Report by the Depute Chief Executive and Chief Financial Officer

Economy and Skills


1. To request that Cabinet approve the proposed statutory supplementary guidance for the Local Development Plan 2017 (EALDP) relating to the Placemaking maps and associated action programmes for both Catrine and Ochiltree, and to seek authorisation from Cabinet to advertise and invite representations on the documents.


2. The EALDP was formally adopted on the 3rd April 2017. The EALDP focuses on a vision, spatial strategy and key policies, while more detailed matters are contained in supplementary guidance. Supplementary guidance and non- statutory planning guidance can be prepared alongside a Local Development Plan or can be prepared and published subsequently. The Plan as approved indicates that the Council proposes to publish supplementary guidance and non-statutory guidance within the lifetime of the EALDP. An extract is reproduced for information in Annex 1. All supplementary guidance has now been adopted with the exception of the placemaking maps.

3. The LDP introduced a section on placemaking and when published incorporated five placemaking maps for , , Galston, and with a view to preparing placemaking maps for all of East Ayrshire’s settlements which would become supplementary guidance in due course. A proposed timetable for the preparation of the placemaking maps forms part of the Action Programme which was approved by Cabinet on the 28th June 2017 and is reproduced for information in Annex 2.

4. It should be noted that whilst this programme represents the desired order, the actual order is dependent on the community being willing and able to get involved at the appropriate time. As Placemaking follows on from the development of a Community Action Plans which, in turn, can only progress if a request is received from the community to develop one. Therefore, it is expected that some deviation from the agreed Action Programme will occur. The Action Programme requires to be updated every two years and in June 2019 when the next update is due the programme will be amended as necessary.

5. The placemaking maps are a realistic assessment of which land use based projects can make most impact in achieving the Scottish Government’s six qualities of successful places that is; distinctive, safe and pleasant, easy to move around, welcoming, adaptable and sustainable. The idea is that the place making maps will guide future development and assist the Council and local communities in future funding bids. The programme for producing the maps has been tied with the programme for the production / updating of the Community Action Plans where these exist.


6. The procedure flowchart for developing a placemaking map is shown in Annex 3. All placemaking activities follow the same basic steps -

• Identification of Community Priorities for improvement

• Verification and logging of placemaking features and actions

• Mapping and validation of placemaking features and actions

• Informal consultation with affected properties and online survey

The main outputs from the placemaking process are a placemaking map and an action programme.

Placemaking maps and actions are derived from the priorities identified in the Community Led Action Plan’s (CAP’s) for the villages of Ochiltree and Catrine. Typically CAP’s are developed by a community steering group following a request for support in forming a plan being made to Vibrant Communities. The Communities Team then facilitate an extensive community engagement process and provide support via a Community Worker to bring together all the information required to publish the Community Action Plan.


7. The Ochiltree and Skares CAP was published in 2017 a steering group made up of residents for both villages oversees progress against the priorities identified in the plan. There are no specific spatial actions identified for Skares.

8. A letter drop to all households in Skares inviting residents to engage with the development of a placemaking plan for their village was made. There was only one respondent who did not want to be involved if no-one else did. It was therefore decided not to progress with a placemaking plan at present specifically for Skares as the documents are intended to be community led. However, if representations are made through the steering group in future, then progress with a map and action programme for Skares can be made.

9. Placemaking in Ochiltree and Catrine involved 4 engagement meetings starting with a walkabout with a small number of community representative’s. The purpose of the walkabout was to identify the location and nature of the main priorities. This was followed by a “Talking Pictures” which is an oral self-guided exercise with a wider group of community representative’s. This activity involved the recording of the group’s comments when viewing over 70 slides highlighting pictures of the main priority areas. Feedback relating to the comments recorded was sought from internal Council stakeholders, East Ayrshire Leisure Trust and Ayrshire Roads Alliance. This was fed into the mapping and validation desktop exercise. Draft maps and actions were then produced and, at subsequent meetings, adjusted by members of the group until an agreed plan was established to go out for informal consultation.


10. The Ochiltree map and action programme (Annex 4) has a significant focus on streetscape improvements including measures to reduce the impact of HGV traffic and improvements to appearance and safety. There is also a focus on the development of walking and cycling routes which provide safer access to Barony A frame and . Key buildings identified are the church hall and the Community Centre which is currently under construction. The Broadband speed in the village was identified as an issue as were improvements to green space and parking.


11. The Catrine Map and action programme detailed in Annex 5 features the rich heritage of Catrine as a key driver for protection of the historic core and improvements the housing on St Cuthbert’s Street. Four gap sites are identified for improvement or development and two buildings of significance identified. One being the AM Brown Institute, the other the former Corner Bar and associated flats which are in a derelict condition. Walking and cycling is also important to Catrine in relation to the River Way which runs through the village and areas have been identified to improve civic space both in the centre of Catrine and in the housing estate in the east of the village.


12. Informal consultation has taken place via a Placemaking Notification Letter circulated mainly to public sector contacts and land owners where proposed routes cross their land. Both Placemaking Maps and action programmes have been the subject of online surveys the results of which can be seen in Annex 6 along with written responses. Pop-up events also took place as part of the Ochiltree and Skares summer fair and at Cartrine’s participatory Budgeting event.

13. Comments generated from the formal consultation process will be fully considered by both the Council and representatives of the community in the finalisation of the placemaking map and associated actions for its delivery and will be brought to a future Cabinet for consideration.


14. Subject to approval of the recommendations, the aforementioned supplementary guidance shall be prepared so as to be published for a six week consultation period commencing on 15th October 2018 and ending on 25th November 2018. Thereafter, the documents will be reviewed and amended taking into account all relevant representations received and the final copies will be submitted to a future Cabinet for approval and adoption.

