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[email protected] This article was first published in Hispanic Studies in Honor of Alan D. Deyermond: A North American Tribute, ed. John S. Miletich (Madison: Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies, 1986), pp. 93-106. The text that follows is the revised English original that was used in preparing the translation, by Elvira de Riquer, published in my Estudios cervantinos (Barcelona: Sirmio, 1991), pp. 11–36. The edition of Cervantes’ works used is that of Schevill and Bonilla, citing volume, page, and line, followed by (for Don Quijote) the part and chapter. El texto traducido puede leerse en mi libro La biblioteca de Cervantes que, aunque inédito y no listo para publicarse, se halla en mi página http://bigfoot.com/~daniel.eisenberg Did Cervantes Have a Library?1 Daniel Eisenberg El que lee mucho y anda mucho, vee mucho y sabe mucho.2 Whether or not we take as autobiographical the statement of Don Quijote’s “segundo autor” that he was “aficionado a leer, aunque sean los papeles rotos de las calles” (I, 129, 28–29, I, 9), there can be no doubt that 1My research on Cervantes’ library was supported in part by a short- term fellowship from the Bibliographical Society of America. The following works are referred to in abbreviated form: “Astrana” = Luis Astrana Marín, Vida ejemplar y heroica de Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (Madrid: Reus, 1948–58); “Rodríguez Marín” = Francisco Rodríguez Marín, Nuevos documentos cervantinos (Madrid, 1914), also available in his Estudios cervantinos (Madrid: Atlas, 1947); “Fitzmaurice-Kelly” = James Fitzmaurice-Kelly, Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra.