March 2017

SPRING IS ON THE WAY! You may remember that in late 2015 members of the Gardening Club planted several hundred daffodil bulbs all round Battisford & Combs. This year we are hoping that villagers and visitors will enjoy an even bigger and better display. The picture , taken last year ,is the first showing of bulbs planted by the Memorial bench at the end of Tannery Road., overlooking Combs Church.

DON’T MISS RITA’S CHARITY VILLAGE TEA PARTY IN BATTISFORD VILLAGE HALL IN AID OF ANTHONY NOLAN TRUST Sunday 12th March from 2pm. Details on page 6 1 Battisford Village Hall Management Committee

Regular users of the village hall will know that during 2016 alterations and improvements have been carried out to keep the hall well maintained and an asset to the village. The works have included installing a projector and screen for all hall users, the replacement of the old kitchen with a brand new one and improvements to the Committee Room giving the Pre-School a much more secure storage facility. The next project in the upkeep of the hall is to look at the floor, most of which is the original school floor, this has to undergo continual maintenance to keep it looking good and fit for purpose. We are hoping along with fund raising events to secure grant aid to enable us to replace the flooring and joist structure beneath. To commence fund raising for these major works we held a Christmas Ball at Ringshall Village Hall, despite not getting quite the support we had hoped for the event was a great success and enjoyed by all who attended, and certainly put us all in the mood for Christmas. Pictures of the event can be seen on our website, along with details of future functions, hall hire charges, clubs and ‘what’s on at the Village Hall’ have a look and see if anything takes your fancy. Looking forward to 2017 we will have celebrated a belated Chinese New Year in February, have a fashion show planned in May and hopefully another race night in the summer, which proved a great success in 2016. If you have any ideas for events you would like to see held at the village hall or would like to join the committee please contact us at [email protected]

Christmas Ball—dinner then dancing the night away! 2 Santa’s Village People

Santa and his helpers with the sleigh were out again just before Christmas and raised a fantastic £1055 for this years designated charity -helping the families of local children with cancer. A big thank you to everyone who contributed, and also to the Punch Bowl for their hospitality.

See you all next Christmas! Carol Wright.

Carpet Bowls

Apologies to the ‘carpet bowlers’ as I described their game as indoor bowls in the last edition of Barclif. Indoor bowls is basically a version of the outdoor game whereas carpet bowls is played on a shorter mat and with smaller bowls allowing it to be played in venues such as the Battisford Community Centre. Contact number under Hall listings: page 9

The Battisford Carpet Bowls Cub enjoy a game


Battisford Preschool Local Information Battisford Preschool is an Ofsted registered provi- Parish Council Chairmen sion taking children from 2 -5 years. We are able to offer free places for 3 and 4 year olds. Battisford: Chris Knock: 07720387367. We operate Monday – Friday during term time of- Combs: Stuart Scarff: 01449 613489 fering morning sessions, lunch clubs and afternoon sessions. Lt Finborough: Paul Marriage: 01449 612815 For more information telephone Jo Rainbird - District Councillor 01449 612289 or 07540 645300. ( there is funding available for some 2 year olds dependent on David Whybrow :07799068926 your circumstances so please enquire for further information) County Councillor Julia Truelove : 01449 678 652 Doctors surgeries Bildeston Health Centre: 01449 720254 Combs Ford Surgery: 01449 678333 Needham Market Country Practice: 01449 720666

PARISH COUNCIL NEWS Combs Parish Council meets at 7.30pm on the 2nd Monday of every month with the AGM being on 15th May 2017 at 7pm. Battisford Parish Council meets every 6 weeks (next meeting Tues 21st Feb) with the AGM being on Tuesday 16th May 2017 at 7pm. All are welcome at any Parish Council meeting The Parish Councillors request that grass cuttings are not disposed of in road ditches. If the ditches are blocked it can cause flooding on the road.

