. '

' : ·'-.. , .'- :· -' . ' -· "II ·- ' . ·' ·' -:. ' - . . -·- :· . '\, ..• ; . . ''' .-,.,. . ·. '' ,, ' : r , 't .. ' . ~ ' ' ' \' ...... -_ ' . ' . . " -, t ---~ . ' .. -, . . • " ' •. •• .. \' •, ' .. ·~ • '· ,.... 1 . '-· - : ';, . ._ ~· ' .~ ·.• -~. ' ";"?· .' . ' ' ' ' />;' • . ' . . .

- , 1 ,.' • .''. 't. . . '" · .. _-, ·,,' .. - • ...... all .,.;.a-. ____ ...... \' .. ·, ... ·- ' ..,·. Official "1}.-. ' U.S.IA,nd Diat. I Pa),or · . ' . " -~~---.,.------. - .• . • r- . ' ' \ . . .. -· ' - :r' . . · ·-- - . - ·-·.- ~ .. '?!! I ::. ' . . ' NUMBEit 16 · j' ... VO~UME xv~[Q~q:r;~ ~ewa, Vol. 29) ~-~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~7~!!!!!!!!!~~~~!!!! · · 11• · . A.meri~a~·Legion News · · lndep~ndents Tell Why . ~. Pl~OCL~MATION · Mile•· Will• Win ~~ ~ Elbert .T. Co~ ter. . ~ . , They Support. NAVY"DAY _,_# . Th . '-.·. ·· .- · The4trielical! Legion and Aux· . _._ ··---- ____ .· _ If aurf?c:e appearances count ~y·~ft\C eatre • b- Mr •. JlllbE!rt T. Colli~r age 76 iliary of Be.njamin I. Berry Post ; - . · · · Navy Day will-again beobserv- for anythmg, and the~ usually do, ~~~~~ ! I' passed away at his home. here at No. U, held the_~rte~ular monthly The group .of ind~pendent pro~ Qd this year,throughout the Unit· Gov~rnor John E. Mtles see m s ~ ~'1f- ~ 4 o'Qiock l!l.at Monday oafternoon, mee.ting Tbursda.Y na~ht. Oc;t.. 10. gressives bead~d ·_ by . Senator · States and on ·board naval destmed to return ~ 0 ?£?~~ by ooe ~ R. A. Wlllker, Mil'. "" October 14. His health has been Following a short bustnesssesston, George W. Norris of Nebraska, ~ bring a greater !under- o! the great{!~t maJOrltt.ee ever I• 0 ' ~ 15Iowly·decl!ning for aeve~al lear~. a covered diah h,Joc~eon was serv- and MaYot' LR. Guardia o! N'ew standing of the policies and pr~: g1ven a·cand1d~t~ for h1s office. \' Mr:. Colb(!r was born to Council ed. Th6ae present mcluded Miss Yorlc, who have. orgamzed ~ blema of the Navy to the Amerl· The Repubhcan opponent of Friday and · Saturday I Grove,. Kansas,· August _1.7, 1864.: Lydi1.1 ~ickle~ Assistant Director movement in support of Pr.esident elm peo~le. . . _ ~ilea has n_ot impressed his. aud· ------'----_ ;_' H~ c::nhe to New Mex1co in b1s of PubliC W~lfara or N. M. and Rot>se~elt for another term, gave . From the time of the birth of 1encea durmg the compa1gn as Ceaar Romero, Jean Rogera Pin ' ;' early t;bildbood with his ~a rents Mrs. Boettcfler, county chairman their reasons ~or doing so in th!s the United States Navy ill 1776 having eithe! any great k~owledge Martm, _Mr. an? Mrs. J. B. Colher an~ of Public Wel!are and tbe foU~w· statement wb1cb Senator ,.. Noms t~fl pag~s of history recount a. re· of ~tate affatrs, ?r as .hemg pre- • I settled m the northerJl p!lrt of t~be members: Our Gold Star motller, made to the President: · of brilliani martial acb,ev· emmently qualified to take. the --- in ? sta~e._ In ~8~~ 6! moved. to.W_Jn~ M:r11• J!ipp.~ Mr. and !'4rs. Scharf, __ ''T~~~a_are-~o ordinll!~ time~. In time~ pf peace .t be place of a man wh~ has ndm1led · ''VIUA CISCO KID... s1nce tbat. t1. Mr. and. .. Conley, Mr._ ana . "In thlll per1odof cr1s1s, bellev• avy stands constantly vigtlant, ly made New Mextco • fine gov· A blend of comedy. r man c e, Oalts~nd ~ ~ ~as Mn~ 0 lived m the surrounding 'V~Cim~. Mrs: West,Ur.qqd Mrs.Gall!.leber, mg that the safety ot tho . as the first line of defense; keep- emor. action and suspense as "Cisco" Mr•. Collier was a m.an of h1gh m· ~r. ~nd Mrs. Nor~an, Mrs. Hob- States of America can best bA as· lb~ pace with advan~ing ac:ieoce Most of ~he Republican cam· goes through his adventures. ' tegrtty and always .ooked for the bte,Mr.andMra.Gretsen, Mr. a~d · through rlemonstrated ul training and materaal to carry paign in thts st11 te has been pre· . I best in everyone, thereby ~aking Mrs. Sheilds, Mr. and Mrs. Jtm strength andknownleadership,and oPt its major aasigned mlaion, dicated upon either trivial or im- · ALSO many friends. Greer,Mr. -and Mrs. Brown, .Mr. knowing well that·what was won · guarding of tba continental agindry charges against President "Actldn on ·lee" and ''Touch· He .Md an inquirJng mindt ~eek· -and Mni.Mo9re;Mr.11ndMre.li'in~c~ at the ballot bt.~x can o.nly be · - ove~aa poss~ions of Roosevelt an-d the New Deal. down Demons" ing for ,Jnore and more knowledg~, Mr and Mrtl. Walker, Mrs. W1l• 'tected at the ballot box, we ®li United St"tea. _ Few eople have been mislead ------a~d was ~eeply in~erested in the UnKham, Mrs. Carl, Mr. F~OJd upon. the ind.epcndent·winded vot- Therefore, M. u. Fini?Y· Ma· by the ~riea of "dictatorship" on Sunday, Monday, Tueaday b1rsger tbmgs of hfe rather than Rowland, Mr. Dan Loudnn, ~r. ers of America to aupport Frank· wor of the City of Carnzozo do th t of the Republicano nod B Ell D h. b t · · l d t o n1:w and 1· D R It· d H W 1 ' e par ' 1nc 1c enny, en rew, Andy those w 1c are r1vta · Hoeness, an ou~ w m • ooseve an enry a • hereby proclaim ~unday, Oct. 27 , r 8 till can see any danger to . d R h He did not unite w1th an Y younKeet members, Misses La- lace for President and Vice -Pteai· 1940 to be Navy Day and it ia d&wer oy in retaining President Dovme an oc ester, church, but, as he said during his Wanna ConleY. fUld Ida Gr~er. dent of the United Stutes. my ~arnest desire that qn said ~mocr:Jt at the helm in order · · • · in · • • • , illnC:SS, he. had accepted Jesus At~ large ~le pl.aced m ."We have ae?rched our . day the citizens of Carrizozo ~o- tb~~sc~e nation mny have the BUCK BEN NV RID!S ftGAIN ChriSt as his Lord n~d ~as t c r ccnt~r of the Hut, usmg as a. ~n· w1t~ the tra,!it1oo~l appr:ebens1ons operate with the preas and .w~tb benefit of his f,'XpPricnco during many ye~rs ago. H1s hfe exem- ter p1ece the Legion an~ Auxd~ury of mdependent-m~ndedmen and patriotic organizations in g1vmg the world crisis we nrc g 0 in g All stnra of Jack's l'lldio s h o" _plified t_bl~ ,ra~t .~o~ tEro~~ the o,y(!r_e _seJLted_ ~~t~ M 1 _?a wom_('[l al?ou~_t!. thl!~ _J_er~1o! _ _ ... _ ...... ,.:_ . _ !~w~I..Y Ellen p_rg~,_ wb«l. h~ .. _ ... _ yearn of b1s affitctlon lie wns a Etckles and Mrs. Boettcher, our Preoident. glory and achievements of the . N M . Jaelt o he~rt buckang hko a bron· living example of patience and Diotrict President, Rachel West, "In other circumotancea some American Navy to the memoi'J . Unempln~menlt m e~ e~~o cho. Ho'a off on t be gre11te1' kindness. Pres Beulah Scbarf, Vice Prco. at un are on public record as bav· of its heroic deeds and to tbe con· 18 at a nehw obw eve 1·d dur °C 0t ride in history I He leaves to mourn hw · passmg,• Laura Norman on d sec. M a y ·mg been ognmot· a t h1r• d t erm f or sideration of Its future' needs. tax rate ao een tre . ucc d . os . •...::.·., t. ALSO - bu wife, Mrs. E. '1\ Collier, two Conley. Following the supper, a President. . . _ of state governmen Ill 0 w .n • sisters, Mrs. Geo .. L. 'Hopping, Miss Eickle.t gave a very interest- "But if independent-minded G1ven under my band an4 the Tbose a~e concrete tracto whtrl~ Popular Science and Paramount and Mrs. Gco. M. Brown both of iog and impressive talk on child men and women are to preserve aeal of the City of Carrllozo \bla seem qUite cornrortlng a~d ncP.N__ cw_o_. ______California, a number of niccro and welfare Jeginlaturc and the import- the lipertieo or American demo- 18th day of oc;~~er, 1:t0• ~eptable wh~n com~a~c1 t,th th · Wedneada:r and Thunday . neplulwa and a host of friends. ant part the Legion and Auxiliary cracy dearest to their hearts they M. U. n ey, ayo~l k ~ollow prommes a~ 0 t u tarn· t r • '• Fuoeralscrvlcro were condurtcd take in thin work. After M iss muntbc rcaliotic in their apprehen- Attest: .MoZ1,lan Lovelace, cr • IDgR ot the Republican opea cera. Zorina, Rich[lrd Green, Pet at the First Methodist church Eicklen tallt, the meeting w a o oiono. • · · · Li>re, Thursday afternoon by Rev. L. turned intO a round table diocun· "In this crioio the American BINGHAM BREVh1ES What old Nostrodnmua,a necr or (' U. Bugbea. . . aion.anp very much enjoyed by people bavo two choices and ~ s;vcral of the ~oung: people 400 ycara ngo, predicted tbnt hno • • · ·' 1n • • • • •• _. • Mm Ben Burns, Mrs. R n Y all. The Legion and Auxiliary two choicen Cor Comnnderin Chicr. from Bingham attended. t h e ainee come true. The Grnnd "'I WAS AN ADU!NTUh!IS \ ' . Lemon and Mrs. Den English wish to exprecs their appreci~tion Thone ehoicen are Willkie and dance ·at Tokay Friday Ducheta Marie or R.u!l!lia teJio bow Zorina'a Jn both act- ~·~--~WE!r~ ~~--~ Pall bearers were: MeG9ro. and the enlightenment she ga~e us "The flrot choice is the answer- ch~r~~ s!;vi~ every 2nd Sunda; 1665, Napoleon, tho ~ntry of Frank English, Calvin Carl. A. 88 to Curther steps we may take to the ptayer of the utilities_ mon- of eacb month and avaeyon.e 18 the U.S. in the World War:· and _ALSO- B. Hudapath, Jack Cleghorn, R. in child welfare programs. opoly. welcoma to come. what be says wlll happen tn tbo . k'' E. Berry, Andrew McBrayer. Mro. Lou Fink, The second is the hope of tht> Tom .J. w. and Delbeo~t Hcf· ruture until 1999 wh~n he predicta "_~V~en _a ~lte_Ch~.b was a Stae ' Honorary pall bearers we r Publicity CMirman. Americ'ln people. ner, Aivin Griffin and B1g Boy a cataclysm wllieb wdf leave f.ew and 'Sug!ll" Wtnd • Measra. Paul Mayer, S h i r ley · "Under such circumotnnces a -3rd Eubanks have gone to work for of the human rnce to bother nbout Wednendny and Thuraday mgbta Phipps Vance Smith, Geo. Good· term is a relatively insignificant the Hueco CattAio Co., neadr El anything. Don't miG9 thio double arc Bargnin Nigbta. ' L k Paso Texas. 1arewe 11 ance b b th "The \ aon, Meyer Barnett, A. . 8 ur e, apprehPnsion. Under such circum· was given in their honor at the feature Y t o au or or i -Wm. Gallacher, C. A. Snow. stance11 we are choosing between n Pearson home Saturday night. Education of a Princess" in ~he i BURl Oft fU(L yARD Wayne Vnn Schoyck, Ed Queen, third term Cor President Roas'e· The Long'aand Spenee'a American Weekly, the mngnzme 210 Reglatered Here F. A. English, Clyde Luckey and ~ C.. A. PITAN & DAWSON ve1t, who hns the nal1onwss:lfety Sunday in the.Coktt b.?me. . . with next week'n Loo For Military ServiCe Dr. Paden. well at hand, and the unct>rtainty Mrs. Long and Mra. C k e r Angeles Examiner. ···· · - Interment wos at the White C Q A L of a first t?rm 1nr a, inexperienced vilited Sebool Friday. - Oaks cemetery, with the Masome· J.LOCKS & STOVE WOOD and untriP·l c:n11•lnte. B'mg b• m got a l1'gbt Satur• J Meroro. W. S. Norman,Heraan lS Mr. and Mro. Cart D. _onea 1 .. -~ ~--_l 'Udlg.e;:.cd.b..wldclu~~~-....a.:.._m.em~n~W~i~ll~u~n~lo~a~d~cn:_r~o;:r10 ~D;-a_:_w_s-on-=--H-__!!]WoCfJo'*-. •t-f,~-u"'-G-tJlfol h t-c~~~~d~~1~~,~~t:~d~~=~~~~ra:s~p~en~!;~~~f:a~nd Emilio Miranda, L i n o o n, ber, c arge. • - nut coal Mondoy Oct. 21. • . on the Jtuln:mc:nt •0 t e ma· LOttie spmit Friday. · day liere. They were enroute to drove to Santa Fo Tuesday to Floral cfterings wer~ many and Bu_v fro· m ...... and nave $1.00 JOrtty of the Amencan people. Saturday, in the Long home and Albany, N. Y. Mr. g·et final inntruetions and suppllea beautiful. ~ \OUA Today the best as!ltlrnnce of the · . d 'I' . . \ . .... :1' •t 0 f h A • - t . Jones willtake h1s ?ear1 Y ~ vance use on registration day. There ~~ .wr4 C()n mw Y t e · mencaneyo emi Card of Thanka ~Uf!e ht UlMmottve eqmpment were !}0 registered in dlstriet A, 1is a third term Preaident elect~d 1 k i h w ld' lfir ONE 4-drnwer (Stnndard) ta t 9 by the majority vote of the Ameri· 1 we wish to expresa our sincere They will nlso e n e or and 120 in district B.. aewing machine for sale. . . . in-ae£or4aneo with ~lttstiitu-· :tll&nb-to--owMrienda---an~~ Mrs. R. A. Walker. Mr. R. E. P. Warden of Albu· tiona) provision!l. I bora for their man1 kind deeds Railway Supply Men's Assoeia- Rolland and Mr. Emilio Miranda qnerque was in Carrizozl) Tuea- "We choose Roosevelt." 1and expreuions of aympatby• in tion in Cbieago. wtre appointed on the d r a f' Mr• .and MrBr Ed Queen weliB.I-day-and Wednesday. :our n.resent bereavement. board. and .M.r. John E. Hall •• here Crom White Oaks Thursday. _ M D S Ell'ott t to Ell Carl E. :rreeman, Mr. Marsh&ll St. John and appeal agent. 1 ... Wednesday evening the slPep· p raT. ·d. Sb wen Carl Albert Freeman, danghter, Eva Jane, spent Sun· ---- • oso Fr "" , ~ k Mr Jimmy Duncan made a ing quarters of the S• P • Camp ues ay. e was u ac-1· Rhoda M. eeman, day at the 0. M. Lee ranch near m.r. t.A;e Stry er, De_ mo cratlc Lo · J -· -- b ...... "d cnusing by her daughter, •uro. •~ d ,.._.. R lpb Pruett. d b - - "'"ndldnte tor Stata Senator in business- · trip to El- Paso --Wednes--- tat wer nntper ouu<; Caroll Stinnett of Alamogordo. w.r; an J.uft'.. a Alamogor o, t ey W£re acoom-,..... • . • day. · , a total loss. . . panied by Miss Maht:l and Mr.~t~e. 16tb dtstnct~&s a Camzozo ~~§-: ~::;~;;~-g=;:=:KlrMVlrQtJRBAfK==~2§~•§~~ Mr. Alvin Carl wu called to Eloy St. Jobn. • v1s1tor Wednesday. _.. · •:: YOUR BANK Mt.!3ra.JackHarke,rand. .. . Buster·&t.. Spriop Wedneeday due te ~ ~-~- ... ~- _ r ...... Wa!ker.returned Tuesday from 1 t~e death of Mn. Carl'• younger Cahforma. 1. a1ster, Mabel Wallac~, who bad For Your Eyes Alone been in ill health for 10me time. Mr. and MrtJ. Roy Skinner a9d 1she ha_d visited here frequently • VOTE _son and daughter, Mr. and M"&'1 atid her many friends here . a~ •

