Summer 2014 SuffolkThe Argus The Newsletter of the Suffolk Branch of Butterfly Conservation by Laurence Drummond Purple Emperor at Broxbourne Wood, Herts Purple Emperor at Broxbourne Wood, Summer 2014 Volume 60 1 The Suffolk Argus Large Tortoiseshell (Nymphalis polychlorus) field identification Bill Stone In March this year, Suffolk was lucky 'XULQJ WKH DQG 0DUFK WKH EXWWHUÀ\ HQRXJKWRSOD\KRVWWRDUDUHEXWWHUÀ\LQWKH was at times elusive, but it regularly returned form of a Large Tortoiseshell. It was found to a favoured area where it was seen to by Will Brame at Peewit Hill, Felixstowe LQWHUDFWZLWKRWKHUEXWWHUÀLHVSUHVHQWVXFKDV on 10 March and $&%+$,'!)%'+ remained until at least !'&!"+!%&&!$$'&&$+ 13 &RPPDDQG3HDFRFN+HUHLWZDVVHHQWRÀ\ &!$! $ March. Most records!$&!%%- &)%!' of Large +$&)&,*%&!)! Tortoiseshell strongly with /. $ powerful $ wing ' beats& followed in the UK appear&%&/0 $- in the !%&$!$%! $!$&!%% early Spring, by long& ""$ glides. &$+"$ The photograph ,!!) below from $ &! !$ '+ ''%&) $%'&%$-( !)!%)&%&!& following hibernation*& %(*%&!)!%!"*& or in July and August%&+&&&%"$&'$ :LOO%UDPHVKRZVWKHEXWWHUÀ\EDVNLQJRQ ('$$( $& when fresh adults$!& emerge. $! & Given &,"$"%$ how close & "!$&$!-the pathway, something that it was observed Peewit Hll is '$to the&/. extensive /0 $ &'&&$+)%Felixstowe&&% doing'%( on,'&&$'$+$&'$ a number of &!occasions. docks complex(!'$$)$&)%% it is felt likely &!that & $&)&!&$'&&$%"$%this &%'%! particular individual!-$&)%% arrived in &!+%&$! freight +)&"!)$') from Using &% the !!)+!photograph below%- the following "!&!$"!)$!$%!)%&'&&$+% ! &"&)+,%!& &&& the near continent,)%!%$( perhaps! ! hibernating '$!!%! in %- key points may be of use when trying to imported cargo.% &"!&!$"!)&!!) +"! FRQ¿UPDSXWDWLYH/DUJH7RUWRLVHVKHOOLQWKH&%+!'%) &$+ &!! $ "'&&( $!$&!%% &- ¿HOG &'""$% !$) &%"!& $&) "* %+!), !&)& % !$&!%% & '""$% !$) &% &'""$ *&$ ) %"!& & &$%$ !$ $--& !(!'% %1%"!&%% %"!&! !""!%&!0 & ! !$&!%% +!'$&!%&' $) & &' $%!&!$) %'!$' !$ If you are able!!'$ to see"!$& the &+&%&!(!'%"underwing then ,WLVDYHU\SRZHUIXOEXWWHUÀ\DQGZLOOJOLGH&$$&&!$&!%%%- % the underside of),& the forewing&$%%! is &$)&%"!&!much more & effortlessly ) ' $% as- observed at Peewit Hill. It uniform in colour &%($+"!)$''&&$+ and importantly )!$&%%+ it lacks FDQ%!%$(&)& DOVR À\ YHU\ TXLFNO\- & %!+($+ HVSHFLDOO\ ZKHQ #'+%"+) %&'$ &)!& +'" &!&$&!"%-$(!!" &% the obvious pale&!')!)%!& central area '%-!%&$ that Small & '&&$%$!& GLVWXUEHG DQG!' ' LW ZLOO '"! RIWHQ )!) À\ XS LQWR WUHH Tortoiseshell has.!%%!- If seen well, then there is tops. The larval food plant is elm although also a central white spot on the hind wing willow is often used. Post hibernating underside. EXWWHUÀLHV DUH RIWHQ IRXQG IXHOOLQJ XS RQ willow blossom. 