COMMUNITY HERITAGE COMMISSION February 3, 2016 6:00p.m. Committee Room No. 2 AGENDA Page 1.0 ADDITIONS TO AGENDA 2.0 ADOPTION OF MINUTES 2.1 Adoption of the Minutes of January 6, 2016 3 3.0 PRESENTATIONS 3.1 Oath of Office and Committee Orientation – the role of the Community Heritage Commission 3.2 1935 Eighth Avenue – Heritage Revitalization Agreement 8 3.3 313 Queen’s Avenue – Heritage Revitalization Agreement 45 4.0 UNFINISHED BUSINESS 4.1 Heritage Week – Update 77 4.2 Agendas – Mail or Pick up 5.0 NEW BUSINESS 5.1 336 Agnes Street – Heritage Alteration Permit/Sign Permit 79 5.2 1031 Sixth Avenue – Demolition Application 86 Doc#810711 Page 1 Community Heritage Commission February 3, 2016 6.0 REPORTS AND INFORMATION 6.1 City Heritage Program – Verbal Update (Standing Item) 6.2 Historic Timeline - Handout 95 6.3 Demolition Permits Issued (from December 30, 2015 – January 22, 2016) (Please note that demolition permits may only be made public once the permit has been issued. The City is not permitted to release information earlier unless the application deals with a property identified as having heritage value.) ADDRESS YEAR NEIGHBOURHOOD DATE ISSUED BUILT 914 Hill St 1948 West End December 7, 2015 336 Fenton St 1958 Queensborough January 8, 2016 220 Durham St 1929 Glenbrooke North January 8, 2016 202 Phillips St 1950 Queensborough December 29, 2015 204 Phillips St 1928 Queensborough December 29, 2015 7.0 CORRESPONDENCE 7.1 New Westminster Historical Society Newsletter, No. 428, January 2016 119 8.0 NEXT MEETING 8.1 Next Meeting Date: March 2, 2016 (at Irving House) 6:00pm or at the call of the Chair 9.0 ADJOURNMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please RSVP by Tuesday February 2, 2016 to: Julie Schueck [email protected] 604.527.4556 Doc#810711 Page 2 COMMUNITY HERITAGE COMMISSION Minutes January 6, 2016 6:00 p.m. Committee Room No. 2 MINUTES VOTING MEMBERS PRESENT: Councillor Jaime McEvoy - Chair Councillor Lorrie Williams - City Council Representative Roger Nottingham - Community Member John Davies - Community Member Wayne Janzen - Community Member Robert Johnson - Community Member Lynn Radbourne - Community Member VOTING MEMBERS REGRETS: Sajan Mann - Community Member Barry White - Community Member Catherine Hutson - New Westminster Heritage Preservation Society STAFF: Julie Schueck - Heritage Planner Debbie Johnstone - Committee Clerk The meeting was called to order at 6:02 p.m. 1.0 ADDITIONS TO AGENDA The following item was removed from the agenda: • Item 4.1- Hyack Square Update The following item was added to the agenda: • Item 5.2 - New Westminster Prefabrication Houses 3 2.0 ADOPTION OF MINUTES Procedural Note: Item 5.2 was considered prior to item 2.1 2.1 Adoption of the Minutes of December 2, 2015 MOVED and SECONDED THAT the minutes of the December 2, 2015 Community Heritage Commission be adopted. CARRIED. All members of the Commission present voted in favour of the motion. 3.0 PRESENTATIONS There were no items. 4.0 UNFINISHED BUSINESS 4.1 Hyack Square Update – Verbal Update This item was removed from the agenda. 5.0 NEW BUSINESS 5.1 Heritage Week Julie Schueck, Heritage Planner, advised that New Westminster’s Heritage Week has been scheduled from February 15 to February 21, 2016. Heritage Canada has created a theme entitled “Distinctive Destinations: Experience Historic Places” and Heritage B.C. would be utilizing this same theme. Ms. Schueck enquired if New Westminster’s Heritage Week should adopt the same theme, or if the Commission had any further suggestions. Discussion ensued, and the Commission provided the following comments: • It was enquired if the City could investigate which homes were the oldest in New Westminster and if a theme could be developed around those homes; • The oldest homes would not necessarily require a heritage designation; and, • Using pictures of these homes for the annual colouring contest could be a fun project for children in the area. 4 A theme of the Oldest Houses of New Westminster was agreed upon by the Commission. Ms. Schueck explained that the number of homes to be chosen for this theme would be dependent on the opinion and price of the artist designing the colouring sheets. Colouring sheets would be provided to schools in New Westminster for the start of Heritage week. Once completed, members of the Commission would