• ,


I I 1, I 'I I Volume XIV 1 1 , Number 3


, July 15, 1932 :1 ,

, ' 1932 nConventi ,on Message

" .\ ,.' ...

. ~ ~ Out I of the 1932 Convention' of the ~atJoncil M ~c ar~ni Manufacturers Association , " ' at NJ ~ gara ' falls, iJune 1'4,-16 comes a mes- sage 'of ' good' che,er and an expression of ' good will toward every manufacturer in the

As a means of combating present uneco­ nomic conditions ,confronting the trade it , sugg~sts greater con~dence in one's business, 'closer ,cooperation with competitors and '" more p r o~table distribution of quality goods, , , pleasing message in this issue, "




The new Peters J unior Seri'~s Carton Folding & Closing The Pteesident's ~fessage Machine will effect real economy in your packaging depart­ ment. This machine, when used in conjunction with the Peters J unior Forming & Lining Machine, makes a complete unit that handles various size packages with ease, speed and economy. The Peters Junior Folding & Closing Machine has an aver­ age production of 35 to 40 cartons per minute, and will save the labor of four girls working by hand. Priced at one-third the cost of standard models, this sturdy A GreetiJl,tJ ",ul "", flJI/le,d efficient machine requires only a small initial investment which is soon repaid by savings effected. GHEETINGS. i\1;u:nTUn; "11.'11. A !'~ IIl' iatillll "'t'mlll'flO ami :\Ol1l11l'mbl' T!\: Write today fur full information and illustrated folder.

N UNSOUGJIT hunur ha s hl'l.~ 11 I,:'ullh' rrl'cl 111 "111 IIIl',-IIIY dn~ tiflll 111 Illl' hi J.:h :lIul ri'­ spulIsihle oOire (I' I'resident Ilf the Nal iHfl:11 " ';Ie.m lll; "'aI1U(:\{' lu rcrs :\ ~l' l)d:llillll . I aI" ' (ClIft'" it with rclUl,:' tancc ;uul unly aftl' T 111\11:11 lIrJ.:illJ.: 01\ the pari IIf Illy fcllow IIIl'ml lt'rs 0 11 ~the lIuanl IIf Din'elms who SO ll'III11 1y I'll'll),:l'cllI1c Il u';T OIlOsi stanrl', thei r loyally 011111 slIPIII,rl. My hesitancy is tlue tn an iuh erent knowl,'!I!.!l' lhat thl' pn'sit lt'llI:y of this splt'.utill or· gall izaliun in\'lIlves the heavy reslMlIIs illililil'S of I,'adl'rshil' whid. I fe d I lack in thl' samt' degree IllOIt m)' pn'tleCl'ssors IMI SSl'SSI,'!1 it t1urillJ.: the Sl'ure ami Il'lI y,'a(s that till' ~alilllla l Association has 511 sm'l'l'ssfully 01111 1 unsl'llishly pfOm :tll'ti thl' ,1I1";UI "'l'IIII: 1I1 IIf til" iutluslry in our cuu ntry,

My j)cl'c ptann: was mgl'lI Ily Illy fri "lU ls I ,ll Ih l' J.: rolllul thai my al'quaimalll'l' with all groups in till' tralll' will enaillc nil' til Ilrinl, til II Il' ul'J.:Ot nization thl' supporl IIi lII;my of our former members ,lIul the hell' "' m'\\' fllll'S whilSt, rfMlpl' raliflll is SII gn'ally 1Il",tll'd at this lime, To this theu. I wi ll tI,'dit-alt' III~ ' SI,'f\'il'l's, ami III the ,'nd Ih;lt lIanllOIl,\ ' m Ol )'

~ht. GIfIU, prevail 011111 the I'rl'slif,:c IIi the ~:l li u ll a l :\s5l1ciatioll mar Ill" "lIh:llln:tl , I "pl'l'al Itl a ll mallufacturers for thl'ir ",uuJlel'atillll :1111 1 suppurt.

Fur our Industry as well :IS IIlIr Assud;ltioll th l,' p resenl olfe rs Ih l' add Il'S l, I ju r "u s in l'lo ~ is in thl' throes of :I 101\' price and pour 'Iualit,\' I'flTIlilal whi ch 51'1,' 11 5 ruill fflr lIIallY uIIll'SS H'lIIt,,J i:.! lI \l'a S IlI't' ~ ,)I'e taken immt.'t liatcl\', A tralle assudalioll lih nurs ,';\11 Ill' fl'aslllll'f\ wi th : u ul e fht ~';l h' ~1 as tu 11 11 01 1 is ri),:ltl ~r wrong, ~()(H I C1~ ill'St, ami this wl' will ( illitillll\' to tin !II Iltl" l' x t~'n l uf /llIr ahilil ~'. \Vc IICl't! and sHlidt thl' hell' IIf l'n :ry I'fflgn'ssin t!I;Umiaflllfl'r ill till' irati" , irrt'Spt'l'lin ' oi Itll\\' It l' packs his proolll'l. Ailcr all wl' han' so much in Wlllt!lun Ilial whal"\'l'r hdl's flll l' gl'lIUp aids Ill ll ,'r~ , I am reatly til hell' yuu, Arc you wi lling III hell' IIIl' Slll'l't'l.'d ~ ~Ia y I lUll SIlUI! han' a pral'lit-a l 1II:t llih'sla­ ti un o f yuur guuc l inlt'nliun! IJl'l'tiS, 1101 I'Willisl'S, :lfl' whal lillles li ke Ihl'~e ,Il'mand awl IlntSI tital I alii not aJlP,'alill i,:' III YOII in \';I ill, Mr, Hulk :'\10111 an d ~1 r. I'ad,agl' ~lallufa l" ltlfl' r, ALFONSO GIOIA. Prcsidc:nt.

Peters lW:achinery CO. GENERAL OFFICE AND FACTORY 4700 Ravenswood Ave., Chicago, U. S. A. • ,

MOOERN INfORMATION SYSlEMS, INC. 112 Ilorth 3rd Street ' P,O. Box 5479 Grand Forks. lID 5B206-5479





The new Peters Junior Series Carton Folding & Closing The ~Iessage Machine wi11 effect real economy in your packaging depart­ I ment. This machine, when used in conjunction with the , ! Peters Junior Forming & Lining Machine, makes a complete , . unit that handles various size packages with ease, speed and economy. The Peters Junior Folding & Closing Machine has an aver­ age production of 35 to 40 cartons per minute, and wi11 save the labor of four girls working by hand. Priced at one-third the cost of standard models, this sturdy A G,.eetil'g al,,1 ,.11 "Pllel,,1 efficient machine requires only a smal1 initial investment

which is soon repaid by savings effected. GREETI NGS. :'I1 :u:aruni ),1 1,' 11, Assul.'iatinn ), lclllht"rS ;Hul :\'UlIlIll'lIlhl.' r s: Write today for ful1 information and i11ustrated folder.

N U~SOUr. II T hOllur has hcell l' ulI!l' rn'" UpOIl III t· . - III~ · ch'C li ulI I II Ihe high :mel n" spo lI sihlc olliee u! Presidellt of the ~al i nna l :\I :lc:truni )'la llUf:lt'lufl' rs A!iSOt' j:llin ll . 1 0K­ CC llll't1 it with rl'llicla ncc and unly ;dl l'r l1Iuch ur"dl1J,: 1111 the part IIf Illy fd low III t'fII hNS Oil the Buard uf Din'elm s who solcnml,\' 1'1 1,'11 10: 1., 11 III I.' tht'ir assislam'I.'. th eir loyalt y and SIII'I"IT I.

U1 fir, My h('sil ane), is dIU: 10 :HI illht'n' nl h:nuw !l·d j.!l' that the presidl'Ill'," o f thi s Spk lHli" ~a ll il ati on im'ulves the 11t,',wy reSIMJIl sibilitil'S fl f Il·.u lership whirh I feci 1 lad; in tI n' S: 1II1t' degrl'c Ihal Ill)' pteclcces5ur5 "()SS I ~ 5 S l· .1 il lIurill j.! Ih e srore all.1 len Yl'ars Ih al th .· :\ational Association has so sun'l'ssftl")' and unsdtishly pn JII lflll·d Ihe .uh·;mn ·lll l·ut "f lilt· ;udustry in our country.

My :\n'ept:l ll re was urj.!ec l lIy my frien ds li n till' j.!rllu lI.1 Ihal lily arquail1l:lIIft' I , ',il all groUJ1 S in the tra.ll· will ellaiJll' Ill l' 10 hriuj.! 10 Ihe organization the supporl !If ma11 Y of our runner Illl'llIhl'rs all.1 the hd" IIf m'w lilies whil St· t'HlIl'l' ra tirm is Sll J.!Tt'a tl y m'l·.il- d at this time. Tn this tht' n. I will cll'cl iralc 111\' sen ·ices. allil III tilt' l'llIl Ihal hamlllll\' ma\' ~hl. GrlllA prevail amI the prestif,[e of the :\atiunal "s~IIl'ia t ioll mOl ," Ire l'nhalll'l'd . I "I'pl'al ',,, ail manufacturers fur thei r clHlpernti nn alll\ suppo rt ,

For nur h ulustr), as well as HUt :\SSflcia ti ulI til t, preSt'lil litTers Iltl' 'lI:i.1 tesl. « lilt ).usim' !'>!'> is ill till' throes o f a low price anll pOllr Cj uali ty l"IlInhal whk h spd ls ruin fllr many II lIl l' 5S n 'lI\t'llial II1l'a!'>lIrl'!'> art' lakell illlmedi ately, A trade assucialiu!! like ours can ill' n'aSIlIll'd \\'illt ;tIIt! t'dul":cll'c l a .. I II \1 h;n 1:-- ri l!li t ;Ir \\'ron!;, J: IMlti nr IIl'S I, ;IIHllhis \\'l' \\"i ll l"l JIIli mu' III dll III tht· t'skllt II f oll r ability,

\Ve IIl't.''' allli suli..: it lilt: ht:l)l II f t: \'t·r." I'tugtl'ssin- lIIalluf .. ~t ur t'r ill tht: It;,,1t-. irrl'S pt'l'til'l' IIi h"w hl' )lacks his prmlu..:1. After all Wl' ha\'l' Sit lTI urh ill l'0Il111lU ll that whall'\'l'r ill'l l'S W it' l!,ouJI .. id :-- .. I h l' r~ , I am rl'ally 10 ht:ll' yuu. Arc you willil!!:, III hd" lilt' S U ~l' l' l' cl :- ~Ia y I lI11t SOllll han' a l, ral' li l' al Il1 all if t' ~ la ' liun of your J,:(H.II I illlt: llliun! Deeds, Ilfo t pruillisl's, ilh ' what lime:o.likc thl'H' Ill'mand :LUl l I Irll !ot liIal J ;UII 11 111 allJlealing til yuu in ..... ill . ~ lr . !lulk ~I :CII anti ~ 1 r, " at'ka j.!t· ~ 1 ; lII ui;ll" l url' r. ALFONSO GIOIA, P resid ent.

Peters Machinery Co. GENERAL OFFICE AND FAcroRY 4700 Ravenswood Ave., Chicago, U. S. A. 4 THE MACARONI JOURNAL July IS, 19JZ THE MACARONI JOURNAL

Volume XIV JULY 15, 1931 Number l All

The twcnl Y* lIi l1 th il nllual (o1l\'clll i"n of the Nillinnal :\1;\cOl ­ alTccl all , I i any uf thl' I-:fUU pS ha\'e what Ihey d UHlse In ca ll rolli Manufactu rers. A ~ 5I)da l io ll , - lh c I'J,l2 ('onfeft'Ii Ce o f III" prohlems peculiarly IlIl'ir own, Iht'se ca n ulltltl l stiouably Ill' maca roni prOt lucts millluiacluriliK fraternity held last m4lnlh suh'cd more readily wi lh Ihl' help uf II I hers Ih:11I alw ll', at ~i

had given some thought to the prepara­ some cooperative aclion to n·tlucc Ih e lellllanH' Il\'l'r the 1Il'l'tI iur surh :ll1 l1l1al Macaroni Men in·Successful tion of a code of ethics he (cit that at numht.' r oj sizes su thai manufacturer!i ~ellllgl'lhl'rs anti IIIl' uitimah' glint! Id this time other more imlxlrtant things may carry larger stocks IIf these cnnt ai .. - !i uch nmferellCl'S Ihal il wa s decidetl In might be consideretl. He recommentled t.'rs. reduce thei r CIIS I tn the maca roni hnl,1 ;mllual meeling!i IIi Ihe "cIISI serious consideration of the code atloptetl 1I1l'n and rnnsen'e packi u~ ami shi ppill !.:' min tll·t l" malllliaciurers in C'lIl11l'clitU I fjonvention h)' .the Associated Grocery Mallufae· space. A cmllmiuec to wllrk with tht.' with the l'ml\'elll iolls )I( Ihe il1du slr\' . turers of America, these tratle confer· hureau ami with the hux an ti coutaincr . The wiloll' oi the nmminr.: s l' ~si lUi \\ ';IS ence: rules incorporating all Ihe funcla­ imlu st ries wilh thai l· ntl in vit.'w was J.:'1\·t.' 1I n\'er to a study and tiisnt!isi,," IIj appointed Ilf which Presillcnt A\(ullsl) of the organizatioll d which $1700 was menlal5 o f sound husiness practice. He tht, W. F. I .. Tuttle pl:IU III " ~I' H lii\' With nearl)' manufacturers and ing the sessions that (o1lawed and be· Gillia is chairman. O ther memhl'rs an' I 're \' a ilin ~ UIll'cOlwrnic Trade I'r:ll·til'e!il, 100 cash in hank and ~Jh j in U. S. Liherh' made the IKlint Ihat agreeing on rules of tween sessions, swelling the total to near­ Juhn I{ a\'arillu alitI William Culmall. allied tradesmen present the 1932 con­ 1~fl(ls: that the ~ ' li"" I, " (or 1932 woultl practice is one thing hut their J:el1cral in Ihe mararnni intlustr\'. Alleulillu wa .. vention of the National Macaroni Manu· ly a hundred. observance is vitali)' more il1llx)rlant. ca lletl til tl.le "rid c ~niJ);l iJ.:' 1I S.IM llIsllrc;1 After a short #dclay awaiting the show quite a de' t\'i'$(' .lwing to reduced Ann!lal Dinner Party facturers association was held June 14·16 Association Director John Havarinn Ity Ihe Naill/I!al ass' )( lal llll1 ,Iunn~ Ihe (I arrival or manu(adun:rs who came by membership due:! :11:11 advertising cur· The National assoc iatioll Illll·r,·tI its in Hotel General Brock, Niab"3m Falls, of St. Louis cave a lear1e ~s diagnosis (I f wt.'l'ks precetlm~ Ihe cII II "ellt ;lIl1 aimr,1 al later tmins, President Frank L Zcrclor:l tailments in Tilt: MACARONI JO URN AL. lIIemhers anti guests a vel'\' pl eas i ll~ CII ­ O nto This was the 29th annual meet­ the industry's ills and called upon the makill J.:' distrilmters l'lIl1sciuus IIf l!tl' fa l'l called the twenty-ninth annual conven­ Citing conditions in other trades he em­ tertainment anti a tasty tlinlll'l' the eve­ ing of the orbranization which since 1904 phasized the (allac)' of trying to make manufacturers of the cotlntry to deter· tl~a t priet, Cl!ttinf.: aut! 'Iualil)" tllweri ll l: has so efficiently sponsored the general tion of the National Macaroni Manu­ nin,:: of JUlle 14 in CflllHl1emllratioll IIf nl m:lcarom products \\'c re l"a ll sill~ headway at the cXllense of quality of mindedly comh"t lowering qualities. its 29 years flf useful ex istt.' nce. Vice welfare o f th e industry, Representa· facturers association to order. The flre­ sharp practices. low prices alltl to join hea\'\, Itlsses in prolit!i alHI gilt HI will In­ limhmries were brief and the convention their products. Loss o ( profits is the in· President C. G. Huskins was tua!i ltllas­ tives were there from practically all of dustry's immediate worry. in prescntinJ: a solid front to thc un­ ward a product that ;:. alre:u h' chea l' 011 the macaroni manufacturing states he· soon got down to the business at hand tel' and did a most wurth)' job. Euter­ th e highl'!i l price ul.t ainable . . which was a report of the officers in Keen competition on a price hasis scrupulous buyers who were piltin~ tainment wa!i provitlctl hy l1ullalo taleut tween the Atlantic coast and the Missis· manufacturer against manufacturer with In lint ~ with Ih e Tutti ... c:lIlIl'aigll. I .. whose hands the destinies of the oTbran­ hrings many to the verge of right ami ~1. lJarton IIf ~Iajnr ~larkl'l News· sippi valle)'. wrong in the matter of misbranding and hut one puq)Cse. to heat tlown the price. Thl:: convention had as its theme this italion had been pl3ced (or the year I'alk' rs, Inc. lold how sl'riollslr nlher iu ­ for that reason the office of the Wash­ s.,crificing qualily ami forgetting aU year7""Eliminate Waste alid Modify drawing to a close. rules of ethical husilless trans.,ctions. dU Slries had heel! afTeclctl It}" "rife CIII­ In his annu",1 address President ington representative has been unusually ling similar 10 Ihat which till' macarun i Uneconomic Trade Practices," and in busy dunng the l)ast year. So reported TracinJ: ' the cheese ill tl ustrr frum keeping with it that hotly voted unani· Zercb"3 touched brieOy on the high lrade wa!i l'xperielici uJ.:' . II.: s:lid Ih al Dr. Jacobs in a very interesting review Bihlic.'ll times tn the recent Ilroiluctinn mously a vigorous condemnation of price points of the association's activities dur­ of Parmes.,n or "Macaroni Cheese" in " rire was th e public'!i yanlslil-k IIi \'a hlt' mg his lenn and stressed the need of hiS activities. cutting, qU3lity lowering 011111 profitless or the northwest slates. Olev. Altilin Casti­ hut Ihat nmslanlly low ered I'rires l'bl':!!, ­ selling. TIlcse allU5eS have been work· better acquaintance and closer coopera­ The respective heads of the 4 depart­ gliano, leading cheese I!J(pcrt outlined a ened th e vallie nf Ihe !'r",lm·t ill Illl' l'\'l'S ing havoc in the trade and were very tion, particularly under thl:: present try· ments into which the :Ictivities of the plan that would he nll tualh' atlvallta­ of the l'OnSlll11er, that tht.: puhl ic has be­ generally accused of having caused many ing conditions. Individualism must ~ National association have heen groupcil, graus to macaroni mt.'l1 ;.ntl cheese mak­ rume 1I111rh mure disc rimillatnn' iu il :l supplanted by group action and he sug· reponed rully on action s taken during or the unsMisfactory conditions thllt (on­ ers. Inferior cheese relanls the maca­ 111I)'inJ.:', ~t.'IlillJ.:' 11101'1.' (IIr ils tlulla .. than front the industry. gested that more thorough u ~ be made the past year. R. n. firown, chairman roni consumption inc rease which all l'\'t.'r heflin', hUI Ihat il was cuming mllre All the husiness meetinJ!s of the 1932 of the Association's setup and services. -o( the Board of AdvertisinJ: Trustees macaroni Illen arc hopinC 01 1111 r·tt iv inJ.: autl I11l)rt.' In apprt.'..:iatl' 111011 IlI w pril'l' conventinl1 were held in the airy "sola­ He urged all members and nonmemhers told o( the work of liquidating- the na­ for. Good cheese is not nnl)' a natural was UII ItIllJ.:'er an illclil'

July IS, 193Z July IS, 1932 14 THE MACARONI JOURNAL THE MACARONI JOURNAL IS the code of ethics that had been drawn up ""hetllt" or not you had t\'cr btcn in aT­ that he makes in his arlities, 1 want to lay a complimenl 10 Mr, Tuttle here-thai sC\'eral years ago, and I must confess that r(' a r ~. We thought that thai was the fairest J arrived at no conclusion whatever as to way to make the distribution, anti thc bal· l have ne\'cr met a man who in 50 shott a lime scemetl to I-t able to grasp Iht funda­ what this code of ethics should t-e becallse ance will be distributed on the same basis. of the trend of business and other thin~ s In the malin of lIopaitl nolC5, the p(11ky mentals of a prol ,05ilion. If you people haven'l already read those arlieles carefully, that have come up during the past year. IS Ims been to collect all uI111aid natu but nol However, there is on record now with We believe quality the surest foundation on to spend too much of your moncy on Iry­ )'OU oUllhl to do so, I widt I had morc 10 repurl, I hOlle be­ the Associated Grocery Manufactuten of jlli: to colleci. In other words, we try alld America the Trade Conference Rules which usc our best judgment in that and we fell fore the cOlwention is o,'er that we can which to build a bigger and better business. that the 0111)' lair thing to ,to was 10 insisl starl something that will be of r.:rcat ,'alue incorporate all the fundamentals of sound business r,ractice, and Ihe Hoard of DifC~ C' as far 35 we could that c\'rry onc quit n'clI. to the industr),. I hne had the pleasure of reading what lOti in t Ie meeting this morning decided That is, that everyone should ha,'c paid to give consideration 10 those Trade Prac· More and more macaroni manufacturers are the full three cighlhs of his total suhscrir' I consider a ,'cry splendid paper which will be prescnted IU this gatllenn!:, and you are tice Conference Rules, II is likely that we lion before the thing was c105td up. \\ c ean reach an ai;reemenl with that groull in ha\'c done that where\'er possible, but we i;oinlt to hear that man arrh'e at a conclu­ sion that knowled~e of costs is !,;oinlt to be thi5 respect. realizing this and are depending on King Midas h:l\'c had to make compromises at lime! If we adollt the Trade Practice Confer­ whtre we deemed it ad\'i51l.blc. one of the fundamental bases for which 10 build higher prices, We h:we tried to put ence Rules, I am sure that everyone here The books are open to anyone who wanU ' will be in full accord with that promulgation Semolina for their requirements. to ~ee them, They are being kept by Wolf that messai;e before )'ou since the macaroni cOll\'enlioo at the Edgewater Deach fin because in them arc Btated the 50und funda­ & Company ill Indianapoli~, I ha\'en't seen mentals of business and business practice, them, It has been Ollr policy that we should years ago. Ten rean from now we will still be tryinK 10 Impress that upon )'ou, There can't be any impro\'ement on thme not know what the indh'idllal subscriptions conference rules because ther were drawn were, Anyone can write Wolf & Company'. up in coopen.tion with the Federal Trade to illl~lIire how his refund was figured If WELFARE COMMITTEE Commiuion. there IS any question about h. L. S. Vacnlno, Chairman 1 hope thai thb association will adopt I think you have all recei\'cd back your these Trade Practice Conference Rules as notes, ~o that the eampaiJ.:n now is largely One of the principal duties of the Wel­ the guiding principles on which we will a matter h: hislory and within a fcw months fare Committee was to dn.ft a code of conduct our business. If we do and they arc will be all L , l l, ethiCi which should be the guiding force of followed through, 1 can't see anything: but this association. Se\'eral years ago a com­ a bright, future for all of us. EDUCATIONAL COMMITTEE mittee worked on a set of rules and after I wish there were some means by which F. ,. Tharineer, Chairman I had the opportunity of reading what was we could comr,eI all nlanufaeturers to fol­ drawn U(l, 1 was thoroUllhly con\'inced that Dr. jacobs practically constitutes the Edu· low through t lose rules. There .hould be it was by far the finest and best code of some means of pUllin" teeth into those cational COllllnittee, It is the one eOllnn;l­ ~thiCl 1 had ncr seen. It was rcally beau­ tee thai makes monthly report I, I have rules so that all of us would be compellctl tiful! It rcad like a r,rayer, to abide by them. That is one of the prob­ asked Se\'eral of the members H the! had Dut unfortunately t It usodation did not been reading tlte monthly reports an they see fit to adopt that code of l'Ihics, lems that thil association will have to aolve, stated tltat they hadn't receh,ttl Ilteml Now When the board met lut year they de­ Out at any rate there is the basis on which the mOllthly report i5 contained in Tllr: cided that again we needed a code of ethics we can draft a code of ethics and 1 sincerely MACAROSt JOURNAL and it is e\'ident thai to Ituide the associalion, I worked dili· hope that lome definite action will be taken Iluite a few of our members arc not taking gently to sec if I couldn'l rC\'ise or rn'amp before this con\'ention is adjourned, the JOURNAL seriously. To his report I have little to add except to suggest that all of us should read our official organ more thor· oughty and contribute our views and opin­ ions more frequently for publication therein. TIIf~ Maca,.oni A.ulend.nent I have had, In my lifetime, an opportunity to read a great many trade papers and 1 tlon't believe there are any that arc any better Iltepated and gotten up than TIIF. to ti,e Federal MACAROSI lOURlfAL, and I'd like all of ),on to , (1:0 away rom here resoh'ed to read Till: MACAWMI JOURNAL religiou.ly n.ther as a Food and Drugs A.ct textbook than just as lIIere news. Jt con· tain! very many splendid articles. I'd al.o recommend that those of you By MARTIN LUTHER who ha\'e sclling (orces, salesmen, furnish Chalnnan, Quanty and Stand.rda Committee each man with a COllY of the jOUIN,\L t Ihink it will do a lot to encourage them to in\'italion, telling us what could be done to ask a little more money for the merchandise Those of yon who were at the midyear relieve a situation similar to the one that the}' are sellin!:, meeting of the National anociation in New affected Ihe canners before the passage of from Mr. Donna's report ),ou might draw \' ork a year or more agu re(31l that )'ou Ihe Malles amendment. A special commit­ Ihe conclusion that our JOURNAL is supported were sitting to,Kether much as yon are to­ tee was there and tlten named' to draft a lar~ely by onr all\'Crlisers. So in rcadinl{ da)', except wtth a little leIS acute pain similar amendmenl to co\'er macaroni prod­ the jOUUIAt.. tlon't forget to read the ;ull! than r ou ha\'e after a year and a half of uctll. From correspondence with the com­ !>uffermg, try in!,; to decide what could best mittee members I will gh'e you details of STATISTICAL COMMITTEE be done to brin~ the macaroni industry unl our aclion5. O. O. HOlklnl, Chairman uf the terrible condition into ,",'hich it was \Ve fOllnd that the cannen, after fiufTer­ The members and friends o f tlte associa­ falling. . ing from cutlhroat competition on low SOlUe of us auggested that the remedy lay tion got ~o tired of hearing about costs that f.lrade products-such at the macaroni in­ we 5aw fit to change the natlle of this com· in actually improving the IlualilY of the tlustry is now suffering-had made up their mhtt,c to the Statistical Committee. \Ve product that you offered and not simply minds to go OUI and increase the: consump· felt that Ihe committee had a start talking about it, claimintc that you were tion of canned goods by a vigorous ad"e,'­ ~uod .:oinK to inwro\'e il. \Ve suggested that up until the time of the grand blowup, At tisin!: campaign, lI1uch as wal attempte~ 10 that lime we were plannin!,; to ha\'e a clear· ha\'in!,; tried e\'erything else, perhaps it was this industry. They went to the Ameflcan in~ huuse through \VoU & COl1lllany of time for a little more "igorouJi methods Can comllany from which they bought raw costs for the various member flrm5 that aud , u~Ke5ted as a solution some actual materials ill much the same manner that werc II sing the standard cost accountini; feder.1 lesi5lation which would KO\'ern. your commitlee came to the durum millers, ~)'stem, amountini; to somewhere around 20 Ha\'ing talked 100 much I got a job and The canners were told that until thl'Y immediately tried to find out what coulll be cleaned house in Iheir industry, they could firms. Iione along the 5u~Hested linel. Your com­ But t\tUt things take money :md they rr­ millee went to Washinglon, discussed the cxlled no financial assistance b(caule \In- ftuire not onl), accountants that have the 5Cfupulou5 price cUllinl{ and Iluality euttin.: matter with the Department of !"~riculture, knowled~e that will enable them to 5UIl1- meant financial disaster, anti thereforc in· mariJ.e these fi gures to the ad\'antage of all with the Bureau of Pure Foodsbwith Secre­ securil), in the accounts they sold, To rem­ who contribute but they require a confid('n· tal'V Hyde. with W . G, Camp ell Ihe en­ edy the siluation they had paned a simple tial man to I-:et them without dis­ fortcment officer of the bureau. i'he Ken­ to~ether eral was that legislation similar amendment to the Federal Food5 Act. a c1o~il1i; Ihe source of information. So with­ ~ u~~estion simple amendment which !,;a\'e to the Sec­ out any mone), for that phase of the work 10 the Mates amendment or the Canneu' mil shoul be prollosed and we had thrir retary of Al{ricuJture the ril;ht and au· KING MIDAS MILL COMPANY we were rather at a loss to know how 10 assurance that they would not only help to thority to promulgate standard, below proeeetl, which canned foods must be clearly \Ve ha\'e bfen able through that informa­ make it a law but to enforce it after it was Itam(led, branded or labeled: "1Ie1ow U. S, MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. Ilassed, lion to contribute the basi. of what we Your committee reporled ill at StandarUI; Low Quality but Nol lIleJ:(al." think are communications of farreachin!,; findin~ 1 That was the bill we hoped to emulate, importance, 1 refer 10 the lellen that you the Chicago meeting a year aKO. Dr. Fris ~ Ani.tcd by W. G. Campbell we took this bee of the pure food bureau of the Drpart. Mapn amendment word for word, with' the hne all read from Mr, Tuttle. He hill't ment of Agriculture addressed you on our J:ue s~ in.: when he mi\kes the stalel1lentl , • , ,


