Annual Report 2007-2008
Annual Report 2007-2008 OrganizatiOnal Overview Chief Financial Office Manages financial and related functions including strategic budget Summary DeScriptiOn anD primary BuSineSS development, financial management, information technology, policy The Royal BC Museum Corporation, located on Victoria’s Inner development, business planning, risk management, legal services, Harbour, consists of the Royal BC Museum, British Columbia Archives, and financial analysis. Chief Financial Officer: Faye Zinck Helmcken House, Thunderbird Park, Mungo Martin Big House (Wa’waditla), St. Ann’s Schoolhouse, and the Netherlands Carillon. Curatorial Services The primary purpose of the RBCM is to collect, preserve, and interpret Develops, preserves and manages the collections, and ensures the safety the artifacts, specimens and documents that tell the story of British and longevity of all artifacts, specimens and archival records in the Columbia, and to share that story with the world. care of the RBCM. Conducts research and ensures the collections and knowledge resident in the collections is available to other researchers Benefit tO puBlic and the public. Director: Grant Hughes The work of the RBCM benefits the public by: • Developing and preserving collections for current and future Exhibits and Visitor Experience Interprets the collections and the knowledge resident in the collections generations; through the design, construction, installation and maintenance of • Sharing the natural history and human story of British Columbia exhibitions and through the development and delivery of public with the world through the physical environs of the RBCM site, programs. Director: Tim Willis regional programs and internet access to the collections and archives; • Supporting education through the provision of materials, programs Development and complimentary student admissions; Responsible for raising funds that support the strategic objectives of • Supporting research through projects and by providing access to the organization.
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