A Modernciné Production

A Mc K ee/Sivertson Film

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All Cheerleaders Die pg. 1 of 26





CAITLIN STASEY as Mäddy Killian


BROOKE BUTLER as Tracy Bingham

introducing TOM WILLIAMSON as Terry Stankus




FELISHA COOPER as Alexis Alexander

and MICHAEL BOWEN as Larry

W ritten and Directed by LUCKY MCKEE /




Executive Producer ARRIEN SCHILTKAMP

Co-Executive Producer RUSSEL DINSTEIN LOREN SEMMENS pg. 2 of 26

Associate Producer GIUSEPPE CATALDO

Casting by LINDSAY CHAG C.S.A.

Director of Photography GREG EPHRAIM

Production Design by KRISTA GALL


Special Make-Up Effects Produced by ROBERT KURTZMAN


Visual Effects by ROGER NALL


Costume Design by ONEITA PARKER

Sound Design by ANDREW SMETEK

Unit Production Manager JONATHAN WAGNER

First Assistant Director CASSANDRA LAYMON

Second Assistant Director MATTHEW BAKER

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When tragedy rocks Blackfoot High, rebellious outsider Mäddy Killian shocks the student body by joining the cheerleading squad. This decision drives a rift between Mäddy and her ex- girlfriend Leena Miller - a loner who claims to practice the dark arts. After a confrontation with the football team, Mäddy and her new cheerleader friends are sent on a supernatural roller coaster ride which leaves a path of destruction none of them may be able to escape.

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ALL CHEERLEADERS DIE is a rip-roaring rocket ride of a film. In this re-imagining of our first low-budget feature film, we chose to dive deeper into character and expand the scale and detail of the high school world depicted. ALL CHEERLEADERS DIE is a cross pollination of teen horror, sex comedies, action, non-ironic romance and straight up fantasy. We feel this PL[WXUHRIWRQHVDQGHPRWLRQVHQFDSVXODWHVZKDWLW¶V like to be a teenager in the modern world what with the barrage of media, information, and an overload of instant communication. The ILOPLVGHVLJQHGWRNHHS\RXUDVVLQWKHVHDWDQGPXQFKLQJWKDWSRSFRUQ,W¶VGHVLJQHGWRPDNH you laugh, cringe, scream, and cry. Sometimes all at once. Our desire is to leave the audience wanting more, more, more. And, let us tell you brothers and sisters, this is just the start.

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Before there was The Woman, and before The Lost, directors Lucky McKee and Chris Sivertson made a backyard high school zombie movie in 2001 called All Cheerleaders Die, a post-USC film school project that was shot on video and never received a wide, national release. Now, more than 10 years later, the duo is set to reimagine the story through their more-experienced eyes and turn it into a relentlessly thrilling and highly ambitious production. Produced by Andrew van den Houten and Robert Tonino for Modernciné, this is Chris SiYHUWVRQ¶VILUVW SURMHFWZLWKWKHFRPSDQ\DQG/XFN\0F.HH¶VVHFRQGILOPZLWKWKHWHDPWKHILUVWEHLQJODVW \HDU¶VWKULOOHU The Woman. This reimagining will have a similar plot to the original Cheerleaders film but, as you will soon read, the stakes have been raised along with the production budget.

When tragedy rocks Blackfoot High, rebellious outsider Mäddy Killian (played by Australian Caitlin Stasey) shocks the student body by joining the cheerleading squad. This decision drives a rift between Mäddy and her ex-girlfriend Leena Miller (fellow Aussie Sianoa Smit-McPhee) - a loner who claims to practice the dark arts. After a confrontation with the football team, Mäddy and her new cheerleader friends are sent on a supernatural roller coaster ride which leaves a path of destruction none of them may be able to escape.

Shot from a completely new script that was written in 2012, ALL CHEERLEADERS DIE features stunning turns from a sizzling young ensemble that includes Caitlin Stasey (&:¶V Reign, Tomorrow When the War Began) as the offbeat heroine Mäddy Killian, Sianoa Smit- 0F3KHH +%2¶VHung DV/HHQD0LOOHU0lGG\¶VFKLOGKRRGIULHQGZKRLVQRZDVRUFHUHVVDQG the cheerleaders Brooke Butler as Tracy Bingham, Amanda Grace Cooper as Hanna Popkin, Reanin Johannink as Martha Popkin and Felisha Cooper as Alexis Andersen. Rounded out by a supporting cast that includes newcomer Tom Williamson as Terry Stankus, the alpha-male on the football squad, Chris Petrovski as his friend George Shank, Leigh Parker as Manchester "Manny" Mankiewitz, Jordan Wilson as Vik De Palma and Nicholas S. Morrison as Ben, ALL

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CHEERLEADERS DIE delivers a scary supernatural thrill ride that also offers some dark and twisted laughs along the way.


On the most basic level, ALL CHEERLEADERS DIE is about resurrection and getting a second chance, which is fitting as this new film is not the first version of this story that was shot. Originally, a little-seen video version of the story was crafted and shot by McKee and Sivertson back in 2001 about a year after they had just graduated from USC film school. The original genesis of the project came when the pair, who had met as freshmen when they both lived on the ³&LQHPD)ORRU´LQWKH86&GRUPLWRU\ZDVZDONLQJGRZQ+ROO\ZRRG%lvd. one afternoon having just picked up some movie magazines. One of the magazines was called Alternative Cinema and inside it detailed a number of low budget movies that people were starting to make with Mini-DV cameras. At that point Chris suggested to /XFN\µ+H\ZK\GRQ WZHPDNHRQH of these?" A year later they had their first finished feature ± All Cheerleaders Die. The film, however, never had a wide release and the pair went off in separate directions to begin their respected solo filmmaking careers.

Since completing the original Cheerleaders with Sivertson, Lucky McKee continued on to direct May (2002), The Woods (2007), and The Woman (2011). He has written two novels with , The Woman, and ,¶P1RW6DP -- the latter of which was nominated for a Bram Stoker Award and a Shirley Jackson Award for best long fiction.