cxct'lltion 01 Ihe chant;c:s necess;a rily made wi,lI but P}1t. UII a united fronl fo r ii, I UUts, If. we conlinue in till' wa), we ha\'e j.!uOl b ;11 OH., l'I'r r: ' ~l: I"r ,m,lh. h .. ~:t· s , ;11111 ,Junk thai It III the lia h'aliull our inliustry 10 al1llly 10 alimentllry IIil. ste 01 macaroni til been j.iOl11g, cuuin/.( Ilualil)' all Ih t: li;lIl' SOc fu r Z·I 7-",'1:. \,acka~e s " 111 o f till: warc­ IlroduclS in~le:HI o f canned loads, The pur­ What we ar~ all, seck ins is somcthing I ~ )'o~ a~c not ollly gni ll j.i to .Iusl' )'.ollr 1110111'): hnll H' III Ih e J"b It rs. we 111;1)' jll _1 :IS 11', II IlOse of the JlrollUsed amendment is per­ bencfit the tnllre Indus try-to lid!, till (Jut tr)lIIg 10 COlll !JI'te hut )'ou re I(tllllj.i 10 lose let tllell! h;t\'I' Ihl' "u, in l·'_." fl'1:tly 01l\'iOIl S, If the substandard Jlr od­ ~« TERSE Ihc,l,o w gradt', CUI p~ it t' ! IlOo r (IUality CUIII­ )'~'lU r markel, Thc Am erirall Ileo pl e an' 'III .~ .. thi ~ . \-:1'11111' 1111'11. is Ih c "irlllrt· ••i nlll' ucts wc: re colllpelled by law 10 be labeled !e:" . .• 1 Pcll!lon. As I iCt II, It tl ucs nOI malin .lIfferen! Iha n all)' ulh er l'col,le; lIlt')' arc Fi" (1IIltlll~ , we Il al'c I'X I'I'dcuel'll in Ihe Il a ~ 1 I, "Sub-Staml:ml" in big bold letters, )'uu ~ parllcu!arly, wh ~ 1 )'OU arc COIIIIJl'lill~ with if IlOt. gOlllg ~o cal all unllalalahll', Ilu .. r, 1II (lI1lh " I, kt",w Ihal II ... SiIU ;lli,," i. til<' wouldn't ha\'c to go to a bUyer of a chain .. n the Pfl~t 15 IlIl5h allll li!c IllIalil)' J:outl. fl :l\ orkss, stick )" J.:um11l)' siull \\'11l' lher )'IIU ,a,lIIe l,rac1ll"a ll ), ;111 ",'U Ihl' Unil e,l Slalt·_, BUSINESS TALKS I ':' '': I yVhal \lie :uc: It )' 1I11; 10 tl o IS to hdl) J:CI the ~t Ilofe o r whulesale groce:r or any 01 her iAt '~ , ~ ',', ' call macaroni or s011l elllinj.i rise. Tht·), \\ e .,u ' ~" I, h:n'C III 1-:" l'Cr), fa r II) li lli l III<' bu)'el and lIIee t luice on )'our high Stude mtluslry out of lin: slough of (Ul Ilfin'-no arc ,Ju st .. 5 much enlilh-.I to I-: ood hi j.i h yulpfll- I,1 .S 1111' ).: rt·ec l)' 1I(;lllulal"l lIr.., II' h" prodncl at the sallie figure named by Ihe prolil COIIII)l: lili ~ " . you can't J:c l )'tlllr5c1\'l:~ '11Ialll)' macaroll i as ally Ilalian en; bottl I ~ I"U':I! 1II1( Ihis \rtl ubll'solllc situ'atio)). Jlroducc:r uf a low t;rade product. on a Iliane that .5 rightfully yours unlil ),OU "II Ihe 5111111)' shores. o f Ihe Medite rrane:lII , 1', \'l't),I!"n.t-: 11 1;11 Ille a ss" .. ialiull hu .Iune clean house yo~rsd\'(·, :Uld ),ou 11 " \"1' 11 ', IU'l'u C utllllar~ macawm (OIlSllllllltillll ill Ihis I then I!fOceeded to get a sponsor for Hoo'~ lJp 01 1111. ~ all l ,III lilt' 1':1, 1 ),":U ' ha , h""11 " I II" the: bill which ";ad the approval of tile Ue­ able 10 do 50 III the past by 1131tinJ.;' )'our­ roulltr)' Will! thaI uf France IIr It al)', T" ~I'e ;\\'all 1Ij.!:l1II._1 llIlsrrUl'ul"llS i n l lh' i,IIl ;I I ~ , hUI partl1lent of A~riculturl! . Senator Henrik ~c h'ts on the back, in (1111\"(: 111 1011, Iln'n 10:1 1- Ills, }Itr capll:\ hen', 50 lu 611 illS. in hah.. we all knuw Ihese fa tlS. Shillstca.d of Mmncsot;a was c:onsidere:d the With Others' A,,'vertising mil' h Ollle 10 cut Imccs 10 meet compcliliun. n."t II WOII t c\'cn bc 3 III ~, here if ),011 dOli'l COIIHf/lll'"("s- 'qle t'\'ils of I'rice Cll l1 iul( noller mall 10 5110n5ur it in thc Senate Il nd When ,r0u t;ct away (rOIll Ih\: luw 'jualil Y ~I\' e the lIe.oplc §omelhinl( 10 l':11 111 "1 is 11:Il't· hell'ell .llle 1I11111 ~ lr )' t,n Ihe ruall 10 IIe cOll5ented. O ffic ers of thl! Gencral macarol1l I!I CII )'O U can start tu hui" UI~ !.:ood, It ~\'IIJ be olle Ib, It is I-:oing dowil hell, II), t!e\'ll s whll f.. rl'(· Ih t: 111:111 Ir"l11 Mac:uoni Corti, in a cOllference in Minncall­ !o get!' priCe comml'Uiurale with Ihe Ilual­ 10da),1 .Gln: II,,: ,\meriran IICII IIll' 11.,m·sl WIIUIII Ih.·)' hll)' lu hi.1 tllle :I!;"in sl :tnolhl'r olis offered to ~U l l l lO rl the amendment and Say. The Energy Trio lIy article lhat you hUfl u tly manufacture ma earom, made fr om honesl 111.1t ctialthal is lIIl11 'IHIS sl'lI heluw nl~ 1. offered to obtain a Sllon50r {ur it ill thl! and hO!ltslly dclh'er. You'\'C jU ~ 1 Ilot to a ,:olJll foot!, al1l\ il is a 'WIlli fmld when \VIII' is tu In' Illal11 l'll : 111 ml' "l'illi,," House. ' Every 'man ought to be able to find a way in which his busincss can be .:ct 10l-:cther on this or .>:ou'li nC\'er 111111 it Ilrolle~ly made, a,,,1 rOil will 500n havc Ihe h" lh _IJU )'1't :1111\ s ~ lIc ' r, Thl' IlIirl'T, wi,,, 11y leiter the III clllbe15 of your comlllit­ hool(ed up with some af the millions spent h)' olhers fur advertising Ihrough. It isn't the Ilnllers at the differ­ Amenean ,:onSU11I!ltlOll ).:lIi lll-: UII fr um J ~\' :lllt ~ ~I e 1 '"ye ~ 1 "~I l'l' no mattt'r 11' 11 :1 1 '11 ,a l· ent gr:,tdu the millers makc. The millers IlI s .. ll cr ~alllla to somewhere lIl'ar Ihe com­ II )' ht: IS hU )' III I(, with 1111' I.. ",e Ihal I, ), "111 · tee were {uHf ;.. Ivis ed 01 Ihe Scaramelli­ whelher he himself is an atlvertiser ur 1I0t. ' ' heano intcn 'lew aud it was decided Ihat make J~ ~ t wh~t rOil fdlows II sk Ihem lu IJanson III Ital), loda)'. we should welcome Ihe coolleration of the The relailer should feature and display the advertised lines for Ihe make, I here 15 11 t any II SC It),i n).: to Il as~ If we arc 10 ha\'e mure f:I\'orallle l'll n­ General Macaroni Corp, To Ihal group wa5 prestige they offe.r his .store ~ nd stock, fu." t~leir gre,ater consumer accept­ the buck 10 somebody c:he from wlwllI )'011 Slll1\er a C((~ lllalir e for ,\nll'rica n macaroni lent a Ilra ft ul the amendment as appro\'ed nnce nltd fa r tllelt sWifter t!lmaver ~ TillS IS espectally true in any time buy rOllen mal erial. They won't sell it to honcs lly madc an.1 if we aim nut 10 e Tl ­ you unlen you bu )' it. Nobody can se ll rouraJ.:c conll1clilion fro m fotl-i, " 1II;ICilrOl1 i, by the midyear IU celinl{ of the National \~'hen "'llues \}ccamc demoraltzed and huyers becomc uncertain as to quali­ association, alsu an ilH'itation to work willi you anyt,hipt; that )'U U don't wanl to buy, Ih clI we mU 5t sl:arr nuw I .. rlea r. II II II S'" prll­ III, which wa s acccilteli. Unforlunately Mr. ties. So ,let 5 j;el to¥elhcr. a l!11 clran 111 1 uur dure Ihe " cst Illere of 1(t)(Hl s IlIssi hle fwm Scarimelli became tied till in o lher malleTS The .manu}acturer ~' ~IOSC finishtd product is well advertised, obviously 0 .... '11 IIIdustry,. 1 hete IS , III , nistellee a n­ tile beSI 5elllolina ill the wu h\ allli In-al ami he was un;ablc to acl, so ..... e arrangcd must bch~ve III advertiSing. He should know that advenising being a other aSSOClall o n. hontsl III lIS clln\'iclioll! III!r conmmcrs wilh the " " Il1'fI :11111 11 ,1' bUI in interu ls lie in Ihc n llle direelioll a; t..lrllrSS Ihat Illl'}' IIl- H' rn'. lo r a confercnce ..... ith Senator Shipsltad va!~abl e al~ to prestige anti consumer acccplancl', it will enhance the sal­ who advised that he would introduce the aluhty of hiS product ta announce the usc of alh'erlisetl 3nll well known amendmen t in the Senate and ..... ould ask Congressman l.olGuardia o f New York aoout l)roduct5 in;15 manufacture and distribution. inlwducing it in the H ou ~_ Since .:ulvertising or the whole gives marketahility to the whole adver­ lIy the middle of March 1932 e\'errlhing tising of the flarts must. act 10 help the acceptance of the cOlnplete 'product Ai Bia'I"osi8 was Il ro~ r eu illg nicdy. Then Dr. Jacubs known to he del)Cntlcnt III some del,rree upon them for its J)Crfectian. wrote that Mr. laGuardia ..... ho fiut had at;reed to illtrodu(e this bill in the House . _ W!tel.t a product is wdl known to th~ consun~ing l)Uhllc throuJ.:h adver­ ","'l1t(' d more time to study the bill, becaust: tiSing, It IS made more acceptable and Given :, higher stamlurd if the raw of Macaroni's .Ills it had been called to his a llentiun thai it material, the machinery for manufacture, the processes the 1)"'I.I'ts arc mit;ht 11 01 be fur Ihe bC'5I ' inll~ rC'5t s o f the , through advertising known to be individually standard.' , By JOHN RAVARINO trade. That was the fi rst intimation ..... e had lhal ;Ill was nut well. AllparentlY;l dif· . 11 is OI~I)', another way of boos~ilJg ),ollr own game when ),ou hook up Preltdent, Ravarlno & Frea.chllmp, and Mfg, Co. feren ce 01 o lli ni l) 1l had arisen which ..... e hat! With the mllltons spenl for advertiSing by those who makc SOntC of the John Riwarino nol uJlecled. In Allril 1 receh'ed a leiter things ),ou resell or usc in makinG your products. The a5siJ.:nnu:nt J.:iven lII e by (l ur I'r c~ i­ Ihl'se in thelllseh'cs n'I!t'1'1 Illl' 11111' lut' lII re fro lll Senatur Shillslt'ad inclosinl; (I nc fr o m 11 is good allvertisillJ,: 10 advertise the , fact that all thiuJ.:s you usc or ~enl 10 sllcak a ll Ilfeselit market cU lllllliulIS ul condiliuns in our lerrilu r)" COl1grcuman laGuardia in ..... hich the bllcr lilll; his I'rife ht: ":111 r.,: ,'t m.. u ' 1011_111" .. , sell arc thcllIseh'es ;ulvertlsed, ~fore the)' cUllle intu yOllr hanlis, IS not an l·.. sy.olle, 1 havc bN:1I wtllldcrill~ I Ilu ute-"Sillte n'cl'iI'ill J.: )'1'lI r kill., of Ur Ihe m:1,!ulaclut\'r wll" , l : ra_l,ill ~ 'II Ih:li nid among I1th('r things, "that it is not de­ whal o ur preSIdent h a~ 1 in mind There is .irahlc to have the Secrelar), o f A.:ricuhurc: JlIp, Zl I 11 ;\\'e II ~e ll j.! :llhcrilll; Ilata as \II ~ .. rt III Im H " e ~s .It,nt: ;11 a I,,"" , Ill inl._ Ih i. • rcally lI o lhin~ Ih:l.t I can say Ih;1 wou!tl be IltlC CS un Ihe dillen'lIl hr:uII ls III I,ai'l.a!;e 1 ~ IJ I.: I,II· r I1l a ll ;t d"s,'.1 lat' l"r), : :'11..1 1 ,h" ,el a slandard fur maca ro ni products" be­ nt w to you, ~h; s 5ame l ubjec i has heen cause III C Ilualil)' uf semolina \'aries frolll II.. slc liroducts ~II III ill Tua~, Thl'f(' i ~ 1I ~ lrll c tn' e 11 lt'llulils art: ,1:." j.! I·r"u _ I" 10"111 '!lUre or less dlscus5t! d al C\'ery eO Il\'c lltion, !,:ootl deal o f hi !; h I(rade lIIararuni M,1I1 ill ~JII yer, al1~1 ~ I'1Jer ..11 i ~ a ~ lI i jill \-: l'r" I",-ili"n, iC:lson 111 season, ~ lI gge5 Iint.:: illslea d a IlfO­ " . i ' j ~Otn~ of.lhe. facts ha\'c Lee ll IJu oled froTll bllik for Ih e 11:llian Ir:lIh- :\1111 :ll su ill "ark, \'isio ll that would fl'lllIire macaroni manu­ .~ duel I.. l11e , flll1>II .. ""r w h al ~ I ,I.. U'I the)' mighl have Irolll macaroni mantlla(. 'dejlartment couldn't detect il ill the fini shed lime to time 111 TlIe MACA IION I JO UII ~ AL :Ig ~s for Ih,e besl ~,\mt'ti ~' an tradl'; 2 IlI a ll l l ~ knuw. II)'. II _ III \-: 1111 , 1111 t: lhkal ._y,I,·lIl "I laclurers Iu declare in I'asily readable let­ turers 011 their Ilro fits ..... ould be absolu'ltly Il roduct it would be absolutdy usden, bc­ SO 1 will endeavor to fluole a. rcw in­ ellJIlY . a I11 CC hu smess bl'f:IU S(' Ill e n'tail 1I1~' rchalldl"lI~ \11' 111 t: rd"r.., fl1 l1 l ""I_"h", ters 0 11 the box o r c;lse or the packaRe car­ lost to thclll. If they did Ilut our al1lelld- cause Ih ey couldn't enrorce It. 1 furthcr ~Ianccs tint ha\'c bec n 111 )' lot 10 cx llerirnce IroHl c IS,workell CUll li11l1tJII Sly Ilr Ihl'ir te'I" 11' 1111 uur ! J:1c' k ~ a ,,: lill ~ 1 111,' wall, ;1I1,llI a11lral· lOll wilh a descrilltion of Ihe materials out ment through there wu a possibility that laid them that in my ollinion there would In the I las ~ 6 months. \Vhat has ilullressl'd reSenl aU\'es. :\ s I .. ,r h~' al l I,ash' J'r" IIIII' u, I)' Ille r.' ,I~ ""Ihill \-: , ' I~I ' I" h., ,1 ,,,,, 1'111 1" 01 which Ihe (I_roduct was l1Iallufactur'c d. Ihe increased incolUe they'd gel from their" Ilrobably Italie to be J Italltlards lUa,je-a Ille 1~IO ' t I.S how lome manufacturers ran nalura,lI y the \'ultulle I ii "ery 1:lr).:I' but tllU ~ e hl: llI , h'r what : For 110" 1"'lhlil .. j ,1,,· "Fllr cxanll'le- Firsl t;rade stlllolina; SCIIIO­ income laxel o n maca roni manufacillrers Italldard ror maca roni made from semolina, Slay III busll1 ess wilhoul Ilro fit. Cilin J.: fact ~ f ~c l ones Ih al work Ihe tt'I:Ii1 tr:.. II· arc' ).:" 1- all.1 lilt' ruill " I 11 ... irllill -in lina hlendcli fro lll (Irst and Ihird .:radu; "u)'''' would rar u lTset anY'_CXllense in ,.mforcinG , one for macaroni made from larina, olle for willch 1 eX llerienced reccntl)'-20 lb. boxcs 11I 1J.: Ihe largeH \·.. llIlIIe II I II1I , ill n~ . :\11 ,I alii "'!I1lim'I',1 Ihat ,·;" .. Iil l" '" lelllolina a lld fl our al1ll all flour." He fur­ ~ "I1 " r : 11 the ;lInendment. . ' ~"'..;, a mixturc;, and lluhapl one from nour. I ha\;e been sohl at 6th: dclh'cre,j wilh 96c thc Irouhlc of Ihl' I,tin' rU llinl( in lIl t: 1"' ~ I t: 11' 111 11 ,,1 I(el al1)' ,ll1'lIcr f.. r S'lIIlt· lilli" . :111,1 ther ~ul-a:cstc d Ihat e\'Cry box, carlon and We wl!te ad\'h ed that on 'April 18, . 19lZ · Ih ou ~ ht there would be much difficulty ex­ frei ght ~te; 24 7-01. Ilackagn at SOc per Ilro,jucI5, as la r as I H'lll emht'r. l' h" uhl I,e :u t'\'ery .~'C UII",I}IIH ~ ay s " It is lI,c !" 1I f1'i, :,1 c"nsumer Ilackat;e should bur-(1) Name the St'nate commillee on 'agriculture would Ilericncrd b)' the del)artmenl in se!lint:' an)' rase I:.klllt; Ihe ~a f1l c fr ciJ.: ht rale .IS :1 " 0\'(-. r har).:ed 10 the II tJ uher" m;' r;ucllli 1 : 1I' I" r ic ' ~ "I Ih ~' hll e~ 1. , Il uw 1Il:11I}' \\i ll _II1,h " (2) of manufacturer, exact net wcight of hold a Jlublic hea rin!: 011 the luoposcd diffucnl II:.nd::ud5, 3nd thucfore Iht'y d j.iel In se\' e~a l instanccs 24 1'01. II:lc kaj.ics were becaus\: Ihe), usc Tl'xas as 1I It'ir Ihlllll,illl' I .lul1l, ~ II IJ\\" ~ .. far lH' 1i:""II'1 ha,t lIIa ln liroduct, (3) \matioll of fa ctory where I!f O­ amendmclIl. At Ihe in\'italion of President what tltey ...."'n lcd withuul Iltcsenling .. n)' drOll sluPllcd at 50c IltT ca§e with :HI LCL ground for Ihcir surplu s. ' lIl orl:lhtlt's III "Ilf blllily. 1>111 \laid, ,"111 ducr d and (4) 11I0 nth uf manufacture. ~ \' i­ Zerl'J;a I attended. P resident Zcrega, Dr. advcrse ideas 0 11 this thinK, tate o f $1.J0. . I... st SUllllllU Ihe n1:ltaruni l"u llll'anic's o f _"'I'. I:t'IIII ,·II ... n. Ih,' w"t -I i. 1' <'1 1' , • ;, .... denlly w me one was toing to becloud Ihe Jacobs and 1 aj.ireed to l upport the orit;inal Well, we lucsented our bill to the Scnatr 'I eXlI5. wrre J.:c llilll! St.J5 Ilet c; . ~ e, I tase I knu\\' III al ""m, art' "Ui ,illlo! 'I" 11,,1, 1 11 1,'" rtal i s~ u c :l nd 1 so cxllrcSied lIIyself t o Some lII anuractureti noy that no cOllsill ­ bill and make rl' llruentalions mentioned cOlllmittee. It was favorably recci\'ed, er~ li ? n is ginn to ilellreciatioll a nti 10 free Wllh 5, It' 5S 15';" ami 20; .. f:lsll .Iisl·uun l hc'alls al",n', w:lI... r "til Ih " _I.. r m I_ c .llIllI: Ihe senalo r, a.llo\'e in ~ullp o rt of ii, all in keepilll: with ThclI Chairman MrNary askcd if ;lny o ne hu!ld~ng o\'erhcad. because Ihey OW li ed Ih e tlclil'rretl, I1l1Iil ~Ir . "'_" .. '" 5hil",ell 2 (';Irs 0; WIl r".', :111,1 1\ 11'1 11 h,' a mi.:"'I,, ii II,,· lill i, In the: mean lime troublc arose fr oUl ;\11 instructions j.ih'ell us by this budy. About wanted to be heard furlher on it, 1 intro­ lac ka¥c I(ooll s 10 lJall;ls a l $1 pt'r (a ~ I ' . 1"';11 l'all wi lll _laIl11 11 1t: wal" _, Thlll1. " II , cmirdy ullexllrcled source. Mr. I;:nll\lbell bUII~I1It;5, . a n,j eqnilllllcnt wa s Ilaid ro r. a. millule before the chairmall o r the Senate duced Mr. Luollo, Mr. Giaui :md Mr. La- S~lIl11g aSlue th ue 2 illlilortant il elll s, 1 still jC55 bo;" anti 2%, .Icli ,·erel!. TIIc '('e.'(as allll tl tI.$ I)'! If . w.: do"'1 r"a1i,,: Ih " ,1;11 11:' r_ "I in II conference wilh Dr, Jacobs, tl ur \Vash­ cOlllmittee callcd the h e arill~ to order, Mr. Rosa who would like to be heard. Mr. fall 10 understand how :IllY manufacturer ~ ~ o ui s ial1 a la c l ~lr i u rdalial!:11 II )' 1I1 :lilll :,in- "rife cII IIIII ).: , 11 11I'lhH':.1 "l'SIo '1I1 ,A ,I"ill l.: 'j" t-:to n rCllresenlatin who had ' wurkrd LuollO, Mr, Gialli and Mr. uRusa, repre- Luollo stated that his association lIrP\lro\'ed un cOllie out ahea,j wllcn the frci~ht alune 111 1;' t11 ~ sa!lle h ~ 1 01 ~ J..l 5 IJIII I(h'ill l( l l'aHS I II1 ) illl'~S , cli1llillali"l1 "I ,jitl)' .11,,1 .-I" , Ill c rdail Ir:.. I." J.:tl i til l: h e ~ ; Ileciell 11' 111 Ilal'I" ' 1I . I" ,rll ), if \\,,' ,I.. 11 .. 1 t'COTltllllile in all ~O\' ernl1lellt matters Ihal were interesled in the bill which thcir lIr. the raw material \l scd . hould be statc:d o n II walch unr >Iel'. Onr i11lIn_lr~' i. -li ll )" 111 11-:, . T!le employmcnt or chcall labur tl oes 11 01 II . the ,n ella rlluent uf Agriculture wtluld havc Scardmelli had asked permission to sponsor the Sl ackage, This brouj.iht ClUt Il discussion Aj.i ain thc S:l1nl' 11 11( t111'rll 1I1a'1I1 i;1t' lll H'r al~11 \\'~ IIIlI sl urj:c alill fllill :I 11':1)' I .. ,'UI ' to willi draw it s alillro\'al of the macaroni JU Sllfy these flriees. Auu11linl( they can !:ul Ilus tl r).:)' "f "rllnlh-ss huri ll !! ;1 11,1 I ... al with us. I askell litem If Ihey had any dif- and a. difference 01 o llinlon, which while IIU ­ lave 50c per bbt. 0 11 this itcm it llIun. a 5h!f1f1 ed Z cars lu Ilallas, this lilli,' :11 a Ilmendment al this lime. It "''''5 still per­ ferent idtn alld they advisrd Ihat thty {ectly lincere was unfortunate. The result ltlC C 01 7Se per raSt', I ca s~ hee wilh 10 It .llI wn Itl a "Ii \'(' :11111 lei !i\'c" h:"i.. \\',. Icctly 5ati5fied with the !ITO\'isions o f the saving of onl)' 2Y,e Ilcr case' 0 1 24 7-oz. j thUlI t; ht that there should be included in was that the Senate c011llllillee left the hear­ paekagu, ' e~s the n'l(ula r 2 ';~ r a sh lli5 CO l1nl. TIIi ~ musl II~r ).:~ 1 .,ur ~ dfi s h I'iell'l",illh :1 11 .1 ,I" ;lmclltlment but under Iltcsent circumstancC!l Ihe amendmcnt a clause relluiring that the inK with the statement, "You better !;et to­ !Jrlce w"s I1\cl b), H o r 10 olh er northern e\'er), lhlll,: Ihat we call 10 hel" "'·t:r ... ",,,· wouhl hllve 10 withhold its support because raw material horn which the product was gelher yourselves and dtcide o n what )'OU The policy Ilunued by Jlio me lI1al1ufaelur­ factories doillg husl neu in Tcxas, allli also tllis trnl1b1 eStl lllC silUaliun, of the eX llense iu\'oh'ed in cnforcing the made should be I ta ted on the package. want before ),ou come to UI." tts of Roodlnt; the m:uket with low !;rade by the local conce"15 , the lallt't I(ellilll( Ill e I ralher Ihink Ollr I'ft'si.ll.'nl I.'x l'I'.: I('1 1 lilt' amendment if lIassed. I told the11l thai our committee had gone Naturally we were discouraged but we d('- macar.onl wu in Illy eSlimalion 1II 0S t dc­ best of it o n accoullt o f the retail trade tu 1:11 deelll'r illtu lilt' C:III S.·.. til:" 11 ;\1" \Ve argued that the passage of the amend­ o\'er all the thln~. \'Cry carefully after a termined to pU l h the pan age of our amend­ ,tructlve 10 our lndullry, T he nct result work, awl now Ih e north~rn comllall)"1 Iltou).:1 11 abuul presl'nl c nllditi ,, " ~ :111 11 11111 ment would more ,h;all likely illcrease the conference with ),Ir. Campbell, wilh the ment with the allurance that It would be wall s a gradual curtailment o f consulnption. broker!' ,w: trying to d Ull "11 Ih e stock a ll IIIrrel), lell ahuill Ihe Ilrite war. Th" '11I111a · Il OVCtlllllent income from thc macaro ni in­ Secrl'tarr, of AGriculture and were told Ihat approved by the Senate! but would have a we consider tho low intrinsic value of h;'lllli at II cir w.. rehouses 01.1 all)' Jl rire ~5 mcnlal H'a51l 1l fur Ih e unhalanl'1111! .. f Ilf k, ' ~ duslrJ ..... ther than provc a d ..... in upon it such a I ling would be incapable of enforce- Ilormy passaRe in the l OUie if Conllren­ macaroni, eomparcd to the food \'alue, we I"w as Stk. pet case 10 jobbers," ' I1II1 SI he louked fo r clsl·wlwrr. Fi r_ I, Ih,' because of additional ellilense in cnforcilll; can_ Sec at a glance the fallacy 01 such a Here il another: "Your Air, Jo hn Ita\'a­ IInha.lalirell crop )'I'ar .. I 19,11. willi :I ~ horl ment unlen we could incorporate with It man LaGuardia would oppose it., as he 11 paltcy. it, What the), arc doing: now is costing 10llle means of IClting o ut the statement quite a power in Ihat body. That, m)' rino's letter 0 1 the 2Zn d recl'i\'r d, and I durum crop and hi\-:h Ilremium.<, ~ ~' mulina ~ Ihrm more than would be needed to enforce on the package about the raw materials frlendl, \1 the I tatul 01 thil leRi.lation at I. am now i

