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Vol. 29 No. 3 Published by the Freedom From Religion Foundation, Inc. April 2012 FFRF sues over ‘Year of the Bible’

The Freedom From Religion Foun- dation filed a federal lawsuit March 26 challenging the Pennsylvania House declaration of 2012 as “The Year of the Bible.” The House resolution exhorts Above, FFRF launched its new “This citizens everywhere and government is what an atheist looks like” campaign officials to “study and apply the teach- in Nashville, Tenn. in late March. ings of the Holy Scriptures.” Grace Quiroz (above) suggested the FFRF is suing on behalf of its 599 slogan. Read more, Page 22. Pennsylvania members, including 41 named state members, as well as its Holding FFRF’s placards are FFRF chapter, Nittany . The suit staffer Katie Daniel (right), joined was filed in U.S. District Court for the by a supporter at FFRF’s pre-Reason Middle District of Pennsylvania. Defen- Rally dinner party March 23 in dants are state Rep. Rick Saccone, au- Washington. For more photos by thor of the resolution, Parliamentarian Andrew Seidel, see the center spread, Clancy Myer and Chief Clerk Anthony Page 23 and the back page. Frank Barbush. “FFRF’s membership includes indi- Pennsylvania Legislature,” notes the viduals residing in Pennsylvania who legal complaint. Members include “in- have had direct and unwanted expo- dividuals [who] oppose governmental sure to the Year of the Bible Resolu- speech endorsing religion because tion and the hostile environment cre- they are made to feel as if they are po- ated thereby as a result of the official Continued on page 9 declaration of a state religion by the Tennessee student honored by FFRF Inside This Issue Student blows whistle on school religion FFRF’s Historic An atheist student whistleblower allegations about school-sanctioned Christian. And by Christian, I mean a National TV whose column was censored in the prayer during the current school year, “die-hard, go to every church event and Campaign high school paper she edits in Lenoir including at swim meets and football mission trip and witness to everyone” City, Tenn., has received an FFRF activ- games, where the public address sys- Christian. But due to several bad expe- Page 5 ism award for bringing to light several tem is used. [See “FFRF victories” on riences with churches and Christians, I unconstitutional endorsements of reli- Page 8 for the successful resolution of just decided that I’d had enough. gion at the school. the complaint.] Continued on page 3 FFRF’s Krystal Myers’ article, “No Rights: Religious proselytizing by teachers New York The Life of an Atheist,” [see Page 3] is also alleged by Myers and another also detailed negative treatment which student. (See Page 3) Times Ad Myers says atheists are subjected to. Local complainants have also told The column never ran in the Panther FFRF that the Lenoir City School Page 6 Press but was printed in full in the Board opens meetings with prayer that Knoxville News Sentinel. includes invoking “Our Heavenly Fa- Myers, 18, received an FFRF Cath- ther” and ending with “In Jesus’ name Reason Rally erine Fahringer Memorial Youth Ac- we pray.” Coverage tivist Award of $1,000 for her outspo- FFRF expressed concern to school kenness. She’s an honors student and officials about harassment and threats captain of the swim team as well as edi- against Myers. Pages 12–13 tor of the paper. Markert concluded that “It appears FFRF, which last year protested that Lenoir City Schools has counte- prayers in an algebra class and a nativ- nanced and turned a blind eye to well- ity scene at Lenoir City Schools, laid known violations and has chosen to out new concerns in Senior Staff Attor- only address the issues brought to its ney Rebecca Markert’s March 5 letter attention rather than remedying the FFRF of complaint. entirety of the problem. It is very clear Convention “Given that the school has allowed that a religious atmosphere has been Registration religious opinions and numerous directed and cultivated in the school Opens other articles to be published in the district. The allegations set forth here- Dawkins to school newspaper in the past, restric- in are egregious violations of the Estab- Appear tion of Ms. Myers’ article is impermis- lishment Clause.” sible viewpoint discrimination,” said Krystal Myers received an Youth Back Page Markert. Krystal writes: The letter also noted disturbing Ironically enough, I used to be a Activist Award of $1,000 from FFRF. Page 2 Freethought Today Madison, Wisconsin April 2012

Meet an Intern

Name: Ken Earl. that, I never really had anything to do Where and when I was born: On Hal- with religion again, with absolutely no loween morning in 1986 in Dixon, Ill. complaint from my parents. (interesting fact: the boyhood home of How I came to work as an FFRF le- Ronald Reagan) but grew up about 40 gal intern: I had been an admirer of miles away in Prophetstown (more en- FFRF’s work for quite some time, and joyable fact: the hometown of Wiscon- had been a member for a while as well, sin football coach Bret Bielema). when I saw a job posting for a part-time Family: My admirable father, Doug law clerk at the start of the 2011 fall se- Earl, still lives in Prophetstown and is a mester. My schedule was already pretty very happily retired high school math packed, but I thought it would be a teacher. My unbelievable mother, Mag- wonderful opportunity to get some gie, unfortunately passed away in 2009. legal experience doing work I actually My twin brother, Alex, will be graduat- believed in, so I couldn’t resist apply- ing in May from the University of Iowa ing. College of Law. My sister, Jen, and her What I do here: Incense and rabble- fiancé, Kenny, also live in Iowa City. rouse. But honestly, I work with our ex- We are all very close and try to get cellent staff attorneys to research and together at least once a month for investigate complaints that we receive some live music and games. Here in from both members and nonmembers, Madison, I live with my lovely girlfriend and then I will draft a letter of com- of eight years, Katrina, along with our plaint to offenders informing them of Boston terrier, Bentley, and our two their usually glaringly obvious constitu- cats, Margot and Lucy. tional violations and ask that they rec- Education: Despite an inspiring tify the matter. mathematics education from my dad What I like best about it: The peo- at Prophetstown High School, I ma- ple at FFRF are some of the most kind- jored in English (with a concentration hearted and enjoyable human beings Ken Earl is no slouch at the keyboard, where the right word rarely escapes him. in publishing studies) at Illinois State I have ever met. The office is very re- University. Currently, I am in my sec- laxed, and being able to work with possibly be wrong. Spontaneous, intelligent, bald. ond year at the University of Wisconsin such passionate and intelligent people My legal interests are: I really don’t Things I like: Craft beer, baseball Law School. as Dan and Annie Laurie makes every have a particular legal niche worked (go White Sox!), movies, bluegrass, My religious upbringing was: I was day interesting. out for myself yet. I’d love to be able procrastination, animals, escapist lit- raised (in the loosest sense of the Something funny that’s happened: to work with civil rights and civil liberty erature, friendly people, the Grateful word) Lutheran by my mom and went While not outright humorous, I can’t law, but I’d be equally happy doing Dead. through the motions up until my con- help but laugh whenever we get a re- transactional (particularly real estate) Things I smite: Close-minded peo- firmation around eighth grade. The sponse from a person who can’t seem or litigation work as well. ple, snakes, irrational individuals, only thing that really sticks out in my to understand how something like in- My legal heroes are: Anyone who Auto-Tuned music (think of Cher’s mind from my religious upbringing cluding prayer before a high school works long hours for little pay to help “Believe”), restrictions on labor orga- was being chastised in Sunday school football game or displaying a nativity out the less fortunate. nization. for asking too many questions. After scene on government property could These three words sum me up: Meet a Volunteer

Name: Ryan Hettinger. What I like best about it: Being “be- Where and when I was born: Mil- hind the scenes” at Freethought Hall. waukee, Dec. 10, 1989. It never ceases to amaze me how many Family: I’m the oldest of five kids. flagrantly unconstitutional violations I have two younger brothers. One is happen daily. graduating from high school this year My day job is/was/will eventually and wants to become a firefighter. I be: A career in RFID (radio frequency also have twin sisters. The youngest has identification) engineering would be a career goal of pediatric oncology. fascinating and rewarding. The tech- Why I volunteer for FFRF: I am nology has come a long way, and there against forcing beliefs on anyone. Poli- are so many uses for it on the horizon. ticians should keep their religious be- Education: I am in my senior year at liefs, or lack thereof, private. FFRF is Herzing University, pursuing a double fighting an uphill battle to ensure gov- major in computer science and clec- ernment stays neutral toward religion. tronic engineering. I plan to travel on What I do as a volunteer: Anything a shoestring upon graduation before soll. Things I smite: Blind ignorance, that needs to be done — clerical work, securing a career. Things I like: Books! Wakeboarding bigotry, proselytizing public school shredding, sorting and filing letters These three words sum me up: In- on Lake Waubesa, playing devil’s ad- teachers and pious politicians. of complaint. I also help with miscel- quisitive, enterprising, open-minded. vocate, and making meals with real in- A freethought saying I like: “Two laneous computer issues that pop up My freethought heroes are: Thomas gredients, no partially hydrogenated, hands at work do more than 10,000 with interns and staff members. Paine, Arthur C. Clarke, Robert Inger- high-fructose anything! folded in prayer.”

A Note to Members Send Us Your Freethought Today Address Change published by Freedom From Religion Foundation, Inc. Your address label shows the expi- P.O. Box 750 • Madison WI 53701 ration date of your membership in FFRF, which includes your subscrip- Promptly! (608)256-5800 • FAX (608)204-0422 tion to Freethought Today and “Private [email protected] • Don’t miss a single issue! If you Line.” If your label shows April or ear- Editor: Bill Dunn move, notify us directly and lier, your membership has ex­pired. Your Executive Editor: Annie Laurie Gaylor prompt re­newal ($40-single member­ ­ promptly. The Post Office does Contributing Editors: , Katie Stenz ship; $50-household; $100 sustaining; not forward third-class mail. $25-student) saves us time and post­ FFRF cannot be responsible for re- Production Editor: Scott Colson age, and is tax-deductible. Free­­­thought placing back issues if we have not Contributors: Philip Appleman, Jerry Coyne, Krystal Myers, Today is published 10 times a year, with been notified prior to your move. Andrew Seidel, Jeff Shott, Jeff Yardis combined issues in Jan/Feb and June/ Back issues, while they last, may April 2012 July. Send to FFRF, Box 750, Madison be ordered for $2 each. WI 53701. The only freethought newspaper in the April 2012 Madison, Wisconsin Freethought Today Page 3 No Rights: The Life of an Atheist Photo: Adam Brimer/Knoxville News Sentinel “Krystal Myers is an honors student, performing her duties as a public em- captain of the swim team and editor of her ployee. Also, Kristi Brackett, a senior at high school newspaper. She’s also an athe­ Lenoir City High School, has said that ist in a predominantly Christian student the teacher, “strongly encouraged us to body.” join [a religious club] and be on the That’s how the Knoxville News Sentinel group’s leadership team.” started its Feb. 23 story on how Myers’ col­ Yet again, this violates the Establish- umn, “No Rights: The Life of an Atheist,” ment Clause. When asked if this was was banned from publication in the Pan­ true, the teacher replied, “As a teacher ther Press by Schools Director Wayne Miller I would never use my power of influ- because of what he called the potential for ence to force my beliefs or the beliefs disruption in the school. of [a religious club] on any student in “We do have the right to control the con­ the school.” tent of the school paper if we feel it is in the Regardless, the religious T-shirts are best interest of the students,” Miller told the still inappropriate in the school setting. News Sentinel. Teachers are prohibited from making Here is the “disruptive” column: their religious preferences known. The Constitution requires them to be neu- By Krystal Myers tral when acting in their capacity as a public school teacher. The point of view expressed in this ar­ Not only are religious preferences ticle does not necessarily reflect the point of shown through shirts, but also through view of the Panther Press, its staff, adviser a “Quote of the Day” that some teach- or school. ers write on the boards in their class- rooms. One teacher has bible verses As a current student in govern- occasionally as the teacher’s “Quote ment, I have realized that I feel that my of the Day” for students. The Estab- rights as an atheist are severely limited lishment Clause has been violated yet and unjust when compared to other again with no regard for nonbelievers. students who are Christians. Not only Perhaps I would have more hope are there multiple clubs featuring the in our school and the possibility of Christian faith, but youth ministers are change on the horizon if our own also allowed to come onto school cam- Even though Krystal Myers is editor of her high school newspaper in Lenoir School Board did not open their meet- pus and hand candy and other food City, Tenn., the school wouldn’t allow her column about discrimination against ings with prayer. A person who wished out to Christians and their friends. atheists to run. to remain anonymous that has been However, I feel like if an atheist did present at board meetings says, “They that, people would not be happy about do have prayers. They pray to ‘Our it. This may not be true, but due to per- not mean that atheists do not believe ers can pray, but the school cannot en- Heavenly Father’ and end with ‘In Je- vasive negative feelings towards atheists in higher causes; we just do not believe dorse the prayer or plan for it to hap- sus’ name we pray.’ ” in the school, I feel that it would be the in a higher being. pen. This not only violates the Constitu- case. My question is, “Why? Why does With that being said, I can move on Public prayer also occurs at all of the tion, it violates the board’s own policy have such a bad reputation?” to the real issue. Before I begin, I want home football games using the public prohibiting prayer at school-sponsored An even better question: “Why do you to think about your rights and how address system. This has, again, been events. The whole foundation of how Christians have special rights not al- your perceived “rights” might be affect- covered by the Supreme Court case our school is conducted is established lowed to nonbelievers?” ing the rights of others. Santa Fe Independent School District v. Doe. by obvious Christians. Somehow, this Before I begin, I want to clear up There are several instances where The court ruled that school-sponsored is unsurprising. If our School Board some misconceptions about atheism. my rights as a nonbeliever, and the prayer is an unconstitutional violation chooses to ignore the Establishment No, we do not worship the “devil.” We rights of anyone other than a Chris- of the Establishment Clause. If a speak- Clause of the First Amendment and do not believe in God, so we also do tian, have been violated. These instan- er prays, it is fine. However, as soon the Supreme Court, then it is no sur- not believe in Satan. And we may be ces inspired me to investigate the laws as the school provides sponsorship, it prise that teachers choose to do the “godless” but that does not mean that concerning the separation of church becomes illegal. Sponsorship can be al- same. we are without morals. I know, person- and state, and I learned some interest- most anything, even something as sim- I know that I will keep trying to ally, I strive to be the best person I can ing things. First, I would like you to ple as saying that the speaker can pray gain my rights as an atheist and as an be, even without religion. know specifically what my grievances or choosing a speaker with a known American citizen, but I also need your In fact, I have been a better person are against the school. propensity to pray or share his or her help in educating other people to re- since I have rejected religion. Perhaps First and foremost is the sectarian religious views. alize the injustice done to all minor- the most important misconception is prayer that occurs at graduation every It is not just the speakers whom ity groups. The Christian faith cannot that we want to convert everyone into year. Fortunately, I am not the first one we have to fear at Lenoir City High rule the United States. It is unconsti- atheists and that we hate Christians. to have thought that this was a prob- School. We also have to fear some of tutional. Religion and government are For the most part, we just want to be lem. In the Supreme Court case, Lee v. the teachers and what they might say supposed to be separate. If we let this respected for who we are and not be Weisman, it was decided that allowing about their own religious beliefs. On at slide, what other amendments to the judged. prayer at graduation is a violation of least two separate occasions, teachers Constitution will be ignored? Now you should know exactly what the Establishment Clause of the First have made their religious preferences I leave it to you to decide what you an atheist is. says that Amendment that says, “Congress shall known to basically the whole school. will or will not do, but just remember an atheist is, “a person who denies or make no law respecting an establish- One teacher has made her reli- that nonbelievers are not what you disbelieves the existence of a supreme ment of religion, or prohibiting the gious preferences known by wearing originally thought we were. We are hu- being or beings.” However, this does free exercise thereof.” Special speak- a T-shirt depicting the crucifix while man beings just like you. Student blows whistle on school religion

What Is a Continued from front page change that, but I never thought that yet. I have been accepted to Kansas I was agnostic for a couple of years, this would garner so much attention. I State University, Indiana University- Freethinker? but for the past year or so, I’ve been just wanted the School Board to notice Bloomington and the University of free-think-er n. an atheist. I have not made any efforts my editorial and make changes accord- Tennessee. A person who to hide my nonreligious beliefs from ingly (which I did not think would be Even though I will be leaving soon, I forms opinions anybody in that time, but I did not will- hard). hope that my efforts will inspire other ingly offer the information either — No matter what the outcome, high school students to stand up for about religion on the basis until now. though, I am glad that I decided to go their beliefs and rights, even in the of reason, independently I know that everyone wants to know through with my editorial. I hope that face of opposition. People will always of tradition, authority, or why I decided to write my editorial. The it will make Lenoir City High School be there for support, just like they have established belief. reason is quite simple. I do not think more accepting of those of all faiths been for me. that nonbelievers have the same rights and nonbeliefs, not just to Christianity. Krystal was interviewed on Freethought as Christians, at least in my school and I plan to go to college to study jour- Radio on March 10. See the area in which I live. I wanted to nalism, but I have not decided where shows/ Page 4 Freethought Today Madison, Wisconsin April 2012 Heads Up A Poetry Column by Philip Appleman


OK, Life, you with the grinning clown face, I know I’m not the main attraction here, and of course you’ve slapped me around, whacked me with bladders, booted my behind — but I want you to know that after all those pratfalls, I’ve finally got used to your jabs, your tweaks, your pinches, and — Overheard are you ready for this? I forgive you. I’m good mates with levels. Education plays a role. Religios- Barack Obama. I tell ity is higher in less-educated states and Because him, “You think it’s negatively associated with the share of sometimes on hazy afternoons I’ll hear tough being African- state residents that are college grads. the terrible keening of houseflies, American? Try being Richard Florida, senior editor, analyz- and a tragic crow will conjure up me. Try being an athe- ing a Gallup poll on U.S. religiosity ist, childless, single The Atlantic, 3-29-12 all those broken stones in Rome, woman as prime min- and maybe ister.” Tribes organized around religious be- someone special will glance at me Julia Gillard, ’s first female lief have rituals, sacred texts and physi- prime minister cal spaces that all serve to bind the par- and look quickly away – Sydney Morning Herald, 4-2-12 ticipants together. Atheism has none of and in that one dagger-deep moment, these things. Most of the time it’s an in- Life, you sadistic old joker, I realize [Fr. Michael Hennelly] described dividual choice, made and kept alone. working with priests trying to achieve Contributing editor Paul Waldman, how much I’d miss you what he called “sexual sobriety.” St. “One Nation, Not Under God” if you turned up missing. John Vianney, a church-run hospital in The American Prospect, 3-2712 Downingtown, had “Sexaholics Anony- mous” meetings devoted exclusively to Why, in Mexico, did you not want to be priests. Others attended “Sex and Love close to the victims of that most igno- © 2012 Philip Appleman Addicts Anonymous.” minious priest Marcial Maciel? Hennelly’s testimony in the trial of Question to Pope Benedict from Juan Freethought Today is honored to publish this new poem. Msgr. William Lynn, accused of cover- Jose Vaca, former member of Maciel’s Philip Appleman is Dis­tinguished Pro­fessor Emeri­tus at In­ ing up sexual abuse by priests Legion of Christ, when the pope vis- dia­na Uni­ver­si­ty. His published volumes of poetry in­clude Associated Press, 3-28-12 ited Mexico Perfidious Proverbs and Other Poems: A Satirical Look at Latin American Herald Tribune, 3-26-12 the Bible (2012), Darwin’s Ark (new 2009 edition) and I felt helpless and trapped. My parents Karma, Dharma, Pudding & Pie (2009). His nonfiction expected me to work. He put his hand on my thigh, and he work includes­ the widely used Norton Critical Edition, Trial testimony by a woman in her 50s, started talking about God. Darwin, and the Nor­ton Critical Edition of Malthus’ Es- who alleges she, her sisters and other Kayla Hill, 17, one of three New York say on Population­ . His poetry and fiction have won many victims were molested as children by models suing Aristeo Tengco, model- awards, including a fellowship in poetry from the National­ En­dow­ment for Fr. Albert Kostelnick in a Catholic rec- ing agency owner, alleging he groped the Arts, the Castagnola Award from the Poetry Society of America, the Hu­ tory in Roslyn, Pa. them manist Arts Award from the American Humanist Association and the Friend, 4-1-12 New York Times, 3-26-12 of Darwin Award from the National Center for Science Education. His work has ap­peared in Har­per’s Magazine, The Nation, The New Republic, The The color of the emblem is fluorescent I’m not sure it is to athe- New York Times, The Paris Review, Partisan Review, Poetry, and The Yale orange, and our church forbids the ists’ benefit to always Review.. bright, loud and gaudy colors. There- present a kinder, gentler He and his playwright wife, Marjorie Appleman, are both “Afterlife” fore, we cannot in good conscience use face. We certainly want to Members of the Freedom From Religion Foundation. They recorded an excerpt the slow-moving vehicle emblem. let people know, again, of “Noah,” New and Selected Poems, which is available for sale from FFRF Jacob Gingerich, Mayfield, Ky., asking we’re your friends, we’re for $23 ppd, The Norton Critical Edition, Darwin, is $22 ppd., Karma, legislators to approve a bill, which they your neighbors, we’re Dharma, Pudding & Pie, $27 ppd., Darwin’s Ark, $23 ppd., and Perfidious did, to let Amish use white reflective good people. But I think Proverbs, $20 ppd. ( tape on buggies instead of orange tri- it’s also to our benefit to let people angles know that we’re to be reckoned with, Associated Press, 2-12-12 that we’re not going to let ourselves be doormats, and that we’re mobilized, Religiosity is higher in lower income we’re organized, and when people get states where poverty is prevalent. The us angry, we’re going to take action. Your Weekly Antidote to the religious right share of state residents who say religion , author of Why Are You is very important to their daily lives is Atheists So Angry? 99 Things That Piss Off TUNE IN TO correlated with the poverty rate and The Godless FREETHOUGHT RADIO negatively associated with state income National Public Radio, 3-23-12

produced by the Freedom From Religion Recruit a Member Foundation Hosted by Dan Barker and Annie Laurie Gaylor Sample Copies for $2 Broadcasts and streams Saturdays at 11 a.m. Central, Progressive Talk The Mic 92.1 FM, Madison, Wis., and over several other stations. Send $2 with the name and address of each person you wish to receive a sample copy of Freethought Today to: iTunes or podcasts archived at: FFRF, P.O. Box 750, Madison WI 53701 Slightly irreverent views, Freedom depends upon freethinkers news, music & interviews (Please specify whether the individual is a freethinker.) April 2012 Madison, Wisconsin Freethought Today Page 5