If you are unable to dispose of your grass cuttings in your garden you can apply

to MSDC for a garden waste bin. (you will have to pay an annual fee)

If you wish to contribute articles or photographs for the next Barclifnews please contact the editor, Anthea Howard, on 01449675161 or email [email protected] by 10th June 2017. If you are interested in advertising please contact the editor for details

4 St Mary’ s Church, Battisford

With the last Barclif News coming out in early November 2016 there are many events to mention. We were both honoured and pleased that the Bishop of Dunwich, the Rt Revd. Dr. Mike Harrison came to take our Holy Communion Service on November 6th. After the service Bishop Mike went up the stairs to our Musicians’ Gallery. We talked to him about its construction in 1841 by William Reeve, a joiner, of Needham Market. On to December – the decision to move our Christmas Fayre to the Punchbowl on December 10th proved a success and we were pleased that a good number of people came to support us. Thank you to Luke and the Punchbowl for their hospitality. It has been our practice for several years to bring gifts to church for Lighthouse Women’s Refuge in . These were brought to the services on 4th & 18th December and Caroline delivered them to the Refuge who were most appreciative. As usual we held our Christmas Eve Candlelit Carol Service – another joyous occasion. The Architects Quinquennial visit took place in December and we will soon receive his report on what we will need to raise for Church repairs. Monday April 3rd 7pm. Annual Parochial meeting will be held in the Church. All welcome. Services for 2017: 1st Sunday: Morning Prayers (occasionally Family Prayer) at 11am 2nd Sunday: Holy Communion at 11am 3rd Sunday (alternate months) Evening Service at 6pm with Revd Dan. (Feb 19th. April 16th (Easter Day) & June 18th) 4th Sunday: Service at Ringshall Church at 9am

Please see details of our Giant book sale on page 12

View of St Mary’s Church taken from the Minstrel’s Gallery

5 Battisford Free Church

Easter – What’s it all about?

As a child, I loved Easter. What’s not to love? There was time off of school (always welcome!) and we got plenty of a chocolate eggs. Even now I’m still partial to a bag of mini eggs or even an Easter biscuit! In recent years Easter egg hunts, have become more popular. Um…and there was something about Jesus. Any of this sound familiar? I’m not going to condemn any tradition that results in family get togethers or a bit of a celebration, but per- haps there’s a better way. I realise now that the Easter celebration I grew up with was all about me: my stash of eggs, my fun. I went to church, because that’s what my family did, but it was something to get through before I got Chocolate! You know today, Easter is still all about me…at least that’s what Jesus would say. He lived in our challenging, abusive, hurt-filled world for me. He died a brutal death, at the hands of hateful people for me. He defeated death and lives on, for me. Romans 5:8 says, “But God demonstrates His love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Jesus was the once for all sacrifice for the sins of all who would believe in Him. At the end of the day that’s the true message of Easter, it’s all about what Jesus did for me……and you! Could you spend some time reflecting on God’s eternal expression of love that oc- curred at that very first Easter? You may hear us playing and singing Easter songs around the village on Good Friday. Why not join us for as service on Easter Sunday at 10.45 or 6.30.

Have a great Easter Pastor Iain


Do you enjoy meeting with others? If so why not come and spend time at with us and others from the locality for a cup of tea or coffee. Alongside the tea and coffee there is an optional paper quiz to fill in and a time to chat. The morning session is from 10.00 – 12.00 on the last Wednesday of each month.

Charity Vintage Afternoon Tea Party All proceeds will be donated to the Anthony Nolan Trust for bone marrow research Sunday 12th March 2017, from 2pm, at Battisford Community Centre, £5 per person To reserve a place please rsvp by 8th March to Rita on 01449 677263 or 07747679550 PLEASE TRY TO COME AND SUPPORT THIS WONDERFUL CHARITY AND ENJOY A DELICIOUS TEA It is a Charity close to Rita’s family’s heart.

If you can’t come to the tea party but still wish to donate please contact Rita on the numbers above 6 From the Parishes of Combs & Little Finborough