~---- SkintleL~W.ElrO here from \deeply' grieved b;pJ tbe~ _d!!_~tb of i -,----. - Angus Wednesday. j-OtlG so youn" and attractive. .Do you have personal pnpers which you'd like to keep • q -- • OLA ·C. JONES ln a place accessible to yourself only? . If so, rent a sate de­ , FO/f · POiht box in out vault. In addition to day and night proleetioll agaiut the U!U&l.iulzards of fite, theft and lo£9, Coufli1 sCHOOL Stii'SJUNTENI*NT you wiU have Attict PRIVACY for.ro~4!Jongings. The ,J COTTAGE OAFE Able. Honed i and D•penJabl• · cOlt il a lew .centll a 'Weel<..- , - ... n - . . i • - NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS ... . 1 ' t l t' t VOTE. FOR • • Honcat anJ Efficient Senle• . . Come in and tent a box without d6lay • ··· ·· Finished .Repairs . For Tli- Pcopl• •... LINCOLN COUNTY AGElNCY, Better Prepared For Servi~ on in· CitiZen• State Banko! Vaughn, I Stand my put r~ord Public Office and· on tbe Merita ' O&trizo2101 N. M. .. ·Thereohsk yoi.u' Vote on No•. 11. - Welcome- . . M~bw Federal 0.).)04lt laa~uc. Cerporatioa l'lill l'flilidt«f Alft,a,,.n~. . - . . ' - ... . • OLI> AND NEW CUSTOMERS ' ' . l ::!...... { • ' . . ' . • .. • ·- . . • • .. - --·- -- . -· ~ --- ' ,.. • . . I : ~ . . _. ·: ~- ·- _,:: ·,· _·' ::. -. ' ~ . ·, _,_ ),· . ' '1 - ., ' . -; ,-' ;.. ''-c- ·- I ,.. - ' ! ( ,, ' . -.~ ..- .' , .. . [· : r ' •' . -~' . . - . ' . .· I. ; ' \' !· ' ...;' . . •• ~ . . . • .. u_ ., ~ ' ., ·: .. ' ''," ", , I ' ' • •

. Made-to.-Order Miracles ' WHO'S " · Is Fashion Message I ( · The advent of televi1ion cre~ted quite." ni/#>:.. ~- o[· ~~~ fo~ NEWS tfUJt fdrpS o{ geniu1e~ /mQWn '.FJ tf1e rtzdi(J wor~ ·~ lpe(:raJ ~Jlelf!t/ ·'tlZ' ph~J"lfia~:;~';:J} :1i~:r!P:f':;::l~fa~t'B~"~! :~1e!~12:';~~ - ''umeen· audipnce" .wan'' to SEJ? that' p1sto~S~8 tl&o$e ~alloP._m& ' /Jor~u. These photo1 1hbw how tTJe "sPf!clal effecti departme,.t"t¢1cliS THIS de~~ ... Right: A grottp ~' ' of apidera . at , WEEK woik Tile me· ,, chanical in1ect1, By LEMU~L F. PARTON controlled by tho ' wires of the web, ,t',. CCoMOIIcllltc4 Feature":-WNU St!rvlce.l ' EW YORK. - Virginio Gayda, mernly ap~n their yarn on N Italy's official writing wrist, • • • penn o solemrlt' warning lo the t&ny •p&nn.tnll U. S. A. In an editorial In his pa- w1wet8. ' ·" Ed' • per, Glornale l IaI r • 1torra 1 O'Italla. ho