On ‘CBS Sunday Morning,’ ‘CBS Evening News,’ NBC ‘Meet the Press,’ MSNBC ‘Rachel Maddow Show’ FFRF launches national TV ad campaign

The Freedom From Religion Foun- Freedom From Religion Foundation dation, a state/church watchdog and defend the wall of separation between the nation’s largest freethought associ- state and church. Join us at FFRF.ORG. ation with more than 18,000 members, Freedom depends on freethinkers.” is airing a historic 30-second tribute to Underneath the 30-second spot can separation of state and church on net- be heard a piano rendition of “Amer- work television. ica” recorded by FFRF Co-President FFRF’s ad debuted on Sunday, Dan Barker. The ad concludes with the March 25, on “CBS Sunday Morning,” strains, “Let freedom ring,” and the im- and March 26 on the “CBS Evening age of a Lincoln penny with “In Reason News,” on NBC’s “Meet the Press” We Trust” replacing “In God We Trust.” April 1 and on MSNBC’s “Rachel Mad- FFRF’s name, website and toll-free dow Show” the week of April 2-5. FFRF number, 1-800-335-4021, alternate on believes these are the first freethought the screen. Buzz Kemper narrated the ads ever aired on such shows. ad, produced for FFRF by John Urban FFRF’s commercial showcases the Productions. famous words of Sen. John F. Kennedy Help FFRF educate via television, in 1960 during his presidential run: ”I the most powerful mass medium, by believe in an America where the sepa- making a tax-deductible contribution ration of church and state is absolute . to FFRF’s ad campaign at­ . . where no ecclesiastical body seeks to The ad opens with footage of JFK’s claimed “makes me want to throw up.” nate/. View the ad at impose its will directly or indirectly on speech to Protestant ministers in Hous- The ad says, “Let’s restore respect the general populace.” ton, which Rick Santorum recently for America’s secular roots. Help the

FFRF urges Grassley to hold churches accountable

FFRF sent a substantive 23-page sponse, which can be read in full at: given special, favored status. This lack leaders from comparing their salaries memo to U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-­ of oversight and accountability not to superstars such as Oprah, and for Iowa, in late March, weighing in on 17 cial-fraud-in-churches/ only discriminates against nonchurch the IRS continue to prohibit churches issues regarding the financial status of FFRF, which is currently in federal nonprofits, but encourages . . . scams from endorsing candidates if they wish churches which the senator is studying. court challenging the insidious “par- and crime. It encourages predators, to retain tax exemptions. Last year, Grassley asked the Evan- ish exemption” that rewards ministers con artists, and those who, in the name Read more at: gelical Council for Financial Account- with special housing allowance ben- of religion, would prey on the most de- ability (ECFA), an accreditation agen- efits, urged Grassley to work to rescind vout.” cy promoting fiscal integrity, to solicit that favored treatment. FFRF opposes the suggestion of a Action Alert — Contact: responses from churches on a series of FFRF also wants churches to be re- clergy advisory committee to superin- Senator Chuck Grassley legislative proposals prepared by Grass- quired to file Form 990, as all other tend IRS tax policy regarding church- 135 Hart Senate Office Building ley’s staff. The 17 issues all involve the tax-exempt organizations, including es, advocates “love offerings” (cash Washington, DC 20510 favored financial status that churches FFRF, must do, accounting for what gifts to church leaders) be presumed Phone: (202)224-3744 and other religious organizations have they do with tax-deductible donations. to be taxable income, and says church- Fax: (202)224-6020 under U.S. law. FFRF noted, “Having one rule for es and church managers should be Email contact form: grassley.senate. Believing it is vital for Grassley to churches, which exempts them from penalized for unlawful excess benefit gov/Copy-of-contact.cfm hear secular viewpoints, as well, FFRF documenting their eligibility, and even transactions. FFRF thanks constitutional consultant Co-Presidents Dan Barker and An- from paying fees all other 501(c)(3) FFRF also wants compensation Andrew Seidel for his work on this memo. nie Laurie Gaylor sent a detailed re- groups must bear, means churches are study guidelines to prevent church

FFRF welcomes 28 new Lifetime Members! Include FFRF In Your Estate The Freedom From Religion Foun- quelyn Purpura, Robert Ready, Joseph atheist ad on national TV. It gives me Planning dation gratefully announces 28 new Rizzi, Hans Schellenberg, John Smail, hope for a better tomorrow.” Lifetime Members. They are: Michael Steiner, Eric Stone, Claudette Buddy Turner writes: “My wife, Ro- Lee Case, Dan Cobb, Thomas Din- St.Pierre, Richard Tuckerman, Bud- berta Mistretta, became a Lifetime Arrange a bequest in your will or widdie, Rod Fisher, Nero Gordon, Neal dy Turner and John D. Weeden. Two Member last year. I applaud your ad on trust, or make the Freedom From Grunstra, Rex Gunderson, RG Huber, new Lifetime Members wish to remain CBS and want to see more.” Religion Found­ation the benefi- Robert Kramer, JS Lomont, Jack Nix- anonymous. Nero Gordon’s husband, Frank, is ciary of an insurance policy, bank on, Eugene L. Norris, Paul Offit, Dr. Thomas Dinwiddie writes: “I was so already a Lifetime Member. account, or IRA. It’s easy to do. William H. Olson, Todd Peissig, Jac- proud to see what I believe was the first States represented are: For related information Arizona, California, Colorado, (or to request a bequest Connecticut, Indiana, Michigan, Min- brochure), please phone nesota, Maryland, Montana, Nevada, Annie Laurie Gaylor at Freedom From Religion Foundation New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, (608) 256-8900. P.O. Box 750 • Madison WI 53701 • (608) 256-8900 • Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Utah, Vir- FFRF ginia and Wisconsin. Countries repre- P.O. Box 750 sented include Switzerland! Madison WI 53701 What is the Freedom From Religion Foundation? Individual Lifetime Memberships are $1,000 indicated for membership Founded in 1978 as a national organization of freethinkers (atheists and Freedom Depends agnostics), the Freedom From Religion Foundation, Inc., works to keep state or renewal, guarantee never another and church separate and to educate the public about the views of nontheists. renewal notice and go into a safe en- dowment to ensure FFRF’s future. All on Freethinkers The Foundation’s e-mail address is [email protected]. Please include your name and physical mailing address with all e-mail correspondence. gifts and dues to FFRF are deductible for income-tax purposes. Foundation members wishing to receive online news releases, “action alerts” and “Freethought of the Day” should contact [email protected]. Page 6 Freethought Today Madison, Wisconsin April 2012

Thank you, FFRF’ers, for ‘extraordinary’ N.Y. Times ad support! FFRF raised more than $52,000 from members in one weekend to place a historic full-page ad in the New York Times. A mem- ber not only proposed to FFRF that it turn Annie Laurie Gaylor’s commen- tary, “It’s time to quit the Catholic Church” [March 2012], into an ad, but gen- erously pledged $5,000 to- ward the cost of the ad. Thanks to an outpour- ing of support, small and large, the money was raised and FFRF’s ad ran on March 9. Those who gave $1,000 and express per- mission to use their names were featured in the ad. Benefactors included Dan Barker, Fairfid M. Caudle, James G. Coors, Robert and Jo Chanaud, Jeff and Jill Dean, Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Callivan, Annie Laurie Gaylor, Lali Reddy, M.D., Nicholas Sargantson, Jane and Stefan Shoup, Claudette St.Pierre, Fred Thorlin, R. Jeffrey Wenk and John Whiteside. Sever- al major donors preferred anonymity. FFRF has already signed up at least 300 new mem- bers, including four Life- time Members, and re- ceived many plaudits and Internet coverage. Re- duced from its New York Times dimension, it is fea- tured adjacent. You may view and share it at news/releases/nyt-ad/. “We’re very grateful to all the members, named and unnamed, who do- nated toward this historic project, one of those heady ‘truth to power’ moments,” said Annie Laurie Gaylor, FFRF co-president. She credits Dan Barker, who co-directs FFRF, with what she calls “the best line: ‘Please, exit en Mass.’ ” Naturally, Catholic League blowhard insisted that the newspaper should have censored the ad. But Tom Beaudoin of Fordham Uni- versity, writing in America, a national Catholic weekly, said, “ Whatever one thinks of this ad, it seems to mark a particular moment in the unfolding history of the Catholic Church in the United States. That a full-page ad in one of the most influential newspa- pers in the country would ask members of a major re- ligious group to walk away from that group is an ex- traordinary occurrence.” The Times required FFRF to change its origi- nal headline, “It’s Time to Quit the Catholic Church,” to “It’s Time to Consider Quitting the Catholic Church.” April 2012 Madison, Wisconsin Freethought Today Page 7 First Paul Gaylor Student Activist Award Recipient Intelligently designed costume

Jeff Shott, 17, is the first recipient of the me a lot. Paul J. Gaylor Memorial Student Activ­ When I mentioned this to him, Dr. ist Award, a newly endowed scholarship Farmer had wondered if we should just of $1,000. Similar awards offered through teach “both theories” equally, essential- FFRF are the annual Thomas Jefferson Youth ly advocating that we “teach the con- Activist Award and the Catherine Fahringer troversy.” I explained why creationism Memorial Student Activist Award. Jeff is a doesn’t belong in a science classroom, student at Summit High School in Spring that my teacher wouldn’t be able to Hill, Tenn., 30 miles south of Nashville. substantiate her claim with empirical FFRF, with two student activist endow­ evidence or the scientific method. I ments last year, actually gave out an addi­ compared it to the “Intelligent Falling tional four $1,000 awards. Many more stu­ Theory” of Pastafarianism. dent activists deserve recognition. If you’d I also pointed out that by teach- like to endow and name a student activist ing the bible as true, she was teaching award to reward freethought or state/church Christianity as fact, which further im- activism, contact Annie Laurie Gaylor at plied she was teaching that non-Chris- [email protected]. tians are going to hell. He had said he would talk to her and give her a warn- ing. Now, he told me my costume was controversial and likely to disrupt the learning environment. I explained that my quarrel with my science teach- er wasn’t one of personal offense, but of professionalism. I told him that by teaching creationism, she was teaching something unconstitutional and flat- Jeff Shott as Jesus on Fictional Character Day at his school. out dishonest. As a science teacher and an educator, she was out of line teach- ing biblical creationism. She was only bible as nonbelievers, the devil himself tion with me. adding to the already dishearteningly literally changes the words, making it Being a bible belt atheist has high- prevalent misconceptions on the the- impossible for us to gain an adequate lights and lowlights. One of the best ory of evolution, the very basis of our understanding of the word of god. Af- things any atheist can do, especially in understanding of modern biology. ter telling someone that I am an athe- the South, is to come out of the hea- Both principals said they were wor- ist, it’s not uncommon for the initial then’s closet. When nontheists are ried my costume would spark religious response to resemble a personal attack open with others, it debunks miscon- debates in every class and take up large such as “You’re a bad person,” or a ceptions. As Dawkins would say, we act amounts of time. I was sternly warned threat, “You’re going to hell.” as consciousness raisers, and if enough that if even one teacher reported the One religionist asked me why I had of us do so, we can shed favorable light slightest disruption, I would have to become an atheist: “Was it family trou- on the atheist community and perhaps take off my costume. Then and there, I ble, abuse?” Others assume that athe- one day shift the statistics in our favor. By Jeff Shott decided to take it off. ists are simply rebelling against “god If you had told me two years ago that Even though the vast majority of stu- and his rules,” or that we put as much I would one day be receiving a scholar- dents in my school are religious, many “faith” in science as religious people ship and award from a group like FFRF ’ told me how much they liked my cos- do in their doctrines. as a result of my secular activism, I I d arrived at school this Monday tume and how disappointed they were I’ve even met a very fundamentalist wouldn’t have believed you. You see, I before 8:15 a.m. and waited in the cafe- that I had to take it off. Even my teach- Christian who told me that science is a was previously quite the quintessential, teria until classes started, eating break- ers thought it was funny. Only a very left-wing conspiracy made up of people vehemently fundamentalist Christian fast with friends and adding finishing few of my peers said they thought it was rebelling against god. — a young Earth creationist, a biblical touches to my Jesus costume. in bad taste, and none did so during Last year, a teacher leading the class literalist, a Calvinist, a homophobe — The head principal, Dr. Farmer, instructional time. in prayer openly criticized my brother the whole nine yards. soon came up and asked me to come I wondered, if a religious debate for refusing to bow his head. One of his It’s been two years since then, and, to his office. The assistant principal, had been sparked, wouldn’t it be up to peers caught him reading my copy of though it’s still difficult to wrap my Ms. Lamb, and Officer Pewit, school re- the teachers to control the classroom ’ The Greatest Show on head around the fact that I’ve won an source officer, were waiting outside the and deal with students who actually dis- Earth: The Evidence for Evolution, picked FFRF student activist award, needless cafeteria. Dr. Farmer asked me whom I rupted class time? I was merely partici- it up and threw it on the ground. to say, I’m honored. was portraying. I told him that I was Je- pating in Fictional Character Day. We smile whenever one of our sus Christ. He said he had been hoping When I went home, I posted pho- friends tells us we’re on their church’s The Paul J. Gaylor Memorial Student my answer would have been Zeus (or tos and details of what had happened prayer list. I made one list four times in Activist Award is principally endowed by some other variation of a mythological to the r/atheism section of one of my one day. FFRF Co-President Annie Laurie Gaylor. deity). favorite websites, My fellow Even though I’m typically very Redditors were, with very few excep- Getting to know you openly atheistic and have no problem tions, overwhelmingly supportive and discussing my views, I was a little dis- said my civil liberties had been vio- People seem less likely to treat you traught that all three school authority lated. Many urged me to contact the poorly as an atheist once they get to Losing Faith figures were addressing me at once. Dr. Freedom from Religion Foundation, know you and develop a deeper un- Farmer claimed I couldn’t have things so I did. derstanding of the reasoning behind In Faith: both ways — I couldn’t complain about I soon received a reply from FFRF your disbelief. I post Facebook status From Preacher teachers talking about Jesus and also Staff Attorney Rebecca Markert, who updates of atheist quotes, YouTube vid- dress up as Jesus on Fictional Charac- sent a letter to the school district on my eos made by atheists, etc. I share and To Atheist ter Day. behalf, and I greatly appreciate that. explain my views and opinions with a by Dan Barker I’d had a long talk with him earlier sizeable number of the most devout “An arsenal for Atheist in the bible belt after my science teacher, in reply to a Christians from my school and in my skeptics. question about evolution, had publicly area, including pastors, the Fellow- said things such as “Evolution is just a Statistics show that the least trusted ship of Christian Athletes leader at my A challenge to theory,” “I don’t believe it at all,” and, and most despised American minority school and other adults and teens. believers.” “We actually come from Adam and is the atheist community. I, along with I’ve had Christian peers say things Eve.” It’s fairly clear that she openly ad- most of my atheist friends and family, like, “I read that debate on your Face- vocates not only Intelligent Design, but have experienced this firsthand. book wall last night, and it really made Hardback, 342 pp., with photos. straight-up biblical creationism. My younger brother and I have both me think.” In fact, I first really started Member price: $20 FFRF, PO Box 750, Madison WI 53701 I immediately asked her, “Can you been told that we are only atheists be- to get to know my girlfriend after she Nonmembers: $25 honestly say that as a science teacher?” cause we are possessed by demons. read some of my anti-theist sentiments She told me that she could. That upset We’ve been told that when we read the on Facebook and struck up a conversa- Page 8 Freethought Today Madison, Wisconsin April 2012

