dotty Olson. Western Stallion Mrs. John Noble is ve.ry proud of her a nice little filly. Dickie's Pride, Steve Reeves· Reserve' colt Samson (Black Sambo x June Mar­ Donna also tells me that the fame of Lmn. 'Kns ox, Chet Bacigalupi. ' Harness' Lo) and believes it is the best one they their handsome young stallion, Dorian Horse, Trinango's Abbenette, Dotty 01 have bred, as all who have seen him Ashmore, is spreading and wide. son; Reserve, Ferncrest Silver King, ( Continued on Page 48) ( Continued on Page 47) ( Continued on Page 47)

24 The MORGAN HORSE ing the Coe's sheep and got herself Mid-WestMorgan scraped up. We sure hope that by the Circle J Morgan time this is printed Nia is fine and dandy and her "bratty" self. HorseOwners, Inc. For anyone who is interested, there Horse Show By R. TH and MARY ALICE VmoLOFF was a letter in the December issue of the Western Horseman from a P. D. The Circle J Morgan Horse Associa­ Devadasan from Rajasthan, India. P. tion has announced the dates of the Now that the hustle and bustle of the D. invires all "horse fans" to contribute 1962 show and sale. The fourth annua l holidays is over, it is time to settle down biographies for the book on equitation Western National All-Morgan Show lo normalcy, whatever that is. be wants to publish as "horse riding is and Sale will be held July 13, 14 and The best gift under the Christmas fast losing ground" in India. Why not 15th at Estes Park , Colorado. tree for Linda Loek was the delivery look up his letter and write him about The past speaking for itself. this of Moro Hill's Prophecy, the chestnut yourselves and your Morgans. This year's show and sale should be even weanling colt by Moro Hill's Prophet sounds like a fine way for the Morgan bigger and better than previous shows. out of Moro Hill's Morine. We know to become known internationally. Last year the Wes tern ationa l had Prophecy will get lots of. TLC . Why, Although we've loved horses for a exhibitors from the East Coast to the Linda even has a baby book for himl West Coast. In only its third year, the The best of luck to them both. long time, the Morgan is a new exper­ ience for our family . We mer our first show boasted I 49 entries , all outstand ­ We received an adorable Christmas Morgan in October of '60 and to say ing examples of the breed. card from the Chet Cole family of the least, it was love at first sight. The · The main aim of the Western ation­ Spring Grove, Illinois. It was one of Morgan who impressed us so is Moro al is to present the truly versatile Mor­ the snapshor type and guess who was Hill's Ashbrook, a 3 year old gelding, gan. Classes are geared to demonstrate emblazoned on it in full color - none who now belongs to us. We've been the adaptability of this fine horse to other than Moro Hill's Ethania . Sheila having loads of fun with this fella any needs and demands that may be reports that Nia is getting lots of atten­ and we're all learning a lot. placed upon it. Along with the usual tion. Even ia received a Chrismas This is our first endeavor with the halter clla.sses and the Englisih and card this year. Sure sounds like the Western pleasure classes are a great Coles are enjoying Nia, and by the looks typewriter and we look forward to writ­ ing more about the wonderful world variety of harness and driving, including of ia, she's enjoying the Coles. roadster; combination Morgan, equita ­ All Mid-West members are eagerly of Morgans and Morgan people and we hope you enjoy reading about them. tion, trail, cutting , and as an looking forward to the January meeting extra bit of entertainment, the dinner at Del Pieritz 's new home in Wood­ bell derby and a trailer race. stock, Illinois. Del tells us she has been In conjunction with the show, an an­ quite busy trying to get things in order nual sale is. held. The over-all sale and that all the horses are fine. Wirh price is well above average even top­ such good Morgans as Del's Donberry SecondAnnual Gold ping prices of some of the Easrern sales. and Lady Donna , her dam, and ol' Each horse is screened so that only the Skeeter, Del's 24 year old half-Morgan CupShow in July best quality horses in perfect condition gelding, we're sure Del's-Mor ~cres are sold. This is a real opportunity to will create a lot of Morgan enthusiasm Good news for Mid-west Morgan get a good Morgan, whether it be for out in the Woodstock area. owners! The Gold Cup Show will be show, pleasure or general use. A big hooray for the Western Horse­ again held in Bucyrus, Ohio at the As the Western ational has become Crawford County Fairgrounds on Sat­ man. The editorial in the January, 1962 the biggest All-Morgan show and sale issue would warm all Morgan hearts urday and Sunday, the 7th and 8th of in the West, it is hoped that the num­ July. This show is being sponsored by interested in the promotion of the breed. ber and variety of exhibitors will also Dick Spencer, the editor, commends the the Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Penn­ grow. All are encourage_d ~o attend Morgan Club, along with the Appaloosa Ohio, and Kyova Morgan Horse Asso­ this show and sale, put this fme breed Club and the National Cutting Horse crntions. It will have approximately before the public and strive to ever im­ Association "for doing something much the same classes as last year featuring prove the great Morgan. more constructive in the western horse a full line of In Hand Classes and world than bragging or complaining." Performance. ot to be forgotten is the locarion In case you didn't get to read the editor­ We are announcing our date early of the show, one of the country's. finest ial, "the Morgan Horse Club set up a in the hopes thar other show committees vacation spots. Ideal weather, excellent 1,000 purse for the first registered will cooperate and leave this date free. motel accommodations and restaurants Morgan to finish in the Top Ten ( of The first show had close to ninty entries combined with the best show facilities the NCHA) . .. the points must be and proved a huge success. We hope make a trip to the Western National earned in NCHA championship con­ ro improve and enlarge and have one All-Morgan Horse Show and Sale a tests ,_ which have an added purse of of the finest AU-Morgan Shows in the memorable occasion. ar least $100." Sure gives anyone with country. Your suggestions are welcome. Additional information and premium a potential Morgan cutting horse a terri­ Your help and s.upport will be appre­ lists, which will be available very short­ fic goal to work toward. ciated. Plan now to be on hand for ly, will gladly be furnished upon request Sheila Cole writes us that her "brat," the GOLD CUP SHOW at Bucyrus, ro the s.ecretary of the Circle J Morgan as she affectionately calls her filly, Moro Ohio July 7th and 8th! More details Association; Mrs. Anne H. Taylor, Hill 's Ethania, got into mischief chas- later. Windmill Farm, Louisville, Colorado.

JANUARY-FEBRUARY, 1962 25 promise to do better next time. He M! . and Mrs. Paul Steffen, Westfield; Here Comes doesn't like it, but we have a good time Hr . and Mrs. James Harmon , Indpls. even if its only weekend riding . 1 hope I didn 't leave anyone out but One of our new members has com­ n-aybe if I did they'll write and tell me IN DIANA posed a fine poem, see if you don't like ab(lut it. I By PHYLLIS BARBER it, too: Now members, I report the news can't fabricate it. So send me all your OUR HOOSIER MORGANS The ann ual J.S.H.A. Point party was nev,s and any pictures you can spare. held in Indianapoli s on Nov. 10th. This By JULIAST EFFEN,1961 Mail to: Mrs Phyllis Barber, 1806 N. hotly contested race ended as follows: The speed and grace of a Morga,n Horse Passdena , lndpls., Ind. lst, Sonny Boy, owned by H. Fawcett, ls something great to behold Elkhart, Ind. ; a very close second Sky­ He's slim of leg with a high set tail, liner, owned by Enos Allee, Coatesville, A nd eyes that stand out bold. Ind. ; Sylvester, owned by Phyllis Bar­ In the ring he is always a winner NewClub Formed ber, Jndpls., Ind. was third; in fourth At home he's a trusted friend. place was Gay Sue, owned by Bill Spray, Under saddle amd bridle or harnessed up By BIRDEEN LAMBERT lnd pls., Ind . It is interesting to note He'll be true to the very end. Th e Central California Morgan Horse that this is the only mare that placed. So if over your fields a Morgan 1·uns Club was formed at Tinys Farm House Tied for fifth place were the Elkington Consider yourself very wise. in Freson, December 3, 1961. While sisters, French Link, Ind ., F lora Lee For any man can own a horse, this new club will take members from with Commanche Brave, Maryann with But the Morgan owner holds the anywhere the officers and directors Hudson Jeep. prize . will be restricted to the area between All of our members that showed, de· Modesto and Bakersfield so that we will serve a world of credit, as a lot of work The Indiana Morgan Horse Club held its annual election meeting Sun­ not conflict with the orthern and and expense went into these shows. Southern Morgan clubs. W. T. Carter We all feel it was well wort h it, for day, Nov .. 5, 1961 at the Car-Bob in Indianapolis , Indiana. After dinner was appointed temporary chairman and the cause of promoting our breed of Birdeen Lambert was appointed tempor ­ horse. the meeting was called to order and the following slate of officers were ary chairman until the next meeting Colts, we don't have many, but the when it is hoped more members will ones I've seen are really good. elected: Pres.-Me l Dudley, 509 E. Jackson turn out and officers can be elected. Enos Allee (Coatesville) has a solid This meeting was set for the last Sun­ chestnut filly out of Lahoya and as I St., Muncie, Ind. Vice-Pres ..-Jack Marks, R. R. 2, day in February at Tinys Farm House understand by Shadow Hawk. I'll bet at 2 p.m. For more information call she is a good one as her mommy was Westfield, Tnd. Sec.-Treas.-Harriet Ulery, R. R. 5, Mrs. Robert Rhodes at Adams 7-334l champion weanling at the Jllinois State or Birdeen Lambert , Sycamore 8-0065 Fair in 1957. Box 6, Anderson, Ind. Publicity Sec.- Phyllis Barber, 1806 or write Lambert at 33148 Road 156, Rachel and Camille Centers (Port­ Visalia, Calif . land) have a lovely chestnut filly, N. Pasadena St., Indpls., Ind. 1.S.H.A. Director-Paul Steffen, Ways in which the club could pro­ trimmed with a little white. She is mote the Morgan were discussed and it out of Bay Lark and by Agazizz who R. R. 2, Westfield, Ind. Board of Directors-Kenneth Alexan­ was suggested that we ride our Morgans is now deceas.ed. To the Centers dismay, in every horse show, parade and trail this is their only registered foal this der, Kendallville, Ind.; Rachael Cen­ ters, Portland Ind.; Flora Lee Elking­ ride we could. The members decided year. ton, French Lick, Ind. ; WiJLiam Spray, to try and make the Yosemite compe­ The Ralph Ullery's (Anderson) have Indpls., Ind. titive trail ride July I0-14 and to hold a bay stud colt out of. Jody Jean O and The members gave an official vote a fun day at Robert Rhodes' sometime by the beautiful Skychief. This little of thanks to all outgoing officers. after our next meeting to get the mem­ fellow has a beautiful head and has As a special added attraction, Mel and bership acquainted with each others really been around for his tender age. Maryann Dudley presented all the mem­ horses and to help those not familiar The Jack Mark's (Westfield) are bers at the meeting with a blue ribbon with showing their horse to do a good baning 100o/o . They have another filly. with I .M.H.C. printed in gold on them. job of it. An all Morgan show is This one is also black and is out of All members wishing one should get planned for this summer. Spring Nite by Daredevil. This num­ in touch with the Dudleys. After the meeting adjourned the bers them 4 registered Morgans, all We have many new members that members toured the Rhodes and Carter black. have not been reported about as yet. ranches to see the Morgans. Since Mr. I guess yours truly has a couple of I hope I can remember all of these fine Carter has 87 head, we were not able to years to wait before my filly gets old people. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Spray. see all of his animals. but did see his 14 enough to breed. She is Maureen Indpls., who owns a high stepping weaners and 4 stallions. (Whipporwill Duke - Mau Dee) and 5 year old bay mare, Gay Sue; Mr. and Those attending the first meeting she's 19 months old now. She is a Mrs. Kenneth Alexandre and their lov­ were Mr. and Mrs. Enos F. Kraschel, chestnut with 3 white feet, star and able 2 year old filly Suzanne; Mr . and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rhodes, Mr. and stripe, her disposition is wonderful. My Mrs. Wilbur Small and their mare Mrs. Leonard Gurard, Mr. and Mrs. stallion Sylvester, I guess is about to Charm 600, who is bred to Daredevil Bob Jeffries, Miss. Linda Lee Leonard, put in a formal protest. Since I'm back (Flyhawk); Peter Miller, Elkhart; Caro­ W . T. Carter and Mrs. Birdeen Lam­ working , he just gets a lick and a line Bonham; Leonard Clark, Danville; bert.



ARNO NA CHERE "O". placed lat In Costume Class, owner and SUNLYN SPITFIRE. placed 4th In Weanling Colla (Futurity), owned dd'Hr, Mary L. Arnold. l'.anona. N. Y. by Mr. and Mn. Arthur Bulach, Lydonvllle, N.· Y.

VALLEY VIEW PAL. placed 3rd In Old-Fmhloned Costume Cima. owned by Mr. and Mn. Marrin Knoll, Central Square, N. Y .. and ARNONA CHARLIE L, placed lat in Open Weanling Colts. owned ridden by Mias Nancy Knoll by Mary L. Arnold.

PANDY'S JUANITA. placed 2nd In Riden under 21. owned by U. C. HIGH LIFE. placed 4th In Morgans under 15 hands and Mr. and Mn. Curll.a Smith, Penfield, N. Y. and ridden by MlchWe Stallions. owned by Mias Nancy Gochee, Rome, N. Y. and abown Nunn (10 yean old), by Jerry Japp, PANDY'S JUANITA. placed 4th In Western Challenge , owned by MANATE'S PEGGY LOU. placed lat In Roadster under Saddle Mr. and Mn. Curtis Smith and ridden by Cheryl Smith. and Log Pull , owned by Ayellen Rlchcuda. Pine City. N, Y. NEW YORK ALL MORGAN SHOW

GLADGAY'S GRAND MARCH. Rea. Jr. Champion Stallion at lhe BOBOIJNK (Dygert's King x Little GlrO placed 2nd In Stallions N. Y. State All-Morgan Show. Owned by Mark H. Hanna, Fram­ Under Saddle at the N. Y. State All-Morgan Horse Show. Owned ingham Center, Maas by Miss Nancy Gochee, Rome. N. Y.

TOWNE-AYR ECHO, winner of Pleasure Dri•lng and Roadsters LITTLE GlRL and KESTREL winning Mare and Foal Cla11, with In Harnes,. Owned and mown by Mrs. Seth Holcombe, Sims­ Jerry Kipp and Nancy Gochee a1 exhibitors and Allee Pat bury, Conn. Mahoney presenting trophy. Owned by Nancy L. Gochee.

DYBERRY NEJr:OMIA. placed lit In Owners to Ride and Lady'1 WlNDCREST TROUBADOUR, placed lit In Yearling Stalllon1, Mare or Gelding. Owned by Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Norril. BemU1 owned by Mr. and Mrs. Dean Caccamls, Lima, N. Y. Point, N. Y. with Marylace Dykes up. MAJORETTE HA WK (Major Mlldann x Ruby Hawk) placed lit in TALISMAN. placed lit In Engll,ah Pleasure Stake, owned by Yearling Fillies owned by Mr. and Mn. Donald Long, John1town. Ayellen Richards, Pine City, N. Y. New York. NEW YORK ALL MORGAN SHOW

FAIR LADY OF WENLOCH. placed lat In Riders under 21. owned U VM ELAINE. placed 3rd In Parade. owned and ridden by M"iaa by Mr. and Mrs. Fred B. Franks. Jr•• Allentown. Pa. Jackie Larrabe, Rome, N. Y.

KINGSTON Upwey Ben Don x Junefleld). placed lat In Fine Har­ ness Stake, owned by Voorhis Farm. Red Hook. N. Y. Jim Borden WINDCREST MAGIC placed 2nd In Yearllng Stalllons, owned at reins. by Wm. Taggart, Scnannab, N. Y.

NELLIE LOU. placed 4th In Costume Class. owned by Mr. and Mrs. LORD LINSLEY. placed 3rd In Stallions under Saddle, owned by Jerry Lewis, Smoke Run, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Long, , N. Y. ROY AL MlSS. placed 4th In Three Year Old Mares, owned by L. U. COLONEL. placed 1st iD Parade. owned by Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mn. Arthur Butsch, Lyndonville. N. Y. Jerry Lewis. NEW YORK ALL MORGAN SHOW

ORCLAND YOULENDA (Ulendon x Pale Face} lat ln Lttad Line Class. owned by DONNA MAE PEPPER (Brown Pepper x Gol­ Dr. and Mrs. Edward Murphy. Syracuse, den River Donna} and Foal (Orcland Lea­ N. Y. with daughter Janie, up. der x Donna Mae Pepper}, placed 2nd ln Mare and Foal class, owned by Dr. and Mrs. E.G. Murphy.

RUBILYNN. Champion Weanllng, owned by Mr. and ALLEN' MOHAWK CHIEF, wlnnlng N. Y. S. Chal­ Mrs. Donald Long, Johnston, N. Y. lenge Trophy EngU.h. owned by Richard and Ellen Stanton, Jamesville, N Y.. with Mr. Stanton up.

ANNEIGH'S DAINTY MISS, placed lat ln 2 GINGER MILDANN. placed 3rd ln Roadsters year old mares. owned by Mr. and Mrs. J. WINDCREST FROLIC. placed lat ln year­ Under Saddle. owned by Mr. and Mn. B. Reid. Francestown, N. H. ling mares, owned by J B. Reid. Donald Long. OREGON

: :l: iJ • . . . . •.' '' Jl ' . I . '. . ., • ,,. . ":' ,• / • • ,#. ,,,. • • ,: ·. • ~ - -'t ~ I "''" ·; . {'' ~ f . . . . -~··,l_~-·- ~. ~ii. • ..· • ...{.~.t:"'wllllA. . ·.:.~ ' ~;...... , . ( ' · ·. ,...~.. .._, .. ' . . ·~"-··. l ' :~ . . . .. ' . ../ -...... r, · ~ ...... ,. -~ . ~,. i; ~-:-.< RHen-e Weatern Gamea - ADDY-BELLE. A portion of the crowd attending the annual High Point Engllah and Weatern Geld­ owned and ahown by Rita Durrell. meeting of the Morgan Hone Assoc.. held In ing and Weatern Gamea: MADISON Philomath. Sherwood. Oregon. LAD. owned and ahown by Warren Ward. Eugene.

Left to right. atcmdlng In the back row. Jim Michela, Dr. C. D. Park- 1.mon, Chet BaclgalupL Hugh Oaborn. Ben Langston, directors. Reaen-e Champion Stallion. ARANAFIELD. 'owned by Phil Morri­ Front Row: Vice Prealdent, Cliff Curl: Prealdent. Pbll Morrison. aon. Grants Paaa, Ore. and Secretary-Treasurer. Mn. Phil Morrison.

Champion Stallion. High Point Engllah Stallion and Reaen-e Har­ Reaen-e Engllah Mare, LELA LINSLEY. owned by Clarence Simon neH Hone - FERNCREST SILVER XING, owned and ahown by and ahown by Scotty Ward. Eugene. Dr. C. D. Parklnaon, Eugene. Weatern Gelding Reaen-e, LADDY LINSLEY. owned by Cliff and Reaen-e Champion Mare, MARY TODD. owned by Jeanne Mehl, Betty Curl. Tigard. Glendale. PACIFIC NORTHWEST

GLOWFIELD (Sonfleld x Easter Glo), lat yearling fillies at the Paclflc International at Portland , Oregon . Owned and shown by Dr. C. D. Parkinson. Eugene , Oregon.

BROADWALL ST. PAT (Parade x Lippitt Georgia) lat Stallions 3 LAD OF BO·DOT (Highwood L x Oratreu) Reaer,e Champion at and oYer and Grand Champion Stallion at the PacWc International the Pacific International Horse Show. Portland, Oregon. Owned held In Portland. Oregon. Owned by Mr. and Mrs. Leo Beckley, by Bo-Dot Stables , Snohomish, Wash. Mt. Vernon , Wash •• and Sutherlin. Ore.

1 -

LJNFIELD. (Gayman x Orafield) ht Mares 3 and onr and Grand MACDELLA (Townshend Gaymeade x Sumac ). Owned and Champion Morgan Mare at the Paclflc International LiYeatock shown by B. T. Mullaney, Gre sham . Oregon , was second Morgan Exposition . Portland , Oregon . Owned by Mr. and Mrs. Leo Beckley. mares 3 and over at the Pacific International Livestock Expo si- tion In Portland , Oregon . ARANA FIELD (Sonfleld x Lady Margaret). Owned by Phil and Ruth Morrison . Grants Pass. Oregon was ht In Yearling Morgan ECO STARBEAU. Grand Champion StaWon at the Columbia Colts at the Pacific International making hi.a 4th straight win lor Empire Fair and Junior Reaer,e Champ ion at the Oregon State the year . Fair, owned and shown by Frank Hallett, Castle Rock. Wa sh. CHAMPION MARE RESERVEMARE, RESERVEAMATEUR

MANDATE'S PEGGY LOU (Lippitt Mandate-Ruthven'• Nancy Ann), FAIR LADY OF WENLOCH (Flyhawk-Betty Barr). bay mare owned c:heatnut mare owned by Mn. Ayellen Rlc:harda, Pine City, N. Y. by Roques Harbour Farm, Northeast, Md .. and Allentown. Pa. crrzia-&tLantic e1tampio11d . o} 1961 Championship trophies for the 1961 show season were presented by the Mid-Atlantic Morgan Horse Club at its awards banquet held in Allentown, Pa., Nov . 18. Although 12 shows appeared on the approved schedule for the year, only one horse actively campaigned over a wide area, mak­ ing l O shows to amass the highest number of points and take the stallion title . Most of the winners competed in only five shows, indicating that their quality and superiority was sufficient to overcome the ir lack of showing. The mare championship was the closest between champion and reserve; the gelding division provided the closest compet ition all down the line with five horses in contention all season. In the special Horlacher Challenge Trophy competition awarded for the most po ints won by a horse in Morgan, open , or equitation classes when ridden by amateur members of the same family, Manito emerged the victor for the second straight year, reserve going to the Franks Family's Fair Lady of Wenloch. William Hopkins and the Franks now each have two legs on the challenge trophy. Six ribbons were awarded in the amateur divsion , Manito and Fair Lady of Wenloch being followed by Mandate 's Peggy Lou, Talisman (also owned by Mrs. Richards), .Nancy Date, owned by Dr. Frances C. Schaeffer, and Ann Hopkins ' April Surpr ise . Six ribbons in the equitation division found Wendy Weber and Joan Toth followed by Edith Horner, Marcia Weber , Carl Albert Child s, and Frances Franks .


