
Legal & Administrative Information 2

Report of the Management Committee 3-8

Friends of Bute Museum 8

Independent Examiner’s Report 9

Receipts & Payments Account 10

Statement of Balances 11

Notes to the Financial Statements 12-13


Bute Museum Trustees Charity Number SC000639 Legal and Administrative Information Management Committee

President of the Society and Hon Secretary of the Society Vice President of the Society

And the following Nominees of the Society: Hon Treasurer) lth & Safety Officer) on Vice President) vist) atorial Advisor) of History & Archaeology)

Management Committee Chairperson

Principal Office

The Museum 7 Stuart Street PA20 0EP

Tel: Email:

Independent Examiner


Bute Museum Trustees Report of the Management Committee Year ended 31st December 2017

Constitution The Trust was established by Disposition by the Marquess of Bute in favour of himself and other Trustees ut intus dated 4th May and recorded in the Division of the General Register of Sasines for the and in the Books of Council and Session on 6th December 1927. The responsibilities and powers of the Trustees were expanded by Deed of Declaration of Trust by the President, Secretary and Treasurer of the Buteshire Natural History Society, by Deed of Amendment of Trust by the Bute Museum Trustees dated 25th November and registered in the Book of Council and Session on 19th December 1997. The Trustees are the Honorary President, President and Secretary of the Buteshire Natural History Society ex officio and twelve nominees of the Society.

Administration The Trustees met four times during the year to discuss matters of policy and to consider any matters brought before them by the individual office bearers. of the National Museum of , Edinburgh served as Curatorial Adviser. None of the Trustees are renumerated.

Accounts and Accounting Policy The financial position is fully covered in the following set of Receipts and payments Accounts that have been prepared in accordance with the Charities Accounts (Scotland) Regulations 2006 and SORP 2005. Assets have been shown at cost in accordance with the historic cost convention with the following exemptions. Furniture purchased prior to 1997, the collection and library have been given nominal values. Most of the collection and much of the library have, in fact, been donated to the Museum. With minor exceptions and subject to safeguards the whole collection and library are inalienable, but, to comply with the Accounts regulations and SORP 2005, they have been shown as assets with nominal values.

The Trustees are connected with the Buteshire Natural History Society (the Society) and with the Bute Museum Endowment Fund Trustees (the Endowment Fund Trustees) who subsidise this Trust.

As from 24th May 2017 the new charitable body, Bute Museum and Natural History Society (BM&NHS) (Charity Number SC047445) came into existence under the auspices of the Office of the Scottish Charities Regulator (OSCR). The Bute Museum Trustees are connected with BM&NHS and will, during 2018 become formally incorporated into this new organisation. At this point Bute Museum Trustees will cease to exist as a separate entity


Office of the Scottish Charities Regulator (OSCR) These accounts have been prepared in line with the requirements of OSCR.

Taxation The Trust is recognised as a Charity by the Inland Revenue. As a result, the Trustees are not liable for Income Tax and can reclaim Income Tax paid on gifts made under the Gift Aid Scheme. Bequests and gifts to the Museum are exempt from Inheritance Tax. However VAT and Insurance Premium Tax are payable on purchases by the Trustees and are irrecoverable.

Reports of Activities

Chairperson’s Report by President) This has been a very busy and eventful year. This will be further considered in my sister report in the other booklet covering both the now defunct Buteshire Natural History Society and the new organisation Bute Museum and Natural History Society. This is the last report of Bute Museum as an organisation separate from the Natural History Society. The thinking that forced the split of the two components, the Museum and the Society back in the 1980s is now behind us and the two can be recombined, as they originally were many years ago. It has been a privilege to have been involved in the process, which should reach completion later this spring, and to help with the decision making which hopefully will set the tenor for the Museum and Natural History Society for many years to come. As will be seen from the other reports the Museum continues to thrive, despite the current economic climate. We have to recognise that although few people will visit Bute in order to visit the Museum there are many who visit the island who can be tempted to visit the Museum once here, and once through the doors are impressed by what they find. Our “Facebook” presence, ably maintained by Anne Speirs generates many visitors and many queries. We do not “do” Twitter or Instagram, though if there are members who would be willing to run such accounts for the Museum we would welcome such a venture. Those involved in supporting and working for the Museum are creative in ways of getting more people involved, more activities and more ways of raising funds. The level of commitment from so many people is one that I am proud to hold up as an example of what we do well.

In the spring of 2017 the cost of entry for visitors to the Museum was increased. In conjunction with this move it was agreed to waive entrance charges for children, so long as they are accompanied by a paying adult. Organised visits such as from schools continue to enjoy free access. Numbers of visitors increased to just short of 5000 for the year and takings on the door were slightly up on 2016.

Financially the Museum continues to remain in good health, though it is inevitable that as yet unforeseen challenges will lie ahead. There are three factors that enable this state of affairs to continue, firstly the prudent management of finances by my fellow Trustees, secondly the generous donations and legacies from existing or former members, and finally the many hours of volunteering which are contributed by members of the society in running so many aspects of the Museum and the Society.


Library Report by (Hon Librarian and Archivist) The library volunteers have had another busy year and our group has a new member as Catherine Murray joined us during Summer 2017. She is working on the indexes for the newspaper clippings files which are now much improved. Margaret Lamb has also spent much of the year working on this clippings files only to find that when she finished going through a whole collection of old Butemans we received a clippings/ photo collection from estate which is now being collated. continues with her Bute farms research as well as dealing with all genealogical enquiries. I am continuing with my research into men lost during WWI and commemorated on the island. This has already provided information for use in family research, military research and even solved a puzzle on a New Zealand war memorial.

The database now holds records of all the items in the collection except for books and maps. is scanning any items missed during the original inputting. It has been a worry for some time that the laptop used for the database is somewhat aged and that the backups might not be viable but thanks to the Friends of Bute Museum we now have a new bright red laptop and external hard drive and the database has been transferred (with a lot of support from and the ADLIB helpline). The backups have been proved viable and are now transferred regularly on to the external drive. continues to work his way through the collection of photos from Ian MacLagan’s estate and is now at photo no.5000.

Enquiries have continued to arrive including:- the address of , a well-known sculptor; in which church would a wedding in 1796 have taken place; Attack Teacher; Bute Orchestra; Pavilion (9th time), Polish concentration camp (3 times this year); Craigmore Bowling Club; Lady Mary’s Close; chicken farm in Minister’s Brae.

Copies of photographs were provided for the Rothesay entry presentation for Scotland in Bloom and photos of the Bute Battery were on display at a conference/exhibition of the and Highlanders/Mountain Batteries held in Dunoon in October. We have continued to supply copies of photos on various subjects including Victoriana, schools, war time and farming to Lizzie Potter for her memory group.

Donations have included a photo of a trophy in the form of a Viking long ship presented to King George V in Rothesay in July 1920; a collection of photos linked to the McKinnon family; a bound book of maps of Rothesay from 1864.

A silver box containing Sir William MacEwen’s burgess’ ticket was “recovered” during the clearing of the local branch of the Clydesdale Bank.

Anne Speirs and I gave a presentation on donations to the Museum at the Friends of Bute Museum evening in September and there were visits from two groups of Glasgow University archaeology students as well as many school groups. The library was in use as one of the venues in another very successful Bute Noir weekend in August and an exhibition Russell Darling photos was mounted for Museums at Night including several mystery photos most of which have now been identified.

Again I have to thank all the volunteers who do not just work of a Wednesday afternoon but often do overtime as well and without them the library could not function.