' Spoke•man Suave, tells us npt to i But P~tn Ominou• m 1 sunder· ' .•' ' atand the A Axis-Japan agreement· and hlnt13 ' that we're In tor bad trouble lf we make a minstep. '· I! Why Gayda should have been chosen lo do the tough talking, br I rather wr•tmg, for Italy 11}1 the:se • yean has been a puzzle to "fhlo on­ { looker. Not that htt doesn't do It Lejt: Srnolfa ., well, but 1t lo so unlike him. I met without Fire • • • i him once ot o tea party In Rome, ) a "burnin( cas· '' In the studio of o Brltlah nculplor. tle. Spec1al ef· One would have thought he wouldn't ' . fccts men bui.lt hurt a fly. That wan nnon after . ; .:- Munrmllnl toolt power. Tali, ellen· the miniature, CIJ'· - der. flllr-halred, with a oman, ollken . ranged thn "~ muntache, Impeccably dreooed, Goy· ' ploaion" with a .,. )t. ' do a~.>emed diffident and eager to ' common rat.trap, plfilst". Ht" wan then editor of II '~ · f and producffl the Mrnoaggrro, which had been a ,.______·"--~ ·-" 1molce from that S EASY to crochet as it ls love­ Glrongly llbt•ral paper, and he had Rig/it: lllit:kriegl cylinder in the A(! ly, this net o! do!Uea In the mode hill political otart In the gen· TluJ bombing of a corner. fa vorlte plnj!apple design' wlll be eral doctrinal zone ot Muooollnl's your favorite, too. You'll find \1urxlllll teuchlngo. military munirion1 them just. the thing for luncheon train. Cllarge1 rverc or buffet set. ~ Hut with the l\lareb on Rome rcired to tlw control he bad done an nbout-face with • • • board, rt'lct>rt• a lt'ch· Pattern ~ eontalllll dJreclltmn for !'lluuollnl ami was makln1 hit making dolUCII; llluutrattoM or them and paper dally louder and fiercer. nician'• l1ancl ollwlleo: motcrtal.IJ I'CliUIRif. B,end or­ There waa conalderablo ombar­ Ia 11iown Jet· der to: ranmcnt and 1hynesa amonr ting j/~em ofl, the rueata, u It wa1n't aafe for Eacla light • oewlnc Circle NecdJecran Dept. ponying 1ur hat to match the fur ot ' foreign en t{l .. menUo~ · 1\luaso­ bulb controlll ( [j'{)R drama and glamour, watch s: Elcblb Avo. New York .. ~ ... J:' iura and fur trcotmenw. ·lt in nn -one'1t ccstume. The wide brlm• ITnl's name, and theJ enrarcd a --,alvo of Eneldeo lD eenlll In coln:J tor Pol· the auave Gayda ln talk about cxc1Ung otory. Intcrect lien not only faced with fur nrc creating a nenna· tern No ..•..•••••• 4 "f1ombs." In the fact that the typca of. fum lh lion. art, ltoman ruins, tho rlorles of Na.mo ••••••••••• , ••••••••••••••••••• the J•lttl and umzt, and the like. une 1\M co widely varied but ln the One of the new mov••n In fur trim· To tluJ ra· cnprl.:!oun, whJmolcal ouklf·thc-or· Ad.drrCJJ •••••••••••• • •• , •• , ••• , •••••• Noting the olanor'o facile opeech, mingo in to elaborate the entire frqnt rlio nrulit'nco dinary treatment:J that dcoi{!nero ot the cloth coat. The geoture Ia l remarked lO an old St-ottlnh bunk· il loolt• real glvo tbcm. Tbio nddo a new and • er, otondlnll by, that the editor aptly expr<'o!led In the hMdcame - 1.1 rmousll. faeclnotJns touch to fall ond winter coat centered In U1e picture. The se,.rned hke a mighty omart chap. coat:J, cultn and even t\reocen. Al­ '"I oo amort for hiD brlteh~n," tuxedo frontn are gcnl'rounly furred mo.:~t cvcrytb.ing In bclng Javlnhed •' grt1wlcd the old Scot. Ono never with ell po!l!libllity of bulldncan re· Relief At Last with tur lhiB ccocon. Vogulcll long­ moved In that there l!l a fuli·hmgth would hove thought that come day coat cootumcn arc capccially richly he would be telling tho U. B. A. zipper cloalng. And ian 't the Illtie enhanced with tur. fabric bow at the throat clever? wb ere It f!Ot off. You can hove an much or ao Ut­ ForYourCough Pockel!l ore anoUICr of the fur A naUvo' df Rnme, he beran Lcftr IPllUam eddy, NBC'• tlo tur llll )IOU Lilsp on your winter them co that intflauco tho fnncy. An hJs newapflper rareer a1 central I etl!lemblc. '~•l)fg ld11o" In that It 1pulal eUceu head. adlwtin& t411:­ The example of the cxwUng poc.ket European eorreapoadenl for the in& fro& buill for a t~fcvl¥on pro. (;llU!Jt be oppllcd wllh cunning ln· Btampa,. of Turlll. tJe was In iCDUlly and a.rti!Jley, vogue io preocnted In the cootumc • . duction of "The Slccpin& Beauty." oult ohown to the lett m U1c group. Rus1la wlten tho \\'orld war ThD frog abo roll• Tail .CJYCI and Much In being aaJd In rcaard to 1larle4, entered the dlplomaUI!. the outDlllndlng lmportonce of brown The dren!l with lin neatly gored oldrt aervl(e there anti returned to upanda hi• clw.~t. fum. on block In copccJa.Uy lo of handrome wool. it · l'tteaurrero In J!)l!l. It wu Ia cnrlchco the handtome coat. of black l!ll!S that Cqunt Ciano, !llano­ oucde·IUto wool nhown td tho right huge pocketn or matching fur on linl'• aan-lo.taw, dlaeovered hit In tho picture. There in o eeneroun the okirt. Here lo a fur-enhanced penchant for omlnoua ana c:ollilr of fur. Tho novelty of the jacket ouit thot In to b~ coveted. threalealnr pr01e and made bJm fur treatment bcglnn In the wide Wherever lhc wcar-cr goeo, It In nurc to ntlroet otte.nhon. • tho natlon'a e4ltotlal ,.•wku· ooaver clrc:ulor"'CU1 ruiJlc Ytot rip- mao, a'• cdltor of ulohale . p!os ita wey down one s!de and oiJ No restort llO to whot'o what' In Uipplnus a Twhi D'ltalla. around the hemline. Dramatic and fur on the current otyle program lo All who joy would win muot exceedingly uwnnk and new in the complete without o few cnlhunillOllc nhare lt-happinerm woo born a IIILE n tolent• for mokcnhlh large bcaver·faeed felL hnt which remorko ln regard to the tremen· twln.-Byrob. W mlcht not rotc highly In o clv· mUody wearo. To complete thin doun vonuc that cxintll for opottcd Dlzollon coo ailed by deadly_ prccl· wealth of fur there in o matching turn, mont cotobly leopard and civ· alon, It hao certoln advanlngen In muil for muflo have been lintcd et cal. The younger cot in cnpeclnl· a democ-racy nmong tho "munt have" itcmo for ly keen on the apolted fur oubject. Col. Neth•rwood a!l ognlnat the foU and winter. An a opectator·nports number. the Why Let Yourself I S~~~z l;.i t".:;;:e1 'lllnJO!lt CC• coot worn the girl pictured In · • Ccrod lmptoti••r, ui1~r·notltllllt t:r.tl 'by . centric une of fur, the prizo tor ori{l­ the iru:et In a ntor ln the llnnament Get Constipated 1 Y ~tl No AP'&;:::~1"!? U!:!cn.l mondlng officc1e~r~o~f~~~~;~~ ------~-~--.:___ ·~· -;;.-==;:;::=-=-===-~4 nnU·aln:rafl l fleld, ludlrecUy touchcn off thlil tdCB. · Riotlt'ed'AccentS- · Falnic Combination Recruits for tho antkll.reratt fotcc• • ore t>.-earins odd oooortmenta of unl· New Styling Theme -sleeping tt;~:o:;~~~f:til};;;t' If in growing increasingly appar­ fol'm&,of tho lack of tcnttJ, and • 4- wtffioul cumclcnt rffiea or ent that derugners intend to make a 1 blg play en fabric combinations. The equipment. To tho wordcro, Cot~eJ Nethorn--ood l!lays: newer coats and drPs::en feature vel· vet ar:d now-so-voguish velveteen "Sllaeu, we~o aomt all rT1bf, They are ~ed either for trimming -· • aa4 I'm nre Uta& U.e 11l•artor• to?cbes or m fllty-fifty combination WNU-M maaten •m eatdt •P .oa U..lr wtth wools, velvets Md other ma· ! t\" cutfttUnr aoou. I drilled lft my terlals. . thrUst out ' ,, 'I dvlllalll tJoUt•• wltil I Joined Some doth toa~ hnW! tong reva­ •rwm r evct?U No )'Oil will neil• tile UMJ J.aella liM, •• a IIW ponels of velveteen down the front. er while you ask that question. ! i'. l nte atcer t ttalbiated tNm l'Of• Other cl.oth coats are piped or I le1e. I'm lflt'e the J'OUDI fel• bound WI~ velvet, aclding buttons I I Iowa nun nt ltere ., 1\lltchel covered Wtth matching velvet Very lleld dtlb't' ntblj lt' an1 more I unique nnd strikingly ntttacUve is 0 1 lhut t cUd." . coat of 11elveteen that is bordered 1! I' Colonel Nct})crwootl W{is each s.ide dbwn the front and open­ . ! ' ---..! ' 6Jrmlnaha.m, Ef!.alMd~ &rt.d~ ing w1th black suedt:!-,. When car­ ~- J • I ' dentnll.Y, 1M Enillah •~ ·idotl lm• ried out In . a warm maplt? brown bacl;.d ' provlzon and lnsUncUve pi'ilgmat• yelveteen wtth matchurg suede, the bacbche, ! ot too 'I lsts. Their democracy cnmc from tdea Is very effective. ' I ' adJu11tment nnd lmprovlsutlon, rat~ liP at Il \ 1 er thl\n lrom tho· ~tnnd pl'lnclplcl I ' • ot U:;e- e:i:tli'e~;;....-"C!l.stt. Howevet; I I I colonel Nlltherwood l~t no IIJl

• WlULJh\tf······· ..-· ..... f:ltt .-~o.r..,. ·WI Ntf:• ·~~•ri•t 4ffl&" _,.,...,,.. •• , . ' ' ' ' • , . ' • ' ~ • • __ hi" ·--. ---. . . • • ' -~ ' ' • • . ' ' ,_ . " .. ' .• -- -~ ·-.·""""'-'""""""·";,.·,,,..,.• .,.- ·:·t·•.-'*.il!!:'.l!!ll!.!l,!!li2.• alii' lli'llli··s---...-s ---.:...... ~~ , • I ""' ~ '!"1~•!1!!'.'•!)1 '• •• •• .... !) n····· •, ··no• ~~---- ' ' .... _ '"' ,c ,,·' ' ',' ' •- ''•'':"•·.:·,,.-·!("••; ~·:• -~·~_- ... ,.,,:• ·~"''•:·.,j''"C' . . :•-. '· 1 ' ' ~ " " ,... , ·' - . . . ' '' ' .,. . 1.'. • -~ . ... . • ' ' f \ ' '. . ·,, • .. . - .. ~ .. • , . ' ' . ." I • . ' ' \ ' ' ... ' , \ ' ' . . ~ \. '' . ":.'" .. •. ' ' . -· ... .I ' {. .. I . . . . . '". . ,L

• Secret of Greatness f

·• :-' ,.' attcr the . i~ is easy . ••• . in solitude to live · our own; ·b\lt the great mnn is he who in .Ruth wyeth .Spean ~- m1 the ·midst of the crowd keeps with An Qld.One , petiect swelltness the· independ- is don~ first to build out or to saw Talent Scout-l'm looking for . ence of solitude.-R~ph Waldo ' -~-- - .. din~ · projectionf!; Pad is --l\lso .. . . . --. ·--- . . .. - ., .. •, . important, and open &paces under .· 1r!f~e~~!;l4~n't -lrioki~ at me: ·r·~e . •• ·.. arms may he:·cove,;e\1 bY stretc::h· .. had this one for years," • · '. ing the padding tightly and tack· •• Jng, as shoym her_e. . The cynlo says that women live .. .• . . longer than ~en because paint b . NOTE: OlrecUorill for making tile foot· such a good pre:;~ervative. atol)l . ttfO h\ Sewing Book a. The hem· ~Utched ·eb~tlr set Is In Boolt 4. All ·the ' . .. t It .. liteps In lltUng ttnd mttklnlt ~liP covers ore NOUg 1!...... ~llustrate!l In Book 1. Book,lets ore :13 "He's a man of few words; .YOU pages eaoh. and will be sent to lillY ad· know." ·¥tress Upon receipt ot lOc to cover co~t· 1 : imd mllUln!I. Send order to: "Yes, so he's been telling me all afternoon." bUys Jomous BAYER •' MRS. RPTR WYETR SPEARS QNE day there came a letter Drawer 10 No Charge! ASPIRIN's Fast Bedford Rills New York "How long are yoq in jail for, · with a rough sketch of the old -~elief from musculQr rocker at the upper right. The Enclose 10 cents · tor each book . my man?" last llne of the letter·said, "1 will ordered. . "Two weeks." pains remove t!}e rockers if you say so, Nnn1e •••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ...... "What's the charge?" Address "Charge? Why everything's Mrs. 'S"i:iears, but 1 would lil~e to ...... free." · keep them." Well, why not? Take There is nothing smarter now than 2 Bayer Aspirin • things Victorian. Old oil lamps Tablets wllh a • with flowered globes are being gla" of woter. wired for irlctriclty so, why not _. ' ', . , ..; ·. •' ~ redesign th rocker along simple !ines? Co c'!r it with plain rep in AN APPLE A DAY-8ERVED IN A DIFFERENT WAY a nic:o sl\ade of blue perhaps, and (SCe Recipes Below) give it a matching foot stool and a hem stitched linen chair set all . Apples hold a place of well­ ered in .a moderate oven (350 de­ tricked ou\ Jn tb.ssels? deserved popularity today, for theY grees) for 45 minutes or until apples Here is the result of that idea have been widely \I,Sed as food from are tender. Remove the cover. Ar· No. 8768 is smartly flaring nn