After joining forces with McKee for the original Cheerleaders6LYHUWVRQ¶VVRORGLUHFWRULDOGHEXW ZDVWKHDGDSWDWLRQRI-DFN.HWFKXP¶VSRZHUIXOQRYHOThe Lost (2006). The Lost was the first film to be made based on a book by this renowned American author. Sivertson also directed (2007) for Tri Star Pictures and the independent fight drama Brawler (2011).

The update for CHEERLEADERS was facilitated courtesy of producer Andrew van den Houten and his company Modernciné, which had been responsible for producing numerous titles in the independent world since 2002. The company had just worked with Lucky McKee in 2010 on All Cheerleaders Die pg. 7 of 26

The Woman, and van den Houten was interested in finding another project to do with the director. That was when McKee brought up the idea of resurrecting his old project with his college friend Sivertson.

Van den Houten notes that he was immediately intrigued to hear the idea for this new film: ³,W was an interesting opportunity in that Lucky and I had worked on The Woman together and had VXFKDJUHDWH[SHULHQFHVR,EDVLFDOO\VDLGµOHWPHNQRZZKDW\RXZDQWWRGRQH[WDQGOHW V PDNHLWKDSSHQ¶DQGKHWROGPHWKDWKHKDGWKLVUHPDNHWKDWKHZanted to do of a film he had GRQHULJKWRXWRI86&ZLWKKLVEXGG\&KULV6LYHUWVRQ$QG,VDLGµVXUHOHW VGRLW:KDWLVLW"¶ $QG/XFN\UHSOLHGµLW VDFKHHUOHDGLQJ]RPELHILOP¶´

Van den Houten had never worked with Sivertson previously, but was impressed by his work on films such as The Lost and had been looking for a project to do with him for years. Having this pair teaming up to write, direct and shoot a high-octane cheerleading zombie film seemed like a SHUIHFWRSSRUWXQLW\WKDWFRXOGQ¶WEHSDVVHG up. Furthermore, though the project had a lot of crossbred elements from a number of different genres ± horror, supernatural, action, coming-of- age ± what made the project even more attractive was that McKee and Sivertson wanted to infuse some humor into the screenplay.

Van den Houten knew there was going to be something interesting and fun about this script and WKDWDFHUWDLQµEUDQG¶RIKXPRUZRXOGILQGVLWVZD\LQWRWKHVWRU\OLQHZKLFKKHDSSUHFLDWHG

³,IHHODORWRIWKHILOPV,GRGRQ WKDYHDVPXch humor as I would like, and so it's nice to be doing something like that. There's a Coen Brother-esque quality to the humor in this film, I have WRVD\EXWLW VDFURVVWKHERDUG7KHKXPRULVQ WQHFHVVDULO\GDUNLW VDPL[WXUH´KHVWDWHV

For years McKee and Sivertson had discussed making a sequel to the original film, but with so much time passing since its completion, it seemed a better idea to re-envision the original idea with all they had learned throughout their professional careers up to that point. Neither had co- directed another project with anyone else throughout the years, but they felt confident in working WRJHWKHUDJDLQVLQFHFROODERUDWLRQLVHVVHQWLDOO\WKH³HSLFHQWHURIILOPPDNLQJ´DVWKH\KDYH stated.

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Van den Houten insists that he wanted to give McKee and Sivertson as much creative freedom as SRVVLEOHZKLOHWKH\ZHUHKDPPHULQJRXWWKHVFUHHQSOD\³:HUHDOO\DOORZRXUGLUHFWRUVWRGLUHFW the movies that they want to direct; we allow our writers to write what they want to write and we don't sit there and tell them - ,W VIXQQ\RULW¶VQRWIXQQ\6XUHZHJLYHQRWHVEXWJHQHUDOO\, OLNHWRIRFXVRQILQGLQJDZULWHURUGLUHFWRUWKDWKDVDFOHDUYLVLRQIURPWKHEHJLQQLQJ´

For the actual scripting process, McKee and Sivertson would talk out some general ideas and then one of them would go off and write some pages. Eventually they would trade off, rewriting each other and coming up with more pages until they reached the final draft some time in 2012. For the final drafts the pair would sit in a room switching off on the keyboard, refining it until they were both satisfied with the results. Ultimately, they had a very particular tone and theme WKDWWKH\ZDQWHGWRLPSULQWRQWKHVWRU\ZKLFKWKH\IHHOWKH\DFKLHYHG³2XUDWWHPSWLVWRPake a film that is relevant to teenagers. What we didn't want to do is make any overbearing homages to the films we liked when we were teenagers. This is not a retro piece. We tried very hard to PDNHLWPRGHUQDQGLQWKHPRPHQW´WKH\VWDWHG

They knew it was not going to be easy to balance the humor with the more serious elements in the storyline, but they eventually made a decision to just take it all very seriously.

0F.HHDQG6LYHUWVRQFRQFOXGHGWKDW³WKHHPRWLRQDOOLIHRIDWHHQDJHULVYHU\FKDRWLFand very intense. It's not something to make light of. Their world is just as serious and heart-breaking and VFDU\DVDQ\RQHHOVH V:HMXVWWULHGWRNHHSLWKRQHVW´


Once the script had been polished and funding had been secured through Modernciné to begin production, the casting process began in earnest. When asked if they had any particular actors in mind when drafting the story, both McKee and Sivertson insist they did not, but had a tone and feel in mind rather than anything specific:

³:HZDnted a fresh young cast, so we found a fantastic casting director in Lindsay Chag. She VHWXSWKHDXGLWLRQVDQGZHMXVWNHSWORRNLQJDWSHRSOHXQWLOZHIRXQGWKHEHVWILWV´VDLGWKHSDLU

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The casting was done specifically out of , as opposed to New York where the producers were based and had done the majority of their casting on past projects. Adds van den +RXWHQ³7KDWZDVDJUHDWVXUSULVHLQWKDWWKHWDOHQW VWKHUH LQ/RV$QJHOHV DQGWKHORRNVDUH there and there's something authentic that's there. It's not going to be another sitcom. The dialogue is snappy, it's edgy and it's real. It's like stuff that my friends would have said when I was in high school. And so, again, casting this project was a gift. And Lindsay Chag worked endlessly to make sure every single kid who might be available would actually arrive and DXGLWLRQIRUWKHVHJX\V´

7KHWHDP¶VILUVWFRQFHUQZKLOHSXWWLQJWRJHWKHUWKHHQVHPEOHFDVWZDVILQGLQJWKHDFWRUVWRSOD\ former childhood friends Mäddy and Leena who now find themselves in the middle of an XQFRQWUROODEOHVXSHUQDWXUDORFFXUUHQFH:KDWWKH\DOVRGLGQ¶WUHDOL]HWKDWHYHQWKRXJKWKH\ were telling a very American story set in a typical American high school, a large number of the cast would actually come from Down Under ± Australia and New Zealand.


