Community Rail Lancashire Guided Walks Programme 12 October 2019

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Community Rail Lancashire Guided Walks Programme 12 October 2019 Level Details Date LevelLevelLevel Start/End Community Rail Lancashire DateDateDate of WalkLevelLevelLevel Start/EndStart/EndStart/End DetailsDetailsDetails CommunityCommunityCommunity Rail Rail Rail Lancashire Lancashire Lancashire DateDateDate ofofof Walk Walk Walk Start/EndStart/EndStart/End DetailsDetailsDetails CommunityCommunityCommunity Rail Rail Rail Lancashire Lancashire Lancashire ofofof Walk Walk Walk CommunityCommunityCommunity Rail Rail Rail Lancashire Lancashire Lancashire Guided Walks Tuesday Easy Alight and return Nelson, Victoria Park, Noggarth, Clarion Barley, Narrow- Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Easy Easy Easy Alight Alight Alight and and and return return return Nelson, Nelson, Nelson, Victoria VictoriaVictoria Park, Park,Park, Noggarth, Noggarth,Noggarth, Clarion ClarionClarion Barley, Barley,Barley, Na NaNarrow-rrow-rrow- GuidedGuidedGuided Walks Walks Walks 7 JanuaryTuesdayTuesdayTuesday 8 milesEasyEasyEasy NelsonAlightAlightAlight and and and return return return gates,Nelson,Nelson,Nelson, Roughlee, Victoria VictoriaVictoria Water Park, Park,Park, Meetings, Noggarth, Noggarth,Noggarth, Higherford, Clarion ClarionClarion Barley, Nelson Barley,Barley, . Na NaNarrow-rrow-rrow- GuidedGuidedGuided Walks Walks Walks Tuesday7 Tuesday7January Tuesday7January January Easy8 Easy8miles Easy8miles miles AlightNelsonAlightNelsonAlightNelson and and and return return return Nelson,gates,Nelson,gates,Nelson,gates, Roughlee, Roughlee, VictoriaRoughlee, VictoriaVictoria Water Water Park, Water Park,Park, Meetings, Noggarth,Meetings, Noggarth,Meetings,Noggarth, Higherford, Higherford, ClarionHigherford, ClarionClarion Barley, Nelson Barley, NelsonBarley, Nelson . Na . Na . Narrow- rrow-rrow- GuidedGuidedGuided Walks Walks Walks 20207 7January 7January January 8 8miles 8miles miles NelsonNelsonNelson Walkgates,gates,gates, starts Roughlee, Roughlee, Roughlee, 11:00 Water Water Water Meetings, Meetings, Meetings, Higherford, Higherford, Higherford, Nelson Nelson Nelson. 72020 72020January 72020January January 8 8 miles8 miles miles Nelson Nelson Nelson gates,Walkgates,Walkgates,Walk startsRoughlee, startsRoughlee, startsRoughlee, 11:00 11:00 11:00 Water Water Water Meetings, Meetings, Meetings, Higherford, Higherford, Higherford, Nelson Nelson Nelson. 202020202020 WalkWalkWalk starts starts starts 11:00 11:00 11:00 Programme 2020 2020 2020 Walk Walk Walk starts starts starts 11:00 11:00 11:00 ProgrammeProgrammeProgramme Wednesday Moderate Alight and return Bromley Cross, Jumbles Dam, Crompton’s, Affetside, Mum’s ProgrammeProgrammeProgramme Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Moderate Moderate Moderate Alight Alight Alight and and and return return return Bromley Bromley Bromley Cross, Cross, Cross, Jumbles Jumbles Jumbles Dam, Dam, Dam, Crompton’s, Crompton’s, Crompton’s, Affetside, Affetside, Affetside, Mum’s Mum’s Mum’s ProgrammeProgrammeProgramme 15 JanuaryWednesdayWednesdayWednesday 9 milesModerateModerateModerate Bromley AlightAlightAlight Crossand and and return return return HarrisBromleyBromleyBromley