WENDY WEBER of JeUenon. N. Y. shown on her Statuette though JOAN TOTH of Allentown, Pa .. shown _!)Dher The Flying Dutchman. moat of her wlna on Duc:ea Wild. CHAMPION GELDING RESERVE GELDING

WASEEKA'S BUCCANEER (Vigilendon-Upwey Benn Quietude) , bay gelding owned by Mr. and Mrs. 0. D. DeWltt II. Dalton, Pa. DUCES WILD (Lippitt Moro Ash - Ruthven 's Isobel Ann), cheslnut gelding owned by Carl Albert Chllds, Ringtown. Pa.


MANITO (Lippitt Mandate - Vixen). chealnut stallion owned by William R. Hopltina, Green Village, N. J.


APRIL SURPRISE (Nekomlcr'a Archie-Lantz' Flicka), brown mare RAN-BUNCTIOUS (Black Ran -Bo-Whippoorwill Melody), bay stal­ owned by MIH Ann Hopkins, Green Village, N. J. lion owned by Mrs. Douglas M. Dalrymple , Elmira, N. Y. EBONY GIRL. 0W11ed and ridden by Manha Henry. COPPER CLOUD. oWDed by Jecmne White of SprlDCJfleld. m.. and ahown by Warren llra:chear.

VIOILMARCH at 4 months by Orcland Vlqlldon and out of May­ MISS HOLIDAY (Tango x Mary R. M.). oWDed by Raymond L. phlL alre of March On; 0W11ed by D. L. Brockett of lpawich, Mase. Bra:chear, Waggoner, Ill.. and ahOWD by Rita Malich.

ROYALTON BOB WOODSTOCI: chHlDut 1talllon oWDed by Dana LEARNING HER A.B.C.'1 on the lon9 drl'riD9 IIDH la ROYALTON Wingate Kelley, be1lde VIGILDA JAHE. oWDed by Dr. S. Robert NATASHA (Royalton A1hbrook Darlln9 x Uppltt Royalton Nekomla) Orcutt. Vlgllda Jane la a full 1later to Orcland Leader. Orcland 0W11edby Dana Wln9ate Kelley. Woodatock. Vt. Vlgildon and Vlgllendon. ROSELYNNE, (Senator Graham x Moonflower). 0W11ed by Dr. D. PANFIELD'S THOR, (Sir Wrangler x Flyln9 Duche11), oWDed by F. McCarthy, FlorlaMmt, Mo .. and ridden by Renee M. Page. Dr. D. F. McCarthy and ridden by Larry ADD Moran. SUGAR BUN DOMINATOR (Big Bill B x Polly Primm), 4th place SIUPABEE ERIDANUS, •Ired by Sldparee Arrowsman. out of Pin• winner •lud colt claH for weanling•: Ohio Morgan Futurity, Ridge Edna, owned by John L. Carter, No. Hampton. N. H. owned by Mn. John W. Junk, Mt. Sterllng, Ohio. The •Ire, ls owned by the Fowlen of No. Pownal, Vt.

WINDCREST SENSATION by Upwey Ben Don. at the Windcrest Farma of Windsor, Vt •• with Patty DaYt. Ferguson and Andrew WAEB'S BED CLOUD with Ginger Yancy, MoorPQrk. CalU. and Sarcrh.

LA·BAE-J>EE'S SON-GIN. half-Morgan colt by Canndlsh. owned by LaVeme and Bae Mlller, Downers Grove, Ill. Member Penny Baran at the lead line. This weanling fllly owned by John L. Carter, No. Hampton. N. H. Priscilla Dodge, Bangor, Maine on her mare PRIDE MORGAN, out JUSTINO ETHAN ASH. U month old filly owned by Dr. Paul Von of a Tipperary mare, the day after riding 100 mllH from Bangor HaeHler, GllbertH'ille, N. Y. to So. Woolwich. November, 1961. MERRY LARK by Townshend Manwallla out of April Showers by AURORA LEIGH (Dygert's King x Little Girl) owned by Blue Squire Burger. Owned by Merrylega Farm. So. Dartmouth. Mass. Spruce Farms with Lorraine Plauth , 15 years old, up. Mias Clara Perkins, up .

MERRINITA ASH. by Lippitt Rob Roy out of April Showers by SILVER STREAK (Chief Justin Morgan x Shoshoni Star), owned Squire Burger. Owned by Renato Levi, Miami, Florida. and ridden by Mrs. Sam Hancock. Lander, Wyoming .

DAISY'S GEM. by Townshend Manwallis out of Merrinita Ash by KATINKA HAWK, owned by Blue Spruce Farms. Altamont. N. Y .• Lippitt Rob Roy. owned by Renato Levi . with Lorraine Plauth, up. WALES FARM ASHTON (Stanfield x Ashda!sy) S year old gelding, MERRY LARX, owned by Merrylega Farm. owned by Christine Bartley, Amesbury, Maas. Left: STABFIELD 09014. 7 year old black mare. Bight: INDIAH Stallion SIOPAREE ERINDAHUS. owned by John L Carter, H. PAINTBRUSH 011219. IIYH chHlnut yearling filly. owned by Hampton. H. H. lUchcml Forsyth.

Weanling fllly owned b:r John L Carter. SICIPAREE ERINDAHUS. owned by John L. Carter.

I"' 1111 ;;;i ,mIll, 1111•

SUGAR RUH SARITA B (Big Bil B x HyCreat Sandlta) 5th place winner In the weanling filly claaa ; Ohio Morgan Futurity . owned by Mn . John W. Junk. Mt. Sterling. Ohio. Weanling fllly. owned by John L. Carter. THE BRAVADO (Panfleld •a Thor x Kamiah) , owned by Mn. John Gerhardt. Bridgeton , Mo. SICIPABEE ERIDANUS. owned by John L. Carter. MERRINITA ASH. by Lippitt Rob Roy out of ORCLAND IKE. winning second leg on the April Showers by Squire Burger. owned by Amateur Morgan Stake Trophy at Eaatem Renato Levi, Miami. Fla. States ExposlUon with Mr. and Mrs. J. Cecil Ferguson presenting the trophy to owner , Mn. Brockett, Ipswich, Maas.

CLASSY BOY. 2 year old atalllon by Condo In training for Part of the group of Circle J members who parUclpated In the cutting. Moaher Bros .. owners, with Howard Mosher up. trail ride. Oct. 28-29.

ROY ALLE. 2 year old stallion placed 3rd In Utah State Fair, owned ROY ALLE DIAMEADE. Grand Champion Stallion at the Eastem by Al Goodwin, Sandy, Utah. Idaho State Fair. owned by Al Goodwin, MAUREEN. 19 montha old fllly (Whippoorwill Duke x Mau Dee), SYLVESTER, 4 year old stallion (Brown Pepper x Seneca Lady), owned by Mr. and Mn. John Barber, lndpla .. Ind. owned by Mr. and Mn. John Barber. ORCLAND IXE. winner of Model Morgan Cima In Deerfield, N. H. BAR-T FEATHR D. (Orc:land Leader x Ladyfleld) shown plac:lng and Newburyport, MaH, Owned by Mr. and Mn. David L. Broc:k­ 3rd In Morgana 15 Hands and Over at the Eastern States Expos!. ett. Ipswich, MaH. lion. Owned by Tralm Morgan Hone Farm. N. Stonington. Conn.

STARLIGHT WONDER by Emler TwWght shown on the lunge TAMARLEI IMPRESSARIO. 3¥:a months. placed lat In Weanling• at line. owned by Samuel L. Gordon, M.D.. White Plains, N. Y. Brattleboro. Vt. Owned by Mr. and Mn. Leigh C. MomtD. Brattleboro, Vt.

BLYTHE SPIRIT. gelding. plemure driving at Dupage Fair. owned LA CINTA HAWX (Warhawk x Smolde) working Morgan ranc:h by Merriehill Farm. Winfield. Ill. Driven by 12 year old Mark gelding owned by Frank Hartley. La Clnta Ranc:h, Roy. N. M. and 8 year old Paulette Staehnke. FLAGG WINN Oubllee Kellogg C. K. x Lady Kellogg C. K,l stalllon DORIAN ASHMORE. Morgan stallion owned by Merriehlll Farm owned by Frank Hartley. and driven by Marty Staehnke . NORTH CENTRAL

George Budd dri•lng TAMARACK. CONGODON. placed ht in English Combination and Bridle Path. Owned by Vee Ann Wood and driven by Ronnie Reach.

LUCl:Y LADY and 111ly.owned by Allone Potter, Maple Lake. WILD WOOD DEBONAJRE, owned by Wlld Wood Morgan Ranch .• St. Joseph, Minn, NORTH OF THE BORDER

Left: JUSTA MORGAN, owned by Kllgoran Morgan Farm , Millet. Alberta

Right: COLBROOK MOON GLOW (UVM Colfleld ,c Larita). owned by Wm. Rae·s. Stoullvllle. Ont.

COLBROOK GLORY B (UVM Collield x K ROS.ALENE (Trava111e-Roallyn), owned by KJLGORAN STARLENE (Tra't'al1le x Fay. Larita), owned by Colb(ook Morgan Farm. K. M. F •• Millet. Jenne), owned by Jr:.Morgan Farm. Foster. Quebec. First and Second Winners in the New England Horsemen's Council 1961 High Award competition. Left to right: Mrs . Robert Shea, First Morgan in Harnes s; Second , Open Morgan; Mr. Fisher, driver for Mrs. Shea; Patr icia Tataronis, rider for Dr. S. R. Orcutt , First, English Division , New England Horsemen 's Council Pleasure Horse Cla ss, First, Road Hack, First, Morgan Pleasur e Horse, First, English Trail Horse ; Mrs . Darwin Morse, Secon d, Morgan in Harness; Mrs. David Brockett, First, Open Morgan; Stephen P. Tompkins, First, Morgan Colt, First, Horse Colt.

On December 2, 1961 , three hund red and twen ­ other business transacted at the meeting was the ty-eight members and guests of the New England election of the following officers for the 1962 season : Horsemen's Council attended the annual BANQUET President, Fred F. Swasey, Scarbo rough , Maine; Vice OF CHAMPIONS in the beautiful Louis XIV Ballroom President, Mrs . A. S. Kelley, Chester , Vermont ; Secre­ of the Hotel Somerset in Bo5ton, Massachusetts. tary-Treasurer, Alfred F. Denghaus en, Edgewood. Rhode Island. Following the banquet, e ighty -nine awards were made to First and Second High Score Award Winners for the ir efforts throughout the season. All Following the Delegates ' meeting , eighty-six First High Score Awards winners received Sterling sil­ members of both organizat ions attended a combined ver trophies and ribbons while all Second award win­ American Horse Shows Association - New Englan d ners received ribb ons . Included in the trophies were Horsemen 's Council Forum . Representing the A.H.S.A. !en challenge and two perpetual trophies. were: Mr. Sherman P. Haight, Vice Pres ident for Zon ?. I; Mrs . W. Joshua Barney, Jr ., and Mr. Nathaniel A. Preceding the banquet, the Delegates to the Bigelow , Jr., Zone I members; Mr. James H. Blackwell, Council held their regular lunche on business meeting . Executive Secretary. Representing the N.E.H.C. were : This meeting was presided over by the outgo ing Presi . Mrs. E. P. Rooney, President; Mr. Fred F. Swasey, dent, Mrs. E. P. Rooney, of Middletown, Rhode Island, Pres ide nt -Elect; Mr. Alfred F. Denghausen, Secretary­ and was attended by eighteen Delegates . Among Treasurer. tions, Purebred Beef Breeder 's Respon­ BreedingShort sibilities to the Beef Industry , Beef. Cattle Breeding - Present and Future and the Pennsylvania Livestock and Course Meat Impro vement Progr am. Any indi vidual sixteen years of age Breeding practices and management or older is eligible to attend the cour'se. are two of the most import ant phases Registration fee is 10 for Pennsylvania in making a livestock enterprize profit ­ residents and $15 for nonP ennsylvania MORGANS able. ot only must a breeder know residents. the principles and theory of breeding, Application blanks and a copy of the NORTH DAKOTA but he must be able to interpret these program can be secured by writing the and app ly them to his own herd in such MINNESOTA Director of Short Courses, Room 2 I I, a ma1:rner that continu al improvement Armsby Building , College of Agricul­ is noted. ture, The Penn sylvania State University GLYNDON In order to assist livestock breeders in University Park, Pennsylvania. __.-­ improving the breed, The Pennsylvania s.,o State Unive rsity offer's a short course in breeding on March 20 and 21, 1962, OO~EAD on the University Park Campus . NationalSociety of The first day will be devoted to LivestockRecord Assn T5 general principles. Includ ed in the dis- , cussion will be items such as: Genetic PublishesDirectory WOLVERTON Basis of Livestock Breeding , Application of Genetic Principles to nima l Breed­ The ationa l Society of Live Stock ing, Development and Use of. Produc ­ Record Associations has published a tion Records, Eva luation and Use of directory of the Purebred Livestock Pedigrees and Show Ring Records, Registry Associations , listing the secre­ 3o HORSES Merchandising your Purebred Livestock tary and add resses of the Associations and Panel Discussion and Questions of Beef and Dual Purpose Cattle, Dairy 4 ONNERS asked by Breeders. Cattle, Draft Horses, Light Horses, The second day will be devoted to Ponies, Sheep, Goats and Swine. These WITHIN 30 MINUTES applying the principles of breeding to are now available for free distribution. DRIVING DISTANCE various classes of livestock. Members To those interested in Purebred Live­ of the gro up will go to the session in stock, this booklet furnis hes the names which they are most interested. Thus, and addresses of the breeds from which STOCKFOR SALE there will be a section on horses which free literature may be obtained, and MEMBERS OF FARGO­ will cover the Reprod uction Physiology serves as a very useful reference to all of the Horse, Breeding Difficulties , segments of the Livestock industr y. MOORHEAD CHAPTER OF Breeding Systems and Inh erita nce Mail requests to Allan C. Atlaso11, NORTH CENTRAL MORGAN Traits in Horses . Secretary, 3964 Grand Avenue, Gurnee, The sheep section will consider Per­ llinois. HORSE ASSN. INC, formance and Produ ction Records in the Tmpr'Ovement of a Pur ebred Flock of Sheep, Getting Started in the Pure­ TrophiesPresented PHIL AIGNER bred Sheep Business, Approach to the Trophies were presented to the own- I WOLVERTON I f,111NNE.SOTA Development and Improvement of a ers of rwo registered Morgan geldin gs PHONE: 172.7 Purebred Flock and Recent Advances at the annual Christmas party of the in Sheep Breeding Practices and a Look Moswansicut Riding and Driving Club, R.G. ~tJ DERSON at the Future. orth Scituate, Rhod e Island. Satur- 1509 10!.H STREE.T SoUTH The section on swine in additio n to day evening , December 17, 1961. 1 FARGO, NoRTH D~t

JANUARY-FEBRUARY,1962 45 Circle J has also been asked to present chestnut mare (both this mare and lows: June, owned by Mr. A. Dracy of the Morgan Cavalcade Americana at Suzy Jane are by Milaca Major and Brookings, South Dakota; Ava K. the orthern Colorado Horse Show at out of Betty J. Sentney); Mor-Ayr owned by Mr. Brunksfield of Minnea­ Loveland on June 28, 29, 30 and July 1 Royal Lass, 9 year old bay mare by polis; Ann K owned by D. Person, For­ and 2. T his pageant depicting the Haven and out of Susette Jarnette; Cin­ reston, Min n; Milaca Spring Star owned breed was quite successful at the Albu­ na, 5 year old black ma re by War hawk by Dr. G. L. McNei lly of. Moro, Min ne­ querque Crippled Children 's Show . and out of Smokie x-07369; Squaw, 12 sota; and a new mare of Harry Cater's Circle J welcomes Miss Polly Butler year old chestnut mare by War hawk of St. Cloud ." from Iew England, Mr. Frank Good and out of Secora x-17366; Milstan 's T he Wildwood Ranch has sent an ad­ from Arizona and Dr. S. Bruce W hit­ Estre llita, 6 year old chestnu t mare by ditiona l letter since the Nort h Central tenberge r from Wyoming, all new mem­ Milaca Query out of Nuggett; Fancy Morgan show wh ich was held at their bers whom we hope to see frequen tly. Fay, 12 year old bay mare by Congo farm in which they report the following and out of H ighland Jean x-05570; horse sales: "Dr. Herman E. Koop, has Wildwood Lad, 2 year old bay stallion purc hased Wildwood Lad, out of Mor­ by Joe K, out of. Mor-Ayr Royal Lass; Ayr Royal Lass, sired by Joe K. Dr. Wildewood Debonaire, bay yearling No. Central Koop owns El Ranc ho Manana, a f.illy by Mor-Ayr Supreme and out of ( Continued from Page 15) beautifu l wooded 1400 acres in Cent ral Royal Lass; Wi ldwood Flicka, yearling Minnesota just 20 miles west of St. the beautiful mar e, Sunflower Flicka. chestnut mare by Mor-Ayr Supreme and Cloud. He has a string of 70 horses After seeing her, our minds were made out of Mor-Ayr Creascent; Wi ldwood which he rents to the dudes. He has pur­ up on the Morgan venture. We then Echo a year old chestnut gelding by chased this good Morgan stallion to give went to our good friend Stan Sahlstrom Mor-Ayr Supreme and out of Fancy his string a good uplift. I am enclosing and it took only a few mome nts and we Fay; and W ildwood Cindy, dun filly a picture of Mr. Arthur Lyons and were the proud owners of Mor-Ayr by Mor-Ayr Supreme and out of Suzy Wi ldwood Debonaire ,, a yearling out of Supreme and two yearling fillies, Mor­ Jane; Wi ldewood Bay Bob, bay colt by Mor-Ayr Royal Lass by Mor-Ayr Su­ Ayr Suzy Jane and Mor-Ayr Creascent . Mor-Ayr Supreme and out of Fancy preme ," the Wi ldwood Ranch continues. Fay; and Wildwood Cindy, dun fi111y The years passed and we now have "Mr. Lyons is 74 years young and in­ by Mor-Ayr Sup reme and out of Cinna. a full compliment of Morga ns: Mor-Ayr tends to break and use this good little Supreme , 7 year old stallion by Milaca Mor-Ayr Supreme has had a few visit­ Major and out of Susette Jarnette; Mor­ ing mares this season, besides being mare f.or driving. Mr. Lyons is not Ayr Suzy Jane, 4 year old chestnut bred to our 7 mares who are in foal new to the horse business, he still mare· Mor-Ayr Creascent, 5 year old agai n. The visiting mares are as fol- operates his farm and has 3 good heavy


