
1��E�S_T�A�B�L��=SH�.. !�����86�·_3�._�_��������T�O�PE�K�A�.�K�A���S�Ai��;M�AR�C�H�2�2.�1�88�2�,���������VO�L=.�X�X�.�N=O=,�12�. not one bearer wo cultlvatton. 1'he A.II that Is clalmed as to the ot 'en Inches In diameter, and I have lost by gTIIsse., prevention 01 wldespreadlng and destructive oCany varIety ""n supertortry creamery i 1>-7\ side. com trees Which we '. •• '"\ Inen seon with a ete- produ. ts. wh>tt i hen ? Shall Wo that while my ueighbors, on every plata THE KANSAS FARMER. fires. the� are the Kreat agencies thllt have wrought original acknowledge rabbits, as I It skill and or others cnnnot be aunined of old orchnrds utmost destroyed, Now. snch 1\ wonderful change In lhe cllmateof the easteru cumrerence of trunk or a J nfl.y hu-hes, and the enterprlse having wllh t Are we til thnt sk llled utmost farmer hus trom onc to Cour dogs, why halt of Kamas. Even If no more ratn fILl's on the opre"d or branches or Corty reer, loaned tw,·nty by ourselves acknowledge every beauurut \Vft8 8. worth iabor and bustness with B not themlto xrd IH!:fl A very llLLlt!!trninlllg The Xa'!l.ltu Farmer Company, Proprietorl, earth nnw than In the e"rly d"l'S or the stale'. his­ bushels or fruit, sight g�llIg abl.Ityare iucompntilJle put g an� to a on wHl do what I have done. Tr, , Are we to trouble Top�ka, KanIa., tory, It fs beuer dlstrtbuted throughout lhe ••••on some distance to sec. The Wild Goose I� a very fine farmer's vocation? olways give WRy your part. as as or later es that would furco us so the mere of brother farmers, and H you all succeed well \Ve hnve more �cntle ehower8, more general rains, variety tntroductlon: it ripens Its fruit rlter �res!!ure drudgery It, .. will be than the The fruit ts beautiful and of and t J content oursetves with a drudze's I have. me rabbit , if not entirely destroyed, and while, we may have as many thunderstorms, preceding life, pay? Rainfall and Kansas that tbe done our Farming, Ihey are not marked wtrh the .everltyof lhe year8 very line quallty, and an early bearer. In purchas- Are we to ackuowledge that lhe cow stable I'll d, held In such check, damages lessened. (EEtracts from a lecture by II, R Hllton,oC the thai preceded tbe clvtItzRUon oC our Boll and climate lng plum trees, go or saud to an expo 'leneed. relia- pasture. milk. puil, and stool. are the boundaries of orchards will be constderably I(CONO..V. . order to a tree our while the tikl}l of our wives and L'lnd Do�artme"t ,\, T. & 8. F ,d.lIvered be Core the , ble nurseryman, d(m.'llru8lycmr age-nt. capR.l·ity. daugh- Bc.lenllHo Club of Topeka, and the Kansa. Academy From old Bel tiers who Iocated hero twentY·flve The thtrd Camlly of plums (p,..."". Muritima) I te.. is clh.u,tetl in the l"llor or wnsh lug milk ptlll. a Cow. of8clence.j years ago, we learn thaI ow Ing to the scant coverlng wIdely dtstrtuuted all over the state, Those are "lid pnns t Must the "gilt erl�o" be the producloC, I Had Sick was 0:111 baked tound In III western K'n8as,and and tho .old the Cor tho sktll or the : Tho 11)\1 o(cistern lCans!l8',s;black: Inam, reltlng ofvegetation, Iho prairie sod tough, nearly every county compensutton, To the Editor or the K�nsas Farmer hard and that It was almost to raIn wblle much oC Crult Is smal) and bitter to the creamery man? a cow lhal acted os On" clay Cormatlon; that oC cen'ul Kons"8 a dark. drl; Impervlous .the One yellr since I had thotlgh farmer \l'tlt and shed It as the whole had beeu taste, plume of good quality are oCten found; I betieve every enterprlstng, sptrlted she was in would lie down and rise &andy Io,m. reatlng on a porous lLarl,'I.y Cormatlon: though gronnd large great pain, again that the flres and we have not the least doubt lhal careful se answer these wilh an No. she arose she would while that "Cweltern KanBllR ha. a_8tlll more ""lIdy covered with a8phalt; Crequent prairie �y questlons cmpballc WdS lor a ed to a hay pen. When Increased the sun .... and that In lectlon and excellont aud beauttful va- Wetl, It I. not too 800U to put forlh all our energlo. She looked wltd and 1 ot lint Ceared Rurface aoit an� more poroD8 subsott. Thl· I, the only baking proe h,brldlzlng, hook lhe fence, Bnd con.. tbe r.dlatlon ot heal f,om lhe rlott(s can be obtttined. The of Ihe til regain lost ground secnre and ever afterward bul took a ot ot ...eral"nbdivlnghly more favored in lhe past ten years tban the ea.tern I fear I am rolher Inte In giving lhls reply, bnt .. �ay; the balance I. relOlCtef! Cur want of In peoded by deslroylng Ihe curculiu both In Its lar' al To the EdItor oC the Kan...s Farmer: capacity half oC Kansa8, Bnd yet In 'Ihe ten yell.. Crom 1855 to no olle has seen Ot to give 8ny, I send the Cullowlnl, the ""tt to oLOrelt, and In this and Imago .tate.· 1. W . .It. A mat',er orlhe fi"t with the eon.equeDee ourplus 1865 the C�llureH were many and gave to lhe .tate Importbby prop"",d. Thl, Ihlng de· oC waaling htllC. storeo the Cull C4r as and .l.bl· In it� hca�on: and a.ls) td.ke cue that the snppl)" com­ and Cour yellrs later a. Mulon Center •.)Ullce white or from two oC tha.n a tbe to Is egg. separat� ounces-yolk amonnl serve! more pUlling notlcej idea, me, ror futllre UOC. Was no III mences 88 early ill 1he spring as possible, and Is pro· lene. Ten years ago there blue stem grass MIx the ltmewnter and oil wllh 11 heat • •0 rldlculou. that It Is w,r. it not such" egg. I.DUe The nalur,,1 ded\lClI�n from thl8 would that the lau�haole, a, late In lhe flllt a, ..lble The seasOIl oC be, Harvey Rnd 9altoecountle"oxceptalon� tbe Vlream., longed PQ beat the aud add, Apply wllh a of our OWI1 wea'lness, egg. 8eparately 1011 'tWo feet adonble oC mol. contemptlble i:\eknowl�dglnenL ns a milk feed I. so deep, storing qllanltty the being cI)mpletely covered wllh buff"lo prairie graSil profitable producing coats to tum rain, each upland' wltb Cuur vote. out Of live In our own hand.. I am paInt bru,lI, giving eDough will be more Ihan Iwlce as In w ILh short I do not ulue It lor that 'l"re, long parting gr.... buff"lo gra.. c..nnot be Cound In highly purpos.: Many coat to I[el beCore applyillg the next, It II To·day at 0.105S to soo how could entcrttLiu or'advo· quite dry II; nol ooly beca�se It holds more oC 11, but becansb It anyone sea,ons It Is hard,a",l althoul[h either oClh_' eounttes, unle.slt be an,hislgnlftcant by Allgu,t g\)tllng lO over with R coat oC otl escll cateso a ,", a"'d. Croon the 1m­ good plan lr9 Ught "1Ito� Colrther (rolll the surrace "nd Crom the BUll', dangerou. t>�JI>."tl 8lltllln excellent fie',h It Is patch hI re and there, and tbe bottoms and uplantl. produeer quire uuprofit· A cauU.n I would Ie, do not Jel the dn" DC toe .. for .prlnr. give • thing. Lobbl any pUrp086 drylnl ..Ind., Dull practlbltlly I\ble as a tor mUtt cows. In my about _.Ioe!t,t. consequept evaporalton, are allke covered with bloe stem, l'nshlng west to mnge oplullHl or wind lo Ihem unltl tbey are "" ..re In bad ""'te,and are &8 d.lrimeutHllo get perfectly dry, '., Tile experience of eay em Jarmerl, who have care­ reg"rded three months is as long in 1\0 averllge season as lq tbe cenlt'r oC ·tbe state, we find Rice and Ellsworth von wtll·have lhem coated wilh an opaqne varnllll , the Inte..at of lhe Hnd lO our rllll,. noted the efl';,cts oC on Ihelr mojorlty, d.ngerous saCe for to wild dr"loage Bol11B, counUe. bave al80 snccumbed to Ihe blue slem. and daIrymen depend wholly upon grllllll, neither useful nor beaullful. Have cro.s bars I. Institution., We nud.r.lllud how these tllat a traot oC land on wblch the ourf.ce soil baa republican In this of Kau ••s at lame musl Barlon and Ru_ll .WI Carlher west are now beIng port lea.t, gr"". BIl,h about Cool. Some taok muslin upon the are hldlvldu,ll.""ud are we 10 been t\ny good and eompelen t men among us, are reached. my Crollt yard 8MU"! corre.pond wH,h the "mdgnlft. lhe Crames, Besides, Kdns"8 breezes generally keep It would .oem to Collow that the amonnt whose Interests are Identlc.1 with our own, ...nnot Croll' tbl., cen dl!'!Laoces" or Kan!lR.8, I buHt my house twenty heat cao The ftne.t and paature lands In oentJ'81 KILDBas Ihem 8Urring, so water and ea.tly escape, Of rainfall lumolent to ralse In one hay we conlrolleglBl&lloll In our own Inte..st, at least so crope locality rodo bRck Crom the rOlld, lawo or about two takelt arc to be fonnd In the .and htll8 the leaving" I al80 send a receipt Cor anolher varlltoh, be either too mneh, or to.day along Car as IS right? If nOl, let ns cast our vote Cor some lila,.. too little for some olher acreB In front oC the hou'e. III tbe Bummer oC '71 I were ba, e Crom an article entllled "Hol bed with flre heat," by' Little Arkanltaa river, that ten years ago one hot.io Itom out. some l1ttlo I�lltles havlog more or 1_ ab80rptlve soU. honest, lll.wyer tOWD, broke the 80d, and next after and almosl deotitute oC The sand htlla np prairIe early 8prlng, T, C, In February No. oC A. M. Purdy's Fruit Reoor""" ,vegetallon. or some M, D, Is It to be presumed lh,t anyone For Ir the I sowed one half Instance: tblrty live Inches be the amount oC south oC the Arkansas river In P"wnee and thoroughly prep"rlng grouod, "Put In an Iron kettle one quart of Unsood ell, Barton, among u. h's brain! to make a law In our a..Dual ralnCoJI enongb bushel oC mlEed and red. neces""ryto f�rm ,uoOOllllCully In the Edwards connllesare covered gras.Beed, olover, ttmothy an ounce oC finelv pulverized sugar oC lead, rapidly becomlnl grass own Interesl except lbem 1 Tbelr Inte,e,t8 and OUri adding nate oC eastern I CUl oC the IIrst Illlools, Klnoas, with ItIt better draIn· and tbe same Is the sand top, upon.the plat, a.good crop htly flnd Conr ounce. oC pulverIzed rosin, Heat genlly change rapIdly golne 011 In being IdeQUcal,oC COurse we wtll get Bucb leglsla· ed lotlorlll furnlBh as much antt b9.ve teaSOD slnca. In this time It molBrure to plant·lIfe on hills oC nortbom Nebraska. seasoo, every unttl thoroughly mixed, apply wann with a hrush. Iton as we need, Many of your correspon�ents talk Ineheo oC'raloCllll h.s received one oC I havcsJwed t"eaty-llve per annnm, and west· ltghlcoat manure, on a clear day. When dry, give & second coat" of org&nlz4tion8 to accomplldlcled good crop le t" better extended .west oC Topeka, eE- grow all the line varleiles of Enropean plums. Tbis Osk"I.",a, March 1S. a and lhelr sateltlte8lo Congress (with pas.es In lhelr ------�------thcori.t th"n C, W. John. >n when he wrole"bon' Ihe 08�. perhape, Ihortdistaoce the But Is the cannot along valleys. 8·.le ri""on wby,w. succeed with this , so as .. In e oC these pockelli),ju8t long wIll they, Jay Gouhl )'s, lreelesR plains" oC K"n8&B, During the One dar_ apl maoy discouragements ot Ihe cH. delicious Crult, yet Ihere 'are two varletle. oC thl. "take th"lrade wttt bear." 1 have bul tittle lo Rabbitll-Treea--Dogs, con·ldern.blc wheat was nnd tbe seille.. what snring sown, more wl'l mate, pioneer ventured IIrst just outsIde valuable speeles which do succeed In bearln� fair To the Editor oC the KallB8.ll Farmer: ol hope Cor from the old POTU<". There appedro lo be be sONn, nlso OIl.LB, as Boon as the soli Is 8ufficJently the MlB'IOuri vaHey, then • gCCrnlt no gradually we,tward, tep crope nearly eveTT year, thatwe have heBI· I see in your paper 8. great mELuy remedieM for pro Il uulled action on lhelr In lhelr own I ,tere6is. to be lilled, by .tep, mile by mtle, and each Bawa part dry year Ittlle far. tatloo In recommending them Cur Irlal. TheBe Ilre tecUng orchard. Crom lhat lillIe loeRt, the rRbblt. no InlereHt bllt hold th,'m If Our Cruil trees appear In 0 h con dillon, ther advance upon the great American deocrt unUI perty spoils togeUler. "lthy the Lombard and the Emigrant, The latter was In· They all seom to aim at the CtI'dct, a.nd leave the we wlih lu Illteresl w. muot had commenced the n.. we ftnd lhe land I for SOO .legislaUon tl,e People's Peach bud. swetling first week � possesse mUes west oC trodueed to tbls state by Wm, Cutter; 01 Junction C&lIse to nnmoleHted. I have seeu orchards of IDj out or thd advance to tne IUHI staud go but the cold since tbe HIBIOnri river: what has been get ruts, frollt, in Mltrch; snap cilt!Cked furlher ,And the coose. C(ty In 1888. His trees have borne Calr croll" Cor nelghhors th.t have hcen wrapped with both lI"y Cor our rlgh"', J. V, tr"NDOPH. All Crult lree8llr. Cull oC buds, Clo. quence of.thl. possession? The plow has ac. developmonts. be,'n many years, and last year hI, trees were Illerally aud paper, but the r4bblts wnuld tear Il off and glr Kos, and bllle •• Is also Us Itv­ ,tlvely at work an" lhe rooCof Emporia, ver, Ilmolhy gra pre'enUng wale:·sheddlng 8.0:10,. loaded down to Ihe ground, The Crult exhibited by dIe tho treea, Now (or the benefit of my brother Our nallve woods and OOIIac'es oCland haa torn the iOU ng green. pllLuted groves are be,en up; has been hlm.at the State F,dr were fiue. luscions .p.'clmen•. rarmcls, I will here give you my experience wIth a tilled, and a storehouse nrovlde,1 Cor Ihe ralnC"ll m.de cheerful by the songs of manr bIrds, that Every Cllrmer should have at least two lrees oC each remedy, which has not ouly protected my orchrnd, W... formerly wasted, Foresl and frull trees Corn planting wilt be cemmenCM early Ihls .prlng mtltlonB variety ,planted In hi. yard. These varletleo are ea.· but has rId my f"rm 0If lhe mbblt, I have lwo dog', the mlndle oC which Is 10 nnmbor. have heen planted, a at lell8t I'Y ,\prll, very Cflrl,. proving va.1nRble Ily dlstlngul.hed by lhelr large broad leaves, ram- � shepherd alld a bull dog. I Coun,' lhut th08e dog', oU1IIate ameli IfMlng accessory·to 'the cultivated . for our norlhern tier 'Thc listing piow and tbo'Ume soU pant growlb, and ,tronll' 8hoots. (like alt dogF) BIlW a great deal oC CUll In rUllnlllS and ranker growth. upri�ht Creameries vs, Farmers, honored cheokrower a.re ttlking the lend with \18, 88 plant There are three dl,ttncl Cam Illes (lC plumB scattered rubolls, "Now," lhlu •• f, "I wilt make those dogs Fr,)m the,e combined causes came an I he best modes 10 keep the field. clelln Crom weede, Increased allover the West. rn � totes which are worthy lbe at­ To the Editor of the Kansas Farmer: rid my of r"bblts," and lhls Is lhe WRy I pro· place all humIdity oC the atmosphere aud a more dlf­ As '"r os we nre abl. to judge, preseut appear­ general tention of every lover of line Crult. and we have no Market reports from n. recent number of the KAN­ Cl'edt!d. 1 built 8cyortll boxes. abont two f.'et. �qUU.1C oC moisture Crom the oew w.ter held u.llcesscem to llldicntc that we Are gOing to have ". CUI,on supply doubt that jn the very near future Bome excellent SA. FA,RMER .hoW 46c down to ase ptr pound C r with two small doors, one on the north, the other on In reaerv�, Iecreased humidity was;rapldly Co11owed year of plenly," Se".lule pcople arc thankCul and varletles oC these wlll be produced. creamery bulter, agaillst d.lry bulter ot 40J Cor lh. lh. 80ulh side, To fillhe,e door. I mllde .lIde., 80 by plants and grass·. that lind their best hIlPPY, bnt lllC chronic grumbler oee. notblDg to be develop. The ber;t varletle8 of American plum, which are beHt dowD t"'!�Oc (.,r "good," a dlffdrtUice of (roQ) G t,1 lhat I could open or clo,e them at will. Then I for. me�lln a humid cUmate, Tbe tall. blue·stem grass thBllkCul h,elng,prodUced just now. east oC the .!o1lsaourl river. �Gc bet, een the be.t brands oC lIie former and the placed rallg, upon und.rlylng pleces,oC aboul C"ur that conld nol wlthBt"nd the arid climate oC lho R.llglously we hAd lar�e and "onderful Inl':,ther­ dry, a", from the known among botanl8t•• s .. de of butter In 'Inches In thl"kneBs ht Buch a that" rabbll, sPOlcles lowest� "good" pruduced t"le dolry: po.lllon churches plaIns, now CuHOW8 In lhe wake of lhe settlemenls,1 PI'U Ings Into lhe during the months of Jan lary ...... Amerlcam,., and from tbls Iowa cuHurl.ts and a difference between the hest 01 eal'h, when the dogs. a. a con­ and gradeR pun,u£,d by 'l'ould, natul!'1 The wealher and roads tabs pooseb6loo oC the Boll, on which the have rafiled a�d Febru,,-y, Were mOil short: some flne varieties known the name. 1'hl< 8u�gests some very s.rlo08 qucslI"n8 both to tb. _equcllce. "�II Inlo the boxes tul' saf.ly, (I wilt here by In wlr,. hnlroLlo gr.... had so lonl[ 1I0urlshed, because It of Forest luvely tor prolracLCd meetln;:s. Sabetha. EYHn. Garden, Qn.ker. Weaver, Do 80to Harri­ (onsumer and the dl\lrymaD. Does the Creamf'fY stale that Ilt lhe lime I set aboul thlB plan my do�., F. L IUsI.tel1 the rcoil1. alouo ..... �eli.t Tnllle, by nt pa"oJ' capable oC lIf� on a limited son's PeaCh Bustalnlng sup- and all Ibese oldd 6 to 260 to the vatue of oC bulter it could DOt oat h a rllbblt, hence the necesslly oC the conclilCteri mCl!tillJ(8 the entire mOlllh of A , Winnebago; o;e good every pound JdoUU1try oC molotnre, ' ply heallhy Rrowers; and lhe would run'" rabbil hllo nllmber of the lea.dll1lit b!lsines.'t men and prominent • good bearen, wIth Crult of ex. prodncea? Or does It add 80mewhat lo Its coat, and trK",,). Now, when doga 'The tillage of the BOll and I'llfrell!t l\re aml,.ng \he new oonverte. 'J bere we 6 growIng of trees made cellent very and ot a I wOllld aud ciose tI,e qualllY, hardy, ripen theIr Crult .. 1 then by reasnn alight sllperlorlty oC prortuct get lhe traps, go ,he Illdes, ca,lch t .l1dlUona lO the three ch"rch"", to th� the first breach In the 11 8aplllOt arid climate' mol.ture was an ..,rllor than the w�re period Chickasaw, control 01 the market and ch�rge up th. greater rabbit, di.lde It, anl1 give Il to tbem. At ftnttlhey ,Ide Bflrled !7. CongTe&{&tiuoaU"t 6t and M. E. IncrelLllod to th<1I ,\ ", 8n1l'lolently favortbe oClhe blue­ The 51 a.. lhe re.ult, C the meetlDgIJ. lo\ro T.mls wl:t gro�th II4lcond genns, Pro".... Chic.... IB IndlgenQna part oC that dlll'erence as prollt8 of !he entel 1 did nolllOOm Inclined to eal tbem, but by a lIltle Ie.... prls. lIever Ihe Mem ...... , When these too'k be for�Qtlell by fCl"ateful pe"ple oC 8abelha gr pos lon I believe In a of the 80nlhem and south Crom the I lhem so 10 ...... portion "ostern state., �s the f"rm« wbosells hIs cream sham In thts faledlng hOl\Be, got lhey begall and ""1�hborhood8. and theIr, Inlluellce was gl'8ater than aU 8urrnllndlng IIIMellty other CIlDSel com. The tree Is a rampant II Ihelr new al11 ICon became ao Cond orll to be .. no" hardy, growe. and an abun. difference; and trso, to lIat extent? Wh,. cannot {elt.h dl�l. .keIlUct,m·used the conlretUng powe , blned, became hy covering the mojor oC the d.nt hearer. The Iwo best .... nce 'ho b"ll ..nee ol portion varletles of IhlB famUy the dairyman aogood an artlcle aud at that th•. would gooul almoslevery day, of th.lr own ."cltemp !lold produce ju,t now wllh .. he,vy tbal .. Ohrllllll\nll(,healthful nllnence In Ihat growing louDff 00llJltry COlltlng, ere lly reduced are the Hiner and Wild Goose, The MI' er I•. to a and can lu the 1_ COOL? accord, and calch Crom three Cour dRY, wwn. removed one of radlatlon'they the moot .tnbb.m of ono of the opInion the writer, moot valuable and Ir the cream.ry can furnIsh a Cooley creamer to the now bl' lhelr nperlence In the business, Illld by UI agencIes Ihal the .pl.neer had to o.ntend with. °If{ It prodnctlve varleneB that hRS heen tested 10 Kanll&8 Carmer, and then a.nd a man and toam t� the a IIltle slratagem, catch the rabbits thO)m.eh'es, R�: "ri��,�!���:�L�r�hll����, <;>:r����O.���S:; Il"ther Ing other &180, penetJ'8 Ing Ihe now shaded soli "Ith It. memher< udded, and mony pl"",,8 ml"ht thll.l by II b true that lis hahlt of vigorous growlh lB nnC.vor­ cream once or Iwlce a wblit Ih. mu lO do Wllh lhe rJ