--~ are smart; .for tho sldrt, tweed, is relatively Inexpensive? (Makes about 12 fritter~}) ·------____ ,., ' flannel, serge or corduroy, You'll We feature tho fact thnt Bayer A& Do you want appleo- for cooking, 1 'h cups flour pirin costa ontu Jc a tabltl, to drive or for baldng? Or do you wnnt them 1 'AI teaspoons baiting powder "IF MORE. OLD PEOPLE be amazed to see how enslly both homo ,tho pomt that there's no for eating apples or dessert? Apples '14 teaspoon salt halves of this two-piecer taflor, renson even for the most bud&ct­ would us!i ADLERIKA they would even U you're no expert.. Your ' 1hould be oolected according to the %cup milk feel bettcl'. l'm 70 and havo .h.ad it mlndcd person to accept anything pqrpose for which you oro to uoo 1 egg (well beaten) • on hand for 14 yean." (L. M.-So • pattern includco o step-by-step oew less than genuine fast·acllng Daye1 them. - · 2 apples (medium size) (1 cup, J>ak.) For QUICK bowel action and chart. A~&~. . • A good cooldng apple oliould be ollced) reUef from bloating gn1, try AD­ • • • l''or at the most, It costs but 11 Pallcm No. G7l!ll Is dealancd for al1ea few pennies to get hours of relief tart, or ot leaot medium acid, with Mix and olft dry ingretllento. Corr LERIKA today. IZ, 14, IG, 1G and 20, Size It requires 3 from the pains or neuritis, rheuma­ a juicy, 1lne-grnined flcllh. A good blno mtlli qnd egg, and add to dr, AT YOUR DRUG STORE yord' of :l!l·ln~h material without nap for tism or headache .. ' nod_ gel il with cooking apple, however, obould have ahorl·alcevcd blouao; 2\4 yards for• lonn• the &J.>eedy action for whlch Bayer • lngredlento, gradually, otlrrlng con· 0 alcoved: 11i :rorda of M·lnch matcrlal o dlotinct apple flavor. You nre, no atontly. Wipe, core, and pare ap- Counsel Needed wllhout nap for-&troiBht alllrt; 3 :rardll for Anpinn i!l world fnmotl!'l. . doubt, famlllar with .ouch nameo llD pleo, and cut lnlo eighths and then Arm.a are of little avcll abroad blpa. Send order to: Try thl!! wny onre and you'U Rome Beauty, Wineoop, Black Twig, know almost lnslnnlly why people alice. Stlr Into the batter. unlerm there lD a good counllel at everywhere prnlse lt. It hWI rnpldlr, {;rimeD Golden m~d Mclnto!Jh. by spoonfuln . into deep. fnL which l homc.=Cieero. • SEWINO CIRCLE PATTEilN DfiP't, · replaced expcn.,ivc "pain rcmciliC3 ' Hove you ever had tho and expe­ Jlflll been heated to 360 degrees. Fry noom tnt in thotl!'lnnds o( cnaea. rience o! baking nppleo only .to find Zll w. Wacker Dr. Cblcaco until golden brown (4 to 5 minutes). Enctoao I& c:cnls In c:olna for · As.k for genuine \ thnt they have remained hard and Vraln on brown paper and cprlnkle WHY SUffER FtiiCtieal · "'Dnrcr .Anpirln" by I. lock julclnC!l!l? Or dld you uco a vn· Pattern No~ •.•••••••••• B11o .•••••••• Its full name when you ·. wlth powdered ougnr. rlcty that W:camo co watery upgn Applesauce Douc.hnuta. f.,a.mo ,····················••••••••••• buy ... ncvet nsk for baking that you couldn't qulto tell (Mokeo 2'1.! dozen) FEMALE Addrns •••• , ••••••••••••••••• ~ •••••• "~Upirln" nlonc. what It woo? The Wealthy, Mcln· 2 tobleopoono butter Demont! BAYER ASPiRIN toob, Grimes Golden, Jonathon, 1'1.! cupo brown cugar COMPLAINTS ••••••••••••••••••••••••• Rhode Inland Greening or North· 2 eggo . weotem Greening, the Rome Beau· l,.cup applecnuca Dope Asalnst Despair • Jlsk Me .Jlno\her I . ( ty, tho Wincnap and Block Twig ore 4 cupo all purpooo flour Hope io. a lovcr'o owlY; wallc I till vnrletleD of oppleo wbJch tnoy be '1.! toacpoon colt e A General Qui% hence with that, and manage It ' used for thio purpo!lc. 1 tcoopoon coda ogalnot denpairlnn thoughto.­ A good dctl.lert apple ohould hove ' '1.1 teoopoon nutmeg ••••••••••••••••••••••••• Shnkecpcare. .i a prominent and clliUnct apple flo· '1.! tcaopoom cinnamon vor, mUdly acid, 4 tcoopoon!l bnklng powder and with a fine­ ~, Cream butter and odd !lUgar while , fleob texture. bcollng conctontly. Bent· eggo and DON'T BE BOSSED :: Here again you odd. Add appleoouc:c. Mlx and clft • may colc<:t the together the flour, coda, nut- =j """""~w-="-'•• ....J.1C.J..xrulJ1 ~~t!9_ !let a Diamond · ., r Grimeo Go en, tho Jonathon, the nut cutler and fry deep fat (heal· Rome Beauty, the cd to 305 degrceo). Qroin and roll neoc. {.( I Block Twle, or the Dellc!ouo. In ml.xture of powdered cugar and f' A bowl of ohinlng oppleo will op- cinnamon. ' peal to the children when they como J)lxle Apple Saoec Cue. borne from cc:boot ThcrcwiU be.no 2 CUJJ:l coke flour !~~~~~COLDSQ:\h~ or · need for them to ooy, "Mom, I'm ~ 'tell!lpoon aolt { hungry; what con I have to cot?" 1 tl!Mpoon ccdo ~lclzfiJ u.ie ws type of lwo-pieccr will be LIQUID T much In evidence on every .) The Wealthy, the DeUclouo, and the 1 tcoopoon cinnamon TAIILE!TS ' Rome Beauty nrc all popular eol· s: rooopoon ctovco OALVG campuo thlo coming cementer. The Annver• 4 HOU o•oPI The tailored biOU!lC ban tho now, l ing nppleo. r, tea\:Jpoon mace COUGH oaors 666 larger collar with long polnto thnt I. Invcrtebrntc. i There lo nothing more dellcloun 1,~ cup chorU!ning ~ than o bolted apple, apple pie, or n 1 cup llUgor flto correctly over your cult 2. Counterclockwloo. Tbc Shame ~ raw apple salad. but hove you ever • .... ~ t:··-"'A"•ftn) Jll!ltlee Arrlvu revcrn. It's made with action 3, Edwin M. Stanton. Poverty is not a ohaml', but the - ' ( , tried opple.!l in fritter bottl!r, or eom. i ~~P ·~'f'edk; rnbl.ti!l .ru.sth:c. even H slow. is surc.­ bn<:k, and hoc link cuffop like the 4. Phlllp Nolan. being anhaml'd of It is.-Thomll!J t bincd them with green peppero for 1 cup thick apple oouce Solon. boy fricnutll. Tho u'ldrt .(;1· tk:>itn ~. Ii'rom bnrk of cinchonn tree. Fuller. 1 a solad? Sift dry ingredients. Cream short· ;_. Here are Cf)~~.?tJCh rechi lhpes lromt ening, odd !lUgar gradually ond beat ------~------·.,_\~----o: jy::own~bJnpt!e~n_t1.ti..... ~""'~TC~enOlTCwr·,.. ll:c•ut.~o.hre~nE::o~f.~w~e~U.~~~~~un';'~~be~hn~ti:·: __----o. ,, cltlde thnt for variety in n d m 1x • • 0 0 0 " 1n recipEs when we plenty of we11. Add dry ln· d · ' oppleo to use. t nlle .' Nonre&lan Apple Puddin&. gre len ° r- • . (~t'Ves B) notely with the ~ • ··,. • •·· ...,.... d ·pnmn" (about 0) app 1e D nuce. . : .· .. $.• _;.; . • -' -.. ""'""' ""' \tlhei:l thoroughly .. ..-~·'<'" 2 CUJI:l cold water blended pmrr into • NO FUSSING 1 !neb cinnnman st1dl grenced loaf pan. Bnke In a mod· 1% cup.:J oolling water erote oven (350 degrees) for 40 to Tha(s how tnilk.tOUteforem:m "Tony" OR FUMSUNG WitH 7,.; cup corru;lorcli fi1) minutro. 1 cup cugor Apple Torte. Perry rates Prin~ Albert in ~imaTdn•s"' PRtNCt AlSER'h~ ll''S- - ~- tellJlVOOn solt CServet: 5 to 0) 1 tablespoon lemon Juice 1 egg (beaten) smokeS-mild, tasty, fast-rolling! CRIMPCUf TO LAY FIAT ¥,a pound apples (about 3) (qunr· ll4 cup sugnr · AND ROLL UP FAST -.~~~:'!~'\~ c~:rr· ""-lf--t~~~b~ng pOwder___ -- -+---~-&.~~;;;;;:.::=4:.._::_:..-~';_::+...-. ~ Cover pnmes with cold water, ~ teru;pcon snlt bring to o ooil, and stew until Cf)ft. 1 tru1 apple (about 1 cup, cut flne) Remove atonea- Y.J cup nut meats (cut fine) and return the Beat egg thoroughly and grndual­ prunes, stick cin- Jy odd cugnr, beating well after namon nrui water each addition. Sift together the flour, to kett!o. Add bolting powder timl solf, and foW bolting water. into the first mbrture. Add apple P.A. stirring frequent-> ty. Rcn~ove Cinnamon stic:k, and ----.....:===------1FEEDING FATBEn. • SMOKES STAY Ufl add lemon julee t:ind oppie!!· I'lace Has •·nod,. asked_ you to bake • in greased molds and clii1L Scalloped Apples de Lue. a Deep Dish Apple Pie, or to stir • (Serve.s 6 to a) up his favorite Chocolate Coke 2•.<. '"U"'"' .... ahaitt crackers (about lnte1y7 Ptobably bOt, buthe will, n " .,.... 6"' · O""...;Ce te .lSU:S t1::e cl::-~. ~fu:ts 2m (CI'U!Shed) red apples_·· on the mar_ket, a_ nd · ·.,...., wlfllr P:.A-1 (teJtf ~- cup sunat .. _:... Cbat~)" l:Jento~ " -~ teaspoon cinnamon :teels a slight tang of uust in the uya~"P.A.amokndrawaleoyayourw,.gotu·ollbf ¥" teaspoon liutmeg ili, he 'Will remembet aU ot hl5 I down-btU. .Apd that'a choice tobacco-y011 ean teU V4- teaspoon !nlt . ofd !a<;orlte!. Why not bl! pro- ltbj tJie w.telw "Sure enougbt ''Tony" Pony (rJ~) t iatlesJ)dorui·butter {melted) pared b1 having reliable t~sted, c:omc!fb.clt, llatJdl>tftlee Albert keep~ my!Obaeco bllt 1. ""'"'""' a·p· pie~ (6 a"'ptes) (sUced)· recipes of tlie ()tles he likes the '' . ..- ... ~ ~' ~>est? Mi!:s Howe's book, ••Feed£ •' down-Xcetarounci 70_ptump, pteauntamokn out · o1-ent}t .A.·IfayJI fresh tho ·* CtlP pineapple jlilce . . ing li"athet/' will give you just tin. Bestdn11! u snorn-­ • ' ¥.i cup mnrshmallows (quartered) such teclpes, and othets, indud· lnt• #tllkt,; ·('l'hat'f • tip to p/pe-failJ; tool) ,combhlec.graham ~ac~er crumbs, , . itlg "S.l)lttt.fibs WiUi Apple Stull· IJUgar, !Jpices,,salt and lfu.tter. Place m·· .,.._,, ...... ,.~ ...... te·...... • _.._..... d. "En·g~ . -,;.,..,.lit ...,.~;NY ...... ~ billt 'Of· the Cftiinb JniXtufC ifi ll Well• l!H ...uw,.a 0 _, W au - . 'Pdt~M Alltert ...... creased 1* quatt ca!$Setole. Add · lfsh .currant Bread.•,. You may half of the sllced apples, moistened secllte tout copy_ by Wl'iting l() ' sa· DEGREES ·CoOLER · · t ..... th • ~ iu1 Eleanot" Bowe, .919 Nottli Michl~ . With par· · .:... · e pmeapfJ e. ce...... _."'"'.""'."·~· ..... g... ,.. DJ'-'--'·· _... __ . '~ - ...... 30.U..ei .. With C::tiitllhll~ ...... cuuoc. "'""a u •nuU>, .,.,.... l•rl••. Covu the temtilning ~ .. ' . wt..a •••••t~•ut alii AUld· toP With appl~ sUees, J~our the r:~os!D~ :~0 ~~· in com •.. ·· .. . .. ' , li\Jilainmj Jbi~ Over btl. Jlnl(e CO'f.,. { eie~cS bX WUWtn.JfeWSQ:l!IC!l' Uaioe.) • ' ' . ' . ~ .• • ...... l. ,~ __ ,._,__ _,,..__ • "--"'- : ~-->'-!"-"" .. j:"'._.; ...... ;.;"''-~ti'""' ~-.:;...JJ.:.;:. •. -.J:: . <4-,-.: .- ~~- ;$--~- ~~:___, • •• . - ' • • . • • > . . • • 't" --- • • ' . • .' .

