The Corporation of Delta COUNCIL REPORT F.09 Regular Meeting

To: Mayor and Council File No.: 1240-20/TLlSATP

From: Engineering Department

Date: June 26, 2017

Southwest Area Transport Plan

The following report has been reviewed and endorsed by the Chief Administrative Officer.


A. THAT TransLink ensure express bus service frequency and coverage for be maintained and improved upon. B. THAT TransLink review options to continue service to the Holly Park area of Ladner. C. THAT TransLink review options to improve parking availability at and improve customer amenities at Bridgeport Station. D. THAT staff send a copy of this report to TransLink.


The purpose of this report is to provide Council with comments on the draft TransLink Southwest Area Transport Plan (the "Plan").


TransLink has recently completed public consultation on the draft Plan (Attachment A) to identify future transit and other transportation related priorities for Delta, Richmond and Tsawwassen First Nation (TFN). These.are part of the overall regional transit network upgrades being contemplated (Attachment B).


North Delta (Attachment C)

During Phase Two of the current 1O-year Vision, a new B-Line express service is scheduled to be introduced along Scott Road from to Scott Road Station that will provide a bus every 5 to 7 minutes along Scott Road during peak hours. A new 640 Express service would run from Scott Road Station via Tilbury, Highway 99, along Highway 17A to the Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal, while the Page 2 of 3 Southwest Area Transport Plan 1240-20/TLlSATP June 26, 2017

existing 640 service will be maintained all day, every day to serve the Tilbury Industrial Area.

The 104 service to Annacis Island will see extended service coverage to the western tip of Annacis Island to provide service for users working at the west end of the island and will become an all-day service to 22 Street Station.

A future community shuttle service for the Sunshine Hills neighbourhood linked to the Scottsdale Exchange is being considered to be provided during Phase Two of the current 1O-year Vision.

Staff has brought to TransLink's attention, parking availability issues at the Scott Road Park and Ride in Surrey, a key connection point to the Expo Line, which often reaches capacity during weekdays.

South Delta (Attachment D)

The Plan provides an all-day frequent transit service connecting Tsawwassen Town Centre, the TFN community, Ladner Village and the such that during the morning commute, a service' as frequent as every 6 to 7 minutes will be available along 56 Street from the Tsawwassen Town Centre. During off-peak periods, with a proposed 80% increase in bus service, bus frequency will be 12 to 15 minutes every day of the week. .

The 601 will become part of the Frequent Transit Network by increasing in frequency to provide better service to Tsawwassen, TFN and Ladner. The routing of the bus through TFN will be moved to Salish Sea Drive to provide service coverage to the Mall and TFN residents.

! .1 However, significant community concerns have been expressed regarding the •i- reconfiguration of the express bus service (Attachment D) from Tsawwassen to I· Bridgeport Station that would result in the service being consolidated into the 603 and f 604 with the proposed discontinuance of the 602. TransLink has advised that the I express bus capacity using Highway 17 A out of Tsawwassen would be the same or better than today but was not supported by the information on their website. Staff has asked that TransLink clarify how they can meet their commitment to the public and they have advised that they are reviewing all the feedback received, in particular on the proposed discontinuation of the 602 service, and will be coming forward in the fall with a revised draft Plan (Attachment E).

Community shuttle service in South Delta is also proposed to change in the Plan. The C89 serving the Boundary Bay neighbourhood will be extended into the morning peak hours to provide service previously provided for by the 601. As well, due to low ridership numbers, TransLink is proposing to eliminate the C87 through east Ladner. Commuters will then have to walk to Ladner Trunk Road to catch the C76 or use services along Highway 17 A or those from the Ladner Exchange. This will impact residents of the Holly Park area and it is recommended that TransLink look at continued provision of service to this area. Page 3 of 3 Southwest Area Transport Plan 1240-201TLISATP June 26, 2017

With Bridgeport Station as the terminus point for most trips from South Delta, transit users would like to see improved washroom and station amenities at Bridgeport Station in order to enhance the customer experience.

As part of the improvements to Highway 99 within the George Massey Tunnel Replacement Project, two new transit stops will be added to the Frequent Transit Network on the Delta and Richmond approaches to the proposed bridge. The Delta stop will be a future connection point between the 640 Express and the 351 , 352 and 354 between South Surrey and Bridgeport Station, as well as to the 601, 603 and 604 to Tsawwassen and to the 606,608 and C88 in Ladner. These stops will be functional on completion of the George Massey Tunnel Replacement Project.

Implications: Financial Implications - There are no direct financial implications to Delta with the implementation of the Plan by TransLink.


TransLink has completed public consultation on the draft Southwest Area Transport Plan. Significant service level improvements on many routes are contemplated, including the inclusion of the 601 in the Frequent Transit Network and establishing a B- . line service on Scott Road . However, significant community concerns have been raised regarding the discontinuation of the 602. TransLink has committed to reviewing the public feedback and the concerns around maintaining an express bus service for Tsawwassen, and will be coming forward with a revised draft Southwest Area Transport Plan in fa.

Department submission prepared by: Gordon Botha, P.Eng ., Pr.Eng. GWB/bm This report has been prepared in consultation with the following listed department.