Farm, Cross, Cross, Cross,Stormer Jumbles Jumbles Jumbles Hill Dam, Dam,Closes, Dam, Crompton’s, Crompton’s, Crompton’s, Ferns, Two Affetside, Affetside, Affetside,Brooks Mum’s Farm,Mum’s Mum’s Wednesday15Wednesday15 Wednesday15January January January Moderate9 Moderate9miles Moderate9miles miles AlightBromleyAlightBromleyAlightBromley and and Crossand Crossreturn Crossreturn return BromleyHarrisBromleyHarrisBromleyHarris Farm, Farm, Cross,Farm, Cross, Cross, Stormer Stormer JumblesStormer Jumbles Jumbles Hill Hill Dam, HillDam, Closes,Dam, Closes, Closes, Crompton’s, Crompton’s, Crompton’s, Ferns, Ferns, Ferns, Two Two Affetside,Two Affetside, Affetside,Brooks Brooks Brooks Mum’s Farm, Mum’s Farm, Mum’sFarm, 202015 15 15January January January 9 9miles 9miles miles BromleyBromleyBromley Cross Cross Cross Hawkshaw,HarrisHarrisHarris Farm, Farm, Farm,Lower Stormer Stormer Stormer House, Hill Hill QuarltonHill Closes, Closes, Closes, Ferns, FoldFerns, Ferns, Farm, Two Two Two Brooks Birches,Brooks Brooks Farm, Farm,Jum- Farm, 152020152020 152020January January January 9 9 miles9 miles miles Bromley Bromley Bromley Cross Cross Cross HarrisHawkshaw,HarrisHawkshaw,HarrisHawkshaw, Farm, Farm, Farm, Lower Lower Stormer LowerStormer Stormer House, House, House, Hill Hill HillQuarlton Closes,Quarlton Closes,Quarlton Closes, Ferns, FoldFerns, FoldFerns, Fold Farm, Two Farm, Two Farm,Two Brooks Birches, Brooks Birches, BrooksBirches, Farm, Jum-Farm, Jum-Farm, Jum- 202020202020 blesHawkshaw,Hawkshaw, Hawkshaw,Country Park,Lower Lower Lower Bromley House, House, House, Quarlton Cross.Quarlton Quarlton Walk Fold Fold Fold starts Farm, Farm, Farm, 10:10 Birches, Birches, Birches, Jum- Jum- Jum- 12121212 October OctoberOctober October 2019 2019 20192019 2020 2020 2020 Hawkshaw,blesHawkshaw,blesHawkshaw,bles Country Country Country Lower Park,Lower LowerPark, Park, BromleyHouse, BromleyHouse, BromleyHouse, Quarlton QuarltonCross. QuarltonCross. Cross. Walk WalkFold WalkFold Fold starts Farm,starts Farm,starts Farm, 10:10 10:10Birches, 10:10Birches, Birches, Jum- Jum- Jum- blesblesbles Country Country Country Park, Park, Park, Bromley Bromley Bromley Cross. Cross. Cross. Walk Walk Walk starts starts starts 10:10 10:10 10:10 121212 October October October 2019 2019 2019 bles bles bles Country Country Country Park, Park, Park, Bromley Bromley Bromley Cross. Cross. Cross. Walk Walk Walk starts starts starts 10:10 10:10 10:10 121212 October October October 2019 2019 2019 Saturday Moderate Alight and return Wycoller Panopticon (The Atom) Colne, Bus to Laneshaw totototo 31 3131 31 March March March 2020 2020 20202020 Saturday Saturday Saturday Moderate Moderate Moderate Alight Alight Alight and and and return return return Wycoller Wycoller Wycoller Panopticon Panopticon Panopticon (The (The (The Atom) Atom) Atom) Colne, Colne, Colne, Bus Bus Bus to to toLanesh Lanesh Laneshawawaw tototo 31 31 31 March March March 2020 2020 2020 25 JanuarySaturdaySaturdaySaturday 9 milesModerateModerateModerate Colne AlightAlightAlight and and and return return return Bridge,WycollerWycollerWycoller Pendle Panopticon Panopticon Panopticon way, Wycoller, (The (The (The Atom) Atom) Atom)Bronte Colne, Colne, Colne,Way, Bus Bus SmithyBus to to toLanesh LaneshClLaneshough,awawaw