. ' ' : ·'-.. , .'- :· -' . ' -· "II ·- ' . ·' ·' -:. ' - . -·- :· . '\, ..• ; . ''' .-,.,. ·. '' ,, ' : r , 't .. ' . ~ ' ' ' \' . ... ..-_ ' . ' . " -, t ---~ . ' .. -, . • " ' •. •• .. \' •, ' .. ·~ • '· ,.... 1 . '-· - : ';, . ._ ~· ' .~ ·.• -~. ' ";"?· .' . ' ' ' ' />;' • . ' . - , 1 ,.' • .''. 't. '" · .. _-, ·,,' .. - • ...... all .,.;.a-. ____ ..... .. \' .. ·, ... ·- ' ..,·. Official "1}.-. ' U.S.IA,nd Diat. I Pa),or · . ' . " -~~---.,.- --- --- . - .• . • r- . ' ' \ . .. -· ' - :r' . · ·-- - . - ·-·.- ~ .. '?!! I ::. ' . ' NUMBEit 16 · j' ... VO~UME xv~[Q~q:r;~ ~ewa, Vol. 29) ~-~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~7~!!!!!!!!!~~~~!!!! · · 11• · . A.meri~a~·Legion News · · lndep~ndents Tell Why . ~. Pl~OCL~MATION · Mile•· Will• Win ~~ ~ Elbert .T. Co~ ter. ~ . , They Support. NAVY"DAY _,_# . Th . '-.·. ·· .- · The4trielical! Legion and Aux· . _._ ··---- ____ .· _ If aurf?c:e appearances count ~y·~ft\C eatre • b- Mr •. JlllbE!rt T. Colli~r age 76 iliary of Be.njamin I. Berry Post ; - . · · · Navy Day will-again beobserv- for anythmg, and the~ usually do, ~~~~~ ! I' passed away at his home. here at No. U, held the_~rte~ular monthly The group .of ind~pendent pro~ Qd this year,throughout the Unit· Gov~rnor John E. Mtles see m s ~ ~'1f- ~ 4 o'Qiock l!l.at Monday oafternoon, mee.ting Tbursda.Y na~ht. Oc;t.. 10. gressives bead~d ·_ by . Senator · States and on ·board naval destmed to return ~ 0 ?£?~~ by ooe ~ R. A. Wlllker, Mil'. "" October 14. His health has been Following a short bustnesssesston, George W. Norris of Nebraska, ~ bring a greater !under- o! the great{!~t maJOrltt.ee ever I• 0 ' ~ 15Iowly·decl!ning for aeve~al lear~. a covered diah h,Joc~eon was serv- and MaYot' LR. Guardia o! N'ew standing of the policies and pr~: g1ven a·cand1d~t~ for h1s office. \' Mr:. Colb(!r was born to Council ed. Th6ae present mcluded Miss Yorlc, who have. orgamzed ~ blema of the Navy to the Amerl· The Repubhcan opponent of Friday and · Saturday I Grove,. Kansas,· August _1.7, 1864.: Lydi1.1 ~ickle~ Assistant Director movement in support of Pr.esident elm peo~le. _ ~ilea has n_ot impressed his. aud· --------'----_ ;_' H~ c::nhe to New Mex1co in b1s of PubliC W~lfara or N. M. and Rot>se~elt for another term, gave . From the time of the birth of 1encea durmg the compa1gn as Ceaar Romero, Jean Rogera Pin ' ;' early t;bildbood with his ~a rents Mrs. Boettcfler, county chairman their reasons ~or doing so in th!s the United States Navy ill 1776 having eithe! any great k~owledge Martm, _Mr. an? Mrs. J. B. Colher an~ of Public Wel!are and tbe foU~w· statement wb1cb Senator ,.. Noms t~fl pag~s of history recount a. re· of ~tate affatrs, ?r as .hemg pre- • I settled m the northerJl p!lrt of t~be members: Our Gold Star motller, made to the President: · of brilliani martial acb,ev· emmently qualified to take. the --- in ? sta~e._ In ~8~~ 6! moved. to.W_Jn~ M:r11• J!ipp.~ Mr. and !'4rs. Scharf, __ ''T~~~a_are-~o ordinll!~ time~. In time~ pf peace .t be place of a man wh~ has ndm1led · ''VIUA CISCO KID... s1nce tbat. t1. Mr. and. .. Conley, Mr._ ana . "In thlll per1odof cr1s1s, bellev• avy stands constantly vigtlant, ly made New Mextco • fine gov· A blend of comedy. r man c e, Oalts~nd ~ ~ ~as Mn~ 0 lived m the surrounding 'V~Cim~. Mrs: West,Ur.qqd Mrs.Gall!.leber, mg that the safety ot tho . as the first line of defense; keep- emor. action and suspense as "Cisco" Mr•. Collier was a m.an of h1gh m· ~r. ~nd Mrs. Nor~an, Mrs. Hob- States of America can best bA as· lb~ pace with advan~ing ac:ieoce Most of ~he Republican cam· goes through his adventures. ' tegrtty and always .ooked for the bte,Mr.andMra.Gretsen, Mr. a~d · through rlemonstrated ul training and materaal to carry paign in thts st11 te has been pre· . I best in everyone, thereby ~aking Mrs. Sheilds, Mr. and Mrs. Jtm strength andknownleadership,and oPt its major aasigned mlaion, dicated upon either trivial or im- · ALSO many friends. Greer,Mr. -and Mrs. Brown, .Mr. knowing well that·what was won · guarding of tba continental agindry charges against President "Actldn on ·lee" and ''Touch· He .Md an inquirJng mindt ~eek· -and Mni.Mo9re;Mr.11ndMre.li'in~c~ at the ballot bt.