•-~- - ~· """ -- - -- .. -- - - • ' ' . : .. - . . ~ • I '. ; ' '. ' ' I ,.- ~• .•. , ,, . '•' ..; .. '.,' -· ..... I ~-·, '. "'

. I•. of Mrs. C~rl E. Freeman Published Every Friday - '. ======·c-:.-c.=-===:::: Dear 'Mrs. Freeman, has won r.E..!st·U ' ll:uterod nn Jecond·cllltlo rnntlu Jal7, tO, • . WhC;!n'You ¢an: y. .i Dress nnd Attractive _ ... ~ ,· - DtMOCRATIC - flow tbrough the land . •MA6E FACIUTIES E7e:pe:rt Hat Cleaning and· Re-Blocking We know Sne lived tht· ''Golden MANICURES . ~ Rule" yes, practiced it too. MI/RoC/II.flJ/1/ItJJatll Politiul Announ(emenh All New fqui~ment • (Do unto otbc.-rs, as you would -.. ___,...,. +}lCJ PHI· Qi) - ha •e th~m Oo unto you.) Latest Model Why •end abroad for articl~ you can gel: at home, Net bec~ur.e 'Twas a duty, But ,1940 Dryer and at lub8tantial aaving to you? N~w• Ada. that She loved us all. Read • :>he never f:•ilt!d us, when on H~r, ' fior help we did cflll. 2 ... :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!~'!L:~:~.~~~~~~~- ~~~~~~~~f H1•rs was a life of sPrvire, given OperatorS With so muth dwer ROLLAND's li~ We enj JYC J vwitin~ wit~'1 Her, we PRONE 116 Loved Ht•r Smile su · Dear, •· Mrs. R••il, PropdPtor I W111m she heard o! Some one wbo THE lJ-LDESTAND BEST KNOWN ' had SUJfOW, DRUG FIRM IN THE SOUTHWEST tihe ch~ercd them and wiabl!d ' tlwm a glad tomorrow. .. ROLLAND'S, The old reliable All o( ua who knew her, LoVl'd ' PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS. Her through the years, • J-'.,r Alt••rwy reo~ rrom all . NEWS ,.,_:@,.. LINCO~l.COUNTY ·l . 0 Of a ( •. J unrn. Jubnr, Her wurlt in all done. She JCat'o from 1&11 aorrow, in H 0 M;:;E:;;;-~ Fur l'JlOJIATt: Jt:JHi 1-:: 77 Mnrc1ul ('. M. Julin. hCnin~~

She hao flniQhed the work God 4 -·"· ~ ... " ·-·-·= ,.. -- -- • 'W. J. Langnton, Gl~n Dorrwtt Jo'or CIIIJNTY COMMISSIONt:ft gave Her tu do. l>iatn~t No. 2. 1'. T•'. KELLEY Set>.-Trt:a.<~. · Noble Grnnd Jl.,nJ. JJ · H~•hrrln. •·• M m. R. E. Berry, llur Cll I. N I Y COMllll!oi'-JIINIW, Oct 6,1940. I<'Jeral Director r1nd l•~r~IUI) Cu•·h • - - .• - ... · .. -- --· --·- --·-·- -TJiU\'fiFi'Fl"il' m·-····· ·-' ·-· ~· -·- "-"\Vtmtinmn!;,--·~-·-·- ~t-·-··~·-····:-··--·~-~ro--'"WI '"' ..,,~...,·~w - • . . . Want a ch:rlt, 'Phone 33 Rt'dolgnln!l, turning eufiD Order of Service of roll or & Wont a otlU(Ition, • • • sEg Prcpardness Program .. Carrizozo • • • N. Mex Want a partner, First Baptist Church DOROTHY CURRENT Gcnrcd £or Military * .••• Careers in Engineering ' .Want to nt>ll a (arm, At. 1\ nd Civilian Nursing Wont t.o o(>lJ livl'Otocl,, ·- By Ru£un T. Strohm ... ___ _ Want to borrow mont•y, Sunday Schoql 10 A. M. JOHN E. HALL Dtan, lnrnn4llon41 Want to rent any room!l, Preaching oervJce 11 A. M. C4rolounou h Coau • Comupondmce ScltoolJ Wn I111111 t 11 I I) (• Aft"r 'l2 Altom"" and C·~urwelot !\t Law 1 n ( ' ' f • .·••• •·J " n•nan t to cc II t own property, B • 1'• U• 6 :4:: a p • .,bf . ~., Tbe c-ommon Jo:ngl!!lh bln<'l:bl.'l1"Y, 11 1 1 110 1 ' lttnstt•r III rar· Want. to nro;er loat article!', PrenchingSPrvice, 7:45 P. M. Carrizozo Hardware Building-.: 0 yea~o 1 ' 1 ~9 fl~(11 ~~:"v:~o~m:rt~st ~:;"1!J'P~~~ve~:~ J}1~cp~:;~~ ~~;~oc~o ~~ lnH or t. II' ~>mr fltl'n•·y 1 a r· o· Want t·l oell oeeondhnnd furniture W.M.U. Wednen:iay orternoon l thonmmc!ll of acre.~ ot floe dnl17 lllnd, number or m'll(lnnto0 cnglnecro trom tion at Pl'UC't•. tlw Amrricun H• cl Ad , · 1 11 • , 30 p u Upgtairn ,·. th.. nt th.ons!Ulcls. ....o t,don.. nr_U ... bnd '? bo 2,(}G~ In 1800 to 1G8,0C!) In 1930 (' N n ..., ,..,w • • vrrotsmq CCCP3 c~ < CUflLomcro, c.:· • ·•'-'• · · · · .• · , · - ~ menna an ovcrcroMlln,.,. ot tho ""O• .ross t,l.ri:U.t!i1 ...c:';'., '• 9 .. ,_ ..iW 1!l Ad . 'II • t H_,yer me;.tt"nn nrodne1lday el'. • ' I iJ)flut 'ill on tl'l:tC'I•• i1 ~0 u;.':.t±ey ~.. ~ .,. bein". C'all~>d ror n<'liV(I duty wrth verll!ltng WI gam CU!l omero, ...... - ... w.: - v Cnrri:~..ozo, New Mexico tcoalon. !luch nn opinion, no doubt. " Ad t · · m k"" "'~" naoy i 7 00 p , llnn been Influenced by employment I l' 01 d S II f V<'r tmng !l '"'once.. ...," , en ng : • •u. condiUonn. 'll' ' te ~ tnl('t) m• tnry orr• o. Adv£lrlming begoto confidcnct>, Choir prnctire Wcdn(lt;{jay ev· ~!BEfl{iilli~~Tb~e~ro~ar~o~m~nn~y~o~thfto~r~r~~~-~- .. ______~1ovwg owHtly to meet t h c Advcrtbing-..cnr~l :G-·-bllGitlC:.tJ,--}--'eil !1f!..!7-:'41J-I!... r~1.------.}.(;•J-r-i:r:o~ro..--AaatDm ny~-t~•:')•-~·Di\.UjGiltTl~l D--VII'---:1'- --~ nuroin~t nrrd!l of a urowing Army Advcrtiorng nbowa energy~ Coalora Lodge, No. 15 much to~~~c:'rin~"~oml} of our and Nnvy, this army o( troinnJ, Advertko and IUCC€£d, L. D. Coebran. Pastor.. Order or Rainbow for Girls. econoll11() filii. CCi'IAiiilt If tho terlll l uniformed womt?n already io nn Adv~rtine con~intently, Meetingn 2nd and 4th Fridayn. Meeting dates 2nd nnd 4th ~ii~lnjfb~~'::nw:;:~:c~ h awerin;: tho eniJ to nntiornl de· .Ad'ltrrttc::~ 4lt btl!lt, Santa Rita Church ,., It, ·"~ • Wedner;dnys of each month ~ tllu $:mi~r rucr~ al11'0l7a f I ! .,d lell!le. Tl1eir rau!w will grow with Atlvorti£19 WU!ldy, - \",ortuy Auvl!lGr""~ nt 7 p. m. Will be open~Dgg for en- ! . Kathleen Smith, the progrc!!:l of conccription, nr· Ad ver tl ne now, Rev. Fr. Salvatore nnnouncm or present-day 1 ji ~ . cording lo military pinna. fly . _ . . _ _ ...... ,-DiiitWorthy Matron- next July, 4,000 nurn€!!1 will be ready to. mce~ n?cb emergcn Sunday 1\tru;:;uJ at 8:00 n. m. a ··· -· - - Mni'garaTEnjJrmo. Birdie Walker, Secretary. thnt to ~~l. li.I by t!:e Army &9 10 Carrizozo. . .. - More efficient hnrnccnlng JlO'\vcd tronnl!ort.aUon on lnnd. 'b · ' u """ 1 d' 118r and "Irs 0 oy C0"8 ET CHAPTER ~:&:.~~~~.ti:::!.~~&::.ll.!~~~'-t c~ and iil the air, untvernnt com· II sco who baV'O been cerving t b c nationa acnnter. ~u • •• · "" · .m. - mWl!rotion and tree ttclumgo of . - . peacetime Torce~. Cltaijjfilffi,lffiiluerrufd~a~y~. lm-l>Ve.fc-irl--to·WD--!a!st-Sat,ur.p~ ..--0-R-D--E.!lR~~E..... AS~T--ER-N--:t-s--.· ,_B_... · . -B--0-ST-.-IAN-~-t.;r:l~'\

serve. Tlt.~O Wunicu trained in llhto m tbo cvent,.o! natumat em• '"'"'""~"" ~ct..,!\"1 l·o· .·o· ... A...... Vbitin.,.6 Stnro cordiali1J invited . knmvlcdan nru c~"flUnuatty t!~vc!opo .,.. . u ~--"-"'"' - "-" ~ ru ., p· h .... 105 tn~r. 'rbG more. \7(! 1mow nbout the hospitalo throughout tho eountry cr~..,~c.,...... ---·. .. !ltc::whina. &ryiccn. U:OO.A.. M~··· ... _ -Mrs. Mal'bryBum!J, -w~ M. .... ()n..,. · · · · · · • • • ~· IoreetJ.attd mntcrtat~.or..tlature,. .tOO have mvt qualitlentiono laid down An cqunlty vital part of tho de· Evilni~ Sill'Vices tt:ao P. M. Res. Phone...... 64 g;t~~~~:~~~~ t~~:.:t,thU: .. !\ by Red Cross nursing nuthoritieo. Cenoc program or the Comi:l nnd wornhlp with us. Jeannette Lemon, Sec. htmum rncc. · ' Red Cross ~*W.WW:A'W"'wwwww More importnnt, they htwo pled g. Nutoing Seryice will bo the re- L. A. Hugbe::~, P~tor. - .... ~·--··~·~~- ·----=~- =====· ====···:::::·::;;:::· :::::::::::±::::.:::::::;;::=:.:.::::::::::;:·;::· :::::- ·:::·:::::;:;:;:;:=:. ed lbcmsofvea for duty On Q mo• CCtitly lltlDOUtlCE:-d · pfnn. to ttlllb c"~ . -=·-d ·-· ... r men,•a" n~Jtico in time ot cau.irgcn· ..nurses• aideo•f tn maior metro· Church of Chriat • I ~·' t~: 11}', wbothnr it bo war, dlsanter or ,polit!W hospiLnto. 'l'ho practica~ . . • . . . ·nf • epidemic. · bility of tho p.yjtet was doter• Elv1n Bont; Mimster LIVEL~ AC110N! ·· f !j Nntlonnl defense meanures be· mined when a selected gro~p · . • . Sundny Servieea ... I ins taken by the Red Crus~ Nuts-- \VtlShington womrn Wf!re. given a .ll•ble School .. - 10:00 A. 1\f, !' ' i i•S Scrvicc:-a Ito not continued tu' qiceiaU co~!so t:cr~stEitina ~f 160 Ptt.tlfil~s;t and Communion 11·12 · ' .i;. • I . ' providing nurscator tho .Army and h,ouraotleetures; cla9$•toom vr•~· Prelclung ... · 7:15P.M • !' Jtr r :: Navy, it·wa~ pointed out here by tieaUldd work undet the .. ·· A cordial i!l'Vitatton extended to . t . Miaa Mary Beard, national diroc· of tbu t()giatcre

national omergcncy i~ • vital tnt.• Tho mystery oHhQ stoM bench, . I .... ' ... tor being constdorcd m the current ·Another true dcteelivl .. murder · dttcnso program, she a."i(l. ·. alt~ey · by Mr. A~htori .. Wotrei For Sale •• Plana eall lor making awiJabJo Wotld tanm\1! erltnhiOfOiist ana • .. Stntk Delreiowi . . . St.®tlitd G.ootitie f!tarts FQt li.$ A . to the militatY forces, if neees«•rr autb()t:Of ••St'lcrots uf the l!rendt tll)Ul tlfi sttika-t'Oes with aJt the· RHt mu Sll'VIC. err· • APPLES 11 11 l'l,O(}() nu11es who-ttonn>rise tho lloliccu~ Dc:m.,t .mi~ it in Th(l ..ting t>f a lO .. .POunder f;fl:mg out A~ Mntiort:Ilu!t :PJtu:e yolif ltnet Here's r:xttA vatu~ to flnt r«~rve. 'rhc romnlnder (lr Am

