Congratulations to Home Farm and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Colgate of Oldwick, New Jersey on their pur- chase of Broadwall Golden Boy! Under the expert hands of Jacquelin Gagnon, Briarwood Stable, Gold ­ (Five blues in 1960, and en Boy was a top winner four blues in 196 l l, and in the American Horse the National Morgan Show Association Shows Show (Open Pleasure , in the Northeast. Shown Open Equitation, and in an average of only the AHSA Medal ten p season, he has Classesl. He has been made notable wins at a consistent winner and such top shows as East­ favorite over all breeds . ern States (both pleas ­ ure classs in 1960, not shown in 196 l l, Farm - ington. It is with much regret that I must sell " Reddy" ' but with four years ahead of me at Wheaton College, Norton , Moss. , I will not be able to ride and show him to his best advantage. I would like to wish Mr. and Mrs. Colgate and her 3 daughters much success in the seasons ahead , as they have purchased a horse of many talents, (pleasure, trail, hack and equitation) , with a wonderful personality all his own . facqudute {Ja<?Wn BHJJJlDWJlllf HHJJl 3 Excellent Yearling Stallions BROADWALL BANDMASTER 13435 Parade l 0138 (full brother of Broadwall Drum Major) l Debutansque 06992 Broadwall Drum Major 11457 BROADWALL MAJORDOMO 13434 l Broadwall Maggie Jane 08604 Parade l O138 BROADWALL REVEILLE 13436 l Broadwall Mayfield 09000 - Prices reasonable Mr. and Mrs. J. Cecil Ferguson Greene, Rhode Island EXpress 7-3963 TABLE OF CONTENTS SPECIAL FEATURES Editorials ...... ... .. ....... ...................... , .. , 5 .fsfteis ~ Directors' Meeting . 5 New England Panel on Stabling and Stable Fixtures and The Foliage Ride . 6 The Morgan as a Cowpony and Mountain Horse .... .. .... ) 7 Variations In Morgan Type . 8 th£~ito'LS 1961 Michigan High Point Championships . 21 Second Annual Gold Cup Show In July . 25 Circle J Show . 25 New Club Formed - Central Callfomia Morgan Horse Club . 26 Breeding Short Course . 44 Dear Sir: Each year as I renew my subscrip­ REGULAR FEATURES Jes' Hossin' Around . JG tion to the Morgan Magaz ine, I think Pen n-Ohio Morgan Boosters . 11 of it as a belated Christmas present to Morgans in the Land of Enchantment . 12 myself and my many frie nds who bor­ KYOVA Morgan Association . 14 row it. I have been a subscriber for New York News . 15 North Central News . 15 a long time - since back when it first Buckeye Breeze . 16 came out and the subscription rate was Morgan Horse Breeders and Exhib!tors Association . 17 $1.00 a year and advertising was one New England News . 18 cent per word, 25 cents minimum ad! Justin Morgan Association . 19 Southern News and Views . 20 That was the classified ads -you could Circle J. Morgan Association . 20 have a whole page for $20.00. It was Pacilic Northwest News . 22 a quarterly magazine then. It was just Northern California News . 22 No.rth of the Border . 23 as today in spirit - interesting and en­ Mid-Atlantic News . 24 thu~iastic for Morg;ans. IT'he breed Central States News . 24 couldn't help but go forward with all Morgan Horse Assn . of Oregon . 24 the dedicated breeders behind it! Mid-West Morgan Horse Owners , Inc. 25 The Morgan has always been my Here Comes Ind ia na ........... : . 26 love, even though I have only one Mor­ Officers of The Morgan Horse Club gan, Johna. President .. ... .. ............. ........... .. ..... GERALD F. TAFT Northville, Michigan Yours truly, Eastem Regional Vlc:e-President . J. CECIL FERGUSON Mrs . Elmer Blanchard Greene , Rhode Island Mid-West Regional Vice-President ........ ... .... .... J. ROY BRUNK Springvale, Maine Rochester , Illinois Westem Regional Vlc:e-Presldent .. ............... CLARENCE SHAW Walla Walla, Washington Treasurer . CHAUNCEY STILLMAN OUR COVER 230 Park Avel'l'Ue, New Yo.rk, N. Y. Secretary . SETH P. HOLCOMBE P. 0. Box 2157, Bishops Comer Branch, West Hartford 17, Connecticut The Morgan Horse Magazine Vol. XXll January -February, 1962 No. 1 A Monthly The Official Publicatio n of THE MORGAN HORSE CLUB, Incorporated 90 Broad St., New York 4, N. Y. Please send all conespondence regarding subsc:ripUons and advertising to publication olflc:e: The Morgan Horse Magazine, Leominster, Mass. Publisher .............. ......... .. ...... .. ...... Otho F. Eusey Special Features . Em Pedler Circulation . Rosalie McGuire CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Virginia Banta Peggy McDonald Dorothy Colbum Loulse Beckley Pauline Zeller Shirley Davis Doris Borden Mabel Owen Ayellen Richards Jane Behling Gail L. Green Pam Sundblad Carol Chevalier Ruth Rogers Shella Cale Jeanne van Deuaen Pat Werts Barbara Cale Doris Hodgin Claire West Phyllis Nelsen Dorothy Lockard Mimi Flier The Publisher and staff