tho grountl, hRsboen Cound to Lst, She must be near a 1:001.1 market. on the back of the stove j let it boil fifteen or be 60 oeaU.,..dee cooler lha. the all' of tile (greet. 2nd. Sbe must have the right kind of chick­ twenty mintites'-the longer the better. One -TOWArd the end of t.he eighth century the 8t\le of alf\vur must be some of the ma­ or two handsful of flour stirred in it. ens; they large early ,improves beyond IJJclr native provtucee wss rn mOiLcoulltrlell forbid" In all advertiaement (ound in as or D. Brahams.P. Rock" A meal boiled: dell, answering theIe THE AUTUMN OF LIFE. turing kinds, Light good pudding Proportions, oolumn., our readers will confer on UI a favor by or Buff Cochins, as these grow faHt and fat­ cue of 01' half two tea­ -At. the beginning ot the fourteonth Lho chnrch P, pmt milk, cream, eggs, century that law the for ltating they advertilement III tll, the first. Liule gave pertulealou (or the dl886t:Uon othu .. ten easily. spoonful of soda to sweeten the Fa=er. The 0111 mnn lilts at. his cotteec door, salt, enougll mnn bcdtea. Kansas In the git'nlll or the dyIng dllYi 3rd. Be sure lIuII have early chickens 1\3 this milk; make like griddle. cakes, it should pour 1\.'1 the !iilt'ut shore -The milky julceof Lhe ftg tree po!JJe&oIefl B DI8 henrt Is ns calm is tbe time when the best out one-half of the dlgfflUve pow­ they' bring prices, easily: the space bag nud when When the wbuts have pns-ed aWAYi of, er, mixed wltLaaulwal ueeue pl"Htrvesltrrom de. TRUTH ATTESTED. from to $3,00 doz. should be left for the to swell. The n Lime. !ils thcugtrts n still ns the frngrant breeze say $240 per pudding cay tong of to the eeas. chickens in a condition Tlml wuteners pence aZ,ure 4th. Keep yonr good bag should be ten inches long, six or seven in -1'he nelda centutned in fruita nil oct opon tin, 80 thnt Some Important Statements of Well feed liberal, do not stint, but keep them grow­ width at the a little at the bottom; fruit preserved tn tin cnns often contains Un 10 eotuuon, Disis the bCl\uty of earth unc ntr, top, sloped Known People Wholly Verified. uud 18 consequently poisonous. 'Iha glow of the t.wllight boura: ing all the time, have lime am! gravel and the seams should be on the outside: sow a strong Be ret'ls that glory everywhere -Alum wnter is recommended for and plenty of fresh water and give them sour milk string' on one side nn inch from the tOpj boil prcvenHng bUIfB In order Ihal the publle marlUlIr realll.e Ibe pa.. JII breathing from woodland nowers; ,,'Ol'IIlS from Inrest.illg nour lallla, meeetve two pcunda of to ulneness ollhe lUI well as Ibe and uts ere drink. about three and turn often. statement., power And benrL grows young, though ure yeRI'II old, hours, nlum In three quarts er wnter nnd with n bruah to apply value of the uie I article ofwblch thel speak, we pobllah A' wondrous sight or the suueet gold lith. Let your chickens be from 13 to Iii Pumpkins make nicer and much better pies crevtcee where insects may be concealed. herewith Ibe lac .imiu signatures of parUee "hON weeks old before you offer them for to wash them crean and cook without -Sleel tools should never For Memory ccmea with e gentle lmud, market, pealfng: be heated, either for forging or 81ncerlty ia beyo'ld quesuon. The truth of Ib_ tea­ and sure are and tempertnv, In n frellh Ore unless It be obatcrml. H coke 18 Aud benreui, on Fancy's wings, be tbey plump fat; by this rub through b coarse sieve. The pies will do IImonlala Is absolute, nor cao the fac,," Iber"­ not. nt band the tire shoutd be EiH thoughts to her OIVO Imurortal land, allowed to burn until nil the nounce be means yon will hold your customer. through very well with one egg to a Ignored. wnere the PllaL forever aln.qs pie. gas lit burned out. of tbuconl before tbutee) Js Introduced, tbe entire season. I sold f)f JOYII thnt. brightened rne (ttlr daYII fled, my early ones at MRS. DELIA B. CRIPPEN. KAN.,lIa,. -'1'wo have a 12,1_ ----- Leipsic chemists devlaed ,:.roce88 tor obtntn­ Me,,,,,,. d. H. Warner Elt CJlendshlp8 Inded with frteuda long dead, to -�---- zro�, from$3,OO �3,60 per doz., and my entire flock n ing augur In permanently liquid form. Thle result. Is IInld Uentlemen-About nillet�(m YCSrfl8g0, ':"hen in &he I a of chickens out at Butter to be etrL'cted by to a 801ullon n amall army. contaacted kidney disease which hll8 ever And the Past, though "ad ror the love that III gone, frying �2,76 average. Making. adding purttled 811J{l\r fllnee teen the source OJ much pain and 1he � 'fo tbe Editor of Kansas qunntlt.y of cltl'lc I\cltl, "'hlch combines "ll11 the Bugar and only JSBlVeet. to the oJd man'sllllnd; 6th. And most important, yon must have a the Farmer: lief obtained seem. d III the us'e of In Ih. deprives It. of Its to morphine. Like lhe birds In t.uose yel\f8, have Oown LE'hlleucy crY8tallze, etty t.he Barne eJ perience waR thnt.l!ung man or a who will take the time and tbe That my readers may not mistake the Bkim­ rcpellted, until bJ' boy chance I a bottle of Warn er·. Safe and The hopea he hath lefl. behlnu; -A drum JURnnfnctory In l\[n8sncl!useLla, eato.bll8hCl11n bou�ht Kfdney Plins t� direct to of milk while Bweet and Bweel Ttl Memory from el,cb dRY go the COtlSUmers tbemselves, ming churning bM IJrlng:J bygone 1863, converLcd dUllng tbat Ume :\0,060 8heep aklD8lnt.o ��v��c..u;:;'1 ���".:fl[����ea�r�1 Vc'ftCihIa��ft:��d'� Some giCt of tor bls lonely WRY, M our 1I0t crelllIl, I will endeavor to what is call· lIrurnhen.d8. waH peRce grocerB will pay sucli prices, but it explain slowly building up and slrenglhenlng my "om out 1. .. of cream is kldu8VI, continued U.s UHe un,U to,day I &ID en all it COBts in time and trouble thell ed ripening .. Ripene6S tbe term Aml the children love that. oltl mnn dear repay as, you -The 10t1\1 value of the enrthermmre aud porcelAin ex­ Joytng better healLb tban I bave known In 1e&J's,lInd used to indicate the of in frOlll o�Lk'r 1; lUI I bau ever io As he sl181n the tw1Ught t.here, get c.-'ah for your chickellij. degree advancement pOI'ted Japan to forelJ;n counLriL's during tbe ye:.tr 18&0 expemed know &i.in. wns What Is DIG 'e. I shall conUnue Ibe uoo oflblil medi­ Lhnlnlt (\ music they CRllnot IIt�nr, the which iB on in 1l'!ltrJy £too,Ooo. Now wishing to he�r from others on the sub­ ohAnge constantly going clne. boh�TJdll tt wll alIeet a complete cu"'. From the Ilca and the voiceful "1r; -The Ilurnhf'r of pcnls taken about Newrouudllml1 D, B, of house iu I a cream. The cooler the slower during OWEN!!, And gather nround, like gln I dlBco'l'8red green lound to lA8tlURny yf'ftrs,.Jn conseqllence of belo, tmpJ'fg­ Ibll� west, the east door and window open, shaded one thing. Bed Bug Poison. nBled wIth the ilult.j "hll� )Jillnrs of brick nnd atone cr1,lm· �g::le��'��a�,::;��r.fII";::' Tr�!I��::cl p:!Tu�� We hauled lime stone about two bJe awny In a 81lort.tlme by the decay of tlle mar Ar. the 10 Ihe bladder. Their bowel', by an ample porch, made it one of the cool­ miles, made To the .EdItor of U,e Kansas Farmer: kidneys medicine, er. jailed to produce a cure. Bud so I purchused W.", a w!llk Our om a uew comer est and one most restful homes I knew of. Mrs. and then put all coal ashes over it. AB I I will introduce my­ ner" Safe Kidney and Liver Cure 1'he eft'ec:.t mo. elleour8", 1'81,,0 ..w� We are not mucb troubled with Belf I am a g lIy dlsappea ,a·, L. waB at the nearest neighbor's culling, and mud. Then by Baying farmer,B wife and WOUld qUI.klr, the one load of corn like 10 tell the a Mr. L, uudertook our entertainment, until 'boys" always Bnap when wom�n remedy for bed bugB :�h����:� :r��II�u.l�.";N:;:'�: I�u�:�':,�d/�"J atter uslllg f.'ur boUletI I W8S cOItrel,. recoverecl_ I and in to make mats if of them are MaBterTommy would bring Mumma. We spoke hU81dog, bring of; pull off, any peBtered with the vermin Ibe 00.1 tblnll enrywhere for you.r iae.a� a -When do know �:::e�Ylng of the nice flock of chickenB, and he opened place ill tub, pour warm water over them, and do not know ir already. I think if they yon oot when else to eet your t&lJle,ICL It In a ronr, braid and and will never will it Ibe back door tbat we might see them better. sew, you regret the try they will fiDd it good. You can get -A CblCBII" girl who I. enp,ed to a youn, doclor calla labor. I use one of !.hose crooked needles call for at Oh, said Mrs, 'V., see the nice, flagging walkS long any quantity you the drug Blore: htm "a sweet. pill," to sew with. Corrosive liniment. with a �� to one out feather. the well and another way towards Apply -NfI.ver call a mon empty hf'Rded. 8ay he rewinda ,.ou NORTH Another is Be careful and not leave to 11 dilapidated cODtrlbuUon box. TOPEKA, KA8., lIay � � tbe barn. Wbere did you get it? Why, wpen thing very annoying, to have it in reach of children. 'M_. H. H. Warn�r '" Co,: -It Is not. tbat the GeuUemen-··! had mft'ered for a time wltll'. I was out stone for cbildren half their victuals on the table If thiB doeB not find the waste baBket I strnnle Al!aDtic Ibould be rat.her ugly long getting my baBement drop may tronble,whlch In oc(:AslonBlIy.lt 18 so oRen cro88ed kidney prodnced pain my 'back,:. cloth or wall there WOB a good many of tbese I floor, Bcarcely using the knife or fork, come again. llious.· desire to urinate evel'7 half hour "accompanIed by" Btones,and -l'l.l.ever a man despise who weRn a paper Iblrt front.. Be """Iding oell68llon. IoIr B. R Irwin lold me ODe dar on a at but that the with Kas. J' put few each load' for the walkB. I don't crnwing (Is right word?) Carbondale, !nay bave no motber to Huppan him. tbllt all Ihl. might be cured If I wonld only, we lJui had Warners Safe as remedY,be employed. Kidney and �ike to wade in and it saves so their if were dirt in a -The Barn,rd studentll are'llke are mud, Mary fingers, they poking wldowe-lhey always LITer �"" Three botti,. have done away with aU trylD" to 01 ",fnsb man. •. J, la JIluch work, she says a muddy hoUBo makes so rat hole. I have noticed childreu are more apt Floriculture. �ake advnDlage mYlrouble In eYery "",pcclarellableremed:j. To -}lumorI6t.B are"not dark, buL we have much for the children. Just then to follow a good example in such thingB than the Editor of the Kansas Farmer: necefllBrlly eyed, washing aeen R A to dear friendB of the good mnoy prKcUcalJokera wlt.h black e,)'es, l4ary and her three clean little oues came in. grown people. We have had hired men who kindly greeting you, -IoIJrleoner llRve ever ladies' I you been oonvlcled 1" "No, your a would Btand and watch onr men clean tbeir department. didn't get laBt week'B Such bappy cOlIlfortable family. I can't teil haDar. I have nlways employed Bl'BL·c}9.88 )swyera," %�,�� FARMER and was more than to Bee of tbe nice tea we but I can tell feet and then walk in without BO much aB impatient -A who WI\S betwC'en two you bad, you right young lally squeezed trelght ThoUfiands of equally IItronp; endoreemenlll, mOl" a Bee if it come vou all file in, and a8 8850ciates in ,mys It fcltjust.lIke try:ng on" new pnlr of corllets, chac farmer really loved hiB wife. giving kick to would off. Boys greet yon care, of them In eases where hoptl WM8 abandoned. bave the immaterial world of - 'Vhen A mnn Is nboUL to be told n 6etlreL he IIllllts the CAOTUS. would generally do aB they saw our, foll�s do. literature. I never been volunlarily glven.lhowlng the remarkable,pow­ door, Wllt'll It 19" "'omao she the cloor to be aure no a opeDs er of Warner's Safe Bod LiTer In au There i8 a latent in all children read communication from a woman but that I Kidney Cure, The MapleB, March 101b. pride nearly one Is1l8tenlng outside. diseases of the' kidneys, 11 ver or urinary o'llana. II find in it to a want or that if will learn t!iem not to something �ppl"opriate -It III now encouraged only be'leved thai the fixed stnrs were plAced 80 far Rny one who reads thl.llas any ph,SIca1 trouble, re­ need. 'Vbat a field of usefnlnesB is tn order tlmt. the medicine wlln How to Treat Little Girls. be cleanly in person and personal habits, but great thtlS awny pnteDt couldn't get member tbe great dangcr of delay. to the readerB of t.here to pRint. on the rocks. To Ibe Editor of the Kansas Farmer: keep them out of ruany a pitfall. I tbink I opened the FARMER by itB , and -Sophronln: "Wlmt Is philosophy?" "'Vell; denr, It is . I am glad we girls are permitted to wrile hear some one say "it .will never do to fOBter considerate ed�lor, we will prove our np· something thnt enables {\ person to bear wlt)j resignatioD 1tEota"U.hol. for your paper. I think all parents ought to p"ide. What iB more hateful than pride." But preciation by our acceptance of the favor. the misfortunes of others,lI 18GII.i 1I��dDaman CA oguenlullel1frcc. W. H. FA'Y.Ca.mden..N..J .. "'tal:)I!t.lt!�,��:�H�'·1! Last week I wrote a letter on give their Iiltle girlB a chnnce to earn some I Bay pride of your OWIl purity is a blessed YOI1 floriculture -A young gentleman rc"cnLly Bent n note to n wa�Glsh but otbel' half it friend nquellllng the Joan of his n008e paper, Bud r�celved money for their own use. Now I will Buggest a thing. Not long ago we had a lady viBiting us my got mixed with hiB waste in return :.18 friend'S mnrrlnge cert.iOcnte. a and burnt and I Bee a good pian. Plow smail lot of ground and wbo is the mother of nine boys, all m�n but paperB it, practical 'Bister , -Whenever J see n reol hf\n8Um womnn engaget1 in the I. C U .R· E FIT S ! tell little can bave all lind men. I has written in substance the same with your girls they they can one, good manly asked her bow thingB, wimmln's right. lu:tlness,[n!n �olngto 1.uke myhut.aud WhonJsnyoureldonotmeon merely to stop then. meaD. a few ' Lhe t r raise in their garden to sell for their I1Wn use. sbe cama to raiBe Buch good boys. She Baid I exceptionB: Join proccl!shun. Sec 1 don'L.-Jo8h lIliUnO'. ��di�!�l��:O�dl���!l�;��lt� d�!��a:tiD•1 If you have not got seeds to gi ve them, have counseled always and ever to do right. I turn­ As a resident of KanBaB I too have made Fits, Epilepsy or Falling Siclmess The World's Institute. a Hfo-long stndy. I wftrrant to them do some work for you and give them ed to ber son >litting by and aBked him if he many failureB, aud have tried almoBt every EpileptiC my remedy core the While plIsslng through St. Joseph, aru hnving HEard a. to a of onion or beet did because he knew his mother annnal in the So I would recom­ ro�T��rnS;\�' re�:�i��8nQct.��� B:�3 !