Local September - December 2011 A news and events diary from wildlife and conservation groups in Wildlife the Ipswich area News © Darin Smith Common Buzzard an increasingly common sight - see page 23 Produced by the Welcome Local Wildlife News Welcome to yet another packed edition of LWN, produced primarily by the Greenways Project, on behalf of over a dozen local wildlife, conservation and other ‘green’ groups. We are still very keen to receive any feedback about the publication – good or bad – and © Stephen Hammeersley 6 look forward to receiving any suggestions for improvements etc. Contributions We are also always happy to receive articles of anything up to 800 words, photographs of local wildlife or conservation work and local sightings or wildlife ‘snippets’ – so please do send in anything which may be of interest. Greenways Project, Stable Block, Holywells Park, Cliff Lane, Ipswich, IP3 0PG 9
[email protected] 01473 433995 Mailing lists – Please note We are aware that some who are members of several conservation organisations may well receive more than one copy of the newsletter. We are very sorry if this is the case, and would be very grateful if you could pass on the spare copy to someone who will appreciate it and contact the Greenways Project on 01473 433995 or greenways.
[email protected], stating which organisations you are a member of, so that we can ensure that you receive just one in the future. If, on the other hand, you don’t currently receive LWN regularly, but would like to, simply contact us (details above) and we’ll add you to the list.