Wish all Morgan



Happy and Successful

New Year for 1962

Ma na ge r-Trainer Ow ners HARRY ANDRE THE WM . W . BARTONS RR. 2, W inne bago , Ill. 1806 Na ti ona l Av e. Rockfo rd, Il l. 46 The MORGAN HORSE work horses, but back in 1910 he owned Any and all news welcome. Please bor of. the Warren Wards, is riding a half-Morgan mare and has never send to Mrs. Doris Hodgin, Rogers, R Madison Lad and is doing very well. quite gotten over the wonderful ani­ l , Minnesota. Understand the Brysons had some mal she was, he has been looking for­ tr'Ouble with their gelding, Femcrest war'd to buying this horse for over 40 Niki, and a bad case of worms, but years and I must say he is certainly Oregon seems to be well on the road to re­ proud of it." ( Continued from Page 24) covery now. T hey go on to write: "Leon Bush The Leo Beckleys of Sutherlin , Ore­ from Brookings, South Dakota has pur­ Dr. Parkinson. Western Games, Madi­ gon and Mt. Vernon, Wash., have pur­ chased for his daughter, Marga ret-Ann, son Lad, Warren Ward; Reserve, Addy­ chased a wean ling colt, Orcland Royal Fancy Fay, who is now in foal by Mor­ Belle Ken and Rita Durrell. Don (U lendon x Royalton Rose of Sha­ Ayr' Supreme. Other than the above A number of the member's stayed ron) from the Paul O'Reillys of sales things have been quiet, except that over Sunday for a tour of the Morgans Connecticut to carry on for Sonfield, there has been ' an excellent amount of in the area starting at the Cliff Curls now 26. The colt was flown out via comment about the wonde rful show and visiting the Hugh Osborns, Fr'ank Tiger Line in October. They report that the orth Centra l club put on Sep­ eeleys, Joe Blewetts, George Lumms the sale of Keystone's Artemis (Key ­ tember 24th. The newspapers carried and ending at the Thelben Ranch at stone x Diane Field) and the weanling good stories and many folks in this Sherwood with lots of good hot coffee filly Alba field (Sonfield x Proba) to area regretted the fact that they didn 't and cookies to chase the chills of the ifr. and Mrs. A. W. Jones, Alameda , come out." morning. We saw lots of good Mor­ California. Received the following letter' from gans and with the number of young As your reporter finally took the Vee Ann Wood of Minneapo lis in re­ ones, our yearling classes should be leap and married Torn Mehl of Glen­ sponse to my question about her stal­ very well filled next year'. dale, please send your news to her at lion Congodon's winnings at the Anoka Our banquet was made more interest­ the following address: Mrs. T. H. Mehl, charnpions hjp show. She says, "In re­ ing by the printed place mats and nap­ P. 0. Box 68, Glendale, Oregon. gard to Congo's winnings at the Anoka kins initiated by Ben and T helma Lang­ champions hip show, in order to com­ ston. The napkins were printed with Central States pete at this show you must win a first the Morgan used by the club. The or second at an accredited show and place mats also had the Club's Morgan ( Continued from Page 24) be a member of a saddle club. I re­ irnpr'inted on one side, as well as His latest fan letter comes from a girl ceived a beautiful trophy and 20. The scenes and printi ng suggestive of Sher­ in Wyoming, who had seen his picture hor'ses competing were pretty much the wood. Napk ins and place mats ( show­ on a Morga n brochure and fell in love top horses of the year. Besides win­ ing our official Morgan and imprinted wit h it. with Morga n Horse Association of Ore­ ning champion bridle path horse of We are pleased to report that the gon) are available for' a very nominal the year, Congodon has also won eight Fox Valley Saddle Club , in its la t charge. Anyone interested should con­ bridle path classes in open shows election, has placed two Morgan owners tact our secretary, Mrs. Phil Morrison, throughout the summer. Proving that in positions of responsibility, both of 1159 Darnielle Lane , Grants Pass, Ore. Congodon is really a true versatile Mor­ them members of the Central States gan, he has been shown to six first in Char-El Morgan News club. Ron Hayward was elected Presi­ combination Morgan, two firsts in open Chuck and Elaine Akes of the Divide dent and Harry Sweet, Vice-President. Englis h pleasure, three firsts in Mor­ Ranch in Joseph, report the sale of Char­ The Hayward family ar the last count, gan western pleasure, and two firsts in El Merry K and Char-El Midge to owned six good Morgans and the three-gaited Morgan, plus many plac­ Harry and James Crowley of Coquille. Sweets own four Morgans and one ings in various other classes." T hese are weanl ing fiilliies the two half-Morga n. Anot her large riding club Twin Morgan owners of the future brothers purchased for their children. the Fox Valley Trai l Ride Association were born to one of our Twin City They also sold Kings Jester a two year boasts a Morgan owner as a director. Chapter' Morgan families. Congratula ­ old Welsh-Morgan gelding to 8. W. This is Virginia Blake of Oswego, Illi­ tions to Mr. and Mrs. David Naas, the James of Joseph. It is interesting to nois - also a member of Centra l States, 'proud parents of twin baby daughters, note that they have donated Lovely an inveterate trail rider and owner of born the middle of November . Lady, a Sundust granddaug hter, to the the Morgan mare, Freya 's Golden Girl, The Twin City Chapter of the North local 4-H Club as a revolving founda­ and the half-Morgan filly, Just Adoll. Central Morgan club met Wednesday tion mar'e, each year going to a different ow, one of our Juniors , Shirley Or­ night, November 29 at the home of their' deserving 4-H'er. lando, has just been elected Sec~etary president, Clifford Hitz . A movie on 1962 Show Just Around the Corner of the Latigo and Lariat Saddle Club. the care and feeding of horses was Dotty Olson has starred early in think­ Shirley is the owner of one Morgan , the shown by a Purina Chow Company ing about our show next year as she chestnut gelding, Willawah, and al­ salesman . This was followed by a has started to ride Femcrest Dor and though she has only belonged to that business meeting. Plans discussed for hopes to have her in the western classes. club about half a year she and "Wi llie" the coming year included an annual Her daughter Christine, is now riding came within two points of being named awa rd banquet to be held in February. Trinango's Abbenette and hope she its high point horse and rider for the The arrangements will be made by will be ready for next year, too. We past show season. So ir seems that the Ernje Wood, and all the members noti­ would like to see mor'e of these young­ riding clubs in this area are being ex­ fied later of the time and place. The sters in the shows. Debbie Swancutt posed to Morgans in big doses. Surely meeting had a marve lous turnout, with is raking Eng lish lessons on her mare some good will come of this! over 30 members attending. My Gal Sal. Mrs. Polly Shelly, a neigh- I had a 'phone call recently from a

JANUARY-FEBRUARY, 1962 47 Morgan owner at Chicago Heights who We saw Easter Bonnie, a yearling whose Mid-Atlantic became acquainted with us through our likeness to her dam, Cherokee Lady, ( Continued from Page 24) column in the Morgan Magazine. He is so marked that some day they should is Mr. Ely Stannard and he owns two make a good matched pair. Then the agree . He has just about as nice a Morgans, a two year old stallion called weanling fillies, Tap-Nor's Jingle Bell disposition as a colt can have and is Mr. Henry, by Townshend Gaymeade, and Caven-Glo Ballerina, both by very nice to look at and handle. He and a three year old mare , Smoky Cavendish but out of Cherokee Lady would surely pair up with the Richards Penny , by Mor-Ayr Supreme. Mr. Stan­ and Libby Ashmore, respectively, and Ranch Mystery Man (Lippitt Mandate nard is highly enthusiastic about these both charming infants . We will al­ x June Mar-Lo) top Junior Gelding at two, who are the first pure-bred Mor­ ways have a soft spot in our hearts for the Syracuse All-Morgan show, though gans he has owned. He says he has Cavendish and are glad that rhe Hay­ just two years old. driven part-bred Morgans many times wards have these two daughters of his It's getting so you can pick up nearly and has been interested in the breed for in their barn. Lastly we saw the half. any magazine and keep up with your a great many years. I hope to have an Morgan filly by Rhythm's Bimbo, friends and their Morgans. A recent opportunity to see these horses soon - owned by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schuller, writeup of the Glenn family (former they are a welcome addition to the who is the surviving member of. a pair Mid-Atlantic members and now in growing group of Morgans in northern of twins. This filly is said to have been Wayne, Ind.) appeared in the Modern Tllinois. so tiny when she was. born that she Horseman ... and Mrs. D. Dalrymple To return for a moment to the sub­ could walk right under her mother of Elm ira, N. Y. (a recently started ject of. our November meeting, I should without ducking, but she has certainly show stable with a top record) enjoys like to mention the Morgans we saw at caught up with the others of her age a writeup of her campaigning Morgans Tap - Ior Farm . First was Caven-Glo and is a very nice little Morgan. in the National Horseman. As a matter Revenue, the first foal from Caven-Glo We hear from member Eve Oakley of fact, the Dalrymples were in New Rebel Gold, by Superson, the good that her 1961 colt (Dorian Ashmore England right at the time of this writ­ Morgan stallion owned by Mr. and x Jubilee's Gloria) has ar last been ing, looking ar Morgan horses! Mrs. Chester Reynolds of Erie, Penn­ named - Caven-Glo Right Royal. A Now is the time to: break out those sylvania. Revenue, known as Buzz­ wonderful name for a colt of such colts, rest those that "campaigned," Bomb is a yearling and as beautiful breeding. pleasure ride to your heart's content, put a yearling as I have ever seen. We For information about the Central away the show rack and trailer and also saw Rebel's weanling son by Dorian States Morgan Horse Club, please con­ enjoy the fall and winter season with Ashmore another beauty, who bears tact Dorothy Colburn 2127 West l08th the greatest pleasure horse in the coun­ considerab le resemblance to his sire. Place, Chicago 43, Ill. try, your Morgan horse!

OR CL AND FARMS "Where Champions Are Born" West Newbury, Massach~setts ULENDON SONS GO WEST!

ORCLAND ROYAL DON ORCLAND BOLD VICTORY We want to congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Leo Beckley, Mt. Vernon, Washington on their purchase of Orcland Royal Don from Mr. and Mrs. Paul O'Reilly, Harwinton, Conn. , and Mr. and Mrs. William Barton, Big Bend Farm, Rockford, Illinois on their purchase of Orcland Bold Victory - a full brother of Orcland Bold Admiral sold to Mr. Robert L. Knight, Green Mt. Stock Farm, Randolph, Vermont at 1960 Green Meads Weanling Sale. We feel very proud that these well known Morgan breeders chose sons of Ulendon . Boarding and training for show and pleasure. MR. and MRS.LYMAN ORCUTT, JR. THOMASFLYNN owners and trainers Assistant trainer PLANNING• • • For Years to Come Continuing our plan of using the best possible high percentage ... Eastern bred stalli ons with Go vern­ ment and Ol d Mo rg an bl oo dlines tracin g to Woo db ury Mo rgan ... ·We are very p leased to o btain ORCLAND ROYAL DON to carry on for Son fie ld, now 26 , and plan to use him, a long with BROADWALL ST. PAT, secured fro m the J . Ceci l Fergus ons, Greene, Rhode Island, last year. At the present time we have 15 carefully se lected br oo dmares from all over the west as well as a few we have raised .


ORCLAND ROYAL DON Because at different times, they will be at both Mount Vernon and the ranch at Sutherlin, O reg on ... early (Ulendon x Royalt on Rose of Sharon) inquiry for bo o king details , including location of each Purchased from the Paul O 'Reillys, Harwint o n, at any one time, is suggested . Conn ., and flown west via the Flying Tiger Air­ line. Visitors Alw a ys We lcome FOR SALE Several outstanding weanling Leo and Louise Beckley colts and fillies. P. 0 . Box 240 Mt. Vernon , Wash .

Canada Prairies ports five foals from his stallion Moun­ tain Blaze this past spring and hopes (Continued from Page 23) Had a letter from the Darrel Beacons - fr,-.m Flo:-i

JANUARY-FEBRUARY, 1962 49 Congratulations! BROADMOOR'S BONNIE 09334 196 1 Ve rm ont State Champion Ch ildren's Pony

Shown through ou t the season by


A lso placed in: Morgan Mares, Morgan Pleasure , Trail Pony and Junior Equitat ion .

FOR SALE (To make roo m for young stock) MAN O'DESTINY 10799 - 10 year old bay Gelding. True VERSATILITY Morgan . Ideal Ladies' or Equitat ion mou nt. 1956 -57 Mid :Atlantic Champion Morgan Geld ing 1957 Mid -Atlant ic Reserve Champion Versat ility Two -horse, tandem-axle trailer . Exce llent condi ti on . Reason able. TAMARLEI MORGANS Mr. and Mrs. Leigh C. Morrell RFD l, Brattleboro, Vt.

1st in the Get of Sire; all open classes. the breed types the manner in which Have heard via the grapevine that In a Special - 1961 Foa l by Colfield they are shown , and the classes in which some of the U. S. Morgan owners are - Colbrook Glory B, took !st with a they are shown. So many remarked on interested serious ly in exhibitin g at the half-bred Spook, also owned by the the "spi rit" which the horses, in some Royal Winter Fair in Toronto, Ont. , Bockus ', in 2nd place. cases, displayed while being shown on and the Pacific ational Exhibition , J n the Carriage Mare yearling class, the line. Many knew the breed to be Vancouver B. C. From what we hear, Little Dipper , owned by Cynt hia Dunn known for its docility and were much there is a possibility of getting classes was first. A three-quarter Morgan surpr ised ar the antics of a few of the nexr year at both of these . We have to gelding owned by D. Lynch, Knowlton, horses . The fitness and development work awfu lly hard to get classes at our Brown Jug, took 3rd in Ladies Saddle of the young stock also brou ght com­ shows, so if any of you think you might Horse; 4th in Parade Class and 4th in ment. We were rather amazed at the be able to show at either of these - the Saddle Horse under . fast pace of the Parade class as com­ Royal is in ovember - the PNE in The Bockus' report rwo more foals pared to our own. Here, the driving the latter part of August ,- drop us a by Colfield - one a chestnut filly out is just gain ing popularity so the har­ line. If we do not get classes, we hope of a Saddlebred mare owned by Leo ness classes also drew many ohhs and that some of you will show anyway in Cote, Granby , and the other a brown ahhs, especially the pairs. The "actio n" Open Competition and in that way colt out of a mare owned by Ben Lavin. classes such as Versatility, jumping, etc., help get classes f.or the next year. At the Brome Fair, Thora and Gra­ roused the most interest and we were We have asked aga in and again for ham mer Mr. Ogilvie, St. Adelen en very sorr y that the film did not include good photographs for publicity useing Haut, who has a weanling colt and a the Justin Morgan Performance Class. Canadian publications but so far our yearlin g filly, both half Morgans. The Have you seen the brochure being Canadian owners seem to be camera shy former is by Lippitt Byfield which Mr. distributed by the ew England Club. - now we appeal to our American Ogilvie had last winte r ar his place Very clear and concise and much friends. If you happen to have a few and would very much liked to have kept needed and welcomed. The variou s GOOD photos please send them along him there. directories pub lished by the di fferent - we can sure use them to spread the General clubs are also a great help in locating Morgan word in this country . A bad The Bruce MacDonald's have had the stock and findin g out where Morgan photo certa inly does not do the horse fi lm of the 1960 Tational Morgan Show owners live. If. any more of you have or the breed justice and we certainly and have shown it ro vario us riding these, drop us a line and let us know, want to give a good first impr ession. groups in Central Alberta. It was very please. We are forever gett ing requests Send to: Mrs. Peggy McDona ld, Box well received with ' many comments on as to where inform ation may be had. 292, Millet, Alberta.


f Junior Fine Hornem Won by KANE'S QUIZORRO . Joe Symons; 6th , EDONJA ' S BARKEETA, Ed Justin Morgan Otto Wilkinson , Ann Arbor; 2nd, FOXFIRE'S SU­ Worerstrodt. ZAY , Walter Carroll, Farmington; 3rd , KAY­ Mares 4 Years Old and Over - Have Foaled : ( Continued from Page 19) JAY -SPAR, Harold Render, Milford ; 4th , KANE 'S Won by CUNETTE, Walter Carroll; 2nd, A BBY JA ZZ MAN , Walter Kane , South Lyon. GRAHAM, KoRoy Farms; 3rd , SPRINGBROOK City; 2nd, BRYAN J. GEDDES, Jane McDonald , GYPSY, Floyd Voss; 4th, HYCREST DUBONETTE, Howell; 3rd, ENTRY, by Jae Symons, Northville: Milo Measel; 5th, MACANJO "S COTTON LASS, 4th, SUCCARDl'S NINO, Eddie Earehart, No rthville ; Michigan State Fair Joe Symons; 6th , SPRINGBROOK ANNE, Jim 5th, ENTRY, by Darlene Willis; 6th , ENTRY, by September 1-10, 1961 Jones. Or. Feheeley, Saginaw . Brood Mare and Foal : Won by CYNETTE, Walt,-r Produce of Dom: Won by GAY SOUBRETTE, Jim Yearling Filly Futurity : Won by GREEN HILL 'S Carroll ; 2nd, HYCREST DUBONNET, M ila Measel ; Jones, Grand Blanc : 2nd , MACANJO 'S COTTON TONETTE, Walter Carroll, Farmington; 2nd, MAR· 3rd, MACANJO 'S MERRYLEGS, Joe Symo ns; 5th, LASS, Joe Symons, Northv i lle; 3rd, SCHOOLMAS­ JO 'S SHOW GIRL, Floyd Voss, Detrolr: 3rd, MONTE GAY D.. DeShone; 6th, SPRINGBROOK TER'S CHOICE, Joe Symons, Northv ille; 4th, RUTH­ KANl: "S NIGHTINGA LE, Ed Wa terstradt, Dansville ; ANNE . Jim Jones . VEN'S ISOBEL ANN, Bob Lewis , East Lansing; 5th , 4th, RENDER' S QUIZET , J, Reid, Mi lford: St~. Senior Champ ion Mar e: FOXY ANN , Walter ENTRY, by Or. Feheeley, Saginaw; 6th, SPRING­ ANGELA 'S PEACH BLOSSOM, Mr . and Mrs . Wal ­ Carroll. BrOOK KATHLEEN, Delor Markel , Milford . ters; 6th , MARY BOB'S HIGH TIME ; 7th , MANS ­ Reserve Senior Champion Mor e: FOXFIRE' S Brood Mar es - Fooled Current Yea r: Won by Fl ELD'S PIXIE, Edgar Mansfield, Farming:on . SUZAY, Walter Carroll . GAY SOUBRETTE, Jim Jones, Grand Blanc; 2nd , Yearling Stallion Futurity ; Won by RIVERBEN'.) Junior Champion Mor e: GREEN HILL'S TON­ MACANJO'S COTTON LASS. Joe Symons, North · TRUEBOY, Ken Burlekamp , Fremont, Ohio; 2nd . ETTE. Walter Carroll. ville ; 3rd, SCHOOLMASTER'S CHOICE, Joe Symons, KING KAROY. J. Gordner , Mansfield , Ohio ; 3rd, Reserve Champion Mor e: MARY BOB'S PARTY Northville ; 4th, RUTHVEN'S ISOBEL ANN , Bob HART'S GEM DAN -DEE. B. Hort ; 4th, FOXY GAL, Bob Lewis. L•wis, East Lansing; 5th . ENTRY, by Dr. Feheeley , DEVONAIRE. Poul Rumbaugh, Oh io; 5th , MAR-LO Grand Champ ion Mare : FOXY ANN , Wolter Car­ Soginaw; 6th, SPRINGBROOK KATHLEEN, Delor BEN HUR, Mr . Botton, 6th, FESTIVE FASHION, J. roll . Merkel . Milford . Gordner , Mansfield, Ohio . Brood More and Fool : Won by MACANJO 'S COT­ Futurity Champion Yearling : GREEN HILL'S DEV­ Reserve Grand Champion More : FOXFIRE'S TON LASS, Joe Symons, Northville ; 2nd, GAY SOU­ TONETTE, Wolter Carroll, Farmington . SUZAY. Walter Carro ll. BRETTE, Jim Jones. Grand Blanc ; 3rd , RUTHVEN"S Futurity Reserve Champ ion Yearling : RIVER · Gelding s in Hand : Won by HI-JAX KID , Harold ISOBEL ANN , Bob Lewis, East Lansing , 4th, BEND TRUEBOY, Ken Burlekamp , Fremont , Oh io Niemi; 2nd , MIC HAEL GEDDES, Dr. Feheeley; SCHOOLMASTER'S CHOICE, Joe Symons, Northv ille . Mores 4 Years Old and Ove r - Never Fooled : 3rd, BICKEL"S BLACK KNIGHT, 8. Corey; 4th , Three Animals by On e Owner : Won by Jim Won by FOXY ANN , Walter Carroll; 2nd . FOX­ ROBIN MAR-LO, Jomes Darl ing , Plymouth: 5th , Jones, Grand Blanc; 2nd , Walter Carroll, Farming ­ FIRE'S SUZAY, Wa lter Carroll; 3rd , CLOVER­ PUNCTUALITY, Eddie Earehart. ton; 3rd , Floyd Voss, Detro it; 4th, Bob Lewi• lt ,NE"S TAMARA OF WENLOCH , Norman Risk, Get of . Sire: Won by QUIZKID , Gerald Toft ; East Lansing . Ypsilanti ; 4th, FOXY JEAN, Harald Render; 5th , 2nd, GREEN HILL'S DEV-TONE, Walter Carroll: Wutorn Pleasure: Won by BRYAN J. GEDDES, COTTON CAND Y, F. Mack ; 6th , CHERIAM. Judy 3rd . CELEBRATION, KaRoy Farms; 4th, TRUE Jone MacDonald , Howell : 2nd, KANE'S GO LDEN Williams , South Lyon. AMERICAN . M ilo Measel. PENNY. Ed Cole, Rhodes; 3rd, GUY GEDDES. Mares 3 Years: Won by FOXY SENTORA, F. Goll l. Green , Dexter ; 4th , CAN DIDA , Floyd Mock: 2nd , GREEN HILL'S SHARON, Guy Macsh: Produce of Dom: Won by CYNETTE, Walter Car­ Voss, Detroit; 5th, SPRINGBROOK GYPSEY. Floyd 3rd , MJ "S TAMI , Jim Jones; 4th , ATOMICS roll; 2nd, SPRINGBROOK ANNE , Jim Jones; Voss, Detroit; 6th , SUCCARDl'S NINO, EddiP MAGIC, Mr. and Mrs . Lindner . 3rd , RUTHVEN"S ISOBEL ANN. Bob lewis; 4th , Eorehorr. Northville . Mare, 2 Years : Won by MARY BOB'S PARTY GAL , NANCY 'S MUGGINS. Jim Jones; 5th . SCHOOL­ English Perf ormanc e: Won by Bill Y B. GEDDES, Bob Lewis; 2nd , MJ "S BARBARA ANN , Jim Jones; MASTER' S CHOICE, Joe Symons. Eddie Earehart , Northville; 2nd , FOXY ANN , 3rd , MAR LO'S MERRI-ANNE, Milo Dugan , Love­ Western Pleosu,e: Won by KANE 'S ROSALINDA, Wolter Carroll , Farmin gton; 3rd , GAY SOU- land, Colorado : 4th , COHOCTAH ROSE, Colln i Jean Hallin ; 2nd . HI-JAX KID , Harold Niemi ; BFETTE, Jim Jones, Grand Blanc : 4th , GREEN Copeman , Oxford ; 5th, FOXFIRE'S BABY, Ken 3rd . SUNFLOWER KITTY, Mrs . Phillip Dorsey; HILL'S SHARON, Guy Marsh , Farmington; 5th, Burlekamp . 4th, CYNETTE. Wa lter Carroll ; 5th . ROBIN MAR-LO, GREEN HILL'S DEV-TONE. Wolte r Carro ll, Farming­ Mor es 1 Year: Won by GREEN HILL'S TON­ James Darling ; 6th , BICKEL'S BLACK KNIGHT, 8. ton: 6th, FOXY JUNE, Harold Render, Milford . ETTE, Walter Carroll; 2nd, SWEET SUE, D. 0 3 Carey. Fine Horne11: Won by Bill Y B. GEDDES, Eddie Sh~ne; 3rd, MAR-JO'S SHOW BIRL, Floyd Voss, Junior Fine Harn ess: Won by FOXY SENTORA, Eorehan, Northville; 2nd , GREEN HILL' S DEV­ 4th, KANE 'S NIGHTINGALE, Ed Waterstradt · 5th F. Mack ; 2nd, RICKY MAR -LO, Milo Dugan; 3rd, TONE, Walte r Carroll, Farmington; 3rd, SPRING­ ANGELA 'S PEACH BLOSSOM, Eddie Eareha'rt. • FOXFIRE'S SUZEY, Walter Carroll; 4th , GREEN BROOK MANSFIELD, Edgar Mansfield , Farming ­ Weanling Filli es: Won by HYCREST PENNET 0 HILL 'S SHARON, Guy Marsh; 5th, COHOCTAH ton; 4th, KANE'S QUIZORRO , Otto Wiikinson . Milo Measol, Northville; 2nd , MISS MOONSTAR GLAZE Mrs . Phill ip Dorsey . Ann Arbor; 5th, MICHAEL GEDDES, Dr. Feheelcy , Mrs . Phillip Dorsey, Flint; 3rd , ENTRY, D. o.'. Saginaw . Shone; 4th , ENTRY, Joe Symons; 5th, ENTRY, (Continued on Next Page)

Circumstances make it impossible for us to show ou r beautiful young stalli on , Tarrytown 12118 , as much as we would like to during the 1962 season , so he will be standing at stud to registered Morgan mares . "Tarry" is 14 3" , about 1000 pounds, very dark chest ­ nut with strip and one hind sock. Real Morgan type and quality . A son of Sealec t of Windcrest and June ­ field. "Need we say more "? Has been shown at halter since a weanling and never placed below second. Was reserve champion stallion as a three year old at Mid-Western Horse Show in Columbus, Ohio, 1961 . Was second place winner in the fine harness class for two year old colts in Oh io Morgan Futurity. Fee $ 100.00, at time of service with return during season.