�J���t�nrOare�� money enough buy paper right just catalogue. enl nboul. theWorld's Inslitute locnLtd )60 and n l.....eo of grent. Epileptic bere, Bot.tlo my infallible remoof. Gi.. mend as a Bure JOQ (or" seed; then show tbem how to plant tbem and wished it. I said Btuily and see if you did. He and Bteady bloomer, the verbena. t concludetl to puy the celel.Jmted insUI. tion n Ahort "llIlL. ��:dllt�ilr�:�O�c:e'A���::: noUuQC We were lOet the "ho hRs by Dr, Richmond, proprietor, • DB. B. O. No" York. they can do the rest of the work a1l but baul· awhile and Baid no. Whenever I waB It iB very hardy, mine bloomed alllaBt summer �OT.I83 POArl,llt., thought «alned n rellULRtiOJ as broad 88 the hUlll He III (\ rather them to market.. Don't let the cook to a or when but the and ing use tempted to go low place, drink or use everything gereniumB petun­ small, yet prepossfsslng man, or VPTY aftable nnd gentle­ of the ias in the mnnners. lIe U8 a Dud took any girls' v�getables. I once knew a tobacco, I would think I could hear people Bay periBhed scorching blaBt. Tbe seed manly gave henrty welcome, grpnL paln81n 119 through hla [16111\1181 Rod mam­ mother who her child Bome will on the all winter showing gave Bqt.la�hes to "Why, look at Frank --. Well, those boys lay open ground and will For Sale motb IntUitu Ion. It Is a five story bullt1lng, 21)Ixl80 f..et, Ch'eap. for her and those are no came witb Ihe earliest in . plant own; equashel were better than other QOYs after all," and plants BpriDg. They WiLh bAsement, nOll contni11s OVt'r 300 Iooms, alut clm Bhort Hom Bulls. 8 Registered �' all eaten at borne and the child did not slow Hutil Accommotinle Ove hundred pnlif'nts, nnd eAch Rlltl" evny receive pride in my own purity kept me safe. Yes, it grow very they begin to bloom, and 4 16 and 26 months old. l'OOIll Is furnlslle(tln Ihe most elf'�nJlL nnll lAvish manner. a cent for her work. I know !lnotber was not mother'B but moLher Bhould be started in and H. W. parent pride, advice; early POtB transplant­ nut we will be�dn At the office, which 18l\ large room lur- HoAFKB. who her ten old a of had inBtilled that into me nncon­ tin canB will answer. In verbenas have Jllsliell with rfl&ewood furniture In t.he office gave year daughter peck pride qUite ed, you thl'oURhout 2 miles west of Topckn.. 6th Street road.. nre thousnnds of potatoe pealings and told her to plant them. Bcious of it being pride. Now tbat kind of every shade and color except yellow. And that photogrn.: lis of lhose who llf\\'c been tHell the lJy Nervlne. nl'.! clE"gnntly Ilnpcred, , _, did so The.wnlls bttne·l-ri����iiinnri:;r.�T.r..;�r.iIi;:�.'-' Sbe and recei ved two dollars for ber is a for to es­ little should never be '. 1.; .....,...... • po­ pride good thing anyone have, salamander, portulaca, nnd nrc 1)I'orusply terorated with rlcb nnd COSily plclur(,H, '�'�,I tatoes in ThiB the little if omitted. I have had them BO double relieved here nnd tlif'J'e by lJus'sln stone nnd'bl'onze ofem· .Tuly. money girl PUI pecially mixed with good CO\1lmon BenBe. tbey stay­ T.OI'".'.''''' an.. ••!,,j'j. \', •�!'.;. ...., .. tnellt men of Lhla nnd ot.her countries, In conn' cllon \\'1111 � � in her I will ed all but I lost the Beed last sum­ money hox, saying plant potatoes AMERIOAN GrnL. open day, OP TillS Uar.I\Y " .. the J t1stltute II) n l1lAwmOlh prlll'lng JUHlSC nnd I indery,oc. _ u:J U4TALU"U. next year. mer. I will tell how to you hybridize your cUllylllg six or seven hlr�e rOOIllS, {\Cld n score of pres�f's nrc �;�I:�I'�nN��utl'J��:III,li'I�"b�itPeir!�:!: I tbank Rebecca ont work (or the doc- for her letter on gardening, From a Young Wife. flowers and how to o'btain Beed from double kept.l'ullulng nlghtnlHl dRY turning �:ev:;����o::,lIrll�J��m�:lr��dl�:Ol':::.� WhenPd read it he said tOl', '1'lIe onice Is 011601 t.he finpst. nml most. fomplote In Ihe he would have to fence To tbe Edttor flowers when the time Comes if you will remind .. of the Kausas Farmer: �1�:e:!")fl�CI!�:;�: �l. ' WE'st, nn4 he hns t.he rooms tlecorRled, cnrreted nud l.1 1m- 1:I�t��::�� �':� ""'''''"-..:;;....�:::J FrulL C"lIl.IOI!:U� eyC!r flublllh". our so garden Ihat chickens and cows could I am not a me. I have some dandelion seed and Bome cnrennd M hl8 own Buhscriber to your paper, but a med up wttl1nstnl1ch luxury prlvnto II.tJ.T.LOVETT, L1&.Uo8U\'er.N.�. not eat Ollr double carnation that 1 office, OUl.ho linn 0001' or t.hlB mnmmoth lJulhHng Is the vegetables. constant reader. and hke your paper' very would like to exchange WESTERN GIRL. doctors's prlvute ollice, the printing dCl'l\l'lllltllt, lJludt'r,", much. Mr. will me for aster and if 01 Now, Editor, you allow petunia Beed, anyone you lAUk roolD, pllcklng, bo\;lIng Rnll consullntion rooUlS, bnr· to Bome Beed from cboice varieties send ber shop, drug 8tore, etc., nil of wklch nre filted ' ask of my Bisters what is the best feed h\\ve good tbem till If'ganl· EVAPORATING . Fruit Gardens. lf89 of eXIJeh8C. The Bfcond floor hRS the hotel tUn­ ProUt. ••d. Oeurral 8&ad8u.. to me with addreB�. You eee oOlce, for young turkeYB. Also, would MrB. E. W. your I don't Pa To the Editor ct the Kansas Farreer: IlIg, bllllnrd, tmd cooklll,ll' rOOIIlS, many gut'8t.l:hallllicra 1\1111 Amerlwa MY, Co.. Wa,nedIoro, Brown me her of milk to nil time with a _§£t\�EERpREUEITI give proceBS spend my chickenB, tbou,;h sev('rn1llnrlol"B, Tho third nn(1 fourth tltlor8 Rre nil One of our friendS is to Bcalding rooms, going tell us how SCOTCH � Hnp DIP make the cream riBe with the least fancier. I am a florist, and'my beautiful Ply­ aU of which oro furulsbed Witll Dl'usselsl'nrpe18 and Ihe n,n­ SEMPLE'S Bhe usea corn stalks for possible For sale by 1). fiOLMES, Druggist, kindling wood. Truly est. ftJrnltul'e, '1'he billiArd room hns 81x tabh'8, nil of which amonnt of labor and fuel? mouth Rooks roam fl'eely among roy flowers, Topeka"Kaa, "One-half of Rrc free to the of the bouse �1H1 their friends, the world know not how the oth: Quests The Ren � ror 1'11'1 rA list. A YOUNO I'll tell about chickens next time. ThiB er half 'WIFE. you my bath room IslarRe nml neaL, and ,,, ulso free to "UI'Sls, '1'lIe Itve!' In this community corn stalks iB a bupy BeaBon and I bave time to look CllUr6 building Is S" rr01lnllel1 on the en.st nnel south by nn Ranch for Sale. are have been until hardly 5heep (or lately) the only known elfgant nve-ncre pnrk, In which are lovely trees, belill of rich over my letter for mistakcs. arlicles of fuel. L11ely hay has been discover­ Mush and Boiled Pudding, nUll rnre Illnnu-, gravel walks nnd drlv('8, d ..llclous "rhOIS, I hAve" good mncb or 24B acre. for sale. WOl..,n Doa't thlD flowers until It wilh nr without the aLock. f'or terms and infurma-' eJ to he To the Editor of the Kanoas Farmer: your muc1� tbe, be­ Rtul A most. bl'nULfulBummer hOl1se, There are nls) n num. excellent fnel and are addr.... ORO. H. EBEItLK,' sheep droppings ber or founlnlns t.hnt edtt wonderfuUy to Ihe 01 t.he lIun, gin to bloom, then out !.he mClBt }lenut)' E1mrlale <':ha86 Co to coal. I am we, i. c., the are to pull objection­ .. Ku. eqnsl very glad women, pnrk, "blch Is truly OllP. or tbe most. nnd ntLl'ncthft able. lovely We are intereated have a column for our own UBe. In answer to In the wt>slel'l1 o.lulltry, nnd t.he IU!ltit.llte hl\. no for in\he garden, though we f'qunl Yon who wish to seed will nnd conl(orl. tn the wOI'ld. Is 'have uever we some our exchange' addresB luxury Enr,\ thin" perfeclion been very snccC3sful here Maggie, Bell of cbickenB at Hart­ MOUND CITY yet, KaB. And the visitor Is at once charmed wllb the ..ntire plnee �nd. bnt for but tbe most of tbem at Concornis, MRS. M. J. HUNTER. bope beller things in !.he future and ford, Emporiaj get liS surroundlllgs, An Iden of t.be ImnHlnolty of t.h. doctul"S shall watch for helpful hints. from $1,85 to $2,00 per dozen. It is fifteen buslneB8 rna; be given when we lmy t.hnt on t.he day we vis­ POULTRY 'YARDS I ited the InsLitllw he showed us to his Rnd we mile3 to Emporia. express room, A.H. anw t.he upre88mall tnke goods labelled to the tl)l1uwtng , To make Wild Horse, Graham Co" March 9. good mUBh, take a stove pot that is plo.cP8, to uy nothing of hundl'f'de at orllft8 from ,,1.1 qUAr­ I now oflllr to the ot 8wl1zerln1ll1: .MAd­ the public t1neBt'lboroup;hbre4 smoJtll at tbe grease with a little but­ t('fS America; Lyon!!, France: Gf'neVR, bottom; I have ever and o"n mllte Franklin -In R IIlngle dny, nt the tlodlcnUon of the CoIOB8Cum by rid, Spnln; Hlusselfl, Df'hliuru: Cape Town, A (l'ICA: tihnllg· ponltry raised. pairs, trio!, ter. It can be cleaned ellSler Poultry. wbile the water ani mals or for and exhlblUon Taus, 5,000 perlsbed. hul, Chinn: Yokoluunn. JllIH\lli Bombny, In(III:: lth-lhoUl'ih 1 breedlDg pens. breeding PUy­ To Ihe E 111m of the Kao... W..rmer: h heating. Put the meal in a and .it \ AustlRlln, Ifhe doctor hunch'Clleof men Rud wom� posea, I hllveLlght Brahm". (llukeofYerk and Au­ pan emlllo),s . Pllt amI overthrew , I am to Bee -Augustus 80lemnly degrnded the atatue pJellBed I,he ladie�' in let the ell In Ids Inslitute Inlhe severn} lJJ'nncllt's, nshle fl'om the tocrat Siralna). Dark Brahmas ()tnn.Helds), Bull' Co­ department the BtoVej meal get as hot 8S can he of bis fleet. linll been wrecked. NelltuDelJecouse the hotel. It Is worlll think a I now Immen96 (orce rC'qulrf'd to conducl n chlus and ... ). Plymouth it good feature. wrile In reply to held in the when iDooUltles Conge Roeb (Do hand; the water bOlls--be And to nil n ('ordlnl InvlliUlon -The fnvorite mnxlm or Phillip H. of Spain WRiI: "It. Is visit, Dr, ltttlhwond extends Bex ..lid Keefer are liberaL one or our Histers who wishe8 to know Strain.). .My priCes �ow we certain it in Ille 10 come nntlst>c He and bls \\'onoJerful medlcnl dlt,­ does--put meal slowly to pre­ beltef not to reign nl.nll(hQn to relgu o\'er heretics." him. man"i:e 10 sell cl,ickens at from $2 to vent co\'cry 1." .. 1' Jtlven to 8t Jus Ill! n gnod IInllle all over the S. L. $2,50 lumping; keep it boiliug-if it BtOps, stir Addreas, IVES, -O"'lnfl to the rnpld of moi!ture from Ibe lInbltubto lAc d •.ell. e\'aporntton globe.- Gbrrup071de1let qf C"'o"oo Tl.,,&u, ArlO po, the Gre, and don't make it too ' i wait; tbickj put luvel, t.he lcmpernture oC Lrunk!! of trees, breo..st higb from 10.1681. Mound City, Linn Co., Rail.

.. JtABCH 82, 111U. 'THE KANSAS FARMER. 91

Tb e .. were the tln;t demesne cattle seen in America mul In 16�5. (i&rnugt �ninutt. ighleell ewes and Iwo rams were Introduced 88a novelty Into New York by Ihe Dutch West InliTa SEED DEPARTMENT. . NATlOIfALGR�NQg.-�aster: J. J. Woodman. of company. The first horses lauded In any part of Central Bank of Kansas. North Hlcblnli; Becretory: Wm. M.Irt'land, Washi'!gton. America wero carried over to Florida by Ca. D. C.;"rreasllrer: F. M. N. t. McDowell, Wayne. bcca do vnca In 1,27; they all The wild Successors to A. PRESCOTT & CO. EXBOIlTIVR James. of perished. COMIfITTKB.-Hellley Indiana; horses found or South Ca.loJlna; W. G. Wayne. ot on the phins of Texas and the western �e:lY'��t,Jken, prairlo He probably descendant, of the Spanish 218 lCan ••• Ayanue, lCan•••• KANsAS STUB Wm. Topeka, GRANOR.-Master: 81mB. Tope· borses abaudoued Do In 16�; & by Sola. Illlrt of tho Allen's Shawnee county; 0., Jolin F. Orove Trumbull, WlJllts; taL, City. trade of WC3t Jeners�n county; L.: Samuel J. Barnard. Humboldt. tho DUlOh ludi. company wus the (Incorporated January 4th, 1882.) '.�-= Reynolds Allen county; Secretary: Goorge Black. Olathe, Johu- carrying of hnrses from Flandcrs to New York. and Kansas that yatr six mares and ft. hor.. e Were Agricultural House, City, Mo. �":�7,;1C COMMlTTEE.-W. H. Jones. transported Holton..Jaek­ from France to America. The C4PITAL lOll county; P. B. MIlXBOIl. ,Bmporia. Lyon county; London Compn.ny S)TOCK;l $100,000. W, H. Toothaker. Olathe. Johnson oounty. wore tho first exporters of swine froru Brltulu to DIRECTORS. America; and 1n the YCRr 162llhey carrted ou their Osa.ge Ora,:n..ge Seed.. OI'7IOItBB OJ' KANSAS STATE FARMXRS' ALLIANCK. A. vO-ssels no loss 'ban eighty-fuur, which wore all, on Prescott. C. C. Wheeler. Goo. R. Peek. PreIIident-W. S. P. I. W. B. We have 0. limited Curry. Topeka. Shawnee Co. allowed to roam at and Bonebrake, Strong. .E. B. Purcell, secured stock of good seed. WIU send and landing", largo. feed and fallen H. P. samples prices npon application. Vice President at Large-N. O. Gill. J!:.mporia. Lyon utuou, E. B. Pr escott, John Francis. 00. on tho mast, which was vory abundant in the woods. Vice President. lat DllItrlct·...,J. D. Jamee. Ooncor­ 'riley Iucreaaed so f.,t that In 1627 tho colony was in OFFICER3. RED BLUE dtn. Cloud CC. CLOVER, GRASS. MILLE'!: danger of belog overrun with but the In­ A. Prescott. Prest, P. 1. Ylce Prealdent. 2d District-M. them; Bonebrake, Vice Prest. WHITE ORCHARD CotUe. Richmond. dluns 0. John FranclB, Cashler. CLOVER, GRASS. Pranklln co, n.cquiring taste for fresn pork, and the nov­ . HUNGARIAN, E. B. Asst. Vlee 8d Prescott. Cashior. �.• ALFALFA CLOVES. BED Prestdent, Dlstrlct-(J. F.ok18ll. eltyof huutlng hogs, that calamity was avert d. So TOP, GARDEN SEEDS, Secretary-Louis A. Mulholland, Topeka. Shawnee tmporteot was It constdered at that time that the TIMOTHY, ENGLISH BLUE 00. Does a General GRA.S8,. FLOWER SEEDS. horses and Branklng Bualness, buys and sells Treaaurer--T. P. cattle. sheep turoduced Into the infant discounts O'Brl.en, Lawren�, C10nd exchange, goort commcrntat paper. and 00. colony should be allowed to will to increase. that rhe gover­ extend its customers all fdci1hles couststent FINANCK with saro COMM1'lTBll. nor Issued an ordcr prontbtuug tbe killing of domes­ banking. Renl Estate LOAns a Specialty. D. James. Oorreapoudence Invited. /I, Ooncordiu; J. R. Clark. Clay Center; tic animals of any kind. on pain of death to I. A. Co. prluct­ �cy. WakeDelrl. Clay and tho pal, to, aider, abettor or nccessory . .In 1839 AGRICULTURAL r. horned cattle, uorses and MOUND. CITY FEED I�PLEMENT DEPARTNEN We sollcll from Patrons. communications regarding sheep had lucrun-cd to SO,· MILL. the Order. NotiOOl! of Now Eloctions. Feasts, Instal­ 000. .n 1879 there WI\S over 40,000.UOO sheep. 30000.- OUR. LATEST latlona and ... ot all of or description aubjeeta general 000 cattle, of which over 12000,000 were milch IpechLlinterest to Patrons. COW8, 15,000000 horses, 2,000.0)0; mules, nnd 80,000,000 swine INVENTION. The most In tile Uulted Statos, rapid grluder ever ever made. Wc make the only corn and A furro can bo canton stocked with sheep chonper than Cob um wtui Combined ListBf, with any other animals. Sheep will come neurer to The Suee...ful Comblaad . Only LI.ler Utilizing everything which grows on lhe farm. Less Cast Steel Grinders. a Herd of Cattle. In Starting Breeding labor will be required fur getting fced and stock to· lb. Market. .In seleetlng a bull, get IL thick. robust animal, The returns w ill come In and ift;V3Ik�n!�8{�1�I�J:I\� �I�:.r TI�e ��\�\VrS ���t :u:��l� with, gather, sooner oltoner meal. We R.lao of make tho plonty style; and If of the beef breeds. see that he than with nny furm stock except hogs. Less money Canton Plows . Cesb In the most valuable is CELEBRATED BIG Listing h!L' parts-cnamely, olong required for shelter and Icuelng, and Ieas labor is GIANT. the Bend (or Otecuiae and and back. Iu selecting a cow. see that she has alrea- required in when outside 'PrICM. herding. paaturuge Is ac­ J. A. FrELD '" CO•• Canton d, one or more Sulky Listing Plows. produced calves; that sbo is with cesstble and preferred. And finally. a huudsomo 104 Bt.Loule.Mo Canton Stalk caIro or has one at her side; tb ... t she Is well come on tbe luvestment CRn Cutter, large, be had witbout the Bale We bsve the largest Une or Listlng goods In tbl8 tormed. of a good constttuuon, and abovo all. good of the animals themselvcs.-Boston OUUipator. Something entirely new. Mo.rket. .. NURSERYMEN'S DIRECTORY. mUk r. Good mUkers are usually good breeders. As the thorougbbredsln the herd Increase In num· Canton Riding Rnd Walking Cultivator. Dodds Sulky Hay Rakes, bor. either Bell or castrate tho bulls. and relaln the Canton Tiffin females. If the bulls cannot lie sold tor 8B much as Olipper Plows. Revolving Rakes, 8100 Evans' Corn eaoh; castrate them. It "'''y look like 0. great Planter, Dederick Hay Preas, shame to do so In some Instances; but it will be bet· Vibrating HarrowS: Aultman and ter tor Taylor Tbreaber, Ihe herd and Ita owner to do BO rather tban ����� Planet Jr. 4.000.00030,000 EVERGREENS e������:Y.��J Garden Drills, Matthew's Garden let his best calves leavo the farm at an inferior Osago Orange Hedge Plant•. Great Jnd,l.CtJ· Drilh, price. mc,,1s 10 It ':lmost offered the trade. Address MT. ARBOR NURS· Philadelphia Lawn MowcnJ, Full line of making impo;Blble'to get more tnan that for ERY, Shenandoah. la. Implements. any he" maJ have to sellin the future. Besides. I PEACH TREES contend that the f�nuer or "reeder will. In the end. FOR SALE make more money to castrate his ca.ves and sell at tbe Cart,hage Peach Nursorv. Send for .... tbem at prle good )lri�es when fed for market than to B. F. WAMPLER, them with extr. care Co keep and feod. and tben sell Carthage. Jaaper .• Mo. CARRIAGE AND WAGON DEPARTMENT. them at only a nominal price for bulls; and be can· not sell bulls foiflvell a f.ir price uniess theJ are In WA7'ERTOWN PLATFORM and THREE SPRING WAGONS. 