Archaeology and History Curator’s report by (Hon Curator) 2017 was a very busy and varied year. We catered for all ages, in a variety of different ways. Classes from the primary schools were frequent visitors and the handling collections laid out for them varied from old toys to castles. We were delighted to welcome again the archaeology students from Glasgow University for their afternoon visit and then their two days working with the collection. We have started making up boxes every month from the reserve collection, to be used by a group of adults who meet in the Green Tree Café. Pupils from North Bute Primary made up this year’s quiz and the 2017 Museum Hunt was for frogs and was completed by over 300 children.

There was a range of special events throughout the year. The second Bute Noir Festival took place over 3 days in August with the museum hosting 4 of the events, which were all a sell-out. We had a visit from a film team working for Dig It TV (Archaeology Scotland). They made a short promotional video for the museum which can be viewed on the Dig It TV site.

Enquiries come in through emails, Facebook, phone and occasionally letters. Some just require a simple answer but some involve a large amount of research. 2017 enquiries included Clyde Steamer crockery, the Hostage Stone and Rothesay Cotton mills.

We had some very interesting additions to the collection throughout the year. The Treasure Trove panel awarded us a silver ring c 1300 found by a metal detectorist. The Grampian Transport Museum gave us a Rothesay quay porter’s badge. We also got the key for the prison door which has been a great hit with the local schoolchildren.

The turnover in the shop was good. Thanks to tearoom, Friends of Station, Print Point and Visit Scotland who also sold our publications.

As a volunteer curator I rely on help and advice from professional colleagues. The staff of the National Museum of Scotland are very helpful and particular thanks go to Alison Sheridan and Fraser Hunter.

Natural History Curator’s report This has been a difficult year for the Natural History Gallery as we have had no curator in place. Thanks must go to a number of people who have chipped in to help keep the gallery ticking over. We have had to abandon the sea and fresh water tanks, as without anyone to give them care they became somewhat unwholesome. Hopefully, at some stage in the future they can be reinstated. We did manage to keep the wild flower display operating and a big thank you to Roger Connard who kept an eye on things throughout the summer of 2017. We are still looking for people who may be able to assist in supporting the gallery.

Premises Report by

A quieter year with no major incidents similar to the outbreak of dry rot reported last year. With assistance from all the lights in the display cabinets (except one) are now working. The best possible lighting does help to show off the contents to full advantage.


One major item to be faced in the near future is the replacement of the railings between the Museum and the Police Station. They are now in a sad state of repair with one section having collapsed. It is hoped that costs will be shared.

Work done during the January (2018) shut down only involved re-alignment of cables in the Library and an early spring-clean of the area at the top of the stairs outside the storeroom. Both necessary but not things many people would notice!

Thanks to all those who helped with maintenance chores during the year. Having a willing band of volunteers makes the work all the more enjoyable

Friends of Bute Museum

With neither nor spotting anything required from Treasure Trove or elsewhere, demand on Friends’ funds during the year was low. This in no way reduces the importance for income from Friends of Bute Museum as, already in 2018, over £600 has been used from the Friends’ account to purchase a new computer and ancillary equipment for the Library.

A very enjoyable Late Summer Gathering was held in September when, once again, presented a number of recent acquisitions. Anne spoke about a Medieval ring found in the Straad area and also a beautifully carved profile of a boat hull. Two of highlights were the re- appearance, after many years, of the silver casket holding the Burgess Ticket presented in 1922 to the eminent surgeon of Garrochty and a book of 1867 Ordinance Survey maps of Rothesay from the collection bequeathed to the Museum by the late Mr Ian Maclagan.

Grateful thanks are due to all Friends of Bute Museum for their continued support. The income from the Friends means that items such as the new computer can be purchased without recourse to Museum income.