Saturday25Saturday25 Saturday25January January January Moderate9 Moderate9miles Moderate9miles miles AlightColneAlightColneAlightColne and and and return return return Bridge,WycollerWycollerBridge,WycollerBridge, Pendle Pendle Panopticon PendlePanopticon Panopticon way, way, way, Wycoller, Wycoller,(The Wycoller,(The (The Atom) Atom) Atom)Bronte Bronte Bronte Colne, Colne, Colne,Way, Way, Way, Bus Bus Smithy BusSmithy Smithyto to toLanesh Lanesh Cl LaneshCl ough,Clough,ough,awawaw tototo 31 31 31 March March March 2020 2020 2020 2525 25January January January 9 9miles 9miles miles ColneColneColne Bridge,Bridge,Bridge, Pendle Pendle Pendle way, way, way, Wycoller, Wycoller, Wycoller, Bronte Bronte Bronte Way, Way, Way, Smithy Smithy Smithy Cl Cl ough,Clough,ough, 2020252020 252020 252020January January January 9 9 miles9 miles miles Colne Colne Colne CrossBridge,CrossBridge,CrossBridge,Cross Bent, Bent, Bent,Pendle Bent,Pendle PendleHigher Higher Higher Higherway, way, way,Key Key KeyWycoller, KeyWycoller, Stiles, Wycoller,Stiles, Stiles, Stiles, Height Height Bronte Height Bronte HeightBronte Laithe,Laithe, Laithe,Way, Laithe,Way, Way, ClappSmithy ClappSmithy ClappSmithyerer Cl er Bridge,Bridge, Cl Bridge,ough, ClBridge,ough,ough, 202020202020 CrossCrossCross Bent, Bent, Bent, Higher Higher Higher Key Key Key Stiles, Stiles, Stiles, Height Height Height Laithe, Laithe, Laithe, Clapp Clapp Clapperer erBridge, Bridge, Bridge, 2020 2020 2020 HigherCrossHigherCrossHigherCrossHigher Tunstead,Bent, Tunstead,Bent, Tunstead,Bent, Tunstead, Higher Higher Higher Trawden, Trawden, Trawden,Key Trawden,Key Key Stiles, Stiles, Stiles,Hill Hill Hill HillHeight Top,HeightTop, HeightTop, Top, Nun Nun Laithe, Nun Laithe, NunLaithe, Clough, Clough, Clough,Clapp Clapp Clapp Ree erRee erRee erBridge,dd Bridge, d Row,Row,Bridge, dRow, Row, HigherHigherHigher Tunstead, Tunstead, Tunstead, Trawden, Trawden, Trawden, Hill Hill Hill Top, Top, Top, Nun Nun Nun Clough, Clough, Clough, Ree Ree Reed dRow, dRow, Row, Colne.HigherColne.HigherColne.HigherColne. Walk WalkTunstead, WalkTunstead, WalkTunstead, starts starts starts starts 10:06Trawden, 10:06Trawden, 10:06Trawden, 10:06 Hill Hill Hill Top, Top, Top, Nun Nun Nun Clough, Clough, Clough, Ree Ree Reed dRow, dRow, Row, Colne.Colne.Colne. Walk Walk Walk starts starts starts 10:06 10:06 10:06 Colne. Colne. Colne. Walk Walk Walk starts starts starts 10:06 10:06 10:06 Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Alight Alight Alight Alight Church Church Church Church & & & & Church Church Church Church & & Oswaldtwistle,& Oswaldtwistle,& Oswaldtwistle, Oswaldtwistle, LittleLittle Little Little MoorMoor Moor Moor End,End, End, End, Jackhouse, Jackhouse, Jackhouse, HigherHigher Higher Higher SaturdaySaturdaySaturday ModerateModerateModerate AlightAlightAlight Church Church Church & & & ChurchChurchChurch & & Oswaldtwistle,& Oswaldtwistle, Oswaldtwistle, Little Little Little Moor Moor Moor End, End, End, Jackhouse, Jackhouse, Jackhouse, Higher Higher Higher 8 FebruarySaturday8 Saturday8February Saturday8February February 11 milesModerate11Moderate11 Moderate11miles miles miles OswaldtwistleAlightOswaldtwistleAlightOswaldtwistleAlightOswaldtwistle
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