Suffolk Argus Suffolk Branch Contacts

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Suffolk Argus Suffolk Branch Contacts Summer 2015 SuffolkThe Argus The Newsletter of the Suffolk Branch of Butterfly Conservation photo Bill Stone Small Tortoiseshell on nectar-rich Erysimum ‘Bowles Mauve’ on nectar-rich Small Tortoiseshell Summer 2015 Volume 63 1 2014 Butterfly Report 2014 Butterfly Report 2014 Butterfly Report The SuffolkDistribution Argus of Suffolk’s 2014Distribution Butterfly2014seven Butterfly BAPof Report Suffolk’s species Report seven BAP species Dingy Skipper 2014 Distribution of Suffolk’s ϭƐŝŐŚƟŶŐ seven BAP species 2-9 max seen DistributionsevenDistribution2014 BAP of Butterfly Suffolk’s species of Suffolk’s Report 10+ max seen 2014 Butter!y Report seven BAPseven species BAP species Distribution of Suffolk’s Distribution of Su"olk’s seven BAP BAP species species (Pages 11-14) Silver-studded Blue: 2014 tŚŝƚĞͲůĞƩĞƌ,ĂŝƌƐƚƌĞĂŬϮϬϭϰ ϭƐŝŐŚƟŶŐ ϭƐŝŐŚƟŶŐ 2-9 max seen 2-9 max seen 10+ max seen 10+ max seen White Admiral 2014 Grayling 2014 ϭƐŝŐŚƟŶŐ ϭƐŝŐŚƟŶŐ 2-9 max seen 2-9 max seen 10+ max seen 10+ max seen Wall: 2014 ^ŵĂůů,ĞĂƚŚϮϬϭϰ ϭƐŝŐŚƟŶŐ ϭƐŝŐŚƟŶŐ 2-9 max seen 2-9 max seen 10+ max seen 10+ max seen 2 Summer 2015 Contents Branch Contacts 4 New Members 5 Wider Countryside Butterfly Survey 5 2014 Butterfly Report 6 Purdis Heath SSSI Update May 2015 18 Notes on the Photos of Day-flying Moths 20 AGM 20 Photographic Competition 21 Six of The Best in 2014 - Part Two 22 New Beginnings 23 Seventy-Four Years Later 23 Farmers Do Listen - Sometimes! 24 Editorial Peter Maddison When this newsletter drops onto your WKH$*0'HWDLOVRIERWKWKHFRPSHWLWLRQ GRRUPDWRU,QER[RXUKLJKVXPPHUEXWWHUÀLHV DQGWKHQHZYHQXHIRUWKH$*0DUHZLWKLQ will be emerging. Skippers, Browns, Blues, these pages. Admirals, Tortoiseshells, and more will be ¿OOLQJWKHDLU,KRSHWKH\ZLOOEH¿OOLQJRXU 7KH6XIIRON$UJXVLVDYDLODEOHRQOLQH,IDW notebooks and phone apps too. Recording present you receive a hard copy and would what we have and comparing annual results like to view the online version contact Sue LQGLFDWHVKRZRXUEXWWHUÀLHVDUHIDULQJDQG 6LGOH ZKR ZLOO IRUZDUG \RX D OLQN WR WKH GHWHUPLQHV IXWXUH FRQVHUYDWLRQ PHDVXUHV VLWHVXVDQVLGOH#JPDLOFRP ,Q WKLV LVVXH ZH KDYH WKH %XWWHUÀ\ 5HSRUW IRU PDGH SRVVLEOH EHFDXVH SHRSOH Do we have your email address? WRRNWKHWURXEOHWRUHFRUGUHFRUGV It will help us to communicate changes