Complimentary Copy Join FFRF Now! Vol. 29 No. 3 Published by the Freedom From Religion Foundation, Inc. April 2012 FFRF sues over ‘Year of the Bible’ The Freedom From Religion Foun- dation filed a federal lawsuit March 26 challenging the Pennsylvania House declaration of 2012 as “The Year of the Bible.” The House resolution exhorts Above, FFRF launched its new “This citizens everywhere and government is what an atheist looks like” campaign officials to “study and apply the teach- in Nashville, Tenn. in late March. ings of the Holy Scriptures.” Grace Quiroz (above) suggested the FFRF is suing on behalf of its 599 slogan. Read more, Page 22. Pennsylvania members, including 41 named state members, as well as its Holding FFRF’s placards are FFRF chapter, Nittany Freethought. The suit staffer Katie Daniel (right), joined was filed in U.S. District Court for the by a supporter at FFRF’s pre-Reason Middle District of Pennsylvania. Defen- Rally dinner party March 23 in dants are state Rep. Rick Saccone, au- Washington. For more photos by thor of the resolution, Parliamentarian Andrew Seidel, see the center spread, Clancy Myer and Chief Clerk Anthony Page 23 and the back page. Frank Barbush. “FFRF’s membership includes indi- Pennsylvania Legislature,” notes the viduals residing in Pennsylvania who legal complaint. Members include “in- have had direct and unwanted expo- dividuals [who] oppose governmental sure to the Year of the Bible Resolu- speech endorsing religion because tion and the hostile environment cre- they are made to feel as if they are po- ated thereby as a result of the official Continued on page 9 declaration of a state religion by the Tennessee student honored by FFRF Inside This Issue Student blows whistle on school religion FFRF’s Historic An atheist student whistleblower allegations about school-sanctioned Christian. And by Christian, I mean a National TV whose column was censored in the prayer during the current school year, “die-hard, go to every church event and Campaign high school paper she edits in Lenoir including at swim meets and football mission trip and witness to everyone” City, Tenn., has received an FFRF activ- games, where the public address sys- Christian. But due to several bad expe- Page 5 ism award for bringing to light several tem is used. [See “FFRF victories” on riences with churches and Christians, I unconstitutional endorsements of reli- Page 8 for the successful resolution of just decided that I’d had enough. gion at the school. the complaint.] Continued on page 3 FFRF’s Krystal Myers’ article, “No Rights: Religious proselytizing by teachers New York The Life of an Atheist,” [see Page 3] is also alleged by Myers and another also detailed negative treatment which student. (See Page 3) Times Ad Myers says atheists are subjected to. Local complainants have also told The column never ran in the Panther FFRF that the Lenoir City School Page 6 Press but was printed in full in the Board opens meetings with prayer that Knoxville News Sentinel. includes invoking “Our Heavenly Fa- Myers, 18, received an FFRF Cath- ther” and ending with “In Jesus’ name Reason Rally erine Fahringer Memorial Youth Ac- we pray.” Coverage tivist Award of $1,000 for her outspo- FFRF expressed concern to school kenness. She’s an honors student and officials about harassment and threats captain of the swim team as well as edi- against Myers. Pages 12–13 tor of the paper. Markert concluded that “It appears FFRF, which last year protested that Lenoir City Schools has counte- prayers in an algebra class and a nativ- nanced and turned a blind eye to well- ity scene at Lenoir City Schools, laid known violations and has chosen to out new concerns in Senior Staff Attor- only address the issues brought to its ney Rebecca Markert’s March 5 letter attention rather than remedying the FFRF of complaint. entirety of the problem. It is very clear Convention “Given that the school has allowed that a religious atmosphere has been Registration religious opinions and numerous directed and cultivated in the school Opens other articles to be published in the district. The allegations set forth here- Dawkins to school newspaper in the past, restric- in are egregious violations of the Estab- Appear tion of Ms. Myers’ article is impermis- lishment Clause.” sible viewpoint discrimination,” said Krystal Myers received an Youth Back Page Markert. Krystal writes: The letter also noted disturbing Ironically enough, I used to be a Activist Award of $1,000 from FFRF. Page 2 Freethought Today Madison, Wisconsin April 2012 Meet an Intern Name: Ken Earl. that, I never really had anything to do Where and when I was born: On Hal- with religion again, with absolutely no loween morning