Originally from Australia, Caitlin Stasey made a name for herself starring in the popular Australian series, Neighbours. She was then cast as the lead heroine in the independent film, Tomorrow When the War Began, directed by Stuart Beattie. The film was critically acclaimed in Australia and Stasey won an IF Award (a prestigious film award in Australia) for her performance. In 2011, Caitlin starred in the independent film, Evidence, opposite Radha Mitchell and Stephen Moyer, and in 2012 she starred opposite Aaron Eckhart and Bill Nighy in I, Frankenstein. The film reunited Caitlin with her Tomorrow When the War Began director, Stuart Beattie.

Stasey was brought in by Chag to read for a cheerleader UROHKRZHYHULWZDVQ¶WIRUWKHOHDGUROH of Mäddy Killian, the teenager with a secret mission who sets off the key chain of supernatural events in the film. She initially came in to read for the part of Tracy Bingham, who, after a tragic accident has taken over as head cheerleader on the Blackfoot High School squad. ³+DOIZD\WKURXJKP\7UDF\DXGLWLRQ,DFWXDOO\IRUJRWP\OLQHVDQGVRUWRIVWXPEOHGDQG,

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Stasey finished the script and came away with the impression that this was clearly not your typical teenage . It had an intricate plot, as well as deeply developed characters with a sense of realistic humor. She felt it was almost an homage to the types of films she loved when she was younger such as The Craft or Jawbreaker, with strong female protagonists and female relationships played out on screen that are not clichéd, but complex and interesting. That and the supernatural element combined with an epic battle of the sexes where no real male protagonist comes in and saves the day.

Stasey had a focused idea of who her character was anGZKDWVKHZDQWHG6KHVWDWHV³0lGG\ Killian is a budding videographer, your regular high school student. She's kind of lonesome. She has a very close and ambiguous relationship with her friend Leena. Aside from that, I think that she's very isolated and kind of cynical and probably can't wait to leave high school behind and start a new life elsewhere. And then she gets embroiled in this crazy situation that pits cheerleaders against football players, at her own doing. So she's kind of underhanded for the ULJKWUHDVRQV´

Stasey also commented on the abundance of Australians and New Zealanders in the production, as she was one of three female leads from Down Under. The relationship between all of them ZDVVRPHWKLQJWKDWVKHZRXOGFKHULVK³,W VUHDOO\JUeat to be working with Australian and New Zealand actors because there's kind of a dialogue between us that doesn't really translate to anybody else in any other continent. We have a short hand. And Australians have this kind of sense about them. They're rHDOO\KDUGZRUNLQJEXWWKH\GRQ WWDNHWKHPVHOYHVWRRVHULRXVO\´

Tapped to play the part of her former best friend Leena Miller was fellow Australian Sianoa Smit-McPhee. Previously, she starred in the ABC television film, Firelight, for director Darnell Martin, opposite Cuba Gooding, Jr, Q'orianka Kilcher, and DeWanda Wise. She is also well NQRZQIRUKDYLQJVWDUUHGLQ$OH[DQGHU3D\QH¶V+%2WHOHYLVLRQVHULHVHung, opposite Anne Heche and Thomas Jane, for three seasons to critical acclaim.

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Amusingly, Smit-McPhee and Stasey also starred on the show Neighbours, the popular Australian series where they played best friends for three years. Once they found out that they were going to work on the same project together again, Smit-McPhee said she got a call from 6WDVH\DOPRVWLPPHGLDWHO\³6KHFDOOHGPHXSDQG,ZDVOLNHµ\RXKDYHWRGRWKLVPRYLH, PLQ WKLVPRYLH\RXKDYHWRGRLW¶VRQRZZH UHEHVWIULHQGVDJDLQLQWKLVPRYLH´

Originally, Smit-McPhee had come in to read for the role of Mäddy, but once she began reading more of the script she realized that she was better suited to play the darker role of Leena. Even WKRXJKWKHUHZHUHVRPHGHHSPRPHQWVDQGEODFNPDJLFLQYROYHGVKHFRXOGQ¶WJHWRYHUWKHIDFW that this role was probably going to be one the most fun she had ever tackled. Upon finishing the screenplay, Smit-McPhee was asked what she thought of the role and the storyline in general. ³, PSOD\LQJDZLWFK´VKHVDLG³6RWKHUH VVRPXFKIXQVSLULWXDOVWXII$QG,JHWWRSOD\ZLWK stones and do magic, and they levitate. I bring people back to life and people die and there's EORRGDQGUXQQLQJDQGLW VMXVWIXQ7KHZKROHPRYLHLVIXQ´

Smit-McPhee committed herself to playing the challenging role of Leena by doing research into witchcraft and getting a feel for what the character might dress like, what her family would look like, and even how Leena would decorate her room. As a matter of fact, during production she FUHDWHGDµYLVLRQERDUG¶IRUWKHFKDUDFWHUZKLFKLQFOXGHGPDQ\RIWKHFKDUDFWHUdetails all in one place that she could email McKee and Sivertson and other department heads who were in charge of the look of the film.

Smit-McPhee was also very particular about the costume design for Leena before and during production, and worked closely with costume designer Oenita Parker on her outfits. Commented Smi-0F3KHH³2HQLWD-- who is doing all the costume design -- I went over to her house and we were on the same page immediately. I started talking to her about what I had in mind for the chDUDFWHUDQG,VKRZHGKHUWKHYLVLRQERDUG6KHZDVMXVWOLNHµSHUIHFWZH UHGHILQLWHO\RQWKH VDPHSDJH¶´

With the pivotal duo of Mäddy and Leena in place it was time to fill out the ensemble cast for the remaining cheerleader roles, as well as the football players that play opposite them throughout the story.

