PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN RECORDER SOCIETY , VOL . XLIII, NO . 3 M A Y 2 2 0 0 2 sheet music recorders early music flauto penta modern music flauto 1 folk&pop flauto 1 plus methods/tutors worls school recorders books flauto rondo rottenburgh modern music steenbergen music cartoons stanesby periodicals hotteterre tibia. magazin für holzbläser kynseker zfs recorders music series renaissance-consort cds breukink walter van hauwe renaissance jeremias schwarzer krummhorn trio diritto cornamuse dulcian shawm shalmei flute cornetti baroque flute oboe rackett chalumeau sopran clarinet Sole agent for the USA: Tel: 1-860-364-5431 Magnamusic Distributors Inc., Fax: 1-860-364-5168 P.O. Box 338,
[email protected] Sharon, CT 06069 EDITOR’S ______NOTE ______ ______ ______ ______ Volume XLIII, Number 3 May 2002 This issue of American Recorder is my 59th FEATURES and last. Counting covers, newsletters, The Recorder in Print: 2000 . 7 Members’ Library Editions, etc., it comes The annual update of recorder research that has appeared out to nearly 3,000 pages that have gone in print in other publications around the world, through a succession of computers in my by David Lasocki office since March 1990. Although I have A New Tenor for Paul Godby . 16 relied over the years on a wonderfully tal- 4 A doctor who lost the use of his left hand ented group of contributing editors, writ- tries out a new tenor recorder made by Mollenhauer, ers, designers, artists, board members, and by Paul J. Godby, M.D. staff colleagues for a steady supply of stim- Writing for Recorder in a Contemporary ulating material, I would be remiss if I did- Lyric Style .