2 Summer 2014 Contents Large Tortoiseshell 2 Editorial 3 Suffolk Branch Contacts 4 New Members and 2013 Membership Report 5 2013 Butterfly Report 6 Butterfly Conservation by Recording Sightings 11 Brimstone and Buckthorn Update 2014 13 Suffolk Branch Events 14 The Purple Emperor in Suffolk 2013 15 The Purple Project 31 Variations of the Brown Argus in East Anglia 33 Hibernating Butterflies 34 Small Tortoiseshell 34 Editorial Peter Maddison It won’t have taken you a moment to realise that There are plenty of opportunities for recording this edition of the newsletter is special - it has EXWWHUÀLHVLQ±LW¶VZKDWZH¶UHDOOHQFRXUDJHG FRORXU LQ WKH FHQWUH SDJHV +HUH \RX ZLOO ¿QG to do to make our membership of BC count. the maps and charts associated with the report Twm Wade gives an update on the few remaining ‘The Purple Emperor in Suffolk in 2013’. Rob YDFDQW:&%6VTXDUHVDQGKHDOVRUHTXHVWVKHOS Parker introduces the report by Liz Goodyear in recording the least surveyed areas, the ’black and Andrew Middleton, who spent many holes’, of the county. Brimstones have been hours conducting the survey in the woodlands on the wing and Julian Dowding asks for both particularly in the west of the county. sightings and knowledge of how Buckthorns planted during the project of 2011/12 are fairing. Whether you are thinking of searching out the Purple Emperor or not, Bill Stone’s article on This year in my garden Orange-tips have been WKH IDVFLQDWLQJ EHKDYLRXU RI WKH EXWWHUÀ\ DQG plentiful, but it’s been good to see increased suggested survey methods, is intriguing and most numbers of Peacock and Small Tortoiseshell useful. too. They must have wintered well. Read DERXW 5LFKDUG 6WHZDUW¶V ¿QGLQJ RI KLEHUQDWLQJ Bill Stone together with Rob Parker have EXWWHUÀLHVLQD::SLOOER[ SXEOLVKHG 6XIIRON¶V %XWWHUÀ\ 5HSRUW IRU 7KHDQDO\VLVRIPHPEHUV¶UHFRUGVRIEXWWHUÀLHV All members are welcome to take part in our would indicate that many species did well Events, and with the main season ahead let’s and even those species that are encountered KRSHIRUDQDEXQGDQFHRIEXWWHUÀLHVWKDWFDQEH LQIUHTXHQWO\ VHHPHG WR KDYH PDLQWDLQHG VWDEOH enjoyed, observed, photographed and recorded. populations. However, the continuing demise of the Wall remains a concern. 3 The Suffolk Argus Suffolk Branch Contacts President &RQVHUYDWLRQ2IÀFHU %XWWHUÁLHV Howard Mendel Rob Parker c/o The Natural History Museum, Cromwell &RUQÀHOG5G Rd, London SW7 5BD Bury St Edmunds IP33 3BN Tel: 0207 938 8782 Tel: 01284 705476 email: [email protected] Chairman Mike Dean &RQVHUYDWLRQ2IÀFHU 0RWKV Coach House, Ixworth, Tony Prichard Bury St Edmunds IP31 2HL 3, Powling Rd., Ipswich IP3 9JR Tel: 01359 230292 Tel: 01473 270047 email: Michael.Dean2@ virginmedia.com email: [email protected] Membership Secretary Programme and Publicity Susan Sidle Matt Berry Five Gables, The Ling, Wortham, Diss, Norfolk Tel: 07599 243026 IP22 1ST email: [email protected] Tel: 01379 643665 email: [email protected] Newsletter Editor Peter Maddison Treasurer Barnmead, Fishpond Rd, Dominic Hill :DOGULQJÀHOG Tel: 01359 269855 Woodbridge IP12 4QX email: [email protected] Tel: 01473 736607 email: [email protected] Secretary Julian Dowding 5HJLRQDO2IÀFHU(DVWHUQ(QJODQG 84, Clapgate Lane, Sharon Hearle Ipswich IP3 0RE 216, The Street, Kirtling, Tel: 01473 436096 Newmarket CB8 9PD email: [email protected] Tel: 01638 731648 HPDLOVKHDUOH#EXWWHUÁ\FRQVHUYDWLRQRUJ &RXQW\%XWWHUÁ\5HFRUGHU Bill Stone Website 27 Draymans Way Richard Perryman Ipswich IP3 0QU email: [email protected] HPDLOEXWWHUÁLHV#VQVRUJXN WCBS Co-ordinator Committee Member Twm Wade Helen Saunders email: twm.wade@ yahoo.com email: [email protected] 