to were received by Bill Stone who, quite HYHQWV DQG %UDQFK QHZV LI ZH KDYH \RXU PDJQL¿FHQWO\ FROODWHG WKHP DQG WRJHWKHU email address. with Rob Parker, produced the report. Please email your name to P\HPDLO#VXIIRONEXWWHUÀLHVRUJXN ***** using your normal email address and This year there will be a Photographic ‘Email Address’ as the subject. Competition, with judging to take place at 3 The Suffolk Argus Suffolk Branch Contacts President &RQVHUYDWLRQ2΀FHU %XWWHUÁLHV Howard Mendel Rob Parker c/o The Natural History Museum, Cromwell &RUQÀHOG5G Rd, London SW7 5BD Bury St Edmunds IP33 3BN Tel: 0207 938 8782 Tel: 01284 705476 email: [email protected] Chairman Mike Dean &RQVHUYDWLRQ2΀FHU 0RWKV Coach House, Ixworth, Tony Prichard Bury St Edmunds IP31 2HL 3, Powling Rd., Ipswich IP3 9JR Tel: 01359 230292 Tel: 01473 270047 email: Michael.Dean2@ email: [email protected] Membership Secretary %XWWHUÁ\+DELWDW&RQVHUYDWLRQ2΀FHU Susan Sidle Matt Berry Five Gables, The Ling, Wortham, Diss, Norfolk Tel: 07599 243026 IP22 1ST email: [email protected] Tel: 01379 643665 email: [email protected] Newsletter Editor Peter Maddison Treasurer Barnmead, Fishpond Rd, Dominic Hill :DOGULQJÀHOG Tel: 01359 269855 Woodbridge IP12 4QX email: [email protected] Tel: 01473 736607 email: [email protected] Secretary Julian Dowding 5HJLRQDO2΀FHU(DVWHUQ(QJODQG 84, Clapgate Lane, Sharon Hearle Ipswich IP3 0RE 50, Barry Lynham Drive Tel: 01473 436096 Newmarket, CB8 8YT email: [email protected] Tel: 01638 484145 HPDLOVKHDUOH#EXWWHUÁ\FRQVHUYDWLRQRUJ &RXQW\%XWWHUÁ\5HFRUGHU Bill Stone Website 26, Thomas Crescent, Kesgrave, Richard Perryman Ipswich IP5 2HN, Tel: 01473 570204 email: [email protected] HPDLOEXWWHUÁLHV#VQVRUJXN WCBS Co-ordinator Committee Member Twm Wade Helen Saunders email: twm.wade@ email: [email protected] 7KH6XͿRON$UJXVLVSXEOLVKHGE\WKH6XͿRON%UDQFKRI%XWWHUÁ\&RQVHUYDWLRQ7KHRSLQLRQVH[SUHVVHGLQWKLVQHZVOHWWHUDUHQRWQHFHVVDULO\ WKRVHRI%XWWHUÁ\&RQVHUYDWLRQRUWKH%UDQFK$OOULJKWVUHVHUYHG)RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQVHHZZZVXͿRONEXWWHUÁLHVRUJXN %XWWHUÁ\&RQVHUYDWLRQ &RPSDQ\OLPLWHGE\JXDUDQWHHUHJLVWHUHGLQ(QJODQG 5HJLVWHUHG2΀FH0DQRU<DUG(DVW/XOZRUWK:DUHKDP'RUVHW%+ 5QP Charity registered in England & Wales (254937) and in Scotland (SCO39268) 4 Summer 2015 New Members Susan Sidle, Branch Membership Secretary 7KHIROORZLQJQHZPHPEHUVDUHZDUPO\ZHOFRPHGWRWKH6XIIRON%UDQFK 0V/$QGUHZV 0U60RRUH )DPLO\/RZHVWRIW 0UV5 0U/1LFKROOV8SSHU/D\KDP 0LVV-&DUWHU)HOL[VWRZH Ms C Prendergast, Merton Miss K M Charlton, Stowmarket 0U&6DPSVRQ%DQFURIW6WRZPDUNHW 0UV/ 0U6&ULFN )DPLO\%XU\6W(GPXQGV 0U0'6PLWK*OHPVIRUG 0U5&UR]LHU1HHGKDP0DUNHW 0UV6/ 0U':6RXWK/DZIRUG 0U+0 0UV6)DXOO&RJJHVKDOO Mr C A Stadler, Ipswich 0U3-DFNVRQ%XQJD\ 0U3-6WHHU+DOHVZRUWK Mr R Kitchener, Ipswich Mrs D Todd, Bury St Edmunds 0UV$ 0U50DUWLQ )DPLO\%OXQGHVWRQ 0V+:DWHUV,SVZLFK 0U%0DWWRFN5HQGOHVKDP)RUHVW 0LVV6:RRG/HLVWRQ 0UV0 0U'1LFKROOV0RQNV(OHLJK ,QDGGLWLRQWR%XWWHUÀ\&RQVHUYDWLRQ¶V:HOFRPH3DFNDOOQHZPHPEHUV LQFOXGLQJWKRVHMXVWQHZWR 6XIIRONEUDQFK VKRXOGKDYHUHFHLYHGD:HOFRPH/HWWHUIURPPHDV0HPEHUVKLS6HFUHWDU\E\HPDLO RUWKURXJKWKHSRVW,I\RXGRQ¶WWKLQN\RXKDYHUHFHLYHG\RXUEUDQFK:HOFRPH/HWWHUSOHDVHOHWPH know. :HORRNIRUZDUGWRPHHWLQJVRPHRI\RXLQWKHVHDVRQDKHDG Contact details for Susan Sidle: [email protected] or 01379 643665. Wider Countryside Butterfly Survey 7KUHHQHZ:&%6VTXDUHVDUHDYDLODEOHIRUVXUYH\LQJRQFHLQ-XO\DQGRQFHLQ$XJXVWWKLV\HDU *ULG5HI 3DULVK 3RVW&RGH 7/ &RQH\:HVWRQ ,3+/ 7/ &RQH\:HVWRQ ,3'/ 70 )OL[WRQ/RZHVWRIW 153% ,I\RXZRXOGOLNHWRVXUYH\RQHRIWKHVHVTXDUHVHPDLORXU:&%6FRRUGLQDWRU7ZP:DGH WZPZDGH#\DKRRFRP Editorial copy date &RQWULEXWLRQVIRUWKH$XWXPQHGLWLRQRIRXUQHZVOHWWHU and photographs. are very welcome and should be sent to the Editor, Peter Maddison, no later than Sunday 27th Sept, 2015. &RQWULEXWLRQV SUHIHUDEO\ HOHFWURQLF FDQ EH VHQW to the address on the Contacts page or by email to: $Q\SLHFHRIZULWLQJFRQVLGHUHGWREHRILQWHUHVWZLOOEH SUPDGGLVRQ#\DKRRFRXN published and we also welcome line drawings, prints 5 The Suffolk Argus 2014 Butterfly Report Bill Stone and Rob Parker Summary WRWK-XO\2QWK$XJXVWH[KXUULFDQH /LNH D ORW RI \RX , KDG JUHDW KRSHV IRU D Bertha brought strong winds, heavy rain and JUHDW6XIIRONEXWWHUÀ\\HDULQ:LWK ÀRRGLQJWRQRUWKHDVW6FRWODQGDQGDPDMRU WKHSUHYLRXV\HDUDOORZLQJDORWRIVSHFLHV ZLQWHUVWRUPDIIHFWHGWKHQRUWKRIWKH8.LQ WR UHFRYHU DIWHU WKH GLVDVWURXV P\ early December. ¿QJHUVZHUH¿UPO\FURVVHGIRUDQRWKHU\HDU 7KH8.PHDQWHPSHUDWXUHIRUZDV RIDOOURXQGLPSURYHPHQWVLQQXPEHUVDQG &&DERYHWKHORQJWHUP VXVWDLQDELOLW\+RZHYHUDOWKRXJKLWZDVD DYHUDJH DQG WKH ZDUPHVW \HDU LQ WKH 8. UHODWLYHO\ VHWWOHG \HDU ZHDWKHUZLVH PRVW VHULHVDKHDGRI & 7KLVPHDQV VSHFLHVIDLOHGWRVKRZVLJQL¿FDQWUHFRYHULHV that the eight warmest years in this series and the long term trend is still a concerning KDYH DOO RFFXUUHG VLQFH ,W ZDV WKH one. ZDUPHVW \HDU IRU