Self Study Report
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Track ID: 1180087 SELF STUDY REPORT For NAAC Re-Accreditation (Cycle-2) OF GANGA INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION Submitted to NATIONAL ASSESSMENT AND ACCREDITATION COUNCIL GANGA INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION Affiliated to Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University, Jind-Haryana Recognized by National Council for Teacher Education 20 K.M. Mile Stone, Bahadurgarh-Jhajjar Road, Village Kablana, Jhajjar, Haryana 1 Track ID: 1180087 GANGA INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION KABLANA, JHAJJAR, HARYANA SELF STUDY REPORT March-2017 (Re-AccreditationCycle-2) Submitted by Dr. Geeta Prabha Principal Submitted to NAAC (National Assessment and Accreditation Council) Bangalore 2 Track ID: 1180087 Vision To create window of opportunities for value based alterations and acquaint prospective teachers to handle learners and global snag through harmony in an astute epoch. Mission To advance academic excellence and foster compassionate, self-sustained preceptors to overcome the changes of dynamic society and environment. 3 Track ID: 1180087 Objectives To prepare sensitive, empathetic, high quality teachers. To prepare professionally competent teachers. To prepare teachers capable of facing challenges of society. To provide hands on experience to prospective teacher on accessing and processing information in improving the methods of teaching and learning. To acquaint the prospective teacher with various psychological facts required for day to day handling of the students in schools. To inculcate ethics, values and modernity in prospective teachers and to give them an opportunity to apply those values to move ahead and make a mark. To equip prospective teachers with a sense of responsibility in teaching profession and respect for human values. To make prospective teachers aware of their civic responsibilities. Values Contributing to National Development, Integration and fraternity. Inculcating Moral, civic & human values among students. Promoting Technology in teaching learning process. Inculcating sense of responsibility and dignity towards teaching profession. Elevation of Quality and fostering creativity. Quest for Excellence. Nurturing Global Competence among students. Imbibe Democratic attitude among all. 4 Track ID: 1180087 Table of Contents S. NO. TITLE PAGE NO. PART-I INSTITUTIONAL DATA 1 Profile of the Institution 2 Criterion Wise Inputs PART-II: EVALUATIVE REPORT 3 Recommendations by Previous Peer Team and Compliance 4 Executive Summary 5 Criterion Wise Analysis Criterion-I: Curricular Aspects Criterion-II: Teaching-Learning & Evaluation Criterion-III: Research, Consultancy & Extension Criterion-IV: Infrastructure and Learning Resources Criterion-V: Student Support and Progression Criterion-VI: Governance and Leadership Criterion-VII: Innovative Practices 6 Mapping of Academic Activities 7 Declaration by the Head of the Institution APPENDICES A. Conferences, Seminars, Workshop attended by faculty B. Conferences, Seminars, Workshops organized by GIE C. List of Various committees and members ANNEXURES 1. Institutional Academic Calendar and timetable 2. Copy of the Syllabus – B.Ed. & M.Ed. 3. Sample of Student Feedback on Curriculum and Faculty 4. Audited Income – Expenditure Statement for the Previous Financial Year 5. A Copy of the Latest Recognition Order Issued by NCTE 6. Best Practices 5 Track ID: 1180087 PART – 1 INSTITUTIONAL DATA A. PROFILE OF THE INSTITUTION 1. Name and address of the institution: Ganga Institute of Education 20 K.M. Mile Stone, Bahadurgarh-Jhajjar Road, Village Kablana, Distt. Jhajjar, Haryana. 2. Website URL: 3. For Communication: Office Designation Name Telephone Fax No. E-Mail Address No. with STD Code Principal Dr. Geeta 01251- 011- [email protected] Prabha 239485 28351046 Self-appraisal Ms. Rekha 01251- 011- [email protected] Co-ordinator Rani 239485 28351046 Residence Designation Name Telephone No. with Mobile No. STD Code Principal Dr. Geeta Prabha 01262-272199 9466447540 Self-appraisal Co- Ms. Rekha Rani _ 9896556886 ordinator 4. Location of the Institution 6 Track ID: 1180087 Urban √ Semi-Urban _ Rural Tribal _ 5. Campus area in acres: 1 acre 6. Is it a recognized Minority Institution? Yes No - √ 7. Date of Establishment of the institution: Month & Year MM YYYY 09 2007 8. University to which the institution is affiliated: CHAUDHARY RANBIR SINGH UNIVERSITY, JIND, HARYANA 9. Details of UGC recognition under section 2(f) and 12 (B) of the UGC Act: The Institution has applied for Recognition u/s 2(f) Month & Year MM YYYY 2(f) _ _ Month & Year MM YYYY 12(B) _ _ 10. Type of institution: 7 Track ID: 1180087 a. By funding i. Government _ ii. Grant-in-aid _ iii. Constituent _ iv. Self- financed √ v. Any other _ b. By Gender i. Only for men _ ii. Only for women _ iii. Co-education √ c. By Nature i University Dept. _ ii. IASE _ iii. Autonomous College _ iv. Affiliated College √ v. Constituent College _ vi. Dept. of Education of _ Composite College vii. CTE _ viii. Any other _ 11. Does the University/State Education Act have provision for autonomy? Yes No √ 8 Track ID: 1180087 If yes, has the institution applied for autonomy? Yes No - √ 12. Details of Teacher Education Programmes offered by the institution: S. No. Level Progra Entry Qualifying % Nature Durat Medium mme/ Qualification of ion of Course Award Instructio n 1. Secondary/ B.Ed. Graduation/ GEN-50% Degree Two Hindi & Sr. Secondary Post SC/PWD of Hr.