Anglian Water Drought Plan 2019 SEA Environmental Report Appendix a - Plans and Programmes Review
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Anglian Water Drought Plan 2019 SEA Environmental Report Appendix A - Plans and Programmes Review March 2020 Anglian Water Services Limited Mott MacDonald 22 Station Road Cambridge CB1 2JD United Kingdom T +44 (0)1223 463500 F +44 (0)1223 461007 Anglian Water Services Limited Anglian Water Drought Plan 399155 003 C 2019 Mott MacDonald SEA Environmental Report Appendix A - Plans and Programmes Review March 2020 Mott MacDonald Limited. Registered in England and Wales no. 1243967. Registered office: Mott MacDonald House, 8-10 Sydenham Road, Croydon CR0 2EE, Anglian Water Services Limited United Kingdom Mott MacDonald | Anglian Water Drought Plan 2019 SEA Environmental Report Appendix A - Plans and Programmes Review Issue and Revision Record Revision Date Originator Checker Approver Description A 29.10.18 S Robinson N Levy P Ede First draft for client comment B 13.11.18 S Robinson N Levy P Ede For Issue incorporating client comments C 22.11.18 S Robinson N Levy P Ede For Issue – revised following further client comments D 06.03.20 S Robinson N Levy P Ede Updated following consultation period Document reference: 399155 | 003 | D Information class: Standard This document is issued for the party which commissioned it and for specific purposes connected with the above- captioned project only. It should not be relied upon by any other party or used for any other purpose. We accept no responsibility for the consequences of this document being relied upon by any other party, or being used for any other purpose, or containing any error or omission which is due to an error or omission in data supplied to us by other parties. This document contains confidential information and proprietary intellectual property. It should not be shown to other parties without consent from us and from the party which commissioned it. This R eport has been prepar ed sol ely for use by the party w hich commissi oned it (the 'Client') in connection wi th the capti oned pr oject. It shoul d not be used for any other purpose. N o person other than the Client or any party w ho has expr essly agreed terms of reli ance with us (the 'Recipi ent(s)') may r ely on the content, information or any views expr essed in the R eport. T his R eport is confi denti al and contains pr opri etary intell ect ual pr operty and we accept no duty of car e, r esponsibility or li ability to any other recipi ent of this R eport. N o repr esentati on, w arranty or undertaki ng, express or im plied, is made and no responsi bility or liability is accepted by us to any party other than the Client or any Reci pient(s), as to the accuracy or com pleteness of the i nformati on contai ned i n this R eport. F or the avoi dance of doubt thi s Report does not i n any w ay pur port to i nclude any legal, insurance or fi nanci al advice or opi nion. We disclaim all and any liability w hether arising i n tort, contr act or otherwise w hich we might otherwise have to any party other than the Cli ent or the Reci pient(s), in respect of this Report, or any inform ation contained in it. W e accept no responsi bility for any error or omissi on in the Report w hich is due to an error or omissi on in data, i nformation or statements supplied to us by o ther parti es i ncludi ng the Cli ent (the 'Data'). We have not independently verified the D ata or otherwise exami ned i t to determi ne the accuracy, com pleteness, sufficiency for any purpose or feasi bility for any particular outcome incl uding fi nanci al. Forecasts presented i n this docum ent w ere pr epared usi ng the Data and the Repor t is dependent or based on the D ata. Inevitably, som e of the assumptions used to develop the for ecasts will not be realised and unantici pated events and circumstances m ay occur. C onseq uently, we do not guarantee or w arrant the conclusions contained in the R eport as ther e are likely to be differences betw een the forecasts and the actual results and those differ ences may be m aterial. While we consi der that the information and opini ons given in this R eport are sound all parti es m ust rely on their ow n skill and judgem ent when m aking use of it. Information and opi nions ar e current only as of the date of the Report and w e accept no responsi bility for updati ng such information or opi nion. It shoul d, therefor e, not be assum ed that any such inform ati on or opi nion conti nues to be accurate subsequent to the date of the Report. U nder no circum stances m ay this Report or any extract or summ ary thereof be used i n connecti on with any public or private sec urities offeri ng