• ' -~.. !1 ~ ,. . . JDI Paso Saturday· wbere she w~s · . · \ - · .. . tnet by her son, · Harold, wbo ts lNJi$4T~ . T~_ )) 1\Tn, r".t\1, • . 0 .·· .uiES . ·;,.,;. ::NI(~HT ~ ...... '"' Mr. and Mrs. Glen Kinff .~;~ptnt ~ttending .!State Cqllege. By CHARLES B. ROTH • ' . . .. ' ., ~ .) . · PE<;®AS~P~·· . ·) · t~e week.end here yisiti~B, he ' aob Re~pbill and O'dell' Baker \ .· NQT.JQJ.il ;pJi' ~Anl:lli<~ QN: li'.INAL .. U . and· each .ot you· at·e hereby n · ' d f b. · • · C · rent .Prices of things gins to sell more. As he sells more . ' 'nQtlllent• .vertised ~n your newspaper today It Is only the prmluct which l.s un· trying, 1 You at·e further notlfied that at said Mr. and Mrs. Roy Shafer and Jy underwent an appendoctom and you will see that, although much !advertised, wl~l!h has no established time and place the court will also dt>· To elect the lady we knl)w • family spent Saturday and Sun· is convalescing rapidly at her talk Is bandied baclt and forU1 con· mnrltet, that ebsts. more than you t~Jrmlne the heirship of said decedent, ia best, cernlng the increased cost of Uvlng, lcan a1Tord to pay. . tho ownership of his cotnte, the Inter­ ~ay i'l El Paso'vtsiting their son hon·e. the ft~ct is that the cost han 'goue Whenever you go Into a store ami Now you .gu~ the rest. in case est of each reoJlectiv«: claimant there­ and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. downward consistently since fran- buy nn item of ntlverU.sed mer~han- to 01' therein, the ptll'son m· persons you. c;w't~ hername is Jonet>. ontUJed- to lhe distribution tlicr£>oT. . Johnson Stearns. Mrt!. P. M. John!>on visited her tier Umes. t disc, U doesn't matte any lllfT·erence settle and close said estnte and dis­ ···A Young ,Democrat. daughter, Mrs. Bryan Cazier, nt One of the reasons for high prices , what, yon are aetflng ntore for your · then was undoubtedly the difficulty money-more In quality ami serv- charge oald a.dminlstrntor. 'l'hat lilm- h B , mctt Patton Enq., whose uddreoa Ia Mr. Carl A. l!'reeman returned her beoutifu I home on t e omlo with whiQh the supply was obtained Ice-than yon would cet u ~·ou sl•ent Box 763, Roowcll, New M(•Xico, Ia at­ to College at Las Cruces last this week. -the hazards and expense of trans- Ule snmc amount fer sonH•thlng torney Cor tho administrator. pqrting goods. ' whlcb was not nd,•ertlsed. Wednesday. · The man who builds a buniness WITNESS the Honorable John ____,,____ Measra. C. E. Sndth and Marvin But the chief rea!)on was that the on ndvcrttnlnn can give you more Macltoy, Judge ,2! said Court. nnd the "fOR IWtNlY YtARS I ocnl this o! ,. .. r. nnd Mrs. . Ja"l' Turner Burton went to. Capitan TuPS· cbost of thdeselnecc~sarles hcouldt not lor your money because ndvertislna • thereof, 16th day Septem· 11Vl' found ADLl~ltUL\ suttsfuctory!' 0 ber A. D. 1040. !u • • I sprcn ou ove., enoug cus. om~ enables him to give more for less. UL. n .. MJ.ch.) When bloawd with gl\8, spent the wec.>k·end . in El Paso day. . · . era to bring them at lower cost to Se~ how udverlining pays you eve (SEAL) EDWARD PEN!i'IELD all. The merchant hud to pay the day. ry Cicrlt. anno~·oo by batl breath or aour uta­ C';l Charlco Jloth, " viaiting revatives and friends. · cost of hls bustncss out of sa len to n. ' Sept. 20-0ct. 11. much, du(l to delayed bowel nctlon, . Mr. and Mrs. Bryson Corbitt · · · · · ~ • ·· -- try ADLimiiL\ for QUICit relief. ---0----· Get 'st TODAY. are in Cleveland, Ohio, on husi· Quoou of Dance• •••• Rollnnd'o Dwg Store. nl'ss. While away their infru. t !lllid THE WORLD'S GOOD NEWS Tbe waltz Ia to be tho moot ____ .,... __ .,..,. ---- aon, Bryson Kelley Cortn~t, is famoua ana conslst<'ntly popular dance ' wUl como to your homo every dny through with his grnnd parents, Mr .• and ln aU blstory. The orl~;ln of the waltll : THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR ob!lcured In the dim paut. In Its : · r...... j. READ THE AD$ VOTE Mrti. T. E. K<'lley. An lntpmaflonal Dall:r Ntm1papcr modern, gulcc It upJlenrcd In 1180, and ' • U ret:Ofc1J fez )'0:1 UiO VOrlG'a dOQO, CCilDituC!IVO c!ObJaa. 'l'bO l4cllllef .• "Acll ~u _ucbc•r. Au~ustln" lo ll:lld to ' AJlcmg· With the Nowa Ooto no&. Gltl>!Oil crlclo cr eeru:otlcn: pel !her cloqa ll 1;1:1lro ftltb. 4 ...... ·-·FOR ..... ----. • . bu~ c1ul.l-.comcUnlJ wah ~em. J'eMutto tc: b:l:JC ~~MI..Iha bo toe flrot tune w11tCll tbe wn1tt -- • ·· · ·- . . -~~--~"- • - w fQmUy lnolu'dlna tho WcoidOI7 () TomJ. Cook Ono, tlorao1 0 reot, Cc>h n. !Ja:.'!aobuoottl · flonoo enur m1 outculpllcn to Tho Cbrlollon ~!once Uonllcr lor -FOR­ • rorlcd or ycor u~ o~ e mcntb• 'a oo J mcntha P cc 1 ncnlh n 00 County Commissioner I)QtUrdo)' wuc. lcclutllna UoUilllnq Oc~lloo; I rtQr lll.Cil, I l&l'JU ate ffAtnl ••••••••••••••••••-•••••••••••--••••••••••·---

AddrtUI----S,.mf!l•••• -~ <:op, . ·······--·------oo fllq:ttJI


0 • NogaJ, N. M. LORNA M. SHIPLEY • Groceries • Notions • l•'ped • Dry Goods • Modicine Lorna M. Shipley in the Re­ , ~--- {,igbt Hardware · ~-·-~- publicun nominee ror the office • state senator (rom the 18th Dia· STOP AND LOOK US OVER • · trict, composed of Lincoln and · Otero Counties. She baa bN•n a resident of. OtEro County f o r • cltiven years. I•'our years n 11 o , ZIEGLER BROS. OFFICE Young!_ Mrs. Shipley pao9cd the examina · - •' .... ~ .- · 1tions for admission tv tile but · 11tnve ectn1Jligltl'ti nn ufiit·~ in nw 'li~J;Jk'f t.t':l" ... Ithe State or New Mexico, an d ldcncc Cor th£> tran~on· Capable! since thnt time she has been ac· nected with the estate o( Alht•rt Zil•gh•r and the 1 • ....!:!..~~!!~1~' law•. She bas always b~en actiye Mn. Nettie Lemon • in every movement for tho benefit Office Hours 9 A. M. to 12 He IJDderstands the· duties and . of the community, and her ex­ .afraid "pcrienec nnd ntudy of taxation isn't • w work at hhs job. 1 • Pnld Politicnl Adv. and governmental affairs parlicu­ ---- larly equip her for a legislatimo1

~ Read Rules .and Instructions • • ~-.------BEFORER ~--~ MARCIAL (. STo JOHN ~'I!lpla'Tf4tn>71117md at . . To encourage better sportsmtmship in bunting, we will gi\'e as DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE FOR ,, • prize for tbe largest BUCK DEER..kHied during the 1940 .bnnlinR lr.tttV.q;; tt3.;c;p~liBB season, a new 70 Model Bole Action ·Wincheater '!Cal\ber ·Optional', "" ...... ' . •••• VALUED AT •••• .. ' PROBA li JUDG( -- --• ------··· • Will iie ·Grat•ful For Your Vote And ·Help • IT PAYS TO TRLEPHONF.. You get an =-$61.25' • EFFICIENT! immedintt•, ..lpnh('n 1'11.'9· I>

J ., ---·--~ _rutcontestailtslDtlst-.tle-tJuly~~registered.at- -oUr-. ·St-OfS---OD---Oii!-1- ~ ~ ------.. [IJ • • be(Ote. o'clock P. M., Oct. 1940. " IMPARTIAL! 6 31~ H you lulVc a youngster away at school, [2] A registratiort IM of 50e will be charged. . • • Polltlu!Ad?ctll:amont PAid Pe2 By Prltnda ol Mt. Marcial. C.. St. John . enjoy a telctJ1wnc visit every _\vcek or so. [3] No contestfint will be reet>gnized unless duly q!gistered. a tbvc'e minute two {4) Bnl!k mwt hs regally kinted during the IMO opert hu~ting ln: con...:crsatiort peo- ·

settson ami-weighed at F. E. Richard's Ft>ed ~to~e in .9atti• . "-' ~--- 1>1e cun cxchuugf.l over 300 '!ot•ds• . ~zo, N•. M.ton or b~tor~.6-'p~cl6ckJP. ~- Np't.. l~, 1940. _ All records <>f weigbtg will ~&kept bt·F.;:m•~ Richard. and the -·• (51· (!ortt'llstant large~t·buck in: 1\ftl!r co-operation· ftr ·Tbe Whole People For rates to an.y totvn, • posseSsing the :t'ritn•l y;efgbt, 'c insides, heart, liver and lungs nave been reiriDved, · will . be • VOTE FOR ;use asf, the operator 0 givert as a prize, the above d'eseribl!!) ,tjfle. · •' .,. I George T. McWhirter • ·Signed and approved by: •. • ' Republican Candidate for State Senator -! •• MOUltl'AINAllt., NEW MEXICO • • ·:Joh.n W~ ·'Harkey , . - ' . Owne»' of Harkey Lu~J;Mr C9., l)~ill•r• fn .. YOUR ·HOME MERCHANTS " . • 15th Distriu ' · llatdwa.-~ Spotting· Cooda. and Ammufiltion-. ·.ASK YOU .TO "BUY. AT HOME~ 1 . .. ' • -- ' · · . Cmizoz"". . .,., N.:.. ·M. • • • .. • • • I • • . ' • ---·~- ~- ~ - ___ , - _,__ - ••c • --. ---- -~ ~~------,-."--$..._~ - -- . ·-,- ~----""----· - --·· ·------,---- __._...______--- • . -· - - -' - _____ ... -~-~- -··- -···--·.:"-----~-~----·-: ' .. • • • ' •' . . • ' .' • . • ' ' • • ' ' . . ' ' ,i: ' '.