~x can o.nly be · - ove~aa poss~ions of Roosevelt an-d the New Deal. down Demons" ing for ,Jnore and more knowledg~, Mr and Mrtl. Walker, Mrs. W1l• 'tected at the ballot box, we ®li United St"tea. _ Few eople have been mislead ----------- a~d was ~eeply in~erested in the UnKham, Mrs. Carl, Mr. F~OJd upon. the ind.epcndent·winded vot- Therefore, M. u. Fini?Y· Ma· by the ~riea of "dictatorship" on Sunday, Monday, Tueaday b1rsger tbmgs of hfe rather than Rowland, Mr. Dan Loudnn, ~r. ers of America to aupport Frank· wor of the City of Carnzozo do th t of the Republicano nod B Ell D h. b t · · l d t o n1:w and 1· D R It· d H W 1 ' e par ' 1nc 1c enny, en rew, Andy those w 1c are r1vta · Hoeness, an ou~ w m • ooseve an enry a • hereby proclaim ~unday, Oct. 27 , r 8 till can see any danger to . d R h He did not unite w1th an Y younKeet members, Misses La- lace for President and Vice -Pteai· 1940 to be Navy Day and it ia d&wer oy in retaining President Dovme an oc ester, church, but, as he said during his Wanna ConleY. fUld Ida Gr~er. dent of the United Stutes. my ~arnest desire that qn said ~mocr:Jt at the helm in order · · • · in · • • • , illnC:SS, he. had accepted Jesus At~ large ~le pl.aced m ."We have ae?rched our . day the citizens of Carrizozo ~o- tb~~sc~e nation mny have the BUCK BEN NV RID!S ftGAIN ChriSt as his Lord n~d ~as t c r ccnt~r of the Hut, usmg as a. ~n· w1t~ the tra,!it1oo~l appr:ebens1ons operate with the preas and .w~tb benefit of his f,'XpPricnco during many ye~rs ago. H1s hfe exem- ter p1ece the Legion an~ Auxd~ury of mdependent-m~ndedmen and patriotic organizations in g1vmg the world crisis we nrc g 0 in g All stnra of Jack's l'lldio s h o" _plified t_bl~ ,ra~t .~o~ tEro~~ the o,y(!r_e _seJLted_ ~~t~ M 1 _?a wom_('[l al?ou~_t!. thl!~ _J_er~1o! _ _ ... _ ...... .,.:_ . _ !~w~I..Y Ellen p_rg~,_ wb«l. h~ .. _ ... _ yearn of b1s affitctlon lie wns a Etckles and Mrs. Boettcher, our Preoident. glory and achievements of the . N M . Jaelt o he~rt buckang hko a bron· living example of patience and Diotrict President, Rachel West, "In other circumotancea some American Navy to the memoi'J . Unempln~menlt m e~ e~~o cho. Ho'a off on t be gre11te1' kindness. Pres Beulah Scbarf, Vice Prco. at un are on public record as bav· of its heroic deeds and to tbe con· 18 at a nehw obw eve 1·d dur °C 0t ride in history I He leaves to mourn hw · passmg,• Laura Norman on d sec. M a y ·mg been ognmot· a t h1r• d t erm f or sideration of Its future' needs. tax rate ao een tre . uccd . os . •...::.·., t. ALSO - bu wife, Mrs. E. '1\ Collier, two Conley. Following the supper, a President. _ of state governmen Ill 0 w .n • sisters, Mrs. Geo .. L. 'Hopping, Miss Eickle.t gave a very interest- "But if independent-minded G1ven under my band an4 the Tbose a~e concrete tracto whtrl~ Popular Science and Paramount and Mrs. Gco. M. Brown both of iog and impressive talk on child men and women are to preserve aeal of the City of Carrllozo \bla seem qUite cornrortlng a~d ncP.N__ cw_o_. _________ California, a number of niccro and welfare Jeginlaturc and the import- the lipertieo or American demo- 18th day of oc;~~er, 1:t0• ~eptable wh~n com~a~c1 t,th th · Wedneada:r and Thunday . neplulwa and a host of friends. ant part the Legion and Auxiliary cracy dearest to their hearts they M. U. n ey, ayo~l k ~ollow prommes a~ 0 t u tarn· t r • '• Fuoeralscrvlcro were condurtcd take in thin work. After M iss muntbc rcaliotic in their apprehen- Attest: .MoZ1,lan Lovelace, cr • IDgR ot the Republican opea cera. Zorina, Rich[lrd Green, Pet at the First Methodist church Eicklen tallt, the meeting w a o oiono. • · · · Li>re, Thursday afternoon by Rev. L. turned intO a round table diocun· "In this crioio the American BINGHAM BREVh1ES What old Nostrodnmua,a necr or (' U. Bugbea. aion.anp very much enjoyed by people bavo two choices and ~ s;vcral of the ~oung: people 400 ycara ngo, predicted tbnt hno • • · ·' 1n • • • • •• _. • Mm Ben Burns, Mrs. R n Y all. The Legion and Auxiliary two choicen Cor Comnnderin Chicr. from Bingham attended. t h e ainee come true. The Grnnd "'I WAS AN ADU!NTUh!IS \ ' . Lemon and Mrs. Den English wish to exprecs their appreci~tion Thone ehoicen are Willkie and dance ·at Tokay Friday Ducheta Marie or R.u!l!lia teJio bow Zorina'a Jn both act- ~·~--~WE!r~ ~~--~ Pall bearers were: MeG9ro. and the enlightenment she ga~e us "The flrot choice is the answer- ch~r~~ s!;vi~ every 2nd Sunda; 1665, Napoleon, tho ~ntry of Frank English, Calvin Carl. A. 88 to Curther steps we may take to the ptayer of the utilities_ mon- of eacb month and avaeyon.e 18 the U.S.
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