July IS, 19n July IS, 1932 THE MACARONI JOURNAL l~ 18 THE MACARONI JOURNAL has bcen remarkably successful. It rl'pre­ delllned. It h3s a tlcllloraliling cITcct and Department uf Agriculture, in a surVl'r many m3l1ur"cturers wellt ililo the usc of lents an ouulandin" altellliit at self diSci­ will do 110 Kood /0 ehh('r the millers or Ti,.ed of Potatoes P of, \'a~iolls statl's alHI cities as hean dis­ this flOllr on a laq;e scale. This un ex· Illine, and as such allords Itriklng evidence the manufaclur~n, tnlJ\ltlOn centers. The st;'1tiSlil-s Wl'rl' peetetl chan!;( of b,Ule: priets brought about I of industry'l ability 10 regulate itself in ils Iherefore prop""e th"'t a committee be 3()(X) :I. chan!;!! in \lricC Ic\'cls on the finished appointed from this vlI\\'ention and that it gathercel from wholesale r.:rm't'rs own allil the IJllblic's inlcrest, In this pro· Try Macaroni who Imndle beans anel thl'Y reneet the product and II aycd ha\'oC' with the t1ufum \'!sion first f?r 110ngo\'ernmental arbitra­ mcet wilh a similar Ct:11Il1lillee of millC'u1 millen. To lIIC'et this COIIIIJetition some tion and finallyllf that fails. for submission for crealing luitable stalld:ml~ Ihat woUlll cunsumption of variolls Cflntntcrcial of liIe durulII millers he!;:":!." to look about to the Federa Trade Commission, it is be more in keclling wilh quality and urike lflacaronl Product" Oller Excellent Food c1;'1sses of beans in dislrihutinn afl'as, and SCC' whal could be dOllr to counter,,' \ sound in conception and eITective in prac­ at the foundation of whal 1 con,idcr one Production or 20 commercial classl's the inroads the K:msas product was m"I:­ lice, Here is an industry which is organ­ of the IIlOSt \'icious form. of competition. ing on their businC'ss. The result waS th~ Nut-we should do everything in our Va'ue" -a..,' Digest Ea,,"" nf dry LJealls the last decade h;'1S ill­ il~d on the princiJlle that its own interests creased more than 70%-rrom 7'(,.\9,(X"K) all(lnr2,ncc on the market of 7 different are but lerv~d by prot~cting the public power to hav~ manronl Itandards defined gradu of stlltolina, hut the object they werc against the unfair and unethical practices of and adopted by the agricultural department. By MARY MARTENSEN IJags nf 100 Ibs. each in thc year 1922 IH . looking for did not materialize. It III true the few, Such enlightened and ..::ourageous Last-if a reorganization is apllroved at 12,705,000 b..lgS in 1931. The Il'atiillg thai the price of some: of thue Kradu W35 this con\'ention, II committee Ihould be ap­ In Chle.,o Herald.. Examiner action dcsef\'CI recognition." classes ~rc [lCa beans, great northern considerably lower, sliII it remained about Here is 3nother outstallding Itaternent by Ilointcd to Itudy the proposition of letting $1 a bbl. hIgher th=ln Kamas. While they up an average basic COlt of m",nufac:turing, heans, Plllto heans, and lima brans. Ohiu Nelson II, Gaskill, form~r chairman of the Unl~ss your family insists upon them, c~ked in preparation for the table. were not able to substitute the K:ms:u I:ederal Trade Commission, hom a" ad­ In reaching this cost 1 would include the is the leading statc for distribution of Ihere IS really '10 reason why you should \\ hen well cooked, as these products IlfOduC't they did play havoc with the maca­ dr~SI before the triple co,,\'cnllon of the con of manufactutinl{, depreciation of ma­ pc~ be5ms hy wholesale grocers: roni manufacturers, Out of this whole mUI Southern SU(lply and Machinery Distribu­ chinery and ~qui('llllent, building rental, continually r ;rve potatoes WIth a meat s'lOuld he. they arc excellent food ftIT ~lIssoun tops the list for the great there rcsulted a ruinous price cutting com- shrinkage, repair, inlurance, taxes, .drying ton association, Cincinnati. May 2, 1932: dish. In fact, there arc many excellent cllildr~n all~1 o~der people who arc proll· lIorthl'nt brans; Tcxas leads in the di s· lletilion, . "The olle factnt that is checking progress and general expensc, In other wv '- :!", we foods just clamoring for a chance to ahly more IIIchned to ha\'e trouble with In order 10 enable them to undersell their would have a standard fiGllre to lubmit h l tribution of pintn bcans j Pennsylvania competitors quile a few manufaclur!rs be­ in the direction of the forced eliminlltion of make an appearance upon your table, digestion. Ilrofitless Idling is the old outworn belief the manufar:turer as a basic eost to which is first in distribution of lima be:tns' Ran using this chcaller semolim' and I be­ 0 Noodles deserve cOllshlerahly more t1l31 profit is ;).11 unjust euction, The real he will ha\'e to 3dd the COlt l raw ma­ One is apt to get tired of potatoes day Texas, in hahy limas j California ill slll~li lic\.c the Industry sulTered morc than it Is terial, cost of containen, ,lacking and an)' after day, Nothing is more monoto· U!i.lge than they ordinarily gct for if fplined by the inlroduction of these types. trulh is that industrial profit 50 neces­ other cost that each Indl\'idual manufac­ ~\:hites" largc whites, ami pink heans: sary th",t without it our whole complu 1I0US, ~sr.ccially most l)Coplc serve served only with an occasional pot roast rile Ilrice Slruclure of our product, sel UI) turer may have to add. What I am driving as I cxas lit blacl-eye beans j Pellllsylvania by many years of painful endenor and con­ SOCial and political struclure will collapse, at is to be In a position to induce all manu· them boiled, mashed or baked-seldom l'm afraid 1lI0st of us forget even their in cranhcrry heans; Orell'un in Slllall red As we grow further Into the realintion of taste, Every Iry French fryillJ: 1100(lIcs? slruclive education, consistently preached this buie truth, it bCCOlilC5 apparent that facturers to use a standard COlt, 1 rcali:r.e the latter and more frequently just heans:, N,ew York in red kidncys: PClln­ at our com·enlions and through our trade instead of ICKislating against profit the Ihat lome may h;r,\' ~ more exllenses than mashed-and then at noon where hubby They arc delightful that way-scrvet! sylvama m marrow beans; MaUle in n'l­ Journal, w:u completely shattered. othen but 1 believe that If fifteen or twcnty usually lunches ma5httl potato will ac· jU!it as ),ou woullL French fried pntatoes Under the circumstances it is impossible f.;o\'ernment wilt uitinlateiy be forced to manufacture,. would turn in thdr cost and loweyc heans; New York in white kill­ legislate in protection of it. The preunt comp.loy practically anything he orders -(lnly have plenty of them on hand for Itcys; allli MaS!i.1Chusetls in dark fl·!1 10 give the industry any semblance of stabil­ deprcuion pro\'cs the nted," an a\'erage is reach~d, that it will pretty ity, It is true that the dellression was the wcll cover the Iilu",tion. from a roast beef 501ndwich to fish or not heing so filling as potatoes hut de: kidneys, Now 1 desire to talk about the semolina liciously crisl}y, everyone will want a cause of nooding the market wilh low .:rade situation. As prC\'iolisly stated thue have 1 trUJt that this mailer will be "h'cn leri­ pork chops, New York is the leadinJl' city in tlis­ lU~uroni bllt there is no jU51ification in sell­ alillured on the marht diITerent v:niC'ties ous (nnsldtution as 1 ftC'1 II will do the Again III the spring il is quite ·difficult second helpin/.:, trihutioll IIf l)Ca !leans. lima heans, lIIar· ing any grade without proper conlidenlion 7 indu ltry a lot of good, We hut lots of of cost and realonable profit, "fhese two of s ~molina with a lubs'alltial price differ­ to gd good potatoes be(ause the old ones eilierole o( Tuna and Ell Noodle. row beans, red kidney beans, alld cran­ ential. I rnakt' a Kuen that tlte millus are manufacturcn who do not figure certain very important items should never be lost aI a.re sprouting and n~w ones quite uren­ herry hcalls; Chicago leads in gfl';'1t now in as bad a mess as the mac",roni o\'~rhead put of their COlt and lots of 1 11),:1-: . Ililllictllu du:cse light of by the manufaclurer, whelher 1111 othen think that thdr ollly cost of produc­ swe and 50 one turns to other products 5 o:r. . Cit.: noodtu northern!!; San Antonio in pintos; I·fnus­ manufaclurers; but on the othtr hand, think .1 tb~p . buller ,\ haul coul.:cti c~ ..: ~ raw matenal be selllolina or sawdust. tion is ccntcr~d around their maellinery. for their starch, ton in hah}' limas and blackeyc ht'ans: If our manufacturers would learn once of the trouble this condition has created t6 3 tb ~ p . nour 12 rillc olins our industry I Imagine one manufacturer The \'ery ~ltistence of our industry de- I small call mushrooms Portland, Ore., in small whites :11111 small and for all that they cannot increase sales lcnds cntirely on whether' we ar~ able to HI, CUtIS milk u si n~ $4.75 lemolin"" another $4.55, an other Try Macaronll I ..:rl'cn Ilellll(1. by forcing down the price, if they were ay th~ foundation for a Ilew departure. Let Salt and pcpper rcels, and Los Angeles in pink heans. $4.35, another $4.10 and another $.1.90, Every I sl~e cllOPllCcI utisfied to keep their Ilroduct in pace with us all earnestly wmk together, I~t us for­ I IIIl'diulII onc of these TIIanufactur~rs will tell the Macaroni and silaghttti both prove cannl't! IUll3 conSullllltion, dumping alld Ilrice cutting the pal t diffcrences, Itt UI consider trade thdr maca.ronl is rnad~ out of selno- g~t adaptable to usc :15 a polato alternative, would be elnninated. every macaroni manufacturcr as belonging Cuok egg noodles in hniling saltell I hlne "Iways contended Ihat during lina, bin the se llin~ prkes of the finished to the same family, anti let us strh·e to offering a good base for various Soluces Standards in Italy lor Flours slack s~a50ns liriccs sllouM be rai s~ d in­ Ilfoduct' will be 10 f",r allart it can not but enlightC'lI those who arc It ill sroring in and gravits, They also mingle well with watcr until Il'nell'r, then drain. Make crute confusion and dislrU51 on the part !i.1UCe of hUller, fluur, milk, and sea!ion­ A I~w which became eITecti\·e June 27 stead of lowered, due to increased o\'er­ of thc huycn. When ther, compare these the darkj if we lucceed in laying the foun­ vegetables or cheese, le£iovtr mealS, head, dation for a bcller future, we will ha\·e ground ham, bacon or eggs, ings, Combine all in~fl'tlients anll hake cstahhshes standards for the quality oi If Ilast eltllerience is a t:ood teachor alltl \'arious prices, they can riYltfully say somc­ hody wanted to make too much profit. It reason to be IlroUtI of the work pcrformed A great many people enjoy macaroni in motlcrate ovcn at 350 degrees F, 110urs which lIIay he ground tlr snit! in we rca lite thai by conliTlulIIg 011011" the uld at this c o n\·~ntl o n, path we are un ",hie 10 impro\·c our cOlldi­ is a \·uy 1I3d lituation and should be can· and cheese or spaghetti with chicken liv­ Spalhettl Delicious it;!ly, according tn 1\1. 1\1. l\Iitclll'lI, tlons, then why IIOt make a changc. ers and tomato sauce-but how man)' of '\lIIerican commercial attache ill nome. In iu llrescnl makeull our association de­ )"ou ever think to serve one of these just V, lb. spa~helli ~, lb. buller Fuur ~ratles uf Huur arc Ix.'rmille,1. 3 IJIl'diulII onions I can lomato 5U UII IU:llds entirely on the good will of the as you would potatoes? The tlesignation alltl dmraCll'ristks IIi manuf",ctllrcrs to adhere to certain trad~ !h lb. \'eal or 13mb's ur saucc Probably in yours as in most families, li\·cr Salt, pelll'er to la ~ le eaeh f.:r;ule an' as folluws: 11rinciplcs, These princillies have been C,.,~ese as -a Maca,.oni Ilrcach('d by \'ariou, members al e\'try con­ chicken and noodles or 3 pot roast with T)'pe 00 ilia), hav~' a m:tsitlllllll of \'ention, Our Irade journal has becn ham­ noodles is se",ed about once a month, Chol' the onions anti liver fine, and 14 o/r, of moisturc, O.4~ % of ash all.1 a mcring a ..... ay (or yeaT!! on this subjtcl but Selling Incentive Do you buy the noodlcs or make them? Solute in drippings until tcmler, Alld to­ minimum of 7'ifl uf tlr)' glutclI, unfortllnatelY all hu been of no a\'ail to There really is no trick ahout it, but it is mato soup nr !i.1Ul'e alltl a cup of waler. T)'pe 0 ma\" have a maximum IIi 14'," stcm the dcstructh·c Iltactices of manroni well to keep package noodles on hand, then simmer fur 15 minutes longer, Conk (If moisturc. 0.607(1 IIf ash, 0.15% IIi ... d ­ mallufactllrtrs. By CHEV. ATfILlO CASTIGLIANO sl)aghctli ill hoilinr.::, sailed water until I ha\'e a5kcd l1lyself a million timtS­ for they cook (Iuickl)' and are 3 time lulosc alltl a minimum uf 9'7" IIf lin· what un be done to change this situation? Royal ltallan Conlul saver when you fll1d the lIOt3to bin un­ tender; drain anti pour allO\·c So1 uce uver ghllen, . I followed with interest the success of quit(' expectedly empty, or when )"our menu it. Mix thoflluJ.:hl), ovcr a slow fire un­ T),l't' I lIlay have a maximum oi 14',; a few trade associations and feel a all condensed milk shipped to It.:r.ly .:r.n'd til well hlended. Serve I.iping hut un t~lat tn introduclinn of Chcv. Attilio Casti­ calls for them in their wdl deserved uf lIluisture, 0.807" uf ash, O.. ID 'j'r IIi reor~aniutioll along thesc lines w\1I ~e inspected all meats Jlurchased by the platter, garnished with rulllltis of )·Ollll~ , Royal Italian Consul and expert ordu, (clluluse alltl a minimuill tlr 1O ~'r IIi .In· bencficial to us. 1 thcrefore IlfOll0 5C to tllli cliiUlO Itali.:r.n government in the northwest ter­ carrots which have lIeell sauted in huller couHntion tli"'t we reorgani:r.e, Ihat n~w cheese maker Martin Luther said: Because of the hiCh starch and gluten glutcn. . ritory, until temlcr, Sprinkle li~htl)' with Par­ Type l may have .. maxilllulII 1·1',; by.laws he adollted to conform as closely "A ~hort time a~o a friend told me oi cont~nt of all macaroni products such as uf as I lOn ibl ~ 10 tlt~ rulings of the Fetleral "He is one of the 2 orJ,."3nizers of the me!i.ln checse. flf moisture, O,9S'ir uf ash, OjO ~i IIi a speaker at our Rotary dub who was macaroni. spaghttli and noodles. thcy Tratle Commission, that a \'011' b~ 100ken on Stella Checse cOIllI'l.lny of Wisconsin, the represent a value and ccllulose alltl a minimum of lO'ir oi tin· this Ilrollositioll in this and If wcll versetl in agriculture, I'l.lrticulari), conc~ntrated food ---- cun\'~ntlon pionecr finn in the dcvelo\lInent or di­ gluten. . apllro\'ed a cOllllllittec of 7 be allpoif!ted. to wheat, and one who iml'l.1rletl his Imowl­ so in planning the remainder of the IIlcal verse Italian cheese, especia I)' Parmtsan Survey Shows Bun Distribution In tnll's I alltl 2, not nmfl' ,hall II ..V ,; frOllllc the whole structure of reor~amu.tlon ed~c so plea!iingly that l was detemlined we avoid additional 5tarch in the way of alld by-laws ami thlll Ihe)' be I-:i\'en full for macaroni ami 5OUPS, In this work of the ash wull'nl ilia)" Itl' illsolu"'l' in to hear alltl know him, I am happy to veJ;r:tabtts and instead 'JSC tomatoes, New Ynrk is the leading bean elis­ power 10 ca;r)' out the wishes of Ihis con­ that requirc·tt nearly 14 years he made spmach, asparagus, cabhage, cauliflower hplfl,dlloric adtl. havc him here totla)' ami for having the trihutillg city. Ncxt in order of impur­ ,·cntion, ' , good usc of his experience brainetl in or onions-or others equally as starch· No chcmical or othcr ;'J.:ellt, \\·!tl'llwr 1 UtlW desire to ttllote from "NallOl.1 s pleasure of introducing him to )'ou, tance arc Chicago. SI. LOllis, Houstnn, Business" of May 11)32 on trade as~uela­ cheese making in Italy as a hoy ;HU] free, ·Kansas Cit)', Pittshurt.:h, Oklahoma Cil)" orr.::auk or inorganic, lIla~ · he ;ultlell II) "OICV, "Hilio Castigliano graduated tionl, The third aTlnual American Trade youth. Dlg~lt Eaal1y Louisville and Ncw Orleans, Huston is Huur which will change liS l·ol"r IIr in from an agrictlltural college in Italy Association ExccUI1\'C5 awanl wcnt to the "As a result of servicC' rendered his far down the list but is amour.:: the 3 any way .. ltl'r its natural cunllMlsitiou. AlIlericOln Paint & Varllish Manufaclurers when 21 years old and came to the Another especially good point ahout formtr rulers during the World waf and leading cities in the whole!i."\lc distrihu­ All Ilflur sacks must he sl'alell with the Association. United Statu in 1905. He first served tht abov~ mentioned potato suhstitutes I quotc-"Thjs associ"'lion carritd.through in hOllor of the credit he has brought on tion of small white heans, just as other name of thl' milling- compau)" and must on a New York ncwspal)Cr for 4 years in addition to the fact that they arc II proF ram willch was c0Il11lreheIUI\'e, w('11 hear all intlkatiun of tht' trpl' Ilf 110ur his people, the Italian govtOlment has quickl)' cooked, is that th~y digest easily. cities lead in thc liistrihutlOn of some coordll1ated and eIT('cth·e in the interCit lean,ing our languaJ;e and \>teaming ac· very properly given him the title of one or murc of 20 ,liITerell1 COlllllICfcial thc)' contain, . both 01 the public and of the industry, The quainted with Amencan ways and Amer· In the PfO('t51 of manufacture the starch The law also estahlishcs fl'J.:lllations ,'0IunI3ry agrcemcnt under which the :ino· 'Chevalier' by the King or Italy. TIlat's grainl are partially diJ:ested (so to classes of heam, kan business, In 1910 he entered the a splendid honor and I feel that you'll These facts have heen Icarncd h}' the and standards for the lIlakill~ amI So"\le ci",tion set up ~n.d succenfull.y opented. an consular service and is now consul for ~peak) throullh heat, and then ill cook· of hread within the killgt!um. Unfair Competition Durcall IS 3 conS!JlCU­ agree with me that he ('arnes that honor mg the rtmaming !larch is thoroughly bureau of agrkultural cconomics, U. S, OU5 tribute to the anoci"lion'~ couraGe and Hal)' in the grt3t northwest states, (Continued on Pale 24) initi"lh'e, 1'hls burt'au, t',tabli5ht'd in 1929t " During the war he was \11 charge of ' has II OW had a good lu i anti nn the recoru '. • • July IS, 19J2 THE MACARONI JOURNAL 21 ~onvention Resolutions The ne\\' stars found ill tlw 1Il1i\'\,' rsl' Bull~ Ma.lI.faf! t,,,·e.·s show el,idcllce of hal'in/.:' "lInr the rll lights" like the earlh- Ami stell0l-:raphers should l'a! lI\Url' Pia" Adve.·tisiIlY spaJ:hetti. Tlll'se we re 011110111-: a 1l111llhe r oj thill/.: ~ Niaga,.a Falls, 14-16, 1932 The \'alue of adl'ertising as the s elltati\'C ~ of the milll'fS there was " 'lIl'clilU.: delc/-:Olte s to thl' 19th llll'etill/-: Iii Ihe JUlie 1111: creator of greater consumer demands of the Ilin' clur~ uf X:lli"nal :\Iacarnni American Association for the :\tlvall~l" for good products is recognized Ilro­ M:\llllfaclurers lI s~ lI e iali"n wilh Ihe Gl'llI'ral by Macaroni aJS oci:llion :tlltl ellnversalioll s Im'nt of Science k'arneli. '$I ducers everywhere, The m:U1ufactur, were slOlrl et! which, il is bdined, will n ' " In connection wilh the lath'r calnl' a ers of hulk macaroni Ilrodltcts alo ng suit ultimatel), in l\I t' l11her ~ of Ihe General host, of, support~t1/-: facls which may I'e\'­ the Atlantic sea hoard, realizing that association juillinJ,: Ihe National associalion o hltllllll 1. C the dtels uf cit\' anli slIlmrl,all OUR RETIRING PRESIDENT ad\'ulising activily and the l atisfactor)' d osing oC the fund now something must Ltc done to offset the ;!.!I iluli\'iduals, A, Gini .. , lite ne\\' Ilh' sitl t' lIt dwellers, - being accompli!.lu~d, of Ihe Nalilillal aSl'lIeialillll, al so is a din'r­ adrcrsc business conditio ns created by ,t\ ss{'rtill/-: that noises in IIr !lilt IIi WHE1U~\S, I'rcsitlC'1I1 Fr.lIlk L. Zrrl'f(3 :allu having comllltird '''''0 2, The uttuli ... e Committee f.), carr),ing out the u \'etal acti\'j­ lor of the Genl'ral associalion, This fa ci 5l1CC('uful terms 3' the head officer of the National M:u::noni M:anu­ lowered qualities and cheal) prices, arc ant! Ihe ~ rnwilllol: realizatiun by mcmbers of offices creale a Ilerynus te nsion Ihal liu of the Anociation, «ollomicOIII), alltl salisfactorily, hcllircn a uuc:ialion. no ..... choolt. to retire hom that office, ll«oming, planninR' an educational publicity cam· hOlh anou:tlinns Ihat they !la\'c C0ll11110n causes Ihe hmly tu /-:0 l'al1nihalistil" :1Il11 J, The Cost and Standatlls Comminee for I,rogrus made in gel· iUlere s t ~ which rail best lie 5erntl hy IlTt'· paign aimed particularly at the hea'.'y l'at the prolein suhstam'es of it s OWIl 3Ulnmaticall)' .unileT our laws the ASl()(ialion', At!\·iu:r. and ting Ihe Association's Unifurm Cosl S},slcm adollted by 50 man)' SI'lItinJ.( a unitetl ftonl i ~ hrinl-:in~ Ih e 2 consumers in the large cities of the lIlu scles, Or. Donaltl A. I.aird, liirel'tur WI - IEIH ~ AS. he has failhrull)' ;ulli cou~gC'ou 5 Iy ~rrormell till: anociations 10J.;: cthcr, firm. alld fa\'otahly COllsidHC11 h)' others ..... ho arc interuted, cast hy raising the quality of the mac· Thl' mae:Htlui mallufaCIUrI' rs, in additioll of Col/-:ate University pS)'l:holo/-:ical lah· dLltie~ altC'lHling Ihal office during thest "cry tT)'ing doing it wilh limn, 4, The Educational Commiucc for it. ahle handling of all mi.­ aroni products offered thelll, The plan III :\Ir. Uomen wllU mel wilh Ih e milh'rs oralon' saill: lact :lIul dignity Ihal T('fircls fa\'u",!!!)' nil UUT org:mi13Iion, thcrdore htamling and adulteratinK comiliaint&, in gathering Iiaia for IUC ill is proposed lIy the memhcr~ of the were: V, Gian i, ~I:trtilli :\la(3rolli Co, Nell' "O lily Iliets rich in t'll erJ.:'\' fnuds­ York; 0, Gla\'iallo, Campanella & I'"attar" he it 11Irporlillg our ICRislati\'e demands and for th ' bendicial cuntacts General Macaroni corporatio n ami its carhohydrates, sweets, spaJ.:'helii, Iltlulll es, macle wilh gm'cmment burc:tul 011111 llffiliatcd grollpl. Nell' Y:::J 0 )I",chu e, E. E. Jr_ ._ ---E. ),f~rch~se nl-:------Rocheale;, N: Y. ~ldltnth~I, J. C FloYo'er Clly Macaroni Co. Mirmul;lOU" Minn. 9ui"l~ Arthur W _ _ The Cromctte Co St Lo Alo AT LASTI The Prell Without. Fault. F.lIvarino. John--==__ Mour;'d City Ma.taronl Co. .w _· A~IJII~'N. Y. Hoss i, Alfred I'r«lOo &: .Ronl . Draid",,-ood, lit Simple and economical In operation; compact anti :lon i Henry 0 PlIu ROUI &: So~1 Davenport Ia. du rable In construction. No unneceuary parts, but ~thmldt, Carl D. Crncent Mata~m & Cracker Co - Ellwood Cit Pa. everything :lbsolutely essenli:ll for the construction of SI.\ith, C. 11. ______.Mrs..C. H.~S,mlth ~~Ie Co. _Milwaukee, {Vis. a first dan m:lchlne. Thl.ringer, Frank J ._ _ _ __Thanng er j\ ~caron 0 Cbl~ ilL Only two controls on entire: machine. One valve Trah~~nti, Frank 'traficanll Bro~ SL Loul" Mo. Vagnino, !.ouil S _____ hust M~ronl Co - Brooklyn, N. Y. cuntro\s main plunger and ralles cylinders to allow Vermylcn Etlw::t.rd Z.__ ._-A. lerep. Son., Inc f Co St Loui .. Alo. swinGin Jt. Another valve controls tile parker. No Vivi:ll1o, Gadano _____V. Vivian~ &: Bro .. Mac. M g. D;oo1tlyn, N. Y. mecltal11cal movements, all p:lrts operated hydraulically. Zercp, Frank L. A. . Zerep I Son., Inc- Guaranteed production In excess of 25 barrels per ALLIBD TRADBS day. RedUCe! waste to one·thlrd the usual quantity. This press h:ls many Important fntures, a few of Am\Jretle. Conrad _Co nwlitlated . ;faaruni ~{athin~ ry Co. _ · ~ka~·IIr. · Y. wl1ict. we enumerate herewith. lIC'Cker. H. K. Pders Machlnery .Co Ouffalo. N. Y. 1IIythe, John H PIII.bury Flour ~hll. Co MinnClpoli1 LINING. Doth the main cylinder and the p:lcker IIrown, Thom:u L. __. ___ C o mmand~r:Lan.~e Corp. ---o'finneapolil cylinder :Ire lined with a brass .Ieeve. By lininlJ thne Coolurnth, J. F...-____Amber ),f!"!nR C ----l1,nncapoli. tyllnders, the friction is reduced and the posslb1lity of Dicftntlaeh. J'?,hn F _ _ __ Amber Mllhng 0 - Minneapolis any loss 01 r,renure through defects in the .teel catt­ Det floni J. E. ______Washburn Crosby . Co._._ Minna Ii. ings is abso utely ellmin~ted . It is rr:lctlcally inlpos' }o" I ·Yohn A Plllibury Flour ""11. Cu.. ______N ypok N Y sible to obtai n absolutely perfect Itee cylinder •. Other F~~lde:., C S. .----.-~~ kltl?n Mil!ing Co. ---1li:nca~ti·. . . lI1anufacture" either hammer down thne ddects or Graif Alex G King lildu AhU Co. uuffalo N. Y. fill them with .older. Either of these methods Is :It Gri m ~ldi, M. J.____ _ Walhbum Cr05by Co -lolinnea'po1i. best :I make-s hih Inti will not lau for :lny !ength of Johnsoll, Geo rlCe B----- . ~a.hbly~ CriiVfI ~'::':::==--=-==--___~ew York, N. Y. time. unh:mlt. J- A. nR I a I C · -lJuffalo N. Y. PACKIt.O. New system of packing. which abso· ~fitclle!l. o ..-:ard F _ __g.alhbpm Mrot~u;e Co -,"clid, ill. lutely prevent. leabge. ~(otta, l~rank A______a!"lfllon ac~, . " -----llinncapoli. I·rtu~n. I'. M.___..._ . __ C.tIflitat F1 ,? ur j'I I I.w ...Jlinnapolil RETAINING DISK. The retaining disk at the bot. Roberti. Thom:ls c. ___ Generat Mllls_w.______-Ienland O. tom of the Idle tyUnder is raised :lnd lowered by meant Swain P. G.______Dobn:kman Cob.:. C --Hew York. N. Y. of :l small levct. which mO Ves through an arc of less Slttle' L IJ ____ DuPunt Ce!lop ne 0 Minneapoli. than 4S degrees. Steinke, Wilii;;;=-_,,___ King lIid~i ).~l!l C ------Orooklyn, N. Y. Surico, Carmino ~~t?:!i~l~u~e ~i,ih Co.w______Jlinncapotil PUMP. The pump is our Improved four (4) piston type. Thomu, Eo J. __W~lhburn Crosby Co -R~ntUj N. Y. Toney. L A __. ___ C F EJ Enlj:ineering Work.... ~IOgo, p. Tarddla, Or~tt--_ _ _ . • .mn III Co Mmneapt?hl DIE PLATEN. TI1e dies platen or support is divided into three (J) Itctlons for the IJ~ Inch and two I') WilWoo!sont y,, Davi~.W. Jr----KDuligt~sda.!r~o~u u, .. Milling CO______Duluth, "finn. setlions for the 12~ inch press. (We ori,Gin:lted t lis E.______sy.telll of .ub·divis10n of pl:lten, since copIed by com­ VISITORS AND GUESTS petitors.) Macaroni .n~ Noodle Manuractv.rcr. PLATES. Tllere arc platCi on front :r.nd rear of pr~SI to prevent dough failing when cylinders arc Ui~nthi, Alfred . hal!:!. lfaoroni Co Worenter, ~Ials. beang IWUng. II' hi J. L.___ ,, ___ lialia Mac~r.oni Co._. _ Clarksburg, MallW. V. .. c~ari~tt' Grorge Af. ____ Wnt. Virgml:l Af:l~t. CO~ ~~~~~~~~~~~.. _ Providence.\vcrtelter, R. r. JACKS-SPRINGS. No Jack. or .prings arc used Cri . cl o ~l', Emanualc-___ C,hcl.o ~e MacarOni Co Rochrlter, N .. Y. to prevent lnk:lge of dough between cylinder and die. A G' i Horace--_ . GIOia &- Bro.~ Provldmce, R. I. Our spedal system of cont:lct prnents this. Sprin ~ s d O ~ Simon Gioroanc M~oroni Co.______I'hiladelphia. Pa. Klortlan~iax Kurtl Dro.,, __ ,, ______, _Auburn, N. Y. will lose their rulllency from continued use and Will 1I0t function properly. Ni;hc.0ia I'Co E •• Noodle Co__ _ Ellwood City, Fa. Smith1'~~ i ~, O.l\Irs. H'--1,',',,'"• • t{ . RsO!i~h CONTROL VALVE. Doth the main plunGer and ALLIBDS Vertical Hydraulic Ptcll with Stationary Die: the packer plunger arc controlled by our Improved 12~ Dnd 13~ Inchet ,·alve. The movable put of this valve rotatu against . na ~nl Drylnl{ Machine Co- NO.rth Derr N. J. a nat surface. As there Is always a thin film of oil Oaroul, J. F National ASlOClation of Wooden Dox llanufacturerLChI.ClliO{ II. belwee'n the two facu, there can be practically no wur on thl. P:lrt. Very little power required to set .:lme .a the movement Gratly, ta~~ I ______J. ~ .. Fr~ s ~ Co '.. {f~:t,Y~:k. N. Y. is roncentrlc:. i,~L:n: Irwin W·----~~~;hdwe;~~:unA[i1I~rnoclatlOn lJuffalo, N. Y. MATERIAL. All cylinde,. are of stee!, and have a very hlJ;h n fely factor. ~Iorrow, M. V 5t d d Brands Inc____ Duffalo, N. Y. QUICK RBTURN. Oy means of an Improved bY'pan valve, we have redu~ed the prenu!e o.n the r~turn stroke to ,Ilf:lC' Shdton, Arthur M______;ut at I , tleally nothing. By reducing the b:lck pressure, the arm or plung tr return, to tis stutlng pomt an less .haa one (I) Illinute. SPEAKBRS PACKBR. While the hydraulic packer h:l' independent control, It returns :lutomatltally wilen the main control valve is set to the return po.ltlon. n L M Major ~Iaraet eW l papu~ Walhlnf.'0n, D. C. It!jn, ' te W F...-.---Division Simplified Practice St. Pau, Minn. CONSTRUCTION. This Fortl' II .olldly and heavily constructed throughout. All mate~l:Il i~ Ihe but obt:r.in:1ble. one ral! l'!fal 'A'T Royal Italian ConsuL -"""'Y'::!U- Minn. bile Is very rield and the upriG Its extend to the die platen lupport, thereby pre\'entlng Iny vlbrat,,,n of tile press. ealtlKh:UIO, . IlII.O . M' r ~~~~~~'MIlling Co ~I~"~~~~~~' CIol"'IO'l' III... I utht r, Marlin II1n~po.. • . _New ork, N. Y. iutlle, W. 11. L Grocutu Ne:w York, N. Y. Gheen, Jam.:. E...----F~e Lance 156-166 Sixth Str.ot 159-171 Seventh Str.ot EMPLOYBS , BROOKLYN, N. Y., U.S.A. Addr ... all communication. to 156 Sixth S.tre.t Do III~ DM 'R, J. 5«retaryWa.hinilo ~•- 1<:;;;;:;;;;;;;;i;.RqHumtative;::===== , =:;:: Jacobs, . ---- •