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The role of head cheerleader Tracy Bingham was quickly offered to Brooke Butler, a native of Washington state who recently graduated from USC Dramatic Arts School and now lives in Los Angeles working on a variety of commercials, TV guest spots and now ALL CHEERLEADERS DIE, her first lead role in a feature film.

Brooke felt that she understood Tracy as soon as she read the first scene. Though she is not necessarily an antagonist in the film, she does possess some less than desirable traits and is downright mean to some of the other female characters, especially in the opening scenes of the VWRU\³Tracy is that girl in high school that was the most popular girl and everything she wanted she got, and she almost seemed mean, she almost kind of had the world at her fingertips, but VKH VWKHJLUOWKDWXQGHUQHDWKDOOWKDWJHWVKXUWWKHPRVWIHHOVWKHPRVWDQGLVWKHPRVWLQVHFXUH´ said Butler.

Butler laughs when remembering how sure she felt of the part before she even went in for the ILUVWUHDGLQJ³,NQHZEHIRUH,HYHQZHQWLQIRUWKHILUVWDXGLWLRQ7UDF\ZDVWKHJLUO,ZDQWHGWR maybe be in high school but was too much of a goodie two shoes and too sweet and too sheltered by my family to have ever been that girl, so I'm getting to relive those high school years, as you VD\ZLWKPRUHFRQILGHQFHDQGSL]]D]´VKHDGGHG

Helping matters for Butler was the fact that she was a cheerleader at USC, specifically the USC Spirit leader in their Rose Bowl appearances, and generally grew up dancing her whole life. She was well suited to learning the dance routines that the cheerleaders in the film had to perform.

The Popkin Sisters, played with delightful relish by 19-year old Amanda Grace Cooper as Hanna and New Zealander Reanin Johannink as Martha, are unique amongst all the characters in the film because, through a supernatural event that they all survive, they wind up switching bodies.

Johannink plays the older sister Martha, who is one of the leaders of the cheerleading squad but is also quite religious. Cooper plays younger sister Hanna, who is only 16-years old and is the high school mascot. Before shooting commenced, the pair realized that they had a difficult job ahead of them, since both aFWRUVZRXOGKDYHWRSOD\WKHRWKHU¶VFKDUDFWHUIRUKDOIWKHILOP

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To work out the aspects of the soul switching, Cooper and Johannink had a series of creative PHHWLQJVWRILJXUHRXWH[DFWO\KRZWKH\ZRXOGSOD\RQHDQRWKHU³:HGHFLGHGRQDOot of different mannerisms, postures, the way in which we spoke, to just be consistent with each character in order to make it obvious when we were switching. It took a lot of effort. It was GHILQLWHO\OLNHµ:KRDP,JRLQJWREHWRGD\"¶DQGJHWWLQJLQWRFharacter and figuring out the WLFNVDQGLGLRV\QFUDVLHVRIWKDWFKDUDFWHU´VKHVDLG

$GGHG&RRSHU³+RQHVWO\MXVWOLNHKDQJLQJRXWZLWKRQHDQRWKHUDOORIWKHWLPHUHDOO\KHOSHGD lot, because a lot of her mannerisms were Martha's mannerisms. It was just really awesome and I WKLQNZHQDLOHGLW´

Rounding out the cheerleading squad is North Carolina native Felisha Cooper as Alexis $QGHUVHQ&RRSHU¶VSDVWFUHGLWVLQFOXGHDQXPEHURIFRPPHUFLDOVDVZHOODVWKH1LFNHORGHRQ feature Big Time Rush, where she played the lead girl in Newtown High, a show within the show.


On the opposite end of the spectrum are the football players, and their leader and the school alpha-male Terry Stankus is played by newcomer Tom Williamson. A native of Washington DC and a former athlete, Williamson is a recent USC graduate who also studied at the American Conservatory Theater in San Francisco before landing the job on ALL CHEERLEADERS DIE, which is his first role.

The character of Terry essentially sets up a war of the sexes between the cheerleaders and his football squad, eventually leading to a tragic, supernatural event that affects all of their lives. What attracted Williamson to the role was the darkness inside the teen. At times, Terry could seem like a likable guy, but underneath all the charm and swagger were some demons waiting to come out.

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³5HPHPEHUP\FKDUDFWHULVFDSWDLQRIWKHIRRWEDOOWHDP´VDLG:LOOLDPVRQ³+H VEDVLFDOO\WKH alpha male of the school, the guy that all the women love and all the guys either love or hate. And his role in this film is really trying to maintain his power over everyone when it gets disrupted. So when the girls get the stones, when he's disrespected, it's my job to make sure things stay balanced and the way WKH\ UHVXSSRVHGWREH´

3OD\LQJWKHUROHRI*HRUJH6KDQNZKRLV7HUU\¶VULJKWKDQGPDQLVDQRWKHU1HZ=HDODQGHU named Chris Petrovski. Originally from Macedonia, Petrovski and his family moved to New Zealand when he was five years old. He had never much interest in acting until he was a senior in high school when he played a role in the school production of Macbeth. At that point, he was ELWWHQE\WKHEXJDQGHYHQWXDOO\PRYHGWRWKH6WDWHVWRIXUWKHUKLVFDUHHU3HWURYVNL¶VDJHQW originally sent him in to read for another role on the team, that of Vik, which eventually went to -RUGDQ:LOVRQ3HWURYVNLUHDGIRUWKHSDUWEXWIHOWWKDWKHGLGQ¶WTXLWHQDLOLWWKHZD\WKDWKH wanted. But he was surprised by a call he received from the production just DIHZGD\VODWHU³, got a callback, but they wanted me to read for George. And I remember reading this script and WKLQNLQJµ2K*HRUJHLVWKDWIXQNLG*HRUJHLVOLNHWKDWNLGWKDW VVRUWRIDOORYHUWKHSODFHDQG DOZD\VKDV7HUU\ VEDFN¶$QG,UHUHDGit and I loved the part and I loved it when I saw what I FRXOGGRZLWKLW,ZHQWLQDQG,GLGWKHDXGLWLRQDQGWKH\JDYHPHWKHSDUWRQWKHVSRW´

Benefitting from the new direction in the casting process was actor Jordan Wilson, who plays another member of the football team named Vik De Palma. Wilson originally hails from Woodsville, New Hampshire near Dartmouth College and studied acting in high school and then on weekends in Boston before moving to Los Angeles to pursue his career further.

