Senate Senate
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11929-- CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-- SENATE 5831 1 Mr. WALSH -of Massachusetts. -- Nearly all of the· napkins and SENATE I towels could come in under the one bracket and not under the I other at all. - WEDNESDAY, November ~0, 19~9 1\Ir. Mr. HARRISON.. President-- (Legis-lative d-ay of Wednesd-ay, .October 30, 199MJ) ! The VICE PRESIDENT. Does the Senator from New York l yield to the Senator from Mississippi? The Senate met at 1 o'clock p. m., on the expiration of the Mr. COPELAND. I yield. recess. - Mr. HAR-RISON. I want to ask the Senator from Utah a Mr. WALSH of Montana obtained the floor .. question. Under the present law, do not towels and napkin Mr. FESS. Mr. President, I suggest the absence of a quorum. under 120 threads to the square inch pay a duty of 55 per cent? The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk will call the roll. That is true, is it not? The legislative clerk called the roll, and the following Senators Mr. SMOOT. That is correct. answered to their names : Mr. HARRISON. Under this amendment, if the material Allen Fletcher Kendrick Shortridge Ashurst Fra2;ier Keyes Simmons does not exceed 160 threads it pays a duty of 55 per cent? Bat·kley George La Follette Smith 1\Ir. SMOOT. That is right. Bingham Gillett McCulloch Smoot Mr. HARRISON. And under the present law if the material Black Glass McKellar Steck Blaine Gotr McMaster Steiwer exceeds 120 threads it pa_ys a duty of 40 pe-r cent? Blease Goldsborough McNary Stephens Mr. SMOOT. Yes; that is true. Borah Greene Moses Swanson Bratton Hale Norbeck Thomas, Idaho Mr. HARRISON. So all towels and napkins between 120 Brock Harris Norris • Thomas, Okla. threads and 160 threads under the present law pay a duty of Brookhart Harrison Nye Townsend 40 per cent ad valorem, whereas under this amendment they Broussard Hastings Oddie Trammell Capper Hatfield Overman Tydings wm pay a duty of 55 per cent ad valorem. Caraway Hawes Patterson Vandenberg Mr. NORRIS. Mr. President-- Connally Hayden Phipps , Wagner The VICE PRESIDENT.- Does the Senator from New York Copeland Hebert Pittman Walcott Couz.ens Ransdell . Walsh, Uass. yield to the Senator from Nebraska? Cutting Howell Robinson, Ind. Walsh, Mont. Mr. COPELAND. I yield. Dale J obnson Sackett Waterman Mr. NORRIS. If the .Senator from Mississippi is right, then Dill Jones Schall the Senator from Massachusetts was right, and I was wrong in Fess Kean Sheppard the conclusion which I drew. The VICE PRESIDENT. Eighty-two Senators having an Mr. WALSH of Mas achusetts. I thank the· Senator. swered to their names, a quorum i present. The Senator from Mr. NORRIS. I as umed from what the Senator from Utah Montana [Mr. WALSH] is entitled to the floor. bad aid that the present duty where the number of threads ex FINAL ADJOUR,NMENT ceeded 120 and was less than 160 was more than 55 per cent ad valorem. Now be says it is less; that it is 40 per cent. That Mr. WALSH of Montana. Mr. President, it must be obvious being true, of course, the reverse of what I said is true. I drew to all that it is quite impossible for the Senate to complete th-e the wrong conclusion because I started with an assumption that consideration of the unfinished business, the tariff bill, before wa erroneous. the assembling of the regular session. Accordingly, there is no reason, in my judgment, why we should not hav~ a brief recess . Mr. :aARRISON. Mr. Presid~nt, will the Senator from New preparator~ to the work of the coming session. It ought to be York yield further to me? had for reasons which have heretofore been adverted to and The VICE PRESIDENT. Does tbe _Senator from New York which need not now be repeated. It might also be said that yield to the Senator from Mississippi? it is the custom of practically all the Members of the Senate Mr. COPELAND. I yield. to come here at least a week before the general session to pre Mr. HARRISON. The statistics show that the importations pare for that work. of these particular articles are almost twice the production in Accordingly, Mr. President, I offer this morni-ng_a concm:rent · this country. I presume those interested wanted this increase resolution providing that the present session shall be _br.ought of. duty :on threads bet\'"eei?