TARRYTOWN 12118 foaled June 11, 1958

NUGGETT AT 23 YEARS NOT STANDING TO OUTSIDE MARES THIS SEASON (his get are doing all right in the show ring)


YOUNG STOCK FOR SALE SUGAR RUN FARM Mrs. John W. Junk, Owner J. M. Bukey, Mgr. MT. STERLING, OHIO Junior Englis h Performonce : Won by RICKEY Stall ions 1 Year: Won by RIVERBEND TRUEBO Y, GYPSY, Floyd Voss, Detro it ; 2nd , BILLY B. GED­ MAR-LO , Milo Dugon; 2nd , GREEN HILL'S SHARON, Ken Burlekamp; 2nd, FESTIVE FASHION, KaRoy DES. Eddie Earehart; 3rd, GUY GEDDES, Gail Guy Marsh; 3rd, APPROSE SHE-BOY-GAN, Jack Farm; 3rd, FOXY DEVONAIRE, Poul Rumbaugh; l. Green. Ai,pl ing , Fenlon; 4th, FOXFIRE'S SUZEY, Walter 4th, EDONJA'S PLAYBOY, Ed Wate rstradt ; 5rh, Fine Harness: Won by Bl LLY B. GEDDES, Eddie Carroll ; 5th , FOXY SENTORA, F. Mack; 6th , WINDCREST MAJOR, D. DeShone. Earehart . KANE'S QUIZORRO, Otto Wilk inson. Weanling Stall ions: Won by KANE'S SHOW Fine Horness: Won by ABBY GRAHAM , KaRoy BAR, Waller Kane; 2nd, GREEN HILL'S HI-TONE, Farms; 2nd , 81LL Y 8. GEDDES, Eddie Earehart ; Walter Carroll ; 3rd, ATOMIC BILLY B., Mr. and Northville Horse Show 3rd, FOXY ANN, Walter Carrol ; 4th , FOXY JEAN, Mrs. Lindner; 4th , MARKEL'S MILO , Delo r Ma r, Harold Render; 5th, SPRINGBROOK MANSFIELD. kel; 5rh, ENTRY, by Joe Symons. ugust 12, 13, 1961 3-Gaited Saddl e Stake: Won by Bl LLY 8. GED­ Senior Champion Stall ion: CELEBRATION, KaRo~ Mar es and Geld ings In Hand: Won by MARY DES, Eddie Earehart; 2nd , RICKEY MAR-LO, Milo Farms. Dugon ; 3rd , ABBY GRAHAM , KaRoy Forms; 4th , BOB'S PARTY GAL, Bob Lew is; ;2nd, HI-JAX KID, Reserve Senior Champion Stallion : Bl LLY 8. GED· Harold Niemi; 3rd , FOXY ANN , Waller Carroll; AFPROSE SHE-BOY- GAN, Jack Appling; 5th , DES, Eddie Earehart . FOXFIRE'S SUZAY, Walter Carroll; 6th, FOXY ANN , 4rh, MJ'S GAY SOUBRETTE, Jim Jones; 5th, MAR· Junior Champion Stall ion: KANE'S JAZZ MAN , LO'S MERRIANNE, Milo Dugan . Walter Carroll . Walter Kone . Stalli ons in Hand: Won by RICKEY MAR-LO, English Pleasure: Won by CYNETIE, Walter Car­ Reserve Junior Champion Stallion : MJ'S TOMI Milo Dugan; 2nd , GREEN HILL'S DEV-TON E, roll ; 2nd, MARLO'S LADY DENISE, D. Batton; J im Jones . Walrer Carroll; 3rd , GUY GEDDES, Gail L. Green; 3rd, HI -JAX KID, Harold Niemi; 4th , GREEN Grand Champion Stallion : CELEBRATION, KaRoy 4th, KANE'S QUIZORRO, Otto Wilkinson; 5th , HILL'S SHARON, Guy Marsh; 5th , KANE'S ROSA­ Farms . KANE'S BAY DOLPHIN, JoAnn Spears, Livonia . LINDA , Jean Hall in; 6th , GREEN HILL'S JAN , Wai­ English Pleasure: Won by GREEN HILL'S JAN , te, Carroll. Reserve Grand Champion Stallion : KANE'S JAZZ MAN , Wolter Kane. Walte r Corroll , Farmington; 2nd, CYNETTE, Wol­ ter Carroll; 3rd , HYCREST DENISE, Edgar Mans­ 2 Yeo, Old Futurity - Fine Harness: Won by Junior Equilation - Western : Won by HI-JAX FOXFIRE'S BABY, Ken Burlekamp; 2nd , KANE'S fied; 4th , GUY GEDDES, Gail L. Green; 5th , KID, Barbara Niemi; 2nd, BICKEL'S BLACK KNIGHT, PUNCTUALITY, Rhonda Atch ison, Northville; 6th, JAZZ MAN , Walter Kane; 3rd , MAR-LO,S MERRIE B. Carey; 3rd, KANE'S ROSALINDA, Jean Hall in; FOXY JUNE, Harold Render. ANN, Milo Dugan; 4th , KAY-JAY-SPAR, Harold 4th, JOKER JOE GEDDES, Peggy Wallner; 5th, Render; 5th, MARY BOB'S PARTY GAL, Bob Lew is; CHERIAM, Judy W illiams; 6th , MACANJO 'S Fine Harness: Won by RICKEY MAR-LO, Milo 6th , COHOCTAH ROSE, Coll in Copeman; 7th, MERRYLEGS, Joe Symons. Dugan; 2nd , BILLY B. GEDDES, Eddie Earehart; MARKEL'S MAIDA, Delor Markel ; 8th , WILLIS 3rd , FOXY ANN , Waller Carroll ; 4th, APPROSE FARGO, Darlene Willis . English Perf ormance: Won by Bl LLY B. GEDDES, SHE-BOY-GAN, Jack Appl ing; 5th, SPRINGBROOK Eddie Earehart, 2nd, FOXY ANN, Walter Carroll ; Weanling Filly Futurity : Won by HYCREST PEN. QUIZON , Gerald Taft; 6th , GREEN HILL'S SHARON, 3rd, CELEBRATION, KaRoy Farms; 4rh, ABBY Guy Marsh. NET, Milo Mease!; 2nd , MISS MOONSTAR, Mrs. GRAHAM, KaRoy Forms; 5th, SPRINGBROOK Phillip Dorsey, 3rd , ENTRY, by Joe Symons; 4th , QUIZON, Gerald Taft; 6th CLOVERLANE'S TAM · Morgan Combination : Won by RICKEY MAR-LO, EDONJA'S BARKETIA, Ed Waterstradt; 5th , HY, ARA OF WENLOCH, Norman Risk. Milo Dugan; 2nd, BILLY B. GEDDES, Eddie Eare· CREST PEGGY, Milo Meosel; 6th, ENTRY, by Joe hart; 3rd , SPRINGBROOK QUIZON, Gerald Taft; Symons; 7th, HYCREST FILLANE, Milo Mease!. 4ih , KANE'S QUIZORRO, Otto Wilkinson. English Performanc e: Won by RICKEY MAR-LO, Weanling Stallion Futurity : Won by KANE'S Mil o Dugan; 2nd , BILLY B. GEDDES, Eddie Eare­ SHOW BAR, Walte r Kane; 2nd, GREEN HILL'S Jackson Fall Roundup HI -TONE, Waft 9r Carroll ; 3rd, ATOMIC BILtY hart ; 3rd, GREEN HILL'S SHARON, Guy Marsh; 8. W . Lindner; 4th , MARKEL'S MILO , Delar September 24 1961 4th, FOXY ANN , Walter Carroll; 5th , MJ'S GAY Ma rkel; 5th , COHOCTAH KING, Collin Copeman; SOUBRETTE, Jim Jones, 6th , KANE'S QUIZORRO, Open Regi stered Halter • All Breeds: Won by Otto Wilk inson . 6th , ENTRY, by Joe Symons; 7th , COHOCTAH GUY GEDDES Gail L. Green . REX, Coll in Copeman . Western Pleasure: Won by CYNETTE, Walter Car­ Mar H and Geldings in Hand : Won by MARY roll; 2nd , HI-JAX KID, Harold Niemi; 3rd, Futurit y Champion Weonllng : KANE'S SHOW BOB'S PARTY GAL, Bob Lewis; 2nd , SPRINGBROOK CLOVERLANE'S JUSTIN GEDDES, Norman Risk; 4th, BAR, Wolter Kane. GYPSY, Floyr Voss; 3rd , BRYAN J. GEDDES, Jane MAR-LO'S DENISE, Barbara Batton, Marine City; MacDonald . Futurity Reserve Champion Weanling : HYCREST 5rh, CHERIAM, Judy Wiliams; 6th , ATOMIC PENNET, Milo Mease!. Stallions in Hand: Won by GUY GEDDES, Gail MAGIC , Ma rguerite Lindner , Warren . L. Green . Morgan Stock Horse: Won by CLOVERLANE'S Stall ions 4 Yeors and Over: Won by CELEBRA, English Pleasure. Won by ROBIN MAR-LO , Jomes JUSTIN GEDDES. Normon Risk. TION , Ka Ray Forms; 2nd , BILLY B. GEDDES, Ed­ Darl ing; 2nd , GUY GEDDES, Gail L. Green; 3rd , d ie Earehart; 3rd, HYCREST TOMMY HAWK, Milo SPRINGBROOK GYPSY, Floyd Voss. Mease! ; 4rh, CAPS NUGGET, John Williams · 5th Stall ions in Hand: Won by GUY GEDDES, Gai l GREEN HILL'S DEV-TONE Waller Carroll . ' ' L. Green . Stallions 3 Yrs.: Won by COHOCTAH BLAZE. Mrs . English Pleasure: Won by ROBIN MAR-LO , New England James Dorl ing: 2nd, GUY GEDDES, Gail L. Phill ip Dorsey; 2nd , APPROSE SHE-BOY-GAN, Green; 3rd , SPRINGBROOK GYPSY, Floyd Voss. Jack Appling; 3rd, GUY GEDDES, Gail L. Green; ( Continued from Page 18) 4th , KANE'S QUIZORRO, Orto Wilkinson · 5rh Western Pleasure: Won by GUY GEDDES, Gall KANE'S , C. Fox. ' ' L. Green; 2nd, BRYAN J. GEDDES, Jane Mac­ the Norma n Docks of Bethel, Maine Donald; 3rd, ROBIN MAR·LO, James Darl ing; Stallion s 2 Years: Won by KANE'S JAZZ MAN , 4th JOKER JOE GEDDES, Peggy Wallner , 5rh , are listed in the Maine section. Wolter Kane; 2nd , MJ'S TOMI , Jim Jones; SPRINGBROOK GYPSY, Floyd Voss, 61h, sue. Th e Orrin Beatties are breaking 3rd , BEAU GEDDES, James Darling ; 4rh, GREAT CARDl' S NINO , Eddie Eareha rt . RED HAWK, A . Costick. English Performance: Won by SPRINGBROOK their young stallion to saddle and he

AT STUD RED PEPPER 8764 Goldfield x Ambition Check his pedigree!

This grand old stallion is now 21.


52 The MORGAN HORSE FOR SALE SUNFLOWERTOM 11445 OUTSTANDING CHESTNUT MORGAN SIX YEAR OLD GELDING For the past two seasons Sunflower Tom has had a show record to be envied by any Horseman. He has been a consistent winner in driving and combination classes, and has been acclaimed Champion Gelding of the Minnesota State Fair for the last two years, and at many smaller Fairs. This outstanding horse must be sold before Spring because our daughter, who trains and shows him, is going away to college. We will sacrifice him for $750.00. MR. and MRS. HARRY W. CATER Clearwater Road ST. CLOUD MINNESOTA is doing very well - performing like wonderful to hear from breeders who The Caven-Glo Morgans are now a veteran (Bald Mt. Ebony Knight). haven't had much publicity lately and settled in their temporary quarters at The following A wards were given I hope the ew Year will bring a orthridge California. The last small to Morgans at the Vermont State Horse great deal more. Morgan, a 6ve months old son of Association Banquet in December: May I again remind you to send your Caven-G lo Rebel Gold is coming by 4-H Fitting and Showman,h ip: Ch . , ALAN KNAPP " ew Arrivals" at the earliest possible van line from Chicago shortly and will ond Bold Mr. More o lecr , Rese rve Ch ., NEIL KNAPP and Eosfer Tw ilight. date? They will soon be arriving and spend .the winter with his half brother Colt: Ch .. CHIEF OF STOCKBRIDGE, Go ius Block · it would be fun to have a 1007« report so to speak, the very typey weanling son mer, Goysville; Res. Ch .• LIPPITT ETHAN GEORGIA , Roben L. Knight . Rand o lph . of them this year. Last year we re­ of Jubilee's Gloria. Both of these colrs Jr. Equitation, : Ch ., CONSTANCE PAQUETTE, on Bamb i, Richmond ; Res. Ch ., JOHN ported nearly 140 Goals, I believe. are sired by Dorian Ashm ore. Rebel ADSIT on Duke of Corn wa ll, Burl ing ron . Where are they all and how many Gold will remain at the Tapnor Morgan Op en Plea,ure : Ch ., BOBBIE TWILIGHT, Joan Auslin, Burlingron ; Res . Ch ., DUKE OF CORNWALL, are now with new owners that should Farm , South Elgin , Illin.ois until next Bob Ads it, Burlington . to Sr. Equitation, Saddl e Seat: Ch., BONNIE HER· be mentioned? It is difficult for me to year, when she will be again bred SCHEDE, Allur e, Essex J cr.; Rps , Ch . WENDY write to each one of you for news - Dorian Ashmore before being shipped WALCOTT on Hip Hea th Adfi e ld , Underhill. Open Morgan : Ch ., EASTER TWILIGHT, Keynith I would have no time left to write to California. Knopp; Res . Ch. , PARAMOUNT'S AMBASSADOR. what I have - so, PLEASE!! Mrs. I have a short letter from a very new Or, Ernest Poquette, Richmond . Morgan Pleasure: Ch .. ADMIRAL'S MAESTRO, Donald F. Chevalier , E. Litchfield, member of our Club, Ginger Yancy, of Donald St. Pierre , Essex; Res. Ch . , BOBBIE TWI· RD. , Harwinton , Conn. Moorpark, Calif., which I would like to LIGHT. Joan Aust in . Children'• Pony: Ch., BROADMOOR 'S BONNIE, quote: "As I am a new member of Timothy Morrell , Brorr lebo ro; Res. Ch ., BOBBIE Breeders & Exhibitors this club, I want to get the names of my TWILIGHT, Joan Aust in . two Morgans in the news! I have an Ed Vail Trail Ho,.e: Res . Ch . BOBBIE TWILIGHT, ( Continued from Page I 7) Joan Austin. 18 month old stallion, Wa er's Red Mr. C. P. Weldon of the Syndicate Frank Waer of the Double F Ranch Cloud, and a 19 month old fjlly, Waer's Farm in So. Reading writes that they added still another trophy to his already Jet ita and I am very proud of them. now have five adult Morgans and two crowded room when his now famous I have had Red Cloud for 10 months young fillies. One, Syndicate Sparkle stallion Rex's Major Monte, placed I st and Jet ita for only one month . We (Windcrest Sensation x Orcland Wal­ in the H alloween Parade at Anaheim, came early to the meeting and enjoyed lette) is a promising looking filly much Calif. seeing all of Mr. Waer 's Morga;, s and like her mother. The youngest filly, The Frank Waers have sold their also the exciting tour of the FF Ranch yet unnamed is by Wind -Crest Sensa­ very handsome black two year old stal­ in Mr. Waer's jeep." tion x Syndicate's Ballerina and shows lion, Waer's Royal Hawk (Hed lite's When I was assigned the job of get­ great promise as a show filly when she Mickey Waer . Gontola) to Barbara ting our Club ews in the Morgan gets older. Syndicate's Anastasia (Par­ Roviera , of Crestline , Calif . Barbara Magazine I asked each member to give ade x Casablanca) ' is due to foal in in turn has sold her nice chestnut me news of their Morgans each month. February to Lippitt Ethan Ashbrook. stallion , Monte Vermont (Rex 's Major At the end of the meeting, T was liter­ Miller's Sweetheart was ridden in the Monte - Starlite Vermont) to a man in ally showered with news and I wish to 100 mile trail ride and finished with Wickenburg , A~izona . At present thank each and every member for their an 86% being ridden by Susan Rob­ there aren 't many Morgans in the State fine co-operation. This is what makes inson. Justin-Time, who was born of Arizona , but they are beginning to a club interesting and successful. at the ational Morgan Show in Wind­ spill over the borders. For information regarding the Mor­ sor in 1948 is doing extremely well in Loren and Frances Smith sold their gan Hor se Breeders and Exhibitor s Posse work which calls for some rough nice 6 year old Morgan stallion , Lode ss'n., contact Phyllis Mathews , Rte. 4, going in woods and mountains. This Ranger, to Joe Salzmow, of Beaumont , Box 2764, Vista, Calif.. For news, gelding is with the Sullivan-Windsor Calif. This stallion is a chestnut wit h contact Eve Oakley, 1301 W. Magnolia County Sheriffs Mounted Posse. It's the lighter mane and tail. Blvd., Burbank , Calif.

