Minnesota Dancer USA Dance-Minnesota Chapter #2011 Elections 2019

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Minnesota Dancer USA Dance-Minnesota Chapter #2011 Elections 2019 MINNESOTA December 2019 An Official Publication of USA Dance-Minnesota Chapter #2011 Minnesota proud! Alan Bersten, local dancer and Dancing With the Stars pro, won the Championship trophy recently with his partner Hannah Brown! Alan competed as a youth at USA Dance Nationals for many years before launching his professional career. Congratulations, Alan & Hannah! Photo by Dancing With the Stars Timberwolves Dancer Viennese Waltz: Zaramella Hosts Event A Few of My Favorite Things! Ballroom and Timberwolves Dancer: Barb Hoffman ..............................3 Minnesota Dancer USA Dance-Minnesota Chapter #2011 Elections 2019 ..........................6 Viennese Waltz: An Educated Dance ........................................................8 AnOfficialPublicationofUSADance-Minnesota World Champion Andrea Zaramella Hosts Local Chapter Event ........10 Chapter #2011 President’s Letter .....................................................................................11 A Few of My Favorite Things! ................................................................14 USA Dance: Who Are We? Dance Contacts ........................................................................................19 Weareanonprofitorganizationthatpromotesdancing.TheUSADance MinnesotaChapter#2011wasformedin1991.MembershipinUSADance isopentodancersofalllevels.USADanceMinnesotaChapter#2011 sponsorsmonthlydancesandotherspecialdanceevents.Membersreceive discountsonadmissiontomonthlydances,aswellasotherbenefits. 2019 USA Dance-Minnesota Board Members TheMinnesotaDancerispublishedmonthlybytheUSADanceMinnesota Chapter#2011,toprovideinformationandnewsaboutdancing. President - Joyce Thompson Vice President - vacant Executive Editor: Bonnie Burton Treasurer - Russell Alliev Design & Layout: Julie Johnston Secretary - Carol Post Advertising: Paul Stachour Contributions:Articlessubmittedmaybeeditedforlength,clarityand Board Members At-Large content.Photosshouldbehigh-resolutionjpg,png,orpdffiles.Photos Bonnie Burton shouldbesentseparatelynotembeddedinanyWorddocument.Email [email protected] Stephanie Clausen Gary Narducci Send advertising materials: to Paul Stachour at MNDancer.Ads@ gmail.com Ben Nichols Gary Stroick Contributors:SuziBlumberg,BonnieBurton,DancingWiththeStars, GaryNarducci,DeborahJNelson,JoyceThompson,LeslieWhitney Leslie Whitney President: Joyce Thompson, [email protected] Vice-President: vacant Treasurer: Russell Alliev, [email protected] Secretary:CarolPost,952.926.7648,[email protected] Please send articles to: Bonnie Burton at [email protected] Ballroom and Barb’sdaughterwantedto beaGirlScoutandBarb Timberwolves Dancer: becametheleaderofher troop.Shetaughtthegirls Barb Hoffman hip-hop dance routines By Suzi Blumberg theyperformedregularly Everheardofthesaying,“Seeyouonthewood?” atScoutshows. There Isaythattoalotofmydancefriendswhensayinggood-byebecause were18girlsintheTroop probablythenexttimeIseethemwillbeonaballroomfloor andthegrouplasted12 somewhere.Ihaveonefriend,though,thatIdonotsaythatto years!Barbkeptthembusy andit’sBarbHoffman.Yousee,shedancesonnotonlyaballroom earningbadges,learning floor,butalsoabasketballfloor.TheTimberwolvesandLynx outdoorcooking,crafts, basketballcourttobeexact! andtakingthetraintoRed BarbhasbeenontheTimberwolvesSeniorDanceTeamforfour Wingtotourthecity. years.She’scaptainofthedanceteamof15womenandoneguy. Shebecameinvolvedwith TheypracticetwoSundaysbeforeagameanddanceonceamonth Children’sHospitalin atTimberwolvesandLynxhomegames.TheircoachAshley theLadybugChapter, Barb and Mike dancing. Rollinsteachesthemthefast-pacedhip-hoproutines.Theirmost fund-raisingmoneyseveralways.Attheannualluncheon,they recentroutineispostedonBarb’sFacebookpage. hadasilentauctionandtheLadybugsprovidedaformaldinner BarbandIworkedtogetheroverthirtyyearsagoatanEdina fortenpeople,preparedandservedbythem.Peoplebidhundreds advertisingagency.Barbishasaveryuniquesenseofhumor;she’s ofdollarsforthisevent.TheMediterraneanthememealwasthe talented,creativeandnon-stop!BarbandImanagedtokeepin mostpopular.Theyfelttheyneededentertainmentfortheevening touchthroughtheyears. anddecidedbellydancingwouldbeagreataddition!Barbtookan eight-weekcommunity-edclass,createdaroutineandtaughtitto Shetooktapandballetasachildinfirstandsecondgrade.Her theotherLadybugs.Theynamedthemselves‘TheBugettes’and parentswereballroomdancers,sowhentherewasanopportunity, Barbmaderedpolka-dottedfeltwingstheyworeovertheirblack shetookballroomdancelessons. Asayoungadult,shetooktapand slacksandblacktops! jazzclassesformanyyears.Shemarried,hadtwosonsandinthe early80’sherfamilywastransferredtoChicago.There,shetaught BarbbegandatingMikeSzmandain2013.Heknewshelikedto