10 good 1lx. If are difftrwnt ityl�. ,hey turned to steers. they can be SMALL for I,bo FRUITS!! END SPRING BUGGIES. l�lRn� million, at tt) put la a or feed prloell ault til(.' million. Full PBAETONS. t<>gother pasture lot, and. when fed IN tho beet to tlmo pla," all tbe Small F'rulta aDd Gmr,u and Bent to "'n... .0'." mod•. SIDE BAR BUGGIES. market. are "s good an adverllsement a8 V"",lIbcr.' CARRIAGES. breeder o::::r- Out.nlogllo rrcc. any would want. and lind a ready sale at'a SIDE SPRING BUGGIES, JERKEY JAGGEBS. fair price at any age. CornwN,,!I,;,o�;;n.�deon, E• P• ROE I ha'/e The Best in the Market for known of some good hords being establish· the Money. their ed'by o"'ners beglnrilng with smo.ll stock­ :g,��;et�.��e :::: ��I;�e: r,���� [gr l�: ouch aa or country. 1882 1I01V Improved sbeep pigs-and gradually ma· CalaloUlI'for rcacly, FREE '£0 AJ.. T.J :Send for one und king frIendB and customerB, besides Infor· see acquiring ROSHS for the .. yourself bcnutiful plunts we of matlon of all klnda that weuld bo of service In the fcr. MILLER & HUN'!" Wright" Grove Chicago. Send for Annual uow and larger and morc extensive Catalogue, reudy, containing de!lcriptiou priCa��?��I'��J�o��i������ro�rni::' portion of his Jive Alteratlv,es, aloo an nntacid. which will remove 0- It will be sent to lAst year's cUB\Omera without wrlt1nr. • NURSERY . j;ock. wWserve to give prominence 10 the claims of that are produoed from S the to a :���:lg�I��\�ensatlons sheep foremost place In tbe f.. rm C. W. DES 40,000 4 to 5 .• 2 DORR. IOWA • S econom·y. PrIce Apple trees. ft years, fin". best MOINES. through much of the ••1.00 per Bottle. or Sh, for .5.00. SU}'r,lstlng past season on a varieties I.:nawn. $10 per hundred. of meagre supply gre.ss and water. it is now ready 20,000 la 4 to Combat such Fo. Sal. Apple iI'us, 2� (eet, $5 per 100. vicissitudes as may bo In store for it �y.1I Druggilloand D•• lor. in Madl.ino•• with less detriment than will result 6,000 Peach trees, 4 to 5 ft.. $15 100. to auy ofits Ir yonr dealer. do not keep It. Beud direct Ie per lIlo Peach to 5 f�rm-y8rd comp.niona tbat may b. Bubjeeted to p"oprietors with mone)' euc:osecL l1'ellil, 2! ft, $8 per 100. like treatment. Su·,h tests of endurance are by no Catalpa. 6 to lOin.. $1 pel' 100. $7 meanB (Ieslrable in the ca,e ot the Iheep-are far SOLE PROPRIETORS, 60,900 per 1000. from those conditions by which It should be sur­ Catalpa. 1010 15 50 rounded LEIS in., $1 per 100, where the best reBults aro CHEMICAL MANUFAC'TURING CO 1I0ped for. but $10 1000: also stock the £Oct tbat it per afull of Fru.:t and 01'­ wlil successfully witbatand them iB LAWRENCE. KAS, as much to namtntal Trees, Small just bo credited to its favor. By the rule Sh,ws, Fruil�, Vines. and ,hat a Plants. Send "penny aaved is a penny earned" does the fo,' pl'ice l'Ult. now .heep make money for its owner. unCier circum. E. R. slances STOllE, wherein other. animals would Kansas t>a"nkrupt him. 3aVe VRlley Nursory. Topeka. X..... Thus it.is that the f�rmer wbo can eDumerate amooi\' � Mo�t" hl811ve slock a fair at ck1as' prooortion of Bheep. wlll he en­ .nw pric1r.9. abled to WHERE TO BUY SEEDS. partially recoup himself against the loss to MAILED FREE I B.ed Oedars. wbicb h'e a,r,. IBinevltably .ubjected in many �wiUse1tyo\lANY Our Annual IliUl!l.rated Transplanted in Nursery. Sure to If those most localltl(\l!. Spring grow. fortunately Circumstanced will tide for NEW SEEDS AND PLANTS. Cad"l1logue of SmaU take per­ size. per 10JO _ 8 00 the lesson homo to famwand 6 to 9 Incbes 1000 Ibemselves. and apply its teach. Our Now SEEDS. BULIlS. per 10 00 sonal CatalegueB of both Seeds and 9 to to the futuro use, Plants for PI,ANT AND 12lucbcs. por 1000 12 fJQ Inp polley. much good that is ll\.any 18�). aent freo on We FLORISTS'SUP­ nqt now «tua;n� a�plicaliOn. olTer ascleetBtoek PLI EB. Addr�R8 12 to 1810.hes. per 100 ofthc be"t sceds t.he _ 509 out their at for FAR�! Ilnd GARDEN. and a 18 to 24 preeoDt ad· W'holesakPrices. No stock ofFLOIYI�lt inches. per 100 10 OQ ��::;t[;�1"W!�:�khJo���::lbt SEEDS unsurpassed In alt tI,. lIu. cst •• and :matter v!1.rleUe choice Novehies, Rnd the most ox. Ced.r. taken from For••t. U1an.t , tensl'Ve collectlou of NEW 'IlIlrid,you and ,RARE plaut•. Smoll in size, per 1000 _ 8 � 00 Sheep 6 England. send for OU\' 1<> 9 Inches, por 1000... 6 00 Long grass iB HOVEY & CO., 9 to 12 d-istusteful to sheep; neVtr �tltatogU0. Inches. per 1000...... 7 60 they feed 16 90uth Morket I� to 18 II down St .• M ..... Inches. 100 eV,nly. but will down tlte 1ar­ Boston. per _...... 300 trample halfof what Wec:�instoclc 18 to 24 Inch pcr 100 _ 5 00 they,eat. They seem always todo bet'er on th� after. of math of seeds. but gest vMle!y in HIRAM SIBLEY & Fore.t Tr•• S•• they shouid not be aUowed to goods CO. dllng.11 feed FL,AXSEED 'VlU mnll FR'''�E it too eloso. or it will their Cnm­ "he lilTgest and finest stock In the west. be long in A t�tf·�· for recovering. frc. IOj:;ue 1882, fI. quent from full containing Tulip Poplar Ilecdllngs. per 1000 8 6 00 change field to field is beLter than desCI")ltlvo !-'l'lco - List giving of 11100 Maple-SugRr _ them a long range; the latter Flower, ll'ield Rnd Gardon Seedlings, per 2 00 often · encourages them Hontgom�W"atdUSo. Muple-,!3oll, seedlings. per 1"00 _ S 00 to and makes TO Hox tove, t"em diseontented. Wben LOA.N". Elder, scedlillb"" per 1000...... 3 00 have to be tbey moved. it should be done while �r &��W'��a.shAV0.. � on the theyare 2000 busbelll of foed; if they are prime Wisconsin �'Iax Seed to loan Red����v���'.i\���Ii'�el�1���:�f,?��)��cS����r·j·ooo � � lying down. It is better to for Bud, seedling•. per 10 u...... 4 '" sprlngttowing, a& corner 6Lh lind au·cets. 00 lcave tbem awhile. Clover in .. ehlea.90_' qulnoy moist state iB KENNEDY tit Sycamore. Beedllngs. pcr 1000...... 8 00 ous danger. STONE. Topoka. to lambs. and old are CottonWOOd. seedlings. per 1000...... 2 00 sheep ofren scoured by SEEDSBulbs, OmaJncntal It. Gmsscs, unless tbeyhave been 011 It some Blul time. When sheep IlnmortcllC8, Gladiolus, have foot rot J' Lilies, and remllin long In one GREAT GERM Roses, Plaut.s, Ollordcn 4W��;��IO�:�eO':�f,�wl�i����a�l'c'd��sto 6 T°.:\ll:rj\��?�� lIeld, it be- DESTROYER I rR�SH.�(tt·t n:�' feet. W�lte Ash 8 to 15 foet. bOlh nursery grown. comes and If Implement8� Eeautlfnlly Illu8- Directions (or tointed. sound sheep fl)Uow them , trated. 0 verlOO piRntlug and cuc. Rnd caUlIogue8 are they pages. Addrell8 free. Wo have ail kinds of forest certoln to become alT.eted. rains DARBY·S tree secdlingB. Or. Helwy act as a I R[UABLE��L,t.,Ql),'�.( der at once. ISclcctetl t;Lock, JluU, or Address BAILEY,<' purlJler. and the land l'IlCkfltS, Lo\v nalCs' & HANFORD. bring into sound condition. . �IU118trotod ROCHESTER,N.Y. (On 111. C. R, Gntnloglle of Tree" Small CHICAGO,ILL R) Makanda. Jacksou Co.. Ill. Foot rot Frll1f, d:r. • ..F'rcc: 179-183 East Main is such a AddroaB H. S. St. 200-206 St distressing malady. and throws Phi ANDERSON. Union Bllrlng!l. Now York. Randolph 8heep out of rop y actlc FI.d ! eondllion so fast that it is betler to leave UI. unsound PR8tures I!' Farmers interected In Seed Seed. unstooked for a few months even of S]I['&LL I: iliini pIP.rHERI. ducementa on car lots. Seed Sweet BA.RTELDES & co., GGutU. :�����",,�l����d V I'; f:totatoes • PRE N TED. I· weat of Bt. ,r�u� =.���":!.lIllt8nUY, nlanc���iI��.:rowa. I.ollis-twehe varieties. Also J.aWl'eDOe, X.a. Fint Stoltk>i:n the United States. Jt'IELD SEEDS, -", COTTONWOOD PLANTS. acoount of the rirst I"'·...80.>ItlI the _.L.� :':lI:·�o(:"'::a:'::::li':"':I::':'Iu!::'::I::__ng· .1,000,000 GRASS 'uie'M!oWlDg Importation of great DII-·'···..I ....80 ...n. an'd r1U1.Jl.r. .' ��ietles, Dellverell "board SEEDS, stoolr:'ltito tbe Un1fe� B�tes Is cars at Kao..s Write (or laken from the col. " CUr,. S5 per circular. namlor thlB paper. GARDEN P"""A.B.IUl BY ·-S.,-,wee barrel. rate. on - SEEDS, nmnsof t'leIr"" Fdrmer', ----t-=lls=rge:.::s::.:tj::..::tl!iiC;:..:'SpecIal large GIUtUe.-InI610 lour � cows lois. 1,5W.000 plants In J. T. WrLLIAMSON, nOWER ana a bull afcor a and May SEEDS. 'Were. loag daugerous p...... •., H. ZEILIN • June. Bend· for Price ge CO., 1300 St. Louis Ave.. gllnlillfl Mo. l' aLI.,.dt•� City. TREE '0 sailing voUel. landed lu Virginia ftom Ireland SEEDS. Ii[AlfUpA


rltory. According 10 the present method to lh� legislature will know what mulch they plant carefully, well, nnd your trees room ClIr one million head or THE KANSAS FARMER. local the of "ff�rding Block. government there, micorlty the want. He will not f.il to .. associate ith them, grow. It don't take much time, but if it General the the does, Cook, agent at Rosebud, tbougbt population, Gentiles, though they possessoflsendHe will be to serve Ihem glad when tcach give the time. 'I'nere isno in Willi they the place world the could be II = 'fhe Kansas Farmer Company, the the weulth of the I him arrangements easily effected. Proprietors, j!reHter partof Territory, that are his musters, where trees are more tbey . serviceable than in thls the movement is Tope 18, Kansas. exclusive of farm and successful, at least three hnn­ property, though tbey ._--- beautiful Kansas. dred thousand bead of cattle wUI be driven constitute by far the most enlightened and en- Much Ado About Nothing. TRRMS: CASH IN ADVANCll into Dakota. A committee wa5 to terprising portion of the are A deal of appointed 1Ii� community, prac- great idle talk Is being indulged -Tbe L.wrence Journnl douhts the wlEdom ODe Copy, Weekly, (or one year . 1.110 of solicit the co-operatloa of rallroad cically without a voice in aalon, The au- because of a compani. Til ODe Copy, Weekly. (or six 1.00 leglsl pnblieation in" the New YlIrk �U" a late decision of tbe ni!ed States Courl to montbi, the and negotiate tbe rental, if hie .. ODe Copy, Weekly, for three monto•• .50 tbor proposes a drastic laet winter possible. yet entirely practicable charging, Gen. G1tfield witb treaeh­ eff"ctlilat whenever a or h, railway company an Heved tbere is suBi�ient iilth. Ita&­ CLUB RATES-In rlnbo of ten or mo-e, ono dollar a for these and all other evil> to authority lei remedy prevalent ery Gen. Roseerans, Garfield lit once de­ or a ,-eAr. anrl one copy'ree to the who tbe express company private cltlsen cannot utes to penon gets up in Utah. enable the committee to deal diJ-ectll dub. Sent to auy poet offico. nouneed the as and what is or charge false; reeently, tbe agree upon a fair and resaonable com. with the Indians. The grealAl8t care I. u.sed to hum­ prevent.w1ndUng Sun published a letter to have been for 101 ""curtng apace tn these columns, purporting pensation transportation over the At advertising Maaon's conviction and incarcera­ railway Kaoaas City, the 18th inst, receipt_ ot .. &o­ � Sergeant written Garfield to tbe .! by Secr�tary Chase, and courts shall settle the matt er. 361 :...:�::,�r�?�r"w':�� �it:;_ed':.��e�:;� lion were He "as a soldier in oC tie, bead; of hogs, 3,327. Market ror callI. right. charge it was ill onl,. for caab, cannot lOve spaoe an:!'take pay tn trade wbich, alleged, bad great in ef­ We would be if our a weigbt pleased contemponry from to ThlslB and tt Is a and It was his to and ranged $3.85 ul' $5.82,.and ror ofanylr.lnd. llUslnCOll. Just prisoner. duty guard pro­ the removal of Gen. would hop 'TIl role adhered to In the of TIlE fecting Rosecrans from snnest an)' oth..r tribunal to take the INnltable pubUeation not to shoot and kill him. We believe in $5.60 :06.27. •.u.KIUL teet, command of rec his army. place ohhe so as the 1'0 SUBIilCRIBER9, and court, lonll: Legislature Tbe or the Arkansu Wool discipline order everywhere, in tile family, tl8Cretary Valley Ih, Some 01 the late Presldent's admirers seem does not do so. From time IInlIftcrlbero Ihonld the in the in immemorial, that Growers' informa very caretUlly notice label school, socletv, and in the govern­ AlIIIOCiatlon, the F.l.... uncn tb. of tbeir All th08e to be afraid of these disclosures. To our miad has been the law. In Ramped maJ'¥ln papero. What:ie reasonable com­ that there will be a with tbe next tssue. The ment. Guiteau was an but that was public at Wlehlt. expire pa­ a88assin, the letter of Garfield to shearing lbi .artOOtIs al I 3 discontinued at the of Cbase was entirely pensation Cor Bervice was a per way. expiration none of Mason's buainess. The would rendered, al"ays April 22, prox, under the direction oC 'he a Dumber re- country lhl proper, and 8S much Iiko the man who wrote question for courts to delermine. When the �)��.r�'��du� :,nR�!"I\���t!�lMlng not have shed any tears if Ihe villain had society. been as er When subscrIbe.. send in their it any otber of his In while finds a namps;wrlto plain. writings. it, he legislature rule, then the courts will en­ A three old )J quartered by a moh; but Mason's duty was to years 0010, belonging .to Mr. chafes under the of. the force bur until that ii ani 8:��;; one p08t"!- hi. order-to slnggish .raovementa it; done, the courts must near ....��hee�aR�e,,���r8eioC�t��a���d10 ob�J guard and the wan Cline, Coff.yville, KII8, gave birtll to &hree another. give tho names fir both offices the protect and burns for an both lUI< army, advance, yet he says fix the and. one where the flRper 1M NOW sent, nnd.also, the name placed under his control. As to compensation compel good calves last week. .r tbe one to which It t. TO BE .eul. • Guiteau,ollr his was that of '0 judgment oppoged by all tbe compliance witb its decree. If thia causes Wm. readers kno.. what we think of his case. 'Ve McBrooro, oC Greenwood, loet 17 head other oBi 'eni. He lb! general does "ot charge inconveUlence, tnen let the 1810 makers come of cattle in Post Office WAnt him judicially hanged. Then tbe law the recent storm. Addre88es. to the rescue ma 8nythillg against anybody; he on'y said. that and seUle tbe malter by lor's wilt have been executed, alid no violence done .ppro­ Tay ranch. near BurlitigtoD, Kall, expeclll in his opinion the army not to be priate ale to in ought ly. Ipgislation. 450 head nf merino ram_ in " fe.. When write te tbe FAR1.[]I:R on discipline the army. day,. partie!< any ing there idle. Th.t was what the cle But we people gen· uubiect whatever, should the would not let Mason serve seven tbey give county erdlly but Gen. Rosecrans who Walter Brown & in bh in the thonghti oUKht Co, Boston, ilieir wool and flOSt office botb. Some of the new of· years pt'nitentiary. He felt, as every Condensed post to have known better than March Correspondence. ant else anybody else, circular, 18, say: lIces are not down in the office di rect&­ body did, that Guiteau "as a 10athe80me pnt (lOllt, otherw;se. The oi eales do< and tbonght ageregate ror the pasl eleven '1', and when the is not th.l murderer, society would be "ell rid 01 (II beln, Impotalbte to publish In 1'1111 all tho lotion we county mentioned, bimi Gen. when weeks a. Garfield, asked for hi� in the ebow an in. have on hand forthl. .,., and so opinion, reporled pApers, week.wetaketbe ltber1y poe& office clerks <10 not know wheno to send thinking he forgot his duty. That is otpreMnUq it 8S he crease over Ihe tbelrprlnctpal oondeDJedt"rm ftI g�ve frankly, always did; and know. same period of last year, of poln&alD followa:-EDITOIl papers or lettet8. some mitigationi and after his sentence has had FARMBR.l ing that the if It should or the eff�ct delay, prove disas­ twenty.five percent 6,000,000 lb.; the London to strengtben, ratber than weaken the J. N. trous, would Gen. R he closed auctions have lM,en Boggs "'ys it I. no trouble to get IOC'llllt H. A. Heath is a injure ,secrans, progressing since duly nnt.horizerl trncling discipline of the be to and we February agenL army, ought be, !leeds to if ..ill and hi. leiter with, "I write this with more sorrow 281h, with an:l grow you pour hot water Oft Ba correspondcnt of t.he KAN8AS l".\RMKR. believe will be, pardoned. strong competition, prices well tban I c.n tell for them Rnd' set in a warm till you, I love every bone in maintaiued; tbe goods market appears to 1)8 in place tb.y BproUl, wit We are infllrmed WaRh· then the same atI by Mayor Beatty, h is aud next to desire to see reo a with plant you "ould other The of Parties. body; my tbe Blltisfactory state, eales for account of any .apt ington, New that be 714 Strength seed or that size. But Mr. Jersey, shipped bellion blasted, is my to see him and in or all these B. don't like "Iaok g" Whe� we talk anxiety manufllcturel'l'; yet spite "Bee�hoven" 27- the first �f destroying gr�at parties, locusL He would slop organR, Ihirty ble88ed." featnrH which would naturally strengthen the ralher plant their alhes IhlD IW' wbetber or we of a ilafs after he begAn shipping from bis new fac­ political reli�i'ous, speak tbeir seed. market, valuee are lower to-day than on the an very grave work; aside from lory. for, patriotism, The first of H. wanta inCormation ChrIstian Religion. January, and holders will make some Wiggins throngb the tor pure and of i. no simple-love country-tbere Tbe FARMER. how Rnd when toaow publisbers of the Norlh Amtriea" Re­ concessions ratber than let a customer .... aICalfaHel;" bei A orders sentiment go y good many h�ve lately come In for stronger .than that wbich cherisbes Ibe and view, last year, published three articles on tbe' witbout buying. [Ptepare ,round deep fine; sow .. , in, bock numbers of the FARMER to the sect or to . the com· particular party which we give as the Ch ristian Religion, written Col. Hobert G. early ground is warm enougb.