We are delighted that our Church School – Trinity, in Lavenham Way, has received an OUTSTANDING grading from the National Inspectorate of Church Schools. The Headteacher Linda Curran–Spain and all staff and Governors deserve our thanks for their work in embedding Christian values into all that the school does. If you would like to think about being a Governor please speak to me. As the only Church School in Stowmarket we are justly proud. Future events open to all: Friday, 3rd March - Women's World Day of Prayer service at Little Finborough at 2.15 pm. We are joining with the Gt Finborough parishes for the first time in this service lead by ‘the ladies of the parishes’. All welcome, Combs church service is with Stowmarket churches in the URC at the same time. Friday 3rd March - Curry Evening for Combs Church - back by popular request in the Church Hall . £10 tickets are available from Adela Bamber on 613255, Chris Sansom 770744 or Wendy Childs 673280 Saturday, 18th March—Little Finborough Church are holding a Lent Coffee Morning for Kagera (see below) This is at Old Thatches, opposite the Punchbowl.10 - 12 noon. Saturday, 25th March at 12noon. Soup Lunch in Combs Church supporting the Diocesan Kagera Appeal. Kagera is our link Diocese in N W Tanzania and they are suffering severe drought, largely because of desertifica- tion. Please help if you can. Saturday, 8th April from 10am. Don’t forget the Easter Egg Hunt for Lt Finborough Church at Old Thatches. Admission for each hunter: £3. Saturday, 8th April in the Church Hall. Bangers Beans and Bingo for Combs Church. Tickets are £5 ,available from Jenny Straughier on 429598 or Jill Scarff 613489. Bingo tickets on sale at the time. BYO drinks and nibbles Sunday 9th April—Palm Sunday. Following on from the great success of our processions at Lt Finbrough we shall be holding another this year. The service will start at Old Thatches (opposite the Punchbowl) with the Bible reading, prayers and singing, before processing to St Mary’s Lt Finborough waving our palms and following a ‘donkey’. The service will end in the church and be followed by tea as usual. All very welcome especially children.

Little Finborough Church looking towards the Combs Church with the East Window at the East Window 7 far end of the aisle And in the news… Works to Lt Finborough’s west wall and Combs aisle roofs are now complete. Combs awaits the warmer weather for internal plastering to be carried out. The newly installed kitchen is a great improvement . Lt Finborough has identified further problems, with some dampness of the flooring, which will need investigating and doubtless some money! At Combs, we are hoping very shortly to launch our appeal to raise the present four bells and augment to six. It will be a wonderful tribute to those who gave their lives in the Great War and for this generation. If you would like further details please speak me . The first fund raising event will be a repeat of the cycling tour which was such a success last year. This will take place on Saturday 22nd April—further details to follow. If you would like them emailed to you please let me know Open Garden for Combs Church is on Sunday 11th June at Woodstock, Park Road, kindly hosted and arranged by Jackie Collings And we shall be at The Fete as usual on the Ist July.

It costs £2,080 per month to keep St Marys Combs running and it is a struggle. You should know we receive no state aid. I am very aware that some people value the building for its own sake and so if you do feel able to contribute generally ,or just for its maintenance, can we encourage you to help us either as a one off payment, perhaps Gift Aided, or as a monthly Standing Order. Payments can be designated for the Fabric and Maintenance Fund only. Our Treasurer is Jim Sansom of 11 Webbs Close contactable by phone on 770744 or at [email protected],. Please help us. It is your Treasure in Combs and we want it to be available to all. The delayed work on the Rose Garden has started. If you would like our weekly Pew Sheet e-mailed at no cost please be in touch. All good wishes Rev Chris Combs Rectory 01449 673280, [email protected]


You may have seen on BBC Look East recently, the shocking rise in the number of both young and elderly homeless people in . There are a number of people sleeping rough on the streets of Stowmarket, just a stones throw from us. Ipswich High Street is lined with homeless people most nights. The problem is getting worse. The current weather conditions are cold and unforgiv- ing. Therefore, If you have any unwanted winter clothing, please consider donating it to this cause. Please feel free to bag up any unwanted items such as jumpers, coats, boots, socks, vests, hats, scarves and gloves and leave them with Parish Councillor Nicola Cleaver, at Paddock Cottage on Mill Rd, or with Beth Haley at Oakview on Straight Road. Nicola will ensure that these items get to those who need them quickly. Many thanks for your support Can you imagine what this must be like? Nicola Cleaver, Battisford Parish Councillor 8

Suffolk Cruse Bereavement Care We are a charity set up to help bereaved people to understand their grief and cope with their loss. We provide information, one to one sup- port and offer advice, education and training services. We also have a specialist Children & Young People Team.

For help or information please telephone your local Branch:

Ipswich 01473 230888 North Suffolk & Great Yar- mouth 01502 722234 Suffolk Coastal 01394 670770 01284 767674 Further information can be found at, or email [email protected]

“I felt my counselling with my volunteer was very helpful indeed, at


Monday – Friday during term time Pre-School morning sessions, lunch clubs and 3 afternoon sessions. For Pre-School contact (07540 645300) Snooker Club Night

Wednesday: 7.00pm. To Join the Snooker Club contact Brian Smith 01449 775363. Members can play at any time. Book a table via Bob Hicks 01449 672765

Gardening Club usually meets on the first Monday of the month - contact Bill Baldry on 01449 672168.