aerobics:7-9classesaweekinseveraldifferentChicagosuburbs. dance,soMiketooksomelessonshimselfandthenboughtlessons Fouryearslater,herfamilywastransferredbacktotheTwinCities. Continued on the following page. Barb far left with Timberwolves dancers. Barb and Mike at American Classic showcase. Barb and Mike at Twin Cities Open. forbothofthematAmericanClassicBallroom.Barbhadfoundthe TheyarebothontheAmericanClassicFormationTeamandhave studioinanadinvitingpeopletotheirMobster-themeddanceparty. enjoyedperformingatlocalcompetitions.OneofBarb’sfavorite Mikedressedupasagangster,Barbasaflapper,andthatnight,they routineswastoasongcalledMasochismTango—ahumorousand metPaulBotes,theowner.They’vetakenlessonsfromPauland darktango. NatalieBotes,eversincethen. BarbfoundoutabouttheTimberwolvesSeniorDanceTeamwhen PaulandNataliehaveenjoyedinstructingBarbandMikeandsay, shereceivedanemailatworkfromtheTimberwolvesannouncing “EveryoneatAmericanClassicBallroomlovesBarb!Hergenuine therewasaseniordancerauditionandinvitinghertotryout.Barb smileandpositiveenergyarealwaysapleasuretobearound.No thoughtthatwouldbefun. Mikethoughttheauditionwasagreat matterwhatstylesheisperforming,youcanalwaysseethetrue ideaandtotallysupportedit. joyofdanceshiningthrough.SheandMikearebothawonderful Barbwroteadanceandworkresumehighlightingherdiverse partofourdancecommunityhere, andweappreciatehowtheyare background.Sheborrowedhergirlfriend’sTimberwolvesjerseyand alwayshavingfunandencouragingothers.MikeandBarbarenot MikedrovehertotheTargetCenterwherethetryoutswereheld. onlygreatdancers,theyareevenbetterpeople. “ Sheandtheothersweretaughtadanceroutineandhadalittletime BarbandMikehavecompetedinMilwaukeeandtheTwinCities topractice.EveryonenumberedoffandBarbendeduprightin ProAmcompetition,dancingpro/amwiththeirinstructors. frontofthejudges!Theyperformedtheroutinetwice.Barbdidthe They’vealsoperformedforshowcasesatAmericanClassicBallroom. bestshecouldandsmiledalot! Continued on the following page. Shewentbacktothejudgestomeetthemandtotellthemhow muchfunitwas!Thejudgestoldhershedidphenomenaljoband thenextweekshelearnedthatshehadmadetheteam! Lastmonth,BarbandMikewereinvolvedintheUSADance- MinnesotaflashmobsalsadanceattheMallofAmericawithten othercouples.Theylovethefriendsthey’vemadeandrelationships they’veformedfrombeinginvolvedinbothballroomdancingand theTimberwolves/Lynxseniordanceteam.Barbcertainlylivesthe affirmation,“Domoreofwhatmakesyouhappy.’ Custom Social and Competition Ballroom Dance Costumes Call for an appointment 763 323 9507 www.satinstitches.com “We all can dance," he said, "when we find music that we love.” ― Giles Andreae, Giraffes Can't Dance USA Dance-Minnesota Chapter #2011 Elections 2019 By Bonnie Burton Leslie Whitney Gary Stroick Carol Post Gary Narducci SuziBlumberg USADance-MinnesotaChapter#2011ispleasedtoannouncethe Carol Postisacurrentboardmemberandservesassecretary.Sheisa followingindividualshavebeennominatedandelectedtoserveon foundingboardmemberofUSADanceChapter#2011,hasserved12 theBoardofDirectorsofUSADance-MinnesotaChapter#2011 yearsontheboardandcontinuestobeveryactive.Herspecialevents duringthe2020-2021term,beginningJanuary1,2020.Thankyou activitiesincludechairingtheTeaDanceCommitteeandorganizing andbestwishestothesenewlyelectedvolunteers! the USA Dance's25thAnniversary.SheisalsoveryactiveattheUSA Leslie Whitneyisacurrentboardmemberandhasservedas Dancenationallevelservingontheanti-dopingcommittee.Caroland secretaryinthepast.Sheisveryactiveinmanyifnotallchapter herhusbandGaryStroick,holdseveralNationalChampionships. activities.LeslieandherhusbandLelandhavewonseveralnational ThisisgettingredundantIrealize,butitisimportant.Asa championships at the Championship Level in Smooth, Rhythm and DanceSportathlete,Carolholdsthesamecommitmenttosocial NineDance.Sheiscommittedtosocialdanceandthegrowthand danceandthechapteraspreviouslymentioned. healthofourChapter. Gary Narducciisacurrentboardmember.Hehasbeenasocial Gary StroickisacurrentChapter#2011boardmemberandthe dancerforanumberofyears.Heisinterestedincontinuinghis currentPresidentofUSADance.Heunderstandsbetterthanmost, volunteerservicetoourChapter.Heisparticularlyinterestedin theimportanceofhealthy,growingchaptersandourDanceSport servingtheChapterbyassistingwithcommunicationcommittee activities.HehasbeeninvolvedwithlocalandnationalUSADance activities.Heregularlyauthorsarticlesforthenewsletterabout activitiesfor20years.Hebringsarichhistoryanddedicationtoour importantdancetopics.Healsoassistsbybeingback-upDJforour chapter. monthlydancesandotherdanceactivities.Youwillseehimatmost ofourmonthlydances. Continued on the following page. Suzi Blumberg isournewestcandidateforaChapterboard position.ShehassteppedforwardtovolunteerfortheBoardforthe firsttime.Suzihasbeendancingsince2004andhasbeenanavid volunteerfortheMinnesotaDancernewsletter.Sheregularlywrites articlesandhasalsocoordinatedadvertisingsales.Sheisaveryout-
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