FFRF Legal Victories

FFRF pressure stops In response, BCCS denied engaging in religious instruction. FFRF request- staff leading prayers ed records from the school relating to “creation” instruction and the use of After a complaint in late 2011 from the bible. The school immediately re- FFRF Staff Attorney Patrick Elliott moved the “creation” and bible state- about prayers at school athletic events, ments from the website and provided banquets and graduations, the South records on the science curriculum. Montgomery Community School Cor- Those records did not include mate- poration in New Market, Ind., has ad- rials relating to creationism. After fur- opted restrictions on school-sponsored ther inquiry from FFRF, an attorney for prayer. FFRF had been informed that the school said, “Byron Center Charter the superintendent was even leading School does not engage in the teach- the prayers at school events. ing of creationism or intelligent design An attorney for the corporation as- as part of the curriculum. Byron Cen- sured FFRF in March that guidelines ter Charter School does not use the were distributed to school officials and Bible for instruction.” that the prayer issues have been ad- The board of directors voted March dressed. 12 to remove phrasing from the hand- The policy specifies that prayer will book that said students were “created not be conducted at graduation cer- by God.” emonies or “during banquets, award ceremonies or other school functions.” It also says that persons affiliated with FFRF arrests Wisconsin the school “will refrain from leading or cop’s proselytizing participating in prayer prior to, dur- ing, or immediately following athletic FFRF stopped Police Chief Ken or other extracurricular events.” Manthey, Portage, Wis., from using his The policy on extracurricular events public position as a religious soapbox. provides: He racked up a series of constitu- “If students participating in these tional violations by using his city email events wish to pray, school officials, to distribute religious materials to em- school administrators, teachers, coach- ployees. He also sent employees bible es, volunteers and other schools rep- verses, bibles and other devotional ma- resentatives must separate themselves terial. from the students as they pray in order One such article was titled “Strength to prevent the appearance that the stu- for Service to God and Country.” An- dents’ participation in the prayer is an other was “The Connection between endorsement or advancement of the Spirituality and Policing.” In a Jan. 9 let- students’ religious beliefs or practices ter to the city administrator, FFRF Staff Angel’s wings clipped by the corporation. In addition, stu- Attorney Stephanie Schmitt wrote, “It It took seven years and several follow-up letters to FFRF’s initial complaint, but dent prayer will not be broadcast by is grossly inappropriate for any govern- this guardian angel statue has been removed from the Interpretive Center in way of amplification devices to those in ment employee, especially the chief of Genesee County Park in Batavia, N.Y. The statue was placed by the Women’s attendance at the event.” police, to distribute religious messages Republican Club in memory of a Republican activist. In her 2005 letter, FFRF to government employees.” Co-President Annie Laurie Gaylor said, “We continue to believe the angel FFRF was also informed that the statue itself, not just the ‘guardian angel’ reference, makes the garden look School stops claiming chief posted religious messages in the like a religious cemetery. Whether a religious intent was conscious or not, the God created students Police Department lobby and attend- presence of a large, white statue of an angel or seraphim (precisely of the ed bible study while on duty. He also type which is sold to be placed in religious cemeteries) injects a symbol of FFRF complaints to the chartering opened a mandatory employee meet- Christianity into a secular, publicly maintained center.” authority of Byron Center Charter ing with a Christian prayer. Under A local news story said the statue was scheduled to be moved in August 2005, School, Byron Center, Mich., about his direction, employee “swearing in” but FFRF learned in 2011 it was still there. Staff Attorney Stephanie Schmitt statements from the school’s hand- ceremonies often included mention then shepherded the case to a successful resolution with County Attorney book and website were successfully re- of “Jesus.” He also maintained an em- Charles Zambito, who said in February it was removed. The local complainant solved. ployee prayer board for weekly prayer confirmed the removal. The handbook said, “BCCS believes requests and religious articles. that to teach a child created by God is A city attorney replied to FFRF’s let- a noble calling.” The website said, “By- ter on March 5, stating that Manthey Wis. voucher bill dies It would have given parents vouch- ron Center Charter School cannot pro- was “instructed to cease from religious A last-minute push at the end of ers for up to $13,500 for students with mote a certain religion, it can however displays or conduct that promotes or the legislative session in Wisconsin to disabilities to attend private (mostly re- teach both creation and evolution as a has the appearance of promoting sec- expand school vouchers for students ligious) schools or schools in another theory, and use the Bible as a historical tarian beliefs while performing his du- with special-needs died March 15 in district. The originating school dis- reference.” ties.” the Senate. tricts would have seen a drop in state aid. FFRF said, “Our state Constitution contemplates a secular public educa- FFRF silences prayer in North Carolina tion system, explicitly excluding the creation of sectarian schools and the funding of religious education. No The City Council in Kannapolis, Council member Ryan Dayvault said religion.” Cauthen closed with, “We state money should fund religious edu- N.C., agreed March 26 to end the prac- in a story in the Salisbury Post that the ask these things in Jesus’ name, amen.” cation, no matter which pupils are re- tice of praying aloud before regular choice of the words “silent prayer” was North Carolina is currently a hot- ceiving it.” meetings. Mayor Bob Misenheimer an- deliberate. “We want to be clear, this is bed of government prayer controversy, “Disability rights groups have la- nounced that future meetings would not just a moment of silence or reflec- according to Elliott. In nearby Rowan mented the lack of accountability and start with a “moment of silent prayer” tion.” County, FFRF and the ACLU put the have noted that private schools are not instead. Mike Legg, city manager, said, “The County Commission on notice that bound by laws that protect the rights FFRF Staff Attorney Patrick Elliott law is pretty clear, and that doesn’t prayers to Jesus at every meeting are of students with disabilities.” Parochial sent the mayor and council a letter paint a good picture of the outcome unconstitutional. The commissioners school lobbyists were key supporters of March 14 informing them that the if [sectarian prayers] were to be chal- have refused to end the prayers, which the measure. council’s sectarian prayers violated the lenged.” may bring about legal action. Other expansions of voucher Establishment Clause. FFRF’s letter fo- According to the Post, the March 26 The North Carolina House and schemes in Wisconsin have not fared cused on recent decisions in the 4th meeting had opened with this prayer Senate also received letters from FFRF well. A voucher program was expand- Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals, which by council member Randy Cauthen, about sectarian prayers that open ses- ed to the city of Racine last year. The has jurisdiction over North Carolina. “Tonight, we pray for those who want to sions. It remains to be seen if they will Department of Public Instruction re- In January, the Supreme Court let restrict our right to pray. Father, open continue with the Christian prayers. leased a report March 27 that com- stand a decision by the appellate court their minds and hearts to understand Both houses reconvene April 23. pared the standardized test scores of that struck down sectarian prayers in that our great country was founded on voucher students to Racine public Forsyth County, N.C. freedom of religion, not freedom from school students. The voucher student April 2012 Madison, Wisconsin Freethought Today Page 9 average was 50.8% proficient or ad- lain.” The tradition was for a pastor to vanced in math, compared to 61.5 % lead sectarian prayers over the public of public school students. address system before games. FFRF sues over The voucher students averaged The school district’s attorney re- 55.7% proficient or advanced in read- plied Feb. 28, “We are confident that ing compared to 69.2% of district stu- any of the situations that gave rise to ‘Year of the Bible’ dents. Racine Superintendent Ann La- your concern have been addressed and ing said, “Basically, the scores speak for will not give rise to any concerns dur- themselves.” ing next year’s football season or oth- Continued from front page A sponsor, Rep. Jerry Stern, even claims erwise.” litical outsiders.” the First Amendment’s Establishment Commissioners The bible “contains violent, sex- Clause doesn’t apply to the State of Letter breaks divine ist and racist models of behavior that Pennsylvania! move prayer to pole FFRF members find personally repug- The complaint quotes Jonathan rainbox connection nant and which potentially could en- Malesic, associate professor of theol- Henderson County commission- courage persons who rely on them to ogy at King’s College, who said HR ers in Hendersonville, N.C., have “be- FFRF put an end to inappropriate act in a manner harmful to them and 535 “flies in the face of Pennsylvania’s grudgingly accepted” a 2011 ruling prayer in a Manchester, Tenn., kinder- others.” HR 535 sends a message of history,” given its founding by William last year by the 4th Circuit U.S. Court garten classroom. Christian endorsement and disparage- Penn. of Appeals banning sectarian prayers A Hillsboro Elementary School ment to nonbelievers. “HR 535 improperly proclaims the to open government meetings, Blue teacher was in the habit of leading her “We heard an outpouring of indig- bible to be ‘the word of God,’ . . . the Ridge Now reported March 27. students in daily prayers, according to nation over this state-sanctioned reli- Pennsylvania House of Representatives FFRF filed a complaint in 2010 with a local complainant. Children were gion. We’ve never had so many mem- has no such authority or right to deter- the commission about its prayers, but expected to join their teacher in pro- bers volunteer to be part of one of our mine what is ‘the word of God,’ or if the board voted to continue them, said claiming “God is good, God is great.” lawsuits,” commented Annie Laurie there is a ‘word of God,’ or if there is FFRF Staff Attorney Patrick Elliott. In at least one instance, the teacher Gaylor, FFRF co-president. a ‘God’,” maintains FFRF. Our nation “The appellate decision in the For- told students that rainbows “are a sign The complaint names FFRF mem- is not founded on religious belief or a syth case seems to have changed their from God that he wouldn’t flood the bers: Carl H. Silverman, Justin Vacula, bible, but upon “a secular and godless mind.” world again.” Charlie Miller, Steve Brungard, Mi- Constitution, which grants sovereignty The U.S. Supreme Court declined FFRF Senior Staff Attorney Rebecca chele Grant, John Kelley, Daniel Gal- not to a deity or a ‘holy book,’ but to in January to hear an appeal of the 4th Markert sent an advisory letter Feb. lagher, Joyce McChesney, Neil Miller, ‘We the People.’ ” Circuit’s decision. Henderson County 28 to Superintendent Kenny Casteel: Heather Miller, Steve Barry, Ryan Fos- FFRF asks the court to find that HR Manager Steve Wyatt then came up “Coffee County Schools must take ter, Tom Melchiorre, Bob Schachner, 535 violates the Establishment Clause, with the idea of prayer before meetings immediate action to stop its teachers Dan Reiff, Harry Geedey, Daniel Ma- to order defendants to discontinue at the flagpole outside the courthouse from imposing their religious beliefs tesic, Karl Best, Nicolas Posey, Andrea further publication and distribution of in order to be able to pray while com- and practices on their students.” McCormick, Thomas Johnson, Chuck HR 535, to declare that public officials plying with the law. Markert received a positive response Berry, Jim Phynn, Erin Kowal, Phillip in Pennsylvania are indeed subject to All five commissioners said that March 12 from the director of schools: Lichtenberg, Len Frankel, T. Alex- the Establishment Clause, to declare while they disagree with court rulings, “The teacher has been reminded of ander O’Hare, David Mullinax, Scott that the theocratic principles of the they will comply. her obligations under the law, and has Rhodes, Ed Avery-Natale, Wayne Trot- bible do not constitute the ”official, assured us that no such problems will ta, Frank McGovern, William Wisdom, preferred or endorsed religion” of the reoccur. This topic will be brought to Stephanie Strazisar, John Murray, Lan- state, and to declare that the govern- Religion rife in the attention of all teachers within the ny Silks, Bruce Baldwin, Susan Hanna, ment is not “Judeo-Christian.” Tennessee school system.” James Billere, Regis Sabol and Patrick FFRF v. Saccone was filed by attorneys Hughes. Lawrence M. Otter, Doylestown, Penn., FFRF Senior Staff Attorney Rebecca The resolution was sneaked into the and Richard L. Bolton, Madison, Wis., Markert wrote a letter of complaint FFRF drives home agenda for a vote without debate Jan. on behalf of FFRF. U.S. District Judge March 5 to Lenoir City Schools, Lenoir secular bus message 24, the day it was introduced, and was Christopher C. Conner, who was ap- City, Tenn. Violations included censor- included with a group of “noncontro- pointed in 2002 by President George ing a school newspaper article by athe- FFRF’s Feb. 10 complaint to the versial resolutions.” It passed 193-0. W. Bush, was assigned the case. Conner ist student Krystal Myers, the Panther County of Lackawanna Transporta- Several House members later apolo- notably has ruled against the Afford- Press editor; school-sanctioned prayer, tion System (COLTS) in Scranton, Pa., gized for voting “aye” without realizing able Health Care and Patient Protec- including at swim meets and football led to dropping displays of “God Bless its content. tion Act. games, where the public address sys- America” on its buses. The resolution falsely claims the Read the legal complaint at: tem is used; alleged religious prosely- Staff Attorney Stephanie Schmitt’s “word of God” and “biblical teachings­ tizing by teachers; and opening Lenoir letter to COLTS Executive Director inspired concepts of civil government.” sylvanias-year-of-the-bible/ City School Board meeting with sectar- Robert Fiume noted that buses flaunt- ian prayer. (See page 3.) ed the message on an electronic ticker. While FFRF had not received a for- Fiume confirmed on March 5 that mal response at press time, the Knox- the bus company would comply with Overheard ville News Sentinel reported March 21 FFRF’s terms and had “updated its PR that the board decided to stop opening software to reflect only secular mes- For many of the people I met, evan- traception that the U.S. Conference of meetings with prayer. The school also sages.” gelical Christianity represented a tiny Catholic Bishops has been trying to im- decided it no longer will allow prayer island of righteousness adrift in a sea pose on Americans of all faiths and be- before football games, said Superin- of secular evil. At virtually every con- liefs who happen to work at a Catholic- tendent Wayne Miller. FFRF assures God ference, one or more speakers would sponsored hospital or university. Long-term decisions on other issues has left the building warn of the seductions of “the world’s” Rabbi Arthur Waskow, Shalom Center, raised by FFRF and other groups will wisdom, which is to say the world out- Philadelphia be made with advice from legal coun- FFRF forced removal of an unlawful side of their own tiny enclave. As they Huffington Post, 2-27-12 sel, Miller said. “We sent the letters to religious display in a hallway at Hon- saw it, evolution was just one tool our attorney. I’m waiting to hear his re- onegah Community High School in among many in the arsenal of God’s There are more Christians in the USA sponse.” Miller said. Rockton, Ill. enemies. than in any country in world history, The phrase “In God We Trust” had Author Jason Rosenhouse, “What one and few of these Christians feel any been prominently featured on a school atheist learned from hanging out with compunction about mixing faith and Team benches chaplain letterboard for at least 10 years, but creationists” politics. If you don’t believe me, just after FFRF complaint FFRF Co-President Anny Laurie Gay- Huffington Post, 3-21-12 ask the next European visitors you see lor’s March 13 letter to Superinten- whether God has been banished from The Haralson County High School dent Randy Gross changed that. You are all stardust. You couldn’t be the American public square. I promise football team in Tallapoosa, Ga., will Gaylor referenced the history of the here if stars hadn’t exploded, because they will laugh in your face. no longer call upon a “team chaplain” motto as a “Johnny-come-lately first the elements (carbon, nitrogen, oxy- Stephen Prothero, Boston University to provide religious support, thanks to adopted during the Cold War as a re- gen, all the things that matter for evolu- religion professor, column headlined FFRF Staff Attorney Stephanie Schmitt. action to the purported ‘Godlessness’ tion) weren’t created at the beginning “Why Santorum is no JFK” Schmitt wrote to Superintendent of Communism. American’s original of time. They were created in stars. So USA Today, 3-4-12 Brett Stanton on Sept. 19, 2011: “A motto was purely secular, i.e., ‘E Pluri- forget Jesus. Stars died so you can live. public high school football team bus Unum.’ ” Entertainer Miley Cyrus, quoting phys- Jews don’t baptize, should not employ a chaplain, seek A representative of the high school icist in an online post so instead I will now out a spiritual leader for the team or responded March 16 to say that “main- which angered some fans proxy-circumcise all agree to have a volunteer team chap- tenance removed the display.” The Daily Mail, 3-9-12 the dead Mormons. Stephen Colbert, riff- Declare and share your During the last few weeks, we have seen ing on the Mormon nonbelief in FFRF’s an outrageous attempt to impose shar- practice of posthu- online “Out of the ia law on the U.S. government and the mously baptizing ev- Closet” campaign! American public. Not Muslim sharia; it eryone is Roman Catholic “sharia” about con- “The Colbert Report,” 2-23-12 Page 10 Freethought Today Madison, Wisconsin April 2012 FFRF challenges school Commandments

A large granite monument bearing the Ten Commandments that sits out- side Valley High School in New Kens- ington, Pa., has got to go, FFRF Staff Attorney Patrick Elliott told the New Kensington-Arnold School District in a March 20 letter. “Courts have continually held that public schools may not display reli- gious messages or iconography,” Elliott wrote. “Any student will view a permanent 6-foot-tall monument in front of the school entrance as being stamped with the district’s approval,” he added. Fuera del clóset Elliott, who is co-counsel in an on- Helen Valdés, New York, is in the photo taken by her husband in Phoenix. She going lawsuit in Virginia on a similar is- writes: “After living 25 years in Puerto Rico, which is predominantly Catholic, sue, Doe 1 v. School Board of Giles County, it is so wonderful to be out of the closet and not be alone. I’m a retired teacher said that dispute has been extremely and professional musician. FFRF has been an incredible source of positive disruptive to the school environment energy in my life. Thank you!” and could have been avoided. “It is un- fortunate that some educators feel it is their place to instruct other people’s children on religious edicts. FFRF is committed to defending parental and student constitutional rights.” FFRF will sue if necessary to get the monument moved, said Co-President Annie Laurie Gaylor. FFRF’s complaint has generated widespread news cover- age. This monument, more than 50 years old, sits between two footpath bridges that lead from the parking lot over a Appeals court hears small stream to the main entrance of oral arguments the school. Attorney George Daly, represented FFRF as local counsel in March 20 tract required the school to pay $2,000 oral arguments in its appeal over the to You Can Run But You Cannot Hide. Spartanburg County School District The contract specifies that boys, 7’s (Spartanburg County, S.C.) policy girls, and teachers would be separated granting academic credit for religious for a second portion of the program. release-time classes held at a church The contract says, “The boys will be next door to Spartanburg High School. doing a huge exploration of music, The case is before the 4th Circuit dealing with different artists, what they U.S. Court of Appeals in Richmond, stand for and don’t stand for, their lyr- Va. ics and more.” High on freethought FFRF first filed the lawsuit in U.S. “The girls will deal with issues such Colorado member Jim Lynch was a long way from home in Tanzania at a base District Court in 2009 on behalf of two as the beauty of being a bride, purity, camp below Mount Kilimanjaro. The climb to the top at 19,340 feet, reached district families with schoolchildren. your heart, knowing whom you follow on Jan. 25, took five days. Jim made the climb to celebrate his 70th birthday. It challenged the policy’s constitu- and more.” KCRG reported that the Several guides and porters and a cook accompanied his group. Jim writes: tionality, arguing that close coopera- girls’ program included a statement “I tried to get the photo on the summit at sunrise but my camera and frozen tion between the district and religious that girls would have “mud on their fingers wouldn’t cooperate, so I carried the banner to the top for naught. The educators had the primary effect of wedding dresses” if they weren’t virgins climb was much more difficult than I had imagined what with the 10-knot wind advancing religion. The school also and that they should assume a submis- and freezing temps. All I really suffered at altitude was the dry heaves. I did excessively entangled church and state sive role in the household. meet up with six other people from around the world whom I climbed with and by granting a religious institution the The boys were reportedly given the are also nonbelievers — from South Africa, New Zealand, Holland, Australia, power to give public school credits and group’s theocratic view of the Constitu- Finland and Belgium. Next: Mount Aconcogua [Argentina, 22,841 feet].” grades. tion during a portion of their program.

Ministry profits mightily from assembly Overheard

In the wake of publicity and com- On Sept. 12, [2001] I used the word and now to hear atheists starting to how harmful getting a college degree plaints, Superintendent Jim Stanton “atheist” for the first time. It wasn’t too speak is just unacceptable for so many. can be? of Dunkerton [Iowa] Community long after that my family stopped re- Op-ed by Zubin Adrianvala, University Lawrence M. Krauss, Origins Project Schools got a verbal lashing from par- turning my phone calls. of Maryland doctoral candidate in ur- director at Arizona State University ents at a school board meeting March Alix Jules, 37, a black atheist from ban studies and planning Washington Post, 2-28-12 13 about an assembly for junior high Texas, on how hard it is for African- The Diamondback, 3-7-12 and high school students presented by Americans to “come out” I tried many times to educate and talk the Christian ministry group You Can Washington Post, 2-23-12 As a faculty member at to them, and let them know we are not Run But You Cannot Hide and its mu- an institution of higher second-class citizens. We deserve to be sical group Junkyard Prophet. Contemporary atheists seem loud be- education, and as a sci- with everybody. It got heated. [The Stanton apologized and agreed to cause for most of human history we entist, however, I ques- pastor] compared me to a stripper. I make changes to the assembly proce- were a silent minority or a silenced mi- tion the basic premise get upset just talking about it. He com- dures for the school in Dunkertown, a nority. To use an analogy, the reaction that loss of faith is a bad pared me to a stripper and said breast- town of about 800 people. The assem- most religious people have to any av- thing. If it is true that feeding is lewd and should be covered bly the week before included images of erage atheist proclamation is not very those who are more up and put away. aborted fetuses and derisive comments different from the reaction the average educated have a great- Nirvana Jenrette, Camden County, about gay people. male chauvinist has when a woman er tendency to ques- Ga., a mother of four who says she was FFRF received a copy of the assem- speaks. The status quo was atheist si- tion their religious faith, shouldn’t we asked to leave church for breastfeed- bly contract in response to a request lence just as it was female silence (and consider that this might be telling us ing her baby for records from the school. The con- still is in the average theocratic state), more about religious faith than about WSAV Savannah, 2-29-12 April 2012 Madison, Wisconsin Freethought Today Page 11

Did you know God put the ‘fuzz’ on coconuts?

FFRF Senior Staff Attorney Re- not handle the backlash from the stu- becca Markert wrote a complaint let- dent body.’ ” ter March 22 to Rockingham County Schools about constitutional violations at South End Elementary in Reidsville, Texas DOT forum N.C. filled with prayers According to a distraught parent, about 25% of school lessons center Staff Attorney Stephanie Schmitt around Christian teachings and activi- wrote a March 1 letter to the Texas ties. Included are daily prayers in some Department of Transportation after classes, overtly religious selections in receiving a complaint from a Texas music class and creationist answers to Transportation Forum attendee. That students’ questions. atheist attendee felt that sending a per- FFRF’s complainant stated when sonal complaint would put their career their child asked a teacher why coco- at risk. nuts have fuzz, the teacher answered, The complainant stated that at the “That’s the way God made them.” Un- opening session over breakfast, and derstandbly, the child was unsatisfied again at lunch, the more than 1,300 with that answer and inquired further, attendees at the February forum were to which the teacher replied, “He made asked to bow their heads, “and the everything in the world along with the speaker, a public sector government world itself. God decided that coconuts employee, asked ‘Our Father’ and should have fuzz.” ‘Lord’ to bless us and our meals, etc.” One of the complainant’s children Schmitt noted that asking attend- was scolded and threatened with de- ees to pray and say grace is “coercive, tention when they said they didn’t feel embarrassing and beyond the scope of comfortable singing a song that inti- secular state government and events mated that “When we die, we become sponsored by it.” The letter requested God’s slave.” that the Texas DOT ban prayer from It’s alleged that in one elementary all of its events. school class, children are told to reach to the ground in a “touch your toes” manner while reciting “no, no, no, no, Mich. Islamist sign no,” followed by reaching up while say- draws FFRF complaint ing “yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.” When a stu- dent asked why they were doing it, they In early March, a snarky complaint were told that it’s because “We don’t arrived from Michigan, wondering want to go down there, but we want to if FFRF cared that a public school in go up there to heaven.” Dearborn, Mich., was endorsing Islam When the complainant’s child ex- Fact vs. fancy on its flashing lighted sign. The com- pressed discomfort at being told this, A city park in Streator, Ill., hosts a depiction of the story of Jesus’ execution. plainant was “curious why [FFRF] nev- the response was you “have to learn it One cross is cropped from the photo. er seem[s] to be bothered by the bla- to grow up right.” In order to accommodate its claim that the park is a public forum, the city of tant Muslim” constitutional violations. When the parent complained to the Streator had to provide space for FFRF’s banner to counter the Christian scene. In fact, FFRF is concerned by all principal, the principal allegedly re- violations of the Establishment Clause. plied to the effect that “We don’t have the city views the park as a public fo- natural pride and it is merely a ‘state- Therefore, Senior Staff Attorney Re- to keep God out of the school because rum. FFRF received a permit to place ment,’ ” said Scott. Stay tuned. becca Markert wrote a letter of com- everybody who goes there grew up in its 8-foot-by-3-foot “Nobody died for plaint March 22 to the executive direc- this town, and they all go to church to- our sins” banner in the park. It’s ex- Continued on page 17 gether.” pected the banner will be displayed School speaker pushed The next day, the complainant said, near the crosses from April 4-13. religion, abstinence the principal told the child that they had to participate in song and prayer, FFRF Senior Staff Attorney Rebecca causing the child to cry. Tenn. police patch Markert wrote a letter March 8 object- FFRF’s letter stated that Principal draws FFRF scrutiny ing to Chester County High School, Elizabeth Lynch should have risen to Henderson, Tenn., hosting a religious the occasion to explain to teachers, The Lenoir City [Tenn.] Police De- speaker to a “food class.” students and parents that laws were partment values “Religion” so highly Brent Lambert, founder of Birth adopted to protect everyone. “Instead, that it includes the word on officers’ Choice Pregnancy Resource Clinic, she scolded the complainant’s child, uniforms. A patch with the motto “Re- was a guest speaker for three class pe- flagrantly violating the complainant’s ligion, Education, Industry” mars each riods. Lambert’s lessons reportedly in- wishes, Rockingham County Schools’ sleeve. cluded a PowerPoint presentation list- policies, the North Carolina Constitu- FFRF sent two letters contesting the ing “good” and “bad” things. “Good” tion and the United States Constitu- religious patches to Mayor Tony Aikens things reportedly included “God, heav- tion.” and Police Chief Don White, the most en and abstinence.” On the “bad” list recent on March 26, noting that dec- were the devil, sex and other “sinful” orating public employees’ uniforms things. FFRF banner counters with references to religion violates the According to the local complainant, crucifixion scene U.S. and Tennessee constitutions. a parent of an upset student, Lambert “A ‘religious’ police force is some- told the class that they would not die A new sign from FFRF will be go- thing to be avoided at all costs,” said without sex, but that they would die if ing up soon in Streator, Ill. FFRF com- FFRF Co-President Annie Laurie Gay- they had premarital sex. He told them plained in December about the use of lor. “The citizens of theocratic coun- that science was wrong and God’s cre- a city park by a religious group. The tries employing religious police — ation was right. He told them how God Streator Freedom Association placed citizens of countries like Iran — do has cured cancer in his leg. a nativity display with a sign that said, not look upon religious police as the Birth Choice, according to its web- “Unto you is born the Savior Jesus guardians of freedom, but as traitors to site, preaches belief in “the virgin Christ the Lord.” true freedom.” birth, bodily resurrection and ascen- FFRF complained about the display A Knoxville News Sentinel story sion . . . the Holy Trinity, God the Fa- and also wrote that the same group had March 26 reported the response to ther, God the Son and God the Holy placed three crosses, representing the FFRF from City Attorney James Scott, Spirit,” and is “committed to uphold- FFRF Staff Attorney Stephanie purported crucifixion of Jesus, in the who said the patch “symbolizes our ing God’s standard of sexual purity as Schmitt wrote a letter of complaint park in the weeks leading up to Easter Police Department’s attempt to pro- set forth in scripture.” Feb. 24 to Mayor Ambrose Buckman for several years, along with a sign that tect the rights and freedoms associated Markert questioned how the pre- in Excelsior Springs, Mo., about this said, “Jesus died for your sins.” with any sort of religion. Therefore we sentation related to “food class,” and large Latin cross in Siloam Mountain An attorney for the city responded view it commensurate with the Estab- said FFRF had to contact the district Park, a city park. The cross is lighted in March to FFRF, saying that the dis- lishment Clause. because the “complainant’s child feels at night and is featured on the city’s plays would continue to be allowed as “Our officers view the patch with unsafe complaining because they ‘can- website. Page 12 Freethought Today Madison, Wisconsin April 2012

At least 10,000 people attended the Reason Rally on the in FFRF Co-Presidents Dan Barker and Annie Laurie Gaylor address the crowd. Washington, D.C. It was sponsored by secular groups, including FFRF. FFRF at Reason Rally March 23, 2012

Photos by Andrew Seidel, more photos:

Musician Tim Minchin, the Amazing and “Mythbusters’ ” Adam Dan sings his song, “Just Say No to Religion!” Savage wait in the wings to go on stage.

Journalist Jamila Bey at the podium.

Andrew Seidel, FFRF constitutional consultant, enjoys the moment. Rain off and on didn’t spoil this parade. April 2012 Madison, Wisconsin Freethought Today Page 13

Andrew Seidel joins FFRF’s pleasing photo op. Friendly Atheist blogger . Who knew Waldo was an atheist?

Famous state/church litigants and speaker Ellery Schempp at Shelley Segal, Australian atheist troubador, sang for FFRF at its pre-rally FFRF’s March 23 dinner party. dinner party and at the rally.

FFRF staffers Annie Laurie Gaylor, Jackie Douglas and Katie Daniel greet diners. More photos Pages 23-24. Noted author/atheist Barbara Ehrenreich receives her Emperor Has No Clothes Award from Dan Barker at FFRF’s post-rally dinner party March 24.

FFRF handed out thousands of free placards and goodies at its popular booth at FFRF was picketed by the “klan” in D.C. That’s the Reason Rally. Katie Daniel giving thumbs down. Page 14 Freethought Today Madison, Wisconsin April 2012

Jerry Coyne — 2011 Emperor Has No Clothes Awardee ‘Odd couple’ science, religion can’t cohabit

Professor Jerry Coyne accepted FFRF’s widespread opposition to black holes Emperor Has No Clothes Award with this or gravity or antibiotics. It’s because Evolution hits you speech Oct. 8, 2011, in Hartford, Conn. It evolution hits you in the solar plexus has been edited for print. if you’re religious. It attacks the most in the solar plexus powerful argument for god that ever By Jerry Coyne if you’re religious. existed, which is the design argument. This is why only 40% of Americans accept evolution, and most of those accept the god-driven version of evolu- in Time magazine was from a 2006 poll Thanks very much to Dan and An- tion, which isn’t the way we scientists that asked, “If science found a fact that nie Laurie for inviting me. It’s sort of conceive of it. contravened one of the dictates of your ironic that I get a statue of a naked If you survey Americans themselves, faith, what would you do?” Would you emperor when I’ve taken such great they believe science and religion are give up your faith or that tenet of your pains to be sartorially splendid today. incompatible. Indeed, many believe faith? Would you give up the fact or My friends will tell you they never see that their own religion and science are what? me wear a suit except at a wedding incompatible. We have this high rate What percentage of Americans do or a funeral, but I knew Steve Pinker of atheism among scientists, which to you think would reject a well-estab- was going to be here. I know he wears me can only mean there’s something lished scientific fact to keep the tenets tailored Italian suits and I couldn’t let we have the evidence and they don’t. about being a scientist that makes you of their faith? Maybe 20% to 30%? It’s him outdo me. Unfortunately, I can’t I think I have to say something more discard religion. 64%. If anything demonstrates the in- do anything about the hair. though to earn my statue, so I will go compatibility of science and religion, I’m not really going to talk about into a little more detail. it’s that statistic. the evidence for evolution today as There are lots of other conflicts. Dan might have implied because that’s Bogus buddies Look at what Americans believe about in my book which you can buy for a pit- the literal truth of the bible. I’ll con- tance outside. I’ll be glad to sign it. The problem I call “accommoda- centrate mostly on the Abrahamic I want to talk mostly about the com- tionism” is increasingly widespread in faiths. What percentage believes in the patibility of science and religion. I the U.S. It’s the view that science and literal existence of angels? It’s 78%, started off as an evolutionary biologist religion are buddies. They answer dif- so 8 out of 10 of your neighbors, and fighting creationism, because that’s ferent kinds of questions but in differ- maybe you’ve met some of them. The the main opponent you face if you try ent spheres but they can be harmoni- women who used to take care of my cat to teach evolution to kids. Over years ous, and maybe they can help each thought angels were real. and years of doing this and writing a other or mutually reinforce each other. A survey of 32 European countries book and newspaper and magazine I think that’s completely bogus. about how religious they are versus articles, I realized things weren’t budg- The problem is pervasive, it’s every- how much they accept evolution shows ing very much in America and that the where. Francis Collins, head of the that the countries that are the most rate of acceptance of evolution was National Institutes of Health is the About 16% of Americans are athe- religious have the least acceptance of pretty much stuck at 40%. most famous scientist in America. He’s ists or agnostics. If you look at scientists Darwin. Where do we fall? It’s shame- It’s not because people aren’t aware an evangelical Christian who founded at “elite” universities — a survey done ful. U.S. acceptance: 40%. The only of the facts. We have people like my- the group called the Biologos Forum, by Elaine Eckland recently showed lower point is Turkey, which is a funda- self and Dawkins, Carl Sagan and Steve funded by the John Templeton Foun- 72% of them described themselves mentalist Muslim country. Gould that have been promulgating dation, which is totally devoted to as agnostics or atheists. If you look at This could mean maybe if you evolution for years and years. Never- reconciling evangelical Christianity to members of the elite National Acad- learn Darwinism you’ll reject religion theless, nothing’s happened. It’s 40% evolution. emy of Sciences, 93% of them are ag- with this negative correlation. I think and it’s been that way for 30 years. The Templeton Foundation itself is nostics or atheists. Only 7% say they it’s more likely an explanation that if There’s only one reason for that, one of the greatest miscreants in this believe in a personal god. This is prima you’re religious to begin with as a kid, and that’s religion. Religion prevents whole mess. Its mission is to basically facie evidence to me of incompatibility. you don’t accept Darwinism. So this is people from accepting evolution, the blur the boundaries between science You get a violent reaction when a conflict between the subject dear to great religion destroyer. As the years and religion. It does that by posing reli- you claim otherwise. I wrote an article my heart which is evolution and reli- went on, I gradually transmogrified gious questions that are not only poor- for USA Today last year, “Science and gious belief. from being an evolutionary biologist to ly framed but unanswerable. Neverthe- Religion Aren’t Friends.” It got a huge So we have the assertion that sci- an evolutionary biologist atheist. Now less, it dispenses $70 million a year in number of comments, so many in fact, ence and religion are compatible. We I’m more of an atheist than an evolu- grants to scientists and theologians to that although USA Today is not the have the palpable evidence that people tionary biologist, and I realize that cre- try to blur these boundaries. most liberal publication, they want to believe they’re not compatible, and we ationism, the opposition to evolution, Scientific organizations themselves, let me keep writing for them because have all this brouhaha in the press. is the least of our worries, compared to to their great discredit, frequently is- they know it stirs up controversy. The question is why is this happening someone throwing acid in the face of a sue statements saying science and faith Two days ago, [conservative political right now? It’s a sociological question. schoolgirl in Afghanistan for religious are compatible. Here’s the American commentator] Andrew Sullivan got re- reasons. Association for the Advancement of ally angry at me when I said the Garden The ‘faitheists’ Kids learning that the Genesis story Science: “Science and religion ask fun- of Eden is clearly wrong, and the Adam is true is trivial. My opposition to re- damentally different questions about and Eve story has been disproven by There’s a view which is very wide- ligion goes far beyond its effects on the world.” (A) That’s not true and (B) genetics. Sullivan said we all knew this spread amongst what I call “faitheists,” teaching evolution, but I want to con- even if it were, only one of those areas all along. That it’s a metaphor and that who are the atheists who are religion centrate today on its effects on science actually provides answers to the ques- nobody ever believed this story of Adam friendly. You’ll never make religious in general and in particular on a topic tions. and Eve in the Garden of Eden is true. people accept science unless you tell that’s been of great interest lately: The The most elite body of scientists in Which of course speaks to a complete them that science and religion are so-called harmony of religion and sci- the United States is the National Acad- ignorance of the history of Sullivan’s compatible. You have to tell them this ence. emy Of Science. (It’s so elite that I’m own Catholicism. message in order to get them to come I titled my talk “The Odd Couple: not even a member.) They issued a “Are science and religion in con- out for evolution and everything else. Why Science and Religion Can’t Co- statement saying science and religion flict?” About 55% of Americans say yes, There’s not a shred of evidence habit,” because it’s an attack on the are separate and address aspects of hu- they are. If you ask them whether sci- this is true, in fact. Most evangelicals view that science and religion are not man understanding in different ways. ence conflicts with their beliefs, 36% who have been converted to science only compatible but can be buddies, These organizations are always put- say yes. have been converted by people like that both have ways of finding out stuff ting out statements saying, “Science So, despite the ministrations of Dawkins, Harris and Hitchens. in this world. That’s complete hog- and religion are different. They don’t Francis Collins, the scientific acad- This is very common. People don’t wash. Today I want to tell you why, as a have to conflict with each other. They emies, etc., we still have this pervasive want to be seen as miscreants or mili- scientist who has studied religion pain- address different aspects of human ex- belief amongst Americans that their tants or polemicists. A lot of religious fully. perience.” But despite this profusion faith conflicts with science. And it people want to keep their faith but I could give this talk with one quote of warm, fuzzy-minded accommoda- does! For the rest of this lecture, I’ll don’t want to be seen as backward. You from Christopher Hitchens: “What can tionism, there’s still evidence in our show you why. want to accept science but keep that be asserted without evidence can also society of a profound conflict between view in your brain that maybe you’re be dismissed without evidence.” That’s science and religion. Angels but not Darwin going somewhere after you die. So all you need to show that science and Why is there widespread oppo- you have to say, in order to maintain religion are incompatible, because sition to evolution? We don’t have A very astounding statistic I found this cognitive dissonance, that science April 2012 Madison, Wisconsin Freethought Today Page 15 and religion are compatible with one who is the originator of many bons mots: of morality, which is what Steve Pinker which theologians really hate. It’s the another. “The first principle is that you must was talking about last night. Things like view that since assuming there’s noth- Religious people are antsy because not fool yourself, and you’re the easi- gay rights and rights of women have ing has helped us make they see their sphere of influence est person to fool.” You have to be very been pushed on churches by changes so much progress, then there must not shrinking. They also see, which is true, careful about that. in secular views, not by religious peo- be anything supernatural, because as- that there’s no purpose or meaning Science is an elaborate construction ple themselves. suming there is a supernatural hasn’t in the universe or anything like that, of rules and practices designed to keep In science, faith is a vice. In religion, helped us one iota in understanding a statement made famous by Steven you from fooling yourself, to keep you faith is a virtue. In science, there are anything about the universe. So we Weinberg. Most theologians can’t put from believing what you really want to ways of knowing that you’re wrong. I have methodological and philosophi- up with this purposelessness. believe. The worst thing that can hap- could give you a list of evidence that cal incompatibility and incompatibility When I use an example of a theo- pen to a scientist is to try to show what’s would convince me that evolution was in conclusions reached about the uni- logian in this talk, I’m going to use true is what you want to be true. That’s wrong: fossils in the wrong place, ad- verse. When science and religion inter- John Haught because I’m going to a real sin. Of course in religion, that’s aptations in one species that are only rogate nature, you get different results. debate him in about five days in Ken- completely the opposite. That’s the useful for another species, a whole list Some examples of things that are re- tucky. This is sort of a long version of purpose of religion. of them. None has ever been found. ligious truths are the creation myth, the that talk. He can stand in for any theo- Science is summarized in this quote People say religion and science great flood, the efficacy of prayer, the logian. The same kind of “only good” by a researcher at CERN, which is a Eu- have to be compatible because there afterlife, etc. Science doesn’t support god issues from him as from any other ropean nuclear facility in Switzerland, are scientists, good scientists, who are the existence of these things. It didn’t of these so called “sophisticated theo- when they found neutrinos might have religious. And lots of religious people have to be that way. It could have been logians.” gone faster than the speed of light. accept science, so obviously they’re that scientific research found there was John Haught, by the way, is the That’s really a revolutionary scientific compatible. My answer to that is, if a great flood, that everything was creat- prime accommodationist among mod- finding, and immediately one of the you’re going believe that, you have to ern American theologians. He’s writ- people at CERN said, “The correct atti- believe Catholicism and pedophilia are ten gazillions of books showing Dar- tude is to ask what went wrong.” Imme- compatible because a great number of Faith is the winism and evolution are friends and diate doubt about something — that’s Catholics are pedophiles. [Applause] assurance of compatible. We can’t abide the convic- so revolutionary. This doesn’t show compatibility tion the universe and life are pointless Imagine this applied to religion. Je- in anything more than a trivial sense. things hoped for, — pointless from a celestial standpoint sus rose from the dead after three days. What it shows is that as humans we rather than our own standpoint. We have to ask ourselves, “What went have an amazing ability to hold two dif- the conviction of wrong? That can’t be right!” [Laugh- ferent contradictory concepts in our ter] Religion operates differently. You mind. Walt Whitman said, “I contra- things not seen. Religious know how it operates, particularly dict myself. Very well then, I contradict those like Dan who used to be reli- myself.” That’s what these guys are do- people are antsy gious. It’s based on dogma, authority ing. It shows cognitive dissonance. It ed instantaneously, that Adam and Eve because they and revelation and not empirical ob- doesn’t show compatibility. were real people. Genetics could have servation in nature. told us that, and that there was virgin see their sphere Religious people will deny this to Religious ‘truths’ birth and resurrection. At least some their death, but it’s true. Faith is the people could have been parthenogen- of influence assurance of things hoped for, the The incompatibility rests then on ic and women could give birth to males conviction of things not seen. That’s three things. First is the methodology. without being inseminated. shrinking. the way religious people “know” stuff. In science we are wedded to nondivine There’s an incompatibility of results They just find it in their heads through explanations for a natural phenom- as well, so it’s threefold; methodology, intuition. Or they’re taught it by their enon. We don’t sit there and pray for philosophy and results. It could be Why does this matter? Why am I lec- parents. an answer. We go into our labs or out scripture did give us an accurate scien- turing to you, and why do I write edito- Religious ideas don’t change by in the field and look for stuff. And that tific understanding of the world, but it rials for USA Today? First of all, the pol- finding out more stuff about nature. works! We actually find things out, like didn’t. If it’s inspired by god, then you lution of science by superstition. I’m a Religion does not progress in its un- antibiotics and how to fly to the moon. have to ask yourself “why not?” pure scientist. I like my science unsul- derstanding of the divine, if there were We can make predictions. The answer from theologians to lied by people like Francis Collins, who a divine. Theology or religion changes Think of all the advances due to what I just said is invariably this: But maintains morality itself is evidence for because of two things: Science shows quantum mechanics. That’s all due to the bible isn’t a textbook of science; it’s god. Or why Ken Miller says “Evolution it’s wrong, which is what happened assuming that god doesn’t interrupt not meant to tell scientific truth. may work, but god’s there pushing it with evolution and Adam and Eve and our experiments with erratic interposi- When you hear that, you have to from behind or pulling it toward some the flood stories. Or secular morality tions from time to time. This method- reinterpret it as this: The bible is not ultimate point,” which of course is us. forces religion to change because they ological has brought forth true. That’s what they mean when they The false idea that other ways of just can’t stand up against secular ways a philosophical form of naturalism say it’s not a textbook of science. knowing are valid as science ­— this When you ask them further, you find is the non-overlapping magisteria ar- out maybe it is a textbook of science gument Rebecca Newberger Gold- in some ways. Some things are clearly stein talked about last night. These metaphors. Those are things that sci- accommodationists make unfair and ence has disproven like the flood and untenable criticisms of science. The evolution. The biblical science tells us false idea is that religion can produce there was a son of God named Jesus knowledge. Religion doesn’t increase who was resurrected after three days, any kind of knowledge. Science does. born of a virgin and he’s going to come If you’re religious and think you have back some day and send us all up, or a handle on the truth, you’ll act in cer- down. tain ways that are, in general, inimi- cal for society. If you think you have a Fooling themselves handle on the truth and that that truth comes from “God” and religion is a The people who said the bible isn’t way of really knowing that truth, then true aren’t being true to themselves. you’ll do stuff in society that is not very They think some parts are true. They good. are never going to say this to you. Just ask them that. And the rest is just meta- What science is phor. There is another palpable differ- Science is a sophisticated form of ence between science and religion. common sense. It’s an exquisitely What do you do when you make an as- tuned, exquisitely baroque way of find- sertion about the world that you know ing out stuff about the universe, the turns out to be false? In science it goes same way a mechanic, plumber or en- into the dustbin of discarded results gineer finds out stuff. It’s just codified like cold fusion or any number of falsi- by the pervasiveness of doubt, by the fied theories. use of replication of experiments by When a religious claim is falsified different people, by the tenet that any like creation or Adam and Eve, it sim- scientific theory you can make has to ply turns into a metaphor. “We didn’t be falsifiable in some way before it’ll be really mean it, folks. It wasn’t meant generally accepted. that way. It means something else com- Scientific knowledge grows by test- pletely.” ing hypotheses against what we see in Nevertheless, religious people do nature — interrogating nature. The claim that they do find truth. Here’s best characterization of science I know FFRF officer Jim Coors (right) presenting the Emperor Has No Clothes Award John Haught again: “Religion is about of was uttered by Richard Feynman to Jerry Coyne. (All photos by Jeff Yardis.) Continued on next page Page 16 Freethought Today Madison, Wisconsin April 2012

Continued from previous page to support the existing paradigm. misused stuff as have religious people. the deepest of all realities. Anyone who Finally, there are unfounded claims So in the end, when you ask your- takes it seriously, it’s about what is most to understand the nature and inten- self if science and religion are com- real. Indeed, it’s about absolute real- tion of god. Any faiths not agreeing patible, can there be a constructive ity.” with theologians’ claims are deemed dialogue between them — and many I looked up the word reality after I incorrect faiths. people may maintain this like the Na- read that. It’s “real existence.” What’s Here’s a prime example of the bible tional Academy — the answer is NO. real rather than imagined or desired? not saying what it seems to say. Up until There can be no constructive dialogue In that sense, religion doesn’t tell us about 100 years ago, everyone thought between science and religion. There anything about reality. It tells us what’s the Adam and Eve story was true, can be a monologue between science imagined or desired, not what is out that all of us came from two progeni- and religion but it’s not a constructive there. tors. The bible says this very clearly. In one. It’s a destructive one. It’s because Does religion produce truth? No. the last couple of weeks, genetics has science can contribute to faith by show- I’ve interrogated readers on my web- shown this is all bunk, as if we didn’t ed into the bosom of Jesus. ing their assertions about the world are site about this for three years by asking know that already. The numbers of The Earl of Gloucester in “King wrong. them “Give me one example about the ancestors of modern humanity was, Lear” says, “As flies to wanton boys, Why does it really matter that sci- truth of the universe that religion has at a minimum, 1,200 to 12,000 about are we to the gods, they kill us for their ence and religion are incompatible? produced.” I should start offering a 20,000 to 40,000 years ago. So what do sport.” I’ve rewritten this according to Who cares if there are some religious prize for that. There’s never been an theologians do? They make stuff up. the view that many theologians hold: scientists out there? It’s a matter of not answer, at least one that makes sense. They say, “Well, there were lots of As actors are to an audience, are we to only how you possess the truth and Religious inquiry doesn’t produce people, but only two of them were the the gods, they watch us for their sport. how you come to it, but what you do the truth about the universe. Theologi- designated beneficiaries of god like Every possible observation can be with the truth. cal knowledge doesn’t expand. It just Adam and Eve.” You wouldn’t believe comported with religion. Anytime you Science is a methodology about find- changes from one form to another, the stories theologians have made up find something new, you don’t - over ing out objective information about sort of like literary criticism. to try to get around this intellectual turn your paradigm. You save it by the world. That’s all it is. If you have Religion answers the big questions fact of genetics. some judicious circumlocution. Evo- antibiotics or an atom bomb, what you that science can’t handle. This is what If you find something like that is lution used to be a god killer. It’s the do with an antibiotic or an atom bomb John Haught said. It’s the main busi- false, and you look at a book and all most profound argument against the depends on considerations like eth- ness of religion to answer the really the stories turn out to be false scien- that science has ever ics and morality and other things that big questions. We scientists only have tifically, what you should do is be more come up with. What do the theolo- don’t come from science. skeptical of that book. That, of course, gians do? Do they reject god? No frig- Religion is different because reli- isn’t what happened. If Adam and Eve gin’ way. They say, “It’s really a tribute gion starts with ideas about ethics and Evolution is the turns into a metaphor, the reaction to god that the world isn’t just passive morality and beliefs and then confirms you should give to a Christian is, “Well, putty in his hands but instead is inher- them in these sort of roundabout ways most profound then Jesus died for a metaphor.” And ently active and a self-creative process, that I mentioned before. That’s dan- theologians aren’t down with that view. one that can evolve and produce new gerous. argument against Here’s another case of what theolo- life.” We’re constantly accused of being gians do when faced with a case of stuff If you’re the Church Lady, if you re- arrogant, and the religious people say the existence of that doesn’t exist: The afterlife. John member “Saturday Night Live,” you’d they’re humble. We’re actually the Haught really admits there isn’t any look at this and say, “Well, isn’t that humble ones because we always admit god. evidence for an afterlife. special.” [Laughter] our truths are tentative, whereas reli- He does this with his usual verbal When you see stuff like this ratio- gious people think they have the han- obfuscation: “If I were to try to illicit nalization of evolution, we should dle on truth. to answer the tiny little questions like scientific evidence of immortality, I have known that god really meant it all If you think you have the handle “Where did the universe come from” would just be capitulating to the nar- along. If that’s so, why isn’t it in scrip- on truth that comes from above, then or “Where did we come from?” But the row empiricism that underlies the nat- ture? When you see that kind of ratio- you’re going to act on it and will act really big questions like “What is our ural belief.” That translation: We don’t nalization, I think of theologies as a on it in a much less tentative and much purpose” or “Where do we go after we have any evidence, folks. kind of sausage grinder where you feed more malicious way than people who die?” — that’s the job of religion. Nevertheless, it’s still there, and why in scientific necessities like evolution have come to the truth through reason They really do think they provide is it there? Because you have hope. and our human ancestry at one end, and empiricism. answers to questions, and of course You have hope, and that hope is what and theologians turn them into reli- Here’s one example: Some think of they don’t. None of these questions makes it true. That’s completely the gious virtues at the other. This is “the the Catholic Church as a warm, fuzzy have been answered by religions. Or if opposite of what science does. It’s the way god really wanted it, and isn’t it faith. Here are some of the tenets of they have been, different religions give assurance of things hoped for. John wonderful that he wanted it that way?” Catholicism that have come from their you different answers. If you’re a Mus- Haught is making stuff up. belief in the errancy of scripture: Op- lim and you believe Jesus is the savior, We know when we look around us, Accusing science position to birth control, opposition to you’re doomed. If you’re a Christian there’s not much evidence for god in birth control to prevent AIDS in Africa and you believe Muhammad is the sav- the world today. We don’t see miracles. Finally, unfounded claims to under- and opposition to abortion. ior, you’re doomed as well. We see suffering, we see death. We see stand the nature and intention of god. That all comes from scripture and If you press a theologian, they’ll ac- tsunamis and earthquakes. Where’s According to Haught, God has this ex- the belief we know what’s true and that tually admit they don’t have these an- god? John says that “the ultimate real- travagant divine generosity that’s pro- humans have souls. More scripture: swers. Haught again: “We really can’t ity is beyond our grasp. We can’t see duced all these wonderful species. The God made marriage indissoluble. Op- say what the point of everything is be- god because if we could grasp it, it question is how does he know that? If position to homosexuality to control cause it’s all so fuzzy.” would not be ultimate.” you look around the world, you can people’s sex lives. Making women sec- When you look at it hard enough, This is, first of all, a profound tau- equally say god was mischievous or ond-class citizens. Installation of fear modern sophisticated theology is func- tology. Secondly, it rests on our mis- apathetic or even a bit malicious. John and guilt in children. Children being tionally indistinguishable from athe- understanding of the word “ultimate,” is not only making up stuff, but he’s terrorized into adulthood by Catholic ism, because they’ll just waffle and because ultimate things can be grasp- claiming to know something about the teachings. Protection of priests who waffle. able. But this is the kind of verbal pres- nature of god, which he has no right abuse children, which now in my view tidigitation that theologians engage in. to know. has gone so far up in the Vatican that Theologians fooling you And when you see there’s no evidence Religious people, because they’re it’s official policy. for god, it’s far more parsimonious to backed into a corner by science, start This all comes from people think- I want to finish with some ways I’ve come up with this hypothesis: “The in- counter-accusing science as being bad: ing they know that they have a handle discerned theologians behave unscien- visible and the nonexistent look very “Science is a faith like religion.” “Sci- on the truth, that their revelation is a tifically when dealing with the prob- much alike.” [Laughter] ence can’t prove that god doesn’t ex- way to find out what truth is. That they lems of science. You should be aware Another thing theologians do that ist,” which is wrong because you can have to act on the basis of that truth be- of the maneuvers they make. scientists don’t is to rationalize every- prove the nonexistence of something. cause (A) it comes from god and (B) First of all, they say the bible doesn’t thing you find or will find as being part You can prove for example that I do not truth comes with a package of beliefs mean what it seems to say, that it’s a of god’s plan. Evolution used to be a own a Maserati. Just look at my garage. and morality that was there in the first metaphor in many ways. god killer. Now we know that actually Look at my bank account, etc. “Sci- place. Secondly, they say theology is differ- that’s what god wanted. ence fosters scientism.” That’s the view Real truth comes only from empiri- ent from science because its purpose Why do we see suffering in the that science is the only reliable guide cal investigation and analysis. I am an is to confirm what you already believe world? Why do little kids get cancer? to truth. That’s a common accusation. advocate of scientism in that respect, rather than to test what you already be- Why do tsunamis wipe out hundreds of In my view, science is the only reliable science properly construed. lieve. thousands of people? It’s because god guide to truth if you construe science When religion comes up against sci- Third, when you’re pressed into a likes that kind of drama, according to broadly as rationality combined with ence, the outcome is inevitable, as Ste- corner like Adam and Eve, you make John Haught. empiricism. phen Hawking said last year: “Science stuff up. You have to comport new ob- He set the world so it would be just “Science gives us no moral ground- will win because it works.” servations with god’s plan. That’s dif- like this magnificent play in which all ing.” Maybe it does if it’s evolved. And Thanks very much. ferent from science. When you find a these things unfold, new species arise, so what? That doesn’t prove that Jesus Jerry Coyne is a professor in the Depart­ new and unusual observation, we may and it’s just a magnificent drama and gives us moral grounding. And finally, ment of Ecology and Evolution at the Uni­ have to overturn the existing para- everything’s being pulled toward this “science has been misused.” Well, fine. versity of Chicago and author of the 2009 digm. In theology, you have to use that huge future in which we’re all unfold- There have been scientists that have book Why Evolution is True. April 2012 Madison, Wisconsin Freethought Today Page 17

seat of government.” Gordon prayed to the House, “We On March 13, FFRF Co-President ask you to strengthen our understand- FFRF Legal Complaints Annie Laurie Gaylor wrote to the Weld ing of traditional marriage: one man City Council in Greeley, Colo., and the and one woman. We ask you to bring Clark Township supervisor in Cedar- us back to virtuous morals in society, Continued from page 11 the Center for Charter Schools is tak- ville, Mich., to state that the “promi- morals that kept us from killing a child ing to remedy these constitutional con- nent posting of ‘In God We Trust’ [on in the womb through abortion. We ask tor of Central Michigan University, who cerns. government property sent] an unfortu- you to defend us now in the fight for is in charge of the Center for Charter nate message of exclusion to those citi- true religious freedom and freedom Schools. zens who do not believe in God.” of conscience, that seems to be threat- Markert’s letter described why the Boards trust entirely ened now in the public sphere.” sign in front of the public charter too much in God Local observers of the prayers to school Riverside Academy West, which Kansas Legislature open Senate sessions noted that all at one point read “To Allah We Belong In March, FFRF’s legal department steeped in prayer but one in 2012 have ended “in Jesus’ & To Him We Return,” raised “serious sent several letters of complaint over name” or a variation thereof. Senate concerns under Michigan and federal “In God We Trust” displays, calling The religious atmosphere in the Chaplain Fred Hollomon, in the job law.” them divisive and stating they have Kansas Senate and House of Represen- for 30 years, appears to almost always Michigan law states that a charter no place on government property. tatives drew fire in March 20 letters to end prayers with “in the name of Je- school cannot be religiously affiliated. For instance, Staff Attorney Stephanie legislative leaders from FFRF Co-Pres- sus Christ.” The review of prayers also Though this school used to be the Schmitt’s March 14 letter to the Ca- idents Annie Laurie Gaylor and Dan shows Pastor Hollomon also has quite American Islamic Academy, upon con- marillo [Calif.] City Council said that Barker. the imagination: version to a government-run charter “citizens are frequently compelled to The House, which regularly opens “Heavenly Father, I wonder what Je- school, the school sponsorship of a come before you on important civic sessions with prayer, saw one get com- sus would do if He were a member of religious message became impermis- matters and to participate in impor- pletely out of hand March 15 when the Kansas Senate. . . . The last time He sible. The letter included a picture of tant decisions affecting their liveli- Fr. James Gordon of St. John Vianney was on earth, He completed only three the sign sent by complainant and stat- hood, their property and [their] qual- Catholic Church delivered a contro- years of His term! And that was to ben- ed that “any religious postings or mes- ity of life. These citizens should not be versial sectarian prayer against abor- efit others. I pray in the name of Jesus saged displayed at Riverside Academy made to feel offended, excluded and tion rights and gay rights. He deliv- Christ. Amen.” West must be removed promptly.” like political outsiders because the lo- ered this prayer “in Jesus’ name” and FFRF contested similar violations The letter also requested “an im- cal government they support with their referenced political concerns despite in the Oklahoma Legislature in early mediate investigation” and asked for taxes oversteps its power by prominent- House policy and practice prohibiting March. a written reply detailing the steps that ly placing a religious statement at the those types of prayers and references. Sharing the Crank Mail

A lot of this issue’s mail, printed as received about each other ? Dan must beat you often ? to preserve the full flavor, commented on — carl kaiser FFRF’s March 9 full-page ad in the New York Times asking Catholics to quit the church. FUCK YOU Fuck you, you anti catholic scum bags. — cowards Deacon247 your founders are cowards they never re- spond to my emails. SO FFRF you all are com- New york munist cowards defend yourself Bitch Gaylor Your oranization is dumb and a Hypocrite. and Peckerhead Barker. Organizations like maybe your mothers should have aborted the yours should not be allowed to exist in this organization. — Thomas Esquivel country. — d jones, wetumpka, Alabama Thank you Hey loser You suck, and we outnumber you. ‘Nuff said. Hey asswipe pick on your own church, if you — Joan have one, or burn away in the next life. — Wil- liam Brennan The Church We dont purify sinners and blasphemers Disgustinginly EVIL by burning at the stake these days. Bad for the With your screed in the NEW YORK SLIMES environment and hard to get a permit!! — Ed tion of a venomous spider, or moans that mass munity in North Carolina. Men have fought and you have descended to ever new lows and you Olearczyk, Allentown Pa murderers should be given a reprieve from the died to allow you to have your twisted believes. have placed yourself on record of your depravity death sentence, while in the same pestilential Enjoy them to yourself. — Alan Daniels and your now open revolt against God and His Good luck with your new (old) religion breath, you squeal about ‘women’s rights’ to Most Holy Roman Catholic Church. Disgusted “Reproductive Freedom” : everyone knows murder their own children within their womb pre- The Catholic Church with your actions and finding it very difficult, and this is your “fig leaf” for killing the unborn. And tending that it is an act of humanity to do so. You Do you hate men that much that you have to nigh on impossible, in fact, to even pray for your severely separating sexual love from the trans- are sick, twisted people and so mentally ill that spread your venon against them by attempting conversion as one should not throw pearls be- mission of life, reducing it to the moral equiva- it is seriously doubtful that any remedy exists to to twist the mind of women to agree with your fore swine lest they trample it under foot!!! — lent of a sneeze. — David Stivers restore your minds to sanity. — Pauly Walnuts perverted way of life. Anyone that stands for Steve DeAngelo what you do, contraception, abortifacients and Your Ad is Despicable Fostering ill will sterilations is about as evil as one can get. God YOU NY SLIME ARTICLE our ad in the NY Times is insulting to people I thank God each Sunday that I can attend a forgive you for what you do that is as evil as the OBAMA’S DEMANDS OF THE CATHOLIC of faith everywhere. Perhaps when we vote out Church, and that I know enough history to recall Jewish holocoust. — John Michel CHURCH ARE CONTRIVED AND MEANT the Hawaiian in the white house, your rude man- the many advances made by women due to the TO PUT THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN AN ners will change. It is clear the your organization Church’s influence. — Jane Gilroy What\’s wrong with America UNTENABLE POSIT ON SO THAT HE CAN is as un American as Fidel Castro, Adolph Hitler It’s freedom OF religion, NOT from religion FINE THEM UNTIL HE CAN TAKE OVER THE and the Obama clan. Your disgusting. — Joe C The Time Machine you fools! You need to be shut down ASAP — HOSPITALS AND PUT HIS OWN MANAGERS Your arms are too short to box with God. — Dale Gross IN PLACE TO ENFORCE HE DEATH PAN- thank you for your attack on the catho- kerry ELS WHICH HE KNOW S THE CATHOLIC CHURCH WILL NOT DO. YOU BIGOTS ONLY lic church Gaylor the Baby Killer WANT TO HEAR THE SOUND OF YOUR OWN if the church had followed the leaders of Think again I recently recieved a post stating that Ms. VOICE SPEWING VENOM. the boy scouts, on their policy concerning Me thinks you are afraid. Afraid of the Cath- Gaylor ran an abortion organization and has homosexuals,,we would not have our catholic olic Church. Truly, you should be afraid, very referred thousands of women for abortion and children being attacked by homosexual priests.. afraid. We are awesome....Boo! — Donna she founded FFRF because religion oppresses NY Times ad concerning HHS mandate — Jack D womens rights but yet did not abort your own 4 Your belief that women should have the right children. Very two-faced to me. What will it take to engage in recreational sex and have it sub- Pennsylvania school Ten Command- for FFRF to cease to exist? The return of our sidized by Church affiliated organizations does FRONTAL ASSAULT ON CATHOLICISM ments Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. You dont believe not give you the right to spread hurtful and hate- Just look at the performance of this once It seems like your a group of “Mis-Fits” who now but just wait one day Ms Gaylor and Mr. ful lies about my beloved Church. — In Christ’s great paper, in it’s new form as the Gray Slut just can’t pull up your pants and face the world Barker will bow and confess Jesus Christ as love, Chris Pampo (CUNT??) as “jokes”, we can see the that God has created. Get a life. Get a good decline by the hour. Your end can’t come soon paying job. Pick a religion & Praise Jesus! — KJ Lord. — David Jones enough. — Herrmann Glockler Attack on Catholics etc. Scum bags I never see you attacking the Jews assholes. new kensington Leave us alone in the Pittsburgh area you How about a little equality? — VIRGINIA PIC- FRONTAL ASSAULT The ten commandments in new Ken is t scum bags. Don’t want ya and sure as hell don’t CININNI Go to the PPVI Institute and look up Dr. Hil- bothering anyone. I mean you do realize that the igers work on fertility. Then let me know if the dollar bill says in God we trust, and the pledge need ya. Eat your freaking cheese and leave us Catholic Church isnt cutting edge when it comes alone!!!! — Ed Ewonce, Coraopolis, PA Regarding “Quitting the Church” of allegiance says one natiom under God. You to being Pro-Women. — Holly Harrington From your article, I’d reply: “It’s Time to Quit all need to get off your high horses and actually FNY Times ad Reading the New York Times.” — Robbe L. think before,you file a stupid frivelous lawsuit. When it comes to your place in eternity, Sebesta Ignorance — phil stegner I have to tell you that you people are igno- would you prefer the smoking section or the rant, hate-filled,dishonest, hate-spewing anti- non-smoking section....think for a minute — Times ad Mine your own business life bigots - the type who whines over the extinc- Tony Barlogio hey annie, how do you & Ms. Fluke feel Please keep your believes out of my com- Page 18 Freethought Today Madison, Wisconsin April 2012