JANUARY-FEBRUARY, 1962 53 - CELEBRATION, KoRoy Forms; 2nd , GREEN HILL"S !)EV-TONE, Green Hill Form; 3rd, FIDDLE BOW, Jeon Morgan Horse Association. Registered SPECIAL NOTICE Rutledge , Copley ; 4th , CASEY Tl BBS Cherry Gait Morgan under saddle was won by Farm , Green Springs . ' Devan Diamond owned by Maxine Kid­ THE MORGAN HORSE CLUB, Central Ohio Saddle Club well Utica, Ohio. Reserve went to INC. Association, Inc. Fall Round-up Captain McCutchin owned by Jacque By vote the Boa rd of Directors Ashland, Ohio, October 7, 8, 1961 Jones. Reg. Morgon Show Class, English: Won by COT. has passed the following reso- TON CANOY, Poul Rumbaugh , owned by Floyd Ray Jones' friends will be glad ro lution: Mock , Mansfield ; 2nd , MILLSBORO CHIEF, Thorn­ hear that he has finally had the pin ton Corr , owned by Tom Mattox , Mansfield; 3rd , removed from his leg and will be back " In order to enter a gelding MIO -WEST MELODY, A . J . Andreol i, Recto Horse Form, Sharon Center; 4th , CHICO'S FLAME, Doro­ showing their two stallions, Long Hill in any class at the National thy Chapmon , Elyria; 5th , ABBY GRAHAM , Carol Swan Kent, KoRoy Forms, Mansfield . Vegiltor and Captain McCutchin next Morgan Horse Show, the ani­ Reg. Morgans in Hamess: Won by MIO -WEST MELODY, Recto Horse Form; 2nd , FOXY SENTORA. year. He is expecting three foals by mal must have been regis­ Poul Rumbaugh , owned by Floyd Mock; 3rd , Long Hill Vegiltor in this area next tered originally as a gelding VIGIL MARCH, Recto Horse Form; 4th , EARL KIL­ LEEN, H. B. Anderson, Massillon; 5th, SENATOR spring. or the alteration of a regis­ MILLSBORO, Ma rilyn Sprague , owned by Sue Reese, Massillon . tered stallion must have been Reg. Junior Morgan Clau , 4 Years and Under, already recorded with The English Tack: Won by LORD ROCHESTER, Kathy Metcolk , Mr. and Mrs. W. T. McDevitt , Hudson; Land of Enchantment Morgan Horse Club, Inc. This 2nd , FIDDLE BOW, Jeon Rulledge , Copley· 3rd, CHICO'S FLAME, Dorothy Chapmon ; 4th , COUNT ( Continued from Page 13) ruling effective for the 1962 OF MILLSBORO, Ed Currier, George Walton Ely­ National Morgan Horse Show ria; 5th , DEVAN SHAWN, Tom Sofro , Peg Burns, Whittenberger of Cheyenne, Wyo. last Grafton. and subsequent shows. " Morgon Stallions , 3 Years ond Under (Holter): spring, and as a yearling she already Won by FREEMAN'S GAY MASTER, Or. Freemon, To do this: Send your Registra­ Strongsv i lle; 2nd , TASTEE'S JUBILEE, Mrs . Joyce had a world of presence. Also sold to Romis, Tallmadge; 3rd , TOMAR, Fronk J. Morrek , him was the gelding Cocoa Allen who tion Certificate with a letter Hinckley; 4th , STAR LITE COLONEL, L. Rightmyer . Morgan Stallions , 4 years and Over (Halter) : has really been performing with a flair giving the date of alteration Won by VIGILMARCH, Recto Horse Form; 2nd , COUNT OF MILLSBORO, George Walton ; 3rd for his new owner, winning all kinds to: CHICO'S FLAME, Dorothy Chapmon . ' of honors in all kinds of classes this Morgon Mares and Geld ings, 3 Yean and Under (Halter): Won by FOXY SENTORA, Floyd past summer. Two MMHC members The Morgan Horse Club, Inc. Mock ; 2nd , FREEMAN"S EVENING STAR, Or. previously owned him, the Woodard 's P. 0 . Box 2157 Freemon; 3rd, TAS·TEE'S HOPE, Howard H. Browns , Greenw ich; 4th, REATA'S VELVET GLORY Ga il and also Jan Painter, who owned him Bishops Corner Branch O ' Nei l, Akron , 5th, COHOCTAH SUSELLA, Pauline Zeller, Findlay . from a weanling to maturity. West Hartford 17, Connecticut Morgan Mares and Geldings , 4 Years and Over (Halter): Won by COTION CANOY, Floyd Mock ; Hurrah for the Mosher Bros. o.f Salt There is 110 charge for this 2nd , GODDESS, Recto Horse Form; 3rd, DEVAN Lake City and La Pone, Colo., who CnRIS, Eleonor Amshey , Akron; 4th, EARL KILLEEN, change. H. B. Anders on, Massillon . have started their flashy young stallion Classy Boy by Condo ar cutting. Mr. Howard Mosher states that they too KYOVA are aware of. the great need for more Buckeye Breeze ( Continued from Page 14) Morgan people to devote time and ( Continued from Page 16) energy to the Morgan as a stock horse their weanling colt by Captain McCut­ and that this young horse is showing Cleveland Horse Show chin out of Quaint. This little fellow promise in his early training. has a well earned name, a chestnut with orth Randall , September 27 - Octo­ Mr. and Mrs. Al Halliwell of. Scotts­ ber 1, 1961 four white feer. Sam and Brackman have sold their weanling colt dale, Ariz ., have purchased the mare Open Morgon Stallions, Mores and Geldings Moonbird (Julio x Black Annie S.). English Tock: Won by HURRICANE LAKE Butch Holly Berry to Mr. T. D . Ulrich of. Speck, Hinckley; 2nd , BILLY B. GEDDES.' Eddie Looks like Arizona is certainly going Eorehardt's Training Form, Northville, Mich. ; 3rd , Lebanon , Ohio out of Linle Spook by ABBY GRAHAM , KoRoy Forms, Mansf ield; 4th, Sugar Run King. Congratulations to all out to increase the Morgan popu­ RICKY MAR-LO, Milo Dugan , Loveland , Colorado ; lation in the area. Frank Good reports 5th , CELEBRATION, Ko Roy Forms. all these people, hope to see you in the Reg. Morgon Colts, 3 Years ond Under (Holter): halter classes next summer. that interest in the breed ( especially as Won by FREEMAN'S GAY MASTER, Freemon Forms a harness horse) is increasing at a !'apid Stro~gsville; 2nd , TAS·TEE'S JUBILEE, J. E'. The Morgan owners in this area Romos, Tallmadge ; 3rd, TOMAR , Fronk Morrek , rate and several people are seriou ly Hinckley . were honored with a visit from Mr. Reg. Morgan Stal ions, 4 Years and Over (Halter): looking for that "right " Morgan. Won by VIGILMARCH , Reola Horse Form, Wads - Lyman Orcutt. Recently he visited worth; 2nd, RICKY MAR-LO, Milo Ronch; 3rd, Maxine Merchant of Houston , Texas DEVAN JASON, Dooley Ronch, Westervile · 4th all possible in his short stay, including GREEN HILL'S DEV-TONE. Green Hill Form' Form'. Sam Brackman 's, Ray Leach, James tells us of two new Morgan owners ington, Michigan; 5th , CELEBRATION. KoRoy Form . there ( hope to have more on this soon) Reg. Morgon Gelding , Any Age (Holter) : Won Schmidt, Dooley Scabies, Bob Hart bl' DEVAN CHRIS, Elinor Amshey, Ak ron· 2nd and increasing interest in the breed. CAP'S STORMY, Oona Boker , Solon . ' ' Stables, Trey Acres, owned by Ray Reg. Morgon Fillie s, 3 Years ond Under (Holter): Jones, and Harlan West. Sorry he Maxine has a contender for the Road ter Won by FREEMAN'S EVENING STAR, Freemon Forms, classes coming up, and from all the Strongsv ille; 2nd , MISS STEPALONG , John Trushel, didn't get to see our stallion Dean's

Chesterlo nd; 3rd, REATA'S VELVET GLORY0 Mrs. grape vine buzzings - this is going to Gail O 'Neil , Akron ; 4th , MARYBOB'S PARTY Star, but he did get to see the mares GAL, Robert lew is. Ann A rbor , Michigan . and colts. be quire a class in the near future. This Reg. Morgan Mores, 4 Years and Older (Holter} : makes about six accounted for headed 1st, GODDESS, Reoto Horse Forms; 2nd , ABBY GRA· At the annual banquet of the South HAM , KoRoy arms; 3rd , FOFIRE'S SUZAY, Green Eastern Ohio Horse Exhibitors Asso­ in this direction, and with most of Hill Form; 4th , FOXY ANN, Green Hi ll Form; 5th, LILLIBET, George Huge , Chagrin Falls . ciation held in December , the Hi-Point the drivers amateurs, a lot of excite­ Jr. Morgan, English Tock: Won by RICKY MAR­ ment could be in the offo1g! LO, Milo Dugan, Loveland; 2nd , LORD ROCHES· Morgan Trophy was presented to TER, Mr . and Mrs . McOevitt , Hudson; 3rd , FOX· Dean 's Star, owned by Mr. and Mrs . Mrs. Foy Crookham, Circle C Ranch, FIRE'S SUZAY, Green Hill Form; 4th FIDOLE BOW Bob and Jeon Rutledge , Copley ; 5ih, COUNT OF Harlan West . Dean also won the Hi­ Southmayed , Texas has her three and MILLSBORO, George Walton Elyria . Reg. Morgon Horse Class, Western Tack: Won by Point Trophy at halter in the Kyova one-half year old chestnut Queenette

54 The MORGAN HORSE ( unflower King x Bonette) started on We tern Equitation Class at the Junior the barrels and is very pleased with the Grand ational, thereby qualifying his speed and handiness she is showing . owner to ride in the finals at the '61 Barrel racin Y is a very well followed Cow Palace. good example of a BEN DON MARES interest in the west· the contestants Morgan, properly conditioned and thoroughly enjoy it and a good barrel trained holding his own in any compe­ WANTED horse is a skilled horse, capable of great tition! burst of peed without sacrifice of Our monthy publication "Poor Jus­ handiness of feet. tin s Gazette " is available to non-mem­ Should be located in north ­ recent VISltor in lbuquerque for bers. While it contains mostly items eastern part of the United a very limited time enroute to Magda­ of local interest, we'll be happy to States. Please mention lena, . M. was Mr. Malcolm Major, have your subscription to keep you in­ Walsenburg Colo. rancher.. Mr. Major formed of. what s new in the southwest. price. has a number of Quarter bred mares, Future members or subscriber - ad­ mostly King ranch breeding. He was dress Mrs . W. C. Byers, 619 Pueblo interested in looking at the local Mor­ Solano . W., lbuquerque, N. M. Box MH 12 gan stallions, as he is very interested in New Mexico Morgan Club will be a Morgan-Quarter stock horse cross. happy to hear from you. The Morgan Horse He has raised some excellent horses Magazine over a period of many years, some of Box 149 which have been successfully used by his Penn-Ohio son, Buddy Major, a former' top rodeo ( Continued from Page 11) Leominster, Mass . calf roper. He is also contemp lating a corne ring one like a steer. Now there promising young stallion prospect. is a hor se whose stock horse training A handsome, very typey bay grandson really took! Susie Nierman assured of Congo now calls Albuquerque home. me that they are not drifting away He is Don-0-Don (Mango x Donna from Morgans and as soon as they Dee) purchased from the Truman Pock­ have their new son broken in, they will HORSE MAGAZINES be purchasing a filly. lingtons of Shipman Jll. by our presi­ . 'FOR YOUR READING PLEASURE"' dent, Dr. W. K. Woodard. Here 's an I had a nice long talk wih Joe La.­ interesting twist - having been trained tone of Aliquippa, Pa., the other day . Per He is the owner of the grand stallion, Yea, and shown by his former owner's, he is Morgan Horse, mo. except Jan ...... 3 .50 now in training for reining and event­ Colonel Devan Troubadour , who has Hoots and Homs , m., rodeos and horse sports 5 .00 Horse World, mo. except Jan ...... 6.00 ually, cutting - and from all indica­ really had a good year. mong his Horseman 's Adv isor, the all ·breeds recent wins were the Halter Champion­ publication, mo. except Jon ...... 3.50 tions he is going to be good at it! Get­ Journal ting him here was a 2400 mile week-end ships at Columbus, Ohio and South mo. except Jan ...... 4 .00 (Humess) Horseman ond fa ir World, wkly. 9.00 endurance contest enjoyed (r) by Dr. Park, Pa., plus untold ribbons in Blood Horse, wkly, ...... 8.0v Parade classes and the Morgan We tern The Thoroughbred Record, wkly ...... 7 .50 Woodward, his young son, and friend Rocky Mounta in Thoroughbred & Quarter Show Class at Columbus. He won Horse, l O issues ...... 4.00 Bill Byer'S. nother 2000 mile trip The Chron icle , the Thoroughbred in sport­ to bring a new Morgan into the south­ something like 32 out of 36 halter hunr ing , jump ing , flat , rac ing , etc ., classes this year and that is in both wkly ...... 9 .00 west took the Bob Painters ( lbuquer­ Co nod ion Horse , Thoroug hb red, bi-mo...... 4 .00 que to South Dakota. They have re­ open and Morgan classes. One of his Thoroughbred of Californ ia , mo...... 4.00 most prized trophies is an oil painting The Western Horseman , mo ...... •...... 4.00 turned with the pretty chestnut mare Turf & Sport Digest mo...... 5.00 of himself. presented to him as Horse Horse Lover, bi·mo ., Western , All Breeds , Red Bird (Silverton Morgan x Red Plenty on Quarter Horses ...... 3.00 Girl), another contender in the coming of the Year at Pittsburgh. Latones' Saddle ond Bridle , mo . except Jon...... 7.00 other horse, I understand, is rated one Notional Horseman, mo ...... 7 .00 reining and stock horse classes. By Voice of the Tenn. Walk ing Horse , Mo .. a strange coincidence both parties en­ of the top five in the country de voted excusively to the breed ...... 4 .00 o they have two good ones. The Ronchmon ...... 2.00 dured delays enroute due to car troubles. Palomino Horses, mo...... 3.00 It is a certainty that MMHC mem­ Business has been booming at Foxes' News, 10 issues ...... 3 .00 in Middlefield, Ohio. Milford Fox and The Quarter Horse Journal , mo...... 4 .00 bers are immune to time and distance Texas Horsemen ...... 3.00 whe!'e Morgans are involved! Jim Aley recently returned from de­ Quarte r Horse Dige st , mo...... _ ...... 3.00 International Quarter Horse Tollybook , livering f.our Morgans to Mr. Merle quarte rly ...... 2.00 We think readers would be interested May's farm "Thunder Hill" in Mid­ Horse Illustrated , mo...... 4.00 Modern Horseman , mo., for Midwest ...... 3 .00 in knowing that a young California dlefield, Mass. Includ ed were a young Piggin String, news of Club activities girl has done a great deal for the Mor­ shows , rodeos, portlculorly West Coos! , chestnut mare, Val's Vicky; her nice mo...... 3.00 gan in the western world. According weanling filly, Dee- ee Victoria; and Rodeo Sports News , twice monthly, official publication of the Rodeo Cowboys Assn ..... 4.00 to a r'ecent hor se publication, Miss an outstanding bay filly Dee-Cee Pride QHB Magazine & Quarter Horse Bulletin, nne Matson has her Morgan gelding information and articles of vital Interest (Cap's Bimbo x Cap's Pride). I had to the Quarter Horse Breeder ...... 3.00 Brown Hill, 26 points in the lead for Vicky at my stable for a short month The Hof'$etroder , m., notional 2.00 California Reined Cow Horse Junior and f.or a mare who had never been classified ads ...... Championsh ip - no small feat to those out of pasture before, she was amazing­ Rush Your Ord er Today! fami liar with the quality of performance ly quick and willing to learn and can Order as many magazines as you wish with onlv one check or money order payable to KEN of California reining horses! In add i­ she trot! The fourth mare delivered KIMBEL. Then moil your order and remittance lo , tion, this Morgan was ridden by Miss was from a little father west in Ohio KEN KIMIEL Matson to win the Medal Class and ( Coutinued on Next Page) Dep. M. H., I'. 0 . lox 1211 - l'lont City, Florido


I and is by Tarron out of Sally Lou. who has given her family so much Messrs. Fox and Aley enjoyed visits at satisfaction . That's the kind of Mor­ several Morgan farms in Massachusetts gan advertising that money cannot buy. and Vermont, with an overnight stay at Linda ;Dy rt of East Cleveland, Morrells' Tamarlei Morgan Farm in Ohio, one of our heretofore horse-less Brattleboro where they were especially members has purchased the impressed with a weanling filly by gelding, Sunny Daze from the James Easter Twilight. Aleys of Hartstown Pa. Linda still Raise"GOLD SEAL"and Foxes also sold the typy three-yea, - hopes to have a Morgan one of these "SILVERSEAL" Shetlands old bay stallion, Cap's Bimbo (Devan days but in the meantime she and Cap x Springbrook Goladdy), to Miss Sunny are learning a lot from each For Fun and Profit! H Sally Comin who is a staff member of other. leys report more trouble with fl scl1111t1nc hobby for en ti re f1m lly. (i)k;t Wonderful pets . Prollt 1bl e, too. Stort Ohio University in Athens, Ohio. Pur­ their yearling Morgan filly when she with polr- se ll ofl sp!inc or npond .~ f \ ~\ your herd . Gold or Stiver S.. I ponies 111' chasing Bimbo was really a "dream cur her leg and had quite an infection. let you stort for Ins . - come true" for Sally and she is just They have had more than their share for lis t of SPIB Gold 1nd WRITESllwer See l brNders nNr you. I I thrilled with him and with all the of misfortune with Abby but she is a I Sh etl and Pony Identif icat ion Bureau friendly folks she met while looking nice one and well worth the trouble. 1108 J1ckson St .. Dept. MH-1 Om1h1, Nebr. for a Morgan She was so th(illed, in Enjoyed seeing two of our Penn. -Ohio fact, that the first day she looked at Mo(gans down at Harrisburg. Lewis ' Bimbo, she calmly ignored a sharp ellie Lou gave a nice perf.ormance as FOR SALE turn in the road on the way home and the only horse in western tack in the drove her brand-new car through a Morgan Pleasure class. Mr. and Mrs. couple of fences and into someone's corn Clyde orris' Dyberry ekomia, nicely HANOVERIAN field. You just know that anyone who ridden by Spook Dykes, placed third is that excited about a horse is going in this class. Congratulations to both TEAM to enjoy him to the fullest! of you! By the way I hear that Dykes' To swell their dwindling Morgan Hawks Junita (better known as ranks, Mr . Charlene Custer of Orland "Twinkle') is now at Buddy Johnson's Bay Mare and Gelding Park, Ill., delivered the mare Tejas stable in Jamestown, N. Y. 8 years - 1 5.1 and 1 5.2 Ozark Countess to the Foxes early We all had a bang-up time at our in October. Countess, a mare of Pop hands . last meeting held near Fairview, Pa., Sentney breeding, has an excellent pedi­ courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. George Dykes. gree with some nine crosses to Head­ I suppose everyone enjoyed the busi­ Drive single or double light Morgan. Though destined for ness meeting and slides and movies, a broodmare Countess has had some but let's face it - the picnic was the Good Ride. training and is really leg wise. high point. Everyone b(Ought boxes I happened to be visiting Foxes when and baskets of goodies which everyone Mrs. Custer arrived and though it wa5 else helped themselves to, with or with­ very dark, she was anxious to see the out invitation! I personally had at GREENROCK mares out in pasture, so a group of us least three different desserts out of three CORPORATION set out to find them. Needless to say different baskets and I know I didn't it took us quite a while as we only had hold rhe record I two flashlig hts with us and had to keep Pocantic o Hills, one shining on the ground at all iimes. Tarrytow n, N. Y. an obvious necessity when looking for horses in a cow pasture! You meet new Morgans so unex­ Jes' Hossin' Around pectedly sometimes. Dot Lockhard and ( Continued from Page 10) I were hanging over a fence at a late Greenville horse show and commenting honored to be asked to stand up with on a very lively mare in the Costume them. Class. fter some inquiry we discovered Everyone asks "Why did they pick that she was the 21 year old carlett Christmas?" Idiotic question. Doesn 't a ornwallis-Gill daughter, ridden by everyone know that the National Mimi Daniels of Saegertown, Pa. The Finals Rodeo starts on Dec. 27th at family has owned this mare since she Dallas? They wanted to go to the rodeo WORLD'S MOST COMPLETE was just a weanling and does every­ together. PICTORIAL HORSE JOURNAL thing with her &om long t(ail rides to cultivating and making hay. By the Someone wished this on us last year 1 year - $3.50 time Mimi Filer had joined our admir­ and we got two new Morgans, so - 2 years - $6 .50 ing ranks, the Daniels were beginning " fay this be the best Morgan year THE MORGAN HORSE to think they should be getting paid you ve ever had." MAGAZINE to show her, but we really enjoyed Love paying homage to this grand old mare Ma

56 The MORGAN HORSE Variations on Type The final topic discussed was fire­ afety in the barn. The most elementary ( Continued from Page 9) precaution are - no smoking and easy ways ure to react with two fold force access to a halter and lead rope for upon him who resorts to it. ' each horse. Some folks leave the "The breeder whose stock has so halt ers on, others leave both halter and little merit of its ow"n that it must be rope on the door of each stall at all bolstered up by detracting something times. Incidentally this should be done from his neighbors , we earnestly ex­ at all shows with tent or other stabling. hort to sell out at once, and pur cha e Th e next most elementary precaution ome that can rely solely upon its i the presence of suitable &eeze-proof YOUR PONY own merits for distinction ; for if it is fire extinguishers which are clearly visi­ America's largest all pony breeds wanting in merit no one can bring it ble near the entrances. magazine. into repute and keep it long in favor; Wiring, especially of the BX able Features all types and breeds and if it is superior, be satisfied with type, should be carefully and regular­ of ponies with the addition of exhibiting it to the public , and rest ly inspected for the presence of rusted Hackney and Arabian Horses . assured that there will not be wanting areas which allow dirt and moisture to Publ ished monthly . men with sagacity enoug h to see and enter and these repaired. Exposed live appreciate. outlet should be covered in some way. $3.75 per year in United We believe that Linsley s prophetic Burnt -out screw-in fuses may be used States - 2 years $7 .00 . words apply just as much today as they in empty light sockets. The use of a $4.00 per year in Canada & did in the 1850's. Further, we think blower to deliver sawd ust may cause Foreign Countries - 2 years that modern day breeders have crossed a fire through a hidden spark which $7 .50 . the three families until the uniformity smolders for a while in the depths and of the Morgan is most interesting to then the whole mass bursts into flame. Address : see, althou gh today we do have strains Ir was recommended that sawdust be Box # 125 of Morgans that have been linebred trans ferred to its bin by some method Baraboo, Wisconsin to certain modern day Morgan sires. other than a blower. This , then , is the reason for the varia­ Lastly in the case of a big stable, the tions in type we are seeing today. Se­ fire department may welcome the lective breeding to a certain individual chan ce to hold a practice drill in the THE CHRONICLEOF THE will establish that individual 's type on barn. The own er may take thi s oppor­ HORSE his immediate ancestors, and as long tunity to emp hasize that the horses Middleburg, Virginia as breeders linebreed to him , he will should be taken out first, and where An illustrated weekly devoted influence the offspring. Morgan type they should be taken for temporar y safe to all Thoroughbred sports - Rac­ will persist with its variations, as long keeping. ing, Steeplechasing, Foxhunting, as those who are breeding Morgans bout 60 members of. the Association Beagling, Polo, Horse Shows, have their own preferences as to type. attended this dinner. The business meet­ Equitation and Junior Activities. All quotes t{l!ken from Linsley's ing was brief, chiefly giving the plans $9 .00 per year "Morgan Hor ses" for future events. On e of which will Space and classified rates on have been held by the tim e this is read, request. New England Panel namely the December meeting in Am­ Name ...... ( Continued from Page 6) herst, Mass. One announcement is of general con­ Address ...... labor, and also consider how it is to cern . The Association still has avail­ be further removed from that initial able the leaflet "The Morg an Horse " depository . It builds up very fast! Then to disseminat e information on our think where the snow will fall off. breed. It is available at 5.00 per 100 Notify the Morgan Horse Magazine the roof and either plan the roof or the copies by writing the Secretary, Mrs. of any change in your mailing doors o it doesn 't fall right in &onr Seth P. Holcombe 57 East Weato gue address . of the doors. Ir is disheartening to St., imsbury, Conn. have to shovel a roof-load of snow, let alone what nature dropped , before feed­ ing the horse in the morning lso in planning this new stable for THE GREEN MOUNTAIN HORSE ASSOCIATION a Morgan bear in mind that the horse South Woodstock, Vermont probably can be driven and sooner or Sponsor s: The Famous Annual 100 Mile Trail Ride. later you will too. It is cheaper to The Annual Hc.rsemonship Clinics plan on this in the first place, by hav­ The Upper Volley Pony Club ing the grooming area long enough to Publishes: The Green Mountain Horse Association Quorlerly Magazine. accommodate a cart in the back, and Has Available: A list lo books of interest to oil persons interested in horses. Maintains: Grounds , stables and Mo.rked Bridle Trails over lovel y Vermont riding with a carriage door in front. All you country, for the use of Associolion members. have to do then , and you can do it Ass ociatio n membership, Including a subscription to the Magazine is available all alone ( depending on the hor se) is for as little as $6.00 pe r year. to groom, tack up, hit ch-up and off you Your Inquires will be welcomed. Plea se write to: go. THE QREEN MOUNTAIN HORSE ASSOCIATION South Woodstock , Vermont

