The Corpening Family

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The Corpening Family THE CORPENING FAMILY mmwomm fttll the help of ~ of tb.e Hendrick clan, I .bave been gathering material for eboat ~.«l years. It is far from complete. Evon so, the material at band ma;y be of valae to IOU of JOU: so I am COJrpillng it as it is mid offer it ~ whosoever ms, want to use it in vo11dng up a faller history or aatiafJ'ing a pzesent cmiosity or need. If I were starting Oftr again, I v011ld have asked for dates for decaased pai~ents and other manbera of the family and the name of the cemetery and place of burial. !bat data woald have been very useful to others doing research and to those who needed to eatabliab cene1n dates in their own line of descant. .As it is, I ab.all offer to do this: IJDy of 10u send me data of this sort my be assured t.bat I shill compile it mil place it along with this manusCript 1n Gene~ and Historical Society, Somerset, Pannqlwnia. Or, it may ·be sent there directly. It ia ·'1117 present intention t·o ~sap ltJT books ~en after retirement some of these early 7.eara, and mall be bappJ' to recom beppenings of the fam14' that ma:y be sent me. .baving in mitd the posaib111 t7 of keeping genealogical data on the fam­ ily aild maybe pu.tting it 1n more pe:rmanant form soma dq. 1amil7 tracli tion illdicatea that Bmdrlck Com-penning settled in Washington Oount7, Jktyland. !l'o m7 knowledge, there 1s no speclfic mention mate of him after his arrival. !lb.e time of hie death an:l the place of his barial are miknown to present 4eeeenc18nts. )Tor can we kna.t for aura t be remained in Waaiington Cotmcy.~­ Bis eon Albert married in Jqnn township, liorthampton (now Lehigh) County, Penney~ rdllia, and his son John 11 ved in Frederick County. Maryland, before he moved to berset Ooant7. Pennql'Vmlia. We ca1ld ftll xruch apace 1n cozi.,eeture 1ega:ntt:ag the fam1l7 after their ar- rival at the Jbrt ot ihi]adelph.ia the afternoon of September 14, 1751 (see page 5). ~e the Couipenninga. both Borth and Soath, wre Iutherana in the early days, we concl•lde t.bat tb.e7 were among the "Calv1Dista11 mentioned on shipboard. We hear oath:tng more of tbffP ,mtil Alben merrted. :Barbara Probst in ~ townsbip, now Le­ high County, Pamlqlwnia on 23 June 1n1'- and proceeded, spendiDg the Winter in Vi~nia and arrlvillg in Horth Carolina 1n 1775. Bia brot.bsr John, called George bi same, with his frliricl John Michael Walter, acconpenied Peter Arik.iiijr into Somerftet County, PennS7lvania, in 1774. Peter Anke1J1' hm fled for safety from the Indians tbs previoaa J9ar. !hey lll1!q haw cleaied land SM plmLted crops the:r:e in the scmmers - and retarned. to J'rederick Comity, Maryland, cmr1Jlg the winters and at such. times as lndi&m boatiliif7 waa too a.van. Jotm. ia registered in the 1776 census of tbat Cotz0r1- ty as age 26 and~ as 19. (See :emn~•• Mary:Jam Bsco:rda, pp. 237 am 241.) Be 1s emneratea. (5 whitea)in tile 17~ oenaQS aa a reeident of Milford tow.ship, _______ _ Somerset County, Pennsyl'ftllia, and is reported as one of the first settlers. The tax reco:rda abov no other Ohorpennillg in that pericd in Somerset County, to Mr. Eber Cockley for tbi HlatoHcal arid Geiiealoglcal Society, Somerset, Penn,.. eylvani.a. ;Jbo weN the Col11p81lDiD&s aul wbe1'8 did t.be7 cane fromT Famiq trsdi tion -,a they were ~f 1bg,2Sll0t or1g1.n which wonld make them French. It also sap that the:, came from the lil1.ted lfethe:rlards where man.r of tbs liJguenots had. fled follow­ iDg the ccmqµest lbglJenat st:rozgholds by Cardinal Richelieu in the 16oos. V. E l Tatum aDd Associates, Haraldists, 2101 Eastern Avenue, Cincinnati 2, Ohio, states, "The name OOHPm!NG .bas been changed. from the or.tginal•••• It is better than an even chance tit was originally OOUB-PENNING, and there is a device for each of t.hese names." He then described tJ:e arms for the OOtiR family, province d' AUNIS et do Sa.intonge, near Ia Rochelle, Frcmce, and the arms for the PENNIID family, province &lland, Netherlands. & then combined the Oou.r shield with the Penning shield (one-half for each family) into a single coat-of-ams as authentic -for the present descendants of that name. This soands so logical and in keeping with the fami4' tradition t.bat we may be reasonably sure of an intennarriage between the Ootir (French) and Penning (Illtch, United