Black Collar Crime Blotter

Compiled by Bill Dunn ‘Let me pat you on Arrested / Charged the bo-bo.’ Curtis G. Mathews, 50, Hopewell, VA: 2 ­— One of Fr. Louis counts of using a communication device to fa- cilitate sex with a minor. Mathews, pastor of Meinhardt’s alleged Springfield Baptist Church, is accused of using a computer to arrange a sexual encounter with catchphrases a Petersburg teen, whose guardian notified po- lice. Source: Richmond Times-Dispatch, 3-15- 12 The sentence upset prosecutor Dan Mc- Efrain Bernal, 41, Hemet, CA: Sodomy with Ginn. “He was trying to say all the right things a child under 10, engaging in lewd acts, forced so he’d get probation.” oral copulation and continuous sexual abuse of Victory Fellowship pastor Lonnie Parton a child under 14. During interviews and a search didn’t like the sentence either. “I think it does of Bernal’s home, where he conducted bible a disservice for any other victim who wants to study, deputies determined he’d been molesting come forward.” a family member for a decade since she was a Gireoux’s wife, Erin, is filing for divorce. child, a sheriff’s report said. Source: KETV Omaha, 3-7-12 He’s also alleged to have convinced young Robert H. LaForce, 60, Rinely, PA: $50 fine women, including minors, to strip and pose for and $280 court costs after being found guilty of photos during “religious” ceremonies. harassment. LaForce, associate pastor at St. “I always had a feeling something was off Paul Lutheran Church, was cited for an incident about him, but I just kind of pushed it in the back with a female congregant at a church budget of my head, because it’s not something you Park Baptist Church. Source: WYFF, 2-29-12 touched two 8-year-old girls he was giving ye- meeting. want to believe about your father,” said Destiny George A. Smith, 74, Truro, NS: 62 sex- shiva lessons to in their homes. He’s a student “Some questions about the finances were Audish, Bernal’s daughter. related counts, including gross indecency, at Rabbinical Seminary of America. Source: asked, including by the alleged victim,” said “You know, he would use God as a way for indecent assault on a male, sexual assault, N.Y. Post, 2-29-12 North Hopewell Police Chief Larry Billets. “The them to just want to trust him, to believe him,” unlawfully committing a gross indecency and Frankin “Wayne” Knight, 63, Colorado associate pastor apparently became upset over she said. Source: CBS , 3-8-12 unlawfully assaulting with intent to commit an Springs, CO: Pleaded guilty to being an acces- the questions that were being asked.” Darwin F. Schauer, 70, Laporte, MN: 15 indictable offense. Smith was suspended from sory to a crime and failure to report suspected Billets said LaForce “placed his hands on counts of criminal sexual conduct. Schauer, pas- the Catholic ministry on Prince Edward Island child abuse. Other charges against the Bap- her arms above the elbow, then made some tor of Trinity Lutheran Church in Lake George, is in 2010 due to allegations from 9 victims for in- tist pastor, who was also superintendent of a inappropriate comments relative to ‘If we were accused of molestation (including intercourse) cidents alleged to have occurred from 1969-89. church school, were dropped. At sentencing, outside, I would slap you.’ ” Source: York Dis- of a girl in 2009 when she was 15. Source: Western Star, 2-24-12 Knight is expected to agree to do 150 hours of patch, 3-7-12 According to the criminal complaint, the girl James Monson, 41, Sparta, WI: Sexual community serve and serve 2 years’ unsuper- Tommy Gene Daniels, 49, Citrus Heights, said she felt threatened and the sex occurred exploitation by a therapist, sexual assault of a vised probation. CA: 158 years in prison for conviction on 11 twice a week. Source: KSAX, 3-9-12 child by a person who works or volunteers with He’s accused of covering up a sexual rela- counts of child molestation. Daniels was pastor Patrick Marini, 69, Abbotsford, BC: Sexual children, exposing genitals or pubic area and tionship between his niece, 32, who taught at at First Baptist Church in Rio Linda, a congrega- assault and sexual interference. Marini, a mis- sexual intercourse with a child. Monson, pas- the school, and a former student, who was 15 at tion affiliated with Growing Healthy Churches. sionary and pastor at Resurrection Life Minis- tor at Gaining Ground Community Church, is the time. Knight plans to move to Texas. Source: He was charged with sexual assault of 5 girls tries, is charged with an alleged incident with accused of raping a 16-year-old girl who had ABC 7, 2-28-12 between the ages of 5 to 13, including 2 sisters. a 15-year-old boy. Source: Abbotsford Times, moved in with him. The girl’s mother told police Jeffrey A. Maxwell, 59, Corsicana, TX: 2 A mother testified her 5-year-old came home 3-8-12 she agreed to let her live with Monson, who was sentences of life in prison to be served concur- in 2005 and said Daniels had molested her. She Gordon Rideout, 73, and Robert Coles, a family friend, and be home-schooled after she rently after being found guilty of aggravated called it “the day I found out I failed as a mother. 70, Eastbourne, UK: Sexual assault. The men ran away from her home in Texas. kidnapping and 2 counts of aggravated sexual I failed to protect my children from a monster. I are retired Church of England priests accused The complaint said Monson told police it was assault. The victim, 63, was a former neighbor failed to recognize the evil that lurked in a place of molesting 9 young people from 1965-72. East “possible” he had sex with the teen when they of Maxwell, who is a past vice president of the I thought we had found friendship, safety and Sussex detectives said the cases are not linked. slept in the same bed. Source: La Crosse Tri- Kiwanis Club. trust.” Source: BBC, 3-6-12 bune, 2-23-12 Testimony showed Maxwell strung up the The mother reported it the same day to po- Donald Ratcliff, 60, Wheaton, IL: 2 counts Rene Paul Emile Labelle, 62, Seeleys Bay, victim on a rack he made to gut deer and hogs lice but no charges were filed until 2010 after of aggravated child pornography and misde- ON: Sexual assault, sexual exploitation and in- and tortured her for 12 days, using sexual de- other victims came forward. Source: Sacramen- meanor weapons charges. Ratcliff teaches vitation to sexual exploitation. Labelle, pastor vices, whips and clips on her breasts. He admit- to Bee, 3-2-12 Christian education at Wheaton College (evan- at St. Barnaby Catholic Church and chaplain ted chaining her to a bed at night and raping Patrick McCormick, 48, Philadelphia: 18 gelist Billy Graham’s alma mater) and has writ- at Holy Cross Secondary School, is accused her every morning but said he also let her read hours of community service and $200 in fines ten 10 books “primarily related to children, spiri- of incidents in 2004. Source: The Intelligencer, the bible. for patronizing a prostitute. McCormick, paro- tuality and related topics.” 2-22-12 “It’s only because of God that I’m alive,” she chial vicar of St. Timothy’s Catholic Church, al- He was arrested Thursday after a lengthy Harold Markham, 46, Niagara, WI: Repeat- told courthouse reporters. Source: Star-Tele- legedly solicited sex from an undercover police undercover investigation by Carol Stream po- ed sexual assault of a child, battery and disor- gram/AP, 2-22-12 officer. lice, prosecutors said. Police took computers derly conduct. The complaint alleges Markham Barry Caudle, 39, Marengo, IL: Plead- The Archdiocese of Philadelphia said in a from his home that had images of children had sexual contact with a 14-year-old female ed guilty to 2 counts of solicitation of a child, statement the priest was put on leave. McCor- younger than 13, court documents said. Source: multiple times between July and September grooming and 3 counts of harmful material for mick told superiors the day after his arrest that Chicago Sun-Times, 3-2-12 2007 in Niagara while he was a Baptist pastor performing lewd acts. Police said Caudle, a he was charged with DUI, the statement said. Meshulam Rothschild, 26, Brooklyn, NY: in Norway, MI. married youth minister at Marengo First Assem- Source: Daily News, 3-2-12 Criminal possession of a forged instrument. The complaint alleges he argued and bly of God, solicited sex from an officer posing Daniel Curran, 61, Newcastle, N.IRE: 4 Rothschild, a Pupa Hasidic rabbi, is charged grabbed the same female around the neck online as a 14-year-old girl. years in prison for molesting 2 boys, ages 9 and with selling about 3,600 cartons of cigarettes a in 2011 in Niagara to stop her from leaving. “I have been in ministry for 17 years and I 10, between 1989-94 while he was a Catholic week without $50-per-carton tax stamps. Markham has resigned as pastor. Source: Iron love kids and love to serve, and just love peo- priest in Belfast. Curran has served prison time A source alleged Rothschild started sending Mountain Daily News, 2-21-12 ple,” Caudle wrote in an online journal. Source: twice before. cigarettes to Virginia for phony stamps because James E. Davis, Cotton Plant, AR: 4 counts Northwest Herald, 2-16-12 Judge David Smyth said Curran has victim- New York merchants were refusing to sell un- of rape. Davis, pastor of Morning Star Baptist Randell Vandeventer, 51, New Castle, IN: ized at least 13 people in 17 years. Source: stamped packs. Source: N.Y. Post, 3-2-12 Church, was arrested after a middle school Guilty on 3 counts of child molesting. Vande- BBC, 2-29-12 Yigal Krispel, 47, Netanya, ISR: Indecent counselor contacted police, who said the al- venter, a hospital chaplain, is already in prison Samuel Slocum, 60, Smethport, PA: 2 acts, sodomy, sexual misconduct, nonconsen- leged female victim’s mother is in jail and is for a 2011 conviction for child seduction. years’ probation, 100 hours of community ser- sual sex and rape. Two former students filed Davis’ former girlfriend. The girl was living with The new convictions involve 4 victims (3 vice and to not be alone with anyone under 18 complaints against Rabbi Krispel, principal at Davis and his wife. males and a female) from 2000-08 when the for 2 years. He was convicted of concealment an Orthodox haredi school for girls, as did a The girl told police Davis said she could children attended Tiny Town Daycare Center in of the whereabouts of a child and corruption of 20-year-old teacher. Source: Press TV, 3-1-12 have sex with him instead of being punished Switz City. It was owned by Vandeventer and minors. He was acquitted of interference with Kirk L. DeVine, 43, Gladstone, MO: DeVine, for bad behavior at home, the complaint said. his wife, Lia. the custody of a child and loitering and prowl- minister at Trinity Missionary Full Gospel Family members said she is pregnant. Source: One victim testified Lia Vandeventer wit- ing at night. He was not accused of having sex Church, is charged with whipping his son with KSLA, 2-21-12 nessed abuse, which she denied on the stand. A with the young male victim, who testified he, his a belt and computer cord over a 5-hour period victim’s mother told of an incident in church be- brother and friends often visited Slocum at the because he had a bad report card and talked Pleaded / Convicted fore she knew the boy was molested. She said rectory at Our Mother of Perpetual Help Church. Neil J. Byrne, 61, Brisbane, AU: 9 months in class. His stepmother reported the incident. when “Brother Rendell” was introduced, her son Slocum has been barred from the ministry in prison suspended after pleading guilty to pos- The police report said DeVine also punched immediately stuck his head under her arm and by the Diocese of Erie. Judge William Morgan sessing child exploitation material and 8 counts the boy in the stomach and made him clean his curled up in a ball. Then he vomited. Source: told him to look for a job outside the priesthood. of making child exploitation material. Byrne, a own blood off a chair. Source: Kansas City Star, Greene County Daily World, 2-16-12 Source: Buffalo News, 2-28-12 Catholic priest whose church is affiliated with a 3-1-12 Connie Ikpoh, 49, Los Angeles: 3 years in primary school, admitted having sexual fanta- Gregory L. Goner, 40, Franklin, WI: 5 feder- Sentenced prison and $6.7 million restitution for conspiracy sies about “young blond boys.” Offenses took Robert Lovett, 56, Rochester, NY: 1 year al counts of theft and wire fraud. Goner, pastor for her role in defrauding Medicare out of $14 place from 2005-07. probation, 80 hours of community service and at Spirit Governed Baptist Church and operator million with her husband and fellow pastor, Authorities said he had received images of $9,000 restitution for mail fraud. Lovett, pastor at of Excel Academy, a Milwaukee choice school Christopher Iruke, 61, already sentenced to 15 a boy sexually abused by his parents. Source: Word of the Kingdom Ministries, pleaded guilty from 2004-10, was indicted for using school years. They served at Arms of Grace Christian Courier Mail, 3-7-12 to bilking a 95-year-old woman. The woman funds for noneducational purposes. Center, now closed. Source: Visalia Times-Del- Curtis Burkhardt, 44, Grand Blanc, MI: was convinced through phone calls she would Excel Academy got over $100,000 a year ta, 2-28-12 Pleaded no contest to indecent exposure by a get “three $25,000 grants” if she sent money to from the U.S. Departments of Education and Derrick T. Griffin, 41, Minneapolis: Life sexually delinquent person. Burkhardt, a vol- Lovett. Source: Democrat & Chronicle, 3-9-12 Agriculture. Goner is accused of using school in prison with no parole for 1st-degree murder. unteer youth leader and board member at First Brent Girouex, 32, Council Bluffs, IA: 17 money to buy 2 apartment buildings, pay a Griffin, associate pastor at True Vine Missionary Baptist Church, was charged with exposing years in prison suspended after pleading guilty church deacon and “needlessly lease” church Baptist Church, was convicted of the drive-by himself to an 11-year-old girl while holding his to 3rd-degree sexual abuse and entering an Al- space. He allegedly used $313,000 to buy the shooting of a man who was with Griffin’s es- 5-year-old daughter on his lap. He was convict- ford plea to 2 counts of sexual exploitation by a apartments. Source: USDOJ, 2-29-12 tranged wife. The shooter drove away in a white ed in 2001 and received probation for exposing counselor or therapist. Gireoux, youth pastor at Kenneth A. Johnson, 58, Taylors, SC: 3 Cadillac. himself to a woman and her child at a McDon- Victory Fellowship Church, had faced 89 moles- counts of assault and battery of a high and ag- Police used cellphone records, a bullet tak- ald’s. Source: Detroit Free Press, 3-2-12 tation charges of young men and boys. He will gravated nature. Warrants allege Johnson mo- en from the victim’s body and surveillance cam- Hillel Selznick, 25, Flushing, NY: Pleaded be on probation for life and must stay at a sex lested a 14-year-old boy in 1985 while Johnson eras to pin the murder on the pastor. Source: guilty to 2 counts of sexual misconduct against offender treatment facility until “maximum ben- was involved with a youth group at Hampton AP, 2-24-12 a child. Selznick admitted he inappropriately efit is obtained.” April 2012 Madison, Wisconsin Freethought Today Page 19