-ED] alo mencement of our An by story. '''e have a few of allegiance. appeal to party pride i6 al· S, Fraser Ingersoll, Judge Jerpmiah S. and Prof. Mr. A. DeLeur, of who served reporta peaches all rigbt in oIt numbers 10 aud 11 a one. Black, TlIpeka, eight S"lina,' left, but No.9, in whicb the ways powerf,,1 Those men who have and stock in George P. F'i.her. The demand for these arti· years in the takes much grain condition, and tbinks tbe 8g( is to Japanese army, inter· etory be"an, wholly exhausled. courage enough break away from their old best to burn cles was much more ex'tended than the ciroula. est in the aff,irs of that He is Illmoet time. prairie in order to lnd made to endure sus· help her out. Her are in insult, wbnt men outside the f»od of etr. last plants ricb, loose cburch tbink of the re­ the silk worm. He says, further, tbat pi cion, and 80Uletimes even violence. G.rri· on the west stde of a S. J. Stewart writes: lOil; board fence, and ligion which grows stronger as th� centurillfl in India there are 298 distinct oC "I have been byl the making. , SOli, G Chase and their com species "itbin a few feet-8 or iddings, Hale, pat· •• cbeese in 10, of a peacb and a pass. The price of the book is 50 cents. Ad. silk pinnintr worm. my present locality nearly ten butt riota are yearf; tree. suliigestiye names. have cherry The roots are fE'w and slender. dress N.'I'Ih America" Review, No. 30 made it a eUCOO88. During the past &he When our LaFayeUe ,ear, How sball she government wau first organized, revive tbem? Place, New York. 1881, my cows averaged-gro88 earnings-over there seemed to be only one party-the Feder· �O$�ip. �b(lut JtOtk. $55 per cow. I had 36 CO"S, &his year I have The FARMER is in of a alists i bnt tbat WIIB not the case The receipl thirty·page except only Chemistry of tue Farm. 4(l." "New M�thods that tbe was not )lIImphlet e'!titled of Wool· opposition tben Tbis is t he a organized. title of new book, is;ned Dr. of Rice has A. Nabor wants to know \ jllst by Reeves, county; moved his what the railMad ,T) wllllhing, Fleece·sconring, I nnd Little Democratic Bocieties were started all ,) Sheep.dipping Orange Judd Com 751 Broad .. herd to a law8 are. Ir he . pliny, ay,�. Y., of sheep ne" ranch, wbere he is will go to any of the ) .D W. J. and over tbe pre· j�stice Cleansing," by Menzies, published YOllng nation, and in due time Ihe a of which on copy is our table. The aUlbor paring oorrals, fllr peace, he will find the lawe in the and Benson and 10 hous8O, etc, tbl!m. general � 10 by Halme, Caetle sl, Liverpool, Republican party of Jeff�rson was has had the beat org�nized. npportunities for Tbe ,,001 gro"ers of are compiled: st.•tutos. lon, The little book It experiment. Montgomery county England. contains a deal of swept thecollntry and it on governed through ing agricultural chemistry, and thi� book is or't8niziog. Beveral have J. S. R. writes that the farmers In � information the six meetings already Monla :101 concerning sul(jects of which administralions, two of Madison the of Jefferson, re·ult. bis experience. It is intended been held, and tbe soutbern county have more Cor il Ireats. and !lIon townsbi�R of:lhe grollnd plowed 'pring � votE roe. Then, for a the Federal not to be cbange, technical, but to to Cllrmers on a work than in ------��------convey county organized the 16tb, few miles west any previous year; &Jao, &hal party, known as tbe Ad· 1'0, We Whig,elected younger and others or intorested in of bllds are all , have several times called altention 01 our enll:aged ttlling the Coffeyville. pench killed. the. am., and he was succeeded tbe readers to by RepUblican soil, useful information in a W. F. � the matter or utilizing Ibe fiber 01 plllin, praotical, John Soderstrom, oC Montgomery county, has Hendry says cbinch bugs are pl.nly, re·d -then called Tbe Fede· 1Iu. Democrat;-Jackson. The author is an Io.. buds more or , Many thousands of dollars are intelligihle way. Englisb gone to a to purcbage a car load uf fine peacb less il1jured. He wanlB e. annually ral called and the � losl in party, Whig, R�publican and his were from Kansas, because of Ihis extravagant gentleman, experiments made bulls. reports farmers who hove beim paeluri�g atln party, called contiBlIed to contest II waste. Our DJlnocrat, chiefly lit but that (act does not A their as to how that wes' eastern exchanges are Rothamstend, breeders' association in Marshall county, wheat, aff

, WOOL-CROWERS SCA.B • TOPEKA SEED HOUSE. 'WhOle Flook, 8hoW' 80'\ n nr TERMIl( are remln"t'd ,ba" Rhubarb. EITABLIIHED 1878. Foroing Ladd'sTobacco Outside of are Sheep Dip places where there profes­ G-A.B..nEN AND F.J:ELD SEEDS. monal the of is III guaranteed to ERADICATE SCAB nnd VERMIN 8I!J 1\lJ"f"1 to mld·wlnter 'UI mhl·BllmlDfr, 'l)I08t wbo '0," 1IIed gardeners, forciog vegetahles FRESH lEEDS FRDM THE GRO.ERS EVERY YEAR. other with Teryliule known of in this country. People Dips no, or pnrttul euccess, are etJJ)KIRU,. JO"ft� to gtve oll.n" trial. 1", .. mos'e 11llD I"PJ)6Y. 118 colt t. _ We gel !lecdBlrom oecd irrowefM In C,lIJrorlila, tawa, Minnesota, New York. nnd Penn,yiTallla. oil plao •• , .....,..." f1roWlh 'II lJET1'ER "'OOL. A BOund fIook "tllthrl se on roed ... k.. •• i� general are content "ith "thmgs In their IOQIliItIo V Ieo_ .. _tt_ :��:�,�g�ffI.B�EJ�"t'U� �����dli�FO':.e� s;��Y�tL�'i�: o{\rOee�a��r�����I' �:II�t OUI' Dew pamphlet, 66 I)Sg8, ready torJru d,� 8eD41 ror U. _lIOn," and do not srouble themselves to force 'onlTORK. . M�U��It.�. W-IND.;oliNO:II4MAKER & MARKLOVE, �r\���o����r!:le�t"���_U�:i,U�::tl�':i1 PREMIUM ishingly abundant supply, much more tender (.shlonable straIns. The bnlt at the head of the herd Pn,"crlp.lon Drllge!. two mll<" �8IIt flrllM'lllOm. or lb, 1Da.1 greatest length, Will Mulberry Cuttings. ed noted .nct forward by mall· RIVKKJitoadlng. KRS Ilhorl howed eRltle. Jc',*,y R prize wtn· ."eet of aDd nl". (RUllilN 01 'h.. morning early summer, while the rOBes 100 ror 00. Polauillhillo, hOgll,81l" ho,.,es A $2 Ihoroughbrod world. A chulce 101 ot ,plclallY Dil. A. &I. EIDi'ON. are yet "et with de", the tender ,fi,)wers are 1i0 for $1 00. Preprletor, U. THOMA •• .. 2.) ct Ellillgbllm. Ku breedero' ��I���JI���,"a��IP, torn oft' the and once for 50 •• WM.1JA VIS, lJrtf!t)flr or by laborers, CBst at by ROBT.Short Uorn Cat Ie and Pol..nd·Chlna 8wllle. J.J ATHEHTOI'I, Lfoaveuwunb, kll!l., furty ...,.... lAl1Iier qnantlU.. by 'relght or ....pre... nee of choke puullry; hl\\"e lake» oTer two llutldru1 tock for BIlle al . KM. PI"tUl� low ratea; correspondenOl' KluWri., UIWI a" beeps into buge coppers, tbere � boil for houra Correspondence .oUeitea. 8O���.. rour (1\1re ,Ws aetlMln. New Mood tn',odUl'ft(' eter7. Add...... , ,...r from ,be bebL yanJllln the �ou1Jtry and rrollJ iw� in clean fain water. The is carried 1tOc1l:. aseIW .or fragrant A. ELLSWORTH, HutchInson. Reuo Co., Kal. "RAN!!:. J,URHAM I'AliK. MARION ca""ktgot...... AI.BERTCOUNTY, KANBAR•. Brecatq a yello"iih sCU!l1lh�t is known Olnnt, Chickens. Ejlltll flO" per ,llIlng of '.hlroeell. t5t"e41 Cum: 1 ,,·,d: Il 00: I btu" • 1111; I m.ull. ao cU. In 11(oUlfn b" Pigs JlR.lnt. not akin. or c. fur as "attar of rose�.'· 'l'heoe \'c",h,'tie1l are I.he Inrgc.t, and muflt tolng retldy .hlpmf'nt It takes tour thousand �1I'LHluClh� knuWllj �1':,I,:ees�'�1 pounds of roses to make one or" attar. m:::�I�I:J{81 �,!n��I�tl�=IIII�!e O�!�iltir�I��I��:1 �nl��!I;�I':,r�II�lr �;I;ior�I��I,�'e ���! bJne:.I'::'��e:'��.tI�� pound "'e M 1880 and It!!!!. Write ror �Ive (01' the Rl.It,Ve t;urll. :"10,11,1 mUD.-y h.v UI'g'IMWled prices on Ihe "ure blood•. Ooce a merchant opened a cupboard in bis �'t�r. 'l'HO::l. M. H.\ YE::I & (J.,., LiltclIlUII, prIYRtR.I,Y, 34 �hort·horn bullR-from 6 monl1ul Merillo Sheep. (or oalo. mnst bbeep Corre.poDdence.o have taken nearly of to Lhr.-e:'veRl'tI nlll-the equl,IM uf which r"l·lH·redlnL!' tlnd IN. )felted. fO':lr'milhon ponnds A :':�I���':t h�:S�;�.:'��k Ttl VIOU I, 1\1 EfUT. bllve never I,elilre lU't·u ollinvd tn tllo t�· �::e�er�'a<;e �jj �e':,�r�� I'0Il69 in Ihe T. W·I LLIA.II". PI.l18Rllt making. Bat may be, after W.H 1 KlrklevluRlolI, :lCI'tlj.,,'lt." PrIUl:t'8IJl'H IlUke View �heep Rnnch, brc'Od all, (by"" er of or 1-1 111 hU1':lt �151IU). I Perl {IIII'I(' hy 41h JJukc ur Hlllhur.t Tholoughbred American Merlne Sheep. Ewpo �:g��n tf.::��e��u:p.:gtfO'g;�a��II���.r.w s.1��g��'i.:� their in that form would more 21/\4'01. I H ria, KIUI. fragrance give OrRlIgt! .HI!l8�m. liofO(! of ::IIIar""H .... \'OUI1" Mtlry" Ram. for sale. V. alUI 1 RDd OWer 1. RANDOLPH, than Yl\rlcu, good Caw lie.. C"tlLtUgUl'.::I Hdlt 011 HHREI' IIl8&ing pleasure could hlU'e been given al>pltcallou. RANCH, Pavilion. WabAuns.., EmporIa. Ka& Co .. K... PAVILION , E. T. }'ro\\'e. J. C. RTONE. Jr .. proprl.t'.r. breeder end by the flowers bad been lett their dealer In tbey upon J..ellvenwurthj Kaa. Thoroughbred HpRIIISh MerillO Sheep. bmlhes, where tbey Could haye cbeered only &he p888er.by. !lO day filllt yellow. Poullr�. 100 dl\y flfnt ",bltc. POULTRY YARD�. J. WFIDLEIN, PEA· ee BODY. ����{ S KA::l.. Bft eder .nd d of PEABODY bred .hlpper pure Prlooe Orange 3d, winner 01 � ilL K�ueud :flale Political Notes. Early dellt and filnt '[welve kind.. In IfrtU� J"alr, y�lIow. �:;��;r.·t. Egg. .eason. Scud lor 1881. Baldwin & Ron, hr",,(l ... rs RutrOocb. Etrawbcrry dent. va.w nndo.llhtpJ)fJ'tl o� pure POULTRY YARDS. J. E. GUILD, In,.. lIur Buffs Wf',e nWfU'd..d 18\ prt'fllhl1n al KanaM Stale The anti bill the Houoe sa diver Lake. brei at nthn polygamy passed JlIlIt It Corn 11 00 bushel. CAPITAL KH8, der (lr H· onze TurkfY",. jo'alr,l&U.t.nd Ilrutn111em pOl.dln �b(>e',ol prlC'e list. very 13 (or 'SIN or 1.6 ror Whl'e Tote on Ihe prohlblton amendment. crtch br.-cd that cOliM from f600.IH Ll RI tl Htl fur III h'l (ur 211. Hi tbalstale togelher In JUlW 10 c"nslder fRlr rlt!aling. Our I·rlces Itre rett.':h.1uttble. Wtlle us. ur�:\ III' flO sc,·crallmpor· Itlve Cure. A Home Treatment. Ferm" for on fur 40 t'''I'Jr.' ...'ell JlAd,CII III llJ!hL Illnc 00:<'8 with rnbher lant descrlbtllg what you want Iu the Poland ChluQ or mallers. smong olhels to provide fur .!lle, IIprtll�A toll bOllnm o( buxC" U5ti,rulr.·clI)t·pt In assessing . lor consultation 111I1t'''ll ("tul NJ! charge by Bcr ksh1r� }j IIC ot hugs . boll Mu. and taxing railroad mall. Valuable Treallse Free. O("gH8. Kute Griffith: (;UIIlJlll", l'lke (.'0.1\10. propClty. Thursday, March 30, 1882, RA.DOLPH & RANDOLPH, T!Je Ohio Jeglslalure passed a JOint rcsolut:oll �r,�fareo�Q:':::er:I!::�e(J.u:ra;'!.�I� Em IlOrla, Lyon Co., Kos. F"tnn (1/1 the vorittu3 tho on17 known mea.ns of per· leading o/pur, a.klng the Pro,ldellt to pardon Sergeant Ma'on. CODBlsUng of bred POIt/lry &nd l>r lUUIIII'aled Who was convicted of at m.r;:�t.cp�e�HI(6's.tiT�·o , o. shooting GUilC(Lll. Tho 60 Oircuk... T. SlIIITH, P. Tboroughbred CoI ••old E.e••Ith EGGS .Ill, Ea geunt was senlenced to loss of dl,mlsal. pay, and Lamb•• l'TeBh Pond, N. Y. seven years In the pEnitentiary, 10 Thoroughbred Cot••old Ram •• 8f'011&',,,0l' rormy benutirull)'llllr.'tnUpdcnll\lf'lgoe Mr. YOUNG NIGER. Tay]or .5UCCfFfior to Gen. Garflcld, in the Rouse, 25 EGGS oflhorollghh't'li r'lwl,'! And tlgt.C b:18ket8, lI�o"oD Thoroughbred eouthdown lwa. tbb PIlI,er. E. D. WEAVEU, WlwRtulI,lll, made his 6rs& speech. in It Wll.ll congress. galnst DESCRIPTION. wl.h Lamb•• tbe ... hlnese bIll, and elicited muCh YOUf'A {Ilvorablecom, NTGERlllaYf'arf101t1 l!IIblnck In cnlor.nn.1 In 6 ment. other w�lgh� over 2,OOU11}8., tlw.l. ia ltilruUd8 Thoroughbr"d Southdown Rem •• LOOK OU'T Amollg thlngil. he Eo.if;l: "ll the'c is 0. tr��.Col1lllliun; llcnrly that i. sa d tho 225 Common Ewe. with right sacred," "peaker, "It Is that u PEDIGBEE:: 200 hall blood Fon TJl£ mall may go 'where he choo�s to labor for his Soulhdown Lamb. bread," Yuu talk. of their lcpro:lY, their other forms Pl�I��!.�hfo���� g��b;rT::lP��II�tll';.rr1!:.:�I\��!�I�f,I��r!� 50 (!IYfif'foIdlt.te hnrfliP"IIIIJt0n,.tI h_v AII'X Thorougbbrod Bark'hlre •• or TII"mIlS4l'lu( l'IlIIlhnl HoO Improved Champion Hedge ·Trimmer. dbellFo, alld yet you cmploy them to wash lhe We. Ihe un�e ... c]othe.'i you put upon You ��III��i\i�!:��'liO��f;�I�II�n�!,�\e:)�� q'�:�:."i�l�f�'\�. �i�'r JOHN •. lgned. being oole O\.ne", IIlr the your body. employ them (lhin. {lull his L!filll,1 fiRm IIld Loul� �!I:��r.�B�a'I.Y� JONES, OF' I.w NIlJl"h'OIl, n Normnn above nHIDcd machine in th� cnuntil'K nf Pot­ your heJU·C. Let thCIJl Hlone. DlJu't .. Riley. i,n employ t�wttIHmi� . Mo. .Ptlnrl-lhnll, Nt'mahn, Jtlckl'oo. HrowlJ.• them w,ll. bt;!:ll�III!:!:.:r��,lf�; ��I: Siewartville. lIudyou your elf, shut them out and drive hOI'�e �"el' ·n�:III:!"e�.��n�lln�;�;��"I;�::!I;;;il�t SH·,rn-HbRN CATTLE Doniphan, Atc:illson, JeflCl'I-on, 811t} shll'PCfI "'''SL. IflUl \t11l1f'l'cci in It lit! p..hl\)Ju 11111111;1 Lertvenworth, out I.lluFU who are hero. Wlht will T,venly mlleR east of St. on WYBliflutte. aflt\ H� we FhH.u RoI·n or be thc nexl? I Joseph. Ihe Ilanlbal AND O(llIl1ty, LO'Yll�ihp. and .;,.. H. It. (alll! rl�hts, and cnn\':v,s snid Bound the nltLrm te the born �11�:fl.�n�I;��II(;:R�'�I:'I�:I;�\I:M �:;�l1��I';�'n�;.v.p��v'alf�e�'��� I�;�l�� 1".'·Vh t('rrilory cluriug the foreign pnpn1atiiltl of nillOIl hunl ------wintl'f IUdlw'lInrse,UI'III cnfl�e'lUI'lItl.\· "r tllnn illl 1111_ months, pu.rlie:4 ncsirtll$! to IllY�t ill u. profH..u. tho It js n. nt ble cOuntry! strike tbeir prlvllt'ges. Where POLAND CHINA HOGS. IIlId hOlioTllble hllt>'tle..�R will CHI I fer i\ fuvor to 119 ","lit end? Who can tell? Let tho·c P.:��I�)(I:II�I·O;;f'��l';��e'��r\'e·l:\��I:cIJ'il,·1 �:I� �;q�l�r,�.:��'t F�I,�l;��� by Jetting 11� kuuw where to 111111 'hem, nlld we will who remember III r,lcul;.us uddrt'1'8' W. W. HA l.iI\\ Baldwin CITAS. E. IN .. Jr. ALLEN. come alld tihow the City Nursery, 13th Year. Proprietor, ManhattaD. Kns. yon Whl\t we I:un d.) free flf (:h8�e. Bccnes and preju'Hcc!s of 1851 answt!r. Yo\vare Hfwe for trnrle n the Office,nOOlll]2 ]Jumboltjrm���P& Rprln� gnnrl Rupply nf Illl kinrls of My Shol tHorns n.reor tht": "Ro''C "r sowing wind; you will TCn.U the as _ �rIlVI'ts?��a�II��'CY:.;::MO. .. Slinron.JI "Flllt Ort'ek :�I��; �J'.'I·rfll��l�h\1 ��t� �r�'��� whirlwind, 1\ursery SllJ(.:k. nL rCH:-tnlltllJle rlltt's. I:[tiVC of l\(HI'y)ol," JU�4·Jlbil,Cli."'·IHIILlIIlS." '11111'1'1"1� � �)� h\l!lsg���i.�� ���:e���J� the Bllrplus ""Cllll'kHVl1l�8" filr" Miller. trcllSUrf'T. wuys of God are MILple trl'e�, 71010 fCI!t Ilflli 4Ith"1'1!01l,1 1IIIIIIIIt')oI. hc.IIIPd culluLy nl:-o to .E "eunt. I hllve Pa., cook rree. WU. PLASKEr. Lhe "U!ILCk boo,k jJ"&f.' ··J'I'rfl..'clioll."··Muul"'",1I .Mnitl." and other DR. JAS. ------Bulrh"in llADROW, .. rUIIIII11'S, II!H'I'II)II ciull e .. City, l.)ougJIlR Vu Kos. Klint) pll-C'S, trom thr e wt!ek� 10 1i\'� IIiOIlthti nil! ,-.". &\Ie, of bill It !iIl!i�h, J'nll'sI-Clllllut. akin, "Ve1:c:w.·i:a..ary To uvu 801110 1SI"l:l.rG;GO:a.., Promote a Growth I';0\\'1'1 \\'1111,;11 I wllllu'c..d I\t R f1\lr price. IfrUe. VIgorous o Ofthe hair. uae PnrkeJ"8 Rolr BnlMm. It. reRt,orell the FOR SAI_,E youthrul colnr to gray hAlr, removes dandruO", nnd Curea � St.chln" or lhe scalp. AT .A. B.A.B.G-A.J:N. BERKSHIRES A nne very Norman St..Illlon. aCClimated. and wbo i AT TIl.K BLISS'S AMERICAN WONDER PEA. can show tinc colrs Pedigrce etc" furubhcd. For »Ilrtlculars address WATSON & TBRAPP. COLLECE FARM. 110 KttflSae Ave., Topeka, Ka.s. .-­ The rarm department of the State" Treat" nil nl!If>RFf'S of' THOROUGHBRED grlCllltnrRI Col. lTol"8e:'! nn'; ('nUlp. Cnlls In the coun .. , Ifers or I.go Nul" Il "hlllee lot or BEIPI �h� p trI'!ert subscriber. Vol. IlL Seed of the Celebrated n�rkshlreq Ih Dill I", co������� 1��:��;�I���S GeorgIa Watermelou by Mall. My ",re nIl recorrlpd Qr CRn be In tho worlt.l. bel1d furciruulur8, priCI! listllllU t.e8Limo '1.00 per 6 Amdiclul year; copies. '500; sample (ree. lb. by mnll. 8� 00. Berkshire Herunt. Mild nrc brCc'llrom uc. ul'ill. � ted B. K. BUSS &: 34 Ih by Iliult. 75 ccnts. prl7.f>. wlnIlC�. a.s Brlti�h �fI\'6"(!fgll 11 fl��: Hope. SONS, BarciayBt. '(j; well �mi H1)(1 New-YoTk- � uZ, t)y nmfJ. SO celllJii. Imp. MnhuJDct H.l79; ILllCl f nm s111'h ]A�::t\.:;\.r:.lll�IJ':������I�l Wt'IJ.!'htof DH.!lon�. 40 10 71) pounrls F'.-:urrnr lonfls :n��� F:hh)pl!d Ir�m ollr ).CroUt dH to �:I��!���Vtl�'1 ��I,:�l;��il�Il���U�:I�lVi��:¥:�I:l. Nhlle FI'tlr. ,,\Iso soliCited. pruuduoIhl at tnJdug Corn:tilJOndt!llce sevl..1'1I.1 Couuty nllo 8fa.'(· PflirH. G 000 000 (or Ihe 18 1 Address .prlng �( Wh\)I"SllIQ .nd re. A .. ELLSWORTH. PI,t<. 1"11. Gi'j!:i12 vc�ct.'hlc �IlEDH l� I'kls. flowerjim Wrlle I r Ilrlo c�. 6 0:01 Po ,\ IIA flOllCK. j(ellO Cu .. K8S. Hnt�hiusou �I.!-'. E, l;Ons-'Ctt &. Oro., Ohio. Alilht.ubulu, C!!! NOrth 1 oJ)('ku. KIL�, 94 THE KANSAS FARMER. lUROH 1111 lllU.

