A Tribute to the Midlands Centre for Spinal Injuries with the Help of Princes, Pioneers and Poets
Spinal Cord (2001) 39, 109 ± 111 ã 2001 International Medical Society of Paraplegia All rights reserved 1362 ± 4393/01 $15.00 www.nature.com/sc A tribute to the Midlands Centre for Spinal Injuries with the help of princes, pioneers and poets `Then we set out for Whitchurch and Oswestry. As we the island of Iona in the Hebrides and found entered their territory, we were met by the Princes of refuge in a monastic settlement where he became a Powys . and others . we spent the night at Christian. Oswestry, that is the tree of Saint Oswald . we were In 634, several battles and killings later, Oswald entertained most splendidly and sumptuously in the succeeded Edwin as king of Northumbria and ruled English fashion by William Fitz Alan, a hospitable over a large part of Britain. In 641 transfer of power young nobleman . .'.1 This is how Gerald of Wales, a occurred in the usual fashion when King Oswald was priest and historian who accompanied Baldwin, defeated and slain by King Penda of Mercia at the Archbishop of Canterbury on his travels through battle of Maserfeld, which then became Oswald's Tree, Britain in 1188, described a visit to Oswestry. In Oswestry.6 Things eventually calmed down and times Spinal Injuries, Oswestry is best known for its Robert became less `troublous', as they used to say. Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital, which Not far from Oswestry lies the town of Wrexham, presently celebrates the centenary of its foundation.2±5 with its Church of St. Giles (who used to be the This hospital, unlike so many others, does not bear the patron saint of the cripples, before they became the name of a religious or royal patron, but commemorates disabled).
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