15. Subject to future Cabinet approval, it is intended that the supplementary guidance will be submitted to Scottish Ministers. Scottish Ministers will consider the supplementary guidance and representations received. After 28 days have elapsed, the Council may adopt the supplementary guidance unless Ministers direct otherwise.

16. It should be noted that the content of the aforementioned supplementary guidance does not need to be scrutinised at Examination given that the principle of the policy or proposal has been examined and subsequently included in the East Ayrshire Local Development Plan. The supplementary guidance is limited to providing further detail based on the parameters set out in the LDP. On adoption, the aforementioned supplementary guidance will have the same weight as the Local Development Plan as it forms part of the plan.


17. There are no financial implications directly arising from this report that cannot be met by existing departmental balances.


18. Once adopted, the supplementary guidance will formally be part of the Plan and be used to support the content of the Local Development Plan and can be used in the determination of planning applications.


19. The development of Placemaking Maps and Action Programmes for our communities contributes to the number of work streams of the transformation strategy including; empowering our communities to allow them to have more influence and control, and supporting communities to regenerate our town centres.


20. Placemaking in conjunction with Community Action Plans are complementary to the emerging community empowerment measures proposed within the future Planning Bill (see comments at paragraph 15 above), Placemaking is a key way of implementing Community Led Regeneration, a strategic priority of the Community Plan 2015 – 2030


21. There are no risk management implications directly arising from this report.


22. There are no personnel implications directly arising from this report.


23. There are no equalities implications directly arising from this report.


24. It is recommended that Cabinet agrees:

(i) To approve the statutory supplementary guidance on Ochiltree and Catrine placemaking for consultation purposes; (ii) To note that the final draft of the guidance incorporating any amendments arising from the consultation will be submitted to a future Cabinet for approval; and (iii) To otherwise note the contents of this report.

Alex McPhee Depute Chief Executive and Chief Financial Officer Economy and Skills 19 September 2018 (KP/KD)

Senior officers wishing further information should contact Karl Doroszenko, Development Planning and Regeneration Manager, on 01563 576751.

Implementation Officer: Michael Keane Head of Planning and Economic Development (01563) 576767.

Supplementary Guidance documents are available on the Member’s portal.


Annex 1 – LDP Extract – Supplementary and Non-Statutory Guidance

Annex 2 – Action Programme – Timetable for Placemaking maps

Annex 3 – Placemaking procedure flowchart

Annex 4 – Ochiltree placemaking map and action programme

Annex 5 – Catrine placemaking map and action programme

Annex 6 - Online survey results and written comments received


Report to Cabinet of the 28th June 2017 entitled ‘East Ayrshire local development plan - Action programme’

Table 1: Supplementary Guidance and Planning Guidance

Statutory Supplementary Guidance Non-statutory planning guidance

Developer Contributions (2017) Community benefits from wind energy development (2017) Affordable Housing (2017) Ayrshire and Arran Forestry and Woodland Strategy (2014) Financial Guarantees (2017) Knockroon Design code (2010)

Planning for Wind Energy (2017) Ayrshire Landscape Wind Capacity Study (2013) Heat Generation (2017) Bank Street / John Finnie Street Conservation Area Management Plan (2007) Dark Sky Park Lighting (2017) Catrine Conservation Area appraisals (2005)

Public and private green infrastructure / Galston Conservation Area appraisal open space standards (2017) (2014) Shop front design guidance (2017) Cumnock Conservation Area appraisal (2009) Display of Advertisements design Dalmellington Conservation Area guidance (2017) appraisal (2017) Production of Masterplans (2017) Green infrastructure strategy (2015)

Housing Market Areas (2018) Waterside (Doon Valley) Conservation Area appraisal (2018) Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas (2018) Housing in the Countryside (2018) Householder design guidance (2018) and Greenholm Placemaking Map and Action Programme (2018)

Table 2: Indicative programme for placemaking maps Year Settlement

2017 Newmilns and Greenholm Catrine (In progress) Ochiltree and Skares Dalrymple, Hollybush and Dalmellington, Waterside and Skeldon Mills Galston Moscow and Waterside North West Kilmarnock Logan, Lugar and 2018 Gatehead Burnside, Leggate, Connel Park and Bank Glen and Fenwick, Laigh Fenwick and , , Stair, Waterside Hayhill, Sinclairston and Coalhall and Auchencloigh Patna and 2019 , Craigens and Kilmarnock town centre Skerrington and Crookedholm Shortlees Stewarton Cumnock 2020 Dunlop and

Place Making and CLAPS Flowchart

Yes No Map CLAP Is the Identify Priorities to activity part Communities to placemaking of a CLAP? involve Framework

Undertake Conduct Organisational Equalities Impact stakeholder Assessment discussions

Undertake Engage and Transects / involve photos organisational stakeholders

Develop draft Plan appropriate map and action engagement and program promotional strategy

Consult Steering Carry out group or community community engagement representatives

Yes No Is the mapped Yes No data accurate? Are further Are inclusion placemaking conditions activities met? required?

Lodge Cabinet paper for Formal consultation approval

Launch LDP consultation Process

Return to cabinet for adoption

Annex 4

Annex 5

Annex 6 Catrine Placemaking

Online Survey concluded 07/09/2018 1. Cycling and walking route improvements - improvements to infrastructure which will encourage people to walk and cycle more Improve access and interpretation to encourage walkers on the Ayr Way to visit and stay in Catrine Increase the number of walking routes promoted and maintained to a high standard, to improve access to Catrine's unique heritage, vantage points and places of interest Improve lighting and clearing of paths used regularly by the local community For cycling and walking I think these proposals will provide: Response Response

Percent Total 0 Little improvement 8.00% 2

1 0.00% 0 2 4.00% 1

3 8.00% 2

4 8.00% 2

5 16.00% 4

6 16.00% 4

7 Great improvement 40.00% 10

answered 25

skipped 0 Comments: (8)

1 The road surfaces on the roads which are part of the River Ayr Way are dangerous they are so bad. If they can be improved and better signs put up through the village it will make a lot of difference. Catrine has a lot to offer.