of The Morgan Horse Magazine and the Morgan Horse Club, Inc. , are not responsible for opinions and statements ex­ This month we feature Sealect of pressed In signed a.rticles o.r paid advertisements. These opin ions are not necessarily the opinions of the staff of this journal. Windcrest, outstanding 12 year old stal­ SUBSCRIPTION RATES lion owned by Mr. and Mrs. Gordon On,. "!ear $3.SO Two Years SS.SO Three Year• $9.00 Canada $4.00 Foreign Rate $4.50 per year Voorhis of Red Hook , N. Y. F red The MORGAN HORSE MAGAZINE, published monthly except January H errick is at the reins in the dramatic by THE MORGAN HORSE CLUB, INC., 90 Broad St., New York, New York. Printed by The Eusey Press , Leominster, Mass. Entered as second winter scene of Sealect as a roadster . class matter at post office , Leominster, Mass. Closing date fo.r copy and advertising 1st of month preceding date of publication . Copyright 1962 by the Morgan Horse Magazine Are You a Morgan Neighbor? Directors' The secretary of The Morgan Horse Club, Inc. reported at the annual meeting that answering inquiries forms an ever increasing amount Meeting of. the activity of the office. As the popularity of the Morgan increases, man y people write to The Morgan Horse Club, Inc. to ask for the name and The Directors of The Morgan Horse Club, Inc., met at the Secretary's office address of an owner of Morgans in their vicinity. In answer to these re­ in West Hartford, Connecticut, January quests , a copy of. The Morgan Horse Magazine is sent and reference made 20 1962. to the "Breeders Listing." Those present were: Mrs. Childs, Mrs. Ela, Messrs. Ferguson, Holcombe, Kane, "Ma" Lockard has proven that our magazine is packed full of news. Knapp, Morse and Taft. Let the mathematicians compute the percentage of reading material: from As this was the first meeting since a total of 68 pages there were only 15 pages of advertisements. the one at the time of the National Show, when a new Treasurer was When this magazine arrives in the hands of a person just entering elected, it was very nice ro have Mr. the Morgan world, living perhaps in Missouri or Southern California or Chauncey Stillman present. It can be North Carolina ( or any other locality) he either will be glad to see a listing recalled that his Father started The of someone near him or will feel "out in left field," should there be no Morgan Horse Club and through his personal efforts accomplished so much Morgan owner listed near him. He either will go ro see that "Morgan for the Breed. We were delighted to eighbor" or will write to another breed office. have him with us at this meeting. The 1961 National Show was re­ Will every reader of this article look at the Breeders Listing and say viewed and fortunately Mr. Ferguson to himself, "I too, can help myself and the Breed with a regular listing." will again form a committee for the There is some person near you looking for a Morgan Neighbor. If you own 1962 Show. The rules for the Morgan only one Morgan , you can be a Morgan Neighbor. Division are the same this year as last, no change having been made by the AHSA. After an absence of a few years, the large decals measuring about 15" x 18" are now available at the West Hart­ ford office to members, as announced elsewhere in this issue. A small decal is being sent free to ' Cutting Horse Purse each person paying membership dues to the Club for the calendar year of With the thought in mind that the Morgan is by nature and temper a­ 1962. Members may obtain others ment a most versatile breed, the Directors of The Morgan Horse Club, Inc. from a limited supply as announced have set up a purse of $1,000. to be given to the first Morgan placing in elsewhere. the top ten cutting horses. Of course, to be eligible the animal must have Ten years ago, the February 1952 edition of The Morgan Horse Magazine been registered in the AMERICAN MORGAN HORSE REGISTER and contained 36 pages in all. Now, at this ownership recorded in the actual owner 's name; these qualifications are writing, 10 years later, the December effective prior to entering the contest. 1961 edition contained 72 pages; exact­ ly a 100% increase of news and pic­ The National Cutting Horse Association of Fort Worth, Texas, tures. Accordingly it was decided to says, "Points toward Horse of The Year (or the Top Ten) must be won adjust the price of the magazine effec­ in NCHA Championship Cutting Horse Contests. A Championship con­ tive July 1, 1962 to: 1 year $4.00; 2 years 7.50; 3 years $10.50. test is one that has an added purse of at least $100. Also the owner of the horse must be a member of the NCHA in good standing." The NCHA Unequalled in the history of The keeps records of.
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