in 1986 in Dixon, Ill. complaint from my parents. (interesting fact: the boyhood home of How I came to work as an FFRF le- Ronald Reagan) but grew up about 40 gal intern: I had been an admirer of miles away in Prophetstown (more en- FFRF’s work for quite some time, and joyable fact: the hometown of Wiscon- had been a member for a while as well, sin football coach Bret Bielema). when I saw a job posting for a part-time Family: My admirable father, Doug law clerk at the start of the 2011 fall se- Earl, still lives in Prophetstown and is a mester. My schedule was already pretty very happily retired high school math packed, but I thought it would be a teacher. My unbelievable mother, Mag- wonderful opportunity to get some gie, unfortunately passed away in 2009. legal experience doing work I actually My twin brother, Alex, will be graduat- believed in, so I couldn’t resist apply- ing in May from the University of Iowa ing. College of Law. My sister, Jen, and her What I do here: Incense and rabble- fiancé, Kenny, also live in Iowa City. rouse. But honestly, I work with our ex- We are all very close and try to get cellent staff attorneys to research and together at least once a month for investigate complaints that we receive some live music and games. Here in from both members and nonmembers, Madison, I live with my lovely girlfriend and then I will draft a letter of com- of eight years, Katrina, along with our plaint to offenders informing them of Boston terrier, Bentley, and our two their usually glaringly obvious constitu- cats, Margot and Lucy. tional violations and ask that they rec- Education: Despite an inspiring tify the matter. mathematics education from my dad What I like best about it: The peo- at Prophetstown High School, I ma- ple at FFRF are some of the most kind- jored in English (with a concentration hearted and enjoyable human beings Ken Earl is no slouch at the keyboard, where the right word rarely escapes him. in publishing studies) at Illinois State I have ever met. The office is very re- University. Currently, I am in my sec- laxed, and being able to work with possibly be wrong. Spontaneous, intelligent, bald. ond year at the University of Wisconsin such passionate and intelligent people My legal interests are: I really don’t Things I like: Craft beer, baseball Law School. as Dan and Annie Laurie makes every have a particular legal niche worked (go White Sox!), movies, bluegrass, My religious upbringing was: I was day interesting. out for myself yet. I’d love to be able procrastination, animals, escapist lit- raised (in the loosest sense of the Something funny that’s happened: to work with civil rights and civil liberty erature, friendly people, the Grateful word) Lutheran by my mom and went While not outright humorous, I can’t law, but I’d be equally happy doing Dead. through the motions up until my con- help but laugh whenever we get a re- transactional (particularly real estate) Things I smite: Close-minded peo- firmation around eighth grade. The sponse from a person who can’t seem or litigation work as well. ple, snakes, irrational individuals, only thing that really sticks out in my to understand how something like in- My legal heroes are: Anyone who Auto-Tuned music (think of Cher’s mind from my religious upbringing cluding prayer before a high school works long hours for little pay to help “Believe”), restrictions on labor orga- was being chastised in Sunday school football game or displaying a nativity out the less fortunate. nization. for asking too many questions. After scene on government property could These three words sum me up: Meet a Volunteer Name: Ryan Hettinger. What I like best about it: Being “be- Where and when I was born: Mil- hind the scenes” at Freethought Hall. waukee, Dec. 10, 1989. It never ceases to amaze me how many Family: I’m the oldest of five kids. flagrantly unconstitutional violations I have two younger brothers. One is happen daily. graduating from high school this year My day job is/was/will eventually and wants to become a firefighter. I be: A career in RFID (radio frequency also have twin sisters. The youngest has identification) engineering would be a career goal of pediatric oncology. fascinating and rewarding. The tech- Why I volunteer for FFRF: I am nology has come a long way, and there against forcing beliefs on anyone. Poli- are so many uses for it on the horizon. ticians should keep their religious be- Education: I am in my senior year at liefs, or lack thereof, private. FFRF is Herzing University, pursuing a double fighting an uphill battle to ensure gov- major in computer science and clec- ernment stays neutral toward religion.
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