bors until the old homo was full of people, CII. rloy dine specially and asked tho of an In'tcr· effort hore surrouudod THE FARMERS' SEVENTY YEARS. prlvllege I\S you will be, and headed ceea In the trelt.ment of dl8easciJ of these orgl\tls, I am pre­ S .rnh Devluucy, husband nl1d wife view, This wus And 00 Whitney a.u� ohol!rClllly gracefully granted, 8t every turn. by the established lnwyers, and pared to fl.Cccpt all the ceueequeucce when 181\1 tbat. L1te1. WHe thero and all to mo. I WdB and I had an now, they too, see opportllnll.y for the flr3t tlmo to study where you will have the nre, I r conecteuuoua, In duly bound to UI!C thts "t tho tnconveuteneea of old IlC­ pure vegeta­ Abl there he 11I,lll'J, plow. h>l.d from tho ouly traveler of note that ever gone tbe fulr girl. 01 blond. complelion, her Ieaturea in ble com round In tbelr practice, truly, Be bel\h� uie boS8 (or work, quaintanceshlp 10.Dg your way, you shove out to. Yours-very that trea ted mo n" If I had were aud neighborhuod, and, they regular. symmetrical; forehead square, ward 'he Bun to scmo new J. 'V.SMITD,ltI.D. �·.. ntl wh ttaoe'er the lrut might be, setting good place where beeu on n visit to rupiter. My lime was wholly oc­ high roundlng baek to a full broad the l;on(', ever MW him &blrk. crowu.eyes hnzel, oldest Inhabttnnts won't bo much older than amtemente so outspoken as the nbove nne coming from in incidents of what to medium stzo, eleur aud , (III bll detalllug nose Oreelau mouth auch 1\ rellablc source nre vnlunble And he cnu laugb teo, tl18 oupled appeared calm, , yourself, and where you can bulld from.the funn da­ beyond quceuon.. They Run o'er ",ILII ruh thrill tears, my audltere to have been n. wonderful journey. small and tip. closed, chill 1,,11 and expresalve, all tlon." conctuetvcly enew not Dilly the power of the remedy which

l uu nlll·U.Jle sat i n over a 11M 10 well known and .. And ful mnny ytlg, the tho "Front set hand rome Ileck and shoulders, It WR.NR become , but the Im sing once, during oveniug=-twe H( hud not thought of that. but I wlll," he satd. popular grent In of eeveuty the of attention ill lime to tile first spite )"001'8, room," door letl y alln boauuful (dce, (1111 of , porteuce Indlcntions or de­ remember=-) qu opened expres-Ion kindly, worunnly. Then both of us muviug to separate, he reached his uenlth. When of such I\IRml­ Dob snmpsou's black fllce slowly peeped In, his cyps ·JIrr hair 8S already stated, ,,-,\S 0. brilliaut brown, hand and satd. clining proft'RSlonulmcn high "Good-mm ning , frlr:nrlit I 'Us t.nlT"e o'clockl "Ink ther nud declare their beuer tn and teeth showing their wntteness w�1I tn the candle aud ne�lly done up Ilt the back head. Ing prejudtce willingly straight upper dear I don't tfllte this 'l'lmc {Or 1\ hal r-hour's rtlt," ".Toe, my Wllow thing to ·thnt which they know to be vulunule, the pulilfc mny 001l­ light:-"You'ro 011 right, is yon, JOJy'l'l he asked In rorm she wag tall, slrd.ightnnd commnnd\ng, with heart." And rarmer John took out. hta lunch Relently fullo" tbetr exnmnle, and retired. square shoulders nnd arms down to the And ate It. wilh a "C8t., tn,poring "I didn't 111\0 It thcre," I replied, "but It won't go Tho occaslou demanded of course, wh ich and she hid u at "A harrier talk It. h." he Mid, supner Jlngers enrls, grd.celul movement anywhere else," auu WB both laughed and shook l n • "Thau (ollowlng lip lheee steen. tho girls-my sisters n-luw=-prcpactd. wiLh lit,Ve once nttrae tvo and dlgnlned. Such a womnn would hands. Or lDc.itti from would not mother ng reucea, far, f(K IIlD help others; but thoy permit Iusplre tnstautanoous respect anywhere. (To be conunued.) To feel my to do n.nd with its accom­ Beventy" yean, any thing; thut, uecessnry "Miss Geraldlue." sntd T, In the Introducing subject ------.--�------paniments and took nwuy haU tLc Iulluwiugs, of my coli a8 we SIlt fltce to ftlco. 8he at one �idc of Our in "You ME me why I (colao yonngi readers, replying to advertisemeuta iD night. the room and I III the I'm sure friends. I cn.n'L tell, cellter, ,·the object of my vl,lt THAT RICH EXPERiENCE. the Farmer, will do ns a favor if will state The next wos nnd I the saddle they But tblnk it 18 \fHo'e dill' Satl1l'dny. put can be brt�Oy litfttcd; and after first that in my good fiW.lt, reqllestlug their letters to adverthera that they law the on Tom, the same old saddlo 1 rode through the toll it shall Who'e kept. me lip 80 welli rem"hl our own affdir puri!ly, I will proceed. advertilement in·the Kanaas Farmer, lUI gate cleven yeaTS before, and rode up to see Mury For worneu such she are ecAroe Ever since the limo of ollr meeting at the toll gate In this vale of amI the Doctor. Tom wos not as neet of 11mb ns he A Free Press Interview Sustained and poor teRri; when we were chJldreu, I have remembered you and Bh,e's ven mo love. and hOllO, Rud strenjlJ'.'th had been in years pnst, but be took me (Llo1lg en.�ity gl (eltan Interest iu your pcrIlOllnl wol are. SineD my Its Source Revealed. For more Hum forty years: and scemed to be in excellent 8pt,ltS. Mury wns ex­ rclllrn from the West, having met you unexpectedly me. (or she WfiS Itt the gale, her smiles and pecting attontl(l1l8 reminded me "And then my boys hn\'6 (\1l done wall, herc,your womanly again of tenns mingHng b£>nntirully. She "'liS so glnd to sec As fnr AS they baTe gono, enrlier IInpre�slons; Rnd this, taken j n conncctlon me, she sl\id. nurl Ollr joy wns so tunt 1 (Detroit Feoo Pr .....) tl.lnt WllrmSl\1l old lDRU'j blood. reciprocal wlLh my desire to seltle in some honorable �ntl thlog myself A few fIlontb! 0.': Jnlen'lc\f with u and spra.ng from Tom ncross the fence t.o her, ngo promlnont And huu up and o�: greC't. business, has the to helps s\1ggestcd thought my mind thRt woll known torrncrly u resilient or but wit.h incldrntsof 1 ph�'ftlclnn, Detroit, huvc U�\'el cimselill Wholly ocmlpiell ol1l'moeting, If there I, My glrl� pllllR, nothing In the WRY of our becumlug bet· 1I0W living in New York, nplH!ll.red In (ho columns or this Or rnh,�(t atlxIOl.J!1 had not paid I\'U�T nltentiol1 to the presence of·nlloth· \11' fcarPi tor ncqu:lintod with cach oLher, it may, posstbly, reo I18Jlcr. The aUllemellt.s mnde by tht! lIouto)' nnd LIfe facla he or to whom soon cn,Het! Then wnru1crnotthflll fcel youuR Indy 'Mnry my n.ttentioll, were of 80 Bult In muLlln.l nd\rn.ntoges Nothing would give me divulged unu9u",l n IIntul'U as to CUU!C DO IHUe And hRie (\t &evenLy )'t'nf8. "You 11f\'\"O not forgolten Gcrnldinc'/': she sAiLl, commotion grcuter pleasnre U\I\n to ail'urd you every reasollablo AmonG' those who reulilhem. and many lnqul. (hnd not but tho lAst nB No; forgoLlcn G,,,.ldille; for of wOl'thincs!l rles were l'(ll�ed to Lhe j:tf'!IlUlnenC98 of the interview Bud don 'I, do \"fork opportunity judging my to receive "Why my gooll boys tnt timo 1 SEl W she WIlS n. miss of fifteen nnd the or t.he shuemcnls her, yenrs, lurLhm' consideraU 1l1l1\L vulldHy it contnlned. The nrune of And h!l me sit I\ull l"QsL' your IH\lld�. I osk ollly that now I for the WI\S could not. tho time, realize it-sho was a If It Ilhyslcinn at tlHlt time Sllllpl'Cssed at hi! own l'e· A..ll! friends, th,ll wouhln'tdo for m�; be proper, you will in good f"lth deliberately (ull qucst. The seal of s('crecy, however cun now lJe grown, graceful, (lh1Cd [Bny prelty'') woman. tbo removed, I like ruy own wny IJMI.. consider at Ume in suggestion, aoIl any your I\S the nnd Sho blld Hot forgotten me, eilher, nor nfLer Important il1tcrC5l1n� letter whldl Bppenrs below '['bey ha\'o their duty: I "!\"f0 mluQ, Tom;'ftlr, conveniences stn.tc to me what think fraukly you will show. In that the render my she avot 1�d my eyes by nt nbuudnnlly ortler, ho","cvl'f, And, till the end nppPl\111, grcct1llg, looking about it. not the Dlo,1 remote Having desire to IOBy better understl\nd tl:lsleller, u lew cxLrnct.'i nre here­ 'rom and if that wns not the she so I meAn W8ntcll (I\elloll, my rrlcOll.!!," nskiog borso f,)ol· cn.uso you emblur,l,.qsmont, If it Is Rgreol\ule to you, with glvcn from Lhe Intcrvlew tn once nt the qUl'Htion. &ll'llhc mllll of seventy ,YMl'8, Ishly frlghlened toll'g"to when I full ofT uO\v I (\10 rendy to retiro, Afler an exohnnge of courtesies nnd n few rcmlnlfJcences and hurt my shoulrlcr, I nssl1red her that he wns , ------�.------Plense remain soatod a moment,"she Bald, Ilbotlt the \Vllr, lu which the. doctor Wl\! 1\ prominent sur .. the snme looking neet footed Tom; nnd now, [proposed to tbe me full in tho faoe, IlS If preparing a reply, 00 as to geon, reporter remnrkcd UpOli lhe doctor's improved her thn..·• us a f\)1' her punishment conduct then, AS npp3nmnce, upon which be snld: mako it clear and brief, a little forward as aoon RS the Doctor Leaning GERALDINE: returned, she should have a ride "Yes,liJave Impro"fed In health since last SIlW lUe, sho spoke, her long, taporlng hands resting cnreleos· yon on Tom's bock, "nd I would hor on the nnd I hope also In oLher One accompllny her wnlly wn)'B. thlng,lIowever, -OR- lyon Ia.p- DOOlo1"8 horse to see thata'ifl wns not thrown from I have auccceded In dolng,anet IL is onooftiJe hnrdest thlngtl "Mr, Westman," Aho aRfd a.nd with unnfJ'ee· the saddle and burt. slowly for nny one, and e!:lpeclnllyo. doctor, to do,nnd thllt is I have ted "Your tenderness, manliness a.nd frankness, are overcome You know there are WHAT MAY HAPPEN. "Tbllt will be such a deUghtful punlshmellt," .he my prejudices, SUUle people very agreeable 10 me, 11. I am sure thcy' would be to who prefer to relDl\ln in the rather thaD s"ld, and we flU went into tho hou.e. wrong fl.Cknowledge nny true woma.n, They rolieve mo of all embarass the IllRIII fe!:lt right, Such prejudice leads to bigotry of tile I WftS not expecting t.hls double rleasure, but I ment. You n.re entitled to a reply now, and you werst order. Now, I Bill I' physlolan, and of the "old 10 endure It. I had a fltint that II managed suspiclou school but I nrter of shall hllve It plainly and Ilffectlons are order, tooi bave. yf!ars experience and was franklY. My Mary respon.lble for the sltuatl>n, fol' I hod come already fixed. 111m betrothed, and Ihe obaervatlon, to Lhe conclusion thnt truth Js: Lhe htgh· heard of women to wedding day conspiring gct YOlln� folks eat of all thing!, nnd that If prejudice or bigotry stand In is named. We were hoping to eojoy tbe plessure of thrown into one another'S way, However,I:assure the way of truth, 80 Aluch tIle worse for them-t.hey are cer­ your presence when I become Mr. Blucher's wLf�, BY UNOLB JO'fl. the reader there was no offtmce itt this CAse even if tIl.in to be crushL'tI 8oone� or later. Why, when I knew yOll This meete your sug�estlon, and avolds .. 11 uecel!9lty tho whole commllnlty had been In the consplmcy. In Detroit, J would no sooner havo thought of ,·totntlng the of referring to tho Imbject again." On. Thirty Days Trial. But, as I lellrned In dllo time, It wno al1 o(derly code of etblcslald down by the proft!8sl0ll, or of pre&Orlb· Then, with tbat tacL to woman, We wlll on t!O M,s. Geraldine was wilh peculiar removlug Ing nnythlng out of the regular order, thnn I would of am' send Days' Trial 8l.oTy Is ooI'y-rlghtoo by tbe author, He enollgh. .Imply boarellng (NOT1ms.-Thls her eyes at onco as If d to ralleve me as hand. Sistcr. She was the slrhlg much putnting Ill)' Now, howcver,lllrcscribe and advise buall�borized In tho K.A.NSA.8 FAR.Mlmo;.ly, to"chiug district schllol. Dr. Eleetro-Vottal0 It.!fpubHuatlon us po.sible, asked me if I had read Uncle Tom's those Lhings which I believe to be adapted to cure. nod Dye'. Beltl, SUlpenaones, No other Jl"per or person bl\9 or will hnve any Rutborily to PaSSing into the houst", Mary had snmethlng to Cabin, statIng that she waa ver, much Interested In which my experIence h0.9 proven La be 8uch." And other Elactrle TO MEN pubUsh the "bole gr nn, pnrt thoujtb all al'o permttled to show me, she said, beiore sitting. Geraldine took my Applancois snfferlng "Row did come to such heretical Irlea:J as from Nervous Lost It, at tho same time across the room behind you get these, Debll!ty, Vitality, etc., Bpeedn,. publish Illortextra.cts .. hat "nd moving t.y RlvLJlg proper OI't'dIt..-TuE Au CORt, and then I followed u - Sislrr i to a neat doctor?" restoring He�ltb "nd Manhood, Also for Rheum.. .. me to tbe work. UOll.) little and on olle of get tism. Paralvsls, Ltver Ilnd h.ldney TrOUbles. and ma- bedroom; there, lhose old·fllsh­ "011, Lhey n:e the rpsult. ot my experience Rnd obscrvll." I had read Uncle Tom's hut If I had iOlled as as n II Cabin; not, it fJlIAPTER IV. beds, high tile mount.ln,l"y- 11011. I oblulncd my 6ntL Idp.n8 upon thcsubJect, t.hough, would h"ve ruattered little at that time. except in �re��her dlS�"JrTAi�UA�t\j;dc8��I�ft�rr��I��- "Now, gueF.S what it is," she saId, nq she stepped from baving been cured after all my care !lud the aklll of Ablience and dIstanoe from homo servo to increase recognition of Ihe Indy's !:Ih� the bnckwards smtllng between me and the bed. 'IH'� politeness. brought my proft'8Slollnl brethren had fulled to .'cllm'c me. Why, I £j I: anxlou. to IDllkc money, and mea lis attractions. UnbirrolVed of Is oflen on EUBt Sixth Ave., Kas .. dealers In dill'S spent thcre blmself generally a. difficult a. possible f�r his moth· brlghtuess hope, quickly ges going in every tif!pnrlment or lit.·, and thel'e are great Topeka. Flonr, In cold Ilnd to Feed, lIay and Grah. Ilnd heat, except tre",,,,r. tbem ..s so or to hold. eclipsed by unexpected shlldolVs. Permit me to ex· developments' in medicine as well, 1'housnnda or people' many steps In an advancing life. There were the a sincere wlsb for fnture and die from (e·/er. rheumatism or III 0. moment we were monnted and ridln.ct In thtt press your happiness, e\'ery yenr supposed typhoid all kind. of Field and same oid Garden S.ada, locust posts Itud woathor·whltened chest­ In to now and at other complaluUJ, when In rf!allty it Is rrum trichina, caus· face of a llght southern wll1d. How timt charming doing so, promise here, tb�t If, any also Mlllat, Clovor, Timothy, lIutralls,lhe sllme old roekB on tbe furrO\ved under should ed by entlng poorly cooked aod disea.sed pork, 'Tbousands English hills; f"ce llghted up In the cool breeze, Illld how-yes, if I timc! AUY clrcumsta.nces, misfortune and Blue a'nd there wus are from 88 the ilIanlueky the Lid kllu III the where we dried bef"a and It comes ofcbHdren dying every year dropBY Bilparent Grass,08!S, ledgo must tell of so rude behavior-how I lo,ked at tbe you wlt",ln the range of my and broke our tiax; the bird ond sequel to scarlatina, wben 10 rcallty It Is from dl!:leased kid .. hou,es the bee clear dark the brown knowledge, you w1l1 have a.frlend In him who now IOWA SEED CORN. eyes, glOS3Y and tbe . sued hair, glow­ which have become well.kJ:ned the fever ho.ve i aud there was the smOl{e as of bids nayB by Uley ascending, old, Ingcheeks of my fair as I In· you farewell." from Ihe tall compllnlon froquently lust had." kltcben chimney, and mother must be one moment qulred for her comfort or waited for an answor to a "Stay longer," she said, again looking there. old "Well, doctor. you have got some ne" truths here, cer� The The. squaro brick bOllse, wltb Its moss Into "I tbank for MID CONTINENT qU08t1on which I might 110 well have asked or directlY my eyes. you very milch but aounl] refl800able to me." the Mary, talnly, they very grown roof: grell.t walnllt tree whose kind So aa sweeping the Doctor, or any else. y�ur expressions. long you remllin a whether are rensooable or liave demon­ :Ka:a._a_ :D.!I:o. bran body "Well, they not,l O:l.1:y, olios had so often made shadows In at my;room Tom behaved himself well. genllernan I wi!l regard you 8S one of my friends. strntcd to own 81lttsfilCtioo thnt are true, and I pro­ ITe would hllve enjoy· my they A nigbt amI rubbed the wall non·sectarian rellglena Journal, the 0011/ period! along with a soiemn a And now, In I desire to that I am no much I ed sho:t rnn; for, be It remembered, Tom had been putlng. say truly po.!!e to stand by tbem, mat�er how opposition cal ofthe kind In tbe west. sound cbllis alld sending ghostly up dOll"n my hack; sorry you were noL or a month in mny ralae by doing 90. man, be be the leadtlr in. many a mountain fox hunt in yesterday, ago, Any politician. pleach­ Ita are aU under the CIlre of able con· tbere was yeilr8 departmenta the graceful wUlow with Its slender of tho er or wbo Is so couslderate of his or Umb.; gone by; but aU he cared for specllllly at this time pos.esslon Information you havo obtained physlolau, pocketbook trlbntors. the Iba.tcb·roofod the of hlB own en(ls as to himself barn, wago·, sbed, the smoke. to 0. from· me for then "Islt would have been pel'sonal stuUtl'y by supprr8S­ A of the School was, be neck ahead; and for bis sake, as well as to·day, your weekly exposition SttJ)day I_b., boU!e, the bake mllnlfest is UtC name of and ovon, Rnd-yes, dear :reador, that of hts so much more I not Ingtbe truth, ullworthy milD, edited by the Rev. Richard Cordley, D.O., 01 EmpQ. rider, I held 11 tight rein on Sam and kept pleasant. Now, w!ll detain you there, too, was the old unworLby the confidence or tbe public wbom he servc.8." ria, Kas. double·lIned door' of tbe him a IItUe behlud. longer." The above are some or the in t.he Inter­ TERMB:--Per In advance, 12 00. kitchen wit II 1111 wrought iron nall·heada fot tbe She bat and principal points year Sample cop­ A circuit of hal( a dozen miles on brougbt my offered her hand. Taking Ies AddrC88 F. fro"1 excellent road, view referred to, Now tor the sequel. The followln, out· FaKE, W. BUTTER:FIEWl '" SON, to gatber on, and wheu It back 1111 It In swnng :on and we b",led up at the Doctor's lightly mln.e, I added; my prom· 005 MaIDS!., Kansas City, Mo, broad again gatl\e.i. pUlll'the IDv'eoIlgaIiOD' and CIlrry It to tbe 8taCk. tI$ kitchen, reochlng lout :hls long singular mixture of jo,. and' ladness, Why there And I did. Then I added: "I but did ,:p'u!.!l.Mf.I.!