The Hilltop 5-13-1995

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The Hilltop 5-13-1995 Howard University Digital Howard @ Howard University The iH lltop: 1990-2000 The iH lltop Digital Archive 5-13-1995 The iH lltop 5-13-1995 Hilltop Staff Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Staff, Hilltop, "The iH lltop 5-13-1995" (1995). The Hilltop: 1990-2000. 138. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The iH lltop Digital Archive at Digital Howard @ Howard University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The iH lltop: 1990-2000 by an authorized administrator of Digital Howard @ Howard University. For more information, please contact 1995~====~========================== ========= ===== === ======= ~ t lume 78, No. 27 ~ Serving the Howard University community si nce 1924 5 Time Warner president to speak at commence:n';~~i ,uest speaker Richard Parsons and four others to receive honorary degrees during tqday's ceremony By Crystal D. Davis ofLaw._Carter has ;11s0 served as General Counsel for Hilltop Staff Writer the National Association forthe Advancement of Col­ ,... ored People_ (NAACP), He has also written several arti­ Richard ~arsO!lS, president of T ime Warner. Inc., and cles for various legal Journals and has taught at vari­ •JIU U~1vers11y Board of Trustees member, will be ous law schools. Charlayne ~ unter-Gauh, national correspon­ JUCSt speakt,r at today s commencement. which dent for the MacNe1 t/Lehrer NewsHour. is a journal­ '1-l at l0 a:m. 111 Greene Stadium. According to Ray Smith. special assis1a111 10 the !Sl who has won numerous awards fur her work includ­ ~1m11y Secretary, Parsons was chosen frdm sever­ lllg the George Foster Peabody Award for Excellence 111 l3roadcas1,ng and two Emmy awards fo r her cover­ iJlllltS th~t were subm111ed to the Oflice of the U ni- age of the American invasion of Grenada. ~1r. President. ln 1986, the Naliona[ Association of Black Jour­ Toe Office:.tnll!rn, s_ub~11s the finalists 10 the nalists nam~ her Journalist of the Year. Hunter-Gault ,:dof'lrus1ec.,. Sn111h s:ud. A co111mi11ee from the also made history as the first African-American wonrm lC1l of 11-ustces review~ the names thnt have been to graduate from the University of Georgia. ' l'ID!lled and then the lrustees vo1e." Ho,~ard alumnus Dr. LaSalle D. Leffall is cur­ J?rsons. who is president of the world's largest rently c~airman of the Department of Surgery at the lltf1Jllnmcnt compa~y,_ received h!~ undergraduate University's Colleg~ of Medicine. In addition to being ig!C !romthe U111vers11y o f Hawa!1 before graduat­ ? professor, Leffall 1s a surgeon and an oncologist. He e~ , aled1ct~n an fr~m U nion U111versi1y's Albany 1s also pres1de11t:elec1 of the American College of Sur­ 11School. Alter scrvmg as assistant counsels 10 fo r- geons, and a diplomat of the American Board of 11Ncw York governors Nelson Rocke feller and M·Jl­ Surgery. - ii!Wilson. J>;1 rsonsj oin~d the law firm of Pa11ers~n. Leffall has dedicated most of his career to the llbtap. Webb and Tyler 111 1977. study of cancer among African Americans and has Bef?re joi_ning Tune Warner. Parsons also served re~e1ved numerous awards fo r his work, including 1~<SC?C1a1e director of _the Whi!e Hou~e Domestic bemg named t_he_Char les R. Drew Professor. the fi rst .lllCII and later as chamnan ol The D ime Savings endowed chair 111 the University's Department of li,,k ~f New York , one o f the nation's largest tlmft Surgery. 1D1UU011s. Cum:ntly. 1J1e father of three is :ilso direc- Tud Turner is chairman and president of Turner 1o( the Federal ~~uonal Mortgage Association Broadcas1111g System, Inc., a major entertainment and 1'we Mae).and _Pluhp Morris Companies , Inc. news programming supplier that owns Cable News The Um versll y w1 II confer honorary degrees 10 Network (CNN). Headlme News, TBS Superstation, 1>n, a~ well a, to Judge Robert Carter, journalist Cartoon Network ~s wel[ as eijlhl other stations. -.iJ)·ne Hunter-Gau II. Dr. LaSalle Leffall Jr.. and TV .. Turner 1s ~redited ,~1th being theo~iginator of the l.