The charaFWHURI9LNKDVDFHQWUDOFRQXQGUXPLQWKHVWRU\EHFDXVHKH¶VLQORYHZLWK0lGG\EXW VKHKDVRWKHUSODQVLQPLQG³9LNKDVDFUXVKRQ0lGG\SOD\HGE\&DLWOLQ6WDVH\6KH VD gorgeous girl and the relationship is kind of one sided. She used to be gothic, she used to be dark. And now she's, all of the sudden, this beautiful cheerleader, who's not like the other cheerleaders. She's her own person, she's independent and she's not like that in that stuck up sort of way. Vik sees that this girl is a lot differeQWDQGUHDOO\OLNHVKHU´VDLG:LOVRQ

ALL CHEERLEADERS DIE is one of his first roles and he was initially struck by how many of his fellow cast members were from Australia or New Zealand. All Cheerleaders Die pg. 15 of 26


Leigh Parker plD\V0DQFKHVWHU³0DQQ\´0DQNLHwitz, the kicker on the football team, and another transplant from Australia. Parker has been in the United States for two and a half years, but back in his native land he did a lot of theatre and musical theatre as well, even playing Gilligan in Gilligan's Island the Musical. Parker IHOWWKDWVRPHRI*LOOLJDQ¶Vclumsiness and naiveté was something that he was able to bring through in Manny. More recently, Parker guest starred in Supernatural, which also had that kind of spooky, supernatural theme which helped him prepare for the role.

Nicholas S. Morrison rounds out the cast as Ben, who plays on the defensive line of the football team and provides some comedic relief alongside George. Morrision grew up in Coral Springs, Florida and actually won a contest through an acting school that sent him out to California when he was still a child actor. While he was out there for pilot season he landed four episodes of The Bernie Mac Show which started him on his career.


All during the writing and development process, producer van den Houten retained a hands-off approach with McKee and Sivertson and allowed them plenty of freedom to tell the story that they wanted to tell. That approach was maintained all during the production and post-production stages on ALL CHEERLEADERS DIE as well.

The film went into production on November 26, 2012 in Los Angeles and shot in and around Southern California. When asked about specific challenges during the production process, both directors acknowledged that there were the usual production difficulties involved, but what they IRXQGWUXO\XQLTXHZDVZRUNLQJZLWKVXFKDODUJHHQVHPEOHFDVWZLWKDZRUOGZLGHIODYRU³7KH GLYHUVLW\´WKH\QRWH³(DFKRQHLVVRGLIIHUHQW,W VDELJFKDOOHQJHto work with so many SHUVRQDOLWLHVDQGNHHSHYHU\RQHIRFXVHGRQZKDW VPRVWLPSRUWDQW´ All Cheerleaders Die pg. 16 of 26

Caitlin Stasey was also quite impressed by the American directing pair, noting that McKee and Sivertson were a perfect contrast on the set, and even though they had different approaches, they VHHPHGWRKDYHRQHPLQG³, YHZRUNHGZLWKDORWRIWHDPGLUHFWRUVEHIRUHDQGLWFDQVRPHWLPHV be a clash of ideas or a clash of ego, but throughout this process, I feel like they've managed to put away any of that aside, if they had any at all, and just focus on what they needed to do and it's just nice. It's kind of like bad cop, good cop, except nobody's unkind. One is just a little firmer than the other. But they both have completely valid opinions and they manage to merge them SHUIHFWO\´

This is also one of the largest films this particular group of filmmakers has ever shot, with the typical number of cast and crew on set each day at 50, 60 and sometimes over 80 people, which is much larger than the standard independent film. Overall the shoot was labeled an efficient success.

With filming completed and the editing process over, McKee and Sivertson make it known that they had a clear vision from the onset of the project and have been maintaining it every day since the beginniQJ³)URPWKHRXWVHWZHZDQWHGDPRYLHWKDWGLGQ WVOXPSDORQJ:HZDQWHGDYHU\ fast pace, a density, and lots of tone changes. It takes time to get it just right, so we just stuck ZLWKLWXQWLOZHZHUHERWKVDWLVILHG´

When asked about the production of the film van den Houten was most pleased to have the YHWHUDQSDLUDWWKHKHOP³8OWLPDWHO\WKHFUHZQHHGVWRIHHOWKDWWKHUHLVRQHYLVLRQRQWKH project. In this case, it's interesting, because there are two directors, yet they work so well together. They've made this film before, and they're doing it on steroids now with a budget and a real film crew and they've got a vision for it. And it's a collective vision. And it was clear everyday they showed up on set, no one sat around for five hours waiting for them to figure out what they're doing, we really shot exactly what they both wanted. And ultimately the quality of WKHZRUNJRWLQWKHFDQDQGFDPHWRJHWKHULQDZD\WKDW VYHU\H[FLWLQJ´

Fast paced, thrilling, sexy and yes, full of surprises and twists, ALL CHEERLEADERS DIE will be the next step in the evolution of the careers of the filmmakers. Their fan base will certainly take note of this project, as will a number of new fans who will be intrigued by the title alone.

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³$QGIRUIDQVRXWWKHUHWKDWKave been waiting for a really fun, original popcorn movie that kind of blends together a mix of genres, I think they're going to find ALL CHEERLEADERS DIE to EHVRPHWKLQJIUHVKDQGRULJLQDODQGTXLWHIUDQNO\WKHSHUIHFWGDWHPRYLH´HQWKXVHVYDQGHQ Houten.

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C A I T L IN ST ASE Y ³Mäddy K illian´ In 2013, Stasey will soon be seen making her US television debut starring in the hotly anticipated CW series, REIGN, which chronicles the rise to power of Mary Queen of Scots when she arrives in as a 15-year-old. REIGN will premiere this fall on the CW.