JANUARY-FEBRUARY, 1962 57 This meeting was in conjunction with again. All the way from Cape Cod was foaled in May, 1932 and was the annual fall foliage ride of the sso­ came Mr. Don McGr egor and even fur­ killed by carelessness while being ciation. Both on Saturday and Sunday ther , Miss Henriet Bruin, a veterinarian loaded in a stock truck with a heavy in warm and sunny weather, about 20 student from Holland. steel cross beam where it shouldn 't of the members and their friends rode I think that this completes the list. have been. in a leisurely manner' over 15 miles of I hope I haven 't attached wrong names I alone, had ridden him over 15,000 beautiful trails marked for us by Mr. or left folks out. You all move around miles up until the time of. his death. Harrison Miles, to whom we are most so much, it's hard to pin you down. The last 16 years of his life, while I grateful and also to Mr.. Bill Russell was emp loyed by the U. S. Forest Ser­ who brought the lunches out to us. Sev­ vice, I averaged 800 miles on him dur ­ eral events cut into the numbers this Morgan as a Cowpony ing the summer and fall season. Some year-the show in Syracuse took some, seasons it ran up to I ,000 miles. One ( Continued from Page 7) the Sheri ff's Posse and a ride of "cow­ season, according to the map miles boys" took some more. Most of the 500 head of cattle on winter feed back which are always shorter than up-and ­ riders were on Morgans, and among to the home ~anch. After stopping for down miles on these trails, it rallied them a very welcome visitor from a lunch, a short rest, and feed for our 1,280 miles. These miles are not all far away place, Dr. George Budd of horses at the old Speed Stagner Ranch made in the daylight hours, either. St. Cloud, Minnesota, who rode Brook­ on Dry Creek, we again mounted and They are often made at night on a fire lyn Harriet , a Morgan of the Eugene rode on to the winter feed ground - call. Some of these trips covered as Holdens, with whom he was staying. arriving there at about 4:30 p.m. with much as 40 miles without a stop. The Doctor and his wife rode their some 70 miles behind us. Our horses One such trip of 40 miles was made U. C. Hermes and Aurora. Dr. Budd showed very little tiredness at the end on a fire call after sunset. I led two had the pleasure of seeing again and of the trip. I was again mounted on pack horses with five men on horses driving a Morgan gelding he had sold Casey. following me. The horse never' missed two years ago and is now owned in The horse I put most of the miles putting his feet in the trail and, at bad South Woodstock. Meeting Waters behind me on was a Morgan I bought windfalls, he knew every detour with ­ Morgans are always present, and this for $30 when he was a 3-year-old - out a mis-step although it was pitch year Mrs. Frances Bryant rode a mare, a blood sorrel with blaze face and dark . to me. Sam's Sarah. Dana Kelley was astride stocking feet I named Red Cloud . He ( Continued on Page 62) one of his nice Royalton Morgan band. High Pastures ' Samson, ridden by Mr. Hines joined us from the south as a pro­ duct of Mrs. Harriet Hilts' farm. Down from the north came Mrs. Ruth Towne and her niece on Town-Ayr Baythorne THE MORGAN HORSE CLUB, INC. and Towne-Ayr Rondo. Mrs. F. H. Holcombe is a recent Vermonter and The following two resolutions passed at the Directors meeting, with her friend Mrs. Frank Kaiser, January 20 , 1962 rode Kane 's Dandy and UVM Abilene. This year for the first time, the J. C. Fergusons were absent from the ride, l . Effective with the postmark of January l, 196 3 no animal shall since they were in Europe, but their be eligible for Registration in the AM ERICAN MOR GAN HO RSE REGIS­ farm was there in the person of Broad­ TER which has passed the 3rd December 31st subsequent to the ac­ wall Rhythm, owned and ridden by tual foaling date . Mrs. Winthrop Dakin . Also from That is: all animals must be registered by postmark on or before Massachusetts was Mrs. George Ackley December 31st of their two yecr old year. All birthdays are on Gay Flair. Two new-comers en­ computed on a January l st basis in accordance with the tered from Rhode Island, Albert Par­ American Horse Shows Association rules. ent and Eugene Rhodes riding Faun of Ethan and Captain Gallant, and from Example : During the calendar year of 1963, Applications thar general area, Mr. George Grim­ for Registrations will be accepted only for foals shaw of South Danmouth Mass. a born during the calendar years of 1961, 1962 and recent new breeder rode with a friend 1963. On January l, 1964 foals born prior to on Robin Red and King 's Jester. Our January l, 1962 will be ineligible for registration . trail guide Mr. Miles was on a nice 2 · Effective with the postmark of July l, 1962 it shall be the responsibility Morgan gelding, this I think completes of the seller to complete personally in full , including the actual date of the roster of Morgan mounted folks. transfer and the name and address of the purchaser, each Application We were happy to have others pres­ for Transfer. Provided, that where a horse is consigned at a regular ent, mounted on their own or rented auction sale, it shall be the duty of the sale manager to insert on the horses. A group of the local residents Application for .Transfer the complete name and address of the pur­ - the Reaves and Mrs. Wilmot and chaser including the actual date of transfer. others. An old-timer to these rides was Mrs. Fl~yd Thompson. Miss By Order of the Board of Directors Doris Rockwell, our former secretary, THE MORGAN HORSE CLUB, INC. her brother and a friend were riders



To Nome and Numb er Da te From Mrs. Blaire F. Lymon, RFD, Box 101, lone, Cal. AMADOR PRINCE 13452 7-12-61 M r. and Mrs . 0. J. Neeley AMOSTOWN CAESAR 13504 10-28 -61 Edward G. Bertram Miss Laurie Staszko , 181 Springdale Rd.. Westfield , Mass . BEKING 12093 11-25-61 Albert Zimmer Estate Mrs. Dixie Zimmer . RR 1, Fruita . Colo. Mr . and Mrs . Richard Colgate , Home Farm, BROADWALL GOLDEN BOY 11158 12-1-61 M r. and Mrs . Albert F. Gagnon Oldw ick, N. J. CENTENNIAL CHIEF 12371 12-2-61 Everett A . Reed Polly A . Butler , 1247 Down ing , Denve_r, ~olo . CHIEF BROWN HAWK 13442 10-19-61 Stuart G. Hazard Ralph R. Jones, 2205 Catal ina Ave ., Sprongloeld, M issouri DARK SHADOW 11296 8-2-61 Blue Spruce Farms (Ralph Plauth) Ann Lamber , 4 1 Elm St., Lowville , N . Y. EDWARD GEDDES 13383 11- 10-61 Alexandre G. Ruthven Mrs . Mar ion C. MacKenzie, 1010 Berkshire Rd., Ann Arbor , Mich . FERNCRESTNIKI 13109 B-22-61 Dr. C. D. Parkin son Mrs . Charles M . Blyson , 4791 Frankl in Blvd ., Eugene. Oregon HOLLYBERRY13261 11-30- 61 M rs. Som Brockman T. D. Ulrich , 225 W . Main St. , Lebanon , Oh io JOE MA NSFIE LO l 2666 11-16-61 Albert F. Massey Ela ine R. Crandall , Starboard Lane, York Harbor , Mo ine JOLLY ROCKET 13399 11-19-61 Joe H. Noble Mrs . Evelyn Foster, 421 Serefl Rd. • Lima , Oh io KANE'S SANDY KAY 12302 7-19-61 Robert D. Ludw ig Wolter and Rheda Kane, 22221 Pontiac Trail , So. Lyon , Mich . KANE'S SANDY KAY 12302 11-20-61 Walter and Rheda Kone Elizabeth Staebler , 537 So. Dav isio n, Apt . 5, Ann Arbor , M ich. KELLYS BLACK NICK 12779 11-25-61 Walter ond Francis Kellst rom Sherril yn Weber, 975 Carr i llo Rd., Santa Barbaro , Calif. KILGORAN REDWOOD 12227 9- 1-61 Mr . and Mrs. Darrel Beacon Mr. and Mrs . L. A . Nordlund , Seebe, Alberta , Canodo KING KAROY 12818 12-7- 6 1 James Gordner T. D. Ulr ich, 225 W . Ma in St. , Lebanon , Ohio LAROSA' S ROCKET 13079 11-27-61 Dari Hughes E. C. McClain , Williamsbu rg , Indiana LINELO 12966 11-25- 61 Stuart G. Hazard Jane McDonald , 3405 Bigelow Rd., Howell , Mich . LIPPITT BOB KENNUCK l 0293 11-28-61 Mrs . Lucille P. Kenyon Thomas H. White, Rt. 1, Box 343 , Fort Lauderdale, Florida LONG HILL VIGILTOR 13165 7-1 -61 Doroth y L. Wilson Ray Jones, Trey Acres , Parkersburg, W . Va . MAC'S CHINOOK 13454 II -20-61 Davis Breeding Farm Gerald C. McDonnell , Rt. 1, Box 868C, Stockton , Cali f . MAY 'S LAD 12254 5.9 .59 Kenny Webb Mock Russell, 4100 Waldon Rd., Lake Or ion , Mich . MAY 'S LAD 12254 2-1 -61 Mack Russell Don R. Greer , Rt. 2 , W . Branch , Mich . MIGHTY MICK GREEN 13356 11-30-61 Victor R. Wil iams George Kapp , Box 1337, Big Bear lake , Cal if. MILLSBORO COMMANDER 12319 11-3- 61 Thomas E. Mattox Gearge Monges, 354 W . Steele Corners Rd., Cuyahoga Falls , Oh io MORNINGSIDE FANFARE 11364 10-27-61 Mr . and Mrs . Clayton B. Conn Mrs. Connie Muessig , 20 Moseley Terrace, Glastonbury , Conn . MORO HI LL' S MISCHIEF 13037 6-15-61 Ma rgaret S. Treftc Pamela Sundblad . 330 Grove Ave ., Des Plaines, Ill . ORCLAND ROYAL DON I 3447 9-13-61 Poul J. O ' Reilly Mr . and Mrs . Leo H. Beckley, 307 So. 11th , Mt . Vernon , Wash . PINELAND JO~L Y JOE 13475 11-16 -61 Joe L. Young James H. Greenwald , Rt. 1, Gabbettsville , Troup County, Georgia REDWOOD CORRELL 13490 12-1 -61 B. Wa lla ce Mills Mrs .Henry Steffensen , Chadron , Neb . ROBIN GEDDES 12217 10-15 -60 Ale xander G. Ruthven Mr. and Mrs . Owen 8 . Bigelow , 1665 Bemis Rd., Sal ine, Mich . SCONONDOA CHIEF 9317 12-15 -59 Thomas H. Wood M ilton Bard , Bouckville, N. Y. SONOMA 'S SAMSON 12557 10-29 -61 Philip and Ruth Morrison Marl in Christensen, Rt. 11 Box 544, Eugene, Ore . STANFIELD 10016 10-30-61 Vermont Agricultural College Stanley A . Dyckes, Rt. 1, Box 844 -D, Waynesv ille , No. Corolino SUNDOWNS BUnON 13406 11-9- 61 Moxey Bean E. L. Hobe rg , Rt. 1, Box 202A , Paso Robles, Calif. SUNNY MORGAN 12697 12-15-61 Darrel J . Holman Leighton R. Taylor , Katy Ranch, Lucerne Valley , Calif. TIMROCK 12560 12-7-61 Eugene Ma rr Kenneth Hall , Enterprise, Oregan TRI FIELD 13050 8-8-61 Linda Beckley McBride Ranches, Inc ., Brickleton , Wash . TROYDO 13404 10-10-61 John Fagg Charles Bronson, Globe , A rizona UVM HIGH COMMAND 12956 11-2-61 Vermont Agricultural Col lege Virginia J. Kintz, Schoharie, N . Y . YELLOW GOLD 10088 6- 1-56 Oglala Commu nity High School Cheyenne River Indian Agency, Eagle Butte, So. Dakota YELLOW GOLD I 0088 10-28-61 Cheyenne River Indian Agency Mr . and / or Mrs . K. C. Schwols , Rt. 3, Devi ls Lake , No . Dakota

ANGUS MARCY 13419 10-28-61 Cheyenne River Indian Agency Charles Marcy , Hay Spri ngs, Neb raska ANNEIGH JUDGE LIGHT 13353 11-2-61 Mrs . Ann l. Stedman Mr . & Mrs . Virgil Scussell, RFD l, Ston ington , Conn. BROADWALL GAY BOY 13432 11-24-61 Mr . and Mrs . J. Ceci l Ferguson Dr. C. D. Parkinson, 2131 McMillan St, Eugene, Ore . BROADWALL JUNESON 13005 11-24-61 Mr . and M rs. J. Cecil Ferguson Charles A . Kingsley, Lebanon , Conn . BROADWALL PATRIOT 13004 11-26 -61 Mr . and Mrs. J. Cecil Ferguson Bernice Agu iar , 13 Old Westport Rd., No . Dartmou th, Mass. CHOICE EDITION 13338 11-18-61 Harland McCobb M rs. Arlene Pizzi, Edgecomb, Moine CINDER CREEK 11635 10-27-61 Peter W . Hunt Joanne Lee Crymble , 22 Chestnut St. , Solem, N . J. COLUMBINE MIKE 13348 11-21-61 Joe C. Connors J. M ichael Connors , 1179 So. Monroe , Denver, Colo . CORNWALL SEALECT 13029 9-18-61 Robert F. Baker Rolph E. Plauth , Gardner Rd., Altamont , N . Y. DAKOTA SCHUHMACHER 13420 10-28 -61 Cheyenne River Indian Agency Don Berlie & John Schuhmacher , Chadron, Nebr . DARK MOON 12908 10-30-61 J. Clark Bromile y Jack ie Kraeme r, Box 915 , Ma ri posa , Cal if . DE JARNETTE'S SOLDIER 10058 11-1-61 O ' Neill Morgon Horse Farm Dr. Norman B. Dobin , 10222 So. Bell Ave ., Chicago , Ill. DEVAN VALENTINO 12898 10-21-61 Carl Hix on Kenneth W . Fordenwolt , Rt. 2, Seville , Oh io DON -T 13422 11-1-61 Earl D. Langley M iss Ga il D. Gillespie , Altmar , N . Y. DORIAN ASHMORE 12089 11-1-61 Mrs . Larry Oakley Martin R. Stoehnke , Box 488 , Winfield , Ill. EMERALD'S COCHISE 12130 10-23-61 Orwin & Norine Osmon Leigh & Mary Lou Morrell . RFD 1, Brattlebo ro, Vt. EMERALD'S I RISH LAD 12363 11-13-61 Orwin & Norine Osman Mort in & Donna Stoehnke , Box 488 , W infield , Ill. FERNCREST RED MAC 13431 8-10-61 Dr. C. D. Parkinson W . l. Edwards, Elkton , Oregon GAY KNIGHT 12381 9-20-61 Everett Crosby House in the Pines, Norton , Moss. GENTLEMAN SAM 12828 10-15- 61 Marlene J. Samatulski L. Bruce Brown , 619 Walkers line, Burlington, Ontar io, Canada HILLCREST LEADER 11591 8-18-61 John H. & Paul ine l. Procter Mr . & Mrs. Jock Lessard, Great Hill Form, Hamp- ton Foils , N. H. KANTHAKA 11 890 7-10-61 Robert E. lee George E. Morrill , RFD 2 , Littleton , N . H. KENNEBEC SUNDAY 13203 11-18-61 Margaret Gardiner Edwa rd Gallant , Na . Woolwich , Ma ine KING STETSON 13341 11-5-61 Moshe r Brothers Loren Bentley , Box 1228 , Weed Heights , Nevada LAURELMONT MR. PETER 13297 10-19 -61 Susan L. MacMulk in Miss Nancy Packard , 263 Central St., Fo,ba ro, Mass . LEE Fl ELD 13364 10-1- 61 Gerald Weingart Herbert T. & Inez M . Wagner , Box 76A, Ashland , Montana LIPPITT ELDON l 0469 11-13 -61 Raphael J. Dunphy John E. Brady , 512 River Rd., Westport Harbor, Moss. MAN OF MY HEART 12251 11-9-61 Mr. ond Mrs . W . l. Orcutt, Jr . James D. Barrett , 1004 Lake St., Elmira , N. Y.


Name and 'Number Date From To M .M.R . COBRE 13426 7 -4-61 Joe N . Maycock Jerry L. & Joan C. Record, GH!ette , Wyoming MONTEZELLE 12558 11-2 -61 Philip Morrison Roberr K. & Barbaro Fink , Rt. 1, Box 504 , Talent , Orego n MORNING SIDE 13389 10-16 -61 Paulo P. Barber M rs Helen M . Droycott , 1155 Hampd en St., Holy· oke , Moss. NATHANIEL 12281 7-3-61 Roberr D. Riley Harlan K. Pickett, Box 52, Monroe Center, Ill. PRINCE ROOSEVELT l 0402 3-27-60 Tom Will its Cla ris Hyett , RR 2, Aledo, Ill. ROYALTON EBEN 13403 9-25 -61 Dono W . Kelley Clifford & Nancy Engelhardt, Rt. l. Morr ison- ville , N . Y. ROYALTON PETER 13397 11-5-61 Dono W ingate Kelley T. F. A . Bibby , Shondanono , Brattleboro , Vt. SAMS NIGHTCAP 13299 9-2 -61 Marlene J. Somatuls ki Fronk W . Smith. Jr .. Gilboa, N . Y. SKYFI ELD 13052 7 -6-61 Mr . and Mrs. Leo Beckley Mr . and M r• . Gerold 0. Fahrni , Box 1141 , Ab ­ bot sford . B. C .. Canada SPRING GLO 13189 6-1-61 Frances Liles Thomes H. White & John S. Diehl , Orang e Dr., Dovie, Ft. Lauderda le, Florido SUNCREST ADVENTURE 11860 11-5-61 Suncrest Ranch (A . N . Peterson) B. Wayne Carmichael, 5405 Edenmoor St., Minneapolis, M innesota SUN RISE MORGAN 11891 9-1-61 Roy E. Adelmeyer Kooli Ranch, Box 3468, Honolulu , Hawa i i TAS-TEE'S FIREFLY 12176 8-30-61 Mr . and Mrs. Robert E. Hort Eleanore & / or Fred Schwark , 4979 Clork State Rd.. Gahanna , Oh'io THE FOX 13437 11-24-61 Melvin V . Frandsen Ervin Themp,an. RFD, Volmy , Nevada THE GAY CADET 11813 10-6-61 Ross Cole man William G. Downey , Jr ., Rt. 4 , Box 260 , Fairfax, Virg inia THE REPLICA O 12686 10-18 -61 Dorothy O' Ne;JJ Hornback Donald E. & Bernadette Crooks , 64 E. 8th Ave ., Clarion , Penn. TROPHY'S DUKE 13024 11-13-61 D. F. Switzler Wolter S. Shenk, RD 1, Grontville , Penn. U. C. CAVALIER 12376 10-23-61 University of Connecticur Mr>. Thomas S. Barro ws, 805 Boston Post Rd ., Weston. Moss. U. C. ROMANCER 13239 10-23 -61 University of Connecticut Mrs. Edna L. Avery , RFD 2 , Ledyard , Ct. VIGJLENDON 1091 1 9-9-61 S. Robert Orcutt , .V.M .D. Mr . and Mrs . Da rwi n S. Morse, Green Meads Form, Richmond, Moss. VlRLENDON 13271 11-16 -61 Dr. S. Robert Orcutt Mrs . Barbaro Weiner, Barberry Lane, Hav erhill, Moss. W HISKAWAY 12926 I l -4-61 J. C. Jackson & Sons William Magelssen , 3036 Riverside Dr., Bi ll ings, Montana


Name and Number Date Fron1 To APPLEVALE l YRIC 011600 12-11-61 Gordon Voorh is Brenda Hoop,, Slate Hill, N. Y. AMBER CORRELL 0 11022 11-25-61 Mrs . Henry Steffensen Mr . and Mrs. B. Wallace Mills , ~ox 84, Hay Springs, Nebro,ko ARNONA APRIL L. 010410 10-27-61 Clayton B. Conn Mrs . Connie Muessig , 20 Moseley Terrace, Glastonbury, Conn. BAROOSA 07658 11-28-61 Mrs. Lucl lle P. Kenyon Thomas H. White , Rt. 1, Box 343, Forr Lauderdale , Florido BAR· T CORELEA 011569 12-1-6 1 Mr . and Mrs . Stephen P. Tompk ins Mr . and Mrs. Edward E. Havey, Plummer Rd., Bedford , N. H. BROADWA L PANARADE 011689 12-21 ·61 Mr. and Mrs . J. Cecil Ferguson Dr. George W. lrm isch, 32 W. Main St., Columbus , N . J. BROADWALL ROCKETE 010189 11-10-61 Ave rill E. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Rolph Smit h, Highland Croft, Littleton , N . H. BUDDY'S PRINCESS 010051 11-29-61 Louise M . Patriquin Ji ll Gole , 1O Diono lone , Lexi ngton, Mo ... CHEENA 011616 9-17-61 Anno M . Block Chorl&y and Potsye Hamilton , Parkman , Wyo . COPPER JUBILEE 011702 10-28-61 Mr . and Mrs. 0. J. Neeley Wilfred Buriell. 2265 E. 6525 So., Solt Lake City , Utah CYNDER OF MEADOWVIEW 011453 11-29-61 Mrs. Philip Dorsey Korene Heimsteod , Rt. 2, Box 63, Eau Clai re, Wisconsin DUSKY EVE 09704 8-23 -61 Denton C. l yon Mr . and Mrs . Clayton B. Conn , Che$1er, N. H. ETNA 06593 9-3 -61 Susan Eskil Conklin Wallace Morriss. 21919 S. E. Fariss Rd. , Gresham, Oregon FANTASIA 09817 12-13-61 L. U. Sheep Company Romul Dvarishk is, Ham ilt on Dome. Wyo . FORTUNATA 09819 12-13-61 L. U. Sheep Company Romul Dvarishk is, Hamilton Dome , Wyo .