Carpet Bowls Club play every Wednesday from 7pm.—contact Pamela & Eddie Sturgeon 01449 676978

The Hall is available for hire for £15 per hour Special rates apply for regular bookings - tables are also available for hire on a 24 hour basis.

Contact Sally Winter on 01449 674852 for further details


Punch BowI Inn

What’s on at the Punch Bowl Inn every month?

st 1 Sunday – Jazz at the Bowl with the “Harry Greene Trio” featuring local talent Harry Greene on Sax and Guitar. Suffolk Jazz at its very, very best. Music starts 1.00pm (‘ish!).

2nd Monday – Tea and a Chat: An afternoon of good company, tea/coffee and a “nibble” to help it down! Open to all in the community. Starts at 3pm

2nd Tuesday – It’s Quiz Night: Why not get a team together with family and friends? Teams of 4 - £3 per person. Cash prizes. Hot snacks available. Starts at 7.30pm

3rd Tuesday – Acoustic Night: Open to all who love music, whether they strum, blow, squeeze or sing – or just listen and enjoy! Join us for an evening’s entertainment provided by local musicians.

4th Monday – Its Spice Night: Never tried our Spice Night – you don’t know what you’re missing! Treat yourself to our traditionally made Indian curries and enjoy Indian cuisine right here in Battisford

And finally – come and enjoy our hospitality. Luke, our Manager, will be pleased to serve you at the bar from our great selection of local beers and fine wines. And Manny, our chef, always has excellent “specials” available as well as our popular lunchtime and evening menus. Booking for evening meals is advised to avoid disappointment.

Keep up to date with events at the Inn:

Contact us: 01449 771646 or email: [email protected] Punch Bowl Inn, Bowl Road, Battisford Tye, Stowmarket IP14 2LQ


Mammoth learning at Orchard Barn

At Orchard Barn we are learning some big lessons about the benefits of using traditional methods of construction using trees and earth. However, in choosing to do so, we have to face up to the challenge of how to move these raw materials with minimal machinery. It is at these times that collaboration, communication and community are vital. A group of volunteers recently ‘rolled’ a massive Elm post some distance and using only human power and winches erected the post. That was a major achievement and an experience not to be forgotten, not least because it was undertaken on a bleak February day. Mud, rain and practical projects also build camaraderie and team spirit. Our ancestors were canny when it came to best use of raw materials. For many of our visitors it is an eye opener to realise that the jowl, (sometimes called a storey post), is actually an upside down tree. Instead of cutting back the flared base of the tree, its bulk was used to good advantage where strength and size were needed most in supporting the junction between wall plates and ties. Simple, and yet so effective.

If you are interested in learning more, please visit our website

Brian—repairing an old ‘jowl post’


Mammoth Book


SATURDAY 1ST APRIL 10.00am – 2.30pm

Hundreds of books for the whole family Fiction & non-fiction Hardback & Paperback Prices to suit all pockets Books on a wide range of genres & subjects

M&Co Fashion Show Friday 12th May 7.30pm Come and enjoy a fun-filled evening at another M&Co fashion show Last Fashion Show 2015 £5 per person to include light refreshments. Paid bar Tickets from Sally on 01449 674852 If you are willing to be a ‘model’ (male or female) please contact Sally Its an entertaining evening—don’t miss it! 12

Other events: Friday 30 June - another chance to enjoy the popular swing band of last year Saturday 1st July - post Fete concert with ‘Renegade Twelve’

Fund raising events for the Combs Fete It is hoped to have fund raising events prior to the Fete. Do try and support these events. The Fete is free for those who come and enjoy it but there are significant expenses in staging it. Look at the Combs website, or for posters around the area for details. The Fete also needs many pairs of hands to organise, particularly on the day, so if you are able to help in any way please contact Gill or Stuart Scarff on 01449 613489 13 Battisford Walking Group

It is a bit late to wish everyone a Happy New Year, but best wishes for a happy, healthy 2017. I have not been able to plan a walk for February because I have been struck down by flu and assorted nasties. I am planning a walk for Sunday March 5th and I will be in touch before then to give you the details. It will be primrose time and spring will be around the corner, which is a great thought.