Originally from Australia, Caitlin Stasey made a name for herself starring in the popular Australian series, NEIGHBOURS. She was then cast as the lead heroine in the independent film, TOMORROW WHEN THE WAR BEGAN, directed by Stuart Beattie. The film was critically acclaimed in Australia and Stasey won an IF Award (prestigious film award in Australia) for her performance. The film also captured the attention of American audiences and helped launch her career in the US.

In 2011, Stasey starred in the independent film, EVIDENCE, opposite Radha Mitchell and Stephen Moyer. She then went on to star in the independent film, CHU AND BLOSSOM, starring opposite Alan Cumming, Richard Kind and Melanie Lynsky.

In 2012, she starred opposite Aaron Eckhart and Bill Nighy in I, FRANKENSTEIN. The film reunited Stasey with her TOMORROW WHEN THE WAR BEGAN director, Stuart Beattie. She then went on to star in the psychological thriller, I WANT YOU I NEED, directed by Dylan Narang.


SI A N O A SM I T-0&3+(( ³/HHQD0LOOHU´ Previously, Smit-McPhee starred in the ABC television film, FIRELIGHT, for director Darnell Martin, opposite Cuba Gooding, Jr, Q'orianka Kilcher, and DeWanda Wise. She is also well known for KDYLQJVWDUUHGLQ$OH[DQGHU3D\QH¶V+%2WHOHYLVLRQVHULHV+81* opposite Anne Heche and Thomas Jane, for three seasons to critical acclaim.

In her native Australia, Smit-McPhee was a star of the iconic, Australian television series NEIGHBOURS for three years, and was a lead in the Australian Disney Channel's television series AS THE BELL RINGS.

Smit-McPhee has also headlined two critically acclaimed short films: HUGO, which was a selection at the 2008 Palm Beach , and BLUE TONGUE which was selected for the 2008 Cannes Film Festival, NY Film Festival, and the Melbourne Film Festival. All Cheerleaders Die pg. 19 of 26

She has also been a supporting lead in the independent films, TOUCHBACK (dir. Don Handfield), opposite Kurt Russell and Brian Presley and MALL (dir. Joe Hahn) with Vincent '¶2QRIULRDQG&KHOVHD+DQGOHU


BR O O K E R BU T L E R ³7UDF\%LQJKDP´ Brooke Butler recently received a BA in Theatre from the University of Southern California and while there, she became a 86&6SLULW/HDGHURQKHUDOPDPDWHU¶V&KHHU7HDP$// &+((5/($'(56',(LV%XWOHU¶VILUVWOHDGLQDIHDWXUHOHQJWK motion picture.

Since graduating, she has also booked national commercials including but not limited to: Subway, California Lottery, Prius (with James Lipton), Liv Dolls for Spin Master9LYLGHQW*XPDQG86&¶V³*LYLQJ%DFN´ FDPSDLJQ%URRNHKDVDOVRWUDQVLWLRQHGLQWR79WDNLQJRQWKHUROHRIµ$OLVRQ¶LQ&6,/$6 VEGAS alongside Marg Helgenberger and Ted DansoQDVZHOODVSOD\LQJµ7HHQDJH.DUHQ¶LQ 0LFKDHO)HLIHU¶V79PRYLH5(75,%87,21VWDUULQJ)UDQFLV)LVKHU

Brooke believes her acting and art will have a profound impact on the lives of her audience, as she wants to be a positive role model for women and young girls. In her own words, Brooke DGYRFDWHVWKHLPSRUWDQFHRIIHPDOHVWREH³VWURQJDQGLQGHSHQGHQW\HWJUDFHIXODQGIHPLQLQH´ Her hard work, tenacity, natural talent and enthusiasm for acting make her an unstoppable force.


T O M W I L L I A MSO N ³7HUU\6WDQNXV´ A recent graduate of the University of Southern California, ALL &+((5/($'(56',(LV7RP:LOOLDPVRQ¶VGHEXWLQDIHDWXUHOHQJWK film.

Tom Williamson was born and raised in Washington, D.C. The eldest of three, his childhood circled around sports, school, and family. In the Williamson household family came first, and each summer was marked by a family vacation, which opened Tom up to the diversity of the world at a young age. In those days he dreamed of being a scientist or playing safety in the NFL, but everything changed when basketball became his main focus in the fifth grade. He transferred schools after the eighth grade to play in the WCAC, one of the most competitive leagues in the country. The next four years of KLVOLIHZHUHVSHQWDW*RQ]DJD&ROOHJH+LJK6FKRROD-HVXLWVFKRROLQWKHKHDUWRIWKHQDWLRQ¶V

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capital. $IWHUWKUHHGLVDSSRLQWLQJ\HDUVLQWKHVFKRRO¶VEDVNHWEDOOV\VWHPKHPDGHWKHSDLQIXO decision to retire from the game he had dedicated his heart to. Amidst the confusion of UHGHILQLQJKLVLGHQWLW\KHOHDUQHGRIWKHVFKRRO¶VXSFRPLQJVSULQJPXVLFDOWest Side Story. A nervous wreck, he auditioned and was cast in the show as a Jet.

Tom instantly caught the acting bug and attended the University of Southern California in response to his newly acquired passion. Though he majored in Communication, he acted in two plays during his time at USC, which further fueled his fire to fully pursue acting. Two weeks after graduation he was in San Francisco stuG\LQJDWWKH$PHULFDQ&RQVHUYDWRU\7KHDWUH¶V summer intensive program. It was here that he acquired the necessary tools to embark on his journey. He currently resides in Los Angeles, California.


A M A ND A G R A C E C O OPE R ³+DQQD3RSNLQ´ Amanda Grace Cooper was born on the 13th of October 1993 in Northridge, California to her parents Linda and Fred Cooper.