lafliu t it ~ m. of' export, (l3fticubrly to the 01 boUtd bttl as )·o u 1Vould 0/ roast, or Slta,t. C311 1e '?~ Ihe fael th"l it adds gre;ltl)' tn its Amrric.a . I'our "wi" ob,'(ulr IIod b U ll '''t Cheese as a Macaroni Selling UlUtcd Slales, England and Germany, and it i Ih,y Wlrt Itn,td 10 yOIl aoy olltr doy i~ Il3lataluhlY but alsll becaule its cnmllOsilioll trtludlct 1I'·II rrll./6' trtl:lli/iu ll ill .rl''', r i(ll II' i. even UllO rtcd \0 Switlul:l.nd. tilt lomt flOO)·. , erves to nlake macarnni a mll fe Iltrfeet food ~/,r t'.Oul 11111/ " 'UIS 1II1I'01li"'I' 10 t,udu u Incentive This cllttJC i. produced chieny in the well II u'IlJ'/or Illis rtolon Ihal Iht tlllillo,), orl Recellt analysis b)' the Dairy and Food D e ~ In tillS t lllllllr)' st lly/,rll; ur Illararo"i lIS 110ud !lW ,~lItd ul'on 10 dcvis! I~ ml] 01 "Tltor­ partm~nt of th ~ Ilate IIf ~ll1l11 cSll t a of sam· as 111111 I'roJllrttl ill Jtoh' (Continued from Page 18) known d;lir), di, lnct of Milan, Parma, RCgglo, ~lode ll3 ::mt! Manto\':' in the fertile 1'0 vallc),. '''$I 11111 tl"ntnlor1100 d 111 a h.mdrtd diJJlft"' ~ es '~ f domestIC Parmesan and IIf imllO rted TIlt tmba,yo ./uru d Ij,i, tU IIIII,)' to d r /lt lld well. Gentlemen it is my greilt pleasure The Italian gOVCOIm ent h31 gil'cn .pecial at­ It'Oys. Liktu"",1 II U'OI lor tIlt samt flOSO" f t'Conllo Uom~n n, I,'3\'e the following resull.: "1'011/'011 Am"r!(u " ",arlll/U{ IU,t" /or its IIII" Uu mnl1C I lImuan 1'M: 'II ;nn Raman" anti satisfaction to introduce to ),ou tcnlion \0 the rroductioll of this chene and Ihal a lorgt 1'Oritly 0/ 10UCtl W/rt dt'1ltiO/ltd tly .o " ,"{UrUIII l ur O:'l r j )'lllrs. bllrilllJ tlult lI""lu!;I~ t";;::9iu, t"an ,l) lLtJ('al;: I ~J~.nd' (O lllfllll rr IIIr Olcvalicr Attilio Castigliano." hal racili\atcd the industry by utabli,hing and to II1M" t t Iht Iwlt olld lilt la/o,obililY 0/ trrt.od til t' .rI1~I ~ r ic "" hud ,~ tl' /l " fin:mcing through the commcn::ial banks of the I1ltol. Thtrt il no doubt IMt It & l'trrins Ihllltr.b, _ ll .SO~ J)'OO':' ,uIII/)' u( ((UII: IlIY II,,· "",, l "~IIt 0/ ) 'Qllr lI rt ," 1'. a l~iD .r-- 21.S0,", 27 :S0i;{ Cheese manufacturing is an indostry dOle· coo!)lr), public w ;m~ hou5U where this chttsc SOlltt, t!l f",I', chili SOUtt, ,""yo"FIOist, lOOr­ ~ ({ u"'t,fiJhlllnllS and 10 Clm a utl" Jllmsrl/ ,fo,11 Iy allied wilh macaroni makinfJ and any di.­ ClsltrJhlrt sautt, Aoru rfJduh t It. havt These return1 eO Ilc1usi\'d)' cstaMi. h the fa ct ..!fllrr U IItI II",dt lIIu (uro"i M il 'w, 41 1111,· i ••tored. (ur!:d and . hi,,1 1(11. that these CilCC5CJ, in order to reach l uch a euu ion of chetle in comhil1allon with maca­ P;mncs:m (hetlc hal undoubtedly lIten the Vt,.., altuJil11ly tOIl,ribwlt d itt b;illgin9 oboul 1/lfIl'1,' bId II ~ro dl lt l tquul '0 lilt' btll." rOlli or sllagheUi .tlOuld he of mutual inlcrn t. Q turgtr cOIIJlllnNiOlI of ''It'O l. high dtgrce of eO llecntration IIITOII I:lI a naf· II II"S d llrlllY Ih r Eurottml wa r also 0"" grulest and mOil faithful COmll:Ulion of mao.· IItal process mUIt h.:r.ve aged cOlls iderably. At this time whell gelleral market comli­ roni and IP"lIhctli for manr. (<<'lIluriu. In a Th~ IIItal /,ot'", hat't /II/lr r(lJl~td thut ~h ~ ./lrodl!{'iv" III I',,,,,,,,,,,, tlIt·tJ,· m il {t rJ I tions call (or rcal cOllstruelh'e action, J hclieve illl/,orlanl /aclarl Illld have madt good USt 0/ These returns :llllltilr e\'clI mote imllO rtanl IIII~lIJ"'d III . O,i, (Vllll/r), .. .11/111 )' ,ll/rmflJ 10,('" hook entitled "II No\'cllino,' hy an unkno,",,'1 ..... hen we confront. thenl wilh Ihe 3nal),sis o ( it rrolltr that 311 allied industries IhOllld co­ author/ JluLlishffi during the twelfth cenlury, ,htll1. Whal Iht diU",,,t' IUlittS art 10 mtlll ,h,1I ",adt III tilt AllulI'l( r"ull sl'I'/'S ill C"li· o[ICr.1te in .oh·illg till:: many l,rol,lcms which so il chull III I/,OU/llili. . tile a" erage Amcrlcan Chetlilar, as it is ordi· IlI rll ul lI11d ill 'I'iJ(uluiu, It il 1/;,1' ,,"w,· thue I. a pataMc entitlt d "II Paese di Den· narily placed on the markct : I",,' arc facilll? us, It is for this reason, [(."(ogni,,­ gotli" (The City of Iteal Enjoymmt) . . ChltJt I'rudllttd lor Ihi.s f't4r/'Olt flilul hot't ,IIrllUlrs U','" st,,"1 ill (.' t,·ri lll t ll/.,1 ",,,!. tI /I;/ ing the direct relalion existing Ilttween grated qualilitl ldll'ch Oft nlll Dtlltral 10 all chttlts. tol oisturc _...... _.. .Jfy~ Ih l." !,.,. "HIT,", tI,,· 1/'·7.'d "r""·"1 The Ilar.lhk, III order 10 emllhasire the grl:3l Ilutterfal .. ,,"_...... JO.5()7c, rd'" .,JUI' 0/ (heele allli macaroni, that 1 will cndcOl\'or tu fQrtune o f the inhahitanls of "Ihe cit)' of real l ' h~ urntred idtu 'hilI ally A:illd 01 thttl.·, till! Ulillu lr)' /J Ilr,.WII l,i," " " IIl)' J4/e Illifllrl'S. show how the mac-ol runi manufacturers and hotl:t'1Itr 'node and 1I 0tvt'Vtr good, 0" bod, ,IIOY I'roteill .... _.. " .. __...... _."".25% dll,·Jl.l' n llllfd I,)' . /1". !,uk vi jUdf/ III1'/I' in the "rOlIet.! cheese Ilroduccn may lit of mutual bt ultd l or flavoring Inatoroni il t"OnlOUI. The low nlOillure cOlilellt of the I'armei-:HI Ifltu'IIIU '''t /IlClurttJ, .\ UllIt· 41 1 lit,· IlII/lulril'S anistanec. Poor thrllt JI'(tod otltr Iht bt'sl dish 0/ eh«se, ."0t ~n ! ~ tells YOIl thai ), OU Ila\'c a 111 ", /ra llc JIIM ·il·l·d alld I'rostcrrd "'"/ I"/Ii(/' Ital~" the land of sunshine, was chosen as sl'aqMlli, 110 111011" /l 01lJ u·tll I'r~ ' :1rrd, IIill substanJaall), larger cluantily of Illltrith'e e1 e· limit bet" ill (O lu'aut ut(r",ioll l or 1/" . I,'JI the Inrthillacc of Ihe macaroni indostry IIOt stoll ,ht dislr . . ' ments III a II()uml of checse o r this 1)'I1e Imt Jj )'r l~rs. 11"l'r )'1'1" II/" 'r )'rnr "a n ,I :.·,,,dl·t! by chalice hilt hecause: if IIro\'ided the neeu­ ..rI oood diJh 0/ stouhtlli it f'lroling II' Iht' also cslablis lei the fact that thil cheese on 'lit 11I1I/1tJ' IWllorJ III 'ltr Alllt' rinw N",ill ",,1 sa')' climatic cOllilitions for its dc,·c!opmcnt. t)'ts. salil()'illll in i" flavor tuld so t/ory ill i,s ....ccount. or its low moisture has keellillg IllIali. Dolin' s/toU's. amI It''I''' "'db/il l'i'd "r\'/I/I .I IIII \' ThIS was IJarticularly true at a time when 101't. IJ ., I'ouiblt to obruin .hiJ '0'01 tlftt' tICS wluch 1111 other dletse IlOlSc u e5, I'ossibfr doubt til" IIIc' tllII l 1'lIrlll rJ(;/I d,,...J;· modern \'entilating and ht'3ting s),steml were ui,h rlllt'. slrillgy chttst. rancid in losler A cheese lilW in lII ui5tllrc, when wdl ellTc,1 IlIJ vin g tilt SIUl'" hu'l,', Irxlll,,' //lId ,1"" '"1 ,'J not available. Gr.lled chetse wh en Ilro[IC rly cured . en·cs by a natllroll IITOCUS, re:ldil)' di ssoh'cs in hUI Ihr 1''''ror'rJ 111 11)' b l' III1J il "uw brill/l " 'IIUII ' , The "ro ..... tll of the iml05tr), can also be to Ilu:yC'nt adlte, ifln, keepi thr di.h nofTy and brotb, il 'Jlrl~old . and mixes well with )'ollr /d f!urrd. ill litis ((lilli" )' 0 11 a /air/), larll" 1,.,lr. attributell in a lar.,e measutc to the mode of ..... holeso me in a\1llearallee, and l1ccause of ilS macaroni, and i, 1I0t casily SUSCl·llti!.le III mold I\"OIl,IIU UI'/Y ' UI ) I"rlllw:" hurd il /IIJ bUll livin.r of thc hahan 11C01,1e...... ho ~n dis­ ablorbing propensilies tellds to eliminate an), :after \Jeing .rnh'11. l or )'0 11 'U /It·t'NV"'t II,,' /IC llf' lIl "rfili llia .Thtst art /orl, h UIII·ft ' 11 all Im,d diJ· cm'etc,1 in macaroni III high nutrilive and uc~~ive [al in the sauce. 11 ·,.11 Il:llatahlc valuu. 'nbtdtrl u'ho hat·,. SI'IX IAL/ZEIJ ill tht The m ... caroni ilulustry in h aly hal grown Jolt' 0/ rnJdy iliadI' s/,aghllli or ill JU' Follo ..... ing the arly Io\.lgts of dt\·dopmcnt to its I'r~ent 1t\'e1 hccause alongside ..... ith it II, ,, therc i. 110 doubt that the suceeu of the wlltd "Jtaght lti dilrllt r twx." ..... ere denlullCd luch Iyrcs or ehetse as the Tht /lodtrJ u/ rrudY'lu'",n 't' IN9htlli Italian hou !oC ..... ire in giving to this food itl Parmesan and the Homano. H:ad it not been ddicious IlOllatOlbililY brought this indultry to Ihol hav~ modt " rta/ SlletUJ i/l ,ht bUJifitU Sill'lllifiel,tioJl, of P"e/''''/f!S for thil b ct Ihe millionl of tOllrist' th3t re· or! Iholt u'Ju, hUll( mi.ud Ille staght lli it. prc~ nf llromim:llce so lhat macaroni il lumed to Amcrica from Italy VI'ould not bave b", today recoguiled as tile most popular Itl1iOln M,h 'ht bll' (htllt and ill JO lor as jlat'oring hrought wilh them the enthul i:a stic praiscs for {J OII, Ihty ui/l It )·OU 'ha' l'OrmrJl1II olld By W. E. BRAITHWAITE dish. the wonderful .. 11 .... ghetti a l:lo N ... politana" or II At the time the macuoni industry came the N!II ... aroni a b Uolob'll ese" which they R urtlano art ,J: f btll. Division of Simplified Practice. Department of Commerce In oddi'ion 10 'hil il iJ tx'rrmtl, i,"(orla/l' inlo ('Xi stellee eheesc making was already an did; and likewise had it not been for the art. Lt'l.:end tells 115 that chrt1e makillA' was millionl of Italian immigrants :lo nd the Ibou­ 10 havt /,ftl!"' .'h~ (art ,IIWI t htllt IS gtr'­ the result of an aecitlenl and that for a score Chtv. Attillo C ..tJ,li&oo ,rolly 1Jtry. n t h In YI{",n,," .rl alld G u 'hitll Intrmltlcing ~Ir . llraithwaill'. F r:mk I.. 11I! lrr il1l l"'II:lII n ' II, I'r:lelic;,II), ;111 II... i,,, I,,,· sandi of Ibli2.n chefs that trained the Amer­ art f(rcking ill Itaulltlti mid lIIa toro'" t fli'a· tr ll'~ " I Ihc rll1I lItr),. of centuries it remained somt'what of a SI}C ­ icn public in the use of 'p3.gheUi Ilrolltrly Zcrl'J,::a sait!: S,"(C muSI l11allu facturt·,1 l,n "lm'l, n"I"" " cial craft for small tlroU1)S o f IlCOple. ",ill A i.s 111 011 /lromi"t'" in Parm",," tllttJt enjoyment" tells thil . tory. Back of laid prepared with tomato sauce and navored with bttaNlt Ihis thttlt is glllN'"II)' lIIadt dllriftU "Present cunt!itiuus warTaul all pus· '''In C Imm ul 1': lckal>C ur funl ai na Ihe 1.. ·,1 Uderellcc is made III the ml>I e, in the Hook Kood grated cllcelr. )'our indultry would not tOWII there ",'" a high moun1;l.ill, on the lor ,ht IUlllmtr ,/lun,hl u'ht'n Iht' (On'1 or,' ill !lihle ecullomy, inlclli~c lIl! y apl'lit:,1. ill IIlI'll,u( \ II f I'a e k ~n l; alllllhc 10 1')1 1) 1'" " f I,ack. of 10lCJlhllir to the "\'alley of the cht'C se have loda)' the market which it enjoys. aRC fu r a 1 ~ lrI, ( "l a r I'r" ,ll1 (1 i, "",' " 11 11' makeTl,' ..... llIle ..... e find mt'nlion in the hymns of which were to bc . cen enonnoul boilin~ /lClJlur~ . olld. il iJ i! h IO U', /arl Iu all ditJirimu protluctio ll :lUll distributilln, I'resideut \-all, full of round noodles, c.alled "gnocehi, The Italiall 11O\l5e ..... ife is not ul int" cheese Ihol V,'amlll ..rI II IIIOft trollolUlctd ill ",ilk It~I1,I : ' .n1,· ut : ll s uf ecullumiral :11,,1 l'Oiri"m ,I i,· of the auciellt I,col,le o f Til}C t to the methodl llo(lvcr, while sCl'rciary lIf l'IImmcn'c. Inhl1l1."11 :l1 ullnl· r,:I,:tmlisillg. Thc .lcld"I'II I, ·m whidl, when Ilro[IC,ly cooked, wereI hy giant merely because it i. clleal1 bllt is allning to I'rodll"d by t Otl'l ltd UII Y,"SJ. of prCllaring dairy l,rOllucll. "I , mlal,II' 1'lml:ll11 l' rs alul safc 1 ~ I .. kili l-: I,a, The ancient Grct'ks had collccted informa­ altendantJ, takw out with large orks and u!!: the very besl kind IIT0duccd for flavoring AI )'OU klloll:, Vltallli" .r il tJ",u'ud '0 tI." iuau~uratell a 1111)1'1" I ~' nl til simplify m2de to roll like 'I\owball, down tile lide of purllOlC l becaule , he realizCl Ihat 011 lite IllIa1· growth 01 t hildrtll IJIld 10 tilt 1I't'1I b,'i"'l 1.1/ Jlr:lctkcs anti elimiu:lIl. wasil' iu il\tlu ~ tr \'. mall)' al1 l-: k s I" I , ~ ~ llltl l \ · ,I . Tha ,· !I n ' n.,, · lion 011 dairr, products ill a book called ~ 1 : llll1 y cha"gi"R ,km:llul s :m,1 H" ",I, ill II ... Ihe mountain which ..... as made of l'arrnesan Ily of the chrtle depends the Il3lalOlhilily of dUIIU, amI il iJ 110' tU IIIII W llf~' Imwa ill juuJ, activit), Ihal has fOllliullnl vcr y "'furolpia." Tie L'llin writer's, Varrone Calli­ all Itt'ell l'n 'lo;a ral i"n f',r , hil'lII"111 uf Ihe 1,r." hH;1 "I mella and l'\inin5 II, made freljuent relerence eheu C', 10 that, abundantly coaled ..... ilh Par­ the dilh which 111 e Ilainst3kin!:ly ,,,ell3rcs. Chtll~ Utu"dll), /Iud turlin llllrl), ,liNt :! mesan, they re:achcd the valley where the ac­ II m:lY 1I0t be amin here 10 fanllliarbe our- I)·ttl 0/ chtlJt urI 1'try rir/I ill mfr ilull und cffectively by his SIH.TCSSOr, " ".r. r,d.l,. urrh:lr.1s all.1 ma lll1 f;a. ,nrmg I.; .... ' . to cheese making. Varrone III his Golden 11,,'u ' alt· .! pri"";I':11 la" l l)r~ III 11,,· ",1... n ook enlitled "Dc I< e HUlilica" W\'es such claiming peo/llC' o f "the city o f rC31 enjoyment" 5eh'cs a little al to how the Pannesan cheu" /'h a ll'/I/JI ~, Iht indi,ttllsIJllilil), u/Tl'Mt" ill II,t' "In (Jur intiustry tilt'n ' is au "JlI'0T' bu;iJillU 01 blood, l' Ullt' ulld II,,· IIlIl u ula r S)'l­ Ii"" "f f"nlain\"r, fll r )hil'l ,mg .11 ",,,., till lrecise and valuahle information Ollld Il3 rticu­ f c-a sted on t lem. is made. IlIuil), Ilf dil1lill a tin~ a waSIl' Iilat is r ~ · 1·, ,,.uII,, .. lil)·. .1;i"I . . II ~c c c i) ~ I ,... ' I" ,·,Ii .. ' ,,:. This p3. ralJle ilIustr.lotel Ihe ellicurcan tasle In the first Jlace the ,'ery hu l kind of mIlk Itlll is b all" 10 all. an conce rning Ihe making of cheese Ihal Iluei ng ou r prufi ts arlll t'ausi ug liS to I I o f those early lIali:1IIs and further Ihows that, IIIU lt be lise in the manufacture of Ihis Parmesan anll I(OInano eht'esc whilc 11 ,[,), 'll1 lT1'lI1enl " I ,,1 "alllllll-: all " "'S I"""I'" I, e\'CI: tlllla), it cII1I11I wdl conuitule a \",Iuable :11 11,.lu:uc I·"nlailll·r ~d,ic h \\ill ilhlll" ,h,· I';'" 011 (ar ~ c k al 9tX) ye;r,u ago, l'annePII and chectt. 'fbi. milk nlost be produced hy I!a\'e 10 fO ,!!c exle'.11 Ihe 5.~lII e ph ),sical 'Iuali· can)' tUlIIl'n:ssarily lar~ e allli ,\i\'crsifll:tI Ku ide to mally cmllirics. h ·~ t_ '''" ~1I, I .. aft· 11 d ,~t: r }' .. f 111C 1",,,ln" 1 \\ 11 " noodle. alredy combined to make a perfect heltlty cows and mO l t be low in acidit)· and lies arc tlecldcllI )' dlfferenl III aruma anti taslc. stot' ks uf Imlk rnae:lt, mi ""Xt·S alltl l'OI1 ' The checscmaking industry in Eurore: wal II ,~, " I'l,·tlll'· ,,1 ,lal11l" 1, S" 1I 1t' 1":'1'1.,·" .,,,, t low in hactcria counl. These eu cnlial cle­ T~ e I{omallll, l K' ill~ produced frum Iheell·' flnl a 5Iltei:llI), alUollg the herusmcn ..... ho li"ell food. taim·rs. ~ 1111 ' 1" ' I ~ :11" ,',II!I,'III Iu . 1t 'I'. '1'1 "'1.· " 1".1\ ' in the mllllutaillllus regions of 501IIheni Italy. l':unle5311 checse is mOlde from cow.' milk menti are necellary (or this rcason : mtlk, has a di slillctly l'l'ClIliar :'I ff,ma amt :, "The ,Ii\·isiull " f SIIIII,lilil·lll,ral·tifl· has :md is used ellieny for grating l,orpo$CS and ' harr hily lalte. Tht: 'annl'5an hu a 1Il0rc C~ l'f . Ih ~ IlIrlllt' r l'r .. I, lell) "i Ibt: I,,'" ,Ii" ... " UII to tlt:11 lin~ c cheuc wal m;ode mOllly Oul I'annelan dleele is not rcady for the mar­ timely s \l j.! ~t·s l l.' ll a " 'lIIi ~'n"l\'c 1,l'I \\ l.'l· 11 ~ """ . , tI.,·s :unl. r:II ,acili," . II ... 111 " ' 1 ".,· .1) tlf goal ami "lieer, milk. The herdsmMI IOld for na\'oring slJaghetti, macaroni, noodles, ricC', ket unlil it is :It Icasl 2 )'ean old. I f made 1 1 1 ~as ing h a!:rance amI a mildcr laste. For h:III ,lI cII IYl'cS \I I c\llII ailll·u. II", 11 11,, 1 ,;,1" the I,roductl of I leir induSlry to the farmen ~ IIP " 01 1111 \'egelallle di ~ llu . from defeeth'e milk it can not endure til t tlus rea.lln Ihe macaroni eonnoisscur aec us· WOUJt'lI alltl f urnlgah 'll 1111 '( makt'rs awl l'ecorillo Romano i. produced from . heep to!'letllo Ihe nie of I';mncsan \Tr)' rdllclanlly f:.lcl .. ry 11 111 h fr"l1i Ib," 1' " ",11111, ,', 1"""1 .,j o f the 1,laills ill r.x cb;illge for other food, tryinlf procC5 , to which it il sul>jecled without II St'rs in till' h"pe IIi Iluillg a wa y w ith \!t· W, I·IC. h' lot· (t,II M,Io·r ... 1. amollg which were noodlu , macaroni and spa­ milk in the dislrict surrounding ROhLe. Simi­ re\' ~ling itl defect.. The long curing proc­ ..... 111 accellt 1~ lI mallo as ;a suhstilll!t·, ami \'icc IInllt'l't'ssan' siZt·s. It is IU.t Ihe inlt'llt o f :\ RH·;,I Ill:"''' nali""all)' 1.''''1\11 .... ,,,', "I' lar t)'llt'S of cheese a re also llroduced in Sicily en, therefore, repre.entl the acid tCit. nol ,"e rl.'l; Ihal i ~ 10 1;1)', it il ,Iiilic ult fur d lher Ila\.· 1-:""" nih, Ihd r t,: ,,·l. illl-: 1""I.l, m- "" ghctti. and in S:m.linia, :lIId a re gcnerally ~Id under 10 chanRc. The SllutheTII itali :!n, as :1' rull·. this gon:nillll'ut 1,, "ly to illh·r(l·rl· ill auy II was the herdsman, while If)'ing to ulilil e only of the cheele itself bul of its ingredients. Ihnr " ul-:l, lr :111, 1 1''''1,11), ,'''"11..:1,'111 "" tI 10 , the name of "l'ecorillo." Switzerland Ollso In fact not every cow', milk may be uset.! in I"den the Ullm ann, while 1111: Iw rthl'TIICf i: l'n· way with om I,u!>i uess. hut ralhe r til h l' ' .lIl1ly Ihi, iml'" , lant I,haw "I 11",u 1"",111 1' his o ..... n Ilrollucl5, ..... ho flut re:t.lirru that prodllCes di\'erie t)'lltS of cheue well adoptcd cheese ..... a. euenlial in the bu l prellaration producing this "ariety of cheese. It i, nol erally uses the I'armcs:m. hdpiul ill s timulal i ll~ j.!'HII!lmsim ·ss and ~I " n ")r1 ... Tlwr an' tl'ali,i"l-: Iha ' II ". 1"'''1. to grating, the. lIest known of these loeing the I" /t.,l)·, aJ )'UII kllQIt', IUIll (" U tUJ'" is /I ,ll' of macaroni, :and il \'0'31 he ..... ho coined Ihe I)()uible, for instance, to make it out of milk diininaling wasle. HIll Tt ~'l n 1I1 ar I,., 11, ... t,,, 1I 1o- ",.,.k ,,; II .. " "Sbrilll.'1 rroduct'll by CO..... I fcd on Clililagt, IlCa vines trollr IIltd jll lilt' I'r"/,urulwII u/ stuy"t lli. f; I ~ I " r y a. IH II :,. I-:,,·:.Ih· i"lll1"III',· Ih,· ,"III , " ll e oM ad3ge "Come il cacio sui macaroni," This /JOI . bUll dUrl t fur IIIO UJlJIIJ, )·'llrs. "To coupt' rate Wllh liS alUl 10 hdl' 1"­ whiclt means "a pcrft'C t comilination," and . Mdcurdni dnd spd!'! /Itlli havt II 11try dllicolt or llennuda gran, or by cows p;1.slurcd in v/ 1'II ~ ille '~ . ~ " I : I ft·w r"" ft'fn , II hid, .11'" 1111 10' laslt Gild orartlO. III ordtr '0 givt 10 thtm 10llu bt/ort tlltfflislJ IJlld dit lit iOl1l diJ,ut·"",l wards Ihis CUll W. E . 1Iraithwaite, n ' I" awal.e of Ihe Irnc ~ i lt1 :l l i" " ar,' ",,'I ' n a l." '~ cfJlUlilules one of Italy's most popular sayiIlK" til/ir ,nosi",11'" paloMbi,..,y Ihlir noturol 'ClJlt marshy bndl, lilt rir"fluJ o/l'il(l111;'11 A. /1 IIlld C ill lomu , To the herdsman grated cheese on macaroni It 11 for thi. naso n that the IITotlucen of rt'senling the ~overuHl t· lIt. is h er c III ~i v c 1 ~ It'''ml-: : 11 11 ~ r""lailll·r. SI"l;ilir:tli" II' ., 11 "'1"1-:..:.1 IIIlul bt dccmllUJ"d by condimtn/. Tht con­ '0t'S. • camc 10 mean what Luller is to bread and salt Parmesan cheese 3re Lound to par a lubstan­ liS Ihe ht·nefit of his eXjlc ricl1l'c awl to I ~ ul "f Ihl'lr I" ,,,hlflltm .,rd,·". ,h" . :'''II' 1Il1! dim"I' tmivtrsolly considlTld as Ihl btll i" tiOlI Ilremillm for their milk and It is for the Tht trrflr II'lIich ,",, Cll lllllUlill/l rllfl(fit OIl IhCIIl sd\'t's Ih:1\ Iheir pro.lul:I' will :Irrll" ,.of, · il 10 potatoes. Italy il Iht PdrmtlOri or ROmtlllO rhust, and tubU, /"qutlllly tlIoktl ill rtuard 10 tllUI( help us tlul uf :l11y dininl!l)' Ihal l'tlll­ The innovation brought aLout Ly the herds­ same t eason that they have to estahlish their I), :11111 1'"'lclll cu,ll ), Ikl:!)' an,] 1",,,11 ,1. , I,,·· lIlt SOliCt mcult 01 lomoto I'os't. . industry in locaillin e'[lCcially adallted for the IS also .,nudt' rt l1drdillU lUllw'o ,ollt. MUllY frunls u s. Thell' is a \'1'1)' Iil-fillih: In'IIII I, ,,!:t\· 1, ,\\ :11 ,1 men was generally adopled and retained by No molltr lIotu "trlttl )'«HIr s/'DgMtli it, lI olIJtU'lt'tS tt~11 It II )'IIU Ihal ully drri: ~ ,'i l · t the ltalian prople Ihrou~h o ut the "gcs. purpose. . " G entlemcn : :"lr. IIrailhw;lite uf Ihe Ih l' u f f" wl'r '"ariclil's "I """Iai n,'r,, ' 111 parI. · unltlt ~o" I'rovide d divtrsiJitd lI!O), 01 "ft· o/lofllu'ot'S uill do. II il 1101 I,.u. Til,. lOllld­ The 1IT00luction of Ihe \",rioul IYlltS of During the 10nK' curin, procns th~ Panne­ U. S. Dt'l'arlll1cllt of CUIIlI11Crrt·." ill!: sl'l.: l'i fi e 1'lo.hI CIS. rO"ng ii, yo" will "cv" oblotn mosimum con- ,all cheese mull be kept In Il cool cunng room. '0 pas't ;"'/larb 10 Iht sault a dil'i",'ivt ACf""lin!; I" 1111' Fr"ill hl r,,"I :lil1e r 111 1"':11' cheese usell for glOllinl1 ,,'31 Jlaced by Ihe IQJI~ whith tall 1101 bt givtll b)' rOlllltd 'o/lla· growth of the macaronI induslr),. In other ant! must be fr«Juently turned over, scraped It has la'en SIal ell th al I'l· tween 75',;., and "f II, e t\uu'ri"m Ibilway a,,,.ci:,l i,,,,. "Thi, i. sum"''''''SpogMui, dotl "01 havl in ilstll a dininc· loti. by tatlllp, chili SlIUtt, or !'t·tU /r"II words, al the maca,oni indostry grew so did and kept ILt ... 11 tlmcs '" a wholelome condi­ 90% of the lutal cost of 1II0\·iIl R 1;110,15 frol1l a m ~ U c r Ih:lt lIas 11 ,,1 Iol'CII i: i\l'11 a, mlldl al· livI MinI 'forming lOS", b.tJ it OlqNirtl ,Au loma'ou tr nli"l1 as il \1 1' s l'rH'~ for ,\tne i ~ :1 \'cry O'\·i· . the eheue industry, and principally the tion. 1,la(e o f I,rotlocti on 10 11u: final consumer is " .hm 'hi prottr ,0rulirntf"l mul tht prol" The Rom;ano ehetIC 11 prepared in elscn­ • This olld olh" ttrlilltlll l ocll ',h""ld ht lakcn up ill the Ilackin!:, container, Il0ra!:c ~ lr lll ~t>u r rt· " f ~ tI ' inll It> l,e '''',, 11\ ill ~ 1U,I)' i " ~ "Gr.lna" and "Pcconno Romano." ,httll st4lOrtlrtg art oddld. TAu iI lnu of l'!'lrultd 0" Iht IlIllId 01 tht t OUllimillU tub· II Itmn Ih i~ ;11\1111.. .. \Vith Ihl' inr " 'a)(,1 II SI' "Grall2" i. a generic term and includel the dally the same· ...... )'. It IS made ready for and haml1il1g COSI. the remainder I,eing Ihe rnDIIY basit foods. Toll rntol, for wlOltet. the market alter a somewhat morler period lit tArough Oft tJMcolionol tom/,oiUII . uf ~ kid s :11111 lill Ifllek s Ih i~ 1I!;lt!er \"'c,,lIIn "Parmigiano," the "Lodigi2no," Olnd the "Rei'­ TAt Evro/,toll U'Clr alld Ih" ~ lIIbDrgo 'hal il COil of lrallsllO rlalion. Ho..... to iml"O\'e the RigordttJl olllw grtal irnlorlfJltet 1114, MtOt of curioa: but it 100 goc. through a 'VCry try- IJacking, ham lillg, trallSl'ort alld Ilistril'Uliuli 1'\'1'11 muTt· iml,urlanl. Ri2.no" cheriC, which arc ltener.a;lIy !mo ...." m lull ,,. ,AI hllll$O" did do ),0" il wotJd brough' lobo." tt'CU wndl1Ubltdfy ,," grta,"1 Fur 01 1I11 ml IC r uf )·t':trS II,t· 1il'I,a rttill'nI, Ihil counlry as " Parmesan." Thll cherse re~ ,hi'" ina:. proc~u. • of commodiliu is Iherefore a IllI estiulI' I,ri· h, 10 g",trOll, Wltd if lit"., UlIU OtII, ont or Chccse 11 an ally of macaroni nol only be- /otlor itl 'ht drw/ol'mttll 0/ )'ollr i"duJ'r)' ill ,uents today the best product of the Italian two aG)'1 of I,",,'" "f Yotl u'OlI/d gtl/iftd ch«le intluslry and COllltitutel one of the •