2 Street lighting on paths will make a massive difference. There are a few footpaths which have little to no street lights. Particularly ones near Catrine Games Hall.

3 Reasonable paths already in existence. It’s peoples mentality that has to change to show pride in a village that has little to offer in hospitality.

4 Lighting and overgrown paths are a big issue in catrine. There should be more done to encourage walking and cycling through catrine. There is not enough signage for the river ayr way

5 The more inviting a place is the more it will be used and therefore enjoyed

6 Pathways are full of potholes or the paths have worn away and the verges around are overgrown so makes some difficult to walk down.

7 Increased visibility of latrines history and relationship with river with an eye to I increasing foot traffic via the river walk is an excellent idea but without some sort of hostel there is no where to stay.

8 St Cuthbert’s Street is River Ayr walkway & is already a very narrow road in parts, so it becomes difficult to manoeuvre cars around walkers & cyclists at times. River Ayr walkers should be encouraged to walk on the pathway around the Voes, hopefully after it’s been cleared of dog fouling, rubbish, weeds etc .

2. Streetscape improvements - Measures which will help people move around more easily, reduce negative experiences and enhance positive experiences. Improve footways and wayfinding Improve safety for cyclists and pedestrians For ease of mobility around Catrine I think these measures will bring: Response Response

Percent Total 0 Little improvement 0.00% 0 1 0.00% 0 2 4.00% 1

3 8.00% 2

4 8.00% 2

5 28.00% 7

6 20.00% 5

7 Great improvement 32.00% 8

answered 25

skipped 0 Comments: (8)

1 Again, it's all about accessibility and signage. Good signs for visitors will greatly help tourism.

2 The first thing visitors see and experience driving in from Newton street is the condition of the road surface. It gives the impression that Catrine is a forgotten village. Many would not view resurfacing of a road as a priority for the village, however it would make a great start.

The road up to and along St Cuthbert street is also very poor and dangerous to cyclists

3 Lighting up oastvthe gameshall hill as pitch black and kids travelling to and from gameshall st night is dangerous.

4 To ensure public safety priority needs made to parking. There is a single yellow line and zigzags in St. Germain street which are invisible to most. This is causing individuals to struggle to cross the road and large vehicles and emergency vehicles to travel through.

5 As above

6 Pavements are very uneven around catrine

7 Apart from the Main St the side streets are badly in need of maintenance ie. a good brush along the kerbs will identify the kerb, less chance of tripping and look much better

8 Pride needs to be restored to the village. People are of the opinion it’s the job of the council to clean the village, public areas need more bins ( that need to be emptied regularly ! ) Roads need to be better maintained , the entrance to St Cuthbert’s Street is like a rib tickler in a car never mind on a bicycle with patch upon patch , it’s ridiculous!

3. Opportunities for civic space improvements - areas of vacant or under-used space such as squares, parkland, local landmarks or natural features to be improved for public use or visiual amenity improvement. Improvements to Mill Square Investigate changes to the car park opposite Mill Square to provide a more multifunctional space Move the large parking sign in the carpark opposite Mill Square to a more discreet location Improve the bus shelter area on Townhead Street. Improve the uneven and easily flooded pavement Create more parking and amenity space in the housing estate For civic spaces I think these proposals will bring: Response Response

Percent Total 0 Little improvement 4.00% 1

1 0.00% 0 2 4.00% 1

3 8.00% 2

4 12.00% 3

5 20.00% 5

6 8.00% 2

7 Great improvement 44.00% 11

answered 25

skipped 0 Comments: (8)

1 There are many other ugly gap sites in the village which could be used to get cars off the streets, not just within the scheme. If the A.M. Brown improvements are achieved parking for that building will become an issue.

2 Fixing the pavements will be of great benefit to the residents of Catrine. Especially the elderly who are often falling over or stumbling as the pavements are so uneven. Parking is also a massive issue especially when you get people parking on yellow lines and yellow boxes. This is particularly bad round about the shops down the street and next to the doctors surgery.

3 Mill Square has greatly improved this summer due to amazing effort by locals who care. It can always be improved but for that to be maintained requires money and commitment

4 Parking improvements in the scheme would be great. Some of the community have been working hard to improve Mill Square by planting in it however would be good to work with them to improve the look of the square

5 Due to the area of create more parking and amenity space in the housing estate won’t improve the civic space as the area for proposal for this did not get uses for parked car as there not many cars go at way also it would make the corner flood even more then what it does when we have heavy rain

6 The area of the Leigh road or as we call it he water dyke, is badly in need of the trees at water level being removed and allowing the beauty of the river to be seen, as well as reducing the damage done by the roots to the retaining wall

7 The area that is marked for development in shawlands street would cause the more harm than good as that area is prone to flooding and would flood even more if the ground was lowered and grass removed to make a car park that isnt really required as there is ample space on the street and it would not get used. It would be better to turn the green space into a swing park or something for all the younger children that live in the area.

8 The car park next to the old RBS is a disgrace with the way looks like an abandoned clothes recycling facility, it’s a complete eyesore!

