January 2009 Month
March 24, 2011 OREGON LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSION Page 1 of 7 Gallons Of Wine Removed From Bond Or Imported Into Oregon As Reported by Oregon Wineries For the Month of January 2009 <----------------------- Taxed ------------------------> <-------------------- Exported ----------------------> <---------------------- Exempt ----------------------> Company Name Under 14% Over 14% Total Under 14% Over 14% Total Under 14% Over 14% Total OAK KNOLL WINERY 51,994.44 0.00 51,994.44 20,009.22 0.00 20,009.22 31,985.22 0.00 31,985.22 UNION WINE CO 38,071.40 6,317.10 44,388.50 4,317.20 71.30 4,388.50 33,754.20 6,245.80 40,000.00 WILLAKENZIE ESTATE 13,845.00 20,729.00 34,574.00 0.00 0.00 13,845.00 20,729.00 34,574.00 LEMELSON WINES LEMELSON VINEYARDS 29,339.91 435.09 29,775.00 0.00 0.00 29,339.91 435.09 29,775.00 PANTHER CREEK CELLARS 20,661.54 8,328.48 28,990.02 0.00 0.00 20,661.54 8,328.48 28,990.02 ROXY ANN WINERY / NORTHWEST WINE BROKERS 10,377.20 18,610.10 28,987.30 265.91 38.44 304.35 10,377.20 18,610.10 28,987.30 CRISTOM VINEYARDS 12,044.57 14,070.22 26,114.79 0.00 0.00 12,044.57 14,070.22 26,114.79 DEL RIO VINEYARDS 19,138.00 6,691.00 25,829.00 9,735.42 429.60 10,165.02 9,402.58 6,261.40 15,663.98 WALNUT CITY WINEWORKS 23,650.38 972.50 24,622.88 0.00 0.00 23,650.38 972.50 24,622.88 CHATEAU BIANCA 21,726.47 1,506.54 23,233.01 7,661.40 376.80 8,038.20 14,065.07 1,129.74 15,194.81 HENRY ESTATE WINERY 21,755.80 97.50 21,853.30 0.00 0.00 21,755.80 97.50 21,853.30 AMITY VNYD/REDFRD CEL/MDRNA HL/VIEW 20,580.15 0.00 20,580.15 0.00 0.00 20,580.15 0.00
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