cuned :Uld some \'cry interest inK r(suhS hom: types tu 75, and notion and millintry 1)'11 11: r Ihrough the trall51IUrtation ,li\'i5ioll of Ihe Uu· from 188 to 28. r(au of Furcif!:n and Domutic Cumml:rcc, has !teen accomlJlishcd. '''f''ap<:rb03rd shiPlJillg cues for c.lUned (ru;h s lressed the ImllOrt:lonce. o r adequate packing Food Pacblu and \'rgelables were reduced [rom ISO or mure ar merchandise for exl)(l rl ami the department The industry (nBased in the production and to 41 sir.es of l"apcrOOlltd (';lUS [or Ule sim­ has (lIde:wored to acquaint shil'lH:tI with Ihe distrillUlion of food produc.ts il prolJahly the lllified Iht o f 27 cans UKI! in packing ftl iu hC5t export (lacking practices. There ....'2. s a and \' elf ~ tablcs , Believing that our e.xl lt rie.nc ~ l:niut UICf o f Wlit r;dcOIgts in the United time (nol u"er 20 ).t3t1 ago) wht n American Sl:I.IU. In this cOlllltry alone. it is ~timaled would oc hel{lful in eliminating some. of tIle. ("x llUrtcn h3d 3 r:lother b:lod rcp\ltation ahroad that the tOl31 annual ronsumillion of canned unn'! .."C slllr)' ' IICS in w ood~n boxes :md paller (01' their l'oOOr l,",ckinK methods. With the food l'oCr apilO& is one c;m l'oCr intli,·j"ual per tonlainers lor hulk mac:aroni product5, our di\'ision has bttn in correlponde.llce. wilh m:lon), rapid growth of foreig" Ir:ad(, howe" cr, that week or :1 101,,1 of more thall 7,000,000,000 \lI\b\'oral,le uI1inion no longer exisl 5. Today cans lef year. This includes canm:d fruits, of the. le:uling mallufacturers with the resull our mcrchamhse is being so wdl transported that tl\e board o f diredon o( the national \'(1((13111('5, rnC':r.l s. fi lhl milk and canned spa' 10 all parts of the globe that other nations ghetti. 1 f ),ou include an this figure such itemll :Io S5ociation tettnlly agreed to hold thi, COli ' arc studl'ing and altollt ing the Il:1cking ,mc;th­ os 'Ilieu. t uffer, 1(3, tic. which are Ilacktd in ferencc.. At the requu t of St'Cretary 0\1111101 2 nr j od, we la\'c established. The. success III tm- tin containers it i, \lOlS ible that another ~ w ~ eks :tgo we m:u.le a sut\'ey of the maca­ 11rm'lng export l>Q.ckages an~ in reduting Ih.e could be added to t lis figure. It can Lc seen enormous losscs [ormul)' III c\lrr( 11 made It therdore that the .imtiliflc;ltion of siles of the roni industry, a IUt\·cy on 1l3ckagn --that i5 d ear Ihat domestic shililllellts, 100, might wcll unit fl3ckage alone woultl result in the elimi­ )'our bulk packagcs. It re\'ealed ~ me. inter­ be imllrO\'ed, The need for a 5}1t\'e:y or s tU(~y nation ot wa ~ lc and rttluClion of cosls all eSling in(ormation. 1)( the I,",ckaging methods used In the tl OnlC'sllC Al! this work is Il\m:ly "nlunt:u), alld ally field hec:une increasingly 31111:Uent and at Ihe: recommended list of contaillers wilich may he MILLS ON THE HARBOR FRONT AT DULUTH-SUPERIOR suggestion of inlereMed groups the u'Creta.ry set ull by :1.0 industl')' is IIXl nsured later UII nf commerce allllOinled al~ ad\' i 5 0r~ ho ~rll of hy a st:lIIding committce of thc Industry. \VI: rellrClelltath'cs o[ the le:lodmg c.ontamer 1!ltlIlS' ha,'e. a well rounded out standing commlttce tn trics, shillPCrs, and transporl3t~on aRe!I~ICS !U II)(lnser this program and 10 helll to gct thc cooperate with the tranSI)(lrlatlon th"l s ~ o n 11\ maximum adhercnce to the Ilwgram. ilwcstigating comliliom and recommendlllg to A program of Ihis lort caliliOt llt effectcd ill shililocn Ihe usc: o f containers Ih:ll wo~ld ten.1 a few months time. It lakes conlhlerahle time 10 minim!.e lones alltl assure. uk delivery of as a maUer of fact, ItCCaulC )'ou lH:rh:lops h:,,"c merchandise. in stock quite a number of boxcs and you Cuinddcnt witli the mo,'emeot lor re(luced don't want 10 change ho xes hefon: they :He distrilJutioll costs through siml1lifled lt3ckillg tned Ul\ so il lakcs some time 10 adullt a HOURGl.ASS SEMOUNA there. hn t J«1\ d(\'elollCd a widcsllrClltl and progr:am of this sort. 1 was \'CI')' much intucs tetl in Ihe rcsults syslem:lotic ~ ff o rt to simillif), lackage desigll, of thi' suney. It re\'eaJs one Ihi nlJ which container sizcs, etc., and a lafie '!umLu o r quite different from mo, t any othcr Imlu5try indu5trics ha\'e sought the ,COOllCr.atlon. the is or Ihat we h:1ve s un' e~ed :mJ thOlt is e3ch m~m ­ dh'ision of limlliificd pra(\lce I~\ ..... or~mg out ber has a box o( III, own-a box all his uwn the I,",ckaging prohlems. The Immethate ob­ and that nu other m:mubcturer uses, allll:1r­ ject is to eliminate the odd ~nd onne:cts~ry t'Iltly. That W:11 \'cry intensting to me. I sizcs :lnd concentrate l'rodu!=tlon ,and llo.'lckm1' thought we'd find at Ie:." lome boxe!i that rCfluir emenll upon those. d l m(n s '~)IIs, °113CI• wue common to ;r. number. tics or ullils of mbsure th:lot Will CO,'er :loll Take the corrugaled box relXlrt, When )'ou Milled with Precise Care nceds ..... ithout clogging the ma(hill(ry o( dis­ Bet down into the 22 inch letlgth corrugated trillution and slowing down Ihe rate of tllnl­ box, 9 ineh widlL, around about the 4 ~ ~ in ~ h over, W, E, Braithwaite dellUl, there 3re 2 or J malluf:l.t turcrs ..... hll One of the fint gell(ral con[erencl:5 hcltl usc the ,:"ne shed IXlx. Just htlW far )'uu under Ihe COOllCrath'e procedure o( the Di"i· can gn wilh a. proilram o( thOlt so rt I cl on't Assuring Absolute Uniformity sion of Sillll.lified Practice: waS at ~h c Ile~rt· know, That is certOllllly UII to >'our industry. ment on Jan, 16 and 17, 192.1, 10 d~scll u sl,m­ a l on~ the line from the food Jl3cker to UII: \Ve !la\'e 110 recommen,13lion Itl make tn liliflcation or rood conlaill~rs. TillS III ce~lIIg retaIl distrihuter and ultimate cOll5umer. )'our industry or all)' olher imlnstry. It is was alt~nded lIy rCl,rescntall\'cs of the,\' a~lOul Let us r C' view some of the olltstanding con· I.. nel)' a "olulltary IlfOll()siliol\ but we Ilro\'itle conlain~r an oci3tiuns, groctrs organl!atlOn' , ta.iner l il1llllifie:lotion actions in which the Dh·i· the sen'ice for setting UII a lisl of standards At All Times container manufacturers, packcrs of rood sion of Simillificd Practice p:1rticiJX1t(d, p:t.r­ ticularly to l'IlIllhasile Ule reductlf" 1 in the Ilrodded YOIl want il dune, I think this will l)roduct5, sllil'llCn alltl carricrs, Comn;'ittecs l!Crhaps SUrl)fise you...... ~te appointed to conduct Mln'r):s looking to number of sius, kinds, etc. that r e:~ll \ ted :loiter I do want to l:lkc tbi s occasion 10 thank tlll~ tlu: c1inullation of "arietics ;and 5IlC5 of I""dt­ coope:rati\'e studics were made alld 3gtt'Cmmu manufaclurers for lending in their rell(uts 50 ages alltl rellO tt the results of the se sut\'e)'S arm'ct! OIl IlY those. directly interested. Ilromlltly. We h:ld :Iohout a 60"',..{, return alltl til the Department ot Commerce, Th~ m:lo­ 111e milk and cream Lottles and IlO ule caps of course that is 011 the basi, of hulk and I chinery for accomldishillg the s iml l li~leatl on. u{ rcduccd the , ile of bottles from 49 tv 4 allil count thai a "e7' "cry fme rcturn for till: 1t.1ckagcs or e.onl a.inen was thus sci III mollon. the sile o( caps from 10 to one. ' short leugth o ( time in ..... hich these Iluestion· In making a sun'e)' of IJ:!-ckaginjl: method.s Pruet\'e jars aod jdly glasses: The "ariet)' naires were out hcfore the industry. It will o f preK n 't j:\rs wa.s reduce:d from 40 to 8: show )'ou :10 ,"cry dcfinile Ireml and gi,'c ytlll ;11111 r ~~ llIir(ments of 11 Il:1rllcular IIIdustry, It jelly glasses were rtduced I rom at le25t 25 is iml'Ortanl that thc Ulllt lJ3ekage he sludlcd :10 "ery ddinile Ide:l of the '"ariety in lizes or fiut follo ..... ed II)' ;a slud)' or thc shiJlJ.illg con· Jillerent sit Cl to 7. 11 is to be noted Ihal in )'our ,adt2gcs foc bulk Ilrotlucts. the ml:lhod o r handting and fln:lolly the Ihis particular I,roject there WM no alteml)t \Ve han m:u!e a IUf\' ~ for the corrugate.1 tai n~r 10 eliminale distincth'e ,Ii:lope:s, IlCst ~I ea n s uf transpurl;ation. hoxes ami the wooden boxes, IlOth, Ii )'uu Location Enables the Best of Service JlallCc gr()(er bags : A simplified lilt of sizes analyle thue (olumns, the pcreent2Ke o ( each 1 ~1C h I,hase of Ihe l,hysiC3,1 di s tri~, ution o( was sct 1111 on the hasis of sile in l)(lunds, commOlhtics ~ hould he collsltteretl IIIdellC nd- box used to the total used, we worked it oul standard capacity in cubie inches 2nd mInimum on a I'ocre.entage I,asis because we tlidn't want ~ nllr. while at Ihe !WIle time g;";llg thought olt3city in cubic. inches. A 25% reduction in to t Ie nexl c.l05e:1)' related a510(('t, in Ihe inter· to sllow the indi\'idual figurcs; Ihat would he the "aticties o f ba.R' wal affec tetl, resulting hdra),in" 2 confidence because when we laid Write or Wire for Samples and Prices esl of counlin:'! lion alllt etonomy. In other in Ule dimination of 1511) itcms, The gr oc~n Wllrds, the l,a(kaginlf o f a Ilroduct s!lOuld tIC we'd make this sut\'e)' for )'0\1 we lold )'011 still h:lo"e 4700 , bes, br:ands, (olotS, call3ci tics, we wouldn't let anybOdy see. )'ollr figurcs. cOli sider('11 in its ,'afloUS l,hases slartmg (ronl etc, to sc1t'Ct from. 11 Ie 11rimar), container in ..... hich the I l rOlI~ct M)' suggcstion is Ihat a committee he all­ One. l)(lund (olding boxes for coffee.: Are· poinl(d to make a .tudy of Ihe surver,' We. is 1 ~'1cke,1 I,>" the manur~cl~rers throllgh all I~ S tluetion o( from more than 100 difIercnt kVlds will he alad 10 work nghl along wit I ),our ,'"r;01l 5 Il\ o "cm~nts UIIIII It reachcs Ihe ulu­ lIT sets of dimensions to 2, The Z 5ilU arc: committ«, The commilt~e e,"oh'u or works mate consum er. al'l'3rently :Iodequale to lake: care of the "aria­ DULUTH-SUPERIOR MILLING CO. out a tentalh'e r t'COmrnemlalion for shes anll The grcat "ariel), in thc SilCS aud sh'llC5 tionl in hulk for the tlifferent coffees. if )'ou will luhmit that to 115 at the retorn­ of tile Ilrimary unit or elln5Ul\11: r IIo'lekage lee cre:lm hridt molds and cartolls : A re­ mcndation o( ),our Induslry for adolltion, lIl:lkcs it l1e(cs ~ r)' 10 manufacture the S ~I;II­ duction in molt! sius from 30 10 one i ill Ilint we will ell! a conference of n1;ll;3rolli manu­ Main Office: 1025 Metropolitan Life Bldg., )liliK container in :111 enormuUS "ariety .... i siEes c2rlollS from 32 to 2, racluren ;lnd of Lox. m:umfacturen and or alltl Ilinlt'n s iun ~. The shipl~ng container is Glassine 1':Io llC r bags: The tYoO t),IIC' of bag ~ t"rocers and (\'el)'one who miglil he: remotd)' MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. ui lially handled hy :10 greal mall), mure l!Collle commonly known 3' {lats 311~1 squaru were IIItercsled and these general conrerences are th:tn Ihe unit Il3ckage alld for this r ~ :Io 5ll n rellucctl frum 12-1 different ,'arietics in ollaci­ really OIlCII (orums in which tlt( mallcr is dis· 5houltl he: Kiven l'u5t as much colIslllcr:ati on. tics :llld dimenlloll s to Z6. cussed. DULUTH OFFICE. 613 Board 01 Trad. BOSTON OFFICE, a8 Broad St".t The s ilt~ of the 5 1;llllin!!: co ntainer is delH:nd­ Fruit and \'e"daMe caliS : The eommil\et:, That is one ,"er), iml)(l rtanl slep in our Ilro· ellt not 01\1)' UllO n the sile of the. ullit Il:1ekage ahc: r tlue. con5ldcr:lotion of all data, retorn­ cedure-the general conference's where the NEW YORK OFFICE: 210 Produc. Exchan.. CHICAGO OFFICE: 14 E. Jacklon Blvd. which it holds bill also Ufill the nlcthod of mendcd adol>li on o r 'Z1 sires of p3cker ons matter m2Y ' be discussed, b«:ause the box PHILADEPHIA OFFICE. 458 Bou ... Bldg. PITTSBURGH OFFICE. 1609 Inveatm.nt Bldg. tn.1I 51l(l rtatinn :Ioml materia handling to which [or fruits allti ,"rKdables ID lake Ibe plaet: manufacluren ba,'e their angle of int(re5 t a. it is subjrcted, or the more lil2n 200 SiICS in f".. l5tence before well a5 the macaroni manufacturers or pack- 11 can IIC lCen therefore Ihat Ihe simlilifica­ the ('on[erellcc. 1:" o( [001.1 products, liun 01 wntaineu 111a.ys 3n imllOrt :lollt lart in Sc t.UII llOx e. for the dry goods trade were The action tak('11 at that gcner:al conf(r­ the economiQI distrihution o f commodilies. reducell from 1(}8.I "ariclles to I9-li folding enee is circulariw1 tn the whole industry (ur hoxcs (rom 1ii2 kinds and sizcs 10 59; e.oc­ aC(elllaDce u[ the rccommentbtlU!1 adullted or COIu iderable work has becn done lIy the rllg:at( d lXlJtc. from 'JZ2 different sbCl and tlh'ilinn in coollCration with the indunries COIl· " . •