4. Green space requiring improvement - Improvements to areas of grassland or woodland to provide greater opportunities for play, recreation or visual amenity Improvements to Mill Green Investigate improvements to the wooded embankment on Ayr Street between Laigh Road and Wood Street Improve woodland to reduce litter and fly tipping between Old Station Road and Shawlands Street Improve drainage in the area between the Radical Brae and the houses on St Cuthbert Street For green spaces I think the proposals would bring: Response Response

Percent Total 0 Little improvement 4.00% 1

1 0.00% 0 2 0.00% 0 3 12.00% 3

4 12.00% 3

5 8.00% 2

6 20.00% 5

7 Great improvement 44.00% 11

answered 25

skipped 0 Comments: (5)

1 There is a great deal of unlisted and so far, unexplored archaeology within the Catrine Conservation area and much of it lies beneath these areas. Mill Green, the embankment on Ayr street and the Radical Brae all have tunnels and other key heritage artefacts beneath the surface. We need to take great care not to repeat the destruction which accompanied the building of Hope Homes out the Mauchline road.

2 Not sure what improvement required to village green at Mill Street?!

3 Litter is a huge problem. Animal waste also even though there are bins available there are lots of dog owners who are not responsible for safe collection and disposal

4 The rubbish is becoming an eyesore and tbe woods have been left to go wild when they use to be a goos place for children to play

5 Drainage in St Cuthbert’s Street is a complete joke! We’ve spent more on drainage in our back garden than the council has on the area, have had to put up with flooding over the years and even had water pouring down the hill into our garden before the Landscapers had completed the work. The field between us and 33 St Cuthbert’s Street is an absolute mess & yet it houses an electricity pylon for which the owner will receive payment! For us it’s like trying to hold back a tidal wave of weeds, brambles, etc from our garden & now trees which are getting way too close to electricity lines & our telephone lines, also weeds/grass encroaching onto the very narrow stretch of road that leads to this part of the street.

5. Blue/Green network opportunities – Opportunities to improve the natural space in river corridors to make accessibility safer and provide greater visual amenity. River banks to be properly managed to improve safe access, reduce erosion and make the river a more prominent feature of the village for greater accessibility and visual amenity I think these proposals will bring: Response Response

Percent Total 0 Little improvement 8.00% 2

1 0.00% 0 2 0.00% 0 3 12.00% 3

4 8.00% 2

5 12.00% 3

6 16.00% 4

7 Great improvement 44.00% 11

answered 25

skipped 0 Comments: (4)

1 Unfortunately, some of the river banks are in uncertain ownership and it is believed that some are still owned by Finlays so this needs to be sorted first. Also the burdens associated with retaining walls etc. need to be clarified.

2 It made a massive difference to Catrine when the dam up the water in Catrine was redone. It's a beautiful and scenic walk that a lot of residents enjoy and to see some well needed TLC being done will be great!

3 Get rid of litter, blue carrier bins and bottles and cans. Encourage the wild life to come back to the area and that will bring families to a safer, greener area.

4 The river is Catrine's feature and must be improved. Apart from the power development of the weir no ! maintenance has been done for decades

6. Priority buildings - buildings which require significant regeneration to improve their impact in the built environment Corner Bar 2-6 St Germain Street The A M Brown Institute For priority buildings I think these proposals will provide: Respons Respons

e Percent e Total 0 Little improvement 4.00% 1

1 0.00% 0 2 0.00% 0 3 12.00% 3

4 0.00% 0 5 8.00% 2

6 16.00% 4

7 Great improvement 60.00% 15

answered 25

skipped 0 Comments: (4)

1 Optical factory, other empty premises on At Germaine street, empty fish hatchery?

2 There is little point in improving the rivers and pathways when people have to walk past buildings which are dirty, run down and empty. It’s all very well promoting the Cevic centre but visitors have to go through the town from one end or another passing destitute, dilapidated buildings. Hardly inviting.

3 These 2 buildings should be improved particularly the AM Brown institute, another thing which should be considered for AM Brown is parking as currently the lane is difficult to drive down and there is very limited parking.

4 They have been left to go to ruin and can be utilised for the good of the community but if they were doing the corner bar the old shops and flats next to them should be incoperated as well.

7. Potential development sites - Brownfield sites not already identified for development which have a negative impact on the visual amenity but may offer opportunities for improvement: 5 - 17 Wood Street Gap site at 3 - 5 Bridge Street Industrial site south of Newton Terrace Old Mill Inn, Mill Street For potential development sites I think these proposals will bring: Response Response

Percent Total 0 Little improvement 4.00% 1

1 0.00% 0 2 0.00% 0 3 0.00% 0 4 12.00% 3

5 8.00% 2

6 24.00% 6

7 Great improvement 52.00% 13

answered 25

skipped 0 Comments: (6)

1 Visit have to approve the village as being up to a certain standard before we can get a 'Brown sign" for tourism from the A76. Clearing up these ugly gap sites will greatly enhance the village appearance.

2 More family housing needed urgently!

3 Particularly the old mill inn, as it's such an eyesore and every time you pass by it's devastating to see the building sitting there like that, especially when it's on the Main Street. Could be put to much better use!

4 Same as above statement.

5 These issues must be addressed soon before further deterioration therefore leaving the task to be much more expensive in the future

6 Would be nice if something could be done with the site of the old slaughter house in Newton Street (next o 63 Newton St), the area used to have a house which has since fallen into disrepair and been demolished. But people are now using the driveway/old site to dump rubbish.

