Ethnobotanical Survey of Medicinal Plants in the Cities of Goianésia and Ipameri, in Goiás, Brazil
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ISSN: 2574-1241 Volume 5- Issue 4: 2018 DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2018.07.001501 Matheus Vinicius Abadia Ventura. Biomed J Sci & Tech Res Review Article Open Access Ethnobotanical Survey of Medicinal Plants in the Cities of Goianésia And Ipameri, in Goiás, Brazil Matheus Vinicius Abadia Ventura*1, Estevam Matheus Costa2 and Marcio Moacir Bessa2 1Goiano Federal Institute, Brazil 2Paulista State University, Brazil Received: Published: *Corresponding: July author:19, 2018; Matheus Vinicius July Abadia 30, 2018 Ventura, Goiano Federal Institute, Rio Verde – GO, Brazil Abstract carry Medicinal out a bibliographic plants include review, plant adopting species documentary with medicinal research properties, as a criterion which in basedsome caseson articles are used published for specific in renowned purposes national of healing and or international prevention. journalsThus, ethnobotanica specializing isin thethe rescueethnobotanical of this traditional aspects of knowledge, medicinal plantsrelated reported to the use in theof this state flora of Goiá a resource. Most interviewees The objective responded of this article to use wasplants to for for medicinal purposes, with women being the majority. In addition, leaves are the most used parts for different diseases. The use of medicinal in the ethnobotanical survey demonstrated the potential for pharmaceutical use, since they presented some compounds known to be important. plants is a widely used practice among residents of the cities (Goianésia and Ipameri, Goiás). In general, the species indicated by the inhabitants Keywords: Lamiaceae; Asteraceae; flora; tradition Introduction Brazil presents the greatest biological diversity in the Table 1: Locations used in ethnobotanical surveys. City / State Sources Author Location communities for study and conservation of these resources [1]. world, possessing a rich flora arousing the interests of scientific Thus, ethnobotanica is the rescue of this traditional knowledge, Ipameri – Goiás Latitude: 17º 43’ 19” S Zucchi et al. (2013) not lost the close relationship with plants and nature, bringing him Goianésia – Goiás Longitude: 48º 09’ 35” W related to the use of this flora as a resource [2,3], since man has Latitude: 15º 19’ 03” S Silva & Faria (2014) Longitude: 49º 07’ 03” W individual benefits [4]. The medicinal plants comprise plant species Results and Discussion purposes of cure or prevention [5,6] From surveying in certain with medicinal property, which in some way is used for specific communities it is possible to ascertain the vegetation resources [8] observed in the city of Ipameri, in Goiá families were interviewed, 75 of whom stated that they did not s, where 200 generation to generation [7]. The objective of this article was to and their benefit in several factors, which are transferred from carry out a bibliographic review, adopting documentary research use medicinal plants, and the other 125 reported doing so (54% as a criterion based on articles published in renowned national ésia - Goiá female and 46% female male), representing 62.5%, and Silva & and international journals specialized in ethnobotanical aspects of Faria (2014), observed that in Goian s, 48 of the 50 people medicinal plants reported in the state of Goiás. interviewed (41 females and 9 males) use plants for medicinal women with greater use due to greater presence during the day purposes ( 96%). According to [10,11] there is a predominance of Methodology at home in the performance of domestic activities, which was not An ethnobotanical bibliographical survey was carried out on reputed pulicated articles that cataloged the species in two demonstrated in the work of [8,12], which despite being greater important cities in the state of Goiás. The ethnobotanical survey of than half, did not present a significant superiority [13] observed medicinal plants were carried out through documentary research thatIn 70% both, of the intervieweessurveys cited werethe species female. used by the interviewees in the following locations described in Table 1. The informational survey in the city of Ipameri - GO conducted by [8] was conducted in for medicinal purposes, totaled 61 species in 23 families as and the part of the plant used were also described. In the city of interviewed. In the city of Goianésia, the survey period was made shown in Table 2, and the popular names, the medicinal use the period from August 2008 to June 2009 where 200 people were Ipameri - Goiás, in the survey of [8], the species that have stood out because they are the most used are quebra-pedra (Phyllanthus from May to June 2013 by [9], where 50 people were interviewed. Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research (BJSTR) 5899 Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research Volume 7- Issue 3: 2018 niruri Chamomilla recutita ã- losna (Artemisia canphorata álsamo (Eysenhardtia rasteira (Mentha x villosa Mentha pulegium platycarpa Baccharis trimera L.), camomila ( (L.) Rauschert.), hortel Vill.), b (Foeniculum vulgare Aloe vera Althaea sete-dores (Plectranthus barbatus L.), poejo ( L.), funcho Mich.), carqueja ( (Less.) DC.), boldo- officinalis Mikania glomerata (Cymbopogon citratus Mill.), babosa ( L.) malva ( Andrews.), and capim-cidreira (Ageratum conyzoides ão (Ocimum gratissimum L.), guaco ( Spreng.), mentrasto (DC.) Stapf.) Table 2: L.), alfavac L.), Name Family Plants / Scientific used for Name medicinal purposes identified in the cities of Goianésia - GO and UseIpameri - GO. Used Part of Plant Common Acanthaceae Justicia pectoralis Jacq. Anador de folha Headache leaf Adoxaceae Sambucus australis Cham. & Schldl. Sabugueiro Alliaceae General pain, fever and the flu; Measles leaf e flower Allium cepa L. Cebola branca stalk Amaranthaceae The flu Terramicina leaf Stuchlik Alternanthera dentata (Moench.) Chenopodium ambrosioides L. Erva-de-santa-maria External wounds, flu, eye inflammation leaf Annonaceae Inflammation in general; Broken bone; Worms Sofre-dos-rins-quem -quer Kidney problems leaf & Hook. F. Duguetia furfuracea (St. Hil.) Benth Apiaceae Coriandrum sativum L. Coentro Stomach ache Soothing and insomnia leaf Pimpinella anisum L. Erva doce Foeniculum vulgare Mill. Funcho Depression; Gases and colic leaf, flowerleaf e seed Salsa Soothing and insomnia; Gases, flu and cold root Infection of uterus Gases, flu and cold PetroselinumAsphodelaceae crispum (Mill.) Fuss Aloe vera L. Babosa leaf Healing; Weight loss; intestine arrested; Asteraceae Hemorrhoid problem; Hair Treatment Ageratum conyzoides L. Mentrasto leaf Soothing and insomnia; menstrual cramps; Depression; Pain in general (children); Pain in Artemisia canphorata Vill. Losma the stomachStomach and gas;problems Labyrinthitis leaf Artemisia vulgaris L. Artimigio leaf Carqueja Headaches; The flu leaf Baccharis trimera (Less.) D.C. Diabetes Camomila leaf Chamomilla recutitaSweet (L.) Rauschert Coreopsis grandiflora Hogg ex Soothing and insomnia; Depression Egletes viscosa Marcelinha leaf (L.) Less Flu, cough,Diarrhea hoarseness, and intestinal throat fever infection leaf bronchitis, allergies, skin infections and Mikania glomerata Spreng. Guaco rheumatism Solidago chilensis Meyen Arnica Healing and Menstrual Cramps leaf Vernonia condensata Baker Boldo Pain in the stomach and liver leaf Vernonia polyanthes Less Assa-peixe leaf Brassicaceae Bronchitis and flu Agrião Flu and cough leaf NasturtiumCostaceae officinale R. Br. Cana de macaco Kidney problems stalk e leaf Costus spicatus (Jacq.) Sw. Cite this article: Matheus V A V, Estevam M C, Marcio M B. Ethnobotanical Survey of Medicinal Plants in the Cities of Goianésia And Ipameri, in Goiás, Brazil. Biomed J Sci&Tech Res : 1. 5900 7(3)- 2018. BJSTR. MS.ID.001501. DOI 10.26717/ BJSTR.2018.07.00150 Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research Volume 7- Issue 3: 2018 Crassulaceae Cotyledon orbiculata L. Bálsamo Stomach pain and gastritis leaf Kalanchoe brasiliensis Cambess Folha santa Flu and cold leaf Fabaceae Myroxylon peruiferum L. f. Bálsamo Stomach pain and gastritis leaf Stryphnodendron adstringens Barbatimão stalk e leaf Stomach ache; Uterus and vaginal infection (Mart.) Coville Quina Anemia stalk Andira inermis (W. Wright) Kunth Pterodon emarginatusex DC. Vogel Sucupira Sore throat leaf Lamiaceae Anxiety and restlessness, blood pressure, fever, scarring of thrush, heartbeat, migraine Lavandula angustifolia Mill. Alfazema pain, relaxation, improve sleep quality, stress and depression flower Erva-cidreira leaf e root MelissaMentha officinalis arvensis L. L. Vique Soothing; Flu and cold leaf Mentha pulegium L. Poejo Flu Soothing and insomnia; Mentha viridis L. Alevante Stomach ache; Flu and cold leaf Mentha x villosa Huds Hortelãzinho The flu; Calming and insomnia leaf Flu, cold, fever and bronchitis; Indigestion; Ocimum gratissimum L. Alfavacão Worms leaf hoarseness and bronchitis Soothing; urine infection; Gases; flu, cold, Manjericão Flu leaf Ocimum tenuiflorum L. Hortelã-da-folha-gorda leaf Spreng. vomiting Plectranthus amboinicus (Lour.) Flu and cold; Problems in the stomach and Plectranthus barbatus Andrews. Boldo-sete-dores Headache leaf Alecrim leaf Flu, shortness of breath, sinusitis; Heart Rosmarinus officinalis L. Reliefproblems; of canker Calmingsores, bronchitis, and insomnia dandruff, Sálvia phlegm, gingivitis, rheumatism, vomiting, leaf cough, diarrhea, diabetes, indigestion Salvia officinalis L Lauraceae Cinnamomum canphora Turra Cânfora Muscle or skin problems leaf Cinnamomum zeylanicum Breyn Canela Soothing leaf Persea americana Mill. Abacate Kidney problems