Bute Museum Trustees Receipts and Payments Account Year to 31 December 2017

Receipts Unrestricted Restricted 2017 2016

Admission Charges 8095.00 8095.00 7702

BMEF Income Note 8 4,000.00 4,000.00 10,000 Library Rent 1,279.00 1,279.00 1000 Archival Services/Royalties 165.00 165.00 177.50

Gift Aid Refund Note 9 1795.18 1795.18 0 Miscellaneous Income 0 0 631 Shop Sales 4048.20 4048.20 5330.48 Grants & Awards 460

Dry Rot Donations 6252 Donations & Legacies Note 10 1545.45 5000 6545.45 11125.65 Friends Subscriptions Note 11 2115.00 2115.00 1970 Friends donations 1465 £23042.83 5000.00 £28042.83 46,113.63

Payments Unrestricted Restricted 2017 2016

Wages & Nat Insurance Note 12 7699.09 7699.09 7638.95 Repairs, renewals & cleaning 737.27 737.27 176.56 Boiler

Dry Rot 12,470.99 Heating & Lighting 1979.75 1979.75 2460.55 Insurance & Maint Contracts 2356.50 2356.50 2270.21 Printing, Stat, Post, Phone 1068.29 1068.29 871.96 Equipment purchases Subscriptions & Publicity 1232.67 1232.67 941.28 Collections Expenditure 53.60 53.60 350 Petty Cash/General expenses 100.00 100.00 50 Miscellaneous Note 13 502.55 502.55 355.35 Added to Endowment Fund Note 14 10,000.00 10,000.00 Shop Purchases 546.89 546.89 1678.50 26,223.01 53.60 26,276.61 29,264.35

Surplus/Deficit for Year -3180.18 4946.40 1766.22 16,849.28



Bute Museum Trustees Notes to Accounts Year ending 31st December 2017

1. Basis of Accounting These Financial Accounts have been prepared on a Receipts and Payments basis. 2. Nature and Purpose of each Fund Unrestricted funds are those that may be used at the discretion of the trustees in furtherance of the objects of the charity. The trustees maintain a single, unrestricted fund for the day to day running of the museum. Restricted funds may only be used for specific purposes. Donations received for specific purposes fall into this category. 3. Grants Paid There were no grants paid by the organisation in the year reported. 4. Related Party Transactions The Museum’s insurance policy includes Trustee Liability cover for its trustees. No remuneration was paid to a trustee.

5. Museum Shop Much of the stock comprises Museum Publications which are considered Publishers stock rather than shop stock. From 2013 onwards the Trustees recognise that valuing Publications stock on the basis of its historical cost results in an overvaluation and decided instead that it would be prudent to value this stock on the basis of likely sales over a five year period. The resulting figures are all shop stock including publications: £3558 (2016: £3,481). 6. Valuations The value placed against the museum building is its estimated market value. The values placed against the collections and the library are nominal valuations. 7. Insurance The museum buildings and contents, including the collections and the library totals are insured to the value of £1,049,585. 8. Bute Museum Endowment Fund (BMEF) Income In 2017 the administration of the Endowment Fund was moved from Barclays’ Wealth to Speirs & Jeffrey. As a result of the transfer income on the fund was slightly down on the year so the Endowment Fund Trustees gave £4000 rather than the customary £5000 to the Museum. It is anticipated that income from the fund will increase in subsequent years.


9. Gift Aid Gift Aid for both 2016 and part of 2017 was paid in the financial period covered by these accounts. 10. Donations and Legacies A Legacy from the estate of Thomas Hart was a substantial part of this income for the year 2017, and also accounts for the substantial increase in the restricted funds held by the Museum. 11. Friends subscriptions Friends subscriptions showed a healthy increase for the second year in succession. Note Friends subscriptions are paid into a different account to the main account for the Museum but are part of the Museum income. 12. Wages & National Insurance This sum also includes payroll fees paid to One2One for administration of the payroll. 13. Miscellaneous expenditure This includes the charge for uplift of commercial waste by Argyll & Bute Council, reimbursement of travelling expenses for a Trustee of £40.40 and legal fees of £192. 14. Added to Endowment Fund In the light of the healthy state of the current account the Trustees deemed it prudent to transfer addition funds into the Endowment Fund where it can continue to earn income for the Museum. If at some time in the future the funds were needed for Museum use money invested in the Endowment Fund can be returned to the current account.