==========================================.--�:,================================= 1��E�S_T�A�B�L��=SH�.. !�����86�·_3�._�_��������T�O�PE�K�A�.�K�A���S�Ai��;M�AR�C�H�2�2.�1�88�2�,���������VO�L=.�X�X�.�N=O=,�12�. not one bearer wo cultlvatton. 1'he A.II that Is clalmed as to the ot 'en Inches In diameter, and I have lost by gTIIsse., prevention 01 wldespreadlng and destructive oCany varIety ""n supertortry creamery i 1>-7\ side. com trees Which we '. •• '"\ Inen seon with a ete- produ. ts. wh>tt i hen ? Shall Wo that while my ueighbors, on every plata THE KANSAS FARMER. fires. the� are the Kreat agencies thllt have wrought original acknowledge rabbits, as I It skill and or others cnnnot be aunined of old orchnrds utmost destroyed, Now. snch 1\ wonderful change In lhe cllmateof the easteru cumrerence of trunk or a J nfl.y hu-hes, and the enterprlse having wllh t Are we til thnt sk llled utmost farmer hus trom onc to Cour dogs, why halt of Kamas. Even If no more ratn fILl's on the opre"d or branches or Corty reer, loaned tw,·nty by ourselves acknowledge every beauurut \Vft8 8. worth iabor and bustness with B not themlto xrd IH!:fl A very llLLlt!!trninlllg The Xa'!l.ltu Farmer Company, Proprietorl, earth nnw than In the e"rly d"l'S or the stale'. his­ bushels or fruit, sight g�llIg abl.Ityare iucompntilJle put g an� to a on wHl do what I have done. Tr, , Are we to trouble Top�ka, KanIa., tory, It fs beuer dlstrtbuted throughout lhe ••••on some distance to sec. The Wild Goose I� a very fine farmer's vocation? olways give WRy your part. as as or later es that would furco us so the mere of brother farmers, and H you all succeed well \Ve hnve more �cntle ehower8, more general rains, variety tntroductlon: it ripens Its fruit rlter �res!!ure drudgery It, .. will be than the The fruit ts beautiful and of and t J content oursetves with a drudze's I have. me rabbit , if not entirely destroyed, and while, we may have as many thunderstorms, preceding life, pay? Rainfall and Kansas that tbe done our Farming, Ihey are not marked wtrh the .everltyof lhe year8 very line quallty, and an early bearer. In purchas- Are we to ackuowledge that lhe cow stable I'll d, held In such check, damages lessened. (EEtracts from a lecture by II, R Hllton,oC the thai preceded tbe clvtItzRUon oC our Boll and climate lng plum trees, go or saud to an expo 'leneed. relia- pasture. milk. puil, and stool. are the boundaries of orchards will be constderably I(CONO..V. order to a tree our while the tikl}l of our wives and L'lnd Do�artme"t ,\, T. & 8. F ,d.lIvered be Core the , ble nurseryman, d(m.'llru8lycmr age-nt. capR.l·ity. daugh- Bc.lenllHo Club of Topeka, and the Kansa. Academy From old Bel tiers who Iocated hero twentY·flve The thtrd Camlly of plums (p,..."". Muritima) I te.. is clh.u,tetl in the l"llor or wnsh lug milk ptlll. a Cow. of8clence.j years ago, we learn thaI ow Ing to the scant coverlng wIdely dtstrtuuted all over the state, Those are "lid pnns t Must the "gilt erl�o" be the producloC, I Had Sick was 0:111 baked tound In III western K'n8as,and and tho .old the Cor tho sktll or the : Tho 11)\1 o(cistern lCans!l8',s;black: Inam, reltlng ofvegetation, Iho prairie sod tough, nearly every county compensutton, To the Editor or the K�nsas Farmer hard and that It was almost to raIn wblle much oC Crult Is smal) and bitter to the creamery man? a cow lhal acted os On" clay Cormatlon; that oC cen'ul Kons"8 a dark. drl; Impervlous .the One yellr since I had thotlgh farmer \l'tlt and shed It as the whole had beeu taste, plume of good quality are oCten found; I betieve every enterprlstng, sptrlted she was in would lie down and rise &andy Io,m. reatlng on a porous lLarl,'I.y Cormatlon: though gronnd large great pain, again that the flres and we have not the least doubt lhal careful se answer these wilh an No. she arose she would while that "Cweltern KanBllR ha. a_8tlll more ""lIdy covered with a8phalt; Crequent prairie �y questlons cmpballc WdS lor a ed to a hay pen. When Increased the sun .... and that In lectlon and excellont aud beauttful va- Wetl, It I. not too 800U to put forlh all our energlo. She looked wltd and 1 ot lint Ceared Rurface aoit an� more poroD8 subsott. Thl· I, the only baking proe h,brldlzlng, hook lhe fence, Bnd