- Years English Graduation 47.5 2. Post-Graduate M.Ed. B.Ed. GEN-50% Degree Two Hindi & SC/PWD of Hr.- Years English 47.5 13. Give details of NCTE recognition (for each program): S. No. Level Programme/ Order No. & Date Valid Sanctioned Course upto Intake 1. Secondary/Sr. B.Ed. NRC/NCTE/F73/HR- N.A. 100 Secondary 499/27998 APN 03368 dated 19th Sep, 2007 NRC/NCTE/HR- 200 1197/2008/60093 dated 03rd Sept, 2008 NRC/NCTE/HR-499+HR- 200 1197/2015/107040 dated: 29th May, 2015 2. Post-Graduate M.Ed. NRC/NCTE/HR- N.A. 1207/2008/60086 dated 03rd 25 Sept, 2008 50 F.NRC/NCTE/HR- 1207/2015/107045 dated: 29th May, 2015 9 Track ID: 1180087 CRITERION - WISE INPUTS B) CRITERION – WISE INPUT CRITERION-I: CURRICULAR ASPECTS 1. Does the Institution have a stated Vision Yes √ No _ Mission Yes √ No _ Values Yes √ No _ Objectives Yes √ No _ 2. Does the institution offers self-finance programs Yes √ No _ If Yes, a) How many programmes? 02 b) Fee charged per programme 10 Track ID: 1180087 B. Ed. Rs. 48,090/- M. Ed. Rs. 48,090/- 3. Are there programmes with semester system? Yes B. Ed. Annual M. Ed. Semester 4. Is the institution representing/participating in the curriculum development/revision process of the regulatory bodies? Yes _ No √ If yes, how many faculties are on the various curriculum development/revision committees/board of universities/regulating authorities? NA 5. Number of methods/elective options (programme wise) 02 Methods & B. Ed. 01 Elective out of 4 M.Ed. (Full Time) 03Elective out of 13 Elective 6. Are there Programmes offered in modular form 11 Track ID: 1180087 Yes No √ Number NA 7. Are there Programs where assessment of teachers by the students has been introduced Yes √ No _ Number 02 8. Are there Programmes with faculty exchange/visiting faculty Yes √ No _ Number 02 9. Is there any mechanism to obtain feedback on the curricular aspects from the Heads of practice teaching schools Yes √ No _ Academic peers Yes √ No _ Yes √ No _ Alumni Students Yes √ No _ Employers Yes √ No _ 12 Track ID: 1180087 10. How long does it take for the institution to introduce a new programme within the existing system? As soon as the NCTE & Affiliating University Permits 11. Has the institution introduced any new courses in teacher education during the last three years? Yes _ No √ Number - 12. Are there courses in which major syllabus revision was done during the last five years? Yes √ No _ Number B.Ed. two times M.Ed. two times 13. Does the institution develop and deploy action plans for effective implementation of the curriculum? Yes No √ _ 14. Does the institution encourage the faculty to prepare course outlines? 13 Track ID: 1180087 Yes No √ _ Criterion II: Teaching - Learning and Evaluation 1. How are students selected for admission into various courses? a) Through an entrance test developed by the institution _ b) Common entrance test/Counseling conducted by the √ University/Government _ c) Through an interview d) Entrance test and interview _ e) Merit at the qualifying examination -- f) Any other (specify and indicate) _ (If more than one method is followed, kindly specify the weightages) 2. Furnish the following information (for the previous academic year): 20th August, 2015- B. Ed. a) Date of start of the academic year 21st December, 2015 - M. Ed. 29th October, 2015-B.Ed. b) Date of last admission 04th Febuary, 2016-M. Ed. 26th May, 2016 - B.Ed. c) Date of closing of the academic year 16th December, 2016- M. Ed. 14 Track ID: 1180087 B.Ed. - 197 d) Total teaching days M.Ed- 199 e) Total working days B.Ed. - 206 3. Total number of students admitted M.Ed- 222 Programme Number of Students Reserved Open M F Total M F Total M F Total B.Ed. 49 140 189 2 10 12 47 130 177 M.Ed. (Full 1 23 24 1 1 2 0 22 22 Time) 4. Are there any overseas students? Yes _ No √ If Yes, how many? _ 5. What is the ‘unit cost’ of teacher education programme? (Unit cost = total annual recurring expenditure divided by the number of students/ trainees enrolled). a) Unit cost excluding salary component Rs. 9091/- b) Unit cost including salary component Rs. 41683/- (Please provide the unit cost for each of the programme offered by the institution as detailed at Question 12 of profile of the institution) 6. Highest and Lowest percentage of marks at the qualifying examination considered for admission during the previous academic session 15 Track ID: 1180087 Programmes General Category Reserved Category Highest Lowest Highest Lowest (%) (%) (%) (%) B.Ed.