8. Protection and enhancement of the historic core - Buildings, ruins, remains or features of landscape which are historically notable or significant for which improvements to protect or enhance are to be developed Develop a heritage project to protect, enhance and promote the industrial heritage and archaeology of Catrine Improve the frontage of retail and residential properties in Mill Square and St Germain Street to reflect the heritage of the village For protection of the historic core I think these proposals will bring: Response Response

Percent Total 0 Little improvement 4.00% 1

1 0.00% 0 2 0.00% 0 3 4.00% 1

4 8.00% 2

5 8.00% 2

6 12.00% 3

7 Great improvement 64.00% 16

answered 25

skipped 0 Comments: (6)

Yes and Yes.

Does Catrine not already meant to have a heritage project ak Catrine Community Trust and the CEPH project? Have to say don't see them doing much for heritage or helping tourism to Catrine! Council spent enough money on the them and see nothing for it!

Visitors are put off going for a walk around village because of garish shop fronts, dilapidated, dirty buildings, dirty puddles of water at kerbsides outside of Corner Bar and shops.there is nothing about this area that would invite a stranger to investigate the village further. On the contrary they would drive on. Having the cevic centre is all very well but to get to it you have to pass these areas. The heart of a village dies when the proper Post Office, bank and butchers went. There are two supermarkets, with same stock, competing with each other, two chippies, every shop sells greeting cards, 3 hairdressers within 50 yards of each other and a half decent fruit/veg shop and chemist. The Cotton Trail is decent and friendly. The pub .... well..... what can be said about that! I wish the shop owners would get together, stop competing and each offer a service that a village needs. Turn the shop fronts into an area that would invite people to stop and investigate rather than driving past

Not enough is done to promote the history of catrine despite a lot of hard work by mainly the community Trust. Catrine has a great history which would interest many people. I think if some of the work that has been done in New Lanark were done in Catrine that would vastly improve the tourism to East Ayrshire


Properties in the Main Street should always be maintained to a high standard since that is what everyone sees when passing through , and if someone wants to move to the area it’s could make or break the decision to choose Catrine.

9. Housing development/improvement opportunities - Brownfield or green-field sites where future new-build housing could be developed or areas of existing housing where the condition of the properties leads to significant consistent vacancies and negative visual impact 24-33 St Cuthbert's Street For housing development/improvement opportunities I think these proposals will bring: Respons Respons

e Percent e Total 0 Little improvement 8.00% 2

1 4.00% 1

2 0.00% 0 3 4.00% 1

4 20.00% 5

5 16.00% 4

6 12.00% 3

7 Great improvement 36.00% 9

answered 25

skipped 0 Comments: (7)

1 Destroying a 250 year-old heritage building which surveys have confirmed is still a sound building adds nothing to the heritage of the village and actively destroys it. These weavers' cottages are in keeping with the surrounding Scheduled Ancient Monument of which they should probably be a part and the LNR which lies directly in front of them. They are iconic parts of the heritage landscape. The building has been sadly neglected over the last 30 years and much of what has been done has detracted from its viability (wrong surface finishes, failure to repair guttering so water pours down the walls every time it rains, unmaintained roofing). The building dates from the late 18th and early 19th century and is featured on the earliest maps of the area. It should be an integral part of Catrine's heritage offering especially as it lies right on the River Ayr Way. No-one will go out of their way to see a new-build block of council flats and in fact such a building will negatively impact the area. Many folk will appreciate a nicely maintained 250 year old weavers' cottage especially if it presented as such. We need to find another solution. If the flats are empty, turn them into a tourist attraction! Show visitors what Catrine used to be. Strip off the 20th century and show how the weavers lived in the 18th. Other places have made such buildings into a tourist asset, we can too and we should. Combined with the local stories surrounding the 'radical' weavers, the 'Radical Brae' and the Radical Road' on which the building stands, this should be one more attraction for the walkers on the River Ayr Way. The condition of the flats varies, some are really bad, some are just fine, some in private hands are quite lovely. Solutions need to be found but should not include destruction of the building. That is too high a price to pay.

2 Not new builds just yet. Improve and retain the existing homes and surroundings

3 I think it would be terribly sad if these houses were demolished as they are part of the history of catrine.

4 This is Catrine's heritage and must be preserved.

5 These houses should be renovated and not knocked down as they have been there for years and are a key sight around the voes but have been left to deteriorate whwn they should have been properly maintained

6 It's an area that has been long ignored by the council and is in dire need of renovations but the building is much too important to the history of the voes and the industrial past to consider demolishing these properties. Renovations, NOT demolishion!

7 These houses are a complete disgrace and it’s shocking that people are expected to live in them ! They have been allowed to get into this state by lack of maintenance by the council. Very few of the properties are well maintained , those that are mainly privately owned from no. 30-33. All that has been done in the 24 years I have been here is new central heating was put in, not a lick of paint on the outside whatsoever ! It used to be elderly people who lived in the properties and they always had pride in their homes , but over the years it’s becone a dumping ground for people with all sorts of social issues , or straight from Bowhouse prison ??? True to form these council owned properties have been allowed to fall into such a state of disrepair that we’re now asking the question is it viable to bring them up to today’s standards? It’s the first thing walkers on the River Ayr Walkway see as they enter Catrine , and it looks like a slum ! It has looked bad for years, yet, do we see any sign of things happening ? No we don’t! Loads of pontificating going on, send a few senior looking officials with clipboards out, etc etc ....and is that supposed to appease us ? It certainly doesn’t appease me, I want answers as to when it’s going to be improved.....

10. What is your age group?

Response Response

Percent Total 12-15 0.00% 0 16-24 8.33% 2

25-44 41.67% 10

45-54 25.00% 6

55-64 16.67% 4

65+ 8.33% 2

answered 24

skipped 1

11. Please use the following box to add any comments, suggestions or complaints you may have about these proposals.

Open-Ended Question

1. My only comments have already been made concerning the proposal to demolish one of the oldest and most iconic buildings in the village on St Cuthbert's Street. As one of the only remaining original 18th century weavers' cottages, the building is too important to lose and another solution to the council's problems must be found. The proposal to demolish needs to be removed from the plan. The building is too important to Catrine's heritage and must be conserved.

2. Enough Money spent on Catrine community trust for years for what to be achieved?

3. Lighting up gameshall hill

Family housing opportunities

4. My main objection would be to the destruction of st cuthberts street.

5. I curently rent 2 Garages from EAC at Braeside. Unfortunately there is no maintinence on the site. No lighting and the only drain on the site has colasped! Thus the need for lighting and drainage to be installed

6. Suggestions is back stairs from Shawlands Street to games hall need fixed as stair has a hole at the top also drain colapion in small park at the lamby stairs

7. The Catrine community is fighting to improve our lot!! doing a lot of work to benefit the area and create a sense of belonging which has been lost over the years. Every item on the agenda is vital for Catrine residents to feel " we matter" . The regeneration will create and restore the pride, historic value and sense of belonging to an area of national impotence.

8. Instead of more car parks in the scheme, they should install swing parks or area for children to play so they didn't have to cross a busy main road which has a lot of lorries going to the bonded warehouse or the opencast near sorn or walk all the way to the other end of the town to play.

9. I have grave concerns about the historical houses on st. Cuthberts st. They should be refurbished and kept/used by future generations.

10. I’m all for these proposals , specifically St Cuthbert’s Street, since that’s where I live and have to drive by the Beirut flats everyday , I suppose it could be a lot worse in that I could have the misfortune to have to live in them . But whatever happens to those flats affects us too! The drainage up here needs dealt with or a whole load more houses could be damaged . What about the state of the Voes water? It looked pretty grim during the summer, it’s mot being maintained to the standard it was a few years ago, we have trees (weeds?.) now growing at waterside which makes visibility pretty difficult from this end of the street for oncoming vehicles.

Ochiltree Placemaking

Online Survey concluded 07/09/2018

1. Cycling and walking route improvements - improvements to infrastructure which will encourage people to walk and cycle more Extend and improve paths for cycling and walking between the Barony A-Frame, Dumfries House and Auchinleck House Improve maintenance and upgrade woodland and riverside paths Improve safety for cyclists and walkers through the village and over the old Lugar Bridge For cycling and walking I think these proposals will provide: Response Response

Percent Total 0 Little improvement 4.17% 2

1 4.17% 2

2 6.25% 3

3 4.17% 2

4 6.25% 3

5 12.50% 6

6 8.33% 4

7 Great improvement 54.17% 26

answered 48

skipped 0 Comments: (8)

1 I have always felt Ochiltree was cut off in terms of walking and cycling so this would be great.

2 Not all tracks in purple are the best option for walking with the good pavement out the high road and the Scottish open access code giving people access through fields. It may be worth focusing on paths that people currently use rather than all paths.

The river walks and access to Dumfries and Auchinleck House should be a priority as they open up lots of more beautiful walks.

3 Encourage people to walk or cycle to Dumfries house or Auchinleck estate rather than needing to use the car to drive up before you can go a walk

4 Would definitely appreciate a pathway going all the way to Dumfries House. A pathway out Mauchlinr Road and up past Castilian Farm would also be good

5 Will provide better walking facilities for local people and encourage visitors.

6 There are no pathways that people can safely walk or cycle outside the village neither on the Cumnock or Auchileck side of the village.

7 You will always find walkers striding out around the village and walking mainly the 3 mile loop which takes you out of the village into the countryside and looping back into the village again. This is a very popular walk for all ages but it would be great if other routes could be opened up for walks and cyclists which would be great for the community by increasing fitness levels and contributing to improving the general health and wellbeing of Ochiltree residents.

8 Road between Ochiltree and Dumfries House requires to be pavemented allowing pedestrian access,

2. Streetscape improvements - Measures which will help people move around more easily, reduce negative experiences and enhance positive experiences. Improve the streetscape around the village, particularly at the Cross by removing street clutter, relocating or replacing road signs Improving surfaces for pedestrians including people with impaired vision or mobility Provide finger posts and links to the forest trail Improve the safety of the bridge on B7036 and the Burnock Bridge on the A70 Improve traffic calming measures throughout the village Investigate measures to reduce traffic volume through the village and reduced traffic flow (measures to include a potential by-pass on the A70) For ease of mobility around Ochiltree I think these measures will bring: Response Response

Percent Total 0 Little improvement 4.17% 2

1 4.17% 2

2 2.08% 1

3 10.42% 5

4 8.33% 4

5 2.08% 1

6 25.00% 12

7 Great improvement 43.75% 21

answered 48

skipped 0 Comments: (8)

1 It’s quite a scary road to walk along or cycle so any improvement would be welcome.

2 Local shops rely on passing trade a bypass in my opinion would lead to the possible closure of our much needed local shops. Agree on most of other points.

3 Pot holes all over village need fixing first though!

4 Too many non locals think that both lanes outside the chip shop are One Way, I.e., left hand for Cumnock and right hand for Ayr.

5 Need to reduce the amount of traffic going through our village. Traffic calming measures would also help. Improved signs in the village are needed. The cemeyary is not signposted. People coming from outside the village to a funeral have not direction due to lack of signing. Improvement of finger posts for forest trail would help walkers.3

6 The bottom of the village experiences very heavy traffic constantly throughout the day and night and many an accident or bump has taken place by the traffic leaving the main road to head up the hill as traffic speeds into the village and cuts the corner at this area. By traffic I mean the following - buses, cars, tractors, farm vehicles and artic lorries delivering to EGGER Plant and the Barr Plant on the Killoch straight heading toward Ayr.