con.. tbe r.dlatlon ot heal f,om lhe rlott(s can be obtttined. The of Ihe til regain lost ground secnre and ever afterward bul took a ot ot ...eral"nbdivl<lon, .lIbjeot 10 occ..lonal varl "Uon., queoee exposed imprt)vement hydrophobia, perbaps gill .plrltll lhl. m08t net oC surCace oCthe earth made the summer winds durIng ardfinlal h now a hold rightful control oC valuable prod In "ear a oC her AlIa nile the 8urfa.e BOtt grows deeper and the .uo­ ptum by crossing ju.t attracting turpenUne, put pint wi\ler, caughl than 811are oC lhe nltentlon of Iowa fruit and our labor and 01 til, Organized o.ud unlled effurt Is luto her Inll more porous tIS w. pa.. Crom the ea.t toward the tbe daytim. more hot comCortable. iarge men, held her h.ad up, had IngredlentB poured man· Cront n'ed,d, Butter "'80clattons 8houlE! be C"rmed every· "'_ '�e also learn Crom lbe sallie source Ibat tbe every year Ihey ara eOr:9ln,g to the with Borne noslrlls so she 8wallowed it. She was appareutly w,," .Imllor choIce varletle.. us wake and wh�re. The dullllnd sluggish should be excIted to a caoc 800. The ralnfalllB gl'8dURted from .asl to west acro.s ncr In whIch the rain preclpltated.whlle really J,et np pursue well In twenty mlnnteR. I hlld slmtiar eome 10 the the ... hole were the 8ame cOllrse, make selectton. Crom wlld thoughtful llcttvlty by compariAons of methods and I never Ia." .. the ltate, ",I h as much regularll,. as the sctt, lhe In r""peets preseot,yAton good aner. treated same, with like results. the Bummer varletleo In our cr088 theae re'ullll. None should be too wise or lo learn, wa. or Ita precipltaUon belOg abollt one lblrd _reater In ea't­ ..-ery different. Then, especIally during growlnl midst, careCully proud slmtiar c ••e to IhOlle, What lhe dleeise look "fler wtlh other Hoe the choice of and nonoloo seilish lo Instruct. Gel a Cooley cream' or em KaD�. than In weotern, and about one IInh seaso!l, "early all lhe preclpilatlon place nrletles, phmt pits cause? Did the tll'pentloe effect the cure would In lhunder showers. tend them when er (or a better ooe, IC to be found) Into every neIgh· It 0.- greater th t" 10 central KOlos'B. BUl here a law Of 8undowo--and violent RaIny these, careCully Ihe, I[roW, tllIlhey Ibey have gOl well sooner without It 1 1 gave w b ,rho d alld Ihen exhIbit results. Join In a dct�r· compen'atton enters In to modlCv tbls,dlff.rence, tbe days,sneh a. we enjoy noY{ were lhen unknown duro Crult, and some IIn�..!,I'ornlng ••hatt w4ke up and credIt, D. D08111, nD· mined eff,lft to raise the standard oC home mol,lllr. absorhlng and relalolng qU41tUe, oC the Ing the growing seas�n, and hoi wlncljl, now find that we have mo.d� a "hlt" and have produced ':"Iry-·or Fenwick, Repllbllc Co, Feb. 'n, m�de blltler to the and lhus -------_ 8011 belllff much greater In celltr�1 anf! western Kan­ known. were then Ir.quent. somethIng rea.1ly valuable, that everybody wtlt wallt. highest pGsslble grade on reolst lbe man's Invaolon oC _ than Ihat of th' eastern portlnn oC the .tale, As The plum "tit grow 0:11 ,!lur upland praIrie 'successCully c,"amery Cover for Hot-Beds, Crom 185S.to 1865 was attended with vlcls· farm.. The be.t locaUon would be rhe oor rightful dumalu. Back .eats Cor Carmer;? Nol an llluotr..tloll of lhl. point let ns tllke a ttact oC cIlI· Farming chlcken·yard, 'ro th6 Ultor oC the Kaosas Farmer: milch I P. BRANel!. tlvated land orItb a bhek loam BurCaee sott one foot .Itudes, that C4rmlng Crom 1870 to 1850 haa very IIltle Layoff a good,.loed lot, pl�nt lhe trees, twenty Ceet C. - I:!terHng, A .hort time "go some one bnqulred lhrough your on a suboott, On thl. 'traot of koowledge of, "pftrt. cultivale Cur t"o years, Ihen lay down lo or deep:reatlug clayey Ma_rc_II_13_. _ paper Cor v"rnlsh or glaze Cor hot bed covers, Inste&d land tw.. oC rain chard grasa Rnd clover. This mnkes a Inches I"Us. One·hlllf Is sumcle"t Cew oecttono In the Unl'.ed Btates have been good range usnELI Very of the glass. , to saturate the Burf"ce .otl down to the for lhe poultry, and Ihey wttl rep41 the labor ex· Feed for Dairy Stock, thor>nghly more favored in lhe past ten years tban the ea.tern I fear I am rolher Inte In giving lhls reply, bnt .
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