' ' ,~ .~ • ' lnten~ive Preparations lnsur~ ' hy11 Army . -Proper Accommudatiofis_ :... •· · ··

By FRANK M. DAVIS 1. IReleaced by Weatern Newcpaper Unton.J ASHINGTON, O. C.-Adea ' . W quacy in the provision of ' shelter, hospital, and sanita­ 1 tion facilities is the keynote in 1 army preparations for the In­ duction of selectees made avail- , abl~ for military sl.'rvlce by the Burke-Wadsworth Act. r Both the National Guard and · the selective servicl.' inductees will be brought into tho federal service by increments, in order that full preparations may b(' made prior to their Induction. ' By the time any partlcular group is brought in,' nil ·neccs­ sury construction will have b{•en • A typical army f'amp to whic/J compll•ted and ndl•qunte raclli­ .... ._.,.,...... ~ ~ . ,.,. -·-- -·-·-...-- ... ~ ...... ~~-~.. ~--':-1 ~eoplzyte·ll~ltlil'r~ be a•6isncd ties provided to insure healthful mar , ., t • ~ • • : ._, ---+-·. -. • --~·-· ...... --;---- -···'"';• __ , ___ ,_ , ... ---.. ~· ~~ u Camp D;x, N. prctJired a/Jove, .~ and comfortable living condl· J .. . . - l .. ' 1 , ·,~ 1 w!lich wa• a lralnlng base tluring ·' tlons. ~; I tlw World war. l~xtt•n11ive conatruc­ .· ·. . ' .J •] ' .•. This principle will apply par­ tion war/, i• bt•in& carried on ;,. ,, ' I tiCularly in regard to clothing tlli11 aml 11lmilar army .. camp:s 00'1 ,,, - ' and hospital equipment. The tlirouslwut tiJe country 110 that fa· A re9ent p;cture of Gon. Charlea de G~&ulle (rl~ht), leader of "Free Air Chlet Marshal Sir Dugla preat;>nt War Department pro­ cilitit•• for homing t1lc oon&r.ript• France," and Brlg, Gen. E. L. Speara, who has been acting aa llason Dowding, boss of Brlt~&ln's air flrht­ l curement objectives Will also will be adt!CJifate when tile injtux omcer between Do Gaulle !lD!l the BrUhlh .rc:~vcrnmcnt. These two men er commllnd. .lllarshal Dowdln~ Is have ta'ken tile brunt of the blame tor the IU-fated DllVal expedition ' ! tnsur~ a sufficient amount of bt•ginl. Right-"C'' llatrcry of tlw the unsung hero of Brltaln'IJ. aU. 68th Coa1t Artillery .maneuver an ag11lnst DakJU', French colony b.t Afrlc:a. resistance to the N~&zls In the atr. mnt~rlal so that the training vf anti-alrcra/t !fun at Pot11tlam, N. Y. ------. ------·------tlw new troops can be conduct­ Comcripts will bo in1tructed in tlw f'd on the In test and most mod­ manipulation of •uriJ weapow Named T~~porary Draft Director Re-Writes Laws, l'rn 1•qulpm{•nt. llntler tlw army'• training program. The sclectlvl' lll'rvlc~ system of mobilizing the manpower of board will 1111 the quota by cnlllng onrJ nosembllng the neceonnry num· : ' thl' nu lion In Clllll' of an emer- ber ot r"'ulatrnntn In the order that i gl•ncy has bcl•n n subject of con· their rcgiQtrntlon numbcro oro tlnuoun!ltudy Blnce tht• last war. drown by lot In Wnuh!ngton-;provld· Thl' ldC'a of yplectlve service ed, of courne, that the men have man'n oge, blrthplq.eo, home, par­ which wnn put into eflect at that been clllDoltled no ovollnble for lm· entrJ, dcpendentrJ, and education. It liml' proved to be rwund, ond Btnce mcdiolo mllltor.y nervlc~.- The lqeol wtU bet ncccrtalnedwhottoreignitmo board will give each man o phyol· gual.leD he upeolw, It any; It will bo thrn nil plann havr bl!rn duvotl'd to col l'XDmlnaUon and will actcpt for determined what worlt he hllD dono nrnontlung out thl' wrmklco and Immediate ncrvlec only thonc who In clvU Ute; and what prcvloun mill· rnnk1nu minor lmprovrrnentn In the arc phynlcolly nt. tory oxporlence he may have hod. nynwrn Before they arc ooolgned to army If ho oppearo to have been ll tralnetl The prm·url'rnl'nt uf the monpowl'r. unitrJ, U1e oclcctoeo will so through opeclollot in como branch of a clvU outhorlzl'll by thl' Burltc-Wodoworth a careful norllng and celccUna proc- trade, that tact wUI be noted. He Dl't In undr•r thl' l'nntrol of u1e dl· con. During the World war. betoro wiU be given on opllOrtunlty to ex• rl'ctor of nl'lrcttvc nl'rvlce oppolntt>d th c pro bl l'm ot cor ll na manpower Preoo hla choice In athletlco, hob- by the Prl'oldt•nt. Thl' director han woo so I ve d • conn ld era bl e tl me and bleo, · and tho nature of service he. t>ffort were wooled becaune men dcolreo. Thlo lnlormotlon will glvo cntabllnhl.'d n notJOnnl ht•ndqunrtern wert> not properly dlotrlbuted among o clear picture ot the mnn'o oultobU· and workn throuuh the govornorn of the unllo In accordance with their lty tor any particular military as­ lite ntntt•n, who hav" appointed lo. military quolltlcotlono. For lnot.anco, olgnmcnt. - • c-al boordo componcd of clvlllnno- one dlvlolon wao disrupted ao many Remain Three Da71. President .Roosevelt has rlven Lieut. Col, Lewis B. Dershe7 power to Sam Bass \Varner. professor of one board for npproxlmntl'ly every on four limen by the trannfer of men Tho colectcco wUI remain at the carr)' ora admlnJstratlon of the selective service S)'stem, peDdlra~ deaiJJU· crlmlrual .Jaw at Harvard, Is rewrlt­ 30,000 pcoplt>. Thl'ce local boor do of certain quollflcollono to other or· reception center only long enough to Uora of draft diJ'ector. Photo ahowa (L, to R.) Lieutenant Henhe7, 'Z'tlajor lnr the v. s. sabotare laws with tbe arc t•hnrllt'd prlmorlly'wlth the dnG- gnnlzallono. Tho confusion and looa be oorted and cloooif)ed, which, It Ia Ben B. Powell, chlet of\ man power dlvblon and !\laj. Chaunee7 Parker, co-operation of the department of IUflcallon nnd l'Xomtnnllon of rcgto· of time couoed by failure to cort out anticipated, will on on ov- chief bt the flraance and suppl7 dJvlslon. jU!Jtfce. ·• · ~.... ~ .. ~~·---~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~,+~~;~~~~~b~c~fo~r~c~n~~~o~la~n~m~cn~t~d~ur~m:gu.t~~~~~~~~~~~~::_:~~-~~~·=---~~~~~=-~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~~~~~~~~m·~~~~~~~~~~~,~·~,=d~=, fJf oucl\ ment of connldcroble Importance to There ore two poonlblo oyotcms bonrdo who ore fnmlllar wllh local thlo phooe of Induction at tho prco- by which tho oelccteeo might be f'Ondltlono. who, In fort, oro neleJI· cnt Umo. Under the oclectlvo ocrv· trained by tho already exlotlng born· of tht> rrglotrnntn, ore much leo net, o hetcrogeneoWJ ao:::or.lq~ent unltrJ. One would be to dlnirlbute better quollOl'd than ony ol11cr ocen· of manpower will be received by the them at once throughout the vorloU!J American Labor Looks Ahead cy to cl=tty and judao tho lndl- mmy. Tlte accomplishment f>f tho amoll organlz.atlons; ~mpnnles, bat­ • ' T • Noted Author vlduoln who should be oclectcd llD oortlng proceM bcfor(l tho Dll!llgn- tcrtco, etc., and have them aboorb • the rrprl'll<'ntoll\'Cil of their commu· ment of the men to organl%atlons the tundnmenU!I!l, working oldo by Wert. WHII of nltlcn 1n thc army. Till' knowledge wUI JUt a great burden from the toe- Bide with tho older men. Tho other Ac:<:::.:.La:b which the ntt'mht'ro of thm;o bonrdo tical unltrJ which nrc concerned prJ. oyotem would be to ocgregote them morl1" with trn'-ln" ""A""cquently more or lcos under centralized ,..,n- have of each lndlvlduol'o ntatuo ao the local.., boardw wiU •· ocnd""'"""' tha group• trol while they ore put through ""'tho to dcJH!ndentrJ, hln work or profco- of oclccteeo It hll!l oascmbled, not lntenolve period of training In tho alon, and hln health, will go fnr to- to on army training camp, but to tundomcnwls under tho nuperviBion ward lnnurlng n folr and dc:mocratlc on mductlon station, of speclall,y qunlUled lnotructol'l!. • o~ro.U'l:'l d \i'io IJ,Yotom. tuducUora StaUona lmportant.• 'Tho Wru' department 'bas mado a I , •-ttl stat careful otudy of the matter pnrtlcu· •u"·m1 n equ.. on• . The basic purpo•a of an lnducUon u. " larly In the light of tho developments Th c army tlrot cxorciDc!l direct In- ototlon Is to glva a detailed physl· of tho European wnr and ·"•n~u... 1 ~n~l' 1 ~e~u1~n~dcur~1t1thl1ccrnlonculc_c1t1nlvi~o--~oc01rrvlrnlc~o~ 1-~c~al~o;Wx1 t.orm~lnn,ffintlon ~to~~~~;~~~~i-~~~~~~th~a~t~th~c~Jn:t~~~r~~~~~t:-~~~~~ \,_ •totes for quotan ot men to fill rwc:ca- !o~eoerrve.,clce_ep_b:n·· Jln"""'-r~:i~p!e ciri~uof .ore thoroughly. .in .tOO - -.- anry military requll'1.'mentrJ oo de- ••0 u• uu '"" - u' ..- futtda:m cntols-is far nupcrlor. tvrmlned by tho war department. tlon atatlons wlll pcrtonn functfow almUor to thD!lc of tho ordinary re-o Compared to School, Wlten o local lioord has txlcn co1lc:d ut\f\n by the o•-t.. In '"ltlclt It . cruiting otnt!!ln.D. nn!.l they will be Tho tl'alnm~ phacte 't'lbicll thtcu ,.... "" "" .. llO tocote.!f on lo expedite the pro- men will pQ!l!l through might he Ia located to fumloh o quota of ae- CCll!llng of the selectees. ApproxJ. compared to tho grade ochool, hlgb lectceo upon o eertaln date, the motcly lOll of these atnUons are dt. cchool, and college periods through iiiiiiiii~fsi~~]1l~up~;~~ lCL..!UnJ~-f which the . maJority .of A;llllC~~l* -- i It_ to pons the youths pons. For 13 weeks n!ter aelecteeo through tho induction cltl• jolnmg biD orgoniznt!on, the selectee tlons and on to tho reception cen· will-In a mUimry cell!le-be In the ' tern tho some day that they arrive. grade school phar:e. Tho training ho It Uicy · orrJve Ia to in tho afternoon, will receive is designed to harden they wUl bo lcept overnight. U the him graduo1J,y without mnklng se-­ I Slpud VDdset, Norwegfara author lnducUon alation Is locotcd in n city, vcre physical demands at first, but and lD28 Nobel Prize witmer, will they wlll be Cllred tor either at tha developing eventunll,y the ability k deUver a talk in New l!ork October • awt!on, or wtubo lodged In armorlea endure prolonged and arduous phys- · ~ on "Scan!liJIJ'vla and. Ute. War." or hotels. If any ot Uto rnen ato leal exertion. He will be wught tc This will be the first ot a hundred • founcbto be disqualified by physical rt'nrch, une bla weapons, and care October ~-will mark llJ&Other red11ctlon iD the dandard work we~k lectures by American and Europeu defects a~ tho thorough examination for himself und his means of trans­ of' American labor. Under the federal tatr labor standards Act~ the statesmen, autjlon and journalin!s which w111 be given tit the ln