\"11t1,e Ted TI1rner. supers1a11on, w)11ch _1s when a station's signal is ·Honorary degrees are gi,en 10 honor people who transmitted to nauonw1de cable systems via satellite. , ~mment 111 their fields and endeavors of the Turner is also responsible for initiat ing the Goodwill rll." Univer,,ity ~pokespcrson Alan Hermesch. said. <'.James. Robcn L. Caner. a U.S. District Judge since 1972, . The commencement exercises will be broadcast a leader on the legal team 1hm won the famous Richard Parsons will speak at today's commemncement hve on the University's radio and television stations, •n 1~. Board of Education case that ended school WHUR-FM 96.3, and WHMM-TV, Channel 32. ,;rgauon. A graduate of Howard University School exercises. Swygert unanimously selected by Campus A2 Board of Trustees to head Howard Campus Plus A3 By Portia Bruner and facu!ty and staff members More Campus A4 Monica Lewis this week, leaving both with Hilltop Staff Writers good first impressions. Local I A6 "He seems to have a Howard University commitment to shared gov­ II A7 alumnus H. Patrick ernance. He sounds like he weal Swygert is coming back really wants to practice it National I AB home. and not just address it. He's "It is a marvelous thrill also on target with the fac­ National II A9 and or,portunity to return ulty handbook other issues home,' Swygert said, fo l­ concerning faculty. He's International I Al2 lowing the April 23 seems willmg to listen and announcement that the we didn't have that with the International II A13 Board of Trustees had current administration," unanimously selected him Faculty Senate C hair A14 to serve as the fifteenth Muriel Poston said. Editorial president of Howard Uni­ With the new presidency, Perspectives A15 versity. many question the outlook· Swygert's term officially of the president's cabinet. A16 begins Aug. I. but during Swygert said he wou Id not Gallery the three month transition­ make any major decisions Bl al period. he will foc us on without first evaluating the Tompo finishing up old business at current organization of the B2 the Albany campus of the cabinet. TompoII State University of New "It's only fair that I get to BS York, where he has served know everyone before those Pulse asP.resident since 1990. He kinds of decis ions are B5 said he will also concen­ made. By August I, we will Health & Fitness trate on getting readjusted definitefy have made some BS 10 the place he proudly calls decisions regardin g the Sport I home. He earned both his organization of Howard." B9 undergraduate and law Swygert is not over anx­ Sports II degrees from Howard. in ious about the future of Bl l 1965 and 1968, respective­ Howard given the conserv­ Hilltopics I ly. ative Republican Congress B12 Swygert said one of his and the budgetary chal­ Hilltopics II top priorities is to readj ust l~nges faced by the Univer­ himself with the Uni versity s1l;>:- and its students. 'Now is the time 10 press " I think that what is most Congress and taxpayers important is that I get to about the value of investing This is the final issue of The HILLTOP for the 1994- know and become reac­ in Howard. This country quainted with the students gets a ttcmcndous return academic year. This issue is a c ulmination of curren and the issues t hat are fro m this institution important to them," because our grads leave an ~ members passing on the torch to the newly select­ Swygert said with his wife. incredible impact on 1J1is H. Patrick Swygert Sonja, by hi s side. nation," the president-elect wealth of Pennsylvania and ~HILLTOP staff. They have worked hard to give you, He shared his specifi c said_. '.'I have a good histo­ "I'm del ighted with the "Besides the fact that he decis ion,'' lvtor.-is said. is a alum nus, his the State of New York. He plans for enhanced student ry with Democrats and has also served as a law readers, bonus coverage of campus events, as we interaction with a group of Republicans because I say "Students were over­ appoinonent is key because whelmingly in favor of him he knows how to deal with c lerk to Chief Judge studem leaders on Tuesoay. the same thing to both par­ William Hastie of the u:s. events happening on a local, national and internation " I want to make it prac­ ties. ' HowardlJniversity is fi ve years ago as a possible the management with Uni­ president and I suspect he' fl versities and hospitals in Court of Appeals for the tice 10 hold open office a the best investment you can Third Circuit in Philadel­ I. On this day, as we honor the graduating class o couple of hours a week make. If America is going go over well with students cri sis. We needed a chief now," Morris added. execu~ive officer who could phia, as well as an admin­ student could see to be successful , it's istrative assistant to Repre­ S, we feature area alumni who have gone on to sue­ me wi1liou1 an appoint­ because of Howard Univer­ "This is a great day in the tackle the problems we're history of Howard Uni ver­ currently facing at our hos­ sentative Charles Rangel ment.
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