At the age of three, she was enrolled into her very first ballet and tap class. By the age of nine, she was an all-around performer, dancing competitively in tap, jazz, lyrical and hip-hop and took home several first place awards, as well as acting and singing. She was constantly putting together small skits and dance shows with her friends, but being in front of the camera and performing is what she absolutely loved. Amanda literally grew up in the film industry, constantly being "behind the scenes", she was an 8 year old walking through the sound stages, studying actors; knowing that this is what she wanted to do for the rest of her life.

At age nine, she started getting opportunities; she was booked in various commercials.

As a teenager she was flown to for high end print modeling in fashion and makeup, but her real ambition remained acting.

Soon after returning to Los Angeles, California, she took a role on The Bold and the Beautiful, and a lead in a pilot and just recently took on a lead role in a super-natural thriller indie film "ALL CHEERLEADERS DIE" where she played 16-year old Hannah Popkin.


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R E A NIN JO H A NNIN K ³0DUWKD3RSNLQ´ Though she has a number of international credits to her name, ALL &+((5/($'(56',(PDUNV5HDQLQ-RKDQQLQN¶VILUVW86IHDWXUH film.

From an early age, Reanin Tigerlily Johannink demonstrated natural ability for the arts. Born in Auckland, New Zealand, Johannink's integration into the theatrical industry was less than traditional. At the age of 16, Johannink left school and spent the next 10 years modeling internationally. She developed a broad portfolio ranging from editorial, to campaigns and commercials. In her expansive modeling career she cat-walked for the likes of Christian Dior, Gucci, and Calvin Klein. Simultaneously, she also filmed over 100 television commercials that screened internationally spanning from Asia to the USA.

With a successful modeling and commercial career under steam, Johannink embarked on yet another journey, television-hosting for music channel, Juice TV. Hosting provided Johannink the opportunity to cultivate a new set of skills and experiences. It also afforded her the opportunity to begin studies in her true craft, acting.

Shortly after her hosting stint, Johannink got her first big break with a role on New Zealand's top-rated television series Shortland Street. Hot off her television debut, she starred in an award- winning short film at the 48hr Film Festival in New Zealand. It was soon after that she booked her first feature film "I Survived a Zombie Holocaust." After filming completed, Johannink ambitiously took a leap and pursued her lifelong dream of acting in Los Angeles.

Upon arriving in Hollywood, Johannink immediately resumed her purpose. She enrolled into intensive study at "Playhouse West" with Robert Carniege and began auditioning for theatrical projects.

======NI C H O L AS S. 0255,621 ³%HQ´ Nick Morrison is originally from South Florida and arrived in California as a result of his winning Best New Talent Competitions in stand-up comedy. He appeared in a recurring 4 episode role on the Bernie Mac Show LQVHDVRQ¶VIRXUDQGILYHLQ-2006 and had a featured role in the HBO Pilot Presentation Ditta Von Teese, directed by Fatima Robinson. He has also has been seen in several movies including the Nickelodeon film Last Day of Summer in 2007 and independent films such as A Taste of Summer and Full Grown Men. Nick also has appeared in All Cheerleaders Die pg. 22 of 26

VHYHUDOWKHDWULFDOSURGXFWLRQVLQFOXGLQJDVXSSRUWLQJUROHLQ0DPD¶V%R\¶VLQWKH1<8:ULWHUV Showcase at the Beverly Hills Friar club. He has been in many national and regional commercials. Nick is a 2013 graduate of Santa Monica College where he performed in a production of Arsenic and Old Lace as the peculiar, very quirky, flask sipping Dr. Einstein. He has studied under the leading acting coaches in Southern California and graduated from the prestigious Groundlings Writers Lab. Nick writes as well as performs comedy and is a freelance contributor for the New York-based production house Concept Farm. In 2011, Nick created a music group with friends and room-mates caOOHG³-DP5DZ´


C H RIS 3(75296., ³*HRUJH6KDQN´ Chris Petrovski originally hails from Macedonia but later moved to New Zealand with his family when he was five years old. A student athlete, Petrovski also studied acting in high school including a stint in Hamlet before moving to Los Angeles to pursue his career further, where he studied at Stella Adler on a full scholarship. He has acted in shorts films, including Loss of Life and commercials. In addition, he can be seen starring in the Indie feature COLDWATER, a dark and gritty thriller from Vincent Gershaw (Bellflower) that premiered at SXSW.



Hailing from the Sunshine Coast, Australia, Parker discovered a love for acting immediately. At age 9 his teachers would regularly organize times for him to perform scenes from his favorite Jim Carrey movies for his classmates. This progressed into Parker seeking more opportunities to experience and learn acting. At 14 Leigh started studying with the Australian Acting Academy where he got his first taste of acting for film and immediately fell in love with it.

After JUDGXDWLQJKLJKVFKRRO3DUNHUSOD\HG*LOOLJDQLQµ*LOOLJDQ¶V,VODQGWKH0XVLFDO¶WKHQ $ODGGLQLQµ$ODGGLQWKH0XVLFDO¶6RRQDIWHUKHERRNHGKLVILUVWFRPPHUFLDODQGEHFDPHWKHIDFH RIµ:HWµQ¶:LOG:DWHU:RUOG¶RQWKH*ROG&RDVWParker started working with theater company Brainstorm Productions and traveled to schools across Australia acting in plays designed to raise awareness for issues effecting children and teens. Parker loved the opportunity to use what he loves to present meaningful messages and skills to deal with things like abuse, bullying, anger and violence.

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Parker then relocated to Sydney to take classes at NIDA and continue his training before getting an opportunity to travel to Los Angeles for 3 months for further study. 2 months into his trip, several directors, managers and producers were urging him to move to LA permanently.

In August 2010 Parker moved to LA. A few months later signed with APA.

======-25'$1:,/621 ³9LN'H3DOPD´ Jordan Wilson originally hails from Woodsville, New Hampshire near Dartmouth College and enjoyed playing varsity basketball, soccer, and baseball in high school. In addition to sports, he found an interest in the school theatre and discovered his love for acting. It was because of this interest Jordan took private acting lessons in Boston, MA. After graduating, Jordan moved to Los Angeles to pursue his dream of acting. Jordan is now furthering his education, taking college classes online with SNHU while auditioning and booking acting jobs. Recently, he has acted in shorts films, including Final Curtain, House of Horrors and also commercials. Jordan is currently perfecting his acting technique with the best coaches in Los Angeles and is preparing for much success in the entertainment industry. ALL CHEERLEADERS DIE is his first role in a feature.