--).20 and 160 and demanded this in to a close on Friday next. I send t)le concurrent -resolution to crease in order to keep the foreign goods out. the desk and ask that it be read. Mr. COPELAND. Mr. President, I am very much inclined to The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk will read. suggest the absence of a quorum, because. here we are with less The Chief Clerk read the concurrent resolution ( S. Con. Res. than a majority of the Senate present, with even tbe leader of No. 19), as follows: the farm 'bloc absent when farm rates are considered and with everybody so confused that we do not know whether a ReBolved by the Senate (the House of R epresentat-i-ves ooncurr-ing), given amendment proposes an increase or a decrease. The situa That the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of tion which we now have proves what I have said time and Representatives be authorized to close the present session of the Con time again, that the. Senate is not under pre. ent conditions gres by adjourning their respective Houses on Friday, Novem~r 22~ physically and mentally competent to legislate. Eveu the 1929, at the following hours, namely : The Senate at the hour of 10 Young Turks, with all their vigor, nre absent; furthermore. o'clock p. m., and the House at such hour as it may by order provide. a majority of the members of the Fir ::wee Committee, even those The Senate proceeded to consider the concurrent resolution. who framed this schedule, are conspicuous by their absence; half The VICE PRESIDENT. The question-is Oii agreeing to the of the Senators are. absent, and yet we are proposing to go for concurrent resolution. ward and pass a bill revising the tariff, although we are so con Mr. ALLEN. I demand the yeas anu nays. fused that we do not know whether this particular amendment The yeas and nays were ordered, and the Chief Clerk pro involves an increase or a decrease. ceeded to call the roll. Mr. SMOOT. Mr. President, will the Senator yield? Mr. BRATTON (when his name was called). I have a gen 'l'he VICE PRESIDE~T. Does the Senator from New York eral pair with the Senator from Pennsylvania [Mr . REED], but yield to the Senator from Utah? I am informed that if he were present he would vote as I Mr. COPELAND. I yield. intend to vote. I therefore am at liberty to cast my vote. I l\fr. SMOOT. Mr. President, I should like very much now to vote "yea." bring the session to a close. Mr. OVERMAN (when his name was called). I transfei· the Mr. COPELAND. I yield for that purpose. general pair which I have with the senior Senator from WyO:. [Mr. WARREN] FUNERAL OF THE LATE SECRETARY OF WAR-RECESS ming to the junior Senator f1·om Utah [Mr. KINO] and vote " yea." 1\lr. S~IOOT. Mr. President,· as a further mark of resvect to Mr. SMITH. I ba ve a pair on this question with the senior the memmy of the late Hon. James W. Good, Secretary of War, Senator from New Jersey [Mr. EDGE]. I transfer the pair to and also for the purpose of allowing Senators to attend his the Senator from Pennsylvania [Mr. REED] and vote "yea." funeral to-morrow, I now ask unanimous consent th!l.t the Mr. TYDINGS. I have a general pair with the senior Sena Senate take a recess until: to-motTOW at 1 o'clock p. m. : tor from Rhode Island [Mr. METCALF]. I tran fer the pair to The VICE PRESIDENT. Is there objection? The Chair the junior Senator from Maine [Mr. GoULD] and vote "yea." hears none, and it is so- ordered. The roll call was concluded. Thereupon. (at 10 o'clock and 28 minutes p. m.) the Senate M1'. SCHALL. 1\fy colleague [Mr. SHIPSTE.AD] is still ill. took a. recess until to-motTow, Wednesday, November ·20, 1029, Mr. SHEPPARD. I wish to announce that the junior Sena at 1 o'clock p. m. tor from ·utah [1\Ir. KING] is unavoidably detained by illness. 5832 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE NOVEMBER 20 I also desire to announce that the Senator from Montana Mr. FESS (for Mr. -DENEEN) presented petitions and papers [Mr. WHEELER] is necessarily detained from the Senate on offi in the nature of petitions from the Chicago :Monthly Meeting of cial business. Friends, the University of Chicago Settlement, and sundry citi Mr. FESS. I wish to announce that the senior Senator from zens of Chicago and vicinity in the State· of Illinois, praying Indiana [Mr. WATSON] has a general pair with the senior Sena for the passage of legislation·" to amend the naturalization law tor from Arkansas [Mr. ROBINSON]. so as to make it clear that persons otherwise eligible shall not I also wish to announce that the senior Senator from Illi be baned from citizenship because of conscientious objection to nois [Mr. DENEEN] and the junior Senator from Illinois [Mr. bearing arms," which were refer·red to the Committee on GLENNl are absent in attendance at the funeral of the late Immigration.