ConcurrinQ Department Department Name Signature Community Planning & ... Jeff Day Development ( ~ • ATTACHMENTS: '1 .1 A. Sub-region r B. Regional Connections - Current and Proposed Network C. D. South Delta E. Letter from TransLink F 1[l1g120 i i D'JcslC,W81RepnrblSoulilwest Area Traflsport PlanlSWATP phase 2_rev~_sl .c1ocx Frrday, ,llrne 30. 20 Il, 2 f, 1A 1 r)M IOStllAve

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White Rock Centre ~ -00)" til (') (Q:;y CO 3 NCO o-...... ::l NOJ Attachment C Page 1 of 1

Gateway WALLEY \. , 22nd Street Station l ~ Station

~.' I

Legend Proposed changes ___ Bus services

Phase One of lO·Year Vision - Future Rapid Transit 72 nd Av e - Future B·Line ___ Bus services

Future service improvements Bus services

~ Future service area Other map symbols ___ Other bus services

o SkyTrain station .0 Bus exchange "


Matthews Exchange Attachment D Page 1 of 1

Current Network Proposed Network

Legend Legend Current regular service Proposed regular service -ill--- CUrrent limited service -ill--- Proposed limited service Frequent Transit Network (FTN) Frequent Transit Network (FTN) On these streets, one 01 more On these streets, one or more , I bus SErvices co mbined provide ======r- bus services combi ned provide FTN service . FTN service. -a- -ill- Other bus services -ill- Other bus services ---e Bus exchange e Bus exchange

36Ave 36 Ave

34b Ave J4b Ave

Delt apo lt Way Deltapolt Way

28th Ave 28 th Ave 27th Ave


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Current Current Current Current Current Current Current Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed Attachment E Page 1 of 2

TransLink 400 - 287 Ne lson's Court New Westminster, BC V3 L OE7 Ca nad a Tel 778.375.7500 June 29,2017 South Coast British Co lumbia Tra nsportation Authority Steven Lan Director of Engineering Corporation of Delta 4500 Clarence Taylor Crescent Delta, BC V4K 3E2

Dear Mr. Lan :

Re: Southwest Area Transport Plan: Consultation Upd~te

As part of our efforts to identify and plan for improvements to transportation across the region, we have been working with the Delta, Richmond, and the Tsawwassen First Nation community to develop the Southwest Area Transport Plan (SWATP). The SWATP involves a review of everything from transit service and infrastructure, to opportunities to improve cycling, walking, and driving. We have recently completed a second phase of community engagement and will be working through the summer to compile all the results of what we heard, then using that input to improve and adapt the proposals. We anticipate reporting back to the community and all local Councils this fall on how we've used the input received to improve the proposals and identify local priorities for investment.

Our plan involves significant community engagement The planning process for the SWATP has involved more than just technical analysis - we have also been working with local staff, Councils, and the community. Our team has appreciated the input and discussion with Delta Council and staff, and look forward to continuing to work together through the rest of the process. Through the plan, our community and stakeholder 1 engagement has included: l. • Issues identification in the spring of 2016, where we heard from over 3,000 people i 1 during consultation; .. • Public and Technical Advisory Committees, providing local insight from diverse community members and municipal staff on an ongoing basis through the plan (6 Public and 9 Technical meetings so far); I • Opportunities for input from Elected Officials, including Council workshops (Delta Council in March and May, in addition to Richmond and Tsawwassen First Nation individual meetings this spring, and a forum for all three local governments as we initiated the project in 2016); • Public feedback on proposed network changes, completed in May/June, 2017, where we received more than 3,200 survey responses plus attendance of up to 500 people at in-person events. This included the following events to get the word out and solicit feedback: ~ 9 SWATP in-person engagement open house events to hear directly from the community, including at the following targeting Delta residents: o Ladner May Days, Bridgeport Station, Tsawwassen and North Delta Farmers Markets, and the South Delta Probus meeting. Attachment E Page 2 of 2

Steven Lan June 29, 2017 Re : Southwest Area Transport Plan : Consultation Update Page 2 of 2

» Plus extensive outreach to build awareness of the on-line and in-person engagement opportunities, including: o Street teams distributing information at Ladner Exchange, , and Richmond-Brighouse Station; o SWATP information material displayed and available at civic facilities in Delta, including: municipal hall, recreation facilities, libraries, seniors recreation centres, and arts centres.

As part of these consultations, we were asking for feedback on proposals that would provide more frequent service along key corridors and areas with growing demand, and provide more reliable and convenient bus service. The proposals were developed through collaboration with Delta staff and two Delta Council workshops, helping us to reflect local considerations into the plan. We' re happy to see Delta residents providing input into some of the changes we'd proposed throughout the recent community engagement.

We've heard from the community While we are still going through all the input we received, one proposal being considered that we heard a lot about from the Delta community is a proposal to redesign bus services (routes 601,602,603, and 604) that connect Tsawwassen with Ladner and the Canada Line. We heard about the importance of: • faster travel time; • improved service frequencies; • minimizing walking distance to routes; • ensuring existing demand is met or exceeded; and • expanded hours of operation of services.

Based on this input, we'll be working with Delta staff to revise this proposal to better reflect community feedback and address the issues identified. Any recommendations identified to 1. proceed are intended to improve transit as an option for the community, reflecting both our technical analysis and what we've heard through the engagement process.

[~ I look forward to working wit h your staff through this summer as we continue to plan for future I improvements to transportation in the Southwest area, including Delta. We will be coming back to Council with a draft plan this fall, building on the input we've rece ived from you and the community. This will be an opportunity for Council to provide further feedback prior to us working with them to finalizing the plan later in the year. Any priorities identified in the SWATP would be targeting implementation over the coming years, and would involve further community engagement on the details of the service.

Sincerely, /q"/?c( Matt Craig Manager, System Plans Transportation Planning and Policy