FUNQUEST CHIP 010727 11-25 -61 Stuart G. Hazard Jone McDonald , 3405 Bigelow Rd. , Howell, M ich. GREEN HI LL·s RU-BEE 011423 9 -8-61 Wolter Carroll John °R. Burrell, RD 1, Chalfont , Penn. GWEN-S . 05125 !! ·9-58 John R. Lodley Glayds B. Penrod , College Lodge Rd.. Ind iana Penn. GWEN-S . 05125 11-3-61 Gladys B. Penrod Mr. and Mrs . Dayton K. Lockard , Hamburg Rd., RD 5 , Greenv i lle , Penn. HEL'S VICIKI 08062 12-3-61 Frances and Lorne Smith Alon M . or Norma L. Garwood , 28011 Warren Rd., Hemet , Calif . HIGH PASTURES SHARON 011095 12-15 -61 Harr iet J . Hilts Warren and Louise Patriquin, 726 Lincoln St., Waltham , Moss. HYLEE'S LADY MAUDEEN 08955 4-15-61 A . Gordon and Hazel F. Heitman Henry and Claro Rensmon, 650 Popw orth St., Wheaton, ill . JANE B. MAR-LO 010247 10-28 -61 Ka1hryn Muresan Marilyn C. Childs, Ringtown, Penn. JUDY GREEN 07706 11-30-61 Victor R. Williams George Kopp, Bax 1337 , Big Bear Lake, Calif. JULIANA HAWK 010331 11-28-61 Mrs . Lucille P. Kenyon Thomas H. White, Rt. 1, Box 343, Fort Lauderdale , Florido KADENVALE KADY 010140 8-23-61 Denton C. Lyon Mr . and Mrs . Clayton B. Conn, Cho$1er, N. H. KING 'S MIST 011755 11-18-61 Sharon McGraw Mrs . Dix ie Zimme r, RR 1, Fruita , Cola . LEDGEWOOD ANALECT 09298 12-11-61 Gordon D. Voorh is Mr and Mrs. Deon R. Coccomis , Plank Rd., Limo , N . Y. MILLSBORO LADY BETH 011706 11-26-61 Thomas E. Mattox Fred Schultz, 4841 Akron -Cleveland Rd. , Peninsula , Ohio MISS DA Yl ITE 08757 9- 11-57 W. C. Fruit Wolt er Crago, Belle Fourche, So. Dok . MISS DAYLITE 08757 7-1-61 Wolter Crago Tom Costello , Scenic, So. Dakota MORMAN 'S FLAME 09026 11-3-59 Poul S. Koch, Jr . Art and / or Joyce W ind ringer , Box 292, Trobuca Canyon, Calif. NANCY TWILIGHT 09457 10-27-61 Miss Paulo Barber Phyllis and Norman - Dock, RFD·- 1, Bethel , Me. ORCLAND HI -TIME 08389 11-1-61 Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Barbe r Phyllis and Norman Dock, RFD 1, Bethe, Me. ORETIA SPAR 05251 10-1-61 Fronk H. Sil va Mr. and Mrs . Leo Beckley , Box 240, Mt. Vernon , Wash . PANAMAE 08881 12-21- 61 Mr . and Mrs, J. Cecil Ferguson Dr. George W . lrmi sch, 32 W. Main St., Columbus . N . J. PINELAND KELLIE 011718 11-17-61 Joe L. Young Mrs . Henry A . Sand er,, Jr., Ellenwood, Georgia 60 The MORGAN HORSE

•f MARES a nd GELDINGS - TRANSFERS (continued)

Name and Number Dote From To POco ·s JULI ET 010794 12-16 -61 Norma L. Garwood Alon M . or Norma l. Garwood, 28011 Warren Rd., Hemet, Calif . PRINCESS MARIE 069 19 5-20-60 M iss Max ine Merchant Bill y J. Carpenter, 6700 Pork Place Dr., Fort Worth , Texas PRINCESS MARIE 069 19 11-24-61 Billy J. Carpente r Mr . and Mrs . Neal Werts , 9208 Outerbelt Court. St. Louis, Missouri PRISCILLA ALDEN 09557 11-28-61 Mrs . Lucille P. Kenyon Thomas H. White, Rt. I. Box 343 , Fort Lauderdale , Florido RHYTHM·s DELIGHT 09811 11-16 -61 Henry F. Fawcett M r. and Mrs . Alexader Irvine , Rt. 4, Box 559, Oshkosh . Wisconsin ROSIN JUSTINE 09150 8-9-56 Liane Hording Joseph B. Allen , 2946 W . Center, Provo, Utah ROMAN CALYPSO 010091 12-7-61 Chorley Hami lton Mr . ond Mrs . H. T. Wagner, Ashland , Mont . ROSEMAR'S DUFF 0 11727 11-17-61 Gerold Edward Wells Jock W i lliams , 4902 Sayre Ave ., Box 1704 Parkersburg, W . Virginia R·suRENE PATSY 011756 11-1-61 Susan Dracy Phil Aigner, Wolverton , Minnesota SHAWALLA CHRISTY 011699 10-11-61 Mrs. Mork Kinder Rolph Danielson , Waitsburg , Wash . SONOMA ·s GYPSY ROSE 011760 11-10 -61 Philip A . and Ruth D. Morrison Robert and / or Barbaro Fink, Rt. 1, Box 207, Talent, Ore. SPARKLE PLENTY 09497 12-14-61 Max ine Merchant Elsie Everett , 501 Carlton St., Conroe , Texas. STELLA DAIRE 01 1680 6-18-61 Henry F. Fawcett Joseph M . Williams , 1110 Lytle Five Points Rd., R. 2, Waynesville, Oh io STERLING SUE 07534 11-30 ·61 Fred W . Jensch and Miss Susan Mae rtz Earl and / or Bernice Millikin , 2130 W . Hem­ lock Rd., Milwaukee . Wisconsin SWISS BROOK SUE 01 1681 6-18-61 Henry F. Fowcelt Joseph M . Williams , 1110 Lytle Five Points Rd., R. 2, Waynesville, Oh io TAHANA MORGAN ona9 12-2-61 R. Sill Livingston Max ine Merchant . .4632 Ivanhoe, Houston, Texas TAS·TEE·s BLACK KNIGHT 010200 5-7-59 Hermon J. Speck Estate Andrew Sziroky , RD 2, River Rd.. Richmond, Vo . TAS·TEE·s BLACK KNIGHT 010200 Dec, 1960 Andrew Sziroky Lorry B. Dooley, Rt. 2. 9822 No . High St, Westerville, Ohio THELBEN EASTER STAR 011570 8-25 -61 Mrs. Thelma Langston George and / or Clore Lumn, Rt. 2, Box 274 , Sherwood . Oregon WANTON 09321 4-16-59 George A . Cross and Son Albert Zimmer, RR I , Fruita , Colo rado WANTON 09321 5-28-61 Albe rl Zimmer Estate Mrs. Dixie Zimmer, RR 1, Fruita, Colorado

ABBIE RIGBY 08234 9-1 -61 Elsie G. Rigby 0. J. Neeley, Box 425 , Rexburg , Idaho BLANCH S. SENTNEY 07542 11-3-61 Harvey C. Gravl in Beverly J. Klitsch, Depot Rd.. Boxboro , Moss . BONNIE DATE 08780 11-27-61 J. K. WeSI J. K. or Hele n West Box 285, Bla irsville , Penn. BONNY LADY 011 130 11-23-61 Emma J. C. Von Deusen C. Furner Cai rns, 216 E. Church St. , Ligon ier, Penn. BROADWALL ANGELIQUE 011687 11-24-61 Mr . and Mrs . J. Ceci l Ferguson Mrs . Glor ia F. Ribollo , Soulhbury, Ct. BROADWALL DARDENELLA 011690 11-24 -61 M r. and Mrs. J. Cecii Ferguson Mrs . Everell R. Olson , Chestnut St. , Rehobolh , Moss. BROADWALL DEMOISELLE 08724 11-10-61 Dr. Lawre nce Slobody Moy Knighr Ayers , RFD 1, Hoydenv il le, Moss . BROADWALL JUNENIPER 011691 11-24 -61 Mr . and Mrs. J. Cecil Ferguson Sandro Ferrloe 94 Hazelhurst Rd.• Sommerset. Moss. BROADWALL KATY GREEN 011686 11-24 -61 Ms . and Mrs. J. Cecil Ferguson Maureen l. Moriarty, 509 Pork Dr., Boston, Moss . BROADWALL PATIIFIELD 011215 11-25-61 Ms . and Mrs . J. Cecil Ferguson Mr . and Mrs. E. Curtiss Pierson, Ledyard, Conn. CHEROKEE PRINCESS 08945 8-19-61 JOhn H Procter Shirley lozvnsk l, 678 Grove St., Woonsocket , R. I. CLOVERLANE SALLY JO 011648 11-5-61 Norman W . & Beverly Ann Risk Mrs . Bonnie Moore , 4701 Carpenter Rd., Ypsil anti , Mich . DAKOTA DAWN MILLS 011663 10-28-61 Cheyenne River Indian Agency M r. and Mrs. B. Wallace Mills , Hoy Springs , Nebr . DAKOTA GOLD WALKER 0 11668 10-28 ·61 Cheyenne River Indian Agency Solly Walker Town , Pine Rige, So. Dok . DANES REGAL SEALECT 0 11641 10-2-61 Allen Angney , Jr . Richard A . Angney , Arlington , Vt . DAWN SCHUHMACHER 01 1665 10-28-61 Cheyenne River Ind ian Agency Don Berlie & John Schuhmacher, Chadron , Nebr . DONNA DEE 068 12 11-18-61 Al Z immer Estate Charles Boyce, 7125 So. 20rh E., Solt Lake City, U. DONNA DEE 06812 11-20 -61 Charles Boyce Mosher Brot hers. 2124 E. 7000 So .• Solt lake City, Utah ECHOBROOK PAULETIE 09702 11- 18·61 Hugh W . & Gladys A . Lillie Arthu r M . Joost, Jr., Main St. , Bucksport, Me . EMERALD·s IRISH LADY 010858 11-5-61 Dr. & Mrs . Nelson D. King Orw in & Norine Osman, Emerald Acres Mo rgon Form , Box 613, Manteno , Ill. FLAMETIE 011675 6-25-61 Velma I. Peavey George E. Morrill, RFD 2, Littleton , N. H. FLAX 09316 8-27-61 Phil P. Aigner l. D. Robbins, RR 1. Kearney , M issouri FRANCIE 09974 11-24-61 Dr. John E. Mann ing W . M . W iley, Bangor , Moine GERTRUDE MAE 09794 10-27-61 John C. Bullock Dr. and Mrs . H. P. Boyd, 680 No . Son Pedro Rd. • Son Rafael. Calif . GOLD DAWN MILLS 011670 10-28-61 Cheyenne River Indian Ageney M r. and Mrs. B. Wallace Mills , Hoy Springs , Nebr . HAWK ·s ARIS CORINTH 011296 7-18-61 Clarence E. & Carol M . Copeland Gerald ine G. & Sandro l. Hicks, Rt. I , Fair view, Penn. ILLAWANA SATIN 08316 11-11 -61 Patsy Borton Mrs. H. Mor ie Harrington, .4516 Yosemite Court, Englewood , Colo . IMA -FAIR-LADY 09111 11-12-61 Dr. & Mrs . H. P. Boyd Lindo Louise Rizzi, 221 E. 7th St., Dav is, Cal if . KANE ·s SPRING DELITE 09202 11-1-61 Rhedo Kone Thomas H. Wh ite , Jr .• 4009 N. E 21st A··e . F•. Laude rdale , Flori do KANE ·s VALHALLA ANN 011642 10-28 -61 Wolter & Rhedo Kone M r. & Mrs . Otto Wilkinson, 3435 Cummings D•., R 2, Ann Arbor , M ich. KEVIN TOP 08481 7-21 -56 J. C. Jackson Eleonore A . Schueren, Pray, Montano KEVIN TOP 08481 5-15 -61 Eleonore A . Schueren Robert M . Howard , Beloit, Wisconsin KEVIN TOP 08481 7-7-61 Robert M . Howard Earl W . MocMichoel, Fleetwood Acres. J;i. ~·-,vY-=. W isconsin KINGSFIELD LADY 06090 11-1-61 Patricio A . McCormick Mr . and Mrs . Stephen P. Tompk ins, Long Hi ll R.:l.. Rowley, Mass. KITIY SPAR 011394 10-3-61 Hunew ill Land & l ivestock Co. Mrs . Irene Snow , 237 Grove St., Bishop , Cal if. LAVA 09122 10-26·61 Mory Lasater Martha H. Vernon , Box 61 , Fraser, Colo rado LEOTA LEE 09309 8-2 -61 Huck Liles Thomas H. Wh ite, Jr . , Orange Dr., Dov ie, Fr. Lauderdale , Florido LIBBY ASHMORE 09520 10-1 -61 Mrs . lorry Oakley Ron Hayword, 370 W . M iddle Sr.. So. Elgin, Ill . LINDA MAE 010228 10-18-61 l. W. Bopp Don Berlie & John Schuhmacher , Chadron, Neb r. LINDA SCHUHMACHER 011667 10-28-61 Cheyenne River Ind ian Agency Chorlelne Feight, Willow Creek, Montono LONE PINE BOOGIE 09129 9-28-61 Deon Whitter Mr . & Mrs . Leo Beckley , Box 240, Mt . Vernon, Wash LUCIA SPAR 011650 10-2 -61 Fronk H. Silva Mr . & Mrs . Leo Beckley , Box 240, Mt . Vernon , Wash LUELLEN 05547 11-16-61 Pine Ridge Indian Agency Don Berlie & John Schuhmacher, Chadron , Nebr . MAFAIR 010086 10-28-61 Alton P. ~a rris Goston J. Verhulst , Blackstone , Moss . MAGGIE MAC 06859 9-1-61 Dr. H. G. Rigby 0 . J. Neeley, Box 425, Rexburg, Idaho MARGARET K. 089 15 1-4-54 Corl Beasley Joyce Neary, live Oak Acres , 129 Grapev ine Rd. . Oak V iew, Calif. MARGARET K. 08915 7-3 -61 Joyce Neary Mr. Marion Keppner, 375 Palomares St., Venrun Calif. MARSHA 010251 10-18-61 l. W . Bopp J. C. Jocksor'I & Sons, Harrison, Montono MARYBoB·s HIGH TIME 011023 9-7 -60 Robert S. Lewis Arthur J. McDonald , 3005 Bigelo w Rd. , Howell Mich . & Robert S. Lewis , 1414 J Spartan Vil ­ lage, E. Lansing , M ich. MAUREEN 010955 5-27-61 J. Roy Brunk Mr. & Mrs . John T. Barber , 1806 No . Pasadena St .• Indianapolis, Ind. MAY DAWN 05798 3-13 -42 Oglolo Commun ity School Cheyenne River Indian Agency , Eagle Bulle , So. Dok . MAY DAWN 05798 10-28-61 Cheyenne River Indian Agency Don Berlie & John Schuhmacher, Chad ron , Nebr .



Name and Number Date From To MAY GOLD BERLIE 011666 10-28 -6 1 Cheyenne River Indian Agency Don Berlie & John Schuhmach er, Chadron , Neb r. MERRY CORDELIA 01 1036 11-6-6 1 Merrylegs Farm (Mabel Owen ) Mr . and Mrs. Ronald Phelps, 190 Pleasant St., Raynham Center, Moss. MILA N 09296 7-8 -61 Gab ri elle LePaige Anne Bentzen, Folly Form, So. Shahsbury , Vt . M ISSEY 06700 12-3-59 M rs. Velma Gorham Charles A . Smith , 11721 E. Clar k St., El Mont e, Cal. MISSEY 06700 3-1 -6 1 Charles A . Smith Estate George Kapp , Box 1337, Big Bear Lake . Cal if . MISS LUELLEN 09324 11- 16-61 Pine Ridge Indian Agency Stanley & Ruth Walke r, Pine Ridge , So. Oak . MISS MAHOGANY 0 1029 1 10-27-6 1 Ramu! Dva rishkis Dr. S. Bruce Whillenberger, 3726 McComb , Chey­ enne, Wyo. MOXIE BEE 01166 1 11-12-61 Mrs . Jam es J. Banta Herbert T. Knight , 47th St., Los Alamos, New Mex ico NANCITA "S STAR 0 10871 5 -27-6 1 Or. & M rs. Don K. Hutchens Mr . & Mrs . Donold Long , RD 1, Johnstown , N . Y. PETUNIA 0 11605 11-2-61 Mosher Brothers Walter R. Chris:l ansen , 5780 Lakeside Or., Salt Lake City , Utoh PRINCESS TAMERA 011074 7-15-61 M rs. Fern B. Shondrew Don J. Lark in, RFD 2 , Brigham City, Utah REATA"S MISTY MAID 09924 11-10-61 A . J. And reol i Car ol Ann Roth, 511 No . Ma in St., Uhr ichsville , 0 . RED GOLD WALKER 0116 7 1 10-28-61 Cheyenne River Indian Agency Stanfey & Ruth Walker, Pine Ridge , So. Oak. RED MAY WALKER 011664 10-28-6 1 Cheyenne River Indian Agency Stanley & Ruth Walker , Pine Ridge , So. Oak. RENDER"S QU IZET 011322 B-11-61 M r. & M rs. Horold L. Render Mr . & Mrs. James L. Reid , 5400 Cedar Island Rd., Milfo rd . M ich. ROYALTON LINDA ASHBROOK 010820 11-6 -61 Dana W ingote Kelley T. F. A . Bibby , Shandanona , Bra!!leboro , Vt . SHARON BERLIE 01 1669 10-28 -61 Cheyenne River Indian Agency Don Berlie & John Schuhmacher, Chadron , Neb r. SIMONE SPAR 011265 10-2 1-61 Stanley L. Hunew ill , Jr . G. W . Snow, 237 Grove St., Bishop , Calif . STARLIGHT MISTY NITE 011685 11-27-61 C. R. Hixon Wilma Garn , RD 2, Wellington, Oh io SUNCREST BEAUTY 010076 6 -30 -61 John C. Nico la i Earl W . MocM ichael , Fleetwood Acres, Reesevil le, W isconsin SUNDO 09020 10-28 -6 1 Mr . & Mrs . W . C. Byers Frank Good, 130 W . Continental fr58 , Scottsdale , Arizona TALLEY-HO 09 139 10-27 -61 Robert F. Nierman Dr. & Mrs . Joseph C. Wh ite , RD I , Spring City , Penn. THALIA 07772 11- 13-61 Raphael J. Dunphy John E. Brady, 5 12 River Rd., Wes1port, Harbo r, Moss. TOY ANN 010275 10-30 -61 Jackie Kroemer J. Clark Bromiley , RR 2, Box 402 , Sonora , Cal if. U. C. PANQUOTA 09291 11-3-61 Keynith Knapp No rman & Phyll is Dock, RFD I, Bethel, Moine U. C. TEACHER'S PET 09990 10-23-61 University of Connecticut Stanley A . Oyckes, Rt. 1, Box 844-0, Waynesv i lle , No . Carolina VERRAN"S DIXIE ANNE 07338 11-3-61 Keynith Knapp Norman & Phyll is Dock, RD 1, Bethel, Maine WAStEKA "S DARCY 09237 10-23-61 Pam C. Stables Gwendolen E. Hamilton , RD 2, Bennington , Vt.