THE MACARONI"JOURNAL July IS. 1932 July tS, 1932 THE MACARONI JOURNAL nomic conditiulls is tlel'lC udenl cntirely lII1I.III I1CH il is mt cU slum III lalk I'criwlic:llly tu The)" cu,,!.Ilm)" at!\"cni, in!J" {room jusl ;,. 1-:11",1 alll1ro\"t(\ hy that general conference, and One oC the most important steps in our pro­ tlie allied, to show n' Jfacturers of if the housewifc's apll1"3i,a of ),our merchandise. I ~aden in man)' 1)·tICS III l,u,incsJ. al:cllcic ~ anll circulatc il H1 Ih \~ S:lInc ml', lia. ennugh do 1101 acct(lf. it, the program can', be cedure is the appointment of a 'tanding cern­ macaroni prooucts thus l:ncouraging use miller: 10 follow up and encour.Ige the ute If )'our wife is lIu),ing a hre3kfasl fUlld, her Whilc it is truc Ih al ill an)' Ioc: ri mt nf 111I ~ i · They euu\.! hire jusl the !I-:une SaIC SII1t"II 31U1 c:onsidered. of the umform system. .tand:ard of ,· aluc~, wilJ he: Jhe I~ualily 3nd n c~s detialioll Ihe (UII Sl'flu Cnl prirc ,kdil1e all,1 l\iMrill\lle Ihrllugh Ihc samc S l"rc ~. Su :l Ilcr of Ih31 rttemmendation. It is purely a volunlary I1rol105ilioll. John Ravarino-Thnt the committee IlricH of Kellon's Corn f1al.:cs, Qlllck Quakcr llriec culling galh~r mnmenlum 31111 ,·alnes all it came I'"wn 10 a. mailer fir sl.:ill. all,1 ,kill consider the advisability of adoptinlt a Oats, Cream of Wheat., Shrtuded Wht31 or more often Ihan nnl Ill·cllmc 3 wcumlary CI~ I ' ollly. After )"011 gcl In a cerl:lin 11I.Iini r nu whatevcr olher form of Ilrealtfast food she is ~ i l ltralinll, yel Ihe m c rchal1di ~i ng nl311agcr IIf t."m·1 !til Inwcr lin I'rice, anywa)'. ;&Ull il is very simple system of cost accounting accustomed 10. All of these product\ arc in n. II. !o.facy & Cuml>:!!!)·, llI1C uf II II.' wurhl'~ ~ells iM c In lea,·c )·onHelf :\ Ilrufil." for the small manu(acturer,-some form direct competition wilh each olher, hili the 1I105t succe,dul , tel~&rll1lenl 51ures reeen ll)" Theil he cnntinuC!: Cost Club!ls that can be hiUldled by an ordinary 11Ou.cwife knows Illtir Comll3,..&lh·e , lficel Ile­ ~ lale,1 Ihat IIU\v Ih c 1,"Mic i ~ !Ilure ,Ii scrilllinat· "Tllc 111l'ory IIf mass l'rndUClioll is Ih:,1 thc school child from lhe eighth grade who Quse ,he buy, thCln with relular f(iIIlCner. inG ill its I,u),ing an,1 is mure al1,t IIlntC a lto';&fe murc )"0 11 !lI3kc Ihe d leallCr )'1111 [;&11 ;it·1I il. The great dil1kuity with many husinesscs is Ihal eCOllOm)' tl r lC~ nul alwa}·s ~e ~ nlt h um I"IV III aeluat 1'T3elicc, hnwe,·cr, il fre'IIICTllly possesses liule or no accounting knowl· that as individual manufacturen we lIa,·e not Ilrierli purchasl·s. work s lIul Ihal way in limcs uf IltuSI',: ril)" B,.eakfast ii:'1eet~ng edge, cs\.lMilhcd a dislincti"e 111alilY or :l dislinc· tess Ihall Z ..... l·\·ks agu 1 ask.·,1 Illc lir all of whl'II IlCllt.IC till)· ("a sily yllll clmrce all )"1 "1 (all Chainnan Hoskins thanked all (or ti,·e price for ourselvcs. lut it is coming. \lne of thc must s u cet: ~ dul groccr)' Ilrmlucl Ket. In limu \If 3ch·u , it)' when ),ollr ,·nlume On the morning or June IS, 1932 the 311i~d trades and machine manufactur­ The retailcr is doubtless morc cllnseio'" manufatlufl'u of Ihl' counlry IIo'h31 Ili ~ ,·ic ws dfUJI! alit! Yllur cusl gUC5 "II, )·UII ~ Imll ill r ; l i ~ c their many fine suggestions which wilt be than )'DU and I of the e"ils of I1tice eutling, of Ilriee cUlliTlS" wcrc :1111 1 when he r<'ll1 1l-11 Il c Ilriees. lIut in Ilraclicc tllc rc,·crsc L,kl·J Illa l" '·. "cost minded" members of the industry ers particularly he: educated in matter of taken under advisement and put into use for il affect, his I1rol1t,. In nol aU instanccs g3\·C this eX3111 I'\C : So l11usl ul!CraluTJ tlrop I,rins III ;I,lI racl Iralle met at breakfast to discuss macaroni approximate \ cost of macaroni making, insofar as funds now available will per· :are Ihe remtdics for price cUllillfl: wililin Ihe "!o.ferchants il HCI11 S In me, :Irc m·erluukil1K ami ( Olll llC liliulI rlllluws. YU\l ean'l cut 1 ; I,xc~. costs. Vice President G. G. Hoskins, because it is common knowledge that mit. He hoped that the "cost minded" ~sp of thc manufae tur er~. Such cOll lrol a \"tr)' imtMutant rcsult nI I"irc cllllinil nl l\l n in l e r c ~ 1 un tIl e llInflllage Ilr a 1111 III "ll u ~ r wonttt be lIiKhly dcsiraWe hut at Ihe lIIumellt Ih eir own IlIIsines~ ('S. Fur exal11l,le, a thuu5allli fixC'II C.,3rK CS. !tighl nllw all m·l·r lili, 1;1111\ who is also chairman of the statistical bakers, (or instance, are being urged to men in the trade would arrange to InC:::! is quite imllT1l cticat. unit s uf groccry merdl3nlli r.c snit! ill 1929 fur Hl cre is a ,· a ~ 1 .lIl1ullnl of Ilricc CUllinK, sl"lliuK department of the National association, install a noodle department 015 a profit, annually in similar meetings to discuss 1 lIumher amoug my \"ery gootl friends Ihe $100 311tt Ihe eosl o( 5elling Ihem was $IK. il e m ~ Iidow cu ~ I, hnl.int; 10 makc Ull a \,rulil presided. Among othcrs in attendance able venture hecause of low cost of r.-.:I.­ new developments and necessary Ilt.1d of a manufacturing Ilu5llu~s, which h3 S un ~ lI1 c lhill K d S I~ bul tard), ,Iuilll-: it. . ("dc (uIIIIl /111 1·( "I't'li l/dl1,· ill /11, .-c/II(J!/idll rll To" were: . ~ chines and infinitesimal production cost. changes, with the sole thou~ht in view of l.ten doing hu,ineu with Ihe American Iml,lic G. H. Smith of Mn. C. H. Smilh Nuodle for al least 70 )·rars through the drug slore t"ilrTJ 1~· Iti(II /III S 11 ,)/ '''''/1 JQ'II'. !o.1)' rear .. "i Suggested thnt sa.mplcs of unif::-r:., cost, encouraging mallufacturers o( all kinds lrade. He ,ought 10 correcl Ihe a lJU 5c of Iltice cX llCrirncc as ; 1, ii."lk ~ mallt:er 1:111\0:111 mc Ih:ll Co. • Ellwood City I'a. to KS% IIf the illfmm:ltiull ":I\·CII Ille al~'111 rum­ Gaeillna Viviano V. Vi\'ial1o Macaroni s),stem sheets be supplied to salesmen of KNOW THEIR COSTS. Clilting and he lucceeded. He ..... as big allli oi ltrong enough, and had Ihe cou ralj:c through IlC lilors wa l false. I abn learllelt Ihal il i ~ :J Mfg. Co., St. Louis. Ihtsc long uf Imiltling will and I1wlilahlc thinK In sil 1\0WI1 :Inti reac h an Henry Rossi of Peler Rossi & Sons, )'can f'nod D. public acceplance tu consign Iu s mrrch3111tisc IInt!erstallcliug with cerlain cnnll'cliluu :II H. UI Oraidwood, III. 10 Ihe relailer, to gllaralllee ils sale 10 Ihe Ihing! which alTcrl the wh"lc itllln ' lr)". 11 i"' ,,·1 Tn.rleanli Trafiunli Orot , Chi­ Fr~l1k of retailer. hccausc he alunc was estahlishing a UC efi~ atr 10 agrec on pricei Ilr nn :1 ,Iid.iun [;10110, 1\1. p,.ice Cu(ting a,,,llts consistcnt anti Ilttlisltnt IlttiJ!ic demand. He III nmrkl· I ~ , 11111 il is ,"Cr)" ,·:l lual.le lu he aM.: A. W. Ouit;Jl:le of the CrClllllette Co., Min· made his retailers sign 3.n 3grttll1 cIII Ihat the)' t .. c\car 111' some 01 II Ie misil1{uTlnalillll 11 1:11 onpolis, Minn, would not sell l.tlow a certain price limit3tioll i.( IICI ItIlt-cl al ~ lIll. \(jght 1I1l\\' Iluy,·n 11:1\"1.' ; 1, Frank J_ Zete!;a of A. Zcrega'~ Sons, Inc., Effect in Otl,e,.lntl"st,.ies alld Ihey had to conform 10 Ihi, agrcC'mcnt tlC.:u\iar way III i,,{crriuK Ihi ng~ tllal atc nul Urooklyn, N. Y. bC'cause he oVo'nel1 the merchandise unlil the ~ t1 . Thc)" h:a n: no Str1l14c!I wh"lsuc\"c r :.1... 111 Edw;a rd Z. Verll1ylen of A. Zucca's Son5, moment il was sold alld thrrcfore could con· Ilrfakil1g a sellcr's I'rice;; IIr 1 ",licic~. l't" sl'er · Inc., Orooklyn, N. Y. By L. M. BARTON lrol Ille [lrite. Nu 1t~1 or legis13th·c hOlh" it)' miglll U' SllIIle this week if all II.e IJU)·cr ... Wnl. Culman of the Aliantic ~laearoni Cn., Of Major Market Newapapen, Inc. c,·rr (rownell ujlOn tllII lln.ctice. werc IlC OIJr,1 1111. Long Island City. For yean Ihe drug :lntl groce r)' tDlles ha,·c " t'Tlce CUlling, e S I'~ ci : ,l1)" I' rc" :lllIr)' I,ricc 1.'111 - Erich Cohn of A. Goodman & SO li S, New ,·icd with each oilltr in Iltice culting. Hili lillI:, siml,l)" ruins c\·l·r)"lh!llg. \Vhal I 1 1Ie~ a COllfidenrc ha:l IlCen shakell. They du nol York, N. Y. • what do ),011 fiml tooay 1 f )"ou keel1 110 5tC ,1 fa rlnr)" tll1 11:fil tl) If.'iu ;,11 Ihe I HI , in c5~ Il,c rc In introduction o( L. M. Darton, know-and thcy do not bclic,·e: th;&1 Iltesenl C. S. Foulds of Crook~ton Milling Co. • New on mallcn of Ihis kind )"UII rcad recently that i~ il it ~a rri flcu all Ihe IlflJfit in Ihe ilU\n ~ lr)" Yo rk, N. Y. . Frank L. Zerega said: pricts arc the: 10wcII III whith they may Iluy. MeJus. Wall\rccn allli Uggell, hea,b uf Ille ill ~ n ,lllill J.;" ? !o. lueh liricc cuninlj: r e> nll ~ hum A. CastiJ.:li:allo o f Sidia Chcf:sC Co., Chi­ "Fortunate, indeed, are wc who have So Wty wait. And while thty wait Ihe enlire greal rclail drug chain, Ilca ring their Ilamu an"II ,,· r IUllclaml'lltal ctror uf ":I\"i"..: Ih e I,ul ,. callO, J1I . motor car indostry ,,:ail,. )u,·e recommemletl Ihe p.·usage of legislaliun _ 1'1''''1111 '" 1l~";1 6< " "'; ~I1, il'a •• ;NI1'''", IJ . C. lie t"r ~, lil I"r l.:u ll wiull :H much ;Ihunl )"lIur as our $,.'Ue st one of the best known mer­ I f you 10 t,:"ck to Ihe Ilrecedinl IlCrioti of John Ib,'arino o f Ra"arillo & Fruchi JIIII1. chandising ami advertising executives in 10 Iltrmil m;lIIufaclurctl to ulaillish the mini· L. M. Barton, managing dirtctor Major tHl sine •• as fUU tlu. Thai Shlll1h l nC'·I,'T I,c ,". & Mf!t. Co., SI. l .o ui~. Imsillu' inactivity and study the motor car mum price at which their Ilrn(hlel! rna)' II(' Markd N ew.paper., Inc. !Jl·;llcrs arc rcry lik"ly In ,.cn·I!1 thai ~: une R. n. IIrown o f Forlul1c.Zcrega Co., Chi­ this country. induslry )'IlU will find that risinR luices sli mu· sold. What is thc lignificance of all thi ~? I idea. The pnillie is \·cr)· iar ,-"1111 ,li ~ rrimill : ll · ca\o:0, III. "This ffcnllcman has helped many of btcd l,u5l11en. TIlere i. a wdl (oondcll, deell­ knnw Mr. W;&lgrccn IICUOII311y, anti ha'·c for The ume tll01l 5an ll I1l1il ~ IllIla)" :He s,·lIillg al in ?" Iml il II!1)"s whal II lik c~ al a rt~ a ~lI l1:JI,I.· C. SlIdco nf Clcnno nl Maciline Co., Oroo \.::· Iy rooled rusan for this. Price i~ thc Iluhlic'~ many yean. lIolh Ius 1,lnine.!:' anll thai flf $75 alllllhc lI1erchants arc cUllea\"lltinl{ IIII.u sh Jlrl CC. If il dnes lIul likc or walll a I,ie ... · ,of our largest department store.s with their )'OLrIISlick of vailles, It rn:lY he a II ~yd!Ologica t merchamli ... ·• Ihen nil wiee is fl·a,un;I"h· . Yun 1)'fI, N. Y. merchandising and advertising-was a Mr. Uggett ha"e been II\lili on Ihc ha s i ~ of thi s amounl still low,' r. lIul r,·nu :111< 1 W : tI;C ~ A. Amhrclle of Consoliclatcd Macaroni M:t­ )'OLrdSlick-l,ul a y:ndslick it b. Cllt I1rices hut C\·cn CLLt Ilrices Imlay 110 nut have nol Ileelincd pru\lllrlinnalelr, :111,1 Ille 1' ... 1 knn\\' Ih e IIItI sa)"iuK. ·1 w UlIM,,'t I:lke il a ....t chillery Co., Ilronkl)'n, N. Y. prominent factor in ·developing the trade I heaul the rem:ark her;: ill )'our mrelillg point Ihe way to IlU sincu ,·olumcJ uf 1929, of selling i ~ 'till at $IK nr d,, ~e III il. gill,' which i~ merd)" une \\":t)" "I ~ a)· illl: y .. u M. J. I)onn;&, SeCTcta.ry.Trea5urer, Braid­ cooperation of the camp'-libm or the Na­ ),eslcrday mOnling th3t Ihe 11IIIIlIe wa5 "vricc or 19JO, or c\'en 19JI. 110111 of thcse l'Tninenl "\\'hat i ~ to ~l1lTe r Irom Ihi ~ pfUC,·, ... ? (cr· ,11111'1 want il . A\I Ih e I'ricc c!lniulo: in Ih,· 1;(. 1 wood, III. conscious," Ma)' I venture the opinion Ih3t and highly I lI ccessful retailers ha\·e had Iheir tainly I1rofiu ami pl'rhal's s,·n ·;'-e." 2 nan hasn'l incre:l >ell sal ei. I'rit-e ,1'1I".n·1 tional CmUlcrs Association. He is fa­ ,I,," il all." Mr. Hoskins told o{ the 'success at­ miliar with conditions in the automobile Ihc IIllMic is hull', if any mute Ilrice COli' ncw allli UnilIU( kgisialh·c illeas confirmell h)" As adrll'll cnnllncnlar), III 111)· c:lriicr t eft ~ r· 5ciolll nuw 11I 3t il waS e\'u befute. Thil fac l hr:uls of noled manufaClllrers whose lirodnets I·I\C( lu Ihe 311111111111,ill' I ,u s iuc~~ wilh il s al· Thc rn ute 'Iuickl)" wc leat! " lIr, .·h·,·. inl .. .1 tained in getting installed in large and industry, the textile, ruhber, drug and is slowly dawning upOIl some of ollr important they handle. Icmlant price ("11 l1illl;", Ill)" hirlH I ha~ 11 1i ' In Mtidc nf "n·;t.un wh)·" sdlillt; , Ihe mure ral,i, l· small plants the unifonn cost and ac­ most olher induslrics in this country. manufacturers who figure nlOre promlncnll)' As a guar:lIIlee thai Ihe Ilnee :I" reemelll he lI."ly: I), will t.ricc ("ulliur 11Tt.,·e lIS "WII nn' ''IIII,I· COllllting syslcm dc\'elopcd hy the Na­ in the totat tuninen ,·olume o f Ihe retailcrs maintailled hy the retailer Mr. \\:lllIrccn ha ~ "I ha,1 ahonl Ikcillt- .I 2 n Hl nth ~ :11:11 101 I.u)" HC ~~. Then, my Ir1c II 11 cnllchul.·s : "He will tell us of the effect of price· "Su Iitire ("11l1il1':: just isn't ll1 erch:lu, li. mlt· tional associalion a!H1 of the attempt cutting in other industries (rom which of the counlry. On some hallll' I hear o f a urged impusition of IlC II3ltiu for ,·iolation IIf al1l1thcr Illw wifc,1 car fu r UII" u l Ill y ~ I>n ~. "bu)·er', slriln:." 11li. Is a strike in the sensC' Ihe minimum I1rire wllieh WOlllt1 il1,'oh·e Ihe lie dill'S nOI nce.1 it hUI he W"IIt.! lih III k.\e II i, Irrin..: 10 futlnw Ihc linu uf kH r,·· made to estahlish somc sort of a cost we call learn much. Ihat the liuying llUhlie is Ilting f3llitlly a1ul susl"en sillll or shilmclll5 hy Ihe mallufaclurer, onc. lIut the autlll11U l,ile m:m l1 f:lc lnrc r~ in ~ i s l :T.nf(· . It i ~ Irrillil I" t-:ct all a,h·:u.l:lj.:c (hal cxchanJ:c se n.'ice, (rustraled when in­ "He hongs to us Ilrobably a broader Ihorollghly schoolttl in "altlel of merciT311dlSe .collection of d.lmages, allli in n:lKt:lnt case~ Ihcir a.hertisiul: w~re ~ u 11111 IIi J1Tllm i,,' ~ " r 1111 Clli ni oc lilnr will 1.-1 )"IIU k'·' ~ I' . It ;. ,Ii .· \·.... "lil1l; Ihe ,·:.ll1C "I ~ kill . It all ..w ~ ind· COniC from ad"erlising canlp..'1i,.,rn was in their rdalion 10 merchandise Ilrieel. a fine allli imprisullmenl. infuellccs II I Hlh,·r :11111 {urtll,·r t,uec ' · III ~ Ihal gcncral knowledge of merchandising anti li cil1lc)· allil igllur:mcc If I I,b)" I .....1 ,unina" llf.: Thtte arc m;mufaclorets who ha,·c IItClI 5-(\ In his discussion uf the s1ll1jC« of price I l\(cidl',1 III 1",o; ltl" I1C mr I l lIrd m~'· . " sudltenly cut ofT. He asked for sugges­ advertising conditions than perhaps a 1 ~"Ut in all Ihe ,<"lUl' "I 1II,·,,·h;m,l i"1I1: dosc lo·thdr own IllI sincn allll ha\"l: h(,(,11 51' maintenance Mr. Walgreen Jailt, ( tu"t il1~ I'ru · !o.1 )· fril'lId's nmcl1llii ng t("lII ark \\";\' 111 11 ,1 tions that might he Ila ssed on to the COnt­ a5 Aml·rica l! I,usiness is uTK,milc.1 f"r I'.-" Iil could any other man in this country, hijJht.I,.'lIeti 10 momentary l!rlCe clllling Cllm­ idcllt MeKinler, in 1930, "I .10 IIot I!me tile 5i,,'IIificallt whclI l u~ ~ ai, l : millee for the lie\\, lenn, and among the acti\'e head o( a t:rcat service organ­ word theall. t i~ 1I 0t a " ·lIf.1 of ho}'lC, nol "Ouc ,·t·ry I,oloc lul loOinl i ~ Ihat in III)" .,.1' ­ F:tir I.mhts arc Ihc al,. " lule 1o:\ ~ C n ·'ll1 i,,·uu·ul , ~tlti l) n that thcy ha\"e sartificcll some exlenl .. I "lIT f"tIU II f j.:m·crunll·ul :11111 ),1I.illl·', ill h·' · man)' sllggeslions wcrc the following: ization, whose mcmbership consists of o f fluatily for Ihe imaginary :1\1\'3I1tage of a word o f ehrer. It i, not a wonl o f IIIsllira­ lillll IIIcrchants arc rl·cIlto:llilinK Ihal t.rire rut· lion. It is Ille badtlc of 11II,·crl)", it is Ihc lin~ al tile (actifice of 'Iualil )", ~~ t\· ic , · ;111 ,1 esli. TI,,')' ~ hnll'" 1,1' l'nJlI"f I.. ,t. I{ull,!.:. > (Hm · SOllie the leading nc\,'spapcrs in the hundred lower prices. ny G. Viviano-That ulli(orm lilllal of dislrtu. Ch(;& 11 mer("hamlise I11 ta ,, ~ Ilrofil is :I Kr ral fallac)", ;11111 it i~ ~ l1rl'ri . int-; I'dili" " I l a ~ I,,·cu h,I,·ral ... 1. 1,111 111'\'· Ih.11 II". HOInvcr il is human lIaturc 10 \"alue the matkel i~ limilc, 1 •·.. ml'l"Iili "l1 WI\I h:",· I.. I,,· mcthml of figurinJ,{ shrinkagc hc clevis!!d greatest markets in the cou lltry. things we I;uy :,"11 li se ill diftcl ratio to their dll':l\l mCII 3t111 dleal) men I11l':lll a dll'ap Ih at cn'l1 Ihe chain ~ l ll rc lillll§ :1111 1 Ihe in­ anti rccnnllllendecl. Also that sheets he "May 1 introduce to you 1... M. narton cuuntty." del'e rlll enl !:am"! :lrt' l)"iT l!;" ,\uwn t"gclh,·r." limi ..·. I " CllmllaDlive cost. It i, herc Ihal ff\IIcatillllal The rurr l· h;u ll li ~ inl:: awl .;,1,·. 1,..;.. 1 "i .m · To mc the mosl 5ignifi ~-a Tlt rcaction III !o.lr. At the sessinn )"'·5 Ic"la), moming I 11 .·anl prepared for clislrihutioll to helll manu­ of Major Markcts, Inc.?" ellort toward the end of utahlisitillg tllt~ ulhl'r ..:r ~a l {uu,1 ptulluri malll1f:trI Ul,·, 1<"11. 11IIMi"1 huyillg habi!s reatly ~OUIIU. !o.fllre Walgrt:cn', statement is thai !Jolh tile ret3ileu one uf )" our lI1frnlocr'l mal.: c 111 1' slatcmeTlI Iklt facturers make cotlltl.'Irative costs of ,·a.- h man shunt.! I,ay murc allcnlioll III hi s me Ihal iHo .

