GOOD DESIGN 5TH ANNIVERSARY Momaexh 0570 Masterchecklist 100 Museum Selections
GOOD DESIGN 5TH ANNIVERSARY MoMAExh_0570_MasterChecklist 100 Museum Selections Trends In Designer Training Popular Sellers Selection Committees, 1950-1954 Directory of Sources 100 MUSEUM SELECTIONSFROM GOOD DESIGN 1950-1954 The first retrospective selection of progressive furnishings available on the American market since 1950 is presented here. Thousands of items already chosen for Good Design season by season were reviewed in the light of longer experience by a special 5th Anniversary Selection Com- mittee composed of Museum of Modern Art staff members. This committee selected 100 prod- ucts (or groups of related products) for visual excellence. The Director of the Museum, Rene d'Harnoncourt, was joined by the Director of the Museum's Collections, Alfred H. Barr, Jr.; the Director of Circulating Exhibitions, Porter McCray; the Director of the Department of Architec- ture and Design, Philip C. Johnson; and the Director of Good Design, Edgar Kaufmann, Jr., in this Selection Committee. SHOWN APPROX. MANUFACTURER GOOD OR DISTRIBUTOR DESIGN ITEM RETAIL DESIGNER FURNITURE Darrell Londrum Avard 1951 Jan. A' _'of';. ., :'-VAI Bench, iron, foam rubber $ 78.00 (fabric, Boris Kroll) in muslin MoMAExh_0570_MasterChecklist 1952 Jan. Dining tcble, oblong; iron, white linoleum $157.50 Dorrell landrum Avard fl.,..} .~ .. ~-~ vA' / Finn Juhl Baker Furniture Co. 1952 Jan. VA3 Armchair, walnut. black leather $212.00 1953 Jan. Armchair, bent wood, natural webbing $ 95.00 Bruno Mathison Bonniers I· 113·" .~~~1"'1'4 p..Ji H p.Ottoman, bent wood, natural webbing $ 40.00 ("07 Bonniers 1954 Jan. V::s Table, low, teak plywood, beech $150.00 Bruno Mathsson Harold Cohen Designers in Production 1954 Jan.
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