incl udi ng any related m emor andum or pr ospectus for any securiti es offering or stock exchange listi ng or announcem ent. By acceptance of this Repor t you agree to be bound by this disclaim er. T his disclaim er and any issues, disputes or cl aims arising out of or in connection wi th it (whether contractual or non-contractual i n natur e such as cl aims i n tort, from br each of statute or regul ati on or otherwise) shall be governed by, and co nstr ued i n accordance with, the law s of Engl and and W ales to the exclusion of all conflict of l aws principles and r ules. All disputes or claims arising out of or r elati ng to this discl aimer s hall be subject to the excl usive jurisdicti on of the English and Welsh courts to w hich the parties irrevocably submit. 399155 | 003 | D | March 2020 Mott MacDonald | Anglian Water Drought Plan 2019 SEA Environmental Report Appendix A - Plans and Programmes Review Contents A. Plans and Programmes Review 1 399155 | 003 | D | March 2020 Mott MacDonald | Anglian Water Drought Plan 2019 1 SEA Environmental Report Appendix A - Plans and Programmes Review A. Plans and Programmes Review 399155 | 003 | D | March 2020 Mott MacDonald | Anglian Water Drought Plan 2019 2 SEA Environmental Report Appendix A - Plans and Programmes Review Document name Key objectives, requirements, and guidance International and European The Birds Directive (2009/147/EC) The Directive aims to provide protection to the all of the 500 wild bird species which naturally occur in the European Union. The EU legislation was adopted in 1979 due to concerns of wild bird species decline and was amended in 2009. It places emphasis on the protection of habitats for endangered and migratory species and establishes a network of Special Protection Areas (SPAs) including all the most suitable territories for these species. EU 7th Environmental Action Plan The 7th EU Environmental Action Plan (EAP) will provide guidance for European environmental policy until 2020 and also sets out a long-term vision of (2013) where it aims the Union will be in 2050. The EAP has three key objectives: ● To protect, conserve and enhance the Union’s natural capital ● To turn the Union into a resource-efficient, green, and competitive low-carbon economy ● To safeguard the Union's citizens from environment-related pressures and risks to health and wellbeing European Landscape Convention, The Convention is dedicated to promoting the protection, management and planning of landscape, and to organise European co-operation of landscape October (2000) issues. It covers land and water (inland and seas) as well as natural, rural, urban and peri-urban landscapes. It takes into account degraded landscapes alongside those that are considered as outstanding. The Convention also considers the interaction between landscape elements. The Convention for the Protection on The aim of the Convention is to protect archaeological heritage as a source of European collective memory and as an instrument for historical and scientific the Archaeological Heritage of Europe study. It promotes co-operation between archaeologist and planning to ensure the optimum conversation of archaeological heritage. It sets out framework (Revised, 1992) for funding of work related to archaeology and also deals with public access and awareness. National Draft National Policy Statement for The government recognises the need for a ‘twin track’ approach to improve the resilience of water supplies. This means further ambitious action to Water Resources (November 2017) reduce the demand for water alongside new water resources. The government wants to make sure that where new large infrastructure is needed, it can be delivered in a timely manner to a high standard. To help achieve this, NPS will streamline the process of gaining planning consents for nationally significant water resource infrastructure projects. The government intends to support infrastructure that: ● Secures long-term resilience to the impacts of drought and climate change as set out in the strategic policy statement (SPS)14 to Ofwat and supports the aims of the government’s national adaptation programme (NAP) on climate change ● Supports both an increase in population and economic growth across England, in line with the aims of the Industrial Strategy ● Supports the achievement of sustainability goals and enhances the environment, in line the Environment Agency’s water industry national environment programme (WINEP) and in a way that will be set out in the government’s 25-year Environment Plan ● Offers best value for customers so that water needs can be met in an affordable way both now and in the future, in line with the strategic objective set out in the SPS.