be responsible for judging the contest, and winners would be awarded in a presentation in early April, 2016. Procedural Note: Item 5.2 was considered prior to item 2.1 5.2 New Westminster Prefabricated Homes Roger Nottingham, Community Member, enquired on the details of the prefabricated fishery heritage buildings in New Westminster. Councillor McEvoy, Chair, advised that these buildings are part of an aboriginal land claim and therefore the City is unable to restore or relocate them. 6.0 REPORTS AND INFORMATION 6.1 City Heritage Program – Verbal Update (Standing Item) Julie Schueck, Heritage Planner, advised that two Heritage Revitalization Applications that have been received have recently been withdrawn. As a result of this, the heritage home at 1031 Sixth Avenue will have a demolition application come forward. Ms. Schueck summarized an on-table report dated December 7, 2015 regarding the “Speak out about Heritage” public consultation project. The event was organized by the Queen’s Park Neighbourhood Heritage Study Working Group and received a large level of support from the community. Following the update, Ms. Schueck informed the Commission that the Queen’s Park Neighbourhood Study Working Group is looking into creating an inventory of the age and style of each home in the area. Discussion ensued, and the Commission provided the following comments: • It was suggested that other neighbourhoods in the City could provide residents with an opportunity to receive additional information regarding the age and history of their home; • The Museum and Archives could be involved in this process; • An interest was expressed in having the City send out congratulatory letters when their home turns 100; 5 • Plaques could be purchased and displayed by residents with the name of the home and year it was built; and, • These plaques could tie into New Westminster’s Heritage Week. 6.2 Demolition Permits Issued Julie Schueck, Heritage and Community Planner, advised that the following demolition permits were issued between November 21 to December 29, 2015: ADDRESS YEAR NEIGHBOURHOOD DATE ISSUED BUILT 2118 Hamilton St 1942 Connaught Heights November 25, 2015 628 Second St 1940 Glenbrooke North December 1, 2015 1028 Third Ave 1905 Brow of the Hill December 10, 2015 240 Pembina St 1911 Queensborough December 3, 2015 228 E Eighth Ave 1912 Victory Heights December 3, 2015 905 Fifth St 1945 Glenbrooke North December 22, 2015 7.0 CORRESPONDENCE 7.1 National Trust for Canada letter 7.2 New Westminster Historical Society Newsletter, No. 425, October 2015 7.3 New Westminster Historical Society Newsletter, No. 426, November 2015 7.4 New Westminster Historical Society Newsletter, No. 427, December 2015 8.0 NEXT MEETING 8.1 February 3, 2016 (in Committee Room No. 2) 6:00 p.m. or at the call of the Chair 9.0 ADJOURNMENT 6 ON MOTION, the meeting was adjourned at 6:30 p.m. Certified correct, Councillor McEvoy Debbie Johnstone Chair Committee Clerk 7 Memorandum To: Community Heritage Commission Date: February 3, 2016 From: Julie Schueck, Heritage Planner File: HER00534 Subject: 1935 Eighth Avenue – Heritage Revitalization Agreement Application On January 18, 2016, the Land Use Planning Committee received an application for a Heritage Revitalization Agreement (HRA) from the owners of 1935 Eighth Avenue: the Munroe House constructed in 1928 in the West End neighbourhood. As per City policy, the Community Heritage Commission (CHC) is being asked to review the Statement of Significance, the Heritage Conservation Plan and the proposed design of the new house. The applicants propose entering into a Heritage Revitalization Agreement (HRA) in order to subdivide the property and construct a new house on the new parcel, and to relax or vary the floor space ratio and parking. In return, the applicants would agree to retain and restore the exterior of the 1928 Munroe house and to place long-term legal protection on it through a Heritage Designation Bylaw. Both parcels would have the HRA on title. The details of the HRA application, including the Statement of Significance and the Heritage Conservation Plan, are in the attached Land Use Planning Committee report. The CHC is being asked to provide a recommendation to Council on this HRA application. _____________________ Doc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