Netherlands) families and the resultant name. Other intermarriages have doubtless introduoed. other national origins. Allan Poe, Box 111, Lenoir, N. C., :p:,ints to a possible Swiss connection. The name Albert Gallatin in the Southern branch of the family cou.ld point to an unuEiual admiration or family relationship with the famous Swiss-bom American statesman and financier of that name (1761-1849). He further states that all three da.tighters of the pioneer Albert Corpening married men of Swiss or German ancestry, but only one of the five sons married into a German family. The Dictionary ef American, 1930, in an article regarding George Cbo:rpenning, the Pony Express pioneer, states that the family was of Hugue­ not origin, rather t.bat the family came with the Hlguenots in pioneer days. This tradition seems fell founded. Since, son of Hendrick Courpenning, married Mary (Maria) Ankeny, I shall quote again from mter.Lal on' .file in the and Genealogical Society, Somerset, Pennsylvania, regarding the .Ankeey family. "The name is derived from the French Engken, traced tfl\ a narrov strip in Flanders wbose inhabitants were sword bearers to the Dlke and, were the adherents to Prince Conde and Mroiral Coligny. Gaspard. de Coligny was admiral of France and a beloved leader of the Huguenots, in association with Conde and. &nry­ of Navarre. The latter, King Henry IV, issued the Edict of Nantes guaranteeing a measure of security and freedom to Huguenots. Following his death, religic,us wars ~d persecutions ~ain broke out in France. The Edict of Nantes was revoked in 1689; thereupon 400,000 fuguenots, referred to by .historians as 'some r.,f the best intellects and skilled artisans of France, t were forced intt, exile, their property being confiscated.. "CBRISI'IAN .A?m:ENY m. Miss ~walt. IEW.ALT ANKENY b. Wurteml:urg 1728; d. Clear Spring, Maryland, 1781 m. 1 Macy Jane Ihmer dtr of Christian tbmer of Oonococheague Cm«STI.AN - issue nine children. PE.rER b. Mar., 6, 1751; d. l);c. 23, 1gc4; m• .Rosanna Bonnet (1757-1834) m. 2 Margaret Frederick JOfil - issue three children MARY B m. George C.borpenniri.g ••• issue 7 ch. HENRY - issue five children (This would be ou.r Jnhn Gef'\rge) GEOffiE - issu.a one child. MAID.ABET m. Walter of Somerset. JACl!3 - issue three children ELIZABEfilH m. Mr. Brading - issue one child ravid - issue five children "In 171'6, J)ewalt Ankeny with Uncle Ce.spar Dawalt, arrived in Philadelphia, ship 1 'Neptune , Capt. Wilkinson. There were six brothers, in German annies. The Will of ~t Ankeny, quaint and lengthy in German script, probated at Ii\gerstown, Md. •••• n 2 -----------CORPENING ( J.e,:rance, Holland) ARMS: D1azur a un aper­ vier d'or becque, main et la,ngue d 'argent gril­ lete d'or, percha sur un ohicot d'or an bande. Thia for COUR, province d'AUNIS et de Saintonge Co v R - lf tl~t~G- r4 Sa t 0 ~] n ~ ~ cl 1\ Ecartele au 1 de l: e \"\ ~~~ 1. c \le 4'M Ji sa.ble de sable au lion d'argent: au 2. d'arsent a trois penseea d'azur tigees au merue: au 3. d'azur a tro1s recontres de boeuf au natural: Au 4 de gules a cinq besanta d'or 3 et 2. For PENNING, province Zuid Holland, Netherlands. The name CORPENING has been changed from the original. there is no ·coat of arms registered for the name as is but, it is better tha.n an even chance 1 t was originally COUR-PENNING, and there is a device for each or these na1nes. Koreover there is a (lour coa.t from the ancient province of de Saintonge 1n France. Very near is the city of La Rochelle, the stronghold- of the Huguenots which was be­ sie3ed and reduced by Richelieu in the 1600 's. Thus you have fq.cts that st~..nd up and verify your r~.m- 1ly hi:.:to1·y of France end Holland. The sketch below is taken from a beautiful shield prepared for me by V. H. Tatum amd Associates, Her2ldis·~~s, 2101 Eastern .Avenue, Cincinnati 2, Ohio, for $18.50, Each h~lf shield reproscnts a full shield of the c·our and Penning families re­ spectively. The falcon 1s 1:eak and legs are silver. The rest -of him and the limb arc gold. The lion is silver with a brown background. The flowers are blue with -·' a silver background. The oxen are natural color with a blue background, and the five gold coins have a red background. The rest of it is decoration for the shield as-drawn. ~-.::':~e " of t~J.e f?J.::e•n j_::! b1ue .
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