The village would benefit greatly from a by-pass to ensure the safety of resident young and old and to protect and preserve this conservation village into the future.

7 Parking on the Main Street should be regulated there are to many vehicles parked through the day that very rarely move, Resident only parking should be progressed especially between the Cross and Broom Crescent.

Pavement parking needs to be controlled, pavements are for walking on not parking cars.

8 The by-pass on the A70 will never happen!

3. Opportunities for civic space improvements - areas of vacant or underutilised space such as squares, parkland, local landmarks or natural features to be improved for public use or visiual amenity improvement. Provide more off street parking Improve broadband connectivity Utilise underused green areas for improved parking on Stewart Avenue For civic spaces I think these proposals will bring: Respons Respons

e Percent e Total 0 Little improvement 6.25% 3

1 2.08% 1

2 4.17% 2

3 10.42% 5

4 14.58% 7

5 8.33% 4

6 12.50% 6

7 Great improvement 41.67% 20

answered 48

skipped 0 Comments: (10)

1 Having just been in France , I was most impressed by the utilisation of space around all the little villages for parking and public amenities. This could be greatly developed in Ochiltree.

2 More parking much needed in stewart ave

3 Definitely better broadband and the parking in Stewart avenue and broom crescent, there is enough space on to put in a few more spaces granted they would be steep but would definitely be better for kids out playing

4 Ochiltree is in great need for more offstreet parking

5 There currently is a public car park in Broom Crescent, literally across the road from the top of Gallowlea Avenue, this is not utilised by those complaining about the car parking in Broom Crescent so what difference a further empty car park is going to do, I'm not sure.

Better broadband will make a great improveemnt

6 Broadband improvement a must

7 Definitely need more parking.

8 We need more off street parking and better broadband. Make more use of underutilised space.

9 Due to the increase in vehicles in general by residents there is not enough street parking all over the village and vehicles are left everywhere there is a space which can cause problems for larger vehicles (buses, tractors, delivery lorries and emergency services etc) reaching their destination. Greatest area affected is Broom Crescent which is the 2nd major street running parallel with the main street and there is a section which could be utilised with a degree of work being carried out for additional parking. Would be great if the additional green space in Stewart Avenue could also be used for parking.

Broadband in the village is sporadic depending on where you stay and how far you are from the exchange.

10 It would be beneficial in 2018 to get a high speed broadband.

4. Blue/Green network opportunities – Actions which improve the natural space in river corridor to make the river corridor more safely accessible and provide greater visual amenity. Improve the area at the Mill Dam to make it a more attractive space for locals and visitors to enjoy landscape the space to make it easier and cheaper to maintain Improve management of the riverbanks and walkways to improve views and access for all for greater accessibility and visual amenity I think these proposals will bring: Response Response

Percent Total 0 Little improvement 2.08% 1

1 2.08% 1

2 10.42% 5

3 6.25% 3

4 14.58% 7

5 12.50% 6

6 10.42% 5

7 Great improvement 41.67% 20

answered 48

skipped 0 Comments: (6)

1 Ochiltree has the potential to provide a wonderful natural environment for the benefit of everyone. I would love to see an all ability path around the river for instance.

2 Improving the dam area is a brilliant idea.

3 We have a beautiful setting at the dam which could be made into a picnic area and bring make Ochiltree a visitor destination.

4 More seats and bins please.

5 Improvement in natural river corridor. Make the dam area more attractive.

6 Would rather see other areas addressed first as this area although used as a recreational area is not greatly overlooked by residing residents.

5. Green space requiring improvement - Improvements to areas of grassland or woodland to provide greater opportunities for play, recreation or visual amenity Develop a view point with seating on the walkway from Broom Crescent Improve faciities and drainage at Kay Park Improve the area at the war memorial Improve green space in housing scheme For green spaces I think the proposals would bring: Response Response

Percent Total 0 Little improvement 4.17% 2

1 2.08% 1

2 10.42% 5

3 10.42% 5

4 8.33% 4

5 6.25% 3

6 8.33% 4

7 Great improvement 50.00% 24

answered 48

skipped 0 Comments: (8)

1 The drainage at Kay park is a definite.

2 Kay Park should be a priority.

3 There is two seats and a viewing point on the walkway from broom crescent already in place, there is also a bin for dog waste, but unfortunately, especially in the winter the area is a minefield of dog shit.

4 There is already seating behind Broom Crescent with views across the fields

5 Drainage at Kay Park I thought it was supposed to be sorted when they laid the pad? Why doesn't the council have clauses in their contracts which makes the contractors come back to sort jobs that aren't done right.

6 Kay park needs proper drainage to make it a safer place for our children to play. It also needs more play facilities.

7 Any additional seating throughout the village would be a great thing for the whole community to use as this would provide a social place and resting place for young and old to use whilst manouvering throughout the village.

Drainage at the Kay Park is a huge issue as it floods really easy in wet weather and hinders the use of residents, children and visitors to the football pitch which impacts on revenue for East Ayrshire Leisure Trust.

8 More native trees should be planted around the village and on the road verges, the approach into Ochiltree from Auchinleck is spectacular and a great plus point to the village - this should be extended to the High Road where an avenue of trees would vastly improve that approach.

Playparks need to be updated and expanded

6. Priority buildings - buildings which require significant regeneration in order to improve their impact on the quality of the built environment Create village hub with leisure facilities for locals and visitors on Main Street Upgrade the church hall For priority buildings I think these proposals will provide: Response Response

Percent Total 0 Little improvement 2.08% 1

1 0.00% 0 2 2.08% 1

3 8.33% 4

4 8.33% 4

5 18.75% 9

6 8.33% 4

7 Great improvement 52.08% 25

answered 48

skipped 0 Comments: (5)

1 So looking forward to this.

2 Not sure what form upgrade would take so gave this a four.

3 If village hub is built there would be no need to use community funds to improve church hall

4 A new village hub will be a great boost to our village, especially for the young people.

5 Community Hub would be great for the village for community use but would need to ensure that it was priced appropriately to ensure continued use.