Tommy R. Shelton Jr., 66, Dunn Loring, Onyegbule, a Nigeria native, previously VA: 6 years in prison for child molestation. Al- served at Our Lady of Perpetual Help and is liv- legations by 2 victims stemmed from the mid- ing at a treatment facility outside the diocese. ’90s, when Shelton was pastor at Community Source: Reading Eagle, 3-5-12 Church of God. Robert Mac Santry, a priest of the Catho- One victim, now 30, asked Shelton from the lic Diocese of Honolulu, has been “dismissed witness stand “to say you’re sorry — that’s it.” from the clerical state” and is now living in Geor- The man was a high school freshman when gia. Reasons for the dismissal haven’t been Shelton gave him piano lessons and counseling made public. Source: SNAP, 2-24-12 after his parents died. After the lessons came Robert Poandl was removed from cleri- kissing, fondling and oral sex, the victim testi- cal duties at Glenmary Catholic Missions in fied. Georgia after sexual misconduct allegations “I’m sorry for any suffering he has received,” were made regarding alleged behavior nearly Shelton said in court. “However, I still stick with 30 years ago. In 2010, a West Virginia judge my plea of not guilty.” Source: Washington Post, dropped child molestation charges against 2-24-12 Poandl because of procedural issues. Mark Archibald, 56, Red Deer, ALB: 12 Victim advocate group SNAP said letting months of house arrest and 6 months of abid- Poandl continue as a priest after 2010 was “to- ing by a curfew after pleading guilty to indecent tally inexcusable. Source: CBS Atlanta, 2-21-12 assault and committing a gross indecency. Ar- William Rowe, 72, pastor for 18 years at St. chibald was accused of assaulting 3 teens in the Mary’s Catholic Church in Mount Carmel, IL, 1970s when he managed a Christian summer resigned because he “would not and could not camp run by the Canadian Sunday School Mis- pray the prayers of the Mass as they are trans- sion, affiliated with the Evangelical Free Church lated in the new Roman Missal,” said a letter of Canada. from Diocese of Belleville Bishop Edward Brax- Complainant “Jake,” who was 14 at the time ton, accepting the resignation. Source: St. Louis of the alleged assaults, objected to the sen- “John R.J. Doe,” now in his early 20s, al- Richard T. Powers, 76, was put on leave Post-Dispatch, 2-17-12 tence. “I don’t know what a person has to do to leged he was molested as an altar boy and choir by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia during re- a child to receive jail time in this country.” member at Madonna del Sasso Church in Sali- view of allegations he had sex with a 17-year- Other No criminal charges were filed after 1-year- Judge Thomas Schollie defended the sen- nas. Source: San Jose Mercury News, 2-18-12 old Venezuelan girl some time before 2000. old Juan Cardenas drowned in 2 feet of water tence. “I’m satisfied he is not a pedophile. For a Powers’ name was on a newly disclosed 1994 in a baptismal pool at a day care at Praise short period of his life, his brain wasn’t working Legal Developments internal church memo that listed 35 priests sus- Prosecutors in Cook County, IL, are trying Fellowship Assembly of God, Indianapolis. too well.” Source: Calgary Herald, 2-19-12 pected or accused of abusing children. to extradite Sleeva Raju Policetti, a defrocked Employees apparently lost track of the boy’s The late Cardinal Anthony Bevilacqua al- Catholic priest, from his native India to face 20 whereabouts on Ash Wednesday. The day care Civil Lawsuits Filed legedly ordered the memo shredded, but a copy Sexual Ministries Uganda filed a federal suit counts of criminal sexual assault and aggravat- has 8 employees caring for 30 to 45 children, turned up in a church office in 2006 and was in Springfield, MA, against evangelist Scott ed criminal sexual abuse involving a 16-year- officials said. Source: Indianapolis Star, 3-7-12 turned over to prosecutors working on the case Lively and Abiding Truth Ministries, alleging old girl. He fled the U.S. in 2002. Nine Democratic legislators asked Wiscon- against Msgr. William J. Lynn, who drafted the Lively helped persecute gays for a decade in But the alleged victim recently said she’s no sin Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen to investi- memo and is on trial for covering up clergy sex Uganda. Lively issued a public call for people to longer willing to pursue charges, which would gate 8,000 alleged sex offenses and as many abuse. Source: The Inquirer, 3-12-12 fight against a “genocidal” and “pedophilic” gay effectively end the case. Since 1985, at least 32 as 100 previously unidentified offenders said Louis Bier, pastor at St. Francis of Assisi movement, “which he likened to the Nazis and Catholic priests nationwide have fled overseas to be described in documents filed in the Arch- Catholic Church, Springfield, PA, was put on Rwandan murderers,” the suit alleges. after allegations of sexual abuse were made, diocese of Milwaukee bankruptcy. leave over concerns about his “suitability for The suit seeks a judgment that Lively’s ac- and only 5 were returned to the U.S. for trial. They called the allegations, if true, “nothing ministry,” said a letter to parishioners. “These tions violate international law and human rights. More than two dozen other Catholic clergy short of a public safety crisis.” concerns are not connected to any complaint Source: Wall Street Journal, 3-14-12 left the U.S. while facing internal church inqui- “The concealment of these offenses may of inappropriate behavior with minors.” Source: Arquimedes Nganga, 46, London, is suing ries or civil allegations of child sex misconduct, already have facilitated hundreds of additional, 3-9-12 the Baptist Union of Great Britain for £10 mil- or were transferred to foreign countries by crimes against young people,” said the letter Cletus Onyegbule, 44, Whitfield, PA, was lion, alleging the 19 years he spent as a “fervent church authorities. Source: Chicago Tribune, signed by Sens. Lena Taylor, Julie Lassa, Rob- removed as pastor at St. Ignatius Loyola Catho- evangelist” ruined his chances of playing soccer 3-12-12 ert Jauch and Jessica King; and Reps. Sandy lic Church after admitting he had an inappropri- for Manchester United. Nana Kwasi Agyeman, 42, Abidjan, Côte Pasch, Chris Taylor, Robert Turner, Terese Ber- ate relationship with a woman. The relationship Nganga used to play semi-professionally d’Ivoire, who jumped bail 4 years ago after be- ceau and Kelda Helen Roys. Source: Journal started when the woman was 18, said a spokes- in his native Portugal but quit at age 25 after ing charged with 8 counts of defilement, was Sentinel, 2-20-12 man for the Diocese of Allentown. converting to the Baptist faith. He alleges the arrested in Ghana. Agyeman, pastor of the Email: [email protected] church destroyed his social life, caused him Church of Shiva Linga Prayer Group, is accused “psychological harm” and defrauded him of of sexually molesting 8 children ages 3 to 12. money through compulsory donations. Source: A newspaper reported he “cajoled their par- The Guardian, 3-5-12 ents who were members of his church to allow Italy aims to tax Catholic property The Diocese of Savannah, GA, and 2 bish- them to live with him so he could bring them up ops have been sued in South Carolina over al- uprightly in the fear of the Lord.” Source: daily- leged sexual abuse by former priest Wayland, 3-9-12 Prime Minister Mario Monti told Italy as an example to follow. Y. Brown. The 2008 suit filed by Norman Redwing, who the European Commission in late Feb- “It was time that they paid, too, The suit claims Brown, 67, molested “John sued the Catholic Diocese of Memphis, alleg- ruary that Italian law will be changed to with all the exemptions they’ve had Doe,” a youth program participant at Savan- ing sexual abuse in the 1970s by now-deceased make the Catholic Church pay taxes on throughout the years,” said Marco nah’s St. James Catholic Church and school priest Milton Guthrie, can proceed, ruled the in the mid-1970s as well as at other locations. Tennessee Supreme Court, overruling a lower commercial property, including bed- Catalano, 35, a Rome merchant who Bishops Raymond Lessard and Gregory court that dismissed the case due to the statute and-breakfasts owned by convents. said he goes to church twice a month. Hartmayer are also named as defendants. of limitations. Source: AP, 2-27-12 The New York Times reported that “They own the most beautiful buildings Brown was defrocked in 2004. Source: Morning Norbert Maday, a former Chicago Catholic the change, if approved by Parliament, in downtown Rome, on Italian soil, and News, 2-24-12 priest convicted in 1994 of sexual assault of 2 “John Doe” is suing the Society of Mary boys in Oshkosh, WI, was deemed a sexually would bring in $650 million to $2.6 bil- rent them out at market prices. They (Marianists), Chaminade Preparatory School violent person after serving out a 13-year sen- lion annually, depending on the legis- don’t give them for free or at low prices and U.S. Marianist leader Fr. Martin Solma, tence. That means he will be sent to a secure lation. Other countries with large debt for charity.” alleging that Louis Meinhardt, a priest now treatment facility for at least 9 months. such as Spain and Greece might see dead, starting molesting him in 1966 as a 7th Prosecutor Kevin Greene said Maday needs grader at the Creve Coeur, MO, school. More more treatment because he won’t fully admit than a dozen students of Meinhardt and another he did anything wrong. If he’s not released dead priest, Fr. John Woulfe, have since come in 9 months, he’ll be reevaluated every year. forward. Meinhardt’s inappropriate behavior to- Source: WLUK, 2-15-12 ward showering students, including grabbing of They Said What?!? genitals, was notoriously dubbed “the Meinhardt Allegations Clavon Leonard, Charlotte, NC, is accused treatment,” the suit alleges. The priest would tell by 6 former members of Leonard’s Church of students, “Come here and give me loving” and Philadelphia of spiritual, physical and sexual “Let me pat you on the bo-bo,” the suit says. abuse. “I would describe him as barbaric,” said Earlier in my political career, I had the criticizing the court-ordered removal Source: St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 2-24-12 former minister of music Talitha Williams. Ay- “Jane Doe” is suing Rev. Kendall Graham opportunity to read the speech, and I of a school prayer banner in Cranston, anna Armstrong described Leonard as a cult and the United Methodist Church’s Texas almost threw up. You should read the R.I. leader. delegation for more than $25 million, alleging Members said Leonard has young adult male speech. Providence Journal, 3-23-12 the pastor molested her at age 14, eventually assistants called “armor bearers.” The men told GOP presidential candidate Rick San- impregnated her and made her get 2 abortions. of abuse and being forced to clean his house, Doe claims Graham, a Port Arthur pastor, torum, criticizing in 2011 Sen. John Well, actually the Genesis 8:22 that give him massages and feed him grapes. taped them having sex when she was a minor F. Kennedy’s 1960 speech calling for I use in there is that “As long as the His ex-wife, Ayanna Stinson, said she saw and told his congregation she was his grand- him grab an armor bearer’s genitals. Leonard state-church separation earth remains there will be springtime daughter and their daughter was his great- denies all allegations. Source: WCNC, 3-1-12 The American Prospect, 2-27-12 and harvest, cold and heat, winter and grandchild. They married in 2009 and divorced last year. Removed / Resigned summer, day and night.” My point is, Source: Courthouse News Service, 2-24-12 Thomas Adamson, 78, an ex-priest of the They’re going to take us down. They’re God’s still up there. The arrogance of A suit alleges a Kansas City Catholic priest Diocese of Winona, MN, has been barred from taking us down. They’re going to take people to think that we, human beings, molested 4 boys in an Independence, MO, fam- all Catholic parishes and schools. After Adam- us down. Say the Lord’s Prayer. Say the would be able to change what He is do- ily. John Tulipana, who left the ministry in the son, who was stripped of priestly duties in 1989, mid-1990s, and the Diocese of Kansas City- moved to Rochester earlier this year, the dio- Lord’s Prayer. ing in the climate is to me outrageous. St. Joseph are defendants. cese sent a letter and current photo of Adamson Words screamed by JetBlue Airways pi- Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla., interview The suit claims the abuse began in 1976 and to all Rochester schools and parishes. lot Clayton Osbon before passengers on the Voice of Christian Youth Amer- occurred on camping trips and at the family’s Allegations of Adamson’s sexual involve- subdued him outside the cockpit en ica radio network based in Milwaukee home. Allegations against Tulipana were part of ment with boys date from the early 1960s. He’s a $10 million settlement in 2008 with 47 plain- never been charged criminally but was named route from New York to Las Vegas “Crosstalk,” 3-7-12 tiffs. Source: Kansas City Star, 2-23-12 in 4 civil suits. Source: La Crosse Tribune, 3-16- Associated Press, 3-27-12 Edward Fitz-Henry, a priest in the Catho- 12 No. lic Diocese of Monterey, CA, is suing the dio- Zalman Bernstein, a Chabad rabbi serving I just said the world is going to hell Fr. Paul Mooradd, pastor of Our Lady cese for failure to defend him against claims of a small Jewish community in Cochin, India, and child molestation. The diocese paid $500,000 his wife were expelled to Israel after authorities in a handbasket because there are a of Mercy Maronite Catholic Church, to a man who claimed Fitz-Henry molested him alleged Bernstein failed to declare on his visa lot more things to worry about than Worcester, Mass., answering whether when he was a minor in 2005. application he would be conducting religious ac- whether there is a prayer on the wall someone who didn’t go to Mass could Fitz-Henry was suspended as a priest in tivities. Bernstein and his wife, Shendi, denied that’s been on the wall for 50 years that be a good person January 2011 when he was pastor at Mission that and also denied trying to convert anyone to San Juan Bautista. . Source: Haaretz, 3-13-12 you think needs to come down. Worcester Telegram, 2-19-12 Singer Meat Loaf (born Marvin Aday), Page 20 Freethought Today Madison, Wisconsin April 2012 Letterbox

New Life Members in for the separation of church and state and I want to keep our government sec- for the long haul ular, the way that the founding fathers Oh boy! You damned are re- of our country would have wanted it. ally going to stir up a hornet’s nest with Todd Peissig your New York Times ad! Cardinals will Wisconsin molt, bishops will blather and bleat, the pope will probably pop and Rick Three pieces had extra Santorum will, if there is an audience, vomit. You don’t understand that birth appeal in March issue control pills are not “natural,” like celi- The March issue was very appealing bacy, and therefore not acceptable to overall, but I particularly liked three the Holy Führer and his accomplices. items. One was Philip Appleman’s Seriously, it is a great ad. And, more “Snow on the Bosporous.” I would seriously, my check for Life Member- guess that, for some, Appleman’s poem ship is enclosed. would spell out both a history and a fu- your brains for thinking. It’s easy if ot and an idiot. So if you’re getting a R.G. Huber ture of hopelessness, but for me it was you try. Use thought and rationality to raft of emails clogging your mailbox, New Jersey a poignant recognition of the fact that solve our problems instead of talking blame it on the old blowhard himself. • • • hopelessness lies not in what has gone to imaginary friends (commonly called He may be the Rush Limbaugh of Recent events in America have on before but in our continuation of prayer). the Catholic Church. brought forth the full agenda and depending on force and superstition Richard Fletcher Greg Pabst unconcealed hatred of the Religious to guide human affairs. Texas California Right for all things human and hu- What struck me next was Barbara • • • mane. Their determination to fight G. Walker’s “Bible morality.” I took the FFRF’s New York Times Kudos to FFRF, for pissing off all the contraceptives, which would bring time to look up each of her references, right people, including that moron Bill abortion activity down to bare mini- and I must say she deserves a medal ad creates big stir Donohue. mums, stands as the most flagrant ex- for sifting through all the nonsense in [Quite a few people wrote to support Mitch Kahle ample, defying logic and compassion. those many pages. If any thoughtful FFRF’s full-page ad in the New York Times Honolulu This fight exposes a great hypocrisy. person could read through these vers- that asked those who already haven’t to • • • The religious façade of brotherly love es and still aver that the Christian god quit the failed enterprise called the Catho­ Bill Donahue, professional Catholic rips apart in their wolfish appetite for is at all intelligent, loving, incapable of lic Church. Unfortunately, we didn’t have whiner, said I should contact you about authority and money. The signature sin, him/her/itself, and worthy even room for all of the letters. See the Crank Mail the March 9 full-page New York Times of Catholic authority ­— unquestioned of listening to, let alone worship, that on Page 17 for less appreciative responses.] ad. control of all things sexual ­— needs to must be someone with well-developed Loved it! I quit the Catholic Church be dismissed as outdated and unwar- mental blinders. What a great Friday morning in a long time ago and now send my mon- ranted. The demands of Catholic bish- Finally, I was so taken with Dan Bark- America! I just saw “our” ad in the New ey to FFRF, AU, PFAW, SPLC and the ops concerning birth control particu- er’s “Ghost-buster bags Zombie Jesus.” York Times and want FFRF to know of ACLU. larly offend me; their objections and Most of what Dan talks about was fa- my pride in contributing to its publi- Kevin Larkin arguments are a complete and hostile miliar to me, and had given me cause cation and my joy that so many others South Carolina affront. They are the catalyst for send- to find the whole pre- and post-Easter have done so on a much higher level. • • • ing this letter and check. episodes totally without merit. Perhaps you will get an influx of new The “Frontal Assault on Catholi- I therefore enclose a check for But, Dan’s retelling of the story with members. Keep up the work. cism” author said I could contact you $1,000 for a Lifetime Membership to an oft-appearing ghost gave me a laugh Jerry Moulder at this address, so I’m doing so to write: aid FFRF in standing up for me and my and reinforced the incredibility of this Texas GREAT JOB! values. I strongly value your work and tale of human cruelty imposed on a su- • • • I’m a proud member of FFRF and the inroads you have made to keep all pernatural being. Dan is a kind person, I “quit” the Catholic Church when really chuckled at his reference to Americans free from religious arro- who would not want to offend anyone, I was in the Navy (February 1944 until FFRF as “bigots.” Thank you for the gance, inhumanity and unwarranted but a good story like this one is worth June 1946). The instrument of my de- work you do. invasion of our rights. the telling. parture was the bible. There was a seri- With much respect, Those who pray may do so in their Bill McCormick ous shortage of books on our ship, and Dan Shields own home or church. They may gov- Ohio as an inveterate bookworm, I read that Florida ern themselves under their own rules ridiculous book. It was a small ship, • • • as best they can. They may keep their I fought for all no chaplain. I never did reunite with I followed this link from the Catholic religion in their sacristy where it be- mother church after the war. League website. They urged me to con- longs. I do not welcome them to insert of the Constitution I learned that over the postwar tact you and tell you what I thought. themselves into my life or into the Con- Keep up the good work! As a Ma- years, the church and the school I at- Way to go, FFRF, I heartily approve! stitution under which they have their rine Corps Gulf War veteran, I have tended as a child “merged with” three Now to contact Bill Donahue. freedom. fought for the Constitution and all of other churches in Pittsburgh within a Brad North Robin its amendments. I read Freethought few miles of each other to form one Canada Colorado Today and cringe at the Crank Mail. church. This tells us just how many • • • • • • How can people who proclaim to fol- Catholics “walked away.” My husband and I (educated by I was born into a Hindu home, mar- low a religion (most of them Christian) Bill Walker Dominicans, Vincentians and Jesu- ried a truth-seeking Christian, and to- be so crass? Pennsylvania its) agree totally with your message. gether we’ve found our way into the I was raised Catholic and can nev- • • • I am writing a piece “Mary Marks the world of the mentally emancipated. My er remember a time when I believed I did it! I sent my letter of resigna- Spot” about the many Goddess shrines husband, Frank, is already a Lifetime anything about it. I leaned about the tion to the bishop of Lansing Diocese. around the world (particularly Eu- Member, and my payment for one is in world’s major and even some minor Thanks for the push, and keep up the rope) that have become “Marian” ca- the mail. religions in college. While there are great work. thedrals and churches. Thanks for the wonderful work you truths in all of them, none of them Tom McHale Some great books to fuel the fire: are doing. See you at the Reason Rally. speaks for me. I use reason and clear Michigan The Women’s Encyclopedia of Myths & Nero Gordon thinking. Your work is appreciated! • • • Secrets (Barbara G. Walker); When God Pennsylvania Dewayne Buratti You made us proud — again.The Was a Woman (Merlin Stone); The Great • • • Wisconsin full-page ad in today’s New York Times Cosmic Mother (Barbara Mor and Moni- I have been a member of FFRF for was a delight — perfectly worded and ca Sjoo); The Myth of the Goddess (Anne several years and have admired your Contenders/offenders, laid out, with trenchant wit and telling Barings and Jules Cashford). work from the beginning. I whole- points throughout. It almost made us Good luck with a great cause. heartedly support the work that FFRF hypocrites/pretenders wish we were Catholics, so we could Mary Ellen Murphy Cavanna does on behalf of the atheist/free- The Catholic hierarchy moans that leave the church and join FFRF. But Connecticut thinking community. Fighting the reli- to accept the birth control provision we’re happy to already be members • • • gious encroachment on our civil rights would make them appear hypocriti- and supporters and to be able to claim [An FFRF member’s letter to the Catholic is a battle that pulls at my heartstrings, cal. Do they have great moral credibil- friendship with you both. League]: particularly because as a gay man I can ity, given the thousands of molesting Freethinkers everywhere, especially Why does it offend you so much that see how religion interferes in my life priests worldwide over the years? De- women freethinkers, are much in your people who think differently exercise and limits my rights, especially the ba- spair not, for their god is forgiving, and debt. their freedom of speech? Not everyone sic right to marry the person that I love. all these sins have been forgiven. For as Ed and Diane Buckner believes in gods, so let FFRF point out For that reason (and many more) I you know, the lord works in mysterious Georgia the truths. I grew up in Mexico in a am becoming a Life Member today, be- ways. • • • Catholic family and lived firsthand the cause I want to contribute to the fight Come on, believers. imagine using Bill Donohue is, as you know, a big- poverty that the lack of contraception Page 21 Freethought Today Madison, Wisconsin April 2012