Could you please let me know if you would like your name taken off the group contact list, so that I can tidy it up.

Jane Pope

We are lucky to have so many nice places to walk in the local villages, in the local area and throughout Suffolk. Now is a good time to get out and enjoy our countryside. You can find a couple of circular walks around Combs on the village website http:// , which you will hopefully find enjoyable and informative. For the last two years I have been one of four walk correspondents for the East Anglian Daily Times. My “patch” covers the whole of Mid-Suffolk and the Felixstowe peninsula. I have written up walks from and Hoxne in the north to Arger Fen Nature Reserve and Shotley in the south. I have found Blood Hall, named after a clash with Danish invaders, and Blood Hill, possibly the steepest rural road in Suffolk. Some of my EADT walks are available on the EADT website . If you would like a copy of these or any others, or if you have any favourite walks of 4-6 miles that I could write up for others to enjoy, please let me know. Bill Baldry 01449 672168


In 2018 we would like to commemorate the centenary of the end of WW1 with stories of the men of Battisford who fought in the war and returned home. If you are aware of anyone whom we could include in our story please let us know. You do not have to know any details we will do the research. Just the name of your relation would be fine.

Please contact: Anthea Howard 675161, ([email protected]) Jane Pope 615541 ([email protected]) or Denis Wicking 770980. ([email protected])

If you are interested in joining us please let one of us know


Battisford & District Cricket Club A Club for all ages and abilities No experience necessary Experienced qualified coaches COME AND GIVE CRICKET A TRY! If you would like to play competitive cricket we have 3 men’s teams and a ladies team Also age level junior teams that play in a junior League

In May 2017 we are taking part in an ECB initiative that

introduces children to cricket and gives them a fun first ex- perience of the game. It is aimed at 5—8/9 year olds and takes a hour a week for 8 weeks. All participants are given free kit and equipment and a backpack to keep it in! There are also opportunities for free tickets to Test Matches and One-Day Internationals. All enquiries about this scheme or the Cricket Club call Anthea 01449 675161

Youngsters enjoying cricket with one of the coaches 15 Battisford & District Gardening Club

Spring should be here when you read these notes - a busy time for gardeners. Time to check out what has survived the winter frost and snow and to think about replacing what hasn't. Most plants will have survived I'm sure.

I'm also sure that Gardening Club members are in for some enjoyable speakers and visits during this period. On Monday March 6th (Community Centre 7.30pm) we have Barry Gayton giving us a talk on "The gardens of East Anglia". Barry is a very experienced speaker and gives talks all over the country so it should be a interesting and a little different from some of our more specific talk subjects.

On Monday April 3rd we have Mike Warren with a talk entitled "Tulips from Amsterdam" (Springtime in Hol- land, Keukenhof, Flower Auction and more). Once again, Battisford Community Centre 7.30pm. On Monday May 8th - second Monday of month - we have a trip organised to see the garden of Steve Pryke at Buxhall and then on June 5th we are back at the hall for a talk by Pauline Harper entitled "Growoing vegetables in small spaces". Later in the month - Saturday 17th June - we have a coach trip planned to RHS Hyde Hall in Essex. If you are interested in coming along please let me know.

Throughout all these months we will be making preparations for our 10th Annual Show, in conjunction with Combs Fete, on Saturday 1st July at Oaks Meadow, Fenns Farm, Bildeston Road, Combs. Hopefully, with this copy of BARCLIF you should receive a copy of the Show schedule and we hope that you will be able to support us and find some classes to enter. We do not strive for RHS standard perfection but merely for a bit of fun and enjoyment for those that enter and also those that come along to view on the day. Please take time to check through the schedule and think about joining in the making, baking, sowing and grow- ing.

All our meetings are open to anyone, so if you are interested in coming along, joining the Gardening Club, or have any other queries then please contact Bill Baldry on 01449 672168. Happy gardening.

Hyde Hall, Essex—the Gardening Club coach trip on 17th June. Contact Bill Baldry for details


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Tree surgery (from light pruning to large tree removal) Landscaping (planning and design, fencing, patios, bor- ders, ponds, decking, hedge planting) Garden maintenance (grass cutting, weeding, clearance) Firewood for sale

Please see website for more info & photographs [email protected] Tel: 07825253720


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from the past

Battisford—an outing to Felixstowe

Combs Villagers