The upgrade of the church hall might not be essential as the community hub is across the road from the church and there is also the Bowling Green Hall at the bottom of the village to use for big events. The congregation/members of the church is not that great and is appears to be more elderly residents. In years to come sadly the church might not be sustainable for the numbers attending.

7. Protection and enhancement of the historic core - buildings, ruins or features of landscape which are historically notable or significant for which improvements to protect or enhance are to be developed Restoration of the feature at the Cross For protection of the historic core I think these proposals will bring: Response Response

Percent Total 0 Little improvement 4.17% 2

1 2.08% 1

2 4.17% 2

3 14.58% 7

4 10.42% 5

5 10.42% 5

6 12.50% 6

7 Great improvement 41.67% 20

answered 48

skipped 0 Comments: (3)

1 I’m sorry the old cemetery wasn’t included here.

2 Restoration of the village cross will enhance our village.

3 Apart from making it more tidy and attractive in appearance I cannot see any other advantage to this as it is a small area surrounded on four sides by busy roads.

8. What is your age group?

Response Response

Percent Total 1 12-15 6.52% 3

2 16-24 8.70% 4

3 25-44 23.91% 11

4 45-54 26.09% 12

5 55-64 30.43% 14

6 65+ 4.35% 2

answered 46

skipped 2

9. Please use the following box to add any comments, suggestions or complaints you may have about these proposals.

Open-Ended Question

1. Looking good so far

2. I think all of the above suggested would make a huge difference to our village

3. A lot good ideas but it is very hard to make informed decisions when the survey is a bit vague at points for example the word improve is used alot but we are left guessing what the improvements will be. That's an example I think it would help for the village to see where money is going to be spent before it is actually spent.

The only complaint I am going to make is based on the above it is impossible to make informed complaints so it would be helpful if this option was also given again before final decisions are made.

It is obvious that a lot of hard work has went in so far, so well done to the people involved.

4. I believe more parking would be a great help . I am a walker but there are no sign posts to tell people to go so i usually end up driving to auchinleck and walking Dumfries estate .

5. I think these plans would all be great if completed

6. Since the formation of the Community Action Plan Group the village has more people volunteering, less litter and dog poo. I believe the community is coming together in a very positive way.

7. I think that there should be arrows in the road outside the chip shop.

8. Not happy that the mature trees were cut down on the Hub Site

Written Responses, Catrine.

Name and address of Summary of representation / Response respondent Changes sought Member of public 1 Look forward to the improvments n/a looks good

Member of public 2, Happy with the plans n/a

Member of public 3 Happy with the plans n/a

Member of public 4 Happy with the plans n/a

Member of public 5 Pleased with plan n/a

Member of public 6 Happy with the plan n/a

Member of public 7 Happy with the plan n/a

Member of public 8 Happy with the plan n/a

Member of public 9 Happy with the plan n/a

Member of public 10 Controlled crossing required at the n/a post office

Member of public 11 Traffic lights at crossing on st n/a Germaine St

Member of public 12 Traffic lights at road crossings n/a Old Mill Inn demplshed Optical Factory considered Improve the shopfronts and corner bar

Member of public 13 Happy with the plan n/a

Member of public 14 Happy with the plan n/a

Member of public 15 Happy with the plan n/a

Member of public 16 Happy with the plan n/a

Member of public 17 Happy with the plan n/a

Member of public 18 Happy with the plan n/a

Member of public 19 Happy with the plan n/a

Member of public 20 Happy with the plan n/a

Member of public 21 Overall plans seem good n/a

Member of public 22 Develop old mill site, Redevelop n/a Factory

Member of public 23 Happy with the plan n/a

Member of public 24 Happy with the plan n/a

Strathclyde Partnership SPT is supportive of proposals to n/a for Transport encourage people to walk and cycle more and the introduction of measures which help people move around and create positive experiences of the area as well as the principle of measures to improve pedestrian and cyclists safety. In considering actions to improve pedestrian and cyclist safety on main traffic routes, we would ask that the potential impact on bus service operation in the area is also considered as part of the development of options. SPT would welcome the opportunity to comment on any proposals that come forward in this regard.

Written Responses Ochiltree

Name and address of Summary of representation / Response respondent Changes sought Member of public 25 Footpaths to link with Auchinleck n/a Estate and along Barony Rd would be a great idea,

Traffic calming together with holistic / heritage minded treatment of area at Cross is essential

Member of public 26 Traffic calming measures essential n/a for Old Main Street and A70 / Mill St. Walking network great idea Extend pavents from Dumfries house and from Barony A Frame

Member of public 27 HGV lorries on the road early in the n/a morning, The speed of vehicles going over speed bumps, speed cameras would be beneficial, have seen people overtake in between the speed bumps

Member of public 28 The amount of traffic on the roads, n/a potholes on the main street and schemes

n/a Strathclyde Partnership SPT is supportive of proposals to for Transport encourage people to walk and cycle more and the introduction of measures which help people move around and create positive experiences of the area as well as the principle of measures to improve pedestrian and cyclists safety. In considering actions to improve pedestrian and cyclist safety on main traffic routes, we would ask that the potential impact on bus service operation in the area is also considered as part of the development of options. SPT would welcome the opportunity to comment on any proposals that come forward in this regard.