word for Crank Mail.) and there seems to be a lot of it, it Some make the argument that clergy and makes me feel bad. People say some other church folk don’t molest any more than really nasty, awful and sometimes scary, Jane and John Doe do. That’s not the point, things. While I can’t make up for those even if it were true. Remember, God is the ugly messages, I did want to send you source of all morality; hence, God’s practi- a pretty card and say “thank you” for tioners must be the most upright of all. Hy­ all you do. FFRF is making a positive pocrisy in any field is unappealing. difference in the world and in my life. • • • I love the daily Freethought of the I noticed the quote from Sinead Day emails. They are really well-written O’Connor in the last issue. Although and are the way I like to start my day at she stood up against the repressive the computer. Catholic Church, unfortunately she’s Do you remember when [the Brit- very religious. On “The Tavis Smiley ish philosopher] Julian Baggini came Show” on Feb. 28 ( to the U.S. and FFRF put out an email tavissmiley/interviews/singer-songwriter- so people could be interviewed about sinead-o’connor/), she went on and on their atheism? I responded and met about the Holy Spirit, Jesus, rescuing him at a small gathering, but had sub- God from the church and her respect sequently forgotten about it. Well, last of and identification with Rastafarians. week the article was published and Ju- approval from the Catholic Church thing about declining envy of your She talks about loving and respect- lian sent the interviewees a message creates in families of seven kids. neighbors’ possessions like wives, live- ing everyone, but she admires the very about it. I was also of the belief that I had to be stock and slaves Doesn’t that at least religion (the Rastas) that’s responsible The article was well-done and it was a virgin before marriage, which landed give tacit approval to slavery? Being for the murder of gays and lesbians nice to have had a small part in the me in a very bad, 20-year marriage with descended from Yankees, I always in Jamaica. I was so sorry to hear the process. Thanks for letting me know a man who would not have sex with thought that we were right in depriv- interview. I always thought she was a about the opportunity. me. The church needs to rethink old ing the Southerners of their slaves, but more enlightened person. Sam Weber thoughts about contraception, divorce I guess I was wrong. The bible says it Anthony Pasqua Texas and gay people. You all know that all was okay to have them. California gods are made up by men. Lester Foley Fetal personhood Laura Connell California Believers ‘can’t Texas • • • pushed in states I was pleased to see Barbara Walker’s have it both ways’ Voters in Mississippi and eight other ‘Left Behind’ video bible verse compilation. My favorite to A member’s letter on the Jesus shrine to states will consider ballot questions quote (not on Barbara’s list) when I the Flathead Beacon, Kalispell, Mont. with nationwide implications, namely, more than a game meet a Jesus freak or two Mormons on I am writing to comment about the that “personhood” exists at concep- I read about the “Left Behind 4: a mission is Psalm 137:8-9. It’s about Whitefish Jesus statue, sitting on land tion. World at War” video game [Jan/Feb Israelites happily bashing Babylonian owned by all Americans. I find it curi- At conception, a fertilized egg is 12] with some concern. “Can’t convert babies against rocks (my vernacular). ous that Christians, and in this case, microscopic; it has no body, no brain ’em? Then kill ’em!” While I’m sure I once showed the passage to a se- Catholics in particular, want to have and no sex, all of which develop later. the game’s maker will claim that “It’s curity guard at work. He muttered things both ways. It also has no soul (a soul of what?), only a game,” the mindset that it pro- something about “context.” Context, First they want to violate the First which is “infused” later, as taught by St. motes is unsettling. baloney. Amendment by keeping the Jesus Augustine, St. Jerome and St. Thomas Does promotion of such a product One could also remind Jesus freaks statue on federal land. Now, they are Aquinas, among the world’s greatest bump up against anti-terrorism, civil that there is no mention of hell in the claiming their rights are being violated theologians. This is also noted by Pope rights laws barring hate speech or rules Old Testament. Nice, friendly, perfect because President Obama’s administra- John Paul II in his papal encyclical against inciting riots or other civil dis- Jesus came up with that one. tion made a rule mandating coverage Evangelium Vitae. turbances, or is it protected as free John Oman for contraceptives for those offering in- They seek to enact a Sharia-type law speech? Michigan surance. Do you want the government forcing women to have children and Roger Werner • • • and religion to mix or not? You can’t raise them for 18 years against their Florida The list of Jehovah’s crimes omitted have it both ways. will, thus destroying America’s vital Editor’s note: Walmart’s lawyers must the most infamous: his rape of the Vir- Kelly Thibault freedom of choice. have vetted the game’s legality while missing gin Mary. It was probably statutory rape Montana John Tomasin the morality. They likely were good Christian as well, in light of her reputed age. New Jersey lawyers. Alan Hurlbut Countering ‘bible in Kansas Theocrat rains error Reader testifies to • • • every drawer’ outbreak March was another great issue, par- As a frequent traveler in the U.S. on Reign of Terror Meslier’s Testament ticularly the piece on comedian Keith and abroad, I tired of seeing the bi- Rick Santorum is warning those of Thank you very much for your re- Lowell Jensen. Regarding the Crank ble in every nightstand drawer. After us who oppose theocracy and religion cent mentioning of Jean Meslier in Mail, may you all be safe from these grumbling to myself and commiserat- in government (like Tom Jefferson and Freethought of the Day. I must admit venom spewers. Most of them use the ing with my husband, It occurred to friends) not to reject God from govern- I never heard of this atheist priest be- evangelical idiom, which tells me their me that I might type a little missive to ment because he says it will lead a re- fore. An almost complete translation preachers call them “the beloved com- place on top of “the Good Book.” On play of the French Revolution’s Reign of his Testament has been published munity” and praise “the fruits of the all future trips where a bible is found, I of Terror by religion-bashing Jacobins (translated by Michael Shreve, Pro- spirit.” shall place the following message: and French peasants, who executed metheus Books, 2009). Yet the violent hatred they display If you find more REASON to the king and the aristocrats. I am reading it right now and I am for their perceived enemies tells me support the FACTS of science This reveals a total lack of histori- delighted. He was a very clever fellow, that, in character molding, they have and nature than to BELIEVE in cal knowledge by this disguised priest, but a tragic figure, an underground received nothing from their religion. the STORIES of the BIBLE left in who also lectures us about the “evils” atheist! Many of his arguments are new In fact, they disprove it. this drawer, please contact FREE- of birth control while denying all past to me. Dave Pitts DOM FROM RELIGION FOUN- atrocities of his church. The reason Werner H. Baur Ohio DATION: the peasants revolted and took revenge Illinois • • • My message will include FFRF’s against the monarch is because they Editor’s note: Sign up to receive FFRF’s I’m horrified and amused simul- mailing and email addresses and had been denied all political rights, daily calendar of nonbelievers in your inbox taneously by the Crank Mail and the phone number. oppressed, starved, abused and were and start your day on a freethinking note: Black Collar Crime Blotter. However, Leslie Biggs, Lifetime Member forced to pay for the nobility’s opulent I would like to know whether you im- Florida lifestyle. It was even a criminal for them prove the literacy of the atheist letters Editor’s note: Great idea. FFRF also of­ to kill rabbits who ran across their little Readers liked Walker but not the Crank Mail so that we look fers printed warning labels with skull and plots of land for food, because it “inter- better and they look worse. crossbones and the message, “Warning: Lit­ fered” with the nobles’ hunting. column, March issue Also, can you can let us know how eral belief in this book may endanger your The Catholic Church justified this I enjoyed reading Barbara Walker’s crimes of the clergy compare statisti- health and life.” FFRF also sells “Gideon oppression with its dogma that it was “bible morality” in the March issue. It’s cally with those of the general popula- Exposed” bible warning labels. A dozen “God’s plan” and that kings had a di- interesting to get a sample of the arro- tion or of professions which deal with stickers are $3 at (“Stickers vine right to rule. gance in that revered document. children? We should be told if clerics and Bible Warning labels” category). Atheism did not cause people to Isn’t one missing? I have never read really are worse than the rest of us! rebel. Atheism was the response op- much of the bible. I started reading Thanks for all of your good work. Thanks for atheist pression by religion. It was the same Genesis, but after reading about Adam Barbara Griffiths kind of theocratic abuse that led to the and Eve, it was so nonsensical that I Connecticut interview opportunity creation of secular democracies and read no further. Editor’s note: Of course we do minor ed­ I enjoy the newspaper very much the U.S. Constitution. However, I have seen in the Ten its of reader letters, as does every responsible, and look forward to its arrival each Eric Stone Commandants, No. 10, that says some- credible publication. (Incredible is but one month. When I read the Crank Mail, New York April 2012 Madison, Wisconsin Freethought Today Page 22

State/Church Bulletin

Hawaii settles suit cism. And even if the message is one protecting the oceans, it is the Virgin with freethinkers who is starting the message,” wrote Mitch Kahle, FFRF member and John Saurenman, a senior assistant at- 2011 Freethinker of the Year recipient, torney general. has settled his lawsuit for $100,000 for being dragged out of the Hawaii Sen- ate gallery for protesting prayer by law- High court to decide makers. Indiana vouchers The state agreed to pay Kahle and Kevin Hughes, who videotaped the The Indiana Supreme Court will incident, to drop the suit. Both were hear a direct appeal of a Marion Coun- roughed up by Capitol security in April ty judge’s ruling that Indiana’s school 2010. voucher program is constitutional. “We’re pleased with the settlement, Judge Michael Keele ruled in Janu- primarily because it sends a message to ary the Choice Scholarship Program, FFRF debuts new campaign in Nashville government that peaceful protest can- which uses state tax dollars to pay tu- FFRF debuted a public relations campaign in Nashville, Tenn., featuring an eye- not be treated violently,” Kahle told ition at private, often religious, schools catching magenta billboard of a Tennessee student west of downtown Nashville Honolulu Civil Beat on March 13. is legal. on Interstate 40 about a mile east of I-440. The board is up through mid-April. The Legislature is moving two iden- About 4,000 Indiana students had FFRF member Grace Quiroz won her place on the billboard by submitting an tical bills to create an “offense of dis- their private school tuition paid for by entry to a “virtual billboard” online app at where nonbelievers make respect” of the House and Senate for tax dollars this school year. their own “billboard” hosted at FFRF’s website. “disorderly or contemptuous behav- “Grace’s statement, ‘This is what an atheist looks like,’ not only inspired ior,” including “making loud, boister- the Nashville billboard, but one of FFRF’s most popular T-shirts,” said Annie ous, or incessant shouts” and “refusing Biblical view of Laurie Gaylor, FFRF co-president. “Introducing the public to real atheists to be or to remain seated on orders Constitution blasted and agnostics is the best way to counter negative myths and stereotypes.” from the sheriff or sergeant-at-arms.” With membership help, FFRF will take its “This is what an atheist looks like Kahle, head of Hawaii Citizens for The Baltimore Sun reported Feb. campaign” around the nation. the Separation of State and Church, 23 that Carroll County commissioners calls SB 3026 the “Stop Mitch Kahle asked employees to attend a seminar Bill.” on the Maryland Constitution led by right legal standard — Tinker v. Des if they want to pray before receiving conservative pastor David Whitney, a Moines Independent Community School food. That led the agency that distrib- lecturer for the Institute on the Consti- District — in his 2011 ruling instead of utes federal food items to take back SCOTUS denies tution. He bases lectures on the bibli- the forum standard in Morse v. Freder­ several pallets of food. cert for bible as text cal view of American law and govern- ick. The latter allowed punishment of The national Emergency Food Assis- ment. an Alaska student who held up a sign tance Program states that no religious The U.S. Supreme Court declined Neil Ridgely, a former county de- saying “Bong Hits 4 Jesus” at a school service or teachings can be required to on March 26 to review the Idaho Pub- partment head, questioned the need function. receive service. But on March 26, the lic Charter School Commission’s 2009 for an $800 course “with a religious Tinker v. Des Moines said schools can Indianapolis Star said all parties were ban on religious texts. twist.” only control students’ speech that ma- mulling a proposal to have volunteers The 9th Circuit U.S. Court of Ap- “This is an outrageous misuse of terially disrupts classwork, creates sub- wait until recipients get food before peals held that because Nampa Clas- public funds and an insult to the intel- stantial disorder or invades the rights asking them about praying. sical Academy was a publicly funded ligence of county employees,” he said. of others. “It really wasn’t a case of anyone ob- charter school, it would could not use “The commissioners could have used jecting to them praying,” said Cindy the bible as a textbook in a secular his- the county attorney to give it for free.” Hubert, president of Gleaners Food tory class. The Alliance Defense Fund, 6th Circuit rejects Bank of Indiana. “It is just that it can a Christian legal group, denounced bible-study appeal never be a requirement to get food. It the decision. Florida students set can’t even be perceived that way.” to get ‘inspirational’ The 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Ap- peals in Nashville ruled March 20 that Judge rules against Florida Gov. Rick Scott signed a bill a Tennessee fourth-grader’s rights Shades of Scopes for Okla. school vouchers March 23 that lets schools set policies weren’t violated by the school princi- Tennessee schools allowing students to deliver “inspira- pal who stopped Luke Whitson from Tulsa County District Judge Rebecca tional messages” at school events. holding bible study at recess in 2005. Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam said Nightingale struck down an Oklahoma David Barkey, Anti-Defamation Principal Cathy Summa stated she April 2 he will “probably” sign a bill de- law March 28 requiring public school League religious freedom counsel, felt that “an organized activity of this rided by critics as the “monkey bill” for districts to fund private-school scholar- criticized the law. “Our public schools type . . . that is stationary or physically attacking evolution. ships for students with special-needs are for all children regardless of their static in nature defeats the real pur- The bill, sponsored by Rep. Bill on grounds it violates the Oklahoma religion, but this law could require chil- pose of recess. The purpose is to give Dunn, R-Knoxville, and Sen. Bo Wat- Constitution. dren as young as 5 to observe prayers students an opportunity to have some son, R-Hixon, requires all administra- Thirty-eight of the 40 schools eligi- to Allah, Buddha, Jesus or other faiths physical activity during the school day.” tors and educators to work to teach ble for funding from the scholarships contrary to their religious upbringing A jury in 2009 ruled in favor of the “scientific subjects” such as “biological are specifically Christian, attorneys at mandatory student assemblies.” school district. The parents appealed. evolution, the chemical origins of life, from both sides agreed. During debate, the Orlando Senti- The 6th Circuit agreed that errors global warming and human cloning” nel reported, Rep. Charles Van Zant, were made but ruled the errors were as “scientific controversies.” Virgin on surfboard R-Keystone Heights, said, “Before we harmless. Both houses also passed a bill that removed inspirational messages, the Prayer compromise at authorizes replicas of certain “histori- barred from beach No. 1 problem was talking out of turn.” cally significant” documents, such as Rep. Jeff Clemons, D-Wellington, food bank? the Magna Carta, Declaration of Inde- The California Attorney General’s read from the “Aryan Satanic Manifes- pendence and Ten Commandments, Office issued an opinion March 7 that to” and asked Van Zant if that would be Community Provisions of Jackson to be placed in local government the Encinitas City Council could not considered “inspirational.” County in Seymour, Ind., came under buildings. enter a long-term agreement with the Van Zant replied, “That would be fire in mid-March for asking clients creator of “Surfing Madonna” to put the students’ prerogative because of the mosaic at the entrance of Moon- our constitutional freedom of speech.” light State Beach due to the constitu- tional “no preference” clause. The council had decided last May School religious fliers Theocracy Quotes that it was “guerrilla art” that constitut- OK’d by judge ed graffiti and could be seen as endors- ing religion. Artist Mark Patterson’s U.S. District Judge A. Richard Ca- We need Christ in the economy, Christ I’m a Christian. My master is Jesus work depicts the Virgin of Guadalupe puto upheld his initial decision that let in the politics, Christ in the culture. Christ, so I obey him. on a surfboard. an 11-year-old hand out religious fliers Pastor Dan Cummins, Bridlewood State Rep. Thaddeus Kirkland, D-Dela- “Because the image of the Virgin of at her Pennsylvania school. The fliers Church, Bullard, Texas, supporting a ware, objecting to an atheist billboard Guadalupe is central to the mosaic, an invited classmates to a Christmas party new group called God and Country to showing a shackled slave above a bib- objective observer would conclude that at her church, the Legal Intelligencer fight state/church separation lical passage that says, “Slaves, obey Parks wished to convey a message re- reported March 12. KYTX Tyler, 2-19-12 your masters.” lated to that potent symbol of Catholi- Caputo reiterated he applied the Associated Press, 3-7-12 Page 23 Freethought Today Madison, Wisconsin April 2012

Lifetime Member Todd Peissig (left) and Eric Lawrence, his partner of 13 Attendees pose with FFRF’s Reason Rally placards the night before the big years, enjoy FFRF’s pre-Reason Rally dinner party. event.

FFRF Co-President Annie Laurie Gaylor with Winsie, a young student from who attended FFRF’s post-rally dinner party.

FFRF Reason Rally Photos by Andrew Seidel

Photo at right: Victorious student litigant Jessica Ahlquist addresses the Reason Rally crowd March 23 in Washington, D.C. April 2012 Madison, Wisconsin Freethought Today Page 24 Reason Rally Superstars

Former minister-turned-FFRF Co-President Dan Barker “performs” a tongue- Richard Dawkins at the Reason Rally. atheist celebrity will in-cheek debaptism at FFRF’s busy booth. (Photos by Andrew Seidel) speak at FFRF’s 35th annual national convention Oct. 12-13 in Portland, Ore. Freethought Today back issues for sale

FFRF is pleased to announce back is- debuted in 1983 and launched fully in 1991, 1993, 1994, 1999, 2000, 2002, per year plus $6 postage. Random is- sues of Freethought Today are available 1984. FFRF has 18 complete year sets 2003, 2006 and 2008. sues are $3 each, including postage. If for purchase. Now you can browse your and many other single issues. Back is- Random issues are available for the you order 10 random issues going to favorite freethought columns from the sues can be purchased at years 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, the same address, FFRF can offer a dis- comfort of your easy chair. Many of the back-issues/. 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1996, count of $2 each ($20/$6 postage). earlier issues are not available online, There are a very limited number 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, To reserve your copies, visit and no issues are fully online. (only 1 set of each) of complete issues 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009, shop/back-issues/ for details or phone Freethought Today archives are (full-year, 10 issues) available for the 2010 and 2011. 608/256-8900. dated as early as 1985. The newspaper years 1984, 1985, 1986, 1989, 1990, Full years may be purchased for $20 FFRF 2012 convention ‘early bird’ registration opens

Reserve the weekend of Oct. 12-13, Return to: FFRF, Attn: Convention, P.O. Box 750, Madison, WI 53701 2012, for FFRF’s 35th annual national convention at the downtown Hilton Portland & Executive Tower, 921 SW Freedom From Religion Foundation’s Sixth Avenue, Portland, Ore. The Hil- ton is the largest certified green hotel in Portland. 35th Annual Convention Confirmed speakers include Rich- ard Dawkins, the celebrated scientist, October 12–13, 2012 best-selling author and atheist, and mystery author Sara Paretsky, creator of V.I. Warshawski. Hilton Portland & Executive Tower Hotel rooms are $149 single to qua- Portland, Oregon druple plus taxes and fees. Call the Hilton Portland at 1-503-226-1611 or Make checks payable to “FFRF” use the personalized reservation link: No. registering PDXPHHH-FRF-20121010/index.jhtml Optional meals include the Satur- _____ FFRF Member registration(s) @ $60 per person ...... $_____ day NonPrayer Breakfast, $25: Country _____ Non-member spouse or companion accompanying member @ $65...... $_____ scrambled eggs, broiled roma tomato, _____ Non-member registration(s) @ $110 ...... $_____ crispy bacon, potato pancake, orange (or join for $40, save $10!) juice, apple pastry, cranberry muffins, pumpkin scones, fresh fruit garnish, _____ Student registration(s) @ $25 (Ask about student group rate) ...... $_____ freshly brewed coffee and teas, with _____ Saturday Non-Prayer Breakfast @ $25* per person ...... $_____ vegetarian substitute for bacon. Vegetarian option ___ no. of vegetarian Vegan option ___ no. of vegan Dinner is fresh salad, roasted local _____ Saturday Night Dinner @ $55* per person ...... $_____ organic chicken or vegetarian strudel Vegetarian option ___ no. of vegetarian Vegan option ___ no. of vegan followed by pear tartlet (the pear is Or- Gluten-free meals required on above selections egon’s state fruit), $55. Meals include a 22% service charge. Vegan and gluten- * Meal prices include 22% gratuity and 6% sales tax free options available. _____ Columbia River Gorge Waterfall Tour @ $45 (includes bus ticket)...... $_____ FFRF registration is $60 per mem- ber, $65 for nonmember accompany- Total: ______ing member, and $110 per nonmem- ber (join for $40 and save $10). Sign up for a preconvention tour of Name(s) Please include names of all registrants for nametags the gorgeous Columbia River Gorge, including Multnomah Falls, from 1–5 p.m. Friday, Oct. 12, for a group rate of Address $45. Buses will leave from the hotel at 1 p.m. (Official events begin at 7 p.m. with dinner on your own.) City/State/Zip Please include phone/e-mail (in case we have a question about your registration) Watch for updates and more details at