Morgan as a Cowpony Eagle, etc. They were built for work Directors' M eetinq and, when asked to do a hard day's ( Continued from Page 5) ( Continued from Page 58) work, they did it with ease. Their heart and lungs had a great capacity for for so many years helped Mr. Hills as Another trip that I made on him endurance and would carry them the work of the Club increased. was also a fire call; we left at day­ through the day. They were apparently Of interest to all Morgan breeders break leading two pack horses. We as fresh at the end of the day as at and owners, the following two resolu­ never stopped until we arrived at the the start . tions were unanimously voted: fire which was some 55 miles distant. I. Effective with the postmark of The reason I mention some of these The bone structure of these Mor­ January I, 1963 no anima l shall be eli­ long jaunts is that at the end of these gans from the feet up is put together gible for Registmion in the AMERI­ trips, he never showed any leg weari­ fol' rough mountain work . They hold CAN MORGAN HORSE REGISTER ness or tiredness , which my other two their heads up and are eager and happy which has passed the 3rd December 31st pack horses did after one of these long when working . They never seem to subsequent to the actua l foaling date. trips . The miles that I put behind this tire - even in old age. I believe 1 That is: all anima ls must be registered horse myself does not include some of know and am safe in saying that the by postmark on or before December his rodeo activities or when he was Morgan horse is built to take the rough­ 3 I st of their two year old year. All carrying someone else. est mountain terrain possible and do it binhdays are computed on a January He stood 15-1 hands and weighed with ease., f.or I have put these two 1st basis in accordance with the Ameri ­ from 1,200 to 1,225 pounds, but he Morgan horses I owned over some of can Horse Show Association rules. carried my 195 pounds and a heavy the roughest terrain possible - day­ Example: During the calendar year stock saddle without a sign of com­ 0£ 1963, App lications for Registrations light or darkness - any man could ask will be accepted only for foals born plaint. Even in his old age, he loved a horse to go over. They always come to show a bunch of horses that did not during the calendar' years of 1961, 1962, throug h without a scl'atch, for they are want to be corraled where the corral and 1963. On January I, 1964 foals gate was. All you had to do was stay sensible, carefu l, and cairn and easy to born prior to January 1, 1962 will be on him and he loved every bit of it. handle when they get into a tight spot. ineligible for registration. 2 - Effective wit h the postmark of July Andy was a Morgan of 14 years Sis, Joan, Snip, Casey, Andy and I, I 962, it shall be the responsibility when I got hold of him. He was still Beauty a black Morgan mare I chased of the seller to complete personally in alert and full of go up until the time full, including the actual date of Trans­ many a half wild range bronc on, were of his death at 34 years of age. His fer and the name :\nd address of the sire was a Morgan with the plain name all past their 30th year when death purchaser, each Application for Trans­ of Major. ovenook them and they went to gree ner fer. Provided, that where a horse is pastul'es up there among the golden consigned at a regular auction sale, it These horses did not carry fancy hills. At that age they could still do shall be the duty of the sale manager names and were not registered. They to insert on the App lication for Trans­ a good day's work . They all had heart were known simply by cow pony names, fer the complete name and address of such as Snip, Casey, Seal, Sis, Beauty, and legs of steel for the roughest of the purchaser including actual trans­ Joan, Jewell, Andy, Red Cloud, Jay, mountain trails. fer date thereof. BREEDERS' LISTING TAMARLEIMORGANS MORGANS VOORHIS FARM Include us in your Vermont Morgan farm Red Hook, DutchHa County, New York Tour for your pride and pleasure PECOS 8969 0 Colts and Broke Horses For Sale his son QUALITY SEALECT OF WINDCREST 10427 D y At Stud KINGSTON 11906 PERCENTAGE LIPPITT MANDATE 8331 Horses of all ages and sexes for E Home of the Versatile Gelding sale at all times. Marilyn & Harold Childs MAN O'DESTINY Rlagtown. Peaaa.. Phone TU 9-4231 Stock Usually For Sale Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Voorhis, owner Summers : Harolyn Hill. R.D.. Tunbridge, Vt. Fred Herrick, trainer Mr. and Mrs. Leigh C. Morrell Phone: Chelsea OV 5-3381 RFD 1, Brattleboro, Vt., just off Route 5

TOWNE-AYRFARM At Stud "Morgans of Merit" BAR RUNNING W BAR RANCH BALDMOUNTAIN SUNDANCE LIPPITT ROB ROY Highest quality Morgan horses raised A true son of "Mr. Manners " Easter Small in stature but big in Morgan in rugged working ranch country. Twilight x Verran's Dixie Ann. Tops ways . in intelligence and conformation. Young stock for sale. Private treaty - Accommodations for mares. Visitors Welcome Stock For Sale Dr. and Mrs. Whittenberger P. 0 . Box 2356, Cheyenne, Wyoming R. S. Mccallum Mr. and Mrs. Roderick E. Towne Belvedere StablH Montpeller, RD 3. Vermont 5051 Windsor Mill Rd., Baltimore 7, Md.

MEETINGWATERS MORGANS ASHBROOK FARM O'NEILL MORGAN HORSE are bred for type, disposition, good presents At Stud FARM legs and feet, as wdl as high percent- Sam Ashbrook - Timmy Twilight Home of age of the original blood True Morgan iA looks, action and ARCHIE "O" At Stud pedigree. At Stud High percentage young stock usually ARCHIE HEROD "L" 10071 JUBILEE'S COURAGE 8983 for sale. Sevlcea of Quality, Stamina That Stays LIPPITT ASHMORE 10811 Visitors Welcome Visitors Welcome Stock For SaJ9 Frances H. Bryant Margaret Rice Harry and Dorothy Hornback Serenity Farm South Woodstock, Vt. Rockbottom Lodge Meredith. N. H. Manteno, Illinois Phone Howard 8-8633 l VISITORS TOWNSHEND A WELCOME INDIAN HILL FARM Morgan-Holstein Farm u At Stud R ASHLAND DONSON Breeders of the True Type E L Usually some stock for sale. Home of FARM ORCLAND VIGILDON 0 Visitors Welcome TOWNSHEND VIGIT Mr. & Mrs. D. C. MACMULIIH N Mr. & Mrs. Roger E. Ela & Nancy aad SUSAN Lawson W. Glidden Federal HW Rd., Milford, N. H. T Ashland, New Hampshire Bolton. Ma&B.

Available to members of THE MORGAN HORSE CLUB,INC. With each membership in The Morgan Horse Club, Inc. for the calendar year of 1962, goes a free Decal, meas­ 1 uring about 4" x 3 / 2 ". Made of reflective scotch lite, it has a green border surrounding the head of a Mor ­ gan . Additional ones can be obtained by members at a cost of 50¢ each, from a limited supply . ALSO Available to members is a large decal measuring about 15" x 18 " made of reflective scotchlite and of the same design as the small one. This is suitable for trailers and other uses . Selling price is $5.00 each . Orders for both size decals received at Secretary's Office THE MORGAN HORSE CLUB, INC. P. 0 . Box 2157 - Bishops Corner Branch West Hartford 17, Connecticut BREEDERS' LISTING

MERRYLEGSFARM ORCLANDFARMS BAR-T FARMS "Where Champions Are Born" Rowley Massachusetts "The pleasure their owners ta·ke in At Stud Breed to the Best our Morg,ms is a source of great ULENDON pride to us." America's great proven sire of Champio ns At Stt,d ORCLAND DONDARLING ORCLAND LEADER Junior Champion Stallion 1960 Sire: Ulendon Dam: Vlgllda Burkland Stock for Sale National Morgan Horse Show Colts usually for sale. Stock For Sale Mabel Owen, owner Mr. and Mrs. Wallace L. Orcutt, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Tompkins So. Dartmouth. Mass. West Newbury, Massachusetts

THREEWINDS FARM BAYFIELDFARM JOSELENE HILLS W. W. MacDougal, Jr . At Stud At Stud BLACK SAMBO 9939 Quality and Versatility MR. SHOWMAN Grnmd Champion Nati onal Morgan for Show 1954 • High Percentage • PLEASURE • TRAIL • HACK DENNISFIELD 11000 • Typey Conformation Stock for Sale AH.S.A . high score Morgan wmner • Sweet Disposition in 1959 Visitors Welcome Mr. and Mrs. John A. Noble Ives Rd. E. Greenwich, R. I. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vona R. D. 2, Clark's Summit. Pa. TUrner 4-5360 Frederick. Maryland ,

"FUNQUEST" MORGANS KENYON'S Palomino MORGAN Horses Ocala Wilderness Farm P.H.ti.A M.H.C. UPWEY KING BENN At Stud THE BROWN FALCON Double-Registered CHIEF RED HAWK LITTLE HA WK 11398 LINSLEY LEE The breeding , train ing and use of FUNQUEST FALCON Honest Trail Horses our Pleasure and PINELAND FLYHAWK'S BLACK STAR our Specialty. SUNFLOWER KING Visitors are dear to us. Joe L. Young Stuart G. Hazard Mrs. Lucille Kenyon Box 522 LaGrange, Georgia 1308 College Ave .. Topeka, Kansas Altoona. Florida

ROSEREA KEDRON FARM DOOLEY STABLES Fairfax. Virainia At Stud For quality in Performance SUNSICO 12350 (bay) Conformation - Bloodlines At Stud Sire : Congo Dam: Nellane At Stud KEDRON CHAMPAGNE 12760 THE GAY CADET 11813 DEVAN JASON 11568 palomino (Captain Fillmore - Lady Cap) ROSS C 12141 Sire: Dam: Dickie's Pride Kedron Cutty Sark Stop and see our Morgans tuh en in William G. Downev. Jr. Ina M. Richter, M.D. this area. Route 4, Box 260, Fairfax . Vt. Bolivar , Missouri Route No. 2 8 miles south of CRescent 3-3673 Telephone: FA 6-5308 Westerville. Ohio Delaware on Rt. 23

BIG BEND FARMS Home of George Gobel WOODS and WATER FARMS GREEN HILLFARM National Champion Trotting Morgan Michigan's Top Morgan Breeder At Stud GREEN HILL'S DEV-TONE 11548 WINDCREST PLAY BOY 12096 We enjoy showing our barnfull of ( Royalton Justin Darling -Devon Gold) SONNY AKERS 12041 famous Morgans to visitors. The compliments are rewarding . HYLEE'S LADY'S MAN 11712 "COM E AND SEE US'' Visitors Welcome - Young Stock For Sale Yes, we always have Morgans to sell. Manager-Trainer Owners Mr. & Mrs. Walter Carroll & Family Harry Andre The Wm. W. Bartons 36225 W. Nlne Mile Rd .. Fcmnlngton. Mich. RR2 1806 National ATe. Walter and Rheda Kane Winnebago, JU. Rockford , I1L South Lyon , Michigan GRee nleaf 4-1363 BREEDERS' LISTING

EMERALD ACRES MORGAN FARM ARKOMIA MORGANS Box 613, Manteno . Illinois named in memory of the late C. J. O'Neill SEARLSSPRINGWATER STOCK Breeders of Morgans who carry the famous Our Morgans are bred for the aheer en joy- FARM ment of keeping them. Lippitt Miss Nekomla, Archie "O" and Cap­ Just "MORGANS" that' s all! tain Red bloodline s. At Stud - AT STUD - "Home of the alre, that Morgan people CINNAMON KING 10858 dealre," OUR EMERALD KING 11542 DeJARNETTE'S SOLDIER 10058 EMERALD'S SKYCHIEF 11360 ARCHIE O'S DUPLICATE 11493 Champion Parade Hor se '57-'58-'59 in Sire: Larruby King Royale LIPPITT JEEP 8672 silver reserve '60, never def.eatecl' in Dam: Annie De Jarnette Just browsing or buying-you're Welcome. non silver. Young stock usually for sale. Young stock usually for sale. Mr. and Mrs. Orwin J. Osman Dr. and Mrs. Norman B. Dobin Ray and Esther Searls 10222 South Bell Avenue Medora, Illinois Jerseyville 2970 R 2 Phone: HO 8-8632 alter 5:00 P.M. Chicago - BEverly 8-0942 - Ill. JOYRIDE MORGANS FREEMANFARMS 16049 Prospect Rd .. Strongsville , Ohio -REATA­ At Stud 4 mlles from Interchange # 10 MORGAN HORSE Firestone 11786 Breeders of Fine Morgans (Townahend Gaymeade x Bambino) Ho me of BEA UT Y - QUALITY Conformation, disposition, and the We proudly announce at stud : ability to perform enable us to enjoy O.C.R. 9099 FLEETWING our Morgans to the fullest extent that Captor · Roz VIGIL MARCH our name implies. Private Treaty Visitors Welcome Visitors always welcome! Stock for sa le! Dr. & Mrs. MARVIN S. FREEMAN, owner Mr. and Mrs. A . J. Andreoli Karene Heimstead "Newt " Chalfont, manager ~(t mile south Rte. 18 on Rte. 94 R. 2. Box 63, Eau Claire , Wlsconaln CE 8-7481 RD 1, Box 118, Wadsworth. Ohio

DAVIS BREEDING FARM WAER'S .~ORGAN HORSES For Home of the Vermont Morga,n Horses We like to be kn own by the Morgans • Confo rma ti on we own • Dispo sit ion • Color At Stud: At Stud DOMINO VERMONT REX'S MAJOR MONTE Breed to MONTY VERMONT HEDLITE'SMICKY WAER DICKIE'S PRIDE Finest accommodations for visiting WAER'S DANNY BOY Palomino Morgan mares and foals. Young stock for sale-Visitors welcome DOUBLE F. RANCH SUNCRESTSTOCK RANCH Route 2, Box 71 Gene & Shirley Davis Frank and Frieda Waer Rte. l , Box 281 Lodi, Calif . JACKSONVILLE, OBE.GON 18208 Modjeska Rd.. Orange , Calif . Phon e: ENdicolt 8-0343 Phone Twinoa ks 9-1157 Ph. TUstice 6-7919

H. SEEWALD BEE MORGAN CORRALS EL RANCHO PEQUENO New Mexico's Largest Breeders MORGAN HORSES At Stud At Stud FLIGHT ADMIRAL CAPTAIN BLAZE (T op Flight . Hig hview H oney) At Stud (Red Clover x Princess Toby) When in Southern California visitors TRIUMPH 10167 Morgans Always For Sale are always welcome. Sire: Menror 8627 Dam: Damsel 04822 Jim and Virginia Banta Mr. and Mrs. Keith .Morse Route l Box 210-X 1244 S. Sunkist Ave .. West Covina, CaliJ. Rte. # 1, Box 376 AMABILLO, TEXAS SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO Phone: Edgewood 7-5150

MOSHER BROS. MORGANS EASTERNBRED STALLIONS ECHO FARMS, INC. Conformation, disposition, ability to In Washington perform plus high percentage of At Stud JULIO 9071 BROADWALL ST. PAT original blood. CONOCO 10243 SON FIELD CONDO and his beautiful young son CLASSY BOY now standing Young Stock For Sale at Stud We board and tra in Visitors We/come Stock For Sale Visitors Welcome "Amos", "Howard" , "Leo" Mosher Leo and Louise Beckley 2124 East 7000 So .. Salt Lake City 17, Utah Bill and Ollie Mae Dansby P. O. Box 240, Mt. Vemon , Waah. Phone CR 7-3278 R. R. 3. Box 55 ~eeley . Colo. TROUBADOUR FARM FOR SALE: Home-made single horse BOARDING . TRAINING • SELLING trailer with tandem wheels. No brakes. SHOWING • RIDING INSTRUCTIONS In good condition. Price $300.00. FRED­ Ir.door ring for year round facilltles. Kopf ERICK A. MAYO. 53 Liberty St .. Barre, Vt. English Saddlery - new and uaed: also CLASSIFIED stable aupplles. RALPH G. HALLENBECK. 10¢ per word $2.00 mlnlmum owner, Selkirk, N. Y.. 5 miles south of FOB SALE: Registered Morgan brood Albany. N. Y .. Route 9-W. Phone: South stock. Bay mare, 10 years old, good blood Bethlehem ROger 7-3396. lines and disposition. broke to ride and FOR SALE: Turnpllce Kay Date 011723 drive. Also 1961 !lily. Both blue ribbon (Lippitt Mandate x Lynette 09565). Foaled winners. J. A. SHANDREW. Wiiiard, Utah. HARTMAN TRAILERS-Agent. J. CECIL May 31. 1961. Chocolate chestnut, white FERGUSON, Greene, R. I. star on exceptional head. Showy action. MATCHED PAIB - lilly yearling excellent conformation. perfect disposition, and a coming two year old colt. Both from personality to give away. A. W. VERON­ SMALL OPERATION, able to give Indi­ our champion Morgan mare Agnes Lou ESI, Turnpllce Morgan Farm, New Berlin. vidual attention breaking and tralnlng; 07679. Identical bright bays. $300 for N. Y. Phone VI 7-3063. show or pleasure horses boarded. Your pair. Black hall-Arabian colt and a pure­ Inspection invlled. Le Chat Nolr Stable, bred Arabian fllly. Reasonable. LEON­ MB. and MRS. GARDNER STONE, Chester. WANTED TO LEASE: Have attractive ARD SALOMON. Rt. l, Box 87. Polson, 'New Hampshire. TUllp 7-3610. offer If anyone has good type brood mares Montana. to lease for breeding program. All corres­ HORSE & PONY TRANSPORTATION pondence strictly confidential. HUGH SMITH FOR SALE: Outstanding yearling son CROSS COUNTRY HAULING. Bonded. Meadowbrook Farm, Winthrop, Mass. of Clement. out of good trail mare Pineland Insured. Rest and exercise enroute. GEO. Sugar. A blocky, high-headed. pleasant H. REESE. Box M-H. 403 LaClede, Colorado FOR SALE: Tecnn coach ham,11ss (2 dispositioned. stylish moving real Morgan. Springs, Colorado. horses). Needs some repair. For Informa­ Send for photos and you'll want him. tion write: H. A. TALLMAN. P. O. Box 35, ROBERT MANLEY. 150 Marion Drive, KINGSTON HORSE TRAILERS. The better Round Lake. N. Y. Athens, Georgia. built horse trailer in the East. Send for free brochure. KINGSTON TRAILERS, Route BIG BEND FARMS has for sale 1 chestnut GENTLEMAN wishes to spend summer 106. Wapplng Rd .. Kingston, Maas. yearling gelding. nice disposition. Will a,; paying guest with small family. Would make a good pleasure horse, 2 chestnut like one or more saddle horses available. FOB SALE: Registered Morgana: Brood brood mares • HARRY ANDRE, RR 2, Win­ Write BOX l. c/ o the Morgan Horse Maga­ mares (3) to foal In early 1962. Two wean­ nebago, Ill. zine, P. 0. Box 149, Leominster. Mass. ling studs: two year old flilles (2) and one yearling filly. All good conformation and FOR SALE: Two registered Morgan fU. MUST SACRIFICE my coming 4 year old condition. J·AMES CARY. 5809 Airline, lies aged one and three. JE'AN GRANT, registered Morgan stallion. Finest breed­ Houston. Texas. Main St .. Townsend, Mass. Tel. 302. ing (Quizkld x Buthven's Rosllita Ann). Dark chestnut. one hind stocking. blaze, outstanding conformation. Professionally FOR SALE: Used Hartman. Taylor, King­ FOR SALE: Reg. Morgan stud colt. Bay, pleasure and show trained English and ston. Leeson Trailers, from $395.00 up. with white markings. Sire: Duke of Leban­ Western also harness broken . . Placed with­ Also 1962 Chevy 4 horse van, 1-961 Chevy on: Dam: Clover Queen. Excellent confor­ in first live winners In THREE divisions 2 horse van. 1950 Chevy 4 horse van with mation and disposition. Foaled 2-11-61. 1961 Michigan Morgan high-point champion­ new motor. Sensible prices. We deliver FLOYD WfEBRUEGGE. Valmeyer, Ill. Phone ships (Western Halter. Junior English Sad­ anywhere! HORSE TRANSPORTS CO .. Westmore 5-2445. 152 Chandler St .. Worcester, Mass. PL dle). Ridden and owned by lady. Price: 7-2333. S2.000. Responsible job prevents me from WANTED: English show saddle and line giving him attention he deserves. Write harness buggy in very good condition. GAIL GREEN, 8925 Jackson Rd .. Dexter 1, FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE: Three and Pictures. price and details requested. Mich.. or call Dexter, Mich.. HAmllton two-year chestnut geldings, ride, drive, BEVERLY DUSHANE, R l, St. Clair. Mich. 6-2276. F. STANLEY CRAFTS. JR.. Wllmlnqton, Vt. FOB SALE: Registered Morgan stalllon, FOR SALE: Sayonara 09870, bred to Fox­ FOR SALE: Two year reg. black Mor· dark bay. foaled July, 1960. Sire: Bay State fire 10601. due lo foal In April. lame In left gan stud. out of Lady Maudlne and Billy Elect: Dam: Bay State Classic. Phone: front leg, age of 4 years, firm price Sl,250. Burkland. Broke to drive and show. pro­ Coventry. Conn. PILGRIM 2-6970. Also Triowah 011292, Sir Trinandee 11069, duced black filly out of chestnut mare. Dam: Keomah 09067. a yearling for S750. Sl.400.00. TOP BRASS MORGAN FARM, GERALD WELLS, RD l. Shelby, Ohio. Huntley, Illinois. HU 3321. WANTED: Used two horse trailer. Must be good condition. Write details. Cash. Phone 4-2147. R. P. CHASE. 18 Fairview Ave .. Reading, FOR SALE: One registered three year Mass. BOOK - Elementary Equitation, by Fred old gelding, very flashy. well broke for Norris. Send $1.50 to MRS. FRED NORRIS, pleasure or show. Make excellent ladles 4401 Jepson, Ashland, Ky. performance horse. Two registered Morab FOR SALE: Prince Dollar, 5 year old weanling fillies. l reg. half Morgan wean­ chestnut gelding. Consistent winner in ling filly and one registered palomino hall Trail Horse, Stock Horse, Equitation and NANCITA'S ROMANCE 010870. for safe. Morgan yearling filly. CHAR-EL MOR­ Jumping events Including 3 phase and cross Chestnut mare, 14.l, foaled 1957. A show GAN'S, Divide Ranch, Joseph, Oregon. country. Fast trot. 43 aw ·ards from 15 winner in three states and a wonderful shows. BIBDEEN LAMBERT. 33148 Road ride OD the trail. Reasonable price Includes 156, Visalia. Calif. 1962 service to champion stalllon If desired. FOB SALE': 15 hand chestnut mare, 12 Contact W. D. SUMNER, Daymar Farm, years old. by Osage out of Naive. Sound, CAMP: Horsemanship camp for limited Moorestown, N. J. Phone BE 5-6386 (Area gentle for experienced rider. Well-bodied Code 609). good bone, would make good trall mare. number of girls between 9-16 years. June Reasonable. TURNER. Green Rd.. Bolton. 23-July 21. 1961. Write for details. ORC. LAND FARMS, W. Newbury, Mass. MaSB. Tel. SPring 9-6428. FOB SALE: Magic's Mr. Ed (Edward Ash • Polly's Dark Magic) foaled 3-31-61. Dark WANTED: Proven Morgan stallion, of FOR SALE: New and uaed trailers, al­ chestnut. few white hairs In face. snip, leading bloodlines. to lease or lease with ways a good selection In stock and ready excellent show prospect, no bad habits. option of buying. NORMAN DOCK. Bethel, for delivery. HAROLD ADAMS. JR.. Wor. Owner H. E. WEST, Box 256. Rt. 1. Parkers­ Maine. Rd.. Townsend. Mass. burg, W. Va. Picture available.





MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS NOW Accommodat ions Available

DOOLEY STABLES Reg. Morgan Horses Route # 2, Westerville, Ohio 8 Miles South of Delaware on Rt. 23 GREEN MOUNTAIN STOCK FARM

Randolph, Vermont

Lippitt Morgans enjoy a very high percentage of Justin Mor9an blood and are bred and offered for sale as pleasure horses .

~~ - ~~~~- - - ~ - ~~~~~ - ~~ - ~~ - ~~--­ ! Add,m all ,o,mponden, e to , I f Green Mountain Stock Farm, Randolph, Vt. t A Robert L. Knight , owner Joh n D. Esser , Supt . f f Arthur J . Titus , Train er t .._. ------~ - ~~~~ ....-.~~~~