�e.lIO :Db" Bake.ls &'t1lded hy . requested, black hand to me- to Ibe extremej "bUe I ..... ID active work, l'In!!d tba oll'ect feet driver, was or shollid be but the mOit ur"ble not eXllet that of lh� l'hee[B.to.the anytblng ple any promise, the object '1ur meet· of tho U.er ?(thtl b:kB � "Why, Joey, how you do? ('m so emotioDll I glad to lee you I did no! but such a9 the should remain ollr own reoi04}'�p:'!'7,�P."II: &qI�gle[I' I��Y! : 1ge underltand, Ing affair, J wish at the IlDd 1Irlnuy .�t!�'ei<'!;J�o r:L�,\:I'ethIl': ,P:'hI;; hardl, know wbat to do with you, 1I111O&Oe!'. "alcIiID,6'trt 4��0.�lbf,._",l ,..-f'nl- Isjleilo1u Itche " myaelf. I board you C&8C. 8LaIell_,., happy. 10 Idnd, 80 to see me; firSt to reltaye her of nloe!,shape"to)be' W"b;3le'l� w... Clad opportul\It:r', ,.11 �Ible 11.od eteI7 home, ..nd I JUit dropPed and �of' .lHrO"�l: �1I..n'I';�: �,' �1'1Iif �n�.tfo every thing and run. theM was Little Joe, nlnDed In my honor; and aqoo by relaUDg tbe, Bubat&nce of this eonve_tidn oneD"W�n.cr�� 'h",tjl,to�q.�'\��� do look 10 good. How tboremady,.�'o.�t;)"�iI! _' ,,- Irom1Il,��2,"iCi'M,PIl� j1ay. �1.wUitO� You, you-thoen, allyhow? the Dolllbt'ileelile'dioo m'uoli to en]oymy tolher. Now; Uoder .hoh coDvlbtlilg.\!lreu lb. tiDdlilr ollieli. shockffig, etc. l'lirtles wls pnrcbase l(akeo You I to cODllng.­ permIt !\I'e:to"oqllgl'atil!;,tEt yon nP9'll:� glad get home and lee ..U th..t IndDcements ollered. to YOllr mamma, ain't 6Uab! tO�a've inade me happy, And theR, glorion" tbe or you?,' wvleto!')', and.t,o willh'yoo realI.zt,tlon _lnRm1cut..�,I\���,q �z.:.'!:ase 9I�.early. the company and converllltion 01 far 11 to hamlUl.lt.7;...... :�t�I!!I\f,\'r'dd',b.. dono I"'..... to see "" Geraldine, JOnr brich� luipeo. Wltholi� referrlnl"acaln to'the , d,.',�"' ' glad Dob he W&ll to see me. ':11 !",a �"'!,'. '1'.J.j6f!rJitM" He whom J h..d and .. for me "b&llb. titet Hili la tlie coua!r1 rould oat lIor ...t do,,", great reo�eot; Henry oomlng, hLa matter, wontt ,.otl.ltell me wh&'are yonr aluil'W Ule? me,4lcal prlcee and partlculan _ faclue me, and tAlked for a add,'- glibly few ,reat hLa IUlCOmpUab" ODd ... aa hODorable man I will Dot IUPPl'flll S: ·B. GIlJLlLANB, mlnllt

THE STRAY LIST. 10eg J" • .4.. POLLEY, 1009 KANSAS Wholesale ao'l Retail Tho ATOHISON, TOPEKA Ca.rriage B-u.i1der. and SAN�A FE R.R.CO. �. have now for oIu10

Sumds pre-eminent among the great Trunk Ltneaor tho West. for being tho most dlrect, quickest. nnd 8Dfeet line connecting the greut Metropolis, CHICAGO, nnd the EABTRnN', l\'oRTIJ·EAs1'.'EnN, SOUTnRlll'1 nud SOUTTl.· EABTKIDr which Keeps a Full Line of Light Harness, State for LIKES, rcrmtuntc there, with ,MINNE· Whips, Dusters, Agent Kingman'8 APOLIS, S·r. )'AUL. KANSAS CITY. Llt,"'E!fWORTR, Top Lressfng. ATCUl60N, COUXOIL �LUFFS and OllAU..... the COM' JERCIAL OEN1'nXB from whleh radlnte SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED �EW CATALOCUE FR�E •. 20'0. 202, and 204 Quincy Street, Topeka, Kansas. IT T.A�ES th.e LEAJD- LANDS :EJ.A.�:N'Ea WIRE CHEcK ROWER. First lind Only Entirely successrui Wire Chcck kower ever invented. Fartnera tUnl 11l'IIiCIl4 ure UllUlllwuml III 11.11 Ilfld ,e-Ive It the 1\(1)lItlLCY In corn, fHI well lUi for preference over Any other ClI('Ck ,irHllllllIl{ \1I'1I1tlt',18 dlll'nbillty, The Rower for lUI com­ r,lete evidence oC uuprevedcuted sates of the Dnrnee Check Row r Is It.8111el'�t. as well aa ur Ita value and the }.i$(l��I�,J:teE�sUtnllnl tUlllo/tance to tlle farmer as R LABOR-SA Y. The ere the follllwlulC Rd't'''�ltRQ'M over nny other Check Thl'l B ,Rowpr: 'trlre fSll8 (,ll.f4y tohaudle M 0. �:,:e::, :J;' 1 rope. Use o(wtre In COLLECTORS. r�d ����:e� 1U;:.W�II��:n,��t �\'O J'}fE� T ��A·1J: �IA! pulley... and ma.k.lng a wJre t.has d.ou not CI'Oti8 Ule machtne 1�°t;iJ;�CJN(\3�S;j1�k,VJ�� �r:' rrTc�fo����� outwenrBtverRl wires that do cr088. CHAMBERS, BERING & QUINLAN, B.cci'lJ,8·ilJe ltlanufacturen, Decatur, ill. 1st. seven bars SI"u1e Ri"g &.... 1"'....I.d liI� �,"o��e�t�3r�o�n:rk�J·R,��rt1�Ps�:tll� wilhoutinJnry to either fence or .lock. It Is C"'118 Rnl1 silts In eRch car,'unkllown brand JI1 PHILADELPHIA. PI. Just the fence for f.uIDs stock and "BhlPd right hlp, Il0rdcn. ranges 1\t$l!O railroads: anrl very ncnl lor IIlWIIS. parks, 8c110011018 nnd cemeteries. Ab it tA covered with 12 �\)d rust· proof �Is�:o�;;�tr:�r �i�� paint (or It wiIlI.st a Ilfe su­ _�u_ ,�I'�����31�U!lCf�:::.�I�r.. i?t� galVAnized) time. It Is perior to boards or barbed wire ill '''Ie :::MAJUi:-Taken up by ,Vm 'VIRltins In tp DecH cYery respect. one Eurt!k,1\ ask for It a fair it "111 1881, bar ,uar comluK 3 yl1l old, valued at. f.!O trial, knowlog wenr ILEeif Into favor. 1'he SEDGWICK GATF.5. mndc of wrought tron Johnson county-Fl'ank Huntoon, olero. and steel Wire, 011 competillon III neatness, STEER-Taken up un thn ';th flay of Dco 1881, by Ooode' f1lpe de� Droll. In Uxford til. olle sllcckletlsl,cel' wlt.h block ueok.sup· Jfeb�i;�s'n�lt£e�,���p�T to be 2 �1�:a,�I�I�ynt;�)';,,:;rg O�::I� pORed yl'9 old I crop 0tI' left. and In ea' For and split right . opening gate. ask hard- v&thtetl prices nt,t.5 ware dealers, Or 'SED S'l'EER-Alfto the 8f\.11le I\t the 8nrticulnrs oy flRme time RlId plnce, Ind. one steer. color pitied, tI JlPosed to be'-'! YI1l old. crop otf left WWI�h���g: and epUt In right ear, vlIJued at�-3 Iefferson oounty-J'. R. Best, olerk. HErP'ER-TakPn up by J n Shlry nbou\ the mldrlle of Nov 18St, one IItthl. 1'01111 heifer. 2 yrs old pas'. red aoout neck, uneven crOll ofr Jeft valued Ill. ,16 Pacific e,ar, Missou.ri Railway Sumner oounty-S. B. Douglass, clerk. The Direct Route PONY-TAken up by J H Allen In Wellll1i(tol1 tp, Mar 0 aile sex pony not. glven,Rlze not Rlnted, or dlrt.y gray tlun For all poiuh In KnnstLQ;, New Jdextoo color. branded II on rlscht shollhler, stringhalted ill bot,h Colorado, blnd leg9, valued at elf; Califurnia, Bnd Texas. Wyaudotte oou�ty-D. R. Emmons, olerk. 9 Traill1& :J:)aj,1y. HEIFERS-Taken up by J T JohnRon In Armlitrong tp Feb It IS:t!, ..!� \��?I�Rf,u�'���.'��:I�II�'WI��O' Pullman PalAce Hotcl Cnrs STe rUII between St. -;;J;�e�e�rsl�lcf,enb!��3e�)����'::� ����'it �It:� t Loul.and Sail hlp, no othel' mal'ks or brands. AlOtonlo, via Sed.lin. doily. 'Gran' All truins arrive and Ma·.Yeast Cakes" are the Best Yeast Cnke.ln tbe because depart Irom the Grand Union world, they Mako tile Uest Bread. ])( at St, pot Louis, Lbt:rcbY fLSSU rlng pnss�uit: rs diree' State 'fhcy are the bccan.oc One counectlouiI, Stray Record. Cbenl>eat. Cake "Ill go rnrther�tban any two of any other. A. Brlecoe, 8uccessor to Anderson" Jonefl. Bolden, are a !"tro., :.They Purely VC1l'ltable, and warranted to eatlsfactlon. keeps complete Stray Record for KanBfUJ and l\fJ880Urt, give Fast No money required for luformlltton until AMck 1!:1lduntl­ Time, Superior Accommodations. fled. Correspondence w;lth ,,1I108e1'8 oht.lck solicited. AMORY BICELOW. III. A. A. ======Chicat!o. 'l'ALMAGE,

51. A.f:tBlt:f:- Victors aDd wonK 01' �old In 1881 and A.n. 'ho' GAR'F'I COllll,le'e orELDttao tbodcrnuudconld 1I1","'-,r:r llot bo BlIf\plied. TRIAL OF Olt'cnlur cOllfinninJ.T tblR maila rcc. Send for II. B1 �oba mark CUITEAU. RJ:lpat� LL. D. Two 't'olumci NEWARK MACHINE CObIPANY. Ohi.. In one. Bold M L�'\ of Newark, price O!"',Q bool[. 800 PAa'ea. �llcril ur l'a.�Cllt8 and lhe 01111 lluuuftl(ltuflln iu tlill worltl EJegnntl:' ill\�rr.ted. In ED���� aad "e.·luan. It)NII8 �n 4 w., Chek=::J" ChI..... a...... air. .. Iii ... '0 ...... WA '( Scntl ror l"t1o.J,-<:::H::-PUWER-. 'l':JOtiO IJowurtJ are (:':-IUll'''' J)lllicrl/JLI\'t) UIII:cCtl to Cutu1n neo Jlroduoo UlOl'S Every :�riIlO" Ph'o �����g���rn� It�,)!,fo o¥:b� �';;'t or I rOil nnd fi�'��ltll����UI�;,Sm��\����.tt'aclt whcelH Btccl. Donhlo (nu rod8). Dt'uus Tul'O Dcnm, JnnPB 110 rfl�·R 1110 Sold ( n A WM. L. IlOYJo:R &nRO. ftcigllt. Iriul. For frno hnolt Oll Sm'rsnddrC'ful PI'l'GO �(]l60 WEEK. $12adllyat homeeasilymodp• Costly 2101 hvcrYBlzo cqOl!tUylow. JONES Outfit frec. Addrcs" TRUE &: Co. Gcrrnunv..I\\'u Avo. OF IBONIC:HAMTON, N. y. $12 AlIgllsta Me Ph.lllLdelphia.,Pn., Binghamton, Also mlluuraoturerr of tht) Gold Mad.1 AWllrded FIlEUI17I4FAnM tho Antllor. A npw Bud Ju'ent },ted!. GRIS'l'llILL, cnl 'UIIULX F.ecd Cutters, Wonk, warl'ftnled the beRt and chf'npellt.lndl,qwnsnhle to every man, ImESlIllUS.OLEANEllS,ko. entitled "\he Science of Llftl. or, 8e.lf­ PreRen'ntion;"bollud in tlnt'st French •annfaetnrera ot full "_,tables." Damp·Scraper. muslin, emboME'd. 911t., SOO pp. conlillnM beslIIUful S. PE.NNOCK &. SONS' CO., ,teet en.ll1'1lvtnlClIl Kennett Sq••re, PL, and Fort Walne, Ind. b� !���(;r:nU�/��di:�I�II�,·�'�a:� . srnd now. AddreM Peatxu!y Medical KNOW THYSELr.1��'��u�;: �jro.�n�· PARKER. No DAVISSWINGCHURN CORRECT TIME! ����l J£ want the NJ3fi��i(f:�:t�'!':������'i�Y9 you Best Time KcepeJ for the Money that :ri�htFldo 1I)i • .l?IIFIf'6t to llF.C, can be bought anywhere in the World, get the NtuDBJzOOmu.dc,Threol'lze8 ���ilM��J�l��(��J:I�Y:r LANCASTER WATCH WllM"Jutcd. QUl,) Ohnrn at. wbol08nlcwhcrcwo hr'lnlDO I,'__ �61:r�ac��7:1��t l:hr�I:��!�t i���.vc�lbeu� ���t:-'t :�� 'IE"�,\ agents. Soud PosLDl(ormr­ the money, AI) Quick-Train �-pl:\f.c Movements. ulUrB. Ah"'ilDb wanted. E.".bli.hcd Ask for 'he ,87', LANC,ASTER. PA., YERMOfIT FARI'll MACH:JIE CO•• li QUICK·TRAIN RAILROAD.WATCHES. DoIJOWM Fell•• VL I WORTH SENDINC FOR! FT1iER£�ND ������':'1E OSCAR BISCHOFF, RITt (Late of m""hoft' '" Kra_,l Dr. J. H. S�HENCK. of Phnn.d�lp�I!�. has 111.t 1mb· rilR� lI'hed" hook on ·'nISE;I.�E8 01' 21IE LUNGS a"d � 38Arcll lit., Phlla· F. M. ",l!:t\V.ll:H & Gnl'dclIPI'" ever,·"lu're to Ill! I ill,! m,,�1 Fur. end Wool. BKO"th:'lIor..i ''''ClllS, 11I'I'I"ct I ,"rTallow, P. 0 Box 2M3. MATTHEWS'�1t11f11'ellalJlo drill In II"�, �rl'lfl (III' itelpbln,l'n., ClrcHlnr. PAYB the l{nUl�(l8 Cily, MIII1U'jI,'l1tI"HI hhrhffi

becomf" (orillA: oountry nenunai. A Flelil & 00. 8t Lo1l18. ]\[0 The "DIIt GIAnt'" hM 1'050 better dctDnocl nnd IIUff....; t.errltorleR and rOT.o\'l'OES-Elnly In �atcrvilio. 80 well known throllJ.(holit the United State8, 011i('r8 UIlChRn,IClhl-!M!lIlug fl\lrly We nnme, EI\.'1h'rn-nu..r� the Week. Cnnndll.1U' well ns In mnny forpll1n couutrtea, that It, III un­ News of Irees au to 1 Ro,c I P�rlf'gs $1 2ii ;0 J ZIi�; Condensed •• are n m"ny I" ea IJI\1Ik $1 :tl\,: ,I 2.:; to 30j Mlll no people plantlng' greal neceMnry 10 nlld farther comment. TIle "1I10u11I1 City" mlxell,fil 11�' t.o. 120: pour flo nnd wunee ,I 16: Nor­ the aume tn crushln,ll parta. while the Jtrllulf'11I Rrt> en J,!ood tllI"prlog. RCUy to Cure. theru If; to I :l9; Inferior, lunall, etc, 750 CIJr very poor Ell} (\ strtkn. Warner's Safe and Liver nud 80 Ilft tn Incn�I\..'W the t.1lIIAclty $1 aL LKwrclloe, Mnss .. Kidney' Inrjlf'11 Iurpreved. grenlly COU,(ID splrmcrs The Good of Manknto proposeto estan 00 (ur n\!r Templars ---_. of the 1111119, M welt IU} to mlnl't It. to the reoent-uu or steer ,t son or R caul denler E trk-t cor nrntrte nt t prime tlmolh, for n. general Ifsu u At n recent school exnmtuttou the 841 IIA Y-Snlt'ft: etO, CfnclnDILli carpenters preparlug hbrury. I:rlwlers ,uHI grelltly lessen the CORt. ort.hltil'lndll1� Ilnt18 He W08 at 2 choice nt this ell1c­ were In n Ion. AI nt !,O. t 81,rktly prime $1000; $:,.'11; was "_Skl'lIliow umuy poulHh. tI:r.,ro thRt wben mill 1M WOl It 0111, �1'1I111era CfUl be replueed fU ttrlko. Mr. Yowell klllod an enormous wild cat ill U\iDO 11 lhlllk I'm golug to gtve a CRrA nt ,IU, � prtute do aL,1O to 60,8lrlctly prlwe plll\rp uuough to n·'IJly: "Mt�311c yuu hnlf the price or other mille Tim grirltllnJ:( cnpuclt,y lu flnl' Ill'Rlrle U Is to bo tho ouur worLh has smallpox, reported day. v ami IIcktd when I gilt nonte.' nnta 1\11111'11111\11 hili'! been do nLt,11 76-clllllco til Dethlehom, 1'0.., 1" awuy I "eL Ilrlllllll1JllU' well � grlllllhlJl gmtn .---- llROVISIOSS-Lnrd' dultt market strongce oth('rlo\'IMI, vtrulent. nf!ul'ly doubled, wlthunt dlllllnlRhlll� crullhln,ll nhlllUel, Smokestack of the Ablleno water works was hots- In f"lr for unler muvemeruent h hk bncou , nnll Landis & Hollinger MnnuruCUlrt'rA clanu to tunke the only mill cl'ul4hlllll and Southern ouservsd throughoul le,ll"ot week. nuove SI. rnlrlck's ,lay genemlly o.nd RondurM CML I) I:i lUf"nlS up counu'y'beld llUyer'e VICWB); Orange, AluiJcr, ,l%l'lncllllg com .uul cob with sweep IKlwc'r. with eteel (Ialter to ." tho country. Mlljor of Jewell wns RulillrollOKe.lf they have OPI}OrLunlt.v. Anti rllll pork quiet Cuthbert, county, ndjudged ����e��;:;l�a��\:I�;rl;�:'C grlnc1ufI. nt ------st bneon l'1c: quote. ------nA('O�-Bmlllllots brel\kflL or on hlS� .•. IhlM hy RctU1\1 test.to give R 111111 RtJ' price to I'UrchM' plain Norfolk, VB,. hod tlurty-two cases smallJJox tuseuu week, prove shouldcrII wnmnn he ever c to ceuv. Ordure (191)kK�) 7,,"0, Jones fillY" his wire Is the lUo�t,lhrlrty errurnlllhing the olll'Ortunlt.y to Illake the IetlL. Tht-Be IIlRIlU. hnll1P11t�' 12},",c lust. 11c. lilolMh mal­ he "flhe hn811lutle ten lJedSl1rt'nlla Rtt,nch· c lib 10>' to �c, flhort clear Ordt:n, Neodesha papers speuk of Iho appearance of kncw. "Wily. sir," My". fRcturcn clRlm tn nu\ke the Dilly mill with IIwlvel 101lg cle!!r. 10.\ic, suf· .",r out o( thl" ]3 to fI a hfUI1� I� to scnt 1.0 Mississippi lilt! hht Um ycnl'S; 111(\(10 them ...el(, fllr, com nnd cob mill IIIR1lf1 brellkfn.'\L bacon 140; 1:',,"e Tlvenly IhoU8RUd rllllous IluB ILt thllL plHce. tlurlll): I�lent. R8 well lUI th� only IlrRetleRI tbat. (or ot lots to 1� sbe colloctcd In iter ebllJlplllg tours during thnt tOlnRke ihelf TALLOW-Su-ady, country at. 6", to 7J'c ferenl Ih. 17th. 8 ,m"I�1J for belt power. The I'rll1oll",1 (eatul't'e flO Wheat never befor. loaked so well In the spring 8. thE' to 7)('c for prime In oal bbb tlWtl.'1 mllllllluperiur to all others, nre. the device for to.kln${ up lIlob.. to 6 t06J(C; worlL' al MRrqueU:c. mill weRr OREASE-SteRdy. Drown. 4� lie. yellow � I.... ko Superior JlO'vdor Itdocs now III Jewell. wear. and their cruHhinll blnde8. which mRke the white. 6 &.0 maoufncturlug lard 7 to 80 blown t. pi.,.,.. Leis' Dandelion Tonio. much longer. Aud do equal amount or work., with oue hall tHi� were found near the 50 to Dones of nn ndull person noUce BEEF-On orderei exira (tHnll.f, ,12 to '16 par 'Lbl.'7 Hyou tnke Lel:t' Ol'mlellon Tonic when you l'Iymp� the Streol hod all oxclUng power -t 76 I_ Dlll!'R ""d nears of Wall honse. or t8 6U per bC·lJlJlj dried, II", lo 13,\(c'; torguee tt &0 to per Florenco 8Ohool tom!! or 'Chllls" you will a'most Invlu'h,bly tReRpe them. Ovt>r 25 manufRcturerB and deo.lelll In different. parte the 161h lu"1. IllIl\ck of dl8PMe8 1\9 flnallM!ttlement. for In· do. clay In Sumner du­ It forI I lle8 the 8YIiU.·ru I\galn9t tile .other Ihe country hRve1wen J)1'OIM!Cut.etllo Inebes of Filow fell county stock In liberal nnd weftk. Eight the blood Bud ol1e I() 111 DRS-Quiet: green eupply In Chicago. Chlu�oe WerD de· well. Ii Imlll'oves t.he dlgo"tloTl, I,urll\� I'cg� frluRIIiM t.hese patent feature9.Rnd fUlk auy deslrhlJl' a mootlug .. SIlOW storm. At public rillS' th : lat.e We quote; tllnt 1ft" to 17c; damagf'd 13Ys' to 140: dr, uitlles the liver. pUrcbl\lSt'R twill. to not IlUrcba8e a mill hovlll.r cru"hln. Dry' nounced fl,6 scnbs. bull and 8I11L 8,,<:; {if Dttmlellon Tonic III mO!lt valunble. It wish In th� IIl\lt 12c; damaged lOc; dry 81a� lOc; Krten Tho Miami 7h1l8n1/l.'U. Is no m "re-gono the WilY A81\ IIcrvlne Lets' blRdes of any otht!T 1;,l\ke, If they protection In \l'nsh- of lIud Hu" (uU G�c; Kreen 6�, damaged &�j glue stock &eeD 38, OilS' of 6Jllallpo.: dlscIWerod cur8.':t wakefulness, dellrt'S!lion. 1::168 IllllJoeLIte of anme Senti to manufacturent for clrculan and (IRmnged The cl�blh all 8larvOO 1I0wspl\pers. tI�e ner· dry6c. Ihc nth iUKL. discomfort., oreaslonell by adhtOrdered. pt\rtlcnlRTI' tngton • been Tbe prillcipol of thu Hutchinson school bas �uo������:r:.r •.1.. shol ami kllle,l " of Dall•• , '1'0 by An ex-moyor removed fur K.n••• In (\ cull� City. d.ruukcnucss, An Ohlo rn n snye a you'lg Ia.dy who Rrl\dun�ed grudge the t. pool' Il\Ivyer--