July IS, 19.12 July IS, 1932 J l 30 THE MACARONI JOURNAL THE MACARONI JOURNAL r~ctJgnilcd Imlay among I'rartically all indu s­ hit's. ,o.,r lic uiariy in the rood fll:ld. The manu­ A." Ecollolldc Plan faclllTt'U of all ingredient s such as 'IIPl'lic5. •• A • • l al'~' h, hoxts, IKJ Uh:5, casts. Ir.msllO rl:uion or • MODEST :1II), llIil111: ehe enteri ng inlo the m:m"faclurc oi to Modify lJnecon~II"ic a Ilh'cn Ifwd uct arc all ~ lr cnuulIs l )' iml"or­ IlIl1tll 10 rl!t :hd r IlriCC in order III htlr the cllmll( ti tiol1 o f a f ri rc cutler, so thai anyone Trade Practices . We realize that while our competitors are active we cannot hope to whn fI::UU Ilrice ,,-,.Iinlt illdirl'cUy pulls down with him, IlIIth,lUgl!! ;ull)' IOC Thal)5, a long lilt (If oilie r m an llr ;.<:: tur~u in what 31lf'(aTS 10 he By W. F. L. TUTTLE serve all of the Macaroni Manufacturers--so we are satisfied to serve 1I11 "lIi(11 lints, with ! II '~ ru ult 11131 Ihey in 111m Edltqr, tlGrocerlea", Prealdent of Grocery Publication. rC1W'I1 the IttOCCSS, alld ~' Oll can llaint a sorry the discriminating Manufacturer who demands, appreciates and under- "icturc from lhis angle j( YOll arc so ill­ c1 inct\." Introducing W, F. L. Tuttle, Mr, gained in contact wilh distributers ami Today the pt ntiuJum 1135 sVo'Ung as f:lr M Zerega s.1.i d : manufacturers o f all ty[lC :O, fr.=:, 5 ycars stands the value and importance of a good die this gentleman was salesmanagef of one it will 110 in one tti r« lion ;m ..! is no'" n::1\ly 10 "Within the past few )'ears a new in.; 'Yo'iug hade low:lottl sound :Io nd profila\'\~ mtr­ of the largest grocery mallllfac ~l trer s cll"lIIl i5il1K and rnallufa':luring whcr~ quality fiucnce of vast importance has been and is a widely recogni zed merchardis­ and \'alue dominate inst~ .. d uf price, steadily growing. This period of de­ MALDARI'S INSUPERABLE MACARONI DIES ing authority. J am bringil1g )'UU IIU t\L ~ory, Instt'ad I am pression has added to the momentum IlrhlKing )'011 the 11racliCiI ollinion, of some of " May I introduce W, F, 1.. Tuttle, th~ shrcwtlul :lIld must ~ucc:cuful mcrchan­ gathered by this new movement until president of Tuttle Publicalions, Inc." made Dilly by tli u:n who arc alert In th~ trentl of thoughl today it represents n forcc so IlO wcrful tin the pari of Ihc I'ul,lie. thM it affects us all . In the Ncw York Times lalt Thursday ap­ Len Ih:1II a monlh ago R. H. Mac), & Com­ "Under the leadership of a few eat JlC'3rtd a dispatch from Washinglon, J). C­ Il.l 11Y, world whle known dqoarlmeut SIOfC (or w Tin: caplion of this ar tid ~ re:ul: organizations a consumer selling pnce is 111 luw l,rlcCl, Iluhlished an advertisement in "flollus ~rardl held an escape gnture." MALDARI & BROS., INC. which the)' saitl 10 Ihe New York pllblic sull­ "Vc!erans, n~illK realily. scc Uncle Sam F, . lanti:lIly wh3t I ha\'e said 10 )'ou. a5 a symbol of warlimc t);lternat C:lrc." They 3dmitted Ihal Ihey, unintenlionally. Thc article of coune, deals ....1t h the Le)l1u 5 l h:ul 1"111111:111 such l,reS5 l1r(' llpon Ihe manufae­ a rmy which II caml,ing at Ihe Callitol'1 K31 ~. turerl 10 5111'111y mcrch:'mtlise al low I,rices that Thc men in this army Kern to be a fa ir manllfaeturl'u in order to ketl' from ~(Iing cron " clion of midtlle d an American!. The)' hankfUllt had In'en ohliged IG "cut CGrllen. ' lI5- arc truck tlrinrl and blacksmiths, Iteel work­ in, inferior malerial :u1d inferior workman­ en coal mineu. Itctlogtal,herl ami whilt eol­ ~ hll ' Tllty saitl lI",t irGm now on they wOIIM lar'mcn. Thcy ha,·c come from all 1«lioll l of 178-180 Grind SIt ..1 New York, N. Y. sul ,mit ;til ft atu r ~ d merc1lamlise to a "oartl or thc Unitcd Siales, Tltue wu e no meclinG' ti t3lltbrd" In other wo rds Ihey wOIII,1 tul held-no I"evious orlPniutiolls. The {ello'l\'s c\'el'),thing that Ihey offered beforc selling it it 10 talking about II (IR thc slrcet alld Ihe to the Ilul.lie. anti they would Luy qualil)' au ,1 0l nut Ihing Iltty knew tlte)' wue on thei r wa)' TRADEMARK \'aluc ralhcr than merchandise that Iflokl'd all to W,uhillgloo_ Thesc me n have benl oul of righl 1,111 whith might flro\'C infcrior in ma­ work (or a long lime. T hey have been "just terial amI w{)fkmanshil" if cardully tested. gelling br sonlehow." C\' nt Ihough it wa' I'T iced cxlrrnu:ly Inw. "ft-falren oj Macaroni Dlel Since 190J~ ~~ Wltl. ManaJZement ContlnuoJlJly Retained {n Same Family" I'rirc almlc has aclually losl il s lure_ If );IIU Thue men arc in a ' tnlggle ..... hich is t!1O se\'ere for Ihem. Thcy ha\'c comc to thr paml doul,t Ihis lei me lell ) ·011 that a few montl., & whue they rcwgni,c the futility of fight in", OIg(.', Scan, i{uc::i ,lIek Compa ny 0l~ n cil thei r ad\'use falc all)' longer. Thcy arc "fiJtalin.g" "rcalest rctail Ilrllarlmcnt 510rc 011 Siale IIt ree t on a symbol-that symhol t.cmg the secunt)' III Oliragll in a Illilding that had consistentl)' alltl Ill enly o f hal'llier d;a:rs-that 5)1111101 hal" failtll 1tI SII I'IMut dellartmen t store !it'IIiIlK for I1(n5 In hc Uncle Sam all Ihe ..... ar l>crioLI wilh Ihe l'a5t 10 p:a·n. They l1 5('t\ 12 f1l11 I13 Re III military rclief from resllOnsiLill ty, loeCClm­ lIetr."'~II 'cr :uh'crtisl'menU to Ilrelarc for Ihc olltning II f Ihis stoU'. TIIC), uscL I cn:ry Oli­ W. P. L, Tuttle ; ~'iJ analogous 10 Illc infancy lK:riuti o f our clultlhood daYI. . QUALITY ra811 IIcW 5palltr OIml the campaign we'lll 011 Wilhollt l),mpalhilil1K in Ihe wilh tll t lf (or as mallY Ila),s Iocfore !lIC sture ..... as Ol lt n ~ d , I ca~ 1 FARIt\tA establishl-d , and in a relatively short time purpose: 1 will say that I ha\'e rarely rcatl a Tn mr. OI ntl it will I>l" 10 pili thl' most siiJ ntf­ 1 ieanl thinK OIIMIII I all Ilus Bu·,,1 :uh·crtuiIlK that lcadershir is followed by other dis­ morc , .... thetie 51flr)', can Ilicture the loe­ tributers unti the price eslablished be­ wiltlerment alld hOllClUllieu of Ihese mnl FARINA W:tll thai I1l1t a sillj(le llrice fllr mcrrhancli !oC comes the common price of the national who ha\·c tried to fintl work allli ha\'e fill:dly wa ~ mcutillllet \. In facl pri cc was Ilt:\·tr dt:lJt to thc !o('at of our go\'cmmcnl co·inK with in Ihc :u!ve rti ~ illg unlil 2 (\:.y5 after Ihc tra\' el~11 industry. - "00 something," 51nre had l.cen opcned. Yet I&\(XX) IK'Ol'lc "We have found that we must make lIut gnlilemcn, Ihc fault i. II Ot thai uf Ihe camc int o Ihe store tllc firsl day and 110,000 /o!oods to meet the demands creatcd by go\.ernment_ Thc cause of Ihe tremendous un­ Ihe ~ «011t1 Ila)" Ami during the fint II tla)·' eml,lo),ml:lIl. of Ihe I,ri \'at!oo alltl 5!l fT uiug ill Granulation as morc Ihan a milli"n prople \·irwl'tl. c)Camir.ed that Inice. So formerl)" the power in· Ihis land of plenly and of U\('.)thausulJ!c wc:alth mul I ,ur( h:t ~, tl in Ihis great new merchandis­ hercnt in the manufacturer hilS been li n wilh ),ou anti with mc. ing mart Whl'U' ulh,'r rdailen hatl failcd con­ transferred to the distrilJUtcr, p.lrticular- Arc we so loC'I\·iltlered Ihal we knllw 110t Available in Round Lots siuenlly Inr III )'ears. Thc ;i.vuagc numl,cr o f 1)' at times like these when we arc in a what to do? Are we 5(1 :lllalhdic thai "'·c desired lotOllle ,·hiling the silltc daily Iluring Ihc firsl tannot aw.lkclI olu sch·u hom the dOlI[ (If .. d­ l'1nen da)' ~ wa, 15.ocn so-called buyer's market. \'enily? Arc wc likc thcse I)()(}r huntlrcds al E"eo' I li ~ cu ~~iuli Ihe 5111,jl'Ct o f Ilrice IIr " When 1 returned frorn Europe sev­ W alillngion and will we 100 besirGe thc gain CUlling alltl fll her \·ices all\l virHws uf our eral months ago Mr. llills asked me to Cl ( Ihc gm·crllmrnt with the (1)'- "l)o some- 1"lsil1e u kems to (Iraw Ihe S3mc conclusions thing (or us-We know not what IfI tlo"? h um witlel)· 5elmratell mtn. lunch to lliscuss a Illan submitted to him I Ih;nk nul. Thi. i, a I,i nneu euuntry " I!rl T he KU' a t e~ 1 IrouMe with IMJlh manufac­ by a distinguished young publisher t'J Milled by tun'U alu1 relli\ers is that Ihc}, are Ihinking thc cnnqucrilllt slli ril o( Ollr all cr.~ loU ~ tlll cooperati\'el)' modify the ahuscs transpir· !i\.cs within us. We slill Ila\'c thc Ctlurag:c. Ih~ always flf Ihe samc g rolll' of 11II)·ers :uul as­ ing from this shifting of power. Sub­ The Southwe.I'. Leading Carlot prices delivered MIllie Ih:11 tlle\' are al ..... ays tlcalm!!: wilh the inilialh·e. the \'ilion and th~ {ure!! 10 can 'I' ~;tmc III·oltl.... Bm thc great Anl ... rican I,uyin!!: sequently this Illan was diS4.: ussed with out our own Il estinin. As I ' u~ine n men ~ . Farina Manufacturers still lIa,·c Ihe fornighl 10 1"lilti IIl lOn SCJIIII ;.. ul lt-nce ch:II1KC! t1an ~·. 1)0 ),011 know that others of your board of directors and evCf)' 12 nl nn th ~ 20 milliolillewl)' born Amcr­ lines ami til fight with all ollr §trc:ug lh, Ihose anywhere cXl'cutivc committee and was put into IlI1 tcollomie I,radice. which h:l.\'e held I1 S hack irans Iwell the lMlllolation (I( Ihi s great (OUII­ Ir), o f ,,"U. Ami that 4(XI,0CK> olUc r Americal1 J effect. I U Ingloriously during Ihe llast Iw o years. l.t.rome ml'rc\Lamli5c anti \·alllc oollsciollS I,c­ "I am 1I 0t going 10 teU you any more T hcrc is vulume. ~ um cien t for C\'C1)'ltne ill C3n!'C tI n')' ha"e jll51 Graduated from Ihe high ahout it except to say Ihat this campaiJ,.'1l this country lutla)'. It is our prorlts that arc KlltM,is (If Ihc cOll ntry. And thai, l,250,lpl is conducled by uur next spe:aker. with·· su lTe ring ,"eyulIIl any lIeceuily. It has bC'~TI I,ridt'grooms fintl \l ew lle('lls for Ihelt salanu IhC' Ilunuil o( :a false IIIi .... gc, namely! the at­ Ollt profit to himself, Lilt purCly a~ a It'1llI,t 10 he ttcr Ihe \''!Iume we enjoycd.in 1929 I,«all !>t (,'CT)' twch e months thai many brides n The Moundridge Milling Co. l.cs.:in some form o f housckeel,injt, service 10 us, for the s3kc uf helping u:!! which has rcsulted III dr:15tlc CU i I'flees !1 Th ~~t 5gures Ilfm'id r )'ou with (~d for to improve conditions in this industry of inferior merchamli5e as wcll as on qualll)' Moundrldg., Kin ... The Consolidated Flour Mills Co. thought, Thcy iIIL1 ~ tnte why the I,uilhe mtnd ours which is also a p.1rt o f his, the gro­ goods ami selling at :I. lou, Througho UI thc eounlry there is lalk uf clmngCl 10 ~lI ickl)' . WII)' Ihe public (orgets, cerv industry, For hc is the llUbll sher of KlnllS Ami Ihc earher ..... c slop this cl,itlnnic o( I"icc Wall Sirect-of mon~y, of slock and l.'

32 THE MACARONI JOURNAL Jllly 15, 1932 July 15, 1932 THE MACARONI JOURNAL .tt

la1k IIf Ihe 1I('('d fir fC' SllI ring cnnrulcnc(' ill Ilising as far as the distrilll1ler i, cOhcemctl, In C01111tCli"n ",';Ih this eamll3ign we ~cn l this co untry. To my mind it is confnlcncc aOt' is 11I1I1\Je ~ti onabl)' the wholesaler and chain Ollt Z Ictt.en to e~ery whol~sale t:r rocrr ;1111 1 lIot Wall S in'd which indicaln our nalional ~lGre IJIl),ing hradquarletl, It is the work Ihat ncry cham store In the Umted Slates. Wt' Ilalc o f hcahh. How can there tlC~ confidcnce rOil do wilh them thai is eiT«th'c. :lsked Ulcm wllat they Ihought of Iltiee cut· in busincu IInku thue uistJ a hdirf Ih:lI To a ,"cry large extent YOIl pcople arc rna· ling; we aske,l Illem if Ihey were sick nllli monc)' call I~ 11'0(11311Iy cxpended lIy busi­ terially aiT«led IIY the wusumer pnce estab· tired of it ;.nd its dicet, Tile fint Ieller sim· ~BAMPION--- ness? For money to he Ilrnfitahlr ullended lhhed on macaroni, You dOll't ha\"e 10 be ply discussed the 511\1j«t in general. The sec· husiness mllli c.-arn a Ilrofil. \Vhen IIIt1U5Iry b~ Iml rOil ha\'e Ileefi. ond leiter qll otel\ what some I)romincnt leatl· ~inl 10 s how Iltolil 51alcm('1I15 i1l 51(":111 of \\c !la\'e in the grocery fieM a !treat In· etls in our imlustry ha\'e said to rcin(orce onr in name and faet! \our5 Ihen and then alone, will neW ca(lilal fluence that is the llOWU o( some of ollr gre31 own Ilatement. and we inclosed a rcprillt or ;lIItl 11'(W crctlil he giHII l~y IIlIf l,an~5-lhcn chains, It is trlle that the), ha\'e only a ' sm3l1 our 5eries of cllucation:ll articles, anti tht" alone, will faclurlc. he H'lo:urcd ",nd IlCrreutagc of the tolal number o( stores bl1t I~ol1tJ\Io'il1g Ihat wc sent 0111 two other lellers The Champion Flour Outfit is all its nallll' lIew t'1lui"mcnl I ~ a,dtletl 11), imlnslry-tl,lCII those Itores arc 50 .ilu:!.ted in so many major dealing with macaroni exdush'c1y, The first will clllllln)'mcnt r("\'I\'(' and die fiurch:uUlg markets of the country Ihat they arc prominenl leller carrird a rellnnl of a scri es oi arlid e~ illlplics-a REAL CIIA~ IPI Oi\:. 11O\1'(' r of Ih~ manu iTlcrea ~ e-thclI wi!',con- factors in e\'uy one 01 those markrls, I-ur· till Ihe .ubjecl of macrnni alone. The sccoml 5umJllion llC IUcrcasrd alld Will a Ill.'W (11I(I(,'IC), Ul erm ore some of theiC chains ill Ihe p3st few leiter siml"y sougllt 10 acconwlish some ncliun, Thc Champion FlOHr Out lit blcnds, c1e\'ate~, tIC found in COlisumer luvitc. ),ran ha\'e been :lI,le 10 sail through Ihe period No..... )'ou pt'Ol!le arc all prob:r.lily famili:!.f COIl\'l!ys, sift s and i\cralcs your flour in UII C And wc I/tRin to IUrn thc c?rncr ~s all ~f o( ,leIITt55ion with constantly increasing "01- with 11101(: leUets, I Ildie\'e )'OU hne all had thciC things 11:I.111Jt.1I, commm"ty ('Irlces Will lime and maintaining Ihe highest percentage C1l\l;es, I Ihink Ihe most interesling Ihing ttl ?pcra.ti~m. l~ is the lIIust modcrn t,'Cjuip1l1cllt I.... p:in to ri ~e-Ihe hlrmer will recch'e a beller o ( profits, a/l1lroxin1aldy, that thel' ha\'e c\'er )'OU i. the reaction of the trade to Ihis e,llI­ III enlclcllcy. 111 lallor and 110llr sav ing'. retu rn (or hi s farm products-hi. consnming rujo),ed, AI during Ihis IlCriod 0 depressiun calional camtWgn, I might say Ih:lt we lIa\'e \ll,ilit)· will he increascd and lI.nce morc wc the), ha\'e incrt:15ed thdc ttlnnaRe sales: con· had, 1111 to Ihe time I ltft Nrw York, nl) re· FlottI' is a lII ust important itcm, ,\IIeI rutl will I,l', on tile wall 10 proslu~ nty, k'quentlr, they !la\'e heen looked up 10 \ly the' plies because wc haven't had timr, on the '1111- This nation is aliliroaching n crisis-a staIr. IIlher smaller cllains as Ihe une grtlull 10 fol· J«t or macaroni and therefore our reillies ,He mi g- III lind 011 chccking' lip that \"our :l11l;ual o r cmergnlc), exists-yonr sccmity, your Iov.', Ihe one group to comllCtc with, if these UII Ihe grneral lubjrc!. not~r loss rUIlS illt n scvcral hllllc!rcds if lIot jll:mh, the h(';llth alld h3pp~ncu o! your fam· olher chains arc to he suecess(ul. I might further 53Y th3t ",e hrought liP the llin )'our wealth ancl mme dcpt:l1dl upon O( wurse Ihe same thing al"plics to the gener.l.l ,ubjecl 01 Ilrice clluing alld lou lead· thousands of dollars if "our Flour I 1.t1u lling' )'ou; action toda)'-alld thai action is simple wholuale Rrocer, 10 that the example sci by , en merchandising first r.l.ther than macaroni Equipmcnt is liot IIp.tO·<"!atc, to slale although difficult to accomplish. It Ule fIOwedlll chains hu had far reac.hing cr· because the only WOl)' we eO llltl comm,,",1 Ihe cannot hc I:lkcn colleclinly-it must be taken fecls, For examl"e, Ihis Silting one grnt dis· IUliport of the trade wa, to hring home til Thc modcrn Champiun Flollr I'!alldlillg" Iril'Uling organ;,ation started lelling bulk rice Ihrm tile seriouUless of tIle general subject 11£ 111(lividl1all)', It i. siml,ly Ihis_ttro'£, )'ollr ~t1 tfil sho\\,11 hcrc pays for it sclf hl'C,HISC it bllliuul 0' ~ profil, • at J lI )s. for toe. h uille of J weeks frum the luice CUlling and its eff«t upon their 1,115; ' With larllcu!:lr rderence to the macaroni moment they fealll red Ihi, sale, e\'ery chain nen, aud ha\'inR accoOljllisiled tllal. Ihen askell In S 11f~ S absolutc accuracy I incrcascs haltdling manufacturing industry anti the profitlcn HIT. J:ure o! any conS~lIenre alonJ the Atlantic Ihe trade as a fint stell to take macaroni Ollt capacity and is lII ost ct.'nllo1l1ical in opcration lllte pracliccJ Ihal scem 10 loe so rre\'aJeIlI I ,-cailoard and 3' far west as Chicago was fea· o( the lou leader dOltS and IllIt it hack 011 might 1>3)' Ihat much th3t could he done In ,uong, nmong the {lromi nt: nl ilems carried, Ihc firm, sollnd !Jasis whtre il "elongs, ami upkeep, rcl\lc:lIe the rclailer is Lcing dOllr. nut .... ,. !,ulk rice al J \lIS , (or 10e. Thus il is easy I jUlt want 10 read ftum pori ion, of som,' ~hould 5ullstitule the wOHI "dislrihu ter" for 10 ste thai Ihe innuellce of the Rrcat chains o( these letters to show the krrn inlerrst IIf Write Today lor lull Particu/anl "rtlailr r" (or the rC3~n Ihat in Ihis grocery h:!.s hcw a tl ominatillt:r onc in eSlahlishing a the distriLlllrr, 10 show tIle se riollsness with ADDRESS: firid there arc a (ew chain store !llIying head· consumer selling 11'lce fur e\'eT)'one 10 which he \'iew, tllis sul,ject, and I want til '1llartet5 which control alll.l ,Iominate a 'ireat shoot at. say furlhermore that of Ihe Il11l1drtds of lei' group of retail Itores, There. arc 3 rdatl\'dy TIIt:)' tend to eslaMish the genual consumer ttrs which ..... e ha\'e rC'eeh'ed, 50 f3r from the ~rn,, 11 numller of wholr!"le grocers who oper· ~elling Ilrice of Cllmmoilities for the uation, 1I10sl \lfominrnt wh"lesale grocers and chain C~ampioll Maeltine.·y CO. ~te so·c:llle,\ \'Olul1Iar), chai llS 011111 thue whole· Tllr)' do tit·. onl)' lK'cause olher chaltls, ..... hole· s l o r e~, e\'et}' single Irlter unanimous!)' offe rs ~a le RtOCeu in turn control and dominale Ille ~alc grOC1 n, ha\'e fllllo ..... ed their lcadenhiJl 0 11 the 1000rl of each distrihutrr to do hi s I13rt dOUET, ILUNOIS merchandising habits of another great g!OUP Mindl)" lUI ne\'uthclrn they hne follo ..... ed imlh'idu3l1y 10 remedy the abuk'S of the l)tCS· of relail Itores, itl Whto a gre:1t cU3in orgalli13tion fealures ent situation, Furthermore there Is another relalh'ely Imall a Ilrotiud for 5e all other merrhants ~3y, "We A prominent chain ~tore in Indi3n3 writes: F:rOUII of wltoles .. le grocers, small in numht" mllst h: ,\'e a product or brand to sell al 5c." "Something .hould be doue to strengthen the t,ul they rC:llresent rrobabl)' 50% of thc mer· TIley i'> 10 the manl1faclnrer, Il3rticul:uly Ihe lirice conditi on aud alle\'iale Ihe quality of rh:\IIdisc distril,lIte, II,rough the food field, !maller manl1(adurer, anll Ihe), sa)', "Wc on't merchandise be:llg offered for ,,'lIe, We l1a\'c Ihal conlrol anti II00ninate the merchandising lmy frJm )'ou unleu )'UU slIlll,ly us at a Jlrice found , that in pl:r.eing katlen at a no--profit --l hal ,i 15 of another great group of rflail store~, 50 th, t we can in Imll st:il at St." lirice, we 113\'e not had vcT)' ~alisfactory re· Volete Una Posta Perfetta ESquieita I might sa)' that aoout half o( the ret,a.11 The manufacturtts IlCrhall ~ !.3)', "\Ve ran't lums. OUT illC3S :llong thi s line a rc Ihat bllsi· grr.(' rrs in Ihe ('oUlltry, ..... llelher or not a~lh. gh·e )'.,u merchandise to ~rll nt that prict," IIesS is oiT consideraLly and th3t each o ( liS alcll ,Ii rectI)' wilh sume whnle~lc Rroctr \It a The ... ;' trihutru Ih rn 110 nn 1111)" T hr), wait. Ihinks Ulat Ihe "'lUse lies within ourselves .. lid \lIitmlar)' chain, arc controlled by that whole· The sn,all ,nanu(aclurrrs' stocks Ili le lUI. Per· Ihat eilher our l)rieCll arc too high or Ollr Usate! !i.11e l;rl)('tr, He has a mortg:lge on Ihtir busl· haps tlleir Ilanb force them In li'luitlate, 50 senices 100 JlOO r to allraet the wnsuttlillg I 1\t" he cnntwb t1lcir purch:lSes, he tells them Ihe), sell Iildr Ilrotlllct~ at a price Ihat ellables 1IIIIIIic and we tllen set OUI to cllOl1 our Iltices wl;"i to till, what the), C:IIl bill" :llId he is the the dislrilmkr to sdl (or !e. Then they know here and there and offer adllitional sel'\'icu, \lfime rllucational faClor ill 1,Iu s food field. 10 continue selling Ihey"'e Kot to continue Hut e\'en this docs not return any extr.l \'01· Su ill tl\lIraling the ret:ut grocer of !he m3nufactmint' to 5r ll al such a prier, and 50 ume o i hUliness," CHlllll r)' we mint go In Ihe rhain ~tore bU)'1I1g ~ nlc 1000gi1l 10 cot comers in manufacturing, A stcood leller slates: "We would Rladl)' .. Announcing" hCi\c!lluaJWu anl\ 10 tile wholesale grocer, In rr.lllce Ille \IIalil)' of their W)()4 I~. allll a ~ ' 1lU lI wr auy mO\'e to strcngthen Ihe Ilr;ccs on Yuu nm), think m)' statement is exaSF:eraled a ruul! profillct. srlling F:cnerall), lakes 11\:!.ce mcrchandi5e and feel what the industry neelb ahllnt ti le innurllrc or whllluaic grocers o\'cr Ihfllllghol1l Ihe :ndustr), a11l1 the '\lIalily of as a whole il a general rise in food p,iers tllrir rrlail gwcers, whether tllc), :Ire :lS~O~ 1IlC',chamIi5e is sr. iousl)' dellrt'cialr,I, the mar· wherd,y It would be possillie to ofIer :In ilem riatNI in :1 Hlhmlar), chain Kr0l111 or not. I ke! is noolle~1 with dlea\1 merdmmli ~e 011111 II Ie as a leader bclow )'our rqpllar, e\'ery day Thru Your Patronage We W3S Ollt in a large markrt ahuut a )'ear agu consumer dots nol q-et \'alue. lellinll' I)rice :lnd slill m3lnt:un :I. small I)rofit visitiug a lirominent wholeJ:lle gr()(t'r, an of· UrrognbinK this It'owing 1)r:l(t;l'C, in ~farch to co\'er your ollCrating expense." flcial IIf the Nalional Wholesale Groceu as· of this year we 1)1111 isll e!\ a series of 6 or R Anotller rather interesting qllotation from :1 Have Outgrown Our ~ocia li nn. ,\t that time he 10111 me Ihal in :ut;cles and ediloria' , in the March issue of leller from a chain store oJlCrator in Georgia his cil)' thrre were 011 1), 35 relail F:roccr5 Idt oll r I,uhlication, "Grcceriu" :11111 In "The Chain says: "It leems to UI th31 there are certain ..... ho W('fe I,rolsloccti\'e mt'ml,ers for any \'olulI· Siore Rr\'Iew" whidl we puhlish, Thai scrirs merchants ill this seclioll .uiTerin g from a !Jad Present Quarters, and lar), rhaill, The ncxl Ila)' I read in Ihe news· o f arliclrs sOllght 10 hrcak liP 1111 the Ilart of case uf (right. TIleir sales !ta\'e drollllCll off paper alool1l :l1lnlhu whlliesale t:rour OIK'''· Ille Ilislrillllting ttrlle the "Follnw·the·Luder" til sllch an exknt that thcy lirlfin 10 believe IIlg IIIl a new \'uhmtar), elmiu wllh !Orne 120 halli!, that most damaging l!al,it which may that their comllClilon arc Rellll1g the IJU si· Announce to the Trade IIr 125 ~lor.'S immediatd)' joinin!:, tend to s\lrrad IIneconomie Iralle Ilraclicu lieu which formerly they had. TIII:y can only \\'hrll I faW m)' (rirml I said, "E\'itlenll)' th roughout Illc lation, imagine his doing SO hr "'tllin" thrir lui ~es ),0 11 ha\'e I,ern a~lccll. You\'c l>('ell going (III We showell Ihe folly of thi~ "Follnw.the :lod, Ihey Ihe~do rc ~eelde 10 do some IlflCC Our Moving tile Ihror)' thai )'OU onl), had 35 IlrOJ)leel, out Ll'ader" mm'cment, to show Illal it is un. C'uttlng o( their uwn, of Ihe th ousand~ of retail grocers ill this mar· nccrssary-to show tli:l.t afler all tile dis. So I could 11" I~I and quote frolll !ctter nfter ItI:t :lnd here Ih;~ other whole~ler Ilarl5 with trillllirr can featme onl), so mallY items al lelte~ along thai IlIIe, . into Larger Quarters to a new \'('ntllrr with 120 , torell," one lime-to shol'o" Ihat if chain A iI laking .WII.h r