:' '· " ;- /_ .. ' . - . ~

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·ARQUN,D Delicious ene r .:'/~.' ' buifder$ ... fun heat and o;t THE ROUSE' ...nr 'ervo c.olrJ.. •sqve$ ;·- -.,:--·-·· -- .,,.. --· r~· IJlO~y;...Ordei7 toflay, ,, . Wh.en makillg baked custard, from your grocer. - by Ro~el' B. Whlhiu~n • · · pour bqiling milk onto. the. ·lieaten lll{SS• lt will then balte very firm. 1¢:1 Qo.lt~r B. Wh!W)on-WNU servlee.l ...... ' . . Reflnlsblne Fur~t'"'e. An;y flaked, ren~y~to-serv!: cereal UI!lSTION: How can table-tops of m1;1Y Jl.~ use7 atollou ~ apr110g nlwayG-that Wnd might re- the weather. The entire plywood top lent. · Is then given a prime coot of alum!· Lynn felt almost happy apln. num paint, followed by two coats of It woo a gorgeous Autumn day. a good quality deck or outside houoo General's Gloq Learn to stoop whether nhe wan right. Her ring Lynn, by force or habit, turned point. Some publlc playgroundanow The blood of the r;oldler makes l Where.· you cannot cllmb over hung heavy on her hand. She nllpped stralcht to tho society columns. That aware wan wrong. 1t ofT. That wan the flrnt thing nhe the word she had nowa· hove ping-pong tablen of roncretc. the clory of the general. you muot creep under. then, Marty 'woo alwayo tactful, !zed the value of the gorgeous stone. ·-· Lynn mused. She put It baclt In Its box, wrapped She knew when Mrs. Queotlon: I built an'.allat...~·---t..:::;:::;::======:::;:=::;:;=~~==::----- cxtenolon on "Well, the famous artist will be It carefully, and In a DUro hand oil- left or returned from her Palm my houqe lnot summer, and finished off for Paris and Rome before long,'' dressed it to Raymond Austin, Aus- Beaeh home. Sho knew when Chuck lt with o high quality palrl\. In Mo •...... ,. remarked. "Lord I hate to tin Manor. el1rlyjoined Spring his brother and when in Algiers he returned. In the several placeo bubbleo oppearcd ; ilee ·you go, Rene f'' Rene noddt!d. l..ater that week sho Jound a mnnll when touched, a red depooit like "Think of mel" Lynn demanded. studio apartment In Rene'o buDding, It wu there .abe learned Wild Wl~&l.runl. .conu:n caul. 1 run loll\ that this "I run." Marty oquinted up ot and it •woo arranged thot the few on 11 trip around the world. And Is caused by the paint. What do you Lynn atl she gave him a cup of cof· thlngn he had would be moved there. there wan a great bitterness. in her advi!le? fee. · The days hurried by. Marty had heart ns ohe rend. Anower: That efl'ect cannot be "Halt the boy!! In town are found an agent to handle her affairs .., "1 must rrtay and taco tho music. blamed on the paint; it Ia from screaming for you, Lynn. What do and there was tollt of a contract tC:g~~· go wherever he cboooes- moisture in the wood. Somewhere J'0\1 •at to thnt, Rene?" with o cigarette company tor color Th h there Is a leak thot permlto water tune ehtugged:' "They show good photographs. ere ad been a photograph ot to run down inside the clapboardo; ·fpt..t!tt Rene's belongings were pocked in Wild bfg-gilmo hunting lD India, ll!D- collecting on croD~:-pleceo, It soaks · ·- ti::i tlt'n' li'l"''"'"'"'"'• . tertolned by a maharajah. She into tho clopboardo from tho bo-•· • "You're the Ideal model: Lynn." ...... ,...... ,.,~~ • .., · ...,.., ~.. .._ , evening, just forty-eight bourn be- one had. been.; .. faithfuLutm .ht":HI!!•. let-· · · Look for lcnlm in the joint between -·-·----'--~-'---~Sh~·~~Th~a~t;'s~w~~~r:n~a~!~M~t:~~~:·0~Re:=:~:~:~u~d::~::ti~~::_Jjy~o·~~~mmt!~~l, . his · L~~r. . J':nu~llsa~~~ n~lt""tod-::;ter11 were a bright~T in her llfe. ~~~~.~(~e~u~~ownllil and window frameo. p~t:l~rJ, Have ~r. .. not write . ,laughed, fiMfght be o 1 good Idea. I """l!WVt.Votr+~H~e~IL ~~~!~~~~l~!!~~~::i:~~;~~~~~~~~~..:·~~:icaulking.. -1~ think you've been In that dress shop ~~ !,':J~.pver later It you change ~ure ot his · ln He wa• ing-gun. long enough.•~ And It you wanted to "You're,.. a darling, Rene. I ..m~b I working· · Uke mad• · P alntln g wil•u.•"'Y• Do• Scrat"hes on Doors. pate wr ~orne of the illustrators "vou could." ~~ And alwnvs....., the s ...... rn.., · .... Pea:1 "Co me.' • A correspondent• " ~end!! the rollow• "'ti'th, beeause ot the ~abOUt it I won't ask for your tears. "1 WiSh it would bel" (lo lltid .lee -~ at~rney, LYnit. Try wrinkllt!g and uneven shrinkage of , lOt•• MaY~ some- ilaY tou•U feel "'Ihat's ... the sweeteSt thing you Mqrllitler. tou.. JmoW hil:ii. Tell him: the paper in drying, - ,: -lWt~tent. t think· you care about. could sa}' to ~el" · · · the ,sto-cy. _l!e'll aclvl~. you. 1 wiJ& Wa:terprocfinJ .canns. · ·,. ·ble u m\icli u;ou d~ anybody in "U. you meet somebody, itene you d do thla l"IJ}lt :·llway.," The let-- . Question! Kindly r:ive me the tot• · · , tb1t •orld: ~at will be enough for • ., 1' But ht'J would not let bet Jln­ ter dro~~ .tram L:vnn'•h~d. . , rnula for watetprocfllig canvai. · . . . tnt. l won't Uk for more." ~ lte leaned over and ldued bet · Queer tbat ~he lh(!U}d teet so b*

•' • ' . .. . • -~_;::;;:,-

• .-·, • < ' ' . - .~ - ·- ~ '. . ,' ' ·: . .., . .., ' ' .. i, '' . . ' . • -~. ' l·1 ' ·• •• - • k • : ' ' . . • , • • .- .. .' ., :. : ,,, .. .. . • ' ',- . . ' . ' • .. .. "

< ' ., •. ~· ·---= • ' CAPlT..... - ... .,,,' ' l ' . Busllf5S · • ~r.. Perry Se; mad~ a.ttip to · Albuquel,'que tbia week. ·-· '· ~ .. ,, ...... M:ri. Sam ·Hale iiJ under ' ~ ··.. -- ~ -. -- tioetor' s-care at Roil we)[ ..... ,,.~,c ..:c,., ·(· ~, -~ . . .-.·.J .. . ' · • .Doss Ga.lloWaY made :. trip , r ·.• • ' Et Paso tbts w.eek to consult bns; ·""--..------"""""'-...... ,-- --.- Schuster & S?buster~ -eye ape¢ial· · · · _.Rousb. Lumber School Supplies · ' ' 1sta. His condition is much. im• Cement Childr~ns School·Sboes Proved, Lime · Drugs and Medicines .Mrs. F. H.. Hall baa. been ·On RtOQ,fins Chicken Feeds the sick list the pa11t w~ek wiUr Eve Trough Grain 11nd Hay • an attack of flu. • " . :: -: ..... ,:-: : ... ;. ', • . "•' ' '" ' .··· "' ' ..' -·' Mrs . .Margaret E. Rountree ba ~ • •.-.. ,. •$ .fRI,0l.1S SUBMITTED ON REQUEST sold ber plaqe of b1,1slnE&18 known THE "'DRINK EVERYBQDY I(NOWS as Rountree's Service Station· to· Whoever you nrc , •. whatever· you d~ ••• wbercvl'!r you may be when you think- of refreshment you welcom1,1 an Ice• P. K. lt'arrar, of Roswell. Mrs. cold' Coca-Cola. For Coc!l·Coln Ia pure refr~shment-fllmlllnr Rountree bas been eonducting a to evervbody ... and lee-cold Coca-Cola Ia everywhere. · Car~ and Tourist Cabins i.n coo .. Delivered by truck to Carrir.ozu, 11t El Paso Prtces nection with the tilling station for

Marnolia Coca Cola Bottling Company · ' ·.·.: a number of years, and her maDJ · • Visitoru Wefcome to our plant fdendd and customers will m111 • ·- her, but at the same time wilh MeJ.pbers or tbe I. 0. 0. F. Mr. F.mar succe155 in hia new en· Lodge No. 80 of Carrizozo, who terprise. Mrs. ·Rountree expects ? attended Grand Lodge at Roswell to remain in Capitan a1 f e w New Gas Rates Ufe(ti~ 0(t. f5, 1940 the fifteenth were: M,essm. Wm. months, but will leave for Califor· TO/J.IT SOAP LAUNDRY liAR : I ! I Langston, Jim Tom, Colonel nia later where .ehe will probably • Jonea, who was a Representative, make her future home. • First 1600 cu. ft... ' ...... • • • • • • • • • $1.50 Minimum Calvin Carl, J. M. Carpepter. _...;.·----- Next 1500 ', ', ...... •••• f ••••• .70 perM. Andrew Rutledge, and Glenn NOTIOE OF IIEABING OJ!' J!'JNAL •• Next 7000 ,, ,, ...... • • • • • ',66 .. " Dorsett Noble· Grand of Lodge REJ>ORT AND AOOOUNT . ,60 II II NQxt 10000 . ' ' ,, ...... • In tho Probate Oourt of LlnoolD P R 0 D 1.1 C: r S 0 F P R Q . 11. N. 1/.A L./ T Y Next 20000 ., , ·········· ,56 11 II No. 80. County ...... State of !lew Mexico All in cxce111 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • ,60 11 II Mr. and Mrs. lra Greer and 111on Jack were here from Tucum· In the Mntter of the State } Olr Prl£fS Are ReUODible carl Wednesday. of Joue G. Annlla, . No. 437 Plant is being remodeled for 15 to 25~ more . Deceased. heat vaiue per cubic foot. To Scnalda An alia, Widow and Guard· Jan Ad Litem, nod the followlni named The Titsworth ..

. ' ..;,_ ' ... ' (ilf I For Buea• Vist• Hotel ' Por Mf!. L. A. Boone, Prop. I Aiood Rest· f Delecl0t11 Food • I HUGH BUNCH HUGH BUNCH Dinner Parties • I. Met IWtKtt L tMtctl; tttf. nur t~~ti.tty I fOR SHfRiff PARA Al6UA(IL 00 Tle Independent fn .li Rolet• lndttendlente Cill •t R&llii-'S Drlt • Shoe Shop Barney'~ PJa(e • Stare · Oeo. u,de, Prop• • SINCE t.be Primary a number of my DES DE Ia Prlmaria, un numero de mit FOR WOLF BAIT Equipped with new electric Fine Wines and Liquors frlcnda from ~bo difforent political parties amig01 do direrQnlea (Prtidos politico~ m&chin• on.O. S. IIi.&hway 381)_~· - hno Mkcd mo to run for the office ot ban pcdido que hi\ga Ia earrera para Al· Sheriff of Lincoln oounty, in the llpproaeh· guadl rnavor eu el condado de Lineoln en Pra• cemtot machlD.e for lng General Election, November 6. Ia pr6xlma Eleccion General, Novlembre NAZARENE OBtJlUlB 8EBVIOJ: / turned8ol11 I bavo boon a rtsldent or L i n e o l n dra 6. Stfiiday Sehcol ~:43 a. tn. county for 21 years, most or thst time I You aido residente de este condado por Preaehlng Santee 11:00 a. m. Jilmie's Pli£e have been in the ltoek businl'S!J; b a v fl 21 aDo, lo mu do eate tiempo ti eatado en VoungPrayer People~'M«ltlng MeoUn•Wed. T:OO T:OO p. m.p. m. :"'-::::;======. held deputy abcrut'e commission for 14 eJ.negoeio de gana4o; yo 6 portado eom• You aro cllrd.Jally b:lvlted to t.U.nc1 Win~, Liquor and Beer years, including tho two years u ·cbiet iaion de diputado de alguacll por 14 aflos, our acrvtcu. ' J. S. STOP j deputy of Lincoln county under our pre•· enclutendo Joe doa allOIJ que aervi

• . • - 'f·· ' -- -,;--- . " - - .. . - ' • . .. -0-• •

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