The Pledge to the Christian Flag

The Christian is similar to other pledges as it is intended to encourage devotion. While pledges to countries like the will encourage faithfulness to the country, the Christian Pledge calls believers to be devoted to Jesus and his people.

There are variations of the pledge because different groups wish to emphasize different aspects of the Christian faith. One of the most common versions of the Christian pledge is as follows…

I pledge allegiance to the Christian flag And to the Savior for whose kingdom it stands, One brotherhood uniting all Christians In service and love.

Even though the pledge may have unique variations from group to group, as a rule it stands as a simple means of calling for devotion to Jesus from all Christians.

Obviously the pledge is associated with the Christian flag, which has its own symbolism. Most agree that the red cross symbolizes the blood of Christ shed on the cross for the redemption of those who will trust him.

The blue background behind the cross symbolizes and our identification with Jesus as well as heaven, our eternal home with Jesus.

The white of the flag symbolizes the purity of Christ, our Savior, as well as the call to purity Christ has placed on all those who follow him.

Because the flag and pledge are not “owned” by any individual or group, it is subject to numerous interpretations and versions. Still, it serves as a unifying symbol for all those who claim the person and work of Jesus Christ, not just kids.

It would be difficult to estimate the number of children who have grown up reciting the pledge and expressing their devotion to Jesus through the pledge. Young or old, its words still have the power to unite all of God’s people through allegiance to our eternal Savior.

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