======)(/,6+$&223(5 ³$OH[LV Andersen´ Felisha Cooper hales originally from Fayetteville, North Carolina. As a naturally active and imaginative child Cooper was bitten by the acting bug when she was just 6 years old, performing talent shows for her family with her sister and cousin. Growing up, Cooper was heavily involved in theatre, dance classes, cheerleading, tennis, and swimming. Soon after, she moved onto church plays and then musical theatre at Cape Fear Regional Theatre. Subsequently, Cooper began to travel to New York in pursuit of her dream- auditioning for shows and casting directors in the big city. Recently Cooper has worked on television shows and films from 'Big Time Rush' on Nickelodeon to 'The Hustle' on FUSE. Cooper has lived in Los Angeles since 2010.


0,&+$(/%2:(1 ³/DUU\´ Based in Los Angeles, Michael Bowen is a veteran actor of films and television. His numerous small screen credits include stints on BREAKING BAD, CSI, LOST, BONES, THE X FILES, NYPD BLUE and ER. Feature film credits include the recent D¶JANGO UNCHAINED, LAWLESS, THE LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT, CABIN FEVER II, MAGNOLIA, KILL BILL VOLUME 1 and JACKIE BROWN. Bowen was born in Texas.

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L U C K Y M C K E E / C H RIS SI V E R TSO N (Directors/W riters)

Lucky McKee is a writer/direct/author that has been working ever since completing his first feature in 1999. A backyard high school zombie movie called ALL CHEERLEADERS DIE that he co-wrote and co-directed with film school buddy Chris Sivertson. After that Lucky went on to a solo career directing MAY (2002), THE WOODS (2007), and THE WOMAN (2011). He has written two novels with Jack Ketchum. THE :20$1DQG,¶M NOT SAM. The latter was QRPLQDWHGIRUD%UDP6WRNHU$ZDUGDQGD6KLUOH\-DFNVRQ$ZDUGIRUEHVWORQJILFWLRQ¶V re-imagining of ALL CHEERLEADERS DIE (again working with Chris Sivertson) marks a new direction for the filmmaker. That of popcorn fare. He lives in the woods of Oklahoma with his vicious lesbian guard dog, Veronica.

Chris Sivertson joined forces with co-writer/co-director, Lucky McKee, for the 1999 horror feature ALL CHEERLEADERS DIE. For his solo directorial debut, Sivertson adapted Jack .HWFKXP¶VSRZHUIXOQRYHO7+(/267  7+(/267ZDVWKHILUVWILOPWREHPDGHEDVHG on a book by this renowned American author. He also directed I KNOW WHO KILLED ME (2007) for Tri Star Pictures and the independent fight drama BRAWLER (2011). Sivertson has recently started to work in television as well: he partnered with Jessika Borsiczky (FLASH FORWARD) to develop CHARLIE DARLING, a gritty female PI series, for ABC.


A NDR E W V A N D E N H O U T E N (Producer) Andrew van den Houten, CEO of Modernciné and Modern Distributors, has been the motivating force behind the development, financing, production and distribution of over a dozen feature length PRWLRQSLFWXUHV$PRQJWKHPDUHWKHFXOWFODVVLF³-DFN.HWFKXP¶V7KH *LUO1H[W'RRU´³2IIVSULQJ´³7KH:RPDQ´³+RPH0RYLH´WKH &KLOOHU1HWZRUNSUHVHQWDWLRQ³*KRXO´DQGWKH6SLULW$ZDUG 1RPLQHH³,Q7KH)DPLO\´

Andrew has gained a solid reputation as a fearless filmmaker willing to tackle the most controversial subjects and as a result attracted the talents of cutting edge filmmakers Lucky McKee, Christopher Sivertson, the McManus Brothers, Patrick Wang and Gregory M. Wilson. His filmic vision and creative courage have been recognized worldwide by The Sundance Film All Cheerleaders Die pg. 25 of 26

Festival, Toronto International Film Festival, The Independent Spirit Awards, SXSW, Slamdance, The Deauville Film Festival, Brussels International Fantastic Film Fest, Sitges, FantasticFest, FrightFest, Busan International Film Festival, New York City Horror Film Festival and many others.

Andrew began his career as a child actor, performing in TV commercials in his native New York City, and as a teenager was a familiar face on the local stand-up comedy circuit. A film graduate of Boston's Emerson College, he founded Modernciné during his junior year. After graduation, Andrew returned to New York City to produce and direct several award-winning short films and 79FRPPHUFLDOV,QKHGLUHFWHGKLVILUVWIHDWXUHILOP+HDGVSDFH´DPXOWLSOHDZDUG winner that screened in theaters and on TV.

In 2010, Andrew co-founded Doberman Entertainment and produced their first family-themed WKHDWULFDOILOP³5LVLQJ6WDUV´


$QGUHZ¶VSURGXFWLRQRI³,Q7KH)DPLO\´ZULWWHQDQGGLUHFWHGE\3DWULFN:DQJUHFHLYHGVWDUV from critic Roger Ebert, and additional recognition from Variety, The Hollywood Reporter and the 2012 Independent Spirit Awards.


R O B E R T T O NIN O (Producer) Robert Tonino has been involved in various producer capacities on ModernFLQp VIHDWXUHOHQJWKPRWLRQSLFWXUHVVLQFHWKHFRPSDQ\¶V inception in 2002. His most recent project was the film JUG FACE (2013), starring Sean Young, Lauren Ashley Carter, Sean Bridgers and Larry Fessenden, which premiered at the 2013 Slamdance Film Festival. Some of his other recent credits include THE WOMAN (2011), IN THE FAMILY (2011), and GHOUL (2012). Prior to working for Modernciné he was in financial management for many years at Occidental Petroleum Corporation (OPC) in various functions, lastly as CFO and Vice President Finance of the international Interore division. Before joining OPC he was an investment banker for 5 years with Morgan Grenfell in London. Robert Tonino has an LLM from the University of Amsterdam and an MBA from .

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