7KH6XIIRON$UJXVLVSXEOLVKHGE\WKH6XIIRON%UDQFKRI%XWWHUÁ\&RQVHUYDWLRQ7KHRSLQLRQVH[SUHVVHGLQWKLVQHZVOHWWHUDUHQRWQHFHVVDULO\ WKRVHRI%XWWHUÁ\&RQVHUYDWLRQRUWKH%UDQFK$OOULJKWVUHVHUYHG)RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQVHHZZZVXIIRONEXWWHUÁLHVRUJXN %XWWHUÁ\&RQVHUYDWLRQ &RPSDQ\OLPLWHGE\JXDUDQWHHUHJLVWHUHGLQ(QJODQG 5HJLVWHUHG2IÀFH0DQRU<DUG(DVW/XOZRUWK:DUHKDP'RUVHW%+ 5QP Charity registered in England & Wales (254937) and in Scotland (SCO39268) 4 Summer 2014 New Members and 2013 Membership Report Susan Sidle, Branch Membership Secretary We warmly welcome the following new members to Suffolk Branch and look forward to meeting you at our events this year. Mr J Hunt Halesworth Mr M Cant Ipswich Mrs B Chesterman Foxhall Miss K Nocton Whepstead Mrs E Day Haverhill Mrs A & Mr A R Langan Bury St Edmunds Mrs P Fey Bury St. Edmunds Mr S Tunstill Wickham Market All Saints South Mr J & Mrs P Davies Elmham Mr F Hanniffy Ipswich Mrs J L Paternoster Ipswich Mr J Smith Blyford Dr N Burton Thetford Mr D & Mrs L Norris Halesworth Mr S & Mrs K Read & Family Sudbury Miss J Turner & Mr C Upson Hadleigh Mrs D & Mr J Richards Aldeburgh Mr S & Mrs M Harris Eye Mrs J E & Mr T G Baker Hitcham Dr M & Mr G Wilson Spexhall Mrs N Hydes Ipswich Mr P Thurston Lowestoft Mr A Jessop Linstead ,Q DGGLWLRQ WR WKH:HOFRPH3DFN IURP %XWWHUÀ\ &RQVHUYDWLRQ \RX VKRXOG DOVR KDYH UHFHLYHG D EUDQFK Welcome Letter. (Please note that if you joined after March this year and you provided your email address, the branch Welcome letter would have been sent to you by email). If you have not received your branch Welcome Letter either by post or by email please let me know. The membership data for the Suffolk Branch for the period to 1 November 2013 is reproduced below. % Increase in No of household members at Total Household mem- Household mem- bers recruited 01/10/12 bers from Oct 12 to 01-Oct-11 01-Oct-12 01-Nov-13 to 1/11/13 Nov 13 287 338 92 :HPD\EHRQHRIWKHVPDOOHUEUDQFKHVRI%XWWHUÀ\&RQVHUYDWLRQEXWRYHUWKHODVWWZR\HDUVZHKDYHJURZQ E\RYHUHDFK\HDU/DVW\HDUWKLVJURZWKUDWHSXWXVHTXDOVHFRQGZKHQFRPSDULQJWKHJURZWK rates of all BC’s branches (31 in all). So thank you very much for your support! In an effort to reduce our branch expenditure on printing and postage we are now offering our members the option of receiving the Suffolk Argus newsletter electronically. Whenever the latest newsletter becomes available you would receive an email containing a link to the new newsletter. You will be able to opt back in to receive hard copies of the newsletter at any time. If you would like to receive future newsletters by email please let me know. Contact Susan Sidle : [email protected] 5 The Suffolk Argus 2013 Butterfly Report Bill Stone and Rob Parker Summary By way of a brief overview, 2013 was a December saw Atlantic storms that brought ZRQGHUIXO\HDUIRUWKHPDMRULW\RIEXWWHUÀ\ rain and at times very high winds, causing species. It was a year of unexpected widespread disruption. The UK mean UHFRYHU\ZLWKWKH¿QHORQJODVWLQJVXPPHU temperature of 8.8 °C was 0.1 °C below the weather allowing several species to rebuild 1981-2010 average. This is identical to the
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