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Senate Section (PDF 2MB) E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 104 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 141 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1995 No. 33 Senate The Senate met at 10:30 a.m. and was READING OF WASHINGTON’S that retirement from which I had been called to order by the President pro FAREWELL ADDRESS reluctantly drawn. The strength of my tempore [Mr. THURMOND]. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Under inclination to do this, previous to the The PRESIDENT pro tempore. To- the order of the Senate of January 24, last election, had even led to the prepa- day’s prayer will be offered by our 1901, as modified on February 16, 1995, ration of an address to declare it to guest Chaplain, the Reverend Dr. Er- the Senator from Wyoming [Mr. THOM- you; but mature reflection on the then nest Gibson, pastor of the First Rising AS] is recognized to read Washington’s perplexed and critical posture of our Mount Zion Baptist Church, Wash- Farewell Address. affairs with foreign nations, and the ington, DC. Mr. THOMAS, at the rostrum, read unanimous advice of persons entitled the Farewell Address, as follows: to my confidence, impelled me to aban- don the idea. PRAYER To the people of the United States. I rejoice that the state of your con- FRIENDS AND FELLOW CITIZENS: The The guest Chaplain, the Reverend Dr. cerns external as well as internal, no period for a new election of a citizen to Ernest Gibson, pastor of First Rising longer renders the pursuit of inclina- administer the executive government Mount Zion Baptist Church, offered the tion incompatible with the sentiment of the United States being not far dis- following prayer: of duty or propriety; and am persuaded, tant, and the time actually arrived whatever partiality may be retained Let us pray: when your thoughts must be employed for my services, that in the present cir- This is the day the Lord hath made; we in designating the person who is to be cumstances of our country, you will will rejoice and be glad in it.—Psalm clothed with that important trust, it not disapprove my determination to re- 18:24. appears to me proper, especially as it tire. Heavenly Father, we thank You for may conduce to a more distinct expres- this day and the opportunity for serv- sion of the public voice, that I should The impressions with which I first ice that it offers. now apprise you of the resolution I undertook the arduous trust, were ex- plained on the proper occasion. In the We thank You, O God, for Your Sen- have formed, to decline being consid- discharge of this trust, I will only say ators, representatives of Your people. ered among the number of those, out of that I have, with good intentions, con- We thank You for their deep concern whom a choice is to be made. tributed towards the organization and for the welfare of this country. We ask I beg you, at the same time, to do me administration of the government, the Your guidance, O God, as this body the justice to be assured, that this res- best exertions of which a very fallible works with today’s responsibilities. olution has not been taken, without judgment was capable. Not unconscious May their decisions reflect Your will strict regard to all the considerations in the outset, of the inferiority of my for this Nation and its people. appertaining to the relation which binds a dutiful citizen to his country; qualifications, experience, in my own We thank You, O God, for our demo- and that, in withdrawing the tender of eyes, perhaps still more in the eyes of cratic Government. May the skill, service which silence in my situation others, has strengthened the motives knowledge, and commitment of this might imply, I am influenced by no to diffidence of myself; and, every day, elected body protect and preserve its diminution of zeal for your future in- the increasing weight of years admon- peace, liberty, and justice. terest; no deficiency of grateful respect ishes me more and more, that the May the joy of service always be with for your past kindness; but am sup- shade of retirement is as necessary to these, the representatives of Your peo- ported by a full conviction that the me as it will be welcome. Satisfied that ple. step is compatible with both. if any circumstances have given pecu- In the name of our Sovereign God, The acceptance of, and continuance liar value to my services they were Ruler of Men and Nation. Amen. hitherto in the office to which your temporary, I have the consolation to suffrages have twice called me, have believe that, while choice and prudence f been a uniform sacrifice of inclination invite me to quit the political scene, to the opinion of duty, and to a def- patriotism does not forbid it. erence for what appeared to be your de- In looking forward to the moment RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME sire. I constantly hoped that it would which is to terminate the career of my The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Under have been much earlier in my power, political life, my feelings do not permit the previous order, the leadership time consistently with motives which I was me to suspend the deep acknowledg- is reserved. not at liberty to disregard, to return to ment of that debt of gratitude which I ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S2907 . VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:21 May 28, 2008 Jkt 041999 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 J:\ODA15\1995_F~1\S22FE5.REC S22FE5 mmaher on MIKETEMP with SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS S2908 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 22, 1995 owe to my beloved country, for the different causes and from different will more and more find a valuable many honors it has conferred upon me; quarters much pains will be taken, vent for the commodities which it still more for the steadfast confidence many artifices employed, to weaken in brings from abroad, or manufactures at with which it has supported me; and your minds the conviction of this home. The west derives from the east for the opportunities I have thence en- truth; as this is the point in your polit- supplies requisite to its growth and joyed of manifesting my inviolable at- ical fortress against which the bat- comfort—and what is perhaps of still tachment, by services faithful and per- teries of internal and external enemies greater consequence, it must of neces- severing, though in usefulness unequal will be most constantly and actively sity owe the secure enjoyment of indis- to my zeal. If benefits have resulted to (though often covertly and insidiously) pensable outlets for its own produc- our country from these services, let it directed; it is of infinite movement, tions, to the weight, influence, and the always be remembered to your praise, that you should properly estimate the future maritime strength of the Atlan- and as an instructive example in our immense value of your national union tic side of the Union, directed by an in- annals, that under circumstances in to your collective and individual happi- dissoluble community of interest as which the passions, agitated in every ness; that you should cherish a cordial, one nation. Any other tenure by which direction, were liable to mislead habitual, and immovable attachment the west can hold this essential advan- amidst appearances sometimes dubi- to it; accustoming yourselves to think tage, whether derived from its own sep- ous, vicissitudes of fortune often dis- and speak of it as of the palladium of arate strength; or from an apostate and couraging—in situations in which not your political safety and prosperity; unnatural connection with any foreign unfrequently, want of success has watching for its preservation with jeal- power, must be intrinsically precar- countenanced the spirit of criticism,— ous anxiety; discountenancing what- ious. the constancy of your support was the ever may suggest even a suspicion that While then every part of our country essential prop of the efforts, and a it can, in any event, be abandoned; and thus feels an immediate and particular guarantee of the plans, by which they indignantly frowning upon the first interest in union, all the parts com- were effected. Profoundly penetrated dawning of every attempt to alienate bined cannot fail to find in the united with this idea, I shall carry it with me any portion of our country from the mass of means and efforts, greater to my grave, as a strong incitement to rest, or to enfeeble the sacred ties strength, greater resource proportion- unceasing vows that heaven may con- which now link together the various ably greater security from external tinue to you the choicest tokens of its parts. danger, a less frequent interruption of beneficence—that your union and For this you have every inducement their peace by foreign nations; and, brotherly affection may be perpetual— of sympathy and interest. Citizens by what is of inestimable value, they must that the free constitution, which is the birth, or choice, of a common country, derive from union, an exemption from work of your hands, may be sacredly that country has a right to concentrate those broils and wars between them- maintained—that its administration in your affections. The name of American, selves, which so frequently afflict every department may be stamped with which belongs to you in your national neighboring countries not tied together wisdom and virtue—that, in fine, the capacity, must always exalt the just by the same government; which their happiness of the people of these states, pride of patriotism, more than any ap- own rivalship alone would be sufficient under the auspices of liberty, may be pellation derived from local discrimi- to produce, but which opposite foreign made complete by so careful a preser- nations.
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