July IS, IfJJZ 34 THE MACARONI JOURNAL July IS, 19.12 ' THE MACARONI JOURNAL 35 dcal or tli~tt('n merchandise Oil the m:ukcl. Merchandising might Ioe dcscriloctl as the as­ manufaclurer sell II Ie qllalily lorand al a re:l­ chain slures h:H'c 11«11 aliit 10 Ilu·~h a!oC sume sociation oj an jtlca with a .~omlllotl it y anti sona "' eJ'ri~ and ( ncourafl:e it. ",Ie a.t a I,rofit Convention CommiHee. or Ihis at IU5 than the rust ur production." selling hoth to one', c:ustulllen. \It rch;!.utlising loy the istrilmlen. let lu m Icll his CU~lome r5 Frum SChtnC'clady, N. Y. a dl.aill stnrc has Ilfogreued as ch'ililatioll I ~ \ Ilfugresse:tI, how he can sell just 01' much macaroni at 7c The several conventioll committees uliug custs rise and Ille Ilrlce cu\lmg Ih~t Ilrice rulling. . ' 11le a 1O \'e il IIllt thefIJ(tical Ilut Ihornughl)' the}' w ulll aiTllul lin J ;umary I, they (',an I ,t l!.\·ery manufacturer ~ luHlll1llntflilUle r ~­ I,racliral, It rO/l br dOllr. It r~n br 0C(01l)· and Machinists , aiTurti Imlay, Iil'nuse .Ihdr cosh are higher lirinl ~ to t'ach u l his cuslnmnJ thruugh Ius /'lillltd. It (lUI br duur ond u'lll hr DUO"" al1ll thud on', aU\IJm;!.IIc,,,Uy, Ihl'y ha\'c 1;111 to s.1 1 1:. ~ e l1 (If "Tllllay'l Mac:uuni Story" amI /,/i"h,d if you ..... ilI (luI futth the efforl . •uljll st Illdr. l ' r i~nG: S)' ~ lenu ;01111.1 m(.oderah: shouh!,liKtlu thc l uhj«1 mailer o ( Ihese edi· \\'1: ha\'e laa"ctl Ihe roall fur YOIi. We ha\'" Slimc 01 th ... " I,n t c cutlmg., . , lorial a rlicln in as much detail as pllu ihl!!. I.. ,t the di stribuler in a reC(I"i\'e fram ... III Harrison, N. J. U. S. A. Thai is wh)' I uy that IllIs call1 llJl£1I C3n I 5. E\'Cry mallufacturer Ihuu l~ cmlcanlf 10 minll to listen 10 your Slor)" T ... lI Yll ur . Iflr)' hell' hilt s uccee~1. A 1111 IIf uthe:r me:tcha,1I 1li merchamlilt hi s IIWI\ " rt.IIluctl III acconlanre sincerely ami elllhul i:l! li Cl lly allil yot! ..... ill ha\'c CIIIIIC til rl'alile (and a lUI u( the challiS, wilh the Itl lTllOs t' discuu(d in Ihcse macarllni raise Ihe IC\'eI o f your Ultiu§lry. You ....· 111 pU I tllO) thai the mllst su(celsful ul d istrihu l ~n .. rliclt' $. your intlu51ry hack llIl tht' mall to Ilrm l... ' Tll y. arc nllt iu (,allil,Ie:, IIIal tl ley make many mIS­ It is importanl 10 (mllhasile liIal the mure Specialty of lakes, I II that Ihere lI;!.s grown ttl I ~ \c:n ~ ( fn'clumll)' this sul ,jec! il Ili K uu etl, .Ihe more a lellll... nc)' hi JolllIW whal the:~ du l;3r.lLe­ dTectin ..... iII he this gen ... ral C;lml,:ugn, 1'ro· Woman HOld. Macaroni Firm ularl)" I Illink. as a r end~ u~ Ihls C:lmllJ'gn, I,Je tin 11111 listen ami ..... eigh a. lul'l' ccl lIIaltc:r­ \\'e Irie.1 hI shame the (h s tnhu~ l' r, Ihe gOUlI. Ihey make UII . their millli a(~e r t It~ ha\'e re­ To succeed her latc hushand whose Macaroni Machinery iUll'lligl'lIt, H'nsii,le mall" f fIlIII IICI,Ilg, \1nallJe to cdycd a certam numLc-r o( Im l lJeU l ulI ~ 11le death occurred in May, Mrs, Harry W. Ihink fur hi msl'lf bUI slml,l y to Imllate what more ill1l11e u iol1 ' Ihat can Ite Irf! ~"I~th the Wihr.u:ht was e1ccle!! pre5itlcnt of the Since 1881 :>t'lIIe ulh ... r clIlIIl,allY 15 (I oing, amI I thini; that IIi ~ lrilllllil1G trade 1111 this , ubj ~ l. the .n! ore <..1leckcrs Food Products company of SI. thai ~ ell M: u l shame has gune Ju ,",!e III ",,!"e l,rogrCSt will he m ~de ill imllfU\'mg C(!"lhtloIlS l'xlenl I l.:lluw 'whe:n I discuss tins Ijl1e5!1un (ur e\'cry maC3rom m;lIIufacturc:r. Louis Mo, She retains hcr office as uf·"fui! flw .llle.leat!er" tu~lay ..... ilh some of the How the Manufaeturer Can Meet tn: ils~rer of the CO llcern, a position of 1)rcsscs Ilrul1lillent whulcsalen :Iml, chains, Ihey g.ro ..... Price Competition responsibility which she has held for \'ery ill,lil'lI;l1Il. The), :arc tlretl ul li!e s."lIl ~eL I\nclldcrs I. Tile ClJe uf the manufacl,ur ... r WIlli lla! years, . Su, wi lh Ihe \, rUn IlSl'S uf Ihe ,hstnhnllllK Mixers tr,Hle (alill I ' Iclil'\'e Iltal Ihey ar~ OI. I,sniutel)' Iocell 5clling exlremrly low Jlrl ced tnae.Hulll Tltt: new president, Mrs, J, L, \VI­ sinn're) we :tre ahllut to mm:e ~II' II\~O a l!Ctter allil ~hu fccl. 11i;!.1 he will ruin hi! IlI!linen bracht has been closely il~sociated with Cutters if li e ~ t'e:k. to II1m'e immrllialdy til a li e.... IlticillK ~)· ~ t e:m. H uw g tlt~ II IS K"IIlK 10 I ~. the IJUsiriess of her late hll sb;UI~ since :lIul much higher price level. nrnkcs 1m\\' lIIu ... h illll,JIj\'Cl1If,lIt w ~1I he 10ul1ll., I dOli I thei r marriage 14 ycau ago and IS (u11y knuw IlIlt ..... e arc gOUlg Itl ,fmd ~11 IInl,rO\'e­ A, ul snch a manufacturer maf~ III' In ~t Mould CJcllf1CrS leasl a u lI sihle IlOint his I,rtlcnt 1!T1Ce o ( III' familiar with even' detail. She an­ ment ami if ('aeh of }'uU wll, slfl\'e (fir tll~t Moulds iml'ro\·... ment. then \'e!y defi,mte I'rogrcu Will ('h~-all hrand or of Ille I,rudn.ct ""llIth he ~UI" nounces that the re ,yill he no change in Illi ts the distribuler for IITI\':lle Ior,aml [lur- I ~ m:llle in this Il:lrtlcular Uldustyy, the pOlicy or' the firm, Ihat , it will c~n­ All SI:cs Up To Largest in Usc It has loCI'll S ll ggC5te~1 Ihat dunng the I ~ s t linu!! to promote good ~lIs lOe ss ctln c!!, 2 )'tan we h:we 11l5t thc art of much;uuhs- 11Ou.S'UI the ume m:lnufacturer m;!.ke ".new 255·57 Center St. or atltlitioual \orand Of IlJ od~c t forJTI\'ale manufacture quality J;oOtls and cool!C.'alc in.:. ' r hrand IlU rflO SC' A. o f nollCeOlloly Impr ~\' qu~l­ N. Y. Office and Shop New York C"lry Ye:t Ihi5 grtat gTl~e r)' Ul.dll ~ l~y 0 IIUTS was in every wa)' to heller general COlli luons I,uilt I,y thc C'nterprlse uf mdu'ltluab el1 lf.lgc•1 it)", Let Ihe mallufacturer leU 1111 l1u;l,hty in the trade, ' Pluta No. :au tRp«taJ) io merchandising ,'HKlncts 10 the Cllusum.T. !traml inslead ul hi s Wt'21' hran'" let the • .17 36 THE MACARONI JOURNAL July IS, 1932 July 15, 1932 THE MACARONI JOURNAL

Viviallo, sons of Peter Viviano, former th':, dl'Cre .. se was only 359£, . Only 347,- The MACARONI JOURNAL Ilfcsidcnt of Viviano Bros. Macaroni 60') Ibs. worth $24,601 was exported last SUCCfIlO'nr':h;h!, ~~IHI::J~t.hi~,o~~di~lbr FilII company of alicaCo which some years April .as compared with 516,185 1bs. val· The Elmes "WILL WASH" Die \Vasltete TraIl, Mark R,I(i.tord U. S. l'A'fllI Olflu ago consolidated with the Morici Maca­ lied at $40,192, the April 1931 export. )'"un,lt,\ In 190J roni company and the Mataloll!! Maca­ The same downward trend is emph .. • " "u!,linll"n In Ad .. ntt tht Amnlcan )'hulonl lndu.Hy roni company to form the Chicago Maca­ sizcd in a study of the cxports for the A Rotating Washer with an Oscillating Spray that Cleans and Rinses Every Hole I'uhlhh,d Muotlll,. by Iht Sali"".1 ),lIt .. "nl llln". ' Ulutrll Anl)ol:ialjun .. ill Offin.1 0.,,1., roni Co. The aced Peter Viviano retired fir~t 4 months of the year. From Jan. I Y.dilr.1 1,,. tht S;:.t~~li::~~~!'H':tlh. I'. O. I)t•• or in 1928. His SOilS now follow in their to April 30, 1932 there was exportecl father's (ootstcps. With them is M. ani), 1,338,887 Ibs. worth $91,920 as com· SAVES DIES AND PINS··· TIME AND MATERIAL l'UBLICATIOH CO .... ITTEE Raffaele, 11th.! member of the organiza­ parcd with 1,91O,929lhs. worth $145.474 AU'ONSO GIOTA fRANK I~ U:RF.GA -CLEAN DIES INSURE SMOOTH GOODS-· ~1. }. nONNA. t:di,n. tion. 111 the first 4 months o£ 1931. . SUBSCRIPTION RATES The finn occupies the pl311t form~r1)' Unl'~d S,.'n .nd C.n.,l. . ... SI.SO I'cr ru. operated as the Mid·\Vcstern Macarolli In .dunn Ymel,n C""nlun •.• , $I 00 loe. )ur, In .dunee COntl"'IIY at 919·921 S. Wcstern av., Chi· I Patents Ind Trlde Mlrks ~~nc~~~;~;:' ::::::~: ~:~:: caco and the organirers arc very en· wash Provision made .'. : :: thusiastic over the pruspt'(ts of their new It will A monlhl), rC\'iew of tulent. granll:lI on SPECIAL NOTICE husiness. CO~I~IUNICATIONS : _Tht t:'li, nr ""Iiril. nc.' macaroni machinCTY, of al111licalions fot and Thick or Thin through intake .nd .,ddn 01 inlt.fO' 'n lhe )dan.ton' In,hu'.,. registr:r.liolll of tr:r.t.!c mark! alllll),ing to maca­ Ail malU .. Inl.nok,\ In. i,,,Micali,,n m,,"1 .uch Ilct roni Ilrocl uctJ. In June 1932I"e following wcrc and discharge to ti~~~.I~l ~~~~:~ . lI.ald."OII. III.. nn l •• n .han Fifth Lldic. It Convcntion ,,\!Ortet.! Ity the U. S. Patent Officc: Dies soaked or TifF. ),IACARONI JOURNAl ....umn nn rUI,,,n· '"tcnts granted-llollc. Among the I.'dies noticed at the :~~~,i1~n~rt .i:f·;,,:,r,,~~~1~);,~ t.~I;::.i: l)r~t~;:~~i,t1; TRADE MARK REOISTRATIONS from the press, eliminate sour tlr "nllll ••• ""lIr ennu.n •. Niagara Falls cOllvention were 111"")' The l,uMI.hu. nl TilE MACARONI }OURNAI. who are at .. 11 annual m~etings of the Renewed dough and pre· ;~~:h: ~~i~::~~ln~n ~:j~~!,~:~ ~:'~~n~~ln"htd chlcn Nation .. 1 Macaroni l.bnufacturcrs asso· TIlc Irade mark or Ibe Dem-er ),Iac:amni in from 30 min· Rt: MllTASCf_" :-),hh .11 chtob nr <1 ..111 dation. They came from many statcs & Noodle coml"OIlY, Ocm'cr, Cot. rel{i stcrC'.1 l~!t~~~tu'nA'~~~~'{:n~1 II,t Na.lunal lhurnnl ),hnll. SCI>!. 10. 1912 was gralltC'd rcnewat tITl\' ilc g('~ vent foaming. 35 far west as Minnesota. Man)' sat in in Ihe name of Kansas Cit)' Macaroni & 1m· utes to 2 hours ADVERTISING RATES during the various sessions of the organ· loort illK COlllpaU)', Kansas Cil)" Mo. effC'cli\"c . iration while Ot',crS took in the man\' Seill. 10, 19.12 • W:~~·x.~'h.cr~I'I~If. : .' .'. " ~·~o·C:n~."I:~~~t: . Atlantic Mae Co, sichts which Niagara F .. l1s affords visi· The trallc mark of Thc Atlanlic Maca· Mode In Two SiJe. tors, Those noted were: rOlli Co., 1..0l1g Island Cil)', N, Y. rll(islCretl Vol. XIV July 15, lUI No.3 Mrs. E. Criscione, Prm'idence, R. l. No\·. 12, 1912 was gr:r.nled renewal pJI\' il~h Mrs. L. E. Cunco, Connellsville, Pa. in tI.e n"me o f The Atlantic ),Iacaruni (';0., Single Washers for Dies up to 15In.··Double Washers for 2 Dies up to 13Yz In., Inc. Mrs. S. Giordani, Providence, R. I. Inc., Long Island Cit)', N. y, effecth'c Nm·. Elcction 01 Dircctors Mrs. B. R. Jacohs, Washiogton, D. C. IZ,'19J2. The nominating committee after .. Mrs. Nicholas Procini, Auhurn, N. Y. TRADE MARKS APPLIED FOR careful study of thl! membership of the Mrs. C. H. Smith, Ellwood Cit)', POl. Two al1l1lications for rcgislralill n of mac,,' National association. taldng into consid· roni tradc mark! werc madc in June 19J2 ant.! THE ~~~~l~~n!: EHLAtJ.~1IEY S Ec~~~~~~~~G WORKS Mrs. C. S, Foulds, Ncw York, N. Y. published in Ihe PalC'nt QfliC1: CUI:IIC 10 IlCT' eration locations, ahility anil willingness Mrs. A. J. GritSS Chicago, lIl. . mil ohjediolls thcreto within 30 da)'s or 1'1.111' tu sef\'e, unanimousl)' recommemled the Mrs. A. Rossi, Auhurn, N. Y. liuIion. numination and election of the following Miss Jane BecS-cr, OliraJ,:o, 111. Dil Nickel meml~rs for a 3 year terlll: Miss GI;ulys Russell, Olicago, The lralle mark of IJa)":Ird S. Scolland 111.1' 111. inll Lu,u,cu as .EcOIlOIll), Macaflilli Cu., Jolicl, G. G. H uskins (rc-c1cclcd)-19JS-Thc Mrs. Thos. Brown, Minneapolis, Minn. Fouhls MilHn~ Co. Libert)'\'iUc, 111. TIl. ror use on macaroni. 51.:lghl:l1i :lI1d 1l00dll:5. JoscJlh Fr csc hi-19J 5-~luund City Maca­ Mrs. \V. F. L. Tuttle, New York, N. Y. I\PIJ1ication was filcd May 6, 1932 and Iluh· roni Cn .• 51. Louis. Mrs. \V. M. SteinS-e, SCIII and daugh· lishct.! IUlle 14, 1932, Owner claims use sillce Frank J . Th:uin~u-1935-Tharingcr Mac~· ter, Minneapolis. Minn. Oct. J , 19JI. The trat.!e 11,,1IIe is in hca\'y ~APITAL TRIO IyIIC. THE roni Co., Milwaukee, Wis. William Culm;an-19J5-The Albnlic Maca· Vol\lfllcer roni Co., Long hland City, N. Y. Thc l"h'i1It: hrand lrat.!e l11"rk uf VolulIl«r To fill "acancies for one year: Import. Doubled, Export. Down SIOr", Inc. duing husilless as Volunlcer Food SIore5, O,atbnooga, Tcnn. for usc on m3C3- Alfonso Gi(.lia-t93.l-/\ . Gioia & Uro., Fib'ltrCS on macaroni imports and ex· ){uchcsler, N. Y. roni. cgg l1oodll:5 alltl other Rroceries. AI'" A. Ir\'int:. Gr~ss-19J.l-Mr~ . Grass Nooilic ports show a decided trenet toward in­ rlicalion w,,' filet.! Dec. ZI, 193t and IlUl,. Co., Cimago. 111. crense in the sale of domestic products Ji shed June ZI, 19JZ. ' Owner claims nse siutc in the world markets. That is the lie· NOli. I, 19JI. • The committee rCI)ortcd thnt the holtl· Thc t!'",lde m:!.rk is a circlc in Ihe centcr of lI"er din.'clors aTC: duct ion from a study of Ihe figures fllr which is a large "V" and Ihe l.oi cture o r a L, S. Vagnillo--l9JJ-FauJt ~Iaca r on i Co., ,\pril 1932 as cmlll'ilcd b)' the U, S. man: around Ihe out5it.!e is wrillcn the name S!. Louis, Mo. nureau of ForciJ:1I and Domestic Com· III Ihe firm ill blac.k t)'pe. Henry D, ltoui-19.lJ-l'clu nossi & Sun5, nrait!wood, Ill. mcrce. G, La Marra-19M-Prince Macaroni Mfg. In April 1932 the ilTlllOrts were 2.\9,· Brownlce Ind Norton Electcd Co., Boslon, Ma~ s, 6-13 Ihs. worth $18,378, more than twice Waher F. Villaulllc_19J.1-Minncsola Mac· the Iluantity alld value of the imports in At the meeting of the directors or the ' aroni Co. , 51. I'aili. Minn. Associated Grocery Manu£acturers of It. V. Golden-19.l4-Wcsl Virginb Maca· April 1931 which were only 110,875 Ih". rolli Co., Clark5Lur.:. W. Va. worth $8,357. America JUlie 23 in the Waldorf~Astoria Frank A. Ghigliune-19J4-A. F. Ghiclionc The trend is a ncw one, alld despite I,old, New Yorlc city, vacancies all the & Sons, Scal1lc, Wa ~h. fl'(ent increases the total for the 4 hoard were filled by election of James The nominees were unanimousl)' months ending April 1932 has not (Iuite F', Drowlllee, president of General f()()(]s elected (or their respective terms. reached the (Iuanllty and value of the im­ Sales Co. Inc., and Daniel F, Nortoll, ports for the same period in 1931. Up president of' !'1cstle's Milk Products llic. The above brands represent our best effort in milling skill Follow Flther', Footstep' to April 30 this year Amerit:ans pur· The membership of AGMA comprises chased 776,039 Ibs. of foreign made practically all the leadinJ.: nmnuf3cturers and judgment in selecting Amber Durum Wheat. With the brief announcemcnt last of J.:rocel"Y products in this country aTllI l11unth of the or.:aniration uf Vh·iallo macaroni paying $56,776, as compared with 783,557 Ibs. worth $57,807, the im· its board is a representative groul) of CAPITALIZE WITH CAPITAL QUALITY PRODUCTS Macaroni Mfn. Curp., cOllies the infor· outstanding executives in the industry. mation that behind this movcmcnt arc ports for the flTst 4 months of 1931. the SOliS of an old macaroni maker whu Exports Dwindling MILLS WANT ADVERTISEMENTS (;APITAL FLOUil for years operatcu a Illallt in Chicago ODic.. INCOR'ORAT£D and culltlucted as a side line an import The export business continues to he Milt. business that was very successful. dull and 1II0uth aher month the qmmtity Co,n E..'chanr. Dulldlnr ST. PAUL, MINN • The organireTs of the new tim! arc sellt to foreign countries from the United . MINNEAPOLlS, MINN. Alphunse P. Viyiano and Gaetano r. States is decreasing. Durin~ April 1932 •~ .,1----" " OUR PURPOSE, OUR MOTTO, EDUCATE OUR OWN PAGE Fi,,, .. ELEVATE National Macaroni Manufacturer.s INDUSTRY , "Lfssociation ,J - '. ORCANIZE Tit." .. INTRODUCING HARMONIZE LAcal and Sectional Maca~oni Clubs MANUFACTURER TilE OFFICERS 1932-1933 ' ALII'ONIO GJOIA, lUI, Prnld•• L-U Pull•• ,. aochnlu, N. Y. ~LERMONT AUTOMATI~ O. Q. 1I0SKINS (lS), Vlu Ptuid.a' UIMI~IU., ilL .RANI: L. ZBREOA, A4d&«,______8'oo.',., H. Y. IIENRY D, ROlli ( ..) ___ B .... ~ " L WALT." VIL' ·U-. ('" • . ' , -, ""." ••,CIII - ' ... LOUII •. VAONINO IUI __II . ~"7'"o. R. v. OOLDBNJ'i4.,_-__Clir...~\U;IIW':";:: ... R (1I) ___1...ua.)(00 A. IRVINa ORAlS IUI ___. Chlu,: ·111. PRANk A. 0111 LIONB CUI_Iunl., Wuh., PRANK J. THARINGER (U,_ Mllwauh., WI ...... WILLIAM CULMAN US) B. R. JACOB', W.. h. R,p_Wuhl•• t .... D. C. PRELI~IINAF'Y NOODLE GAETANO !.... ARCA (141 _ _ 80110lI0 ....a, Lo.;T~. N. Y. If. J.' DONNA. Icc'"Tru____ B,tldwood., III. ~------__~______r DR-YER The, Secret"rfl~S Message

To the couragl'otls macaroni and noodle m:mu(acturcrs nnd to the (riendly allieds who attendl'd the twent)':nillth annual con\'cntion o( the National Macaroni Manufacturers Association at Niagara Falls i;st month-Congratulatiotls.

The)' not only showed good judgment and proyet.I their lo)'all)' but their act was an unmistakable manifestation o( that true cool'(~ralive spirit which should be mnre and more prevalent ir ~ th e~ timcs.

To those concerned in the welfare o( the macaroni industry, who (or varying r('3S0~s found it necessary to absent Ihemselves-Rrgrrts. It is the general belief among those who did attend that the 1932 conference was ul1(!uestionably Ihe 30% Moisture Uniform­ Shortens the DryiD~ best amI the most constructive eyer sponsored by the trade. ly Removed Process Were a Ilhilosophcr to interview the JK'OJllt who compose ihe macaroni industry in thc' United States and study can­ clitions from every ancle, he might rellOrt the Ilrev:l.i1ing thought in the trade in these words, "Everybody's complaining but nobody seems able to do anything about it." TOle. conditions could not be much worse, but what are we doing to bring about any improvement? Let each one answer for himself. Jt witl but helll l.o .conYince hint Ihat nnly through the c1 osesl. whotehearlrd cool)Craliull can our lroubles be overcnme. Improves the Finished Labor Saving nl ~ r ~ne purpose of the Natinnal Association is to hring organiz~ed effort to bear on matters of general interest. Product Device :\s cxpr('sscd at the convention. the present purpose of the organization is to provide the macaroni and nlKKlle industry wilh that intellil:ent .and couragt.'Ous leadershil) (or which there is ~ eminent a need in the present cris';s.

The present bnsiness depressiun is no respt.'C ter. of persons, groups or localities. AI~ are equally affected and all mu ~ t unite in fighting for 11.1dly nttdt.'tl improvement. To lead toward a closer union of all interests in the macaroni industry ;mtl to cuncentrate the combined enerbr)' of bulk men, package' rilrn', noodle makers and our allieds in a planned upward movement, the National Association has St·lected as ils leader in-this crisis an outstanding mar. Ifacturer, a friend of all the I:HJUPS, ~ u~. who Ims the ,cunfidence o( every element in the tra~t.'-AHonso Gioia of Rochester, N. Y.

We besl)C; k (or him the luyahy of the old l!Iembcrs and the earnest cooperation of the ri c\\' olles who are cordially invited to cast their lot with :111 organization that for nearty lhit;y years has unselfishly served the best interests of this trade. There is IIl"t.'d (or hut one organization. \Vc must conc('ntrate our fire. In that way only c~n ,,:c sur.cessfully hit Write for filII particulars to the t;tr~et of business imllrovemen.t. The membershil) roll is now thrown open to all who pretend to b (riends o( the macaroni industry. P~sident Gioia Clermont Machine Company, Inc.

, ~ .. "v '., •


• .. but i£; ~ pad" of ~ pfanL/ testing is done:. When you buy {acmcy, because: it docs a job which \Vhcn you buy semolina or durum Pillsbury's Best Semolina No. ,{ or under ordinary circumstances, with flour, usually you have to make a run before you know that it's right. Durum Fancy Patent, you know ordinary durum products, you have to You speculate [0 the extcnt of a full thac you're getting a product which do at your own risk. 'Vhe" you run through your whole plant. In has already made: perfect macaroni buy Pillsbury's Dest Semolina other words, you ha vc co do your and spaghetti. in a plant equipped NO.1 or Durum Fancy Patent, you own testing, on your own timc, at with the same type of machinery get a provul product. Therc's no your own expense. you usc to make your own product. cx~nSlve experimenting for you Noeso with Pillsbury's durum prod­ Pillsbury spent thousands of dollars to do-you can go ahead and make to set up this macaroni plant. And the finest macaroni at the ucts. Pillsbury has its own maca· ~ssible roni plant, where this preliminary it's .ctu.ll)' a part of your own lowest possible cost.