. �'I\rd.d. 60'0750: plHllnll)1llf1c th..lcllY UI ".11 10"" Alarch ,160: turnlpM old color(,d doctor KMU8M l1epot,lolc])lKt!: &. FOX, Atchison, Kanene. Aprll9Uc; 1\IIlY 07:Jz(c; June OO).c: No .. cash 83c: Ski Some yOlung darktcs 'Ic'loped an FRF.sn FIlUIT-Ap�I••. good 10 cbolce. per bbl.tII .. "I,lled Arku·t:UI." Cltl'. Ark. aud destroy­ April S\c' MRV SOc A cyclone "lth crOWn oil al Valle)' Falls. to 6 00 cmoberrle8 '1� per bbl. It.l"aalcl tllnt milk. luto tbe ekln tbeso.me WRY No 2 mlxed, cMh. hooo... No IIl'e" ICII� pricked OORN-)lflTket nrmer�Rnd hlJ,(her. tub·WMbtlt ed somo of thu .WOOL-Tub�'R'"88hed,llood medium 38 to4OC; �be water that Ihe Ink Wll8 Rpplled, wlll CIIl\IlJ(e the blue white rulxed cRah folks arc hrat'ging about orlglnul1y filc�; ]\fRY 62}i'; �o � 72�Ci te Tho 6()�j April . ao Us Marqnetto CORr'8C and 33 to a6c. Washed fleece, fino beavy inn.l1S'urBted t.hen cause t.belD to dingy The American Express Compllny Blue river. color of tAttoo mark II to red ami dlSAp· Mnrehjl�c power thcy ha"c on tho wuhed n"l'Ce dne 37 to -+00; wMhed flee<.'e.coaree21 16th lust. :t!.c; llRht ordl'r system tho pear. OATS-VI�Il. No' CRsh 46Mc: �fRrch 46c ncw money medium to Clne heavy hRS n,20),acre (arm 3ac; wMhed fleece. 37 -t2c; UII"(\IJ'Il�d, J. A. (;offorc'l, Cloud county. corn nat.! Aud ryo none .. 16;9S-'j lIol'borson rcfu8e to eervo on .Recelpl8Wheftt 3,!118: uuwMhed mediulu 23 to 27c. unwtUilied, coarae tG Senatora and H. B. Louhdnna. Pike county. Mo., b�ff ot 18 to 21Cj F&rlcy an on it. Dr. Bulte, corn ontll none, ' in 'Florida, wHh Orange grove 8hh)ment.ll. wheaL 7,664; 16,849; ],693, rye comrulttoo. head to Ie· lollle. the democlat'c eon�rC8Slonal Aillenloy or JerHeY ('ottle. Stock for ..ue. FUt.y Hutnilln.on with Ihe "ad uncondlUoned wool. including Terrlto­ A eapltoll,t Is Inve.tl�"lir g loel f,·om. Send for calnloj(\le. DIII,Y. burry Gil., who resl.ted to An Illlcil d1sttllCT ncar AU.nm. LOOis-FLOUR- Firmer Md better. fancy tG 40 rial about. I to 6c leu than quoLRtionll. It natloual bnnk Ihere . ST. wool, oRicers. objectot starting XX and baL .comm"D ...... t, WIUl kllllll1uy G

ex- • Sheriff 6herld�n counly proposes to go la 8weet." dbe: Q!rtalnly amdea810" Medium clover dull,but mammoLh In demaocl chlorofonuoo and Cary. 'Vh,\'? He: BecnU!:t8 Revenge tlhOtot;OO In Council Bluffir..-IIB red TJmo. A family business this will let me call Vt"D� Jlct.lve I\ud No 2 and flrm Otherdeecrll)Llonll ullcban�,l aud.tead, teullvely 11110 the dairy year. you mRy; provided, Ihou"h. you you WHEAT-Shnrp1, hi�her IItrons; robboo burgl..... • thell,ilo preml8... wero by call Sbc: Eu.GS-�mf\nd aL to 16,,0 getUlce. n" And why wotlld you me Vt!Dgcn.UC4:T 128" """h:" \l9" April. $1 27K May. very �ood a land W. H. Slephen_on hns purchased ,ectlou.of May. BRANS-DuUand I.r lib sal. 30 -. at LOIII,lon.. to confor Because hi mlnc." CORN-Klgh"r; fWl� to OOv.c CMh:6tn,c April; 07�c CASTOR ... A agenl BCut to "Vtmgeance governmenl for a and .took farm. bid In Chose counly grnlll OAT8-Un..tUed nod dull 47){'c 10 48c cash; 411(c ... mused I.t. fiood_. 'lID. ftK 10 I�, .------with clth,cno by t ------.. 011 Name. alldM T. LInn man believe. he has .Iruck Removal aud Change of April an excm· A county hnndroo 111111010 people propoee Md Manufa.c· RVR-J)!.l1 a181� bid ·Blght oo.e. Ollt of tbe rocks. The Hagentown, •• AgriculLurRl ImpleHIt'nt TOPEKA ]l[ARKETS. on bll f....m becauBeon " tho liver o( Iho North. bualue88 to BARr,EY al 75 10 $1 00. 810n to the va,lcy of Red turtllg company h"ve 'remO\'ed their NeWArk. -Qul'l comml..loners have been "quested Newark Oom� Falll, and Je..-ell county Ublo. and c1JRnl'ed tbe nomll to the Machin" A recenUy went over Ihe Niagara Produoe. dog Ihe 10 order a grand jury. March 18. 10 by connly atlorney pRUy. Mail, A. the corge Into \h.e whirlpool-two By .. nlI&Il IIot. corrected weeltl)' bl A. down through Their old \\ ork! at were noL I.r� enough ,and Groce price Uve. Iho conlracts for carrying the man. In Ha.'!entown lUpley '" Son. three mU...... Ne.rTyall lor t.he pnat. tew Y"'RI'8 the CJwpany were ullable to supply Chlc.ga. _.. • are let 10 ea,tern bidders. e: BUTTIm-Per I�holce __ .860.411 dloo Wabaunsoo county, the demaud t...r t.helr speclnltles-Grain Rakes. Oraln 1)r1111J The Pm� .AlrMM" repor who - of New York _...... l1li MI., Sarah Durr, Clty_ IIteera 40 to 675: OR ESE-Per Ib "Vlclor Huller Cluver Ml&ol:hlnes." OA'M'LE-EKtra graded and fl\ucy t6 two criminal and \helr Doublo ....I"reIh...... :zo lilt lell a wHl bcquct>thlug nenrly IZ,COO.OCO Nine and thlrly cboleC! EOG8-Per�o lIIarclt whloky, ,Ighldlvorse cov� aleel'1l 00 to to At Newark tbel' htiveju8L comph:ted new bricK. sbops prime to extnl..8hlpplng f6 63O;;;oorl B.l!:ANB-Per bu-WWIe _.. " iii court docket. NaVJ t. chlU'it&ble luot.ltullonl. oaee8 on the Montgomery COllllty medium to fair fat. llteerll .. t.� a\ Into whlcb eteen to 6 00: •••••••.••••.••. ,...... erlnl( nearly �ven nnd a hnl(acrt'8 or .rouml. na Ive ""Z,i MedJtl.m 76 to 6]6 .. ••••••••••••••• " 00 ...as firsl nnd' to 6 00: common kllllngRnd shipping .tee",,,, Common...... •. Iho Omaha atrlkon. n..med ArmGtron� nOlO foond gullly 01 murder In Ibe de. 1hey have pll\Ced. a new]50 hol1tEl power Hu.ke)'ceuglne ,,26 One 01 "a' common to POTAT0ES-l'er bU.... 17i Btarted fAir to .. r,o to 600; eLocken, good I!:. R. laborer. Welr_ bollt'TS anll Borne new machlner1. They bave just ree4el'8. �ood , 1.75 a man. aud &i least 5.000 court. He killed POTATOES-Perbu_ _..... killed by mllllary !!TOO III Ellsworlh county to choice 00 to 4 60 P. B. 10 work:roo more tbe prt'f5ent $:I 26 to .. &0; COW8 aod heifers, good t4 126 up wlLh 120 "net expccL M...... funeral proce6Slon. '!len last mouth S. POTATOES JolnCl'11.be .... RveroRe bOA8 Holton a continued We wish theDlsuc� BO S._The welght'of recel�e'J _ _._ .85 The Gr.nge olore at reporls seMOIi. t.he capacl.y being 600 handa. TURNIPS _ In I!Iever� forFebruary _ .M__ M was �2Uft)lJ whlcb 18 t.he IIJ(ht.e!L report APPLE8 _ _ _.M_. [email protected] The everywhere are Indlgnanl Berge",,1 lIB Inauguration ,el'en yeors .go. cees. See adverllltCwent. elsewhere. peoplo. p"",perUyelnoo and lower lor_...... 011 and al yeal1l Valucs were wOI,k, ulIM!Uletl. Ihrough� SUGAB-A v>, IDs .Malon·s IlIearrcr.4Ion In IhA (lCUIUluUOry. peti- 1,. Dickinson lvas found tor In­ eatnbllahe(l of frum 100 to Gr"Du'alf'd, 9 'lbs...... A 1\(r8. Evt!rette. of county, A new Indicator, 'called the �trat.bmoltraph, out. n decline for lhe wcrk being aru numc:OUS. epetd 1011>8...... l.ott tions for hla pardon tbe emallesL XC. her bed Inst week, from dl,e880 of tbo bearl. o( IOCOIDOllve8. hM been IUlroducctloR 300 CWI. atl'lclly choice heavy etock ahowlng dead lu dlcaUng Ihe8peed � C. ll1ji 11>...... I.ott the falal It ,he en�lnP.er can read 'Ve now common mixed to (air ht'llvy dt 1.10 A ....11.0..1: accldenl eamlag probably the Hnnoverlan mllro .dl'l. By 8brlnkngc quote Browo.IIIbs _...... A Mennonite. of Lawrence, whllegllnnlng at an choice do at 60 to 7 00 .Ii young actual of hili IOCOlilotive any 00 to 6 '6 cwL; goO\I to etrlclly $6 .. __ of thlrteeR pen;ono, happenEd, hy t.he.preM· (rom a.IICOIB lhe epeed ttl � COFFEB-Uo"".__1II1I> Injury shot rind killed him 90 to 6 antI and culls .. .20 In Reno county, accidentally beside. 11 rpcoro or the kepL on a Iflrh) of Pll­ common w choice Ih�bt at. f5 35. 'klpl B t 1<1,.,. 11111> rail. uee.r Ohle. moment. trip 11Ig of the Wl.,;loy. O. G. Jav... II> 11>...... [email protected] Ielf. ott.. 76 to i 76. accordlllR to qURlIt.y per. Boa Rio. .11 Inat th.1 five OAME-llreaaed-F.tr 10 cbolce tur­ ted good. 1111>...... <>n the I Uh POULTRY AND .. Gov. Cullom IelegTAphed Java II> M .1151»•• northwestern of Wilson eOllnly. corn 6 nood and In the pari to chlckdllS U to lOc: duoks 10 to 120: Reese .. .ttI .... al Shawlleelown help "How Do You keY812 lao fe' tb; 'Mocha. berst 1111> _._ hnndred IlC"'OI 7D cents Manage," IB exhausted. The lasl sold brought the timet" at 00 ttl 3 6" do�and aCHe ..t n08.rly Said to ber friend, ··to npprRrBO bapvy I'll to 90. Live-Ducks quotable ea l' 10.000 ratlonl were sout 10 th pelnl. .1&4y Bide anll Tallow • • Tontc WBI tbe .... do rull feathered. Gamefl60to 176�do a bUlbe!. I alwRYII bave Parker'e Ginger hnudy," esOOtu600 � f'or Ooo&r 66 K Will Corrected weekly by Bllchofl', A� at Pa•• and HAn :'. (actory DrtLdlorti, "and thus myeelf aDd 'amuy 10 lood heaUh. (or mallard Rtft 00 to 1 23 for small and Leat. do, I!l)'oerlno w". unloaded In Ollawa. ply, keel' duck9; .01 A qu..ntlty or liquor 81DES-Green 10(\ ou a &Iove explodoo. I"'�. natured." t5ee oUler I ror blown \0 Powd'r. When I am weUI alwaya feel 100<1 ,t 00 to 20 'II robbt18. M .oti pl.aeR. dMrlbutcd In some myoterlous No.2 Ihe other day, and �o to mixed No. 2 1260; M 6u ,1160 _ .08 10 00 to 14 M _ aocllh·.� OIousod glycerlue Itt keg. explode. column. HA.Y-$13 11100; Cor.lrs 10 1& 1b3 .. .. � mauner do. ,9 r;o to 1050; uplllnB prairie. 1St 00 to 10 fiOi No.1 pratrle tho rl\OO an can made al bOUleworkl ... Dr. 0{ :UUOI\. N: Y.•hot In br fl,lIUU per year bee"111 7 00 8mall bal.. lell for l!S to �b�::::::.:.:::.:.::.�:::::::::�_ :: Gray. In the Ncosha .750 108 50; No.2 do. eUld:llao dealr01 proper Consumption ,,,eeL du 2i to 28cj medlllDl do 18 to lnc; fancy F.IlNoS_ " 1011 I· from active had ••••••••••••••.••••••••••. old .. retired practici having duJl FallNo'.� the ... at preecnt exutlng. 10 sink Iter arle_lan well at leasl An ph,. lcian, 2e SOC; fair do 2'.! to 2.�; old, or 1U1D1D8I'�made goodII, bull�lng GIrard propOACs t.Q _ M handll an EaM India MIMlooar,. Lhe torm· CORN- Whl"' ..t a plaCfd In btl b)' to]Sc thousand feel unl688 waler Is obtained 1_ and nominal at 12 H . .&6 m ..u ... be Ill": .. letter written one Yel1ow An IndlanapoU. ys 0. Cor lobe lpeed)' and per. 9 I't'mtdy' _ ula l't,('table . of' Blmple cboloehnrl and carpel brnab. _. _ .. .47 BROOM CORN-Oood 10 OAT8- Per bn, new _ loon tlJa battle of Chit... depth �ban that. after Aat.hma. .. Roo_.na otConmmption. BroncbIUI'I.Catarrh, Red _ .'111 ,. by Gen. ma.nent cure to selt green 8� to 9c; &elt working Tlpa RYE-Per bu lOC: working a lettle· a and r&d. _ . .11 which Utat ....l rooommended on Iwo Ihe I.a· and all Throat and Lung al'f'tM:L1ooll, Rlw poelUve to loferlor. IIARLEY-Perbn m&uga In gene A mall WAi convlcled chargelln ped 7� 10 8�c; Red Drush and 1101_ 7" 80; 'and all nenoua campl.lnll, arbltraUoD. of leal cure for DelJllIty ..d 6 to :aETA.U.. menl of our dllllaulUeo by court ..nd sentenced 10 an ..ggrlgaUl gpneral (am"""d.&nd atatned 6 to 7c, Croo !Ie". belte counly w'"ndertulcuraLive po". teeted its . UO after bavlng tboroughlT ..oola rrom WI800RBln. IUIDola,Klch· IhI .. Colonel 10 the WOOL-For brlgbt 'P'LOUB-Per 100 of the 15th 10lt •• )'11' 18 yo..... penelent!ory. make Jt known " A feels it hla to ••••.•.•..••...•••.•..••.••••••• 8.71 lIIemphll dllp&tcit era In thollUnda of CaHII, dut.y and ea,tem (olfa-dark weatero loti aeneraUy raog. No2 19an, M ...... ••••...... • 8.l1li a clUzen or ROllOdale, Ihe 10 wlLb full partlcuhu., I Alex. lergor. promlnenl guilty unlaw­ to (ellow8. Thl8 recipe, ...: No Kloehr, Cofl'eyvll1e. plead billluf'l'erln, _ JOIeph Ingallto30'>j\IbI U , •. "011 arrlvoo wltb ad· •..•..•....••••••...... •.•. of Boliv..r ooonl,., MlsslIsipol, fine of one hundred dlrectionll ror prepara.Uon and Uif!, and aU ntcf8IIIar1 medium lub 37 10 400: Rye .. or tub 3310 1l6c: _. 1.71 capital ful of liquors. paid Co&ne dingy rood CORN HEAL cltb all llooded out. Every 18',lnr InetructioDs tor lIuecesa(ul treatment at yoar own flne uowaabed. nnd .. number of other nl. Vice 14 to beavy _ I. a uo"ashed buck'. ftcece 18cj _ _ ..od clollars and Ihe co.t.. flne CORNCHOP lI(\y reLurn mall,f'reeof'cbarae . l.tIlI aw.. Yerger'l will be cot\1"Ie uDwaahed __ ho",", In the plaL'

(ol1owe: _ M 1.:ZO 0018 ...... _ ...... ",hore canoe had oapolred Colorado and Territory .... range MUlet M ..... reB"Ue two colored girls. decides Ibat hoW dot Muddlell ,gTo.mmar,'� JII •. In Andenon county. IIDT .hlmmlrlny. poy wr. 22 to 280: New Mexican $" a manfnl ',e Stephen LoWelt to 2*:; b"lt grade tbbm Into the ,,&lor. An.... bis 80n muled him a "knock· grado.-l15 and tbrown for U18 or liquor by a tberemArk otaGermah wheD to to ..:: ..:::..:.::::: ..:::::�:.:::: G." .. drurctot Ii liable Improper gradea18 to 180: New Me&lCRD best gradea 'f,1���h.� the olber 100 a saw· unimproved .. he r;uccoolied In re.culng ono• bnl kneed. p1reon· toed, IMIven·l1d�. glazed·eyed at F1.x rrtrllllflle eveu thongh be h.d a preRcrlption. trom 20 to lOC1\ Ib otl'\ black 2'&0 60 ott" In purc�r, 22ci burry Enll"lsh Blne Gr ..:.._ u: • I WOll drowned_ All Ihe catUe \ho. nelghborlnr bone." wi 80 .. , HIDES-Oreen al per lb. HeaV1groeD G" _ 1:.211 In a Winfield quotable Xentuok,. Blue I and mules and horsel are man 'b... depeslted ten dol'ars lie. are drow A .. 2.211 collntles 000. 7,,0, ...d lIgbl do 7)'0. and- d!UDlljled Orchar. 10 oatlmaUllhe Willis '" Courtney, or Cherryvale, A elngle plate 01 Rfrforated zinc, o.bouL .quare.lUI'· lIupply, northern dal· B. Selleff. olerlr. emana· at 22 to low 16 to ltkJj Roll-ebolce Fran",lj.n oounty-A. II. .. entitled, Ooorl'1lllal. over a lellald to ret:iln the noxlou! pROked �3C; firsl edition of qur wrly paper penlled gMjet, Taken H In Ollawa t.. ne.ar make 26 to loW' to Cllir BORSR- up by Seymonr �fJ"fOr 18 well de� 31 to 330; fresb IIwp.eL by 30cj kanda n,l VIsible lIutn1J. No. lis full of Chhrryval. and EUrroundlng &lonll from the burning g18. whlch.1L �no"D, ry March 1. one .ray hone "bout 16� hlght 13 valued at tarnlehes Lbe and vlU· (rolland packed) 12" 10 180. marks or braDd" 8UPpoeed to be 12 or yn o\u, A Run Over the State. and 10,000 copies were Issued ror gratullouo ItroY8 the bindln", of books. glldlDg country cC)Ilntry, IUlld lnte make tull cream 11 to llc. 88e8 tbe atmoepbere tor breathing. CHEESE-Duli: eMY; .SO dt..trlbutlon. to h"rd IIbarp do 8 to ]00; prime to <:holce part 'kim 7" a", d. 410 10.. 210 30. Bnrllngton wanls .. women feetory. Consumption Cured. !Ie. Ora21l;e Seed. Remarkable Change. EGGS-8everullut.s 801d to ehlppera at He, e>_�5e trom bfld , la An old pbyalclaD.reUred pracUce,bavlng placed more than IU b � f7 00 per bu. The muvelloua vltallzlug power ot Oompound Oxygen hena at. 25 (or fresh ani· One 10 10 b'l $750: Bu\\cr Is 80 ceoll a pouncl la SaUn... formula ofa POULTRY-: Ive-ChlckeR8: f3 I bet.· In bla bandll by an East India mhislonllry t.be Ibowil In tho rollawlng report of a. patient: A.ppellte mixed at 75. cockll at. ,260; Tur� App�e _eec;I. cure for 00 tor held over; $2 and ve,Retable for the speedy and permanent vale, fa Prairie CblokeD8 are crowln� In Chuo_ oan eat a meal: (eel.tronger. simple Duckl 00 50. Address PLANr l:'EED ter; pt. bun�yaud hearty at 00 to]2 OO-top rate for larJ(e gobble.,.: t3 per bu Ii CO., Bronchilla. Catarrh, Allthma, and aU1hroat. keYII t8 1St. Lonl Ho. and ul'eathe even wben going up Consumption, none •• can walk with cue tree, Geeee to 4. Dressed-dull and nominal: of'· llallroacl at Wa!!aoo burnod. also a poalUve and ni.dleal cure (or to 3 50. f3 building. ohe!!t feetll free; cough nry o.nd Lung Atrl"Ctlon'l. chlck� bt1l: lOre throat.lef't. .utirely: to ott we quote; t.urkt;;)'8 at 11 to lSu 1\lbj NervoU8 and 1111 NervoU8 CompIBtnt!. �r bavlng f'erlng apeak Lo and IIleep beLter. bave no cougb Deblllty 8 WlnDeld b... a wholesale grooery hoUle. UU&e .ben gnln, bed. 50 &.0 3 du�kl ts 00 to 370i getee t3 00 to 00. te8ted tll wonderl'ul curaUve powers In tbousandll ot CMH, en8 ,2 00j F:lre"OVe>e>d. Free. Rnd no more bleeding III nee .. . and »rlme held over nlabt hill waking: up, f.llo"" GRASS 8It:EDi-Tlm.lny plentiful dull: haa f.lL It bl. m.kel! known�l btl aulf.rlDg 10000 !!Town Seedling Peach Trees. Will 10 .. _ond ct_ cily. treaLment!' duly'" clover 80 to -t 85. Nursery Cherryvale aspires Ullin; tile .ul· aL 40 "lth 2 60 bid; OLbtrs steady; .. "bill moUve and a dedre to reUeve buman � or 'hrae and make eent tree. Actuated by mille .. Inmre you Iwo good crope chelp, TreaUIe OD ·'OompoundO.l'ygen" wblte mlllel900 10" 00; rough do 80 to S}C; German L..wrauoe II on the liquor tra4•. wtll &end tree of charge to all who desire it. \bl, � werklllg up Df'II. STARKEY tt PAt.1U", fertne. I SalM­ est fire"ooo. 14 00 per 100; 12500 per 10ill. to 2 05; Huoaarlan 80 to SSe; red top 10 to 75c; In German. Frenoh aT En#CHllh. wlt.h full direction. ,196 1111 (Itra�1 Streel. Phlladelpbh" Pa. recipe. a.. 00; 8 10 6 f,et. iii 00 pcr 100. Jewell ba 1 a Farmen a1llOClatlon. 1109 .n� common millet. aL gra811 German milleL t2 Tulip Poplar. city Ihlpplnl and Sent mall a.ddre.lng with one oar SOc; for preparing using. by b7 . at 80 10 'White Alh, 10 10 1� reet, 16 00 per 100. W� A. 1-10 PotM-'.lllHk. do·oa p L, 151; Uun.-rlaD H2�c are In Pottamatemle ClOunly. hal been 'l1oceeefuHy treated bT tnrpen� lltamp. namln. Lbtlpaper, NOYEI. !!Parrow. locaUng WboopI�1 eOfll(h nomlo.l 01,1 to. , Addreso a CASTOR IlE.\N:l-Qulel; tine The .... dllOOvered. by aUowlnR cblld. Bduler, N. T, BAILEY, a: Y&lMJr. theory I' .. HANFORD, lIonl. wmen are aD aU!anoe. FLAX 8ERD-Steady;,UO. tonnty oroaniling to ,1eep In a roOm ltelhlT painted, Jaclroon lick wlt.b tile diIfMe. ban !II to 140. Ill. C. R. H..kanda. cO•• lB. At one m.llul'Bctory Japan lb. 01"1 pill! HEMP 8EED-Qulel: quotable all1 (On R.) took porcelalD I� ltaurman. count,. hal crow­ a noticeable tmprol'cwent place. '" 810 8"•• ,[Jobn Ho.rper poIA\oeI �be.,. betll worked for more 2000 yean. and the depoetta _m PItANU1'9-Scan:o; obolce TeDn. W"1 oaly .Ueror Ing when eontlgu· ....ped. BROOM OORN-SelllnclDaJobblog weu.. On,. bodies prnperly .Jected .. to hfllght. _roel7morelban, Seod. Oe>rn.. to 9c for choice «,,"D burl. n,blbit the phenomena ot conlr'Mt of common Il.lIIle.. will hold a Fannon' InlltJtute MalLo DDlorecl borllea. at to 115 eta, !IOllI'lty I Lake bTl; G. A. ,Ilt por a lot of Yellow "eoo Com \0 oll'lor or white eubltan· the HOUle. SALT-No. &1,126 'fI We "..ve choice c*M lDore lirlklnK1T Ulao elt.hu black Don't. Die in In that over ..venty·flv. bu.hela 10 the acre iGil AprIL on oat. sack. yielded lor Rate." It clean nta. . _ .... Alk drauiltl "Bougb liave tested II awl W. quo:e, "ummer. We jUlI thoroughly . 16c WOOL-80lllngllablly al unchanged prl.... .l 6-e oaddlo hone WILl elolen from DT. WatIOa mice, bedoo.a, rOlw:.bel, "ermin, 8J.ee. uta. loaecta. pv to fair sa 10 1l6c; Un bed--<:holce know II be gnod. Tub.w..btd-