DOO FRXQWULHV DQG FOLPDWH GLVWULFWV H[FHSW 1RUWKHUQ ,UHODQG ZKHUH LW Overview of the UK weather in 2014 All ZDV WKLUG ZDUPHVW EHKLQG DQG months except August were warmer than It was also marginally the warmest year on average, and this was the warmest year on UHFRUG LQ WKH &(7 VHULHV IURP MXVW UHFRUGIRUWKH8.,WZDVDOVRZHWWHUWKDQ DKHDG RI :KLOH DOO PRQWKV H[FHSW DYHUDJH IRU PDQ\ ORFDWLRQV SDUWLFXODUO\ August were warmer than average, none VRXWKHDVW (QJODQG DQG HDVWHUQ 6FRWODQG ZDV UHFRUGEUHDNLQJ 7KH QXPEHU RI DLU 7KH PRVW H[WUHPH ZHDWKHU HYHQWV RI WKH IURVWVIRUWKH8.ZDVSURYLVLRQDOO\ORZHVW \HDU ZHUH WKH ZLQWHU VWRUPV RI -DQXDU\ LQDVHULHVIURP DQG )HEUXDU\ ZKLFK EURXJKW GDPDJLQJ ZLQGV ZLWK LQODQG DQG FRDVWDO ÀRRGLQJ 7KH 8. UDLQIDOO WRWDO IRU ZDV ,Q FRPSDULVRQ WKH UHVW RI WKH \HDU ZDV PP RI WKH DYHUDJH DQG UHODWLYHO\ TXLHW 6XPPHU EURXJKW WKHIRXUWKZHWWHVW\HDULQWKH8.VHULHVIURP VRPH ¿QH ZHDWKHU SDUWLFXODUO\ LQ -XQH EHKLQG DQG 7KLV DQG-XO\7KHUHZHUHQRPDMRUKHDWZDYHV PHDQV WKDW ¿YH RI WKH VL[ ZHWWHVW \HDUV LQ EXW VHYHUDO LQVWDQFHV RI WRUUHQWLDO VXPPHU WKLV VHULHV KDYH RFFXUUHG VLQFH 1R GRZQSRXUVFDXVLQJORFDOLVHGÀDVKÀRRGLQJ individual regions had their wettest year IRUH[DPSOHDFURVVSDUWVRI(QJODQGRQWK RQ UHFRUG EXW IRU 6FRWODQG DQG VRXWKHDVW 2014 Weather for East Anglia Season Mean Temp Anomaly Sunshine Anomaly Rainfall Anomaly Deg C Deg C hrs mm :LQWHU Spring Summer Autumn 6RXUFHZZZPHWRI¿FHJRYXN $QRPDOLHVDUHPHDVXUHGDJDLQVWWKHDYHUDJHV 6 Summer 2015 (QJODQGZDVWKHWKLUGZHWWHVW\HDU$ recorded as commented below. ODUJHFRQWULEXWLRQWRWKHKLJKDQQXDOUDLQIDOO WRWDOFDPHIURPYHU\ZHWZHDWKHULQ-DQXDU\ Early & Late DQG)HEUXDU\0D\2FWREHUDQG1RYHPEHU 7KH PLOG ZLQWHU PHDQW WKDW D ORW RI were also wetter than average and August EXWWHUÀLHV VWDUWHG WR DSSHDU HDUO\ IURP ZDV HVSHFLDOO\ ZHW DFURVV 1RUWKHUQ their hibernation and a Brimstone seen 6FRWODQG +RZHYHU PRVW RWKHU PRQWKV RQ nd -DQXDU\ EHFDPH RXU HDUOLHVW HYHU were drier than average in most areas, and SUHYLRXVO\ th -DQXDU\ 7KH WUDGLWLRQDO 6HSWHPEHUZDVWKHGULHVWLQWKHVHULHVIURP VSULQJWLPH VSHFLHV DOVR DSSHDUHG HDUOLHU IRUWKH8. than usual and new earliest dates were UHFRUGHG IRU 2UDQJHWLS RQ th March ZDV D VXQQLHU WKDQ DYHUDJH \HDU SUHYLRXVO\rd0DUFK DQG6SHFNOHG:RRG IRU PRVW DUHDV EXW QRW H[FHSWLRQDOO\ VR RQth0DUFK SUHYLRXVO\th0DUFK 